Chicago Express Rules
Chicago Express Rules
Chicago Express Rules
Game Materials
1 Game Board showing:
- A map with hexes covering the part of the USA
that extends from the east coast to Chicago;
- A track for the income of
the 5 railroad companies;
- Three gauges with rotating
hands to indicate the
players decisions;
- An Industrial City track
showing the development
of the three industrial
cities of Detroit, Wheeling
and Pittsburgh;
- One space for the general supply of development
pieces, the little houses;
- The Charter of the Wabash Railroad Company.
The map has different kinds of hexes:
City Hex
5 Counter Pieces in the colors of the 5 railroad companies to mark off the income track.
4 Charters for 4 Railroad Companies each one showing the name and color of a railroad company and
providing space for its locomotives and shares. There
is also enough space for the money that this company
receives as the game progresses.
Plain Hex
Start Hex
Forest Hex
You choose which side of the Charter you want to use the one with
a large space for the locomotives or the other one with 3 compartments for the game money.
The Wabash Charter is printed onto the board, but you should not
turn it over onto the other side.
3 Cardboard Indicators Needles and 3 Rivets for attaching them to the game board, as well as 1 Rulebook
Game Layout
The game board and Charters of the four railroad companies are laid out.
A locomotive from each company is placed on the corresponding start hex with the Wabash start hex remaining empty to begin with.
The remaining locomotives and shares of each company are then laid out in the corresponding spaces on
the Charters. The Wabash locomotives and shares are
placed on the Charter on the game board.
2 players
4 players
6 players
60 $
30 $
20 $.
3 players
5 players
40 $
24 $
1 locomotive is
placed on each
Start field:
NYC green
PRR red
3 gauges with movable
indicator needles:
Route construction
B&O blue
General supply of
Industrial City track
C&O yellow
The player who has offered the highest bid pays the bid
amount to the railroad company (the money is placed on
the corresponding Charter) and is given the share, which
is laid out face up in front of the player.
The player who received the PRR share starts the game.
Note: Wabash is only opened
as the game progresses.
No shares are offered yet.
7 $*
Game Sequence
In turns, beginning with the starting player, the player
whose turn it is chooses an action and then decides to
either implement the action or do nothing.
After a certain number of actions, the game is interrupted by a Dividend Phase.
The following options can be selected:
Route Expansion
Auctioning of a share
Expansion of a railroad companys route network
Development of a hex or Industrial City
To begin with, the indicator needle of the selected option
is moved one space to the right after the player selects the
Example: A player does not have much money, so they could not keep
up with the bidding at an auction. For this reason, the player chooses
the option Auctioning of a share but does not offer one. By doing
so, the player misses out on a course of action but ensures that there
will be one auction less during this round of play.
Note: It can happen in the course of the game that all of a railroad
companys shares are auctioned off. The shares of this company
are then no longer available.
Industrial Hex
Plain Hex
Forest Hex
-3 +1
When a locomotive is placed in a hex, the corresponding company must pay the costs from its available money
(cash on the Charter) to the bank.
The costs are calculated from the red value indicated in
the hex multiplied by the number of all locomotives in
that hex (including the one that has just been played).
A company can increase its income by placing a locomotive on a hex. The increase is marked on the income
-3 +1
City hex
(already developed)
-3 +1
Industrial hexes
City / Mountain / Forest hexes At least one locomotive must be in the hex. Each hex can only be developed
once. A house from the general supply is placed on the
Industrial City + The income of every railroad company present on this hex increases by the difference
between the new and the old box on the industrial track.
(This means that the income increases by 1 for every development in Detroit and Wheeling and by 2 in Pittsburgh).
Example: Wheeling is developed from 3 to 4. The income of PRR
(red) and B&O (blue) increases by $1 respectively. PRR increases
from $17 to $18 and B&O from $14 to $15.
Dividend Phase
When it is a players turn and two indicators on the gauges are already in the red area, the game is interrupted
and a Dividend Phase is called. The player does not
make their move until this phase has been completed.
The following three steps are conducted in turn during
this phase:
Example: Andy owns 2 NYC shares and Ben has 1 share in the same
company. Its current income amounts to $16. Each share receives a
dividend of $16 3 = $ 5.33. Andy receives $12 for his two shares,
Ben gets $6 for his one share.
Second example: Andy is the only player to own NYC shares. He has
two of them. The current income of the company amounts to $17.
Andy receives a dividend of $18.
Because the income of an individual share is calculated to begin with
and then rounded up if necessary, before adding up a players shares,
a slightly higher dividend results from the rounding up process. 8.5 +
8.5 correspond to $9 + $9 = $18.
General Dividends
The players receive a dividend for every share in their
possession. The amount of the dividend is calculated
from the current income of the company as shown
on the income track divided by the number of sold
shares in this company. Decimals behind the point are
rounded up. The money is paid to the players by the
Note: The game ends here if at least one of the four Game Over
conditions has been satisfied (see End of the Game on P.8).
Reset Dials
Once the general dividends have been paid, the three
gauges on the game board are reset to green.
Developing Detroit
Thereafter, the marker piece on the industrial track
for Detroit is moved forward by one space and the
income of the companies present there is increased by
one space on the income track.
Detroits income increases by 1 (up to a maximum of 8) after every
General Dividend.
The game then continues with the player whose turn it is.
Chicago Phase
Chicago Dividend
Each time a railroad company expands its route network to Chicago (i.e. places a locomotive there), the
game is interrupted after the income of the company
has been increased accordingly on the scale.
An extra dividend is paid out immediately to the
shareholders of this company. The amount of this
dividend is calculated in exactly the same way as the
General Dividend.
Note: It can happen that a General Dividend phase is also activated once Chicago has been reached. In this case, the Chicago
Phase is dealt with first, then the General Dividend phase.
Opening Wabash
Once the first company has reached Chicago, the
Wabash Railroad Company is opened after the Chicago Dividend has been paid out. A black locomotive is
placed on the Fort Wayne hex and the black counter
piece is placed on the 1 field of the income track. If
Fort Wayne has already been developed, the counter
piece is placed on the 3 field of the track.
After the auction, the game continues with the next player on the left.
The players now count their money. The player with the
most money wins.
In the event of a tie, the players concerned share the