Statistical Practice: Estimators of Relative Importance in Linear Regression Based On Variance Decomposition

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Statistical Practice

Estimators of Relative Importance in Linear Regression Based on

Variance Decomposition

Ulrike Gromping

Assigning shares of relative importance to each of a set

of regressors is one of the key goals of researchers applying
linear regression, particularly in sciences that work with observational data. Although the topic is quite old, advances in
computational capabilities have led to increased applications of
computer-intensive methods like averaging over orderings that
enable a reasonable decomposition of the model variance. This
article serves two purposes: to reconcile the large and somewhat
fragmented body of recent literature on relative importance and
to investigate the theoretical and empirical properties of the key
competitors for decomposition of model variance.
KEY WORDS: Averaging over orderings; Linear model; Proportional marginal variance decomposition (PMVD); Sequential
sums of squares.

In many linear regression applications, a main goal of analysis
is the determination of a ranking of the regressors or an explicit
quantification of the relative importance of each regressor for the
response. This type of application is often encountered in disciplines that rely on observational studies such as psychology,
biology, ecology, economy and so forth (see, e.g., application
areas in the references). If all regressors are uncorrelated, there
is a simple and unique answer to the relative importance question. However, it is the very nature of observational data that
regressors are typically correlated. In this case, assignment of
relative importance becomes a challenging task, for which the
standard output from linear regression models is not particularly
well suited. This article focuses on relative importance assessment based on variance decomposition for linear regression with
random regressor variables. Thus, metrics such as level importance [the product of the unstandardized regression coefficient
with the regressors mean, advocated, e.g., by Achen (1982, p.
Ulrike Gromping is Professor for Business Mathematics and Statistics at Department IIMathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, TFH Berlin, University of
Applied Sciences, Luxemburger Strasse 10, 13353 Berlin, Germany (E-mail: The author thanks Norman Fickel, Barry Feldman,
Ursula Garczarek, and Sabine Landau for useful discussions and comments. The
constructive comments of both referees and the associate editor have also greatly
improved the article.

American Statistical Association DOI: 10.1198/000313007X188252

71 ff)], which focus on the expected value of the response, are

not covered here.
For reviews of work on relative importance, see Johnson and
Lebreton (2004), Fickel (2001), Firth (1998), or Kruskal and
Majors (1989). Historically, Darlington (1968) gave an insightful overview of the approaches to relative importance available
at that time, which include, among others, the so-called usefulness of a regressor [which is the increase in R 2 if the regressor is added to the model that already includes all other
regressors, equivalent to t statistics or so-called Type III sums of
squares; see, e.g., Dobson (2002, p.88)], simple squared marginal
correlations, squared standardized coefficients and products of
standardized coefficients with marginal correlations (Hoffman
1960). All these approaches lead to the same result in case of
uncorrelated regressors, but they can lead to quite different results for correlated regressors, and all these approaches have
been criticized. Customers of statistical analysis often request
a decomposition of the full model R 2 into contributions from
the different regressors. Hoffmans (1960) proposal does deliver
such decomposition, but is not considered appropriate by most
authors mainly because some allocated contributions can become negative. Pratt (1987) provided a set of criteria under which
Hoffmans proposal appears justified, which has convinced some
authors to reconsider the method, while the present author, in
line also with Darlington (1968), Bring (1996), or Johnson and
Lebreton (2004), rejects this method as inappropriate (see Section 2.2).
The first proposal that will be pursued in this article came from
Lindeman, Merenda, and Gold [1980, p. 119ff; made known by
Kruskal (1987a,b), who mainly suggested a slightly different
nonadditive variant], henceforth LMG, who proposed to use sequential [also called Type I, see, e.g., Dobson (2002, p. 88)] sums
of squares from the linear modelthe size of which depends on
the order of the regressors in the modeland obtained an overall
assessment by averaging over all orderings of regressors. This
proposal has so far not found its way into the statistical mainstream, presumably for two reasons: first, it is computationally
challenging and has become feasible only with enhanced computing power; second, its justification has originally been quite
ad hoc, and its properties are not yet well understood. Nevertheless, there is a substantial amount of literature that proposes usage of this method under various names: Theil and Chung (1988)
adopted the principle and proposed applying it to information
rather than proportions of variation. In a frequently cited article, Chevan and Sutherland (1991) generalized the principle
The American Statistician, May 2007, Vol. 61, No. 2 139

called hierarchical partitioning in their paperto more general

classes of regression models, and Walsh and MacNally (2005)
provided the R package hier.part for applying this approach.
Budescu (1993) and Azen and Budescu (2003) introduced dominance analysis thatamong other thingsassigns exactly the
LMG contribution to each regressor, and Azen (2003) provided
a SAS macro for the relevant calculations. Lipovetsky and Conklin (2001) reinvented LMG from a game-theoretic perspective
by applying the Shapley value (Shapley 1953). Stufken (1992)
already noted that Chevan and Sutherlands proposal is equivalent to the Shapley value, and proposed that game theory might
render useful additions to relative importance investigation.
The second proposal that will be discussed came from Feldman (2005) who introduced the proportional marginal variance
decomposition, henceforth PMVD, which is a weighted analogue of LMG with data-dependent weights. Feldman showed
that PMVD is an instance of the game-theoretic proportional
value (Feldman 1999; Ortmann 2000) and exploited this fact
for simplifying computations. Grmping (2006) presented the
R package relaimpo that calculates most of the metrics discussed so far, including PMVD.
There is a need in the applied sciences for appropriate methods of assigning relative importance, as evidenced by a recent
boom of literature on relative importance (e.g., Soofi, Retzer,
and Yasai-Ardekani 2000; MacNally 2000; Whittaker, Fouladi,
and Williams 2002; Lebreton, Ployhart, and Ladd 2004; Johnson
2004; Budescu and Azen 2004; Conklin, Powaga, and Lipovetsky 2004; in addition to the already mentioned sources). Because
of the lack of an accepted mainstream methodology for the important task of relative importance investigations, the field has
substantially disintegrated, and many application areas appear
to have reinvented the wheel in one way or other.
This article serves two purposes: (i) to reunite the relativeimportance related aspects of the literature from the various fields
and (ii) to investigate the statistical properties of the key competitors that decompose the model R 2 (LMG and PMVD). An
introductory section on the linear model and on desirability criteria for relative importance metrics (Section 2) will be followed
by an investigation of the theoretical quantities that are consistently estimated by LMG and PMVD (Section 3). Section 4
presents a simulation study on the distribution of the estimators,
and Section 5 discusses the implications of the findings and areas
of further research.

ror term with expectation 0 and variance 2 > 0 which is

uncorrelated to the regressors. Because we assume a regression model with intercept, it can be assumed w.l.o.g. that all
Xs are centered (i.e., have expectation 0). The regressor variances are denoted as vj , j = 1, . . . , p, the inter-regressor correlations as j k , and the p p covariance matrix between regressors is assumed to be positive definite so that any sample regressor matrix with n > p rows is of full column rank
with probability one. Model (1) implies the conditional moments E(Y | X1 , . . . , Xp ) = 0 + X1 1 + + Xp p and
var(Y | X1 , . . . , Xp ) = var(| X1 , . . . , Xp ) = 2 and the
marginal variance model
var(Y ) =


j =1

j2 vj + 2



j k vj vk j k + 2 . (2)

j =1 k=j +1

Throughout the article, the true coefficients 1 , . . . , p are those

against which estimates from model (1) are consistent. If (1) is
misspecified by omitting relevant variables, the true coefficients
in this sense include the bias. Note that (2) depends on j and vj

through j vj only, which is the coefficient one would obtain

for the standardized regressor Xj / vj .

The first two summands of (2) constitute the part of the variance that is explained by the regressors, while the last summand
is the error variance. R 2 from a linear model with n independent observations is consistent for the proportion of the first two
summands of (2) in the total var(Y ). As long as the Xs are
uncorrelated with each other, the explained variance obviously
decomposes into the contributions j2 vj , which can be consistently estimated using the unique sums of squares (SS) for each
In case of correlated Xs, it is no longer obvious how (2)
should be decomposed. LMG and PMVD choose different ways,
which are detailed below. All discussions are in terms of the
theoretical quantities towards which the estimates converge for
increasing sample sizes, and w.l.o.g. allocation to the regressor
X1 is singled out for investigation. The order in which regressors
are entered into the model is denoted as r = (r1 , . . . , rp ), which
is a permutation of the regressors indices {1, . . . , p}, and the
set of regressors appearing before X1 in the order r is denoted
as S1 (r). In order to simplify formulas, let us further introduce
the notations

var(Y ) var(Y |Xj , j S),


svar(M |S)

evar(M S) evar(S)



The Marginal Perspective on the Linear Regression


The focus in this article is on decomposing the variance of

the response Y into proportions due to the Xs (and error) in the
linear regression model
Y = 0 + X1 1 + + Xp p + ,
0 , 1 , . . . , p fixed and unknown,


where the random variables Xj , j = 1, . . . , p, denote

p regressor variables and the random variable denotes an er140 Statistical Practice

for the explained variance based on regressors with indices from

S and the sequentially added explained variance when adding
the regressors with indices in M to a model that already contains
the regressors with indices in S. Note that the true coefficient
of determination R 2 (S) can be written as evar(S)/var(Y ). For
most purposes, working with evar is equivalent to working with
R2 .
Desirability Criteria for Decomposition of R 2

The following criteria for decomposition of the model R 2 are

considered useful in the literature, though seldom listed explicitly:

Figure 1.

Two simple causal models that can lead to the linear regression model E(Y |X1 , X2 , X3 ) = 0 + X1 1 + X2 2 + X3 3 .

(a) Proper decomposition: the model variance is to be decomposed into shares, that is, the sum of all shares has to be the
model variance.
(b) Non-negativity: all shares have to be non-negative.
(c) Exclusion: the share allocated to a regressor Xj with j =
0 should be 0.
(d) Inclusion: a regressor Xj with j = 0 should receive a
nonzero share.
The list could be extended by further reasonable requests; the criteria listed here are the ones most relevant for comparing LMG
and PMVD among each other and with other relative importance
metrics. Criteria (a) to (d) are requested by various authors [see,
e.g., Feldman 2005 (all), Darlington (1968, (a),(b)), Theil (1971,
(b)), Johnson and Lebreton (2004, (a), (b)), Cox (1985, slightly
different context, (c), (d))], and are cited here for ease of reference. Feldman (2005) postulated these four criteria in the sense
of strict admissibility criteria and showed that PMVD is admissible in this sense while LMG is not. The present author agrees
that criteria (a) and (b) are indispensable, so that the method by
Hoffman (1960) as justified by Pratt (1987) is not further discussed because of its violation of criterion (b). Criterion (d) is
fulfilled by both LMG and PMVD, and it is conjectured that it
will be fulfilled by any nontrivial metric that fulfills both (a) and
Exclusion (criterion (c)) is fulfilled for all relative importance
metrics mentioned in this articleeven the simple ones that have
been severely criticized in the literatureas long as all regressors are uncorrelated. Feldman (2005) generally requested exclusion since he considered a regressor with a zero coefficient to
be spurious. When thinking of predictive relevance, a regressor with 0 coefficient in the equation does indeed not contribute
anything useful, given that all regressors with nonzero coefficients are available, so that exclusion is a reasonable request. If
the relative importance question is asked with a causal interpretation in mind (as is, e.g., the case when aiming at prioritizing
intervention options) and regressors are correlated, exclusion is
a less convincing requirement: Figure 1 shows graphs of two
causal modelswith directed arrows indicating a direct causal
relationthat both (assuming linearity of all relations) imply the
same linear regression model with p = 3 correlated regressors.
In model I, regressor X1 directly influences both other regressors and the response. If the shaded arrow is deleted from the
graph, the coefficient 1 becomes zero, since in the presence of

X2 and X3 there is no additional explanatory value in X1 . Nevertheless, X1 obviously exerts an influence on Y via the other
two regressors, and there is no reason to request that it should be
allocated a share of zero. In model II, X2 and X1 have swapped
roles. Again, if the shaded arrow is deleted from the graph, the
coefficient 1 becomes zero. Now, it appears far more reasonable
that X1 should be allocated a share of zero.
As the linear regression model (1) is generally compatible with
many different causal models, among them also those models
for which exclusion is clearly unreasonable, exclusion does not
appear to be a reasonable requirement for relative importance
considerations, if causality considerations motivate the analysis.
Criteria (a) to (d) refer to properties of the theoretical quantities estimated and can also be applied for the estimated quantities, when replacing all theoretical values with their empirical
counterparts. In addition to these criteria, a reasonably low variability of the estimators in cases of moderate multicollinearity is
also an important aspect in assessing a methods performance.

Estimated Quantities for LMG

As was mentioned before, LMG allocates to X1 the average

over allocations to X1 from all possible orderings of regressors.
In the simple case of two regressors, (2) simplifies to

12 v1 + 21 2 v1 v2 12 + 22 v2 + 2 .
With n independent observations from the common distribution
of Y , X1 , and X2 , let y denote the n 1-vector of centered
responses, x1 the n 1-vector of centered values for regressor
X1 , and the superscript T transposition and 1 inversion. Then
the model SS for X1 in the role of the first and only regressor is


x1T y = x1T y
x1T x1
x1T y ,
yT x1 x1T x1
which, when divided by n, is by simple considerations consistent


1 v1 + 2 v1 v2 12
cov(Y, X1 )2
svar ({1}| ) =
var(X1 )

. (5)
= 12 v1 + 21 2 v1 v2 12 + 22 v2 12
Note thatwhen alone in the modelthe first regressor captures
the full mixed term of the variance (2*) plus some of the unique
The American Statistician, May 2007, Vol. 61, No. 2 141

contribution of the second regressor in case of correlation. The

contribution of the second regressor can be determined by the
difference to the total model SS, which (divided by n) is consistent for var(Y ) 2 . Thus, the variance attributed to X2 after
2 ). By
adjusting out X1 becomes svar({2}|{1}) = 22 v2 (1 12
2 ). Hence, the theoretical
analogy, svar({1}|{2}) = 12 v1 (1 12
allocation of variance to X1 estimated by LMG is the average
over the two orders, that is,

12 v1 + 1 2 v1 v2 12 + 0.5 22 v2 12 v1 12
. (6)
Each regressor receives half of the mixed term in (2*). In addition, for 12 = 0 the regressor with larger j2 vj donates part
of its contribution to the regressor with smaller j2 vj . This third
summand of (6) creates an equalization between correlated regressors with unequal j2 vj . In the light of the discussion of
Figure 1, this can be seen as a precaution that takes care of the
uncertainty regarding the underlying model structure. The third
summand of (6) also causes LMGs violation of the exclusion
criterion for correlated regressors: if 1 = 0, 2 = 0, 12 = 0,
there will be a nonzero share allocated to X1 .
For p regressors, the LMG share allocated to X1 is given as

LMG(1) =
svar({1}|S1 (r))


n(S)!(p n(S) 1)!svar({1}|S).


All orders with the same S1 (r) can be summarized into one summand. Thus, the computational burden is reduced from calculation of p! summands to calculation of 2p1 summands which
are based on the 2p quantities evar(S) and evar(S {1}), S
{2, . . . , p}.
Some readers may find it more intuitive to think of LMG(1)
as the average over model sizes i of average improvements in
explained variance when adding regressor X1 to a model of size i
without X1 (see Christensen 1992), that is,

LMG(1) =

. (7*)


We have already seen in the two-regressor case that LMG violates the exclusion criterion. The other three desirability criteria
are satisfied, as can be easily verified from (7), noticing that the
method averages non-negative contributions that sum to the total
variance. Since (7) can be calculated for various scenarios, investigations into the behavior of the estimand are possible without
simulation (see Section 3.4).

Estimated Quantities for PMVD

PMVD can be calculated as a weighted average of the same

contributions averaged in (7). Each order of regressors receives a
data-dependent weight. With weights p(r) that will be discussed
below, PMVD can be written as

PMVD(1) =
p(r)svar({1}|S1 (r)).
r permutation

142 Statistical Practice

This formula is quite similar to (7), the difference lying in the

weights p(r), which preclude combining the summands with
the same S1 (r) into one. Note that (8) is inefficient for computation (for more efficient computation see Feldman 2005, Appendix A).
Definition of the weights p(r) is as follows: If all regressors
have nonzero coefficients, the permutation r receives a weight
that is proportional to



ri+1 , . . . , rp | {r1 , . . . , ri }



(evar ({1, . . . , p}) evar ({r1 , . . . , ri }))1 ,



that is, the weights are p(r) = L(r)/ r L(r), where summation in the denominator is over all possible permutations r.
The factors in product (9) are increasing in size from i = 1
to i = p 1. Weights are large, if the first regressor already captures a large portion of the explained variance (so that
(evar({1, . . . , p}) evar({r1 }))1 is already relatively large).
Also, if a set of regressors has a low explanatory value conditional on all other regressors, weights are large if all regressors from this set occur after the other regressors in the order. If
some coefficients are zero, limiting considerations (see Feldman
2002) show that weights become positive for orderings with all
0-coefficient variables last, while any other ordering receives a
weight of 0in fact, the results for data with one or more coefficients estimated as 0 are identical to the results from models
with the 0-coefficient variables omitted and their shares fixed at
0. Thus, PMVD weights guarantee exclusion, as they were designed to do. In addition, like any approach that can be written
as an average over orderings, PMVD also guarantees the other
three desirability criteria, using the same reasoning as for LMG.
For illustration of PMVD, let us apply (8) and (9) to a
scenario with two regressors X1 and X2 and nonzero coefficients. The L(r) consist of one factor only, with L((1, 2)) =
svar({2}|{1})1 , so that the weight p((1, 2)) becomes
p((1, 2)) =

2 v1
= 2 1 2 .
svar({1}|{2}) + svar({2}|{1})
1 v1 + 2 v2

With p((1, 2)) and p((2, 1)) inserted in (8), using the sequential
variances calculated in Section 3.1, the variance allocated to X1
simplifies to
12 v1 +

12 v1
12 v1

+ 22 v2

21 2 v1 v2 12


This result for two regressors has several specific properties none
of which generalizes to p > 2: the share of the mixed term
that a regressor receives is proportional to its individual term
in the model. Also, the weight for order (1, 2) coincides with
the proportion of R 2 allocated to X1 , and the weights do not
depend on the correlation between the Xs. For more than two
regressors, the scenario investigations in Section 3.4 will shed
further light on the behavior of PMVD.

Table 1. A few PMVD weight examples with corr(X1 , X2 ) = corr(X2 , X3 ) = , corr(X1 , X3 ) = 2

1 = 1, 2 = 1, 3 = 1


1 = 5, 2 = 4, 3 = 3

= 0.5


= 0.5

= 0.5


= 0.5

= 0.5


= 0.5











Discussion of Weight Approaches

As mentioned before, LMG simply gives each order of regressors the same weight, that is, the weights are data-independent.
If a predetermined order of variables can be specified, we have
another situation of data-independent weights, for which one
order has weight one, all others weight 0. Applied researchers
facing a relative importance question often use an automated forward or backward selection of variables (e.g., Janz et al. 2001) to
determine the order of regressors. This is an extreme case of datadependent weights (1 for one order, 0 for all other orders), which
guarantees exclusion in case of backward selection, but can deliver quite arbitrary allocations as is obvious from comparing
svar({1}| ) to svar({1}|{2}) for the two-regressor case (see (5)
and subsequent calculations). Selection-based approaches have
been criticized, for example, by Bring (1996) and references
therein. The PMVD weights p(r) can be seen as a compromise
between this extreme form of data-dependent weights and equal
weights for all regressors. They are concentrated on a few orders
in case of very unequal s and are more balanced between orders
for constant or very similar s. Table 1 shows a few examples
for three regressors.

1 = 4, 2 = 1, 3 = 0.3

Order r

Scenario Investigations Regarding the Estimated


Trivially, LMG and PMVD coincide for uncorrelated regressors, since variance allocation is order-independent. Furthermore, symmetry considerations imply that both methods allocate
equal shares for all regressors in case of equi-correlated regres
sors if all j vj are identical. This is true for LMG because
all orders generally receive the same weight. For PMVD, identical weights for all orders are guaranteed by Feldmans (2005)
anonymity axiom in this situation. Combining these two situations, LMG and PMVD also coincide for several uncorrelated
groups of equi-correlated regressors with group wise constant

j vj . For any other situation, the two methods will yield more
or less different results, as is exemplified in Figure 2.
Figure 2 depicts allocated shares according to LMG (thick
lines) and PMVD (thin lines) for a group of four regressors for
four different scenarios (a) to (d) (vj = var(Xj ) fixed at 1). As
was pointed out above, LMG and PMVD coincide for scenario (a) (identical s with constant inter-regressor correlations).
For scenario (b) (identical s, corr(Xj , Xk ) = |j k| ), both
methods show a moderate dependence on the correlation pa-

rameter, where regressors X2 and X3 are ranked before X1 and

X4 for positive and vice versa for negative . In the two scenarios with very unequal s ((c) and (d)), LMG and PMVD
behave quite different: For LMG, increasing absolute values of
the correlation imply a substantial equalization of shares (note
that the highest disparity is observed not for = 0 but for small
negative correlations). PMVD is far less sensitive to changes
in , and negative correlation parameters attenuate rather than
reduce disparities between regressors.
Apparently, for scenarios with very similar s or correlations
close to 0, the difference between LMG and PMVD is small,
while it becomes large for scenarios with large differences between s or more extreme correlations. The ranking of regressors in terms of allocated shares is often but not always the same
for both methods. In applications (positive correlations among
Xs, all s same sign), the numerical differences between a few
large and many smaller allocated shares have been observed to
be more distinct for PMVD than for LMG; however, because
of the higher variability of PMVD estimates (see next section),
this has not paid off in terms of more statistically significant
differences between allocated shares.
Note that the equalization of LMG shares for increasing positive correlation is caused by a continuity property of LMG: in
the limit case for which all regressors are perfectly correlated,
all regressors (reasonably) receive an equal share, since there
is no information whatsoever on potential differences between
regressors. LMG shares continuously approach this limit if the
correlation matrix approaches a matrix of ones, which can be
seen as a precaution taken because of increased model uncertainty (see also Section 2.2). PMVD does not possess a comparable continuity property; rather, the limit against which PMVD
converges depends on the model coefficients.
Following the discussion of the theoretical quantities for
which the estimators are consistent, this section investigates the
sampling distributions of the estimators, with particular focus
on the dispersion of the estimators. For a multivariate normal
distribution of (Y, X1 , . . . , Xp )T , the asymptotic distribution of
LMG is known [Budescu (1993) based on a result by Olkin and
Siotani (1976)]. This result cannot be applied to PMVD, since
the PMVD-weights are data-dependent. Also, it is desirable to
not restrict results to multivariate normal regressors. Therefore,
a simulation study has been conducted.
The American Statistician, May 2007, Vol. 61, No. 2 143

Figure 2. Proportions of R 2 allocated to each regressor for LMG (thick line) and PMVD (thin line).
Parameter vectors: (a) and (b): = (1, 1, 1, 1)T , (c) and (d): = (4, 1, 1, 0.3)T .
Correlations among X1 , . . . , X4 : (a) and (c): corr(Xj , Xk ) = , j = k. (b) and (d): corr(Xj , Xk ) = |j k| .

Table 2.

Simulation settings



Correlation structure
of (X1 , . . . , X4 ))

corr(Xj , Xk ) = for j = k
corr(Xj , Xk ) = |j k|

Distribution of (X1 , . . . , X4 ))

Multivariate normal (expectations 0, variances 1)

Exponential (= linear combination of exponentials; expectations
depend on correlation structure, variances 1)

Coefficient vectors (1 , . . . , 4 )T


Sample sizes

n = 100
n = 1000

True R 2
(controlled through 2 )


= (4, 1, 1, 0.3)T
= (1, 1, 1, 0.3)T
= (4, 1, 0, 0)T
= (1, 1, 1, 1)T

with = 0.3 to 0.9 in steps of 0.1

with = 0.9 to 0.9 in steps of 0.1

5 = (1.2, 1, 1, 0.3)T
6 = (1, 1, 1, 0)T
7 = (4, 3.5, 3, 2.5)T

independent observations
independent observations

) Observations on different units are independent. The correlation structure refers to the four regressors within each independently observed unit.
) Note that the regressors in the exponential case have nonzero expectation, which is irrelevant, since it can be subsumed in an estimate of the intercept and does

not affect any conclusions about explained variance.

144 Statistical Practice


The Simulation Set-ups

The simulations work with four regressors only, in order to

allow various patterns and keep simulation times manageable.
Each set-up has been replicated 500 times, which allows reasonably accurate estimates of the dispersion.
Table 2 shows the simulation settings. In the multivariate normal case, regressors have simply been simulated as independent multivariate normal samples with expectation vector 0 and
covariance matrix as defined in the scenario, while the exponential case simulates the regressors as linear combinations of
independent exponential random variables with expectation 1,
such that the covariance matrix is equal to the correlation structure. In all simulations, the response has been simulated as
0 + X1 1 + + X4 4 plus an independent normal error with
expectation 0.

Distribution of the Estimated R 2 Percentages

Since the estimators are consistent for their respective true

quantities, the average estimates are closer to the true values
as discussed in Section 3 both with increasing sample size and
increasing R 2 . The simulations show no surprises here.
The most interesting outcome from the simulations is the assessment of the variability behavior of the allocated proportions
of R 2 . Figure 3 shows the interquartile ranges for LMG and
PMVD for the most variable simulated scenario (lowest R 2 ,
n = 100); although a discrete set of values has been simulated,
lines have been drawn for visual clarity. It can be seen that PMVD
is most variable with positive correlations and sometimes with
strong negative correlations, while LMG is most variable for
small absolute values of correlations in most situations. PMVD
is distinctly more variable than LMG for positive correlations,
and sometimes also for strong negative correlations, while it is

slightly less variable than LMG for moderate negative correlations in most cases. For -vectors with some zero elements
3 , 6 ), PMVD variability is very low for the respective shares
(with a distinct advantage over LMG for scenarios with high R 2 ,
not shown). This is in line with PMVDs property to satisfy the
exclusion criterion. Also, PMVD shows lowest variability where
true differences between coefficients are large with some coefficients relatively close to 0, while the variability disadvantage
versus LMG is higher for -vectors with relatively similar coefficients. Overall, since variability differences in favor of PMVD
are typically much smaller than those in favor of LMG, LMG is
preferable in terms of variation.
This article has investigated two ways of decomposing
R 2 in linear regression, LMG and PMVD. LMG has been
reinvented numerous times by various researchers (see Section
1) and is based on the heuristic approach of averaging over
all orders. Feldman (2005) criticized that LMG violates
the exclusion criterion and designed PMVD specifically for
satisfying the exclusion criterion, by employing a special set
of data-dependent weights. While Feldman saw satisfaction
of the exclusion criterion as so desirable that it was worth the
price of increased computation efforts and increased variability
of estimates, it has been pointed out in Section 2.2 of this
article that exclusion is not a desirable criterion under all
circumstances. If exclusion is considered an indispensable
criterion for an application, PMVD must be used in spite of
its larger variation and higher implementation effort. On the
other hand, if a causal interpretation of the variance allocations
is intended, LMGs equalizing behavior must be seen as a
natural result of model uncertainty, and LMG is to be preferred. Luckily, in many (not all) applications the two methods

Figure 3. Interquartile ranges from 500 allocated proportions of R 2 for LMG (thick line) and PMVD (thin line).
Scenario: R 2 = 0.25, n = 100, normally distributed Xs.
Correlations among X1 , . . . , X4 : corr(Xj , Xk ) = |j k| ( = 0.9 to 0.9 shown on horizontal axis for each , dashed vertical lines indicate = 0).

The American Statistician, May 2007, Vol. 61, No. 2 145

give similar answers at least in terms of ranking regressors. It can

be instructive to apply both methods and compare their results.
In many articles on relative importance, the methods are discussed in a purely descriptive fashion (also observed by Budescu
and Azen 2004), that is, there is no discussion of true quantities
estimated or statistical behavior of the variance contribution estimators. This is certainly at least partly due to a lack of understanding regarding the estimated quantities. This article provides
a step towards improving this situation. Nevertheless, further investigations are needed in order to achieve a full understanding of
variance decomposition in the sense of this article. Even though
estimation is not the focus of most articles on relative importance, various researchers have recognized the need of reporting
variability of assigned relative importances and have employed
the bootstrap for determining confidence intervals (Azens SAS
macro, Grompings R package). The bootstrap was also mentioned by Lipovetsky and Conklin (2001), Azen and Budescu
(2003), and Johnson (2004), for example. Although not presented here, some simulation studies regarding coverage probabilities of bootstrap percentile confidence intervals for LMG
have shown a somewhat anti-conservative behavior, with error
levels up to about twice the nominal in some situations. Further
investigations into the behavior of bootstrap confidence intervals
are certainly needed.
Several authorsamong them Ehrenberg (1990), Stufken
(1992), and Christensen (1992)have expressed reservations
about the benefit of relative importance measures. Certainly, for
a thorough understanding of any phenomenon, a detailed investigation of adequate data based on theory-driven explanatory
models (e.g., path-analytical models in the spirit of Figure 1)
is far more useful than a simplistic assessment of relative importance. In particular, a request for a decomposition of R 2 is
often driven by a desire to prioritize intervention actions with
the intention to influence the response. It is important to notice
that any intervention bears the risk (or chance) of not only influencing the targeted regressor(s) but also the correlation structure
among regressors. Thus, unexpected results may occur regarding
changes of the responses variance. In this way, the benefit of the
concept of decomposing R 2 is more limited than the typical user
might realize. Nevertheless, if an agreed theory-driven explanatory model is unavailable, variables with high allocated shares
of variability are natural candidates when trying to influence the
[Received February 2006. Revised December 2006.]

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