Slippery Slope

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Enforced versus voluntary tax

compliance: The slippery slope
framework. Journal of Economic
Psychology, 29(2), 210-225
Article in Journal of Economic Psychology April 2008
Impact Factor: 1.21 DOI: 10.1016/j.joep.2007.05.004





3 authors, including:
Erich Kirchler
University of Vienna

Ingrid Wahl
Ferdinand Porsche FernFH

Available from: Ingrid Wahl

Retrieved on: 27 April 2016

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Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225

Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance:

The slippery slope framework
Erich Kirchler *, Erik Hoelzl, Ingrid Wahl
Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Universitaetsstrasse 7, A-1010 Wien, Austria
Received 14 September 2006; received in revised form 23 May 2007; accepted 29 May 2007
Available online 4 July 2007

A framework for tax compliance is suggested in which both the power of tax authorities and trust
in the tax authorities are relevant dimensions for understanding enforced and voluntary compliance.
Dynamic interactions between power and trust are considered. Using the framework as a conceptual
tool, factors studied in previous research, such as nes, audit probabilities, tax rate, knowledge, attitudes, norms and fairness are reviewed and discussed with reference to the power and trust dimensions. Using the framework as an operational tool, approaches of responsive regulation to increase
tax compliance are discussed.
2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
JEL classication: H26
PsycINFO classication: 4270; 2960
Keywords: Taxation; Compliance; Authority; Power; Trust; Social behavior

1. Introduction
Paying taxes is a duty for citizens. The primary interest of the state is that citizens
follow this duty and behave in compliance to the tax rules, regardless of the motives for

Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1 427747880; fax: +43 1 427747889.

E-mail address: (E. Kirchler).

0167-4870/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225


compliance. However, the same behavior can result from dierent motives: (a) citizens can
comply because they calculate the costs for non-compliance as being too high, or (b) citizens can comply because they feel obliged to do so as members of the community.
Depending on the motives, a dierent approach to tax regulation would be required.
Purely economic factors such as audit rates and nes have shown inconsistent eects on
tax compliance, for various reasons. First, the assumption that taxpayers are trying to
avoid taxes whenever it pays must be doubted. Many studies show that a vast majority
of citizens are willing to pay taxes. Second, most taxpayers seem to take the legitimacy
of the tax system for granted. They believe in the overarching objectives of the government
and pay their share without considering possibilities to avoid or to evade taxes. The following paper presents a framework that integrates such perspectives, gives a review of
studies on tax compliance, and discusses regulatory strategies.
2. A framework for tax compliance
The framework suggested here starts from the idea that the tax climate in a society can
vary on a continuum between an antagonistic climate and a synergistic climate. In an
antagonistic climate, taxpayers and tax authorities work against each other; in a synergistic climate, they work together. The antagonistic climate can be characterized by a cops
and robbers attitude on both sides: tax authorities perceive the taxpayers as robbers
who try to evade whenever they can and need to be held in check; taxpayers feel persecuted
by the authorities (cops) and feel it right to hide (Braithwaite, 2003a). In such a climate,
the social distance (Bogardus, 1928) is likely to be large, with little respect and little positive feelings towards the regulatory authorities on behalf of individuals and groups. Voluntary compliance is likely to be negligible, and individuals are likely to resort to
rational weighing of the costs and benets of evading. The synergistic climate can be
characterized by the idea that tax authorities perform a service for the community, and
are a part of the same community the individual taxpayers belong to. The authorities
approach could be described as a service and client attitude, as it is propagated in
New Public Management. Authorities aim for transparent procedures and for respectful
and supportive treatment of taxpayers. For example, in Switzerland a friendly and respectful treatment of taxpayers by authorities has been recognized for a long time as an important means to enhance tax compliance (Feld & Frey, 2005). In such a climate, social
distance is likely to be low, voluntary compliance is likely to prevail, and individuals
are less likely to consider the chances of evading, and more likely to contribute their share
out of a sense of obligation.
From that starting point, the framework proceeds with the idea to think about tax compliance along two major dimensions: the power of tax authorities and the trust in tax
authorities. These dimensions and their interactions jointly inuence the level of tax compliance (Kirchler, 2007). Tyler (2006) follows a similar line of argumentation when, in his
conclusion, he distinguishes two dierent ways of how authorities could gain cooperation
from the public. The rst way claims that the threat of punishment could encourage compliance. However, incentives for compliance and coercion for non-compliance are not
always eective mechanisms for creating and maintaining compliant behavior. The second
way claims that perceived competence in managing problems could activate citizens to aid
the authorities. Considering authorities as having legitimacy leads to citizens feeling
obliged to adhere to decisions, policies, and rules (Tyler, 2006).


E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225

By power of authorities, we mean taxpayers perception of the potential of tax ocers

to detect illegal tax evasion, for example by conducting frequent and thorough tax audits,
and to punish evasion, for example by ning evaders to a noticeable extent. To a large
degree, power of authorities is related to tax legislation and the budget allocated to them
by a government; to some degree, it is also related to the support from the population, for
example by being informed about misconduct. Since we focus on perception of power, this
dimension is also related to knowledge and attitudes held by the taxpayers. By trust in
authorities, we mean the general opinion of individuals and social groups that the tax
authorities are benevolent and work benecially for the common good. Eberl (2003)
describes trust as a special quality of relations, i.e., interacting partners ascribe each other
positive aspects and intrinsic motivation to maintain the relationship. Tyler (2003) uses the
term social trust to distinguish this perspective from calculative trust.
It is assumed here that tax compliance can be achieved through increasing levels of
power and trust; however, the resulting compliance is enforced in the former case and voluntary in the latter case. The impact of changes in one dimension is assumed to depend on
the level of the other dimension, resulting in the stylized gure shown in Fig. 1. It shows
the proposed slippery slope framework graphically in a three-dimensional space with
the power of authorities, trust in authorities, and tax compliance as dimensions.
We start the description of the characteristics of the framework in the front corner of
Fig. 1. In conditions where trust in authorities is low and the power of authorities is weak,
it is likely that citizens seek to maximize their individual outcomes by evading taxes, bringing compliance to a minimum. (a) Moving along the left edge, along the power dimension
under conditions of low trust, compliance increases with the power of the authorities to
raise audit and detection probabilities and to inict severe nes. Taxpayers have less and
less incentives to evade, because the expected outcome of non-compliance falls below the
expected outcome of compliance. Increasing power of the authorities is likely to result in
enforced compliance. The curvature results from an assumption of diminishing returns:
Voluntary tax compliance

tax compliance



in authorities
of authorities


Fig. 1. The slippery slope framework: enforced tax compliance and voluntary tax compliance depending on the
power of the authorities and trust in the authorities.

E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225


similar increases in compliance can be gained only by increasingly high investments in

power. (b) Moving from the front corner along the right edge, along the trust dimension
under conditions of low power, compliance increases with the degree of trust. Increasing
trust is likely to result in voluntary compliance. Again, the assumption is one of diminishing
returns. (c) High compliance can result both under conditions of strong power of the
authorities as well as under conditions of strong trust in the authorities. However, the reasons for compliance dier, and there is a qualitative dierence between enforced and voluntary compliance. (d) The power and trust dimensions moderate each other. Variations
in trust matter most when power is low; however, when power is at its maximum, variations
in trust are irrelevant because authorities can enforce maximum compliance. Conversely,
variations in power matter most when trust is low; however, when trust is at its maximum,
variations in power do not matter because citizens contribute their share regardless.
Up to now, the description of the framework presented was rather static; considerations
of the interconnectedness of power and trust add a dynamic perspective. While the graphic
representation in Fig. 1 depicts power and trust as orthogonal dimensions for analytical
reasons, it is important to consider constellations where changes in trust inuence the level
of power or vice versa.
Changes in trust can inuence power. Turner (2005) suggests that power of authorities
can emerge in two forms; (a) legitimate power and (b) coercive power. Legitimate power
refers to the power of an accepted authority, to which individuals pay voluntary deference.
Coercive power of authorities is described as an attempt to direct individuals against their
volition and can hence be perceived as enforcing a certain behavior. In the present framework, coercive power is located in the low-trust area, and legitimate power in the hightrust area. On the one hand, an increase in trust can increase power of authorities because
citizens support the tax ocers and ease their work. A case in point would be whistleblowing in corporate tax evasion. Conversely, a decrease in trust can reduce power.
Changes in power can inuence trust. On the one hand, when tax authorities increase
their level of auditing, this could be interpreted as a signal that the authorities hold a cops
and robbers attitude and distrust the honesty of taxpayers. Monitoring can be seen as a
sign of distrust (Cialdini, 1996; Frey, 2003), which in turn reduces trust in authorities by
honest taxpayers. This is particularly likely when audits occur very frequently or in an
inquisitorial style. Therefore, an increase in power would reduce trust. On the other hand,
when tax authorities make it known that they were more ecient in detecting tax fraud
and in bringing justice, the trust honest taxpayers put in the authorities will rise. The concept of retributive justice (Wenzel, 2003) highlights these considerations. Accordingly, a
comparison of the Chilean and Argentine tax system showed that credible sanctions under
legitimate power are an eective tool for achieving higher trust levels and consequently
higher compliance rates (Bergman, 2003). Therefore, an increase in power would increase
trust. These considerations highlight the importance of the taxpayers perspective on and
interpretation of the actions of the tax authorities. The way power of authorities is perceived by citizens can determine tax compliance (Bergman, 2003).
Taken together, such considerations suggest a dynamic aspect conveyed also by our
naming it the slippery slope framework.1 As illustrated in Fig. 1, stable areas of high
The term slippery slope was introduced by Henk Elers at a conference in Leiden, The Netherlands, on
Managing and maintaining compliance (1011 April 2006), where some aspects of the framework were


E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225

compliance are only found at the extremes of maximum power or maximum trust, which
in reality are unattainable. In other areas, a certain downward pull seeks to reduce compliance. This pull results from the reciprocal inuences of power and trust described
above, and from asymmetries between gaining and losing of trust and power. A downward
spiral is easily conceivable: if trust in the tax authorities decreases, any action on their
behalf will be interpreted as less legitimate than before. A regular audit would be interpreted as a deliberate action and a sign of mistrust, which in turn makes it legitimate to
seek opportunities to reduce payments and to reduce support for the authorities. Tax
authorities would react by conducting a more thorough audit to ferret out the hidden
reserves. This would be considered proof that they treat the individual taxpayer dierent,
i.e., unfairly from the individuals view, and which again reduces trust and cooperation.
An upward spiral is possible, but seems much harder to obtain because obtaining trust
is more dicult than losing it. When achieved, however, an increase in trust could contribute to power of authorities by honest taxpayers supporting the authorities, and by needing
fewer resources for monitoring. Seeing dishonest taxpayers punished would increase trust
on behalf of the honest taxpayers.
Quite obviously, an antagonistic or a synergistic climate is related to the dimensions of
the framework presented here. It would be dicult to identify a clear causal relationship
between them, and it is more likely that they form a reciprocal relationship. For example,
a synergistic climate with a service and clients approach can increase both trust in and
power of the authorities; at the same time, measures that increase trust can contribute to a
synergistic climate.
The framework presented in Fig. 1 can be used as a conceptual tool and as an operational tool. As a conceptual tool it may serve to understand the importance of determinants of tax behavior and the ambiguous eects reported in empirical research. As an
operational tool it can be used to develop strategies of eectual interaction between tax
authorities and taxpayers; for example, authorities should aim at increasing trust by communicating a service and clients attitude (e.g., locating the reason for non-compliance
by phoning taxpayers, Feld & Frey, 2005). The next section will consult the slippery
slope framework as a conceptual tool to review previous research on factors inuencing
tax compliance. The nal section will consult the slippery slope framework as an
operational tool and explore regulatory strategies that tax authorities can adopt.
3. The slippery slope framework as a conceptual tool to organize previous research
In the tradition of tax compliance research, a number of factors have been considered
important for explaining compliance. We present a review on existing ndings and discuss
them with regard to the dimensions of power and trust in the slippery slope framework.
3.1. Audit probabilities
Studies on the impact of audit probabilities on tax compliance found rather weak
eects. Fischer, Wartick, and Marks (1992) review summarizes inconsistent ndings on
audit probabilities and tax compliance. For example, threatening taxpayers in a eld
experiment (Slemrod, Blumenthal, & Christian, 2001) with close examination of their
upcoming returns increased tax compliance just for low and middle-income taxpayers,
but decreased it for high-income taxpayers. Furthermore, laboratory experiments varying

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audit probabilities found low negative eects of audit rates on evasion, especially for precise percentage information on audit probabilities instead of indicating high, middle, and
low probabilities (Spicer & Thomas, 1982). In contrast, other experiments report that
imprecise information increases tax compliance (Friedland, 1982). Dierent survey studies
found signicant and non-signicant low positive relations between audit probabilities
and tax compliance (e.g., Mason & Calvin, 1978; Song & Yarbrough, 1978; Spicer
& Lundstedt, 1976; Warneryd & Walerud, 1982).
Within the current framework, it would be argued that not the objective audit probability is important, but the subjectively perceived probability and its interpretation. A
review on tax compliance and audit probabilities (Andreoni, Erard, & Feinstein, 1998)
showed that objective audit probabilities have little eect on compliance, and concluded
that subjectively perceived probabilities may be mediated via psychological variables.
Prior audits, i.e., direct experience, also have a weak impact on tax compliance. An
explanation is that prior audits may not turn out as badly as taxpayers initially feared
(Andreoni et al., 1998). The subjective probability of being audited would be an indicator
for the power of authorities; however, the same level would be interpreted dierently
depending on the trust in the authorities. An individuals risk aversion, according to
our framework, would be of relevance primarily under conditions of low-trust; with
high-trust in the authorities, it would become irrelevant because the tendency to calculate
probabilities and payos is replaced by following a common norm.
3.2. Fines
Empirical studies on the impact of nes on tax compliance did not nd the clear picture
theoretical analyses provide. In sum, the relation of nes and tax compliance also shows
inconsistent ndings (Fischer et al., 1992). Some experiments showed that nes are slightly
higher related to tax compliance than audit probabilities are (e.g., Park & Hyun, 2003).
Keeping constant the expected value of a tax-like game, but changing audit probabilities
and nes for non-compliance, showed that compliance increased signicantly with higher
nes, but not with higher audit probabilities (Friedland, Maital, & Rutenberg, 1978).
Other experiments, on the contrary, showed that nes and tax compliance are not related,
but audit probabilities and tax compliance are (Friedland, 1982; Webley, Robben, Elers,
& Hessing, 1991).
In the current framework, it would be argued that the interpretation of nes matters. In
an antagonistic climate, nes can be a part of the game of cops and robbers; in a synergistic climate, they can be perceived as an adequate retribution for behavior that harms
the community. Fines are therefore connected to trust and power. Fines that are too low
could be perceived as indicator that the authorities are weak and unable to control the
wrongdoers, undermining trust among honest taxpayers. Fines that are inappropriate
because a taxpayer involuntarily made a mistake resulting from ambiguous tax laws, or
nes that are exorbitantly high, would undermine the perception of retributive justice
and induce tax evaders to try even harder to regain their losses incurred by those nes.
3.3. Tax rate
Economic models of rational compliance decisions provide either mixed predictions of
the eect of the marginal tax rate on compliance, or predict that increased tax rates would


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increase compliance (Allingham & Sandmo, 1972). On the contrary, most empirical
research nds that higher tax rates decrease compliance or provides mixed results. Some
studies (Pommerehne & Weck-Hannemann, 1996; Weck-Hannemann & Pommerehne,
1989) demonstrate that evasion increases with increasing marginal tax rates. Also Clotfelter
(1983) and Slemrod (1985) found that the marginal tax rate has a signicant eect on underreporting. In Porcanos (1988) study, the tax rate had no eect on evasion and underreporting. Laboratory experiments with varying tax rates frequently found tax rate increases
leading to higher evasion (Alm, Jackson, & McKee, 1992; Collins & Plumlee, 1991; Friedland et al., 1978; Park & Hyun, 2003). However, Alm, Sanchez, and deJuan (1995) found
the opposite in a Spanish sample, and Baldry (1987) did not nd a signicant eect at all.
Within the current framework, the impact of the tax rate would depend on the degree of
trust. When trust is low, a high tax rate could be seen as an unfair treatment of taxpayers,
as an attempt at taking from the taxpayers what is rightly theirs. When trust is high, the
same level of tax rate would be interpreted as contribution to the community, which in
turn again prots each individual. In the rst case, the tax rate would be interpreted as
the wielding of power by some remote oce; in the second case, as a joint agreement
within the community.
3.4. Subjective tax knowledge and participation
Tax knowledge is positively related to tax compliance. Schmolders (1960) found that
agreement with governmental activities and scal policy was higher in highly educated
groups. Also other authors accepted that longer education increases the knowledge about
taxation, but without considering the content of education (Kinsey & Grasmick, 1993;
Song & Yarbrough, 1978; Spicer & Lundstedt, 1976; Vogel, 1974). An Australian survey
(Niemirowski, Wearing, Baldwin, Leonard, & Mobbs, 2002) found that subjective evaluation of tax knowledge was signicantly linked to tax-related values, attitudes towards tax
compliance, and behavior intentions. Several studies found that reduced complexity and
higher knowledge increased tax compliance (Clotfelter, 1983; Groenland & van Veldhoven, 1983; Kirchler & Maciejovsky, 2001; Park & Hyun, 2003; Wahlund, 1992; Warneryd
& Walerud, 1982). A study manipulating tax knowledge of students (Eriksen & Fallan,
1996) found that with acquiring additional knowledge on tax rules in a class, tax compliance increased and tax evasion decreased.
A related topic is the degree of participation in decision processes concerning taxes.
Direct democracy has a positive eect on tax compliance. The more inuence citizens have
on the budgeting process, the more they will try to get information about the tax system
and consider consequences in the long run (Frey & Kirchgassner, 2002). For example, in
Swiss cantons in which citizens can inuence the budgetary policy in direct legislation, tax
compliance is higher than in cantons in which citizens have no inuence (Pommerehne &
Weck-Hannemann, 1996). Feld and Kirchgassner (2000) reported a dierent type of communication among citizens who are directly involved in political decisions, and between
citizens and their representatives. Informed citizens will accept tax increases when the
expenditures of the government are justied (Frey & Kirchgassner, 2002). Overall, tax evasion is lower in direct than in representative democratic systems (Kirchgassner, Feld, &
Savioz, 1999).
In the current framework, it is argued that subjective tax knowledge and participation
in the use of taxes is positively correlated with trust, whereas poor understanding and

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misunderstanding are positively correlated with distrust. Thus, higher knowledge concerning taxes leads to higher compliance and poor knowledge concerning taxes leads to higher
non-compliance. Because tax laws are often criticized to be too complex to be fully understood, increasing taxpayers literacy by simplication of the tax laws, by training and education, and by increased taxpayer service will increase trust in authorities and will
therefore lead to increased voluntary tax compliance. Knowledge about taxation practices
can also contribute to the perceived power of authorities; for example, knowing that tax
ocers have conducted a large number of tax audits and detected several cases of fraud
can make them appear eective and powerful. Perception of ineectiveness, on the other
hand, can reduce perceived power, pointing to the importance of information policy on
part of tax authorities.
3.5. Attitudes toward taxes
Studies on tax psychology often focus on attitudes and tax compliance. The theory of
reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen,
1991) incorporate attitudes as one of the determinants predicting behavior. Attitudes
represent the positive and negative evaluations that an individual holds of objects. It is
assumed that attitudes encourage individuals to act according to them. Thus, a taxpayer
with positive attitudes toward tax evasion is expected to be less compliant than a taxpayer
with negative attitudes. Attitudes towards tax evasion are often found to be quite positive.
Surveys conducted in Germany (Schmolders, 1960, 1964) found that about half of the
responders compared deliberate tax evaders with cunning business men, whereas only
about one-third referred to tax evaders as thieves and deceivers. Many studies on tax evasion found signicant, but weak relationships between attitudes and self-reported tax evasion (e.g., Orviska & Hudson, 2002; Trivedi, Shehata, & Mestelman, 2004). A model of tax
evasion behavior developed by Weigel, Hessing, and Elers (1987) considers social and
psychological conditions, including attitudes and moral beliefs about tax evasions propriety, as antecedents of tax compliance. Data collected from ned tax evaders and honest tax
payers showed that attitudes explain in part self-reported tax evasion, but are insignicant
predictors of actual behavior. However, the correlations between self-reported tax noncompliance and attitudes are signicant but fairly weak. These ndings suggest a rather
complicated relationship between tax evasion and attitudes, nevertheless we can be condent in our general prediction that if tax attitudes become worse, tax evasion will
increase (Lewis, 1982, p. 177).
In the current framework, attitudes are important for both the power and the trust
dimension. On the one hand, favorable attitudes will contribute to trust in authorities
and consequently will enhance voluntary tax compliance. On the other hand, attitudes
towards the authorities will be relevant for the interpretation of the use of power as benevolent or malicious. Tax attitudes in general also depend on the perceived use of the money
collected, and therefore are connected to knowledge.
3.6. Personal, social, and national norms
Besides attitudes, norms are important determinants of tax compliance. Behavioral
intentions are determined also by subjective norms (Ajzen, 1991; Fishbein & Ajzen,
1975). Norms are behavioral standards on three dierent levels: (a) the individual level,


E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225

(b) the social level, and (c) the national level. On the individual level, norms dene
internalized standards on how to behave. Individual norms are related to moral reasoning, authoritarianism and Machiavellianism, egoism, norm dependency, and values.
There is considerable overlap between individual norms, values, and tax ethics: the
more developed the moral reasoning or tax ethics, the more likely is voluntary compliance (Baldry, 1987; Jackson & Milliron, 1986; Trivedi, Shehata, & Lynn, 2003).
For example, nance ocers and self-employed taxpayers with a very strong orientation towards self-interest reported low tax ethics and high non-compliance
(Kirchler & Berger, 1998).
On the social level, norms are usually dened as prevalence or acceptance of tax evasion among a reference group (Wenzel, 2005). Social norms are related to the behavior
of reference groups, e.g., friends, acquaintances, or vocational group. If taxpayers
believe that non-compliance is widespread and approved behavior in their reference
group, they are likely to be non-compliant as well. For example, in a semi-structured
interview study in Great Britain, social norms were found among the most important
factors related to tax compliance (Sigala, Burgoyne, & Webley, 1999). The relationship
between social norms and tax compliance is complex. Wenzel (2004) argues that social
norms should elicit concurring behavior only when taxpayers identify with the group to
whom the norms are ascribed. Taxpayers then internalize the social norms and act
accordingly. Several studies showed that emphasizing social norms of reference groups
increases tax compliance (Cullis & Lewis, 1997; Sigala et al., 1999; Warneryd & Walerud, 1982; Webley, Robben, & Morris, 1988). Allowing participants to discuss in a
tax experiment increased tax compliance, whereas without discussion tax compliance
decreased (Alm, McClelland, & Schulze, 1999). Moreover, some authors (Taylor,
2003; Wenzel, 2005) argue that communicating social norms on the collective level will
increase voluntary tax compliance.
On the level of national norms, norms become cultural standards, often mirrored in the
actual law. Several authors suggest that trust in political leadership and administration
will lead to voluntary tax compliance when favorable national norms are established
(e.g., Fjeldstad, 2004; Frey, 1992; Pommerehne & Frey, 1992; Torgler, 2005; Tyler,
2001a, 2001b). In general, if the norms held by taxpayers favor tax compliance, voluntary
tax compliance will result.
In the current framework, norms encompass both power and trust. First, national
norms nd their expression in tax laws and the role given to tax authorities, having
a direct inuence on their power. Second, social norms such as the belief that tax evasion is a petty crime and widespread hinder the work of tax authorities, in particular
when there is no countervailing norm of community. A norm where all citizens are perceived as contributing their fair share would certainly help to increase trust in the
3.7. Perceived fairness
When asked what they think about the tax system, citizens most often communicate
fairness concerns (e.g., Braithwaite, 2003c; Rawlings, 2003; Taylor, 2003). In a similar
vein, Andreoni et al. (1998) claim that incorporating morals and social dynamics in
economic theory is essential. A conceptual framework for fairness considerations
(Wenzel, 2003) suggests to dierentiate three areas of fairness, as in social psychology:

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(a) distributive justice, which refers to the exchange of resources, both benets and cost,
(b) procedural justice, which refers to the process of resource distribution, and (c) retributive justice, which refers to the perceived appropriateness of sanctions in the case of
With regard to distributive justice, comparisons are made on the individual, the group,
and the societal level. On the individual level, taxpayers are concerned about the fairness
of their outcomes, and they want to be treated relative to their merits, eorts, and needs. If
an individuals tax burden is heavier than that of comparable other individuals, tax compliance is likely to decrease. On the group level, taxpayers are concerned about the fairness
of outcomes of the group and want a fair treatment of their group relative to other
(income) groups (e.g., Spicer & Lundstedt, 1976). If a specic group perceives its tax burden as heavier than that of another group, tax non-compliance is likely to increase within
this group (e.g., Juan, Lasheras, & Mayo, 1994; Spicer & Becker, 1980). On the societal
level, taxpayers are concerned about the fairness of the outcomes of the whole nation.
If the tax system is perceived as unfair, tax non-compliance is likely to increase (e.g., Baldry, 1987; Cowell, 1992), whereas a system experienced as fair might increase trust and consequently increase voluntary compliance.
With regard to procedural justice, the components essential for perceived fairness are
neutrality of the procedure, trustworthiness of the tax authorities, and polite, dignied,
and respectful treatment (Tyler & Lind, 1992). Comparisons again are made on the individual, group, and societal level. On the individual level, taxpayers consider the treatment
by the tax authorities, information provided, costs regarding compliance and administration, and the dynamics of allocation of revenues. It is argued that increased information
related to tax law and explanations for changes can increase fairness perceptions (Carnes
& Cuccia, 1996; Wartick, 1994). Perceived procedural justice on the individual level and a
culture of interaction are important for building up trust (Job, Stout, & Smith, 2007). On
the group and societal level, taxpayers consider the neutrality of tax ocers regarding
_subgroups, such as vocational groups, income groups, or cohorts. If tax authorities
and ocers treat taxpayers equally, in a respectful and responsible way, trust in the
government and thus voluntary tax compliance is likely to increase on the individual,
group, and societal level.
With regard to retributive justice, unreasonable and intrusive audits and unfair penalties lead to negative attitudes toward the tax oce and taxes in general (e.g., Spicer &
Lundstedt, 1976; Strumpel, 1969; Wenzel & Thielmann, 2006). Thus, unfavorable retributive justice perceptions could lead to increased distrust and consequently to increased tax
non-compliance. Although justice research has not always yielded consistent evidence for
the impact of justice perceptions on tax compliance, perceived justice might increase voluntary tax compliance.
In the current framework, perceived fairness is connected to the trust dimension
because a just treatment of taxpayers (i.e., distributive and procedural fairness) helps to
build and maintain trust. Retributive justice is connected to the power dimension as well,
because it depends also on detecting and ning wrongdoers. In turn, an inconsiderate exertion of power that is perceived as intrusive can reduce trust.
To summarize, some of the major factors discussed in previous research on tax compliance would gain from considering them within the slippery slope framework and its
interaction of the power and trust dimension. In Section 4 we discuss the contribution
of the framework for regulatory strategies.


E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225

4. The slippery slope framework as an operational tool to consider regulatory strategies

The slippery slope framework suggests that the position the authorities adopt
towards taxpayers is important for compliance. In an antagonistic tax climate, when tax
authorities communicate a cops and robbers attitude, taxpayers will try to maximize
their individual expected utility and only comply when forced to do so. In a synergistic
climate, when authorities communicate a service and clients attitude, taxpayers will
act on the basis of the perceived fairness of the system and comply voluntarily.
It could be argued that for the authorities, the only important outcome is the level of
compliance, irrespectively of whether such compliance is voluntary or enforced. However,
because audits are relevant cost factors in the administration of the tax system, it seems
useful to consider alternative ways. The cops and robbers approach is costly and of
doubtful eect, and it also raises the question of how to guard the guards. Moreover,
this approach might be eective in limiting the illegal tax evasion, but it is surely not adequate in limiting the legal tax avoidance, which is by far a greater problem. Monitoring
and surveillance may communicate distrust to the taxpayers and may even breed more
distrust and resentment (Cialdini, 1996; Frey, 2003). Audits and nes may encourage taxpayers to resist when they believe that monitoring is imperfect and that they can get away
with evasion. It may be assumed that taxpayers in an antagonistic climate try to make a
rational decision, weighing probabilities of detection and outcomes, and evade whenever possible. This emphasizes the importance of building trust in the tax authorities.
The service and client approach motivates taxpayers by means of trust to comply
voluntarily, with a decreased need for cost-intensive audits. It might be assumed that taxpayers in a synergistic climate consider their tax share as a fair contribution to the public
good. Factors that contribute to trust are subjective tax knowledge, participation, positive
attitudes towards taxes, favorable norms on the personal, social, and national level, perceived fairness in distributional, procedural, and retributive terms, and a considerate
use of power. If tax authorities have legitimate power and treat taxpayers as equal partners, when they develop a role of advisors for the complex tax law, taxpayers perceive
treatment as fair and consequently respond with reciprocity and compliance. Severe sanctions in the case of unintentional ling errors would violate retributive fairness concerns;
educating taxpayers to le correctly would be a more eective strategy. Such a service
and client approach states that education and support of taxpayers are more promising
than control and unreasonable severity in persuading taxpayers to comply. However, such
an approach does not suggest a lax tax policy, in which taxpayers can do whatever they
please without sanctions for non-compliance.
The responsive regulation approach (Ayres & Braithwaite, 1992; Braithwaite, 2007)
ts well with the current framework. It proposes regulatory rules and suggests that the
authorities should act responding to the beliefs and attitudes of the taxpayers. These
are captured in the concept of motivational postures, dened as an interconnected
set of beliefs and attitudes that are consciously held and openly shared with others
(Braithwaite, 2003a, p. 18). Built on the Australian Taxation Oce Compliance Model,
the responsive regulation approach proposes cooperative strategies of self-regulation for
compliant behavior and severe sanctions and incapacitating of wrongdoing in order to
persuade taxpayers to use more cooperative strategies in the future (Braithwaite & Job,
2003). The approach recognizes that legal sanctions alone are not sucient. It rather
focuses on education, persuasion, and dialogue as strategies to gain and maintain compli-

E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225


ance of most taxpayers. However, in the case of repeated non-cooperation, severe

economic and legal sanctions come into operation. Hence, taxpayers should realize that
costs of non-cooperation are growing over time and should therefore be prepared to
engage in less costly and more cooperative tactics.
The responsive regulation model takes the form of a pyramid in which motivational
postures, regulatory strategies, and enforcement strategies are stacked up with increasing
severity. The lowest level of regulation, arranged at the bottom of the pyramid, recommends education and advice about tax regulations and record keeping, whereas the top
level suggests prosecution and imprisonment in the case of non-compliance. Hence,
authorities should engage in dierent enforcement methods when taxpayers move up
the pyramids levels, i.e., to non-cooperation, and try to move them down to the base
of the pyramid, i.e., to cooperation. The rst level is applicable to most taxpayers and proposes education and service for taxpayers willing to comply as a regulatory strategy. Furthermore, taxpayers are perceived as trustworthy and are treated with respect. Taxpayers
on this level of regulation are willing to report their income correctly, and are likely to display the motivational posture of commitment (Braithwaite, 2003a, 2003b). With
increasing social distance between the tax authorities and the taxpayers also the demands
on the tax authorities increase. When taxpayers are angry with authorities, their motivational postures shift from commitment to capitulation, i.e., giving in because of
authorities legal power to call for taxes. Without the presence of authorities, compliance
would disappear, thus enforced self-regulation is required. On this level, examinations of
businesses become necessary and records should be reviewed, with the focus on education.
Even more social distance leads to the motivational posture of resistance, for which the
model suggests responding with command regulation. On this level, taxpayers are not willing to cooperate, or they resist the tax law, and there are discrepancies between the tax
declaration and records. The responsive regulation model suggests audits without punishment or with discretionary punishment. Non-discretionary command regulations are suggested for the group on top of the pyramid-like model. Those taxpayers have a
motivational posture called disengagement. On this level, persuasion to make taxpayers
compliant does not work because they condemn the tax system. Tax authorities have to
prosecute, imprison, and take away the license in order to increase their compliance
(Braithwaite, 2003b).
Within the framework proposed here, the responsive regulation approach suggests
strategies and methods to counteract the downward pull illustrated in the slippery slope
framework. Responsive regulation suggests that both power and trust are necessary, as is a
careful use of both elements. In a dynamic perspective, educating taxpayers, correcting
unintentional ling errors and providing service are strategies that increase trust and contribute to a motivational posture of commitment. For taxpayers with motivational postures of capitulation or resistance, the education and a well-dosed use of power are
strategies that keep up compliance and could prevent a move towards a posture of disengagement. At the same time, communicating such strategies contributes to trust among
committed taxpayers. The interactions between power and trust that contribute to the
dynamics of the slippery slope framework are paralleled in the considerations necessary
for a dynamic approach to regulation. In addition, the framework presented here suggests
that exertion of power can be regarded as a reaction of tax authorities to unfavorable
motivational postures, whereas trust can be regarded as a proactive action to create more
favorable postures.


E. Kirchler et al. / Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2008) 210225

To conclude, the slippery slope framework promises a better understanding of taxpaying behavior and of regulatory practices by highlighting the necessity to consider the
power of authorities, the trust in authorities, and their dynamic interaction. Considering
distinctions between enforced and voluntary compliance calls for rethinking the role of
tax authorities and suggests that taxpaying can be perceived not exclusively as an onerous
duty, but also as a well-accepted duty.
We are grateful to Henk Elers and the participants of the conference on Managing
and maintaining compliance (Leiden, The Netherlands, 1011 April 2006) for valuable
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