Lunod v. Meneses
Lunod v. Meneses
Lunod v. Meneses
Lower estates must receive the waters which naturally and without the
intervention of man descend from the higher estates, as well as the stone or earth
which they carry with them.
Neither may the owner of the lower estates construct works preventing this
easement, nor the one of the higher estate works increasing the burden.
Article 563 of the said code reads also:
The establishment, extent, form, and conditions of the easements of waters to
which this section refers shall be governed by the special law relating thereto in
everything not provided for in this code.
The special law cited in the Law of Waters of August 3, 1866, Article 111 of which,
treating of natural easements relating to waters, provides:
Lands situated at a lower level are subject to receive the waters that flow
naturally, without the work of man, from the higher lands together with the stone
or earth which they carry with them.
According to the provisions of law above referred to, Meneses had no right to construct
the works which block the passage, through his lands, of the waters which flood the higher lands
of the plaintiffs.