Desert-Storm Irc 3
Desert-Storm Irc 3
Desert-Storm Irc 3
(PeaceServ) Report from Lynx: For those who do not know: You can listen to repor
ts *and* chat on channel +WAR, and you can report by sending messages to +report
from outside! This is *meant* to be like this.
*** Change: CaptainJ has joined this channel (+WAR).
(snpeter) Ezal, do you have a new report on the situation in Tel-Aviv?
*** Change: thirdwave has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: merlyn has joined this channel (+WAR).
<EPMD> Whatup Calvin
*** Change: cljack has joined this channel (+WAR).
<thirdwave> Can somone update me on what is going on??
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'president gorbachev contacted israel and several
arab states pleaing for restraint in an attempt to stop the war from turning int
o arab/israeli war.
(snpeter) Sorry, meant Eyal
*** Change: Uncle_Sam has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Geraden has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: lizzie has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Maine has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Gadi has left this channel.
*** Change: Assassing has joined this channel (+WAR).
(lolo) snpeter: he's not on this channel i think
<EPMD> k/whois eme
<Calvin> EPMD:Have you heard of the quasi attacks on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv?
*** Change: Geraden has left this channel.
*** Change: stucki has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: cljack
*** Change: adamg has left this channel.
*** Change: stuart has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Ug has joined this channel (+WAR).
(merlyn) Eyal was listening on +reports.
*** Signoff: snpeter
(listen) recap?
*** Signoff: Ug
*** Change: Judge has joined this channel (+WAR).
<EPMD> Calvin: U meant these fake ones that happened in the last 30 min? Yes.
<lizzie> hi all, wahat's the latest?
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: Silotape is a matriel used to seal the room (it's
a brand).
*** Change: stuart has left this channel.
*** Change: goofy has joined this channel (+WAR).
<goofy> clear
<EPMD> JUdge!! What up?!
<thirdwave> Can someone briefly recap the events over the last hour or so?
*** Signoff: Assassing
<Royi> eyal: is there any Israeli from jerusalem that comes on the net?
*** Signoff: goofy
(eme) ?/
(PeaceServ) Report from CaptainJ: Israeli readio reports NO missiles were fired.
*** Signoff: thirdwave
*** Signoff: listen
*** Signoff: EPMD
*** Signoff: Rlscero
*** Change: Abstract has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Abstract has left this channel.
*** Change: Abstract has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Abstract has left this channel.
*** Change: Abstract has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Bandit has left this channel.
(eme) ?
*** Change: Maine has left this channel.
<case> may God save Israel, for now all I can do is pray.....
*** Signoff: case
*** Change: pahakala has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: s34090e has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: thut has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: vpk has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Bucket2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Zeppo has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: fisu has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: ahe2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: jam has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: _Deck_ has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Sky has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: jaska has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Calvin> thirdwave- fake attacks on Israel, at least warnings there of attacks
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
<thut> ^ dsaklad +WAR
*** Change: s34090e has left this channel.
<thut> ^ Bandit +WAR
<thut> ^ lizzie +WAR
<thut> ^ Judge +WAR
*** Change: thirdwave has joined this channel (+WAR).
<thut> ^ s34090e 0
<thut> ^ Uncle_Sam +WAR
<thut> ^ thirdwave +WAR
<thut> ^ hunted +WAR
<_Deck_> *Ignoring thut because of flooding*
<thut> ^ listen +WAR
<thut> ^ stucki +WAR
*** Change: listen has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: EPMD has joined this channel (+WAR).
<thut> ^ eme +WAR
<thut> ^ Sarah +WAR
<thut> ^ Maine +WAR
<thut> ^ maori +WAR
<thut> ^ merlyn +WAR
<thut> ^ EPMD +WAR
<thut> ^ netmbx +WAR
<thut> ^ case +WAR
(merlyn) Did anyone catch the message in comp.protocols.time.ntp that said that
the intial attacks occurred right when GPS satellites were availabnle?
<thut> ^ Royi +WAR
<thut> ^ caveh +WAR
<thut> ^ Wayne +WAR
*** Change: Rlscero has joined this channel (+WAR).
<thut> ^ kit +WAR
<thut> ^ bzs +WAR
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
<thut> ^ CaptainJ +WAR
<thut> ^ Spiff +WAR
<thut> ^ DrWho +WAR
<thut> ^ JR +WAR
<thut> ^ Emmett +WAR
<thut> ^ Calvin +WAR
<thut> ^ mk +WAR
<thut> ^ Mul +WAR
<thut> ^ Rlscero +WAR
<thut> ^ Hulk +WAR
<thut> ^ TAPP2 +WAR
<thut> ^ lolo +WAR
k in a moment
<lizzie> what vision thing?
*** Change: Yuval has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: Zeppo
*** Signoff: eme
*** Signoff: Wayne
*** Signoff: CaptainJ
*** Change: Bandit has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Yuval) Blooooooody war!!!!
<Calvin> You know, see the missles
<djinn> see at's getting dark there
<Maine> its night over there - they cant see!
<Calvin> It is dark there
<lizzie> oh, ok, thanks calvin
<kit> it is dark night there.
(Spiff) Lizzie's in Florida ... forgive her :-)
<djinn> Does anyone know about what time it is there?
*** Change: Wayne has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Mode change (+o Wayne ) on channel +WAR by Wayne
*** Change: NBC-TV has left this channel.
<thirdwave> 10:45am
<Calvin> Hey, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, sorry.
(Spiff) It's 8 hours past EST, 11 hours past PST. So it's almost 11:00 pm there
(Yuval) I hate wearing this gas mask!
*** Change: enu has joined this channel (+WAR).
<thirdwave> pm
<Calvin> Where are you Yuval?
(listen) who -all *.il
(Yuval) From Israel.
(PeaceServ) Report from CaptainJ: Roiters: Bagdad radio report 22 more allied ai
rcraft downed (brings total to over 90).
*** Change: CaptainJ has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: merlyn
*** Change: xanax has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Calvin> Can you be more specific?
<kit> roiters is really reuters, but what the heck.
*** Change: Eyal has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> how goes Yuval.
*** Change: Abstract has left this channel.
*** Change: Wayne has left this channel.
*** Signoff: thut
(Yuval) Eyal - Fine! :-)
<xanax> does anyone know the true number of piolots that have been shot down?
<Eyal> Yuval: man, we are already used to this eh? ;)
*** Change: thirdwave is now known as thut
*** Change: jsalmi has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Yuval) Eyal - From Nitzan - I want my diskettes back! :-)
<Eyal> Yuval: Ha, after the war ;)
<kit> xanax: Only the state department.
(Yuval) Eyal - Yeah :-(
(Yuval) Eyal, ok :-)
*** Change: gl2529 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: BART has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> Yuval: so how did you do during the sirens?
<xanax> kit: why would they lie? (if Iraq's # of 96 is true)
*** Change: gl2529 is now known as GregL
*** Change: Pepper has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: eme has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Calvin> signoff
<Doom_Frog> I knew a suer in Saudi Arabia..
(XDZebra) Nobody has to go to work tomorrow, so they're escalating activities fo
r the newscasts.
<Doom_Frog> er, user..
<Barney> 7 planes down or 7 pilots killed?
*** Change: joram has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: Calvin
<GregL> It's kind of interesting that this is a prime time war in the US.
<CaptainJ> CNN has military folk in who believe that just because Hussain has ch
emical processors does not mean he has the means to mount that on a warhead (whi
ch is difficult to do).
<Doom_Frog> Yep, that it is.
<mcoady> 2 UK, 1 Kuwaiti
<GregL> What's going on in Israel ?
*** Change: ojp is now known as Gorbatsov
*** Change: Swan has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> They said all the missiles were destroyed yesterday, too.
<Doom_Frog> before the strike.
*** Change: Eki has left this channel.
(PeaceServ) Report from NPR: "Jordan, Iran, and Syria are getting ready for refu
(XDZebra) Yeah, it started 7:00 EST didn't it?
<Swan> war.. hooh! good god yall. what is it good for? absolutely nothing. sa
y it again? war! hooh! :)
<CaptainJ> 2 UK 1 Kuwait 2 USN 4 USAF - I believe....
<GBush> 7 planes down, Kuwati pilot reportedly in hands of Kuwati resistance fig
hters, 2 Amer. ditched in gulf.
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: OK, I'll move to +WAR, but I'll continue reporting
the main details to +report
<kit> I heard something about ground casualties this morning. Was that report tr
ue? It involved some Italians (of all things, if I remember right).
(XDZebra) War War Is Stupid
*** Change: CNN has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Bandit has left this channel.
(XDZebra) But People Are Stuipd
*** Signoff: Assassing
<tjroppane> Half of the Irag planes been shot down!
<CaptainJ> hi hi :)
(XDZebra) And Love Means Nothing
<Gorbatsov> Hey guys, what about war here in Baltic...? Don't forget me?
<mcoady> GregL: They are waiting for a 2nd strike from Iraq.
*** Change: Faustus has joined this channel (+WAR).
<GregL> Shot down or bombed ?
(XDZebra) Or bombed, what are you talking about?
<CaptainJ> tjrop - yeah yeah...
*** Change: GBush is now known as Rlscero
*** Change: xanax has joined this channel (+WAR).
<GregL> Thanks.
*** Change: hauer has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Bandit has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) I thought we *decimated* their airforce
<mcoady> 1/2 of Iraqi planes have been shot down??
*** Signoff: tjroppane
(DrWho) from Christian Science Monitor: 7 down: 3 US, 2 UK, 1 Kuwait, 1 Italy
<Doom_Frog> Decimated in military term means 1 in 10 destroyed.
(XDZebra) Is that factual or faith?
OMB DELIVERY RUNS???? "Way cool..."
*** Change: Bink has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Death) death
*** Change: ahe2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: jere has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: s34090e has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Bucket2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: TrondeR has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: pahakala has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Death) death death
*** Change: CNN has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: total has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Ironman has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: SgtPepper has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: thut has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
<CaptainJ> Korea, Vietnam, Beijing - all big conflicts to not be forgotten,
*** Change: jam has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: jaska has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Sky has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
*** Signoff: thut
*** Change: Sarah has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: raw2 is now known as raw_fish
<Magyar> death?
<macman> God! The things we do for oil!
<GregL> any new news ?
*** Signoff: mcoady
*** Change: Death is now known as XDZebra2
*** Change: imad has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Belgrath has left this channel.
*** Change: Faustus has left this channel.
(Swan) test
(XDZebra2) The things we do for money
<Magyar> not only for oil!!!
*** Change: mikew has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra2) for sex and stuff!
<Wynton> it aint for oil
*** Change: bink1 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<TrondeR> hi
(XDZebra2) _____
(XDZebra2) /
(XDZebra2) | O O |
(XDZebra2) | ^ |
*** Change: GregL has left this channel.
<Swan> (did people see that test message? sorry)
(XDZebra2) no
<Magyar> money is not a factor, tomahawk cost 1 mill.
*** Change: GregL has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra2) yes we did, just kidding
*** Change: Ironman has left this channel.
(Swan) test2
*** Change: bink1 is now known as BinkBink
*** Change: Grod has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra2) a single tomahawk costs 1 mil?
*** Change: Patrick has left this channel.
(XDZebra2) get outta here
*** Change: thut has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: xanax
<kit> Saudis, Kuwaitis and Japanese paying bulk of the bill.
*** Change: BinkBink is now known as Bink
<WW4> .
<Swan> nope
(PeaceServ) Report from CAPJisCNN: CNN goes to commercial - everyone get your sn
acks! :) ;)
*** Change: Teknomage has joined this channel (+WAR).
(mk) who xdzebra
*** Signoff: Barney
*** Signoff: macman
*** Signoff: Sarah
(PeaceServ) Report from jam: Estonian TV: Barricades being constructed in Tallin
<Magyar> swan was that to me?
*** Change: Saku has joined this channel (+WAR).
<CAPJisCNN> hey Teky!!!
<WW4> .
(Yowza) If you're so bored, why not solve the IRC routing and duplication proble
m? :-)
*** Change: tuoppi has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Teknomage> hey captj
<Swan> yeah no israel attack just false alarm
(Yowza) Oops.
*** Change: Barney has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
<Magyar> thanks swan
*** Signoff: Barney
*** Signoff: tuoppi
*** Signoff: Saku
*** Signoff: Magyar
*** Signoff: WW4
*** Signoff: Pekka
*** Signoff: thut
*** Signoff: Bink
*** Signoff: Grod
*** Signoff: Bandit
*** Signoff: Sky
*** Signoff: jaska
*** Signoff: jam
*** Signoff: SgtPepper
*** Signoff: CNN
*** Signoff: pahakala
*** Signoff: TrondeR
*** Signoff: Bucket2
*** Signoff: jere
*** Signoff: ahe2
*** Signoff: Assassing
*** Signoff: imad
*** Signoff: mikew
*** Signoff: mk
*** Signoff: Aragorn
*** Signoff: sridhar
*** Signoff: GregL
*** Signoff: Abstract
*** Signoff: dsaklad
*** Signoff: XDZebra
*** Signoff: CAPJisCNN
*** Signoff: Rlscero
*** Signoff: golfer
*** Signoff: cljack
*** Signoff: Swan
<Swan> If they showed footage of burn victims that would solve our hunger proble
*** Signoff: Virgil
(Yowza) "Hello, this is Leslie Downes with the Daily Home Astrology Report.
(Yowza) TAURUS: Contemplate domestic turmoil.
(Yowza) AQUARIUS: Abandon hope for future plans."
(Yowza) Sorry.
*** Signoff: Onlooker
<WW4> how about Aries
*** Signoff: Barney
(XDZebra) Nuclear bomb decimates IRC
<CAPJisCNN> 53 users left.
<Magyar> anybody here from the middle east?
<CAPJisCNN> I'm from the Mid-West. :)
*** Change: Aragorn has left this channel.
*** Change: Aragorn has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) lets see.... welcome caveh
*** Change: _Deck_ has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) welcome Virgil
(XDZebra) welcome Barney
(XDZebra) welcome tuoppi
<CAPJisCNN> XDZ - give it up... ;)
(XDZebra) darn
<Magyar> anybody here from the middle east?
<CAPJisCNN> Welcome aboard, EVERYONE!
(XDZebra) What like Kansas?
<Aragorn> Gee , Thanxs
<Rlscero> Middle eastern US.
*** Signoff: imad
*** Change: sridhar has left this channel.
<Magyar> no the Middle east in the world!
*** Change: Mul has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: nudos has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from CAPJisCNN: Sirens in Tel Aviv again.
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: CAP: I am hereing nothing.
(PeaceServ) Report from CAPJisCNN: IGNORE THAT - TAPED EARLIER!!!
(PeaceServ) Report from Napoleon: Nothing new in the Finnish 10 o'clock news fro
m Baltic countries...
(PeaceServ) Report from Zeppelin: Has NBC gotten CNN reporting now?
<Teknomage> That was taped captj
*** Signoff: Rlscero
*** Signoff: Emmett
(XDZebra) Report from SLC radio: Police arrest man for loitering.
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: CAP: Man, you got me scared for a sec ( i am in i
srael ).
<CAPJisCNN> yeah yah...
<WW4> Did anybody see that guy reporting from Tel Aviv wearing that gas mask
<kit> swan: YUCK!
<CAPJisCNN> I'm such a goof. 8-P
*** Change: OO7 has left this channel.
*** Change: Aragorn has left this channel.
*** Change: Delfin has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) Anyone know what is going on in the Baltics?
*** Change: mikew has left this channel.
<Swan> kit: i agree! My point is that coverage of war so far makes it look like
a video game. No footage of massive bloodshed that we know is happening.
*** Signoff: Sky
*** Change: fw has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: nudos has left this channel.
(XDZebra) Lesse... Iraq = Germany Baltics = Japan...
*** Change: Euler has left this channel.
*** Change: Euler has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) Armageddon days are here!
(XDZebra) Again
<Magyar> not really
*** Signoff: _Deck_
(XDZebra) Moving in from the East
(XDZebra) The Lords of the West
(XDZebra) Over the hills...
(XDZebra) YES!
*** Change: mcoady has joined this channel (+WAR).
<mcoady> Whatis the Dow at?
<Magyar> what is actually going on?
<kit> XDZ: actually, I am no bible nut, but the story is pretty right on as far
as what is happening there right now.
*** Change: Pepper has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Saku> kit: I think this is in Liethua. Latvia has had it for a long time ago. K
reml indeeds the voting.
*** Signoff: tuoppi
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: allied radars got a radar signature that looked lik
e a scud..thats why the alert..
(PeaceServ) Report from CAPJisCNN: there was no launch or air raid. launcher ma
y have just been gaugeing or practicing
*** Change: bzs2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Magyar> boy there is trouble all over!!
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: there was a code on the radio saying in hebrew 'he
avy moment'
*** Change: Some1 has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) Report from CBN: Jesus Christ begins talks with White House
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: i have no idea what it meant but i can guess that
it meant something bad.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: iraq is confiscating kuwaiti cars. (?)
<Magyar> this is really getting religous
(XDZebra) and ice-cream!
*** Change: Ryman has joined this channel (+WAR).
<kit> to race away from the enemy?
*** Signoff: bzs2
*** Change: Sky has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: Abstract
<mcoady> What is the stockmarket at?
<Wynton> So, does Saddam ever use IRC?
(XDZebra) all time low
(XDZebra) Yeah, he was on a little while ago ;-)
(PeaceServ) Report from Zeppelin: Israel says they will retaliate.
<mcoady> It's dropped???
<kit> XDZ: *grin*
(PeaceServ) Report from CAPJisCNN: vehicle confiscation seems true - apparent ci
tizen interviewed as taking truck to drive captive American pilot.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: defense minister of israel said they will retaliat
e. moan.
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: the reason the siren went off was because of a sat
ellite that messaged a false missile appearance.
*** Change: Bink has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) Yeah ISRAEL! Fark some more things up in the middle east you big bung
<CAPJisCNN> swan - that could be done through US forces still. As reuest.
*** Change: Teknomage has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Eki has left this channel.
(NEWSMAN) Seventy one people suffered nuerous gunshot wounds to the feet today a
s two armed midgets ran amok in a downtown bar.
(NEWSMAN) Patrons of the bar claim the two cam in riding horsey back and the tro
uble started when the one on the bottom began to get drunk
<WarPower> is Israel atack to Iraq??
<Magyar> what is going on?
<kit> Magyar: baszmeg. *grin*
*** Change: ceder has joined this channel (+WAR).
(HappyServ) Report from Enquirer: Elvis begins talks with Saddam.
*** Change: Losty has left this channel.
(HappyServ) Report from WWN: UFO's Helped In The Air Raid
<Magyar> I am hungarian
*** Change: dsaklad has left this channel.
*** Change: jam has left this channel.
*** Change: lizzie has joined this channel (+WAR).
<WarPower> Finland
*** Change: Cython has joined this channel (+WAR).
(NEWSMAN) Extensive damage to electrical outlets was also reported.
(HappyServ) Report from Stark Fist: Fightin' Jesus Kicks Butt In Mid-East
(Rajil) USA, of course
<Magyar> what else is goin on?
<kit> magyar: faszkalop. *grin*
<CNN> warpoer - yes?
*** Change: stigmata has left this channel.
*** Change: Aztec has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Magyar> i don't speak hungarian kit
<kit> magyar: AHHHHH.
(NEWSMAN) Twenty two year old Marsh Balfour, a registered nurse of Florida, was
arrested last night for accepting collect obscene telephone calls.
*** Change: Rlscero has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Confusion has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Magyar> my father is hungarian
<kit> magyar: I'm not Hungarian. Does that make us even?
<FNN> Date Line England:Man walks accross channel wearing jesus feet
<Magyar> he came over during the hungarina revolution
<Magyar> yep
<WarPower> is here anybody in Israel++
<kit> time for me to leave.
<WarPower> ??
(NEWSMAN) A physician in New York claims he has a 107 year old woman who is preg
nant - he claims that because of her advanced age, she will have a grown up!
<kit> q
*** Change: Martin has left this channel.
*** Signoff: kit
<Magyar> I think that the peaceserver is
<Cython> they are all ducking
<Magyar> warpower
(Some1) ?
<WarPower> MAGYAR are you ??
(rhysw) bye - must have breakfast (it's 8:00am in Australia)
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: cnn reports from virginia..mainly background storie
*** Change: rhysw has left this channel.
<Magyar> what do you mean?
(Yowza) Ely is from Israel.
<WarPower> in Israel
<Magyar> no, in Bradford, pa
(NEWSMAN) A philladelphia man was arresed today for trying to make an unauthroiz
ed deposit in a sperm bank.
<MK> e
*** Change: zulu has left this channel.
*** Signoff: Bee
(PeaceServ) Report from Lysatorlo: help info
<Losty> Ragil, Why X-{{ anti war??
<Agenta> outq(war)
(zulu) *******suddenly out of the twilight zulu appears*****
*** Change: zulu has joined this channel (+WAR).
<rlscero> Pro-peace rallies.. yes, anti-war rallies no!
<Rajil> yes... pro war.. actually pro bush.. they were basically saying we shoul
d be supporting our president...
(CaptainJ) **A shimmering column of light envelops CaptainJ and whisks him away*
*** Change: CaptainJ has left this channel.
(CaptainJ) **In a shimmering column of light, CaptainJ materializes before every
*** Change: CaptainJ has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Magyar> I am going to PITT-BRADFORD and we have about 1000+ students here
*** Change: faidros has joined this channel (+WAR).
(CaptainJ) :)
<Rush> pro-USA, even if that MEANS WAR!!
*** Signoff: Jodi
<Magyar> :(
<ahe2> cu, bye
*** Signoff: ahe2
(Tippy) We had the same pro war rallies here at Eastern Mich...
(CaptainJ) ack!
*** Change: Fratman has joined this channel (+WAR).
<MK> Cap: what is your name in ()???
<rlscero> USA 100%
<Losty> Geez.. Ack is right....
<Agenta> frats suck!
*** Change: Agenta has left this channel.
(CaptainJ) MK - you can't see it?
<Magyar> no comment
<Fratman> any new news?
<Losty> Hack, Cough, Wheeze...
*** Change: dragonldy has left this channel.
(CaptainJ) **passes Losty a mint for his throat**
*** Signoff: lizzie
*** Change: dragonldy has joined this channel (+WAR).
<MK> I can c that your name is in () but why?
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: new brit troops sent to gulf immediately. 500 tro
ops. apparently to manage iraqi pows? (prisoners)
*** Change: taifun has joined this channel (+WAR).
(CaptainJ) MK - my /nick name of CaptainJ as I send msgs or my real name?
(PeaceServ) Report from Yabba-Dab: CNN: Saddam announces he GIVES UP! heh, just
<Magyar> sputter
<rlscero> Agenta must not be allowed in any!
<Rajil> i'd rather see the people supporting the president, to get the damn thin
g over with, than protesting, which will evidently drag the war out...
*** Signoff: selman
<Losty> OK.. Raj..
<Rajil> i myself have made no pro/con opinion...
<Magyar> I will be going now, bye
<Rajil> bye...
<Losty> Not right, just ok.. X-}}}
<Losty> Cu Mag
*** Signoff: Magyar
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: finnish tv says that syria will not attack if israe
l attacks iraq
<Rajil> rush, i entirely agree with you...
<devadip> rajil: pretty exhausted. being learning/ programming all the time. new
s buzz thru my head.
*** Change: tumppi has joined this channel (+WAR).
<shari> did anyone listen to henry kissenger?
*** Change: Angelle has left this channel.
<Losty> Support the TROOPS!!! NOT the decision!!!!!
*** Change: marekp has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Bokonon) Oil is part of the balance of power...a big part over in the mideast..
<hunted> rush: gosh, you're right.. and if Bush decided to start executing jaywa
lkers we should all support him so that jaywalking is stomped out sooner...
(Tippy) shari: Bullshit, not two weeks before the invasion Saddam issued statee
nts aboutKuwait not following its oil quotas in OPEC and tht he was upset about
<faidros> rlscero: if SH had seen a way to "save face" a few days earlier, maybe
he would have gone for it?
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: walters, us ambassador bonn, germany: i'm sur
e the allies will win, it's not america against iraq , it's iraq against the all
<Rush> rajil: thank you. at least someone around here does.
*** Change: marekp is now known as Marek
*** Change: Jurgen has joined this channel (+WAR).
<shari> tippy: i mean why WE are there, not his invasion.
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: question - is anybody logging +report and where log
s can be found..
*** Change: dragon has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Palin has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: stuart has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Rush> hunted: don;'t hand me any stupid arguments. Bush is at war. this is hard
ly a bcomparision between jaywalking. get real.
<hunted> rush: I'm not saying Hussaein jaywalked... he did much much worse (inco
mparably worse), but we do not have to support Bush just because he's prez.
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: ...: iraq does not have nuclear wappons... is
reali will stay calm even if there is a new attack this night...
(Tippy) shari: so why are we there? To stop the political machine of Saddam Hu
ssein. To protect Saudi Arabia. To carry out UN policy.
<rlscero> faidros: I agree with bush, let SH lose face and look like the aggress
ive murderer he is.
*** Signoff: dragonldy
<Rajil> rush: you're welcome... i'm conservative... and see that we're in too de
ep to turn back...
*** Change: Marek has left this channel.
<devadip> rajil: germans are pretty worried about terrorist strikes. myself not.
*** Change: peter has left this channel.
(Bokonon) If Bush wants to have a personal war, let HIM go over and fight it, I
<shari> tippy: no, to protect the so called "moderate" regimes, the monarchies.
<Losty> Tippy.. Oil, Oil, Oil, Then!! Then!! SH..
*** Change: thut has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: DataU
*** Change: DataU has joined this channel (+WAR).
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*** Change: Toto has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Rush> hunted: AFTER the fact arguments. it's happening now. gotta support the d
ecision. and if you wanna talk before the fact then I support the decision.
<Palin> signoff
*** Signoff: Palin
<Losty> And to protect the Sanctity of Kuwait.. a country where women can't even
(PeaceServ) Report from CAPJisCNN: comment by military advisor to CNN: just beca
use Iraq has the capabilities to produce chemical weapons does not mean they hav
e the capability to deliver them via missiles. (OPINION).
<shari> rush: this is the US, people can support what they want.
(Tippy) the ones who asked for the support from the UN... you have to remember t
hat we decided to join the UN, and we decided that we swoudl support their decis
<shari> women can drive in kuwait, losty.
*** Change: Blonder has joined this channel (+WAR).
<hunted> rush: gosh.. you mean after HE makes the decisiuon *I* can't disagree a
nymore.. niec free country you see...
<Rush> shari: sure, but don't try to supress my opinions. I'm just arguing here.
*** Change: Jurgen has left this channel.
(Tippy) losty: Killl SADDAM!
<rlscero> Bokonon: You must be kidding, a personal war? I guess it is personal t
o those who live in Kuwait, have relatives there, or friends there.
<Losty> Right.. 1988 Sorry!!
<Fratman> is there anyone here that thinks that the protesters are doing any goo
(dragon) Right on tippy!
(Tippy) no....
(CAPJisCNN) /kill saddam?
(Bokonon) it's Saudi Arabia where women can't drive...
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: war has become necessary after SH has left ou
t a lot of "last chances"
<Losty> Tippy.. Yes & No...
<shari> rush: i was commenting on your statement.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: cspan house of reps debate going on. looks like a
sleeper. will check periodically.
<rlscero> no...
<Rajil> PEOPLE, could we /msg a bit more... everything is going too fast...
(Tippy) dragon: it's time to just take the guy out... of power or life... doesn'
t matter to me...
(CAPJisCNN) SWAN - when aren't they?
(CAPJisCNN) :)
<Losty> CJ.. hehehehehe
<shari> tippy: another would just pop up. killing him solves nothing.
(PeaceServ) Report from twelvebit: ..Manhole covers in NYC being welded shut s.t
. terrorists cant drop bombs down them...
*** Change: Angelle has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Rush> what was my cooment.? sorry I had to leave terminal. stupid /log won't wo
*** Change: Valheru has joined this channel (+WAR).
<faidros> Well, yes, I don't mean WE should come pu with a way for SH to save hi
s face. What would have been great is if there had been a way to make SH underst
and his situation and how he can, well, ALMOST save his face...
(CAPJisCNN) Rajil - if you just want war reports, you can go to +report and just
listen (friendly advice)
(Tippy) it took him a long time to get to power.. who's to say the next will be
jsut as radical?
*** Change: Angelle has left this channel.
(dragon) tippy: I say hire an assassin and get the job done quickly and then *po
of* no more war.
*** Signoff: Toto
*** Change: Valheru has left this channel.
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: CAPJisCNN confirm: Yesterday a german millita
ry expert said that iraq is not able to let them explode...
<shari> dragon: his death would not stop the war. his cabinet supports him.
(Tippy) dragon: I agree... can't figure out why they didn't think of that month
s ago...
<Losty> Tippy, there EVERYBODY is Radical.. Some More than others....
<Rajil> capjiscnn: i'm not wanting war reports, i'm wanting what i see, unfortun
aly it's hard as hell to read my screen...
<Fratman> drag: i say we hire an iraqan assasin to pick him off....
(PeaceServ) Report from twelvebit: (s.t. = such that)
<shari> losty: not all. please don't generalize.
*** Signoff: Grod
(stuart) shari: His cabinet is a bunch of hand picked yes men.
<Rush> shari: fact is, he cabinet are probably those who will assasintte him.
(Bokonon) Saddam Hussein is no worse than a bunch of other nasty dictators...he
just happens to be sitting on a bunch of oil. That's what it's really about, yo
u know.
<rlscero> American planes reportedly bombing from turkey, NPR reports.
(PeaceServ) Report from twelvebit: Source: CBS news in newyork, earlier today.
(PeaceServ) Report from CAPJisCNN: Military advisor says it takes sophistication
to release gas properly from a missile delivery system.
(dragon) shari: it would certainly help.. Can you imagine the confusion of tryin
g to find someone else to lead the war??
(Tippy) no way Boko... not just oil...
<shari> dragon: if something happened to bush, quayle takes over, i am sure he h
as the same setup
*** Change: Agenta has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Losty> Shari, Jor, syr, PLO, Egy, Mebbe not Saudis.. But all the rest...
<Rush> bokonon: sorry it's not all about oil, it's all about greed for military
might and a quest for nuclear weapons and control of a region very much in our i
(dragon) Boko: do you want another Hitler taking over countries?
*** Change: Grod has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Fratman> boko: it's about the aggressive act of hussein's
#ruben# Temporary server at BLH going down. Ordinary server up in one minute.
(Tippy) rush: exactly...
(PeaceServ) Report from twelvebit: What the city is doing is welding closed the
manholes on major streets (takes less than 5 min per hole), to prevent communica
tions lines, etc. from being damaged by a terrorist bomb.
<shari> syria is not radical?
<Rajil> barrassing...
<Rajil> oops
<hunted> losty: any WHY is it very much in our interests? OIL!
(Bokonon) If we were interested in human rights, we wouldn't have supported Pino
chet and we wouldn't be ignoring the other dictators...
*** Signoff: Blonder
<rlscero> Oil is not the reason, it is the power associated with that oil. Ownin
g 50% of the worlds oil would allow him to control every economy in the world.
<shari> they are helping kill lebanon
<Losty> Hunted, I'd let U say it.. X-}}}
(PeaceServ) Report from jase: where is BLH
*** Signoff: Grod
*** Change: fisu has joined this channel (+WAR).
<hunted> losty ;)
<Fratman> pentagon briefing coming...
<Rajil> rush, you still out here?
*** Change: Blonder has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Rush> hunted: because of israael, because of oil, because of economy, and very
volatile region.. we can't afford to have a bastard like saddam have a nuclear w
eapon like that in that kind of environment.
(PeaceServ) Report from twelvebit: New York City
(Tippy) ..besides, intelligence all pointed to Saudi as his next target.
<Fratman> navy rear admiral john connell (?)
(Tippy) shit!
<Losty> Rush: "SH spent 10 Bill on Weapons..." And We didn't???
(DataU) (whois hacker
<MK> help
*** Change: Pepper has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: CAPJisCNN has left this channel.
(Tippy) Troops have been moving for the last 2 days...
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: cnn pentagon : satisfied with progress, impressed
with reliability of system and performance of men and women. coalition aircraf
t continue to hit hard targets.
(PeaceServ) Report from twelvebit: capjiscnn; I'm not in nYC now... HEard it ea
(dragon) hunted: well then how do you propose we take him out? Ask him to come o
ut with his hands up real nice?
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: millitary officials: no ground troops will be
involved till next week. till then iraqi defense stations will be destroyed ...
(PeaceServ) Report from Ej: test
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: precision targets hitting military avoiding civili
<Fratman> allies have been firing mainy on miltary facilties...
<Rush> boko: yes, we did. the US is very double standard in our policies, I will
admit that, but I think in this case we are right. back then. yes, we goofed up
, but then it was in our best intereset so they say.
*** Signoff: tee
*** Signoff: pahakala
<Losty> Rush "So They Say" WHO????
*** Change: SCUD has joined this channel (+WAR).
<faidros> rush: how do you know when you're right and when you're wrong?
<devadip> re scud
*** Change: Bertin has left this channel.
*** Change: Blonder has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: hunted
(PeaceServ) Report from Jazco-ABC: news conference on ABC
<rlscero> Boko: yes we do tend to change course, who doesn't?
<Rush> losty: our govement of course. I don't agree with everything they do but
I do agree strongly in this matter.
<Fratman> hola, scud
<vivid> 45.5 hrs!
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: (much blather).... gen kelley now. 'we are 45.5 ho
urs into operation. more than 450,000 troop in theatre.
(PeaceServ) Report from Foo: AP: Iraq claims to have hit "political, economic, a
nd scientific targets in Tel Aviv, Haifa and other places in Israel" in last nig
hts missile raid, according to a government communique. Also claims 72 Allied p
laned down.
<Losty> Rush, I agree w/ Very lil...
(Bokonon) I just don't think that the best interests of the oil industries are t
he best interests of the country. If we had a sensible energy policy, we wouldn
't need to make war over oil.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'happy with results but keep in mind this is early
<Rush> faidros: hey! we can only try. I read my facts I take PoliSci in the past
, I have taken econ classes. I read the papers, I look at reports, it's not all
ignorance you know.
*** Change: Quin has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Fratman> so far, we haven't seen any scuds hidden in civilian areas....
*** Signoff: MK
<vivid> missing at least 2 SCUD's.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: questions. 'searching for scuds like crazy. none
in civilians centers. many scuds hit. '
<SCUD> im right here .. come and get me
(all uncertain).
<Rajil> correct 1971
*** Change: imad has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Bokonon) Statistics: cost/day of Desert Shield in Sept: $600 million. budget/
year of alternative energy research in the US: $411 million. Yearly ratio, war
to research: 533.
*** Change: naciri has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'iraqi air defense is sophisticated, execution has
been poor though'
*** Signoff: dragon
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: jordanian parliament: all muslem nations shou
ld leave the alliance...
*** Change: vivid has joined this channel (+WAR).
<rlscero> Maybe whe should include Jordan in the bombing runs?
*** Change: Bandit has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Losty> Boko.. Especially When we have the best source of oil in USA.. X-{{{
<Fratman> not aware of any aircraft that escaped the country of iraq....
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'portion of iraqi air force disabled?' 'no aircraf
t escaped iraq that we know of. will not discuss operational aspects. things g
oing as planned.'
<faidros> boko: what about total budget?
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: no arcraft have escaped iraq
<Quin> anyone know the truth about whether women are now elligible for the draft
<Rajil> agreed rls
<Losty> RLS No.. We ""LOVE"" Jordan.....
<Calvin> Has anything happened in the past two hours in Israel?
<Fratman> we know no pows
*** Signoff: vivid
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'american prisoners of war?' 'don't know of any.
could be.'
<devadip> cal: no
<Fratman> (general kelley)
*** Change: DrWho has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'apache helicopter?' 'used and working well. no c
omment on how.'
*** Change: rlscero is now known as oldman
<Calvin> Why is Jordan clalling for dissolution of alliance?
*** Signoff: condron
(Bokonon) faidros: Don't know about total cost of Desert Shield/Storm...probabl
y the ratio is larger than what I said.
*** Change: oldman is now known as oldone
<Losty> Calvin, in a word, Israel...
*** Change: Warren has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: '2107 combat sorties flown, 196 missiles fired.'
<Fratman> launched 2107 combat sorties, and 196 cruise missiles
*** Change: Bravo has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Calvin> israel didn't attack did it?
(Tippy) only 196 missles?
<Losty> Bokonon, ruffly 1B/Day now...
<devadip> cal: no.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 80% effectiveness appx. looks good. 'allies ache
ived air superiority?' 'not yet'
<oldone> I'm still amazed at the number of sorties.
<imad> I see you found your way....
<Fratman> hard to say how long it will take....
<Calvin> Thanx for the update, gotta go...
*** Change: cau has joined this channel (+WAR).
<CNN> hmm.. heard that one patriot missile costs $1 million.. :-O
<devadip> c u cal
*** Signoff: Calvin
*** Change: Sherlock2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: cau
<devadip> cnn: 24 patriot=200 mill $
<Losty> Cnn, You heard right.. X-{{{{
<Warren> Are there mobile missles in Iraq and have been fired?
<Rush> 1 tomahawk runs about $1 Million.
<Fratman> their large army has to be rooted out?
*** Change: lisbet has joined this channel (+WAR).
<oldone> well, gotta go. (done working... HaHa) Enjoyed the exchange.
*** Change: oldone is now known as rlscero
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: large army will need to be rooted out. cautioned
against over optimism. lost A-6 plane today.
<Losty> And we were the biggest debtor nation BEFORE DS/S
*** Change: Bravo has left this channel.
<Fratman> we lost an a-6 today, no planes lost in dogfights....
*** Change: KaiK has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: Dahran: another scud hit Dahran...
<Rush> losty: unfortunately yes. the deficit is gonna be a big monster now to ki
ll. argh..
<Fratman> hit dahran?
<lisbet> Can I please have a quick update on today's activities?
<Losty> Rush, Well.. Let's set up a servcice....
*** Signoff: rlscero
*** Change: Katala has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'blah blah blah' 'no knowledge of circumstances ab
out a6 shot down.'
(Tippy) lisbet: war, war, war, any other questions?
<Rush> what kind of service? huh?
<Fratman> a-6's are performing exceptionally well....
<Losty> Need an answer to a world problem?? 976-Usam....
(PeaceServ) Report from Napoleon: German: Any Patriots fired?
*** Change: Maleger has joined this channel (+WAR).
<devadip> lisbet: no israeli retail so far.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'all equipment has operated stunningly well.' 'c
an scuds be stopped once launched, what about patriot?'
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: satellite transmission time very low...
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'hitting scuds as found.' (dodged question)
<sullivan> whois lisbeth
*** Change: squonk has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from German_tv: napolean: yes but destroyed scud only seconds
before hitting ground
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'saddam hussein is still in charge we think. took
out much of communication.'
*** Change: JohnGalt has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: PPAT has joined this channel (+WAR).
<JohnGalt> Bokonon, salutations.
*** Change: listen has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Quin> how many scuds have hit SA now? anyone know?
<Losty> UncleSAM.. That's right folx. Need a dictator overthrwn?? How bout a min
or Coup??
*** Signoff: Rajil
*** Change: helloman has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Katala has left this channel.
<Rush> quin: don't know, I know we got a SCUD with a Patriot though.
<Losty> This week, Get all 3 major networks FREE!! (CNN Extra, Cable.. ya know..
*** Change: faidros has left this channel.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'airstrikes (US) launched from turkey? Not sure w
<Losty> The TROOPS need our support yes.. The Soldiers Don't!!
<APRadio> hey,'s just the news....
<Losty> The People Do!!! the guns Don't!!!!
<Matrix> what7s the difference losty?
<lisbet> losty What do you mean. The troops are made of soldiers
<Quin> any LONG war is not necessarily going to be like nam... WWII ran years, a
nd it was not a nam.
*** Change: Doom_Frog has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Sorry, froze up on me..
*** Change: eiverson has joined this channel (+WAR).
<hpw> any confirmation about israel retaliation?
<APRadio> losty:so, we should let hussein get away with such an aggressive act..
(eus) Thinking about Nam, just think about the Gulf War leftover.
<Losty> Like yelling at an umpire... You can scream, yell, swear at the uniform
all day long...
<Quin> losty: I fail to understand the distinction
*** Signoff: Doom_Frog
(jph) I believe this war will be over fast...we're MUCH farther ahead this time.
*** Change: Doom_Frog has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Matrix> a 'nam is a war with little or no support and is unwinnable because of
the lack of morale
<Doom_Frog> This might be better..
(jph) and we've got a HUGE advantage
<Losty> But you yall at the MAN IN the uniform, and Look Out....
*** Change: jester has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> So, like I said listen..shouted bomb bagdad, support our troops...wa
ved flags..etc..
<Quin> and a nam has no definite beginning, goals, or end.
*** Change: Balrog has left this channel.
<Losty> The People in uniform deserve our support, but the army don't...
<Matrix> exactly!
<Losty> Neither does the mideast problem quin...
<CNN> Three major systems are used to detect SCUDs.. satellites/AWACS/Jay-Star (
last system name morher tongue is Finnish you see)
*** Change: Pepper has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> That was about it..tipped over a car after (buncha drunken students
got rowdy)
(eus) US was better than VC in Nam too...
<huber> NO war is "winnable"
<Quin> it had a definite beginning, and definite goals... end hasnt happened yet
<Doom_Frog> I went out and joined the rally myself.
*** Change: michael has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Losty> MAtrix.. And the ppl in unps unif. ARE the umps.. So??
<Doom_Frog> :)
*** Change: Harri has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> If there's another, I'll join that one too...
<Matrix> i dont get your point...
*** Change: rowley has joined this channel (+WAR).
(jph) We've already trashed the place though
<Losty> Quin, did it begin w/ Iran-iraq?? Christ. /Palestinians??
<APRadio> losty: at least try to make since in your idiotic statements...
*** Change: Katze has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: michael has left this channel.
<Quin> neither do i
<huber> Well I'm in San Francisco and glad to see so much anti-war activities
(eiverson) Why douldn't the Israeli's shoot down an incoming Scud?
<Quin> troops, losty, troops... we did not send the army to help iraq in the ira
n/iraq war.
<mtiger> isn't also odd that when our ambassador to Iraq was told that Iraq was
considering invading Kuwait our official position was that "the affairs of Arab
countries are not our affairs"
(gfm) we are better
(gfm) cuz we kick ass
*** Change: jph has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Addiction> lo losty!
<Doom_Frog> Course, it is always possible that sometime down the road the US and
china could become enemies..but I doubt it...
<Losty> Doom-Frog But We Do... They did the same thing Iraq did....
<CNN> the CNN gyu in Tel Aviv was very tired..
(snooker) huber : let's face it : the oil plays a BIG PART in it -- but of cours
e, there are worse reasons to kick a dictator
<Losty> High Addiction??
<jph> UNIX machine had to /etc/shutdown for a few minutes
<lisbet> Can you blame him CNN
<Addiction> hehehe not now im not
*** Signoff: zythum
<Losty> Cnn, No really?? X-}}}
(gfm) Saddam is a madman
(eus) US will fight China if there is any special interest.
(gfm) Most arabs are..Heh!
<CNN> Hmm..what does this mean?? CNN returns to "normal programming" ???!?!???
<jph> Maddas (madass) == Saddam backwards :)
<huber> US isn't going to fight China! gt real....
*** Change: peter has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: xinu has joined this channel (+WAR).
<mtiger> we wouldn't fight China. they are much to large for us to bully.
<Losty> eus THERE IS SPECIAL INT.!!! Tibet=Kuwait=panama=ElSalv.=grenada
<Quin> us came close to fighting china over Tianeman (sp) square thing...
*** Change: Icarus has joined this channel (+WAR).
<xinu> what about Turkey?
<Losty> We SHOULD HAVE!!!
<Doom_Frog> Attacking China would be like attacking Russia..
<huber> Quin: I don't think so
<mtiger> now we didn't !
<xinu> do you think Iraq will attack Turkey?
<Doom_Frog> We could try it..but the cost would be so damaging to us..
<Doom_Frog> that it's better not to.
*** Change: bhaskar has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Addiction has left this channel.
<Losty> Doom!! Forgot that Kuwait also = Baltics.. Let's go get them!!!
<huber> Quin: the US could care less about those students.... did they care abou
t the students at Kent state?
<Losty> Yeah DF!!!!!
<Doom_Frog> I don't follow.
(eus) I mean, VERY special. Think about it a little while, Losty.
<jph> if Iraq attacks Turkey, we've got them from three sides: Saudi Arabia, Tur
key, and Israel
*** Change: mwk has joined this channel (+WAR).
(gfm) huber sounds like a left over acidhead from the 60s
<Losty> eus, Being sarcastic, That's my point!!
<bhaskar> sure
<huber> we should have held out a lot longer...
<Losty> X-}}
*** Change: steve has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Quin> gfm: agree
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: CNN: I would of heard it i am 20 minutes from telaviv.
(PeaceServ) Report from Ely: Eyal: strange, just talked to a friend there and he
logged out suddenly
(gfm) If they keep getting false alarms, the Israelis wont take the sirens serio
(eus) hope nothing bad happened
*** Change: crds has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> I support the US side of the war.
(PeaceServ) Report from mwk: Eyal: Where are you exactly?
(PeaceServ) Report from BigCheese: eyal: heard the sirens on cnn, they have stop
ped now
(gfm) I support the war
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: Nothing on BBC yet
(PeaceServ) Report from Emmett: Report coming out of Jordan.....their parliament
just took a vote .....
(gfm) Noone should just be able to annex a country
<Losty> Net burp, what was my last post...
<steve> hey doom_frog, why support any side of WAR...death is death
<Doom_Frog> But, I am worried about getting drafted and dying or getiting messed
up in the wr, at the same time.
<huber> Should we take a vote?
(eus) well, another false alarm..
(gfm) Look what happened when we let the short guy with the funny mustashe do it
(PeaceServ) Report from Ely: I didnt hear anything here in jerusalem
*** Signoff: bowman
<steve> will a vote matter...
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: Big: strange, i would of heard them from here, i t
hink i heard a very low one just a minute ago (thought it was wind).
*** Change: Dodgeball has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> remember what happened to poland, who took steve and Lofty's positio
<huber> steve: for this channel
<lisbet> What is the vote in Jordan?
<Doom_Frog> They were crushed, and lost their country.
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: I am also listening to the radio so i can't hear a
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: nothing on french TV-5 yet..
*** Signoff: ckd2
<steve> what mean, huber?
(PeaceServ) Report from BigCheese: cnn: no more noise in tel aviv (on planes ove
<huber> just out of intest... I'm amazed at all this PRO WAR stuff
<mtiger> saddam is hardly comparable to hitler
<Pyro> You don't have to support war, just support our troops, The war has start
ed there's nothing you can do about it, the least you could do I support our fri
ends and family over there.
<mtiger> he hasn't the power or the influence that hitler had
*** Change: crds has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> Poland, who took the idea that they shouldn't have a military, becau
se they didn't want to threaten anyone..
(PeaceServ) Report from BigCheese: on=only
(lolo) no war!
(gfm) Why isnt Saddam comparable to hitler?
<steve> oh yeah, well, there are a million of them...I saw NAM,,,
*** Change: Ang has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Dodgeball> mtiger, Hitler had almost no power... at first
*** Signoff: bhaskar
(gfm) Hitler was just a loser, ex-con with nothing else to do but take over the
<lisbet> eus: A student, I was just curious becuase I have been on for a whilean
d never saw those initials
<MooseMan> aaiiieeee
*** Change: Eko has joined this channel (+WAR).
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*** Change: Harri has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: mmj has joined this channel (+WAR).
<mael> frog: oh
<Doom_Frog> the explosions those 196 cruise missil3es would make..god..
(eus) welcome back dude.
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*** Change: CNN has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Bucket2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
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<lisbet> Hi again
*** Change: Shamir has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Shamir> Shalom
*** Change: conslt13 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<jph> CNN: how do you make annoucements?
<mtiger> Dodge: our ambassador told their ambassador that.
(eus) welcome back!
<Shamir> mk: what happened?
<Eko> jjaa
<jph> HUGE netdeath
<Emmett> is report broken?
<Dodgeball> really? I am surprised, but anything is possible. When?
<Shamir> mk: were there any more scud [al hussien] launched against Israel to da
*** Change: conslt13 is now known as dungeon
<Doom_Frog> msg?
<mtiger> our ambassador said that it was an "Arab" matter.
<mtiger> NOT a "Western" matter
(gfm) jph type "/msg +Report <MY REPORT>"
*** Signoff: crds
<steve> send what {jph?
<steve> {/cl
<Doom_Frog> It is now, mtiger.
<Emmett> use /msg +report text
<Dodgeball> He was right in my opinion
*** Change: srinand has joined this channel (+WAR).
<MK> shamir: 2-5 AM. no more
<mael> mtiger: what country are you from?
<Shamir> westerners do not understand the implications of Iraq
*** Signoff: srinand
*** Signoff: Pyro
*** Signoff: mtiger
*** Signoff: adelgado
(eus) lisbet : those are not initial. those are language you probably never hear
d of. It means "Is there any Malays here?"
*** Signoff: eisman
(gfm) i want to see a Scud fall short and hit Jordan..that would be the balls
*** Change: MooseMan has left this channel.
*** Change: eisman has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
(PeaceServ) Report from leviathan: good call guys, CNN confirms satellite re-ent
(PeaceServ) Report from Emmett: Air raid sirens were caused by a Soviet Satellit
e re-entering the earth's it was a false alarm.
<Shamir> mk: how many missles actually hit
*** Signoff: Doom_Frog
*** Signoff: mael
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: the alert in israel was caused by russian satellite
re-entering earth and burning
<fisu> gfm: straight from a Monty Python movie..;)
(PeaceServ) Report from Emmett: Air raid sirens were caused by a Soviet Satellit
e re-entering the earth's it was a false alarm.
(PeaceServ) Report from jph: 196 missles fired at WHO?
*** Change: srinand has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Pyro has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: mtiger has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
<mtiger> who asked where I'm from
(PeaceServ) Report from mwk: What 196 missiles?
*** Change: gl2529 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Dodgeball> Not me
<mtiger> dodge: about a month or two before the invasion
<MK> Shamir: the army doesn't say. Prob it doesn't want Hussein to know how succ
esful he was
*** Change: Doom_Frog has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from gfm: SInce we are the only ones with Cruise missles, I s
uspect AT Iraq
<steve> aha, knew the soviets would get into the act (just a joke)
<Dodgeball> Interesting
(eus) Soviat Sat entering earth?
*** Change: ifaq476 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<gl2529> what's new in the past few hrs ?
*** Change: adelgado has joined this channel (+WAR).
<mtiger> who asked where i'm from?
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
<Shamir> mk: so there was no chemical warfare today.... hasa volhelilah
<Dodgeball> mtiger, I am closing this computer lab at the university
<Dodgeball> of florida
<Dodgeball> it has been nice talking to you
*** Change: srinand has left this channel.
(ifaq476) I had to leave my room right after that 'missle' went into the ocean..
.what happened?
<Doom_Frog> Bye dodgeball..
<Dodgeball> i will be on tomorrow
<Dodgeball> bye
<MK> Shamir: no chem yet
<mtiger> bye dodge, maybe we'll talk again
<steve> bye dodge
(eus) lisbet : UOP = University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif. OK?
(gfm) If Saddam uses Chemicals or Biologicals, he is signing a death warrant for
everyone in his country
*** Signoff: Dodgeball
<Doom_Frog> Pyro: I am going to eat dinner..I will be back after eating..
<CNN> eus -yes, it was a scientific satellite, soviets did announce its re-entry
weeks ago
*** Signoff: Harri
<MK> eus: that's not in se asia!
<lisbet> BYE
<mtiger> well, he had nothing against killing 500000 of his people.
<steve> bye lisbet
*** Change: ifaq476 is now known as Michael
*** Signoff: adelgado
*** Signoff: JR
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: this means in +report -channel, +WAR is for more fr
ee discussions
*** Change: bhaskar has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: GregL has left this channel.
*** Change: Morgaine has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: dr_pepper has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: mmj
<bhaskar> what's up?
*** Change: Gustav has joined this channel (+WAR).
<CNN> gfm - just guess what their next salary will be..
*** Signoff: Harri
(gfm) pretty big
*** Signoff: eus
*** Change: dragonldy has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: mmk has joined this channel (+WAR).
<jph> Fuck you, too, Mistuh Scrooge!
(PeaceServ) Report from Ryman: damn
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: IL Radio: Holland will give israel patriot missile
(PeaceServ) Report from gfm: thanks for that informative report, Ryman
<dr_pepper> hi all
(XDZebra) gfm: Nice to see such friendly people in such a dark time like this.
*** Change: srinand has left this channel.
*** Change: axel has joined this channel (+WAR).
(axel) hello
*** Change: dragonldy has left this channel.
*** Change: GregL has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: rc has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: adamg
*** Signoff: GregL
*** Signoff: Shamir
*** Change: Yabba-Dab has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Morgaine> Hi Axel..
*** Change: Morgaine has left this channel.
*** Change: Gustav has left this channel.
*** Change: srinand has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: IL Radio: Seria promised not to get involvled if i
srael will attack.
<jph> Some hacked the IRC here and called it IU-IRC 3.0.0
(gfm) IRC is AWEFUL CLOSE to IRAC (IRAQ) Maybe its Saddams way of frying our bra
ins and making us unable to fight a war
<jph> heheh
*** Change: Harri has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: dr_pepper has left this channel.
*** Signoff: Eko
*** Change: mmk has left this channel.
*** Change: pswecker has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) I'm scared
*** Change: mwk has joined this channel (+WAR).
<mwk> help
*** Signoff: mwk
(XDZebra) Man, IRC was NEVER this popular. What we need is a good war now and t
*** Change: pswecker has left this channel.
<jph> has anyone seen a MM/1 yet?
(XDZebra) Yeah, I've seen M&M's. Why do you ask?
*** Signoff: eisman
<MK> BBC: 400 fighters against h2 h3!!!
(XDZebra) pardon?
*** Change: srinand has left this channel.
*** Signoff: gfm
*** Change: ware has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Aarzak has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Aarzak> hello?
*** Change: jph is now known as Saddam_Su
*** Change: Saddam_Su is now known as SadamSux
<Aarzak> you spelled hussein wrong.
*** Change: etaipale has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: etaipale
*** Signoff: ware
*** Signoff: Aarzak
*** Signoff: Harri
*** Signoff: bhaskar
*** Signoff: netmbx
*** Signoff: axel
*** Signoff: jaska
*** Signoff: Bucket2
*** Signoff: CNN
*** Signoff: fisu
*** Signoff: Sky
*** Signoff: dungeon
*** Signoff: petteri
*** Signoff: Raider
*** Signoff: Blonder
*** Signoff: Sherlock2
*** Signoff: SadamSux
(XDZebra) h2 h3?
*** Change: srinand has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: etaipale has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: ware has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Aarzak has joined this channel (+WAR).
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*** Change: bhaskar has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: netmbx has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: axel has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: jaska has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Bucket2 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: CNN has joined this channel (+WAR).
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*** Change: Sky has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: dungeon has joined this channel (+WAR).
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*** Change: Raider has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: SadamSux has joined this channel (+WAR).
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*** Change: Eyal has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Pharoah has joined this channel (+WAR).
(axel) question: i've heard that the press was not allowed to broadcast pictures
of the war scenario as i've heard. is that right ?
<Pharoah> Hello, everyone!
<SadamSux> I can be reached vby email at :)
*** Change: SadamSux is now known as jph
<Eyal> hi all
*** Change: kahuna has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Aarzak> hi
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: CNN showed the satallite going into the sea.
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: correction, Seria=Syria.
(PeaceServ) Report from leviathan: i am truly sorry to see such activity on your
sabbath, Ely and Eyal.
*** Signoff: dungeon
(XDZebra) bye everyone
<MK> h2 h3: missile sties that can get to israel
(XDZebra) hi everyone
*** Change: imad has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) I feel like I'm in the middle of a wave pool
*** Change: Yabba-Dab is now known as Saddam
*** Signoff: rc
<jph> 400 planes on just those two sites?
<Saddam> hi folks! It's the "Saddam and Gomorrah" show!
<jph> are they planning on incinerating it?
(XDZebra) ho ho ho
(PeaceServ) Report from BigCheese: cnn report it wasn't a satellite after all
<MK> jph: A bbc report
*** Signoff: Pyro
(XDZebra) I'm laughing so hard my guts are bleeding
*** Change: Sky has left this channel.
<jph> Saddamy: hahaha
*** Change: Pharoah has left this channel.
(srinand) ?
(PeaceServ) Report from BigCheese: cnn: it was a decying soviet booster rocket
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: BBC - soldier suggests that MiG-29:s are still in o
perating condition somewhere in iraq
*** Change: hite has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) What is this about a satellite?
*** Change: rc has joined this channel (+WAR).
<jph> ^
(XDZebra) v
<jph> The satellite was really a booster rocket that died
*** Signoff: Aarzak
<Eyal> now it's a soviet booster rocket.
(XDZebra) where did it fall?
*** Change: ware has left this channel.
*** Change: pswecker has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: axel has left this channel.
<Saddam> how unlikely!
<MK> A soviet satellite fell near tel aviv...
(XDZebra) oh get out of here
<bhaskar> right in front of my terminal xdzebra
<jph> Eyal: what is the mood in your part of the world, and where in israel are
*** Signoff: hite
<jph> XDZ: ocean
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: Isreal is highly expecting another attack very soo
<rc> that's what they say.
<Saddam> Actually, I think it was a gigantic bird that died in flight...
(XDZebra) Eyal: Beat any Palestinians lately?
*** Change: conslt13 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> jph: rehovot, 20 minutes away from isreal.
*** Change: pswecker has left this channel.
*** Change: snpeter has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from leviathan: eyal, keep us informed so long as you are not
in danger, please!!
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: US prime target is scuds now
..if you want to discuss, join +WAR, you'll the the same news relayed from +repo
rt via peaceserv
*** Change: dragonldy has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: qq has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: royi2
(XDZebra) If you want a real argument, lets talk about China and Tibet
<MK> xdz: so u suggerst we leave and wait for them to attack again and then leav
e again and get in again?
*** Signoff: Leo
*** Change: leviathan has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from bhaskar: IRAQ doesn't have harriers or VERTICAL LANDING
(PeaceServ) Report from jph: Iraq doesn't have AV-8B's since those are UK/US onl
*** Change: imad has left this channel.
(XDZebra) They are a bunch of orange growers! You think there is still a threat
*** Change: adelgado has left this channel.
*** Change: Hilbert has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: petteri has left this channel.
*** Signoff: dragonldy
(leviathan) ely, eyal; is everything calm now in Israel?
(Harri) xdz: Half of the U.S was taken from the Frech and the Spanish. Wanna giv
e something back ?
*** Change: mp has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: saudi general..iraqi chemical wapons almost complet
ely destroyed
*** Change: noppe has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) You can't seem to tell me WHY you are STILL there. Its an occupation.
<jph> half the US was SOLD to us by the french
(XDZebra) US purchased what it wanted from the French.
<hpw> who took the land from the Indians
(XDZebra) Spain never had a large land stake in North America.
(Harri) No wars ?
(XDZebra) No wars.
<MK> xdz: they hate israel and are dragged by people like hussein. what would ha
ppened if hussein convinced them to put his army there?
(XDZebra) France was our ally.
(Aronsson) how about California?
<wanka> yes it did , much of texas
*** Change: mp has left this channel.
*** Change: leviathan has left this channel.
*** Change: DrWho has joined this channel (+WAR).
<wanka> calif, too
(XDZebra) Well, I guess then the multinational force would be lining up on the b
order of Gaza.
*** Change: Twilight has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: rehn has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Blonder has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Dov has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Ziggy has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: Blonder
*** Signoff: Eyal
(XDZebra) If someone walked into my land, burned my farm, killed my family, I wo
uld probably have a strong dislike for them too.
*** Change: rehn is now known as Peke
(PeaceServ) Report from leviathan: ely, eyal, you still there?
*** Change: Peke has left this channel.
<MK> xdz: There is NO oil in israel. no multinational force would help us
(XDZebra) Israel has just as much hate for the Palestineans as they have for Isr
<Ziggy> any new news?
*** Change: Beelzebub has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Angelle has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: bajan has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Eyal has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Mode change (+t ) on channel +WAR by
*** Signoff: DrWho
<jph> XDZ: Who the hell do you think started it all in '66?!
<wanka> OK, ELY and EYAL are gone, what's up?
(Beelzebub) Where is everybody? Did the net split?
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: The suggestion of patriot missiles from holland wa
s an acadamic suggestion.
*** Change: drone9 has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) They may have started it, but that was 24 YEARS ago.
*** Change: Puppet has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: tiger has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Harri) xdz:So, give your land back to the indians .
<Twilight> How much more do you think Israel will take before they nuke Iraq?
<MK> Yes but if they will beat us...
(XDZebra) How long is too long?
(Beelzebub) TV coverage seems to be thinning out...
<jph> that thinkg 24 years ago caused this
*** Change: Angelle has left this channel.
<hpw> israel has said they will not use unconventional weapons first
*** Change: Liron has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> hi Liron!
*** Signoff: bhaskar
<Eyal> how goes Liron?
*** Change: d37713v has joined this channel (+WAR).
<wanka> Harri, 9/10 of the world has been aquired by force at some time, the int
ent is to stop it NOW, not reverse the acts of the past.
<hpw> twilight: that means they won't use nukes unless iraq uses chemical/biolog
ical weapons
<MK> xdz: u saw waht hussein did to the curds. The same thing would happen to is
rael if it was beat by them
<jph> Iraq sucks donkeydick
(XDZebra) amen wanka
(Aronsson) hpw: does that mean possible nuke retaliation for a gas attack?
(Liron) Hello all .. Eyal.
*** Change: d37713v is now known as Iceball
(XDZebra) MK you're completely paranoid.
*** Signoff: Puppet
<hpw> i do not know
<Twilight> I think Israel just wating to drop an A-bomb on Iraq.
(Harri) Wanka:agreed ...
(XDZebra) What about Egypt??? They might move on you too! You better occupy Cai
ro fast!
<hpw> can anyone shut him up?
*** Change: bajan has left this channel.
(Liron) Eyal: just fine.. thanx .. with you ?
<MK> xdz: why? u think saddam hates curds more then jews?
(XDZebra) Yeah, shut me up. You don't want to hear the truth.
<jph> /ignore xdzebra
<Eyal> XDZ: if you are in a mood of joking around i suggest you pick a different
<Twilight> I don't know.
(Beelzebub) Twilight...They'll beat the shit out of them with conventional weapo
ns LOOOONNNGG before they turn to their nukes.
(XDZebra) I'm not kidding around.
ing up the OLD problems before we deal with the NEW ones.
(damiano) WHo of you is this visinfo . guy?
*** Change: Blonder is now known as B52-Bombe
(PeaceServ) Report from Leviathan: not draft, just activation of more reservists
and extension of service for those reservists already active
*** Change: B52-Bombe is now known as B52Bomber
*** Signoff: Pyro
<hpw> BEEZLEBUB: that is very good to hear, but i wouldn't bet money on its accu
<MK> old prob are very deep new prob are easier to handle
(XDZebra) MK: So you continue hurting the Palestinians? Beat 'em into submissio
(PeaceServ) Report from Flynn: Not that I know of.
*** Change: Goofa has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Goofa> HOwdy.
<Ziggy> yes it should. but don't you think that getting our soldiers back soon b
y ending this is a little more pressing of a matter?
<star> Eyal: I am from Huntsville Al and you know what was made here. There are
many reports about the Systems used over there that were built here
*** Change: pseudo has left this channel.
<Eyal> start: mmmm
*** Signoff: DrWho
*** Change: MooseMan has joined this channel (+WAR).
<MooseMan> ls
*** Change: Hilbert has left this channel.
<Eyal> XDZ: excuse me?
(Beelzebub) have a point. If I was living in Isreal, I might also not
consider the threat of 2 missle launchers so negligible...
<Eyal> XDZ: do you know what you are talking about here?>
<hpw> have to go people, thanks for the info
<wanka> XDZ, I admit that Israel must work out its problems with the arabs, NOW
is NOT the time to do it however,
*** Change: Ausum has joined this channel (+WAR).
<hpw> good shabbos
*** Signoff: hpw
<MK> xdz: the moment saddam came and promisied to hurt us they supported him. if
they had a country they could let him put weapons there
(sbrack) HEllo.
(XDZebra) GOOD GOD, I can't believe how lame you people are. Everyone is tellin
g me to shut up. Nobody seems to want to discuss anything remotely related to t
he situation. I thought this was a room for DISCUSSION.
*** Change: Swan has joined this channel (+WAR).
<MK> Not me
(sbrack) Who's there?
(XDZebra) I'm not trying to be funny. I'm not trying to aggrevate anyone. I'm
just trying to learn a little more about it from the source.
*** Change: irc-serve has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Twilight has left this channel.
<Ziggy> it is , for discussion , not history leasons
*** Change: damiano has left this channel.
(sbrack) who
*** Change: Eristetty has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: sbrack has left this channel.
<wanka> xdz, the problem is that your discussion is not about the Gulf War (this
channels topic) it's about the palistine problem - I'd suggest you put that asi
de and stick to the problem at hand.
<Ziggy> eyal , you still with us?
*** Change: Eristetty has left this channel.
<MK> xdz: palestinians have stong feelings for the place I leave in. I they wher
e given a country they could arm it to "free" Israel and that is my home
(XDZebra) What is there to discuss about the gulf war? Not much right now. Do
you believe that there is no relation at all between the two conflicts?
(XDZebra) MK: Isn't that a little paranoid though?
<Ziggy> only one because that's what Saddam wanted
<MK> That's why the pal. didn't what th un division in 47
(XDZebra) Its like US moving on Mexico because we're afraid that someday they mi
ght try to invade.
*** Change: Person has joined this channel (+WAR).
(XDZebra) Completely ludicrous
*** Signoff: Person
<Ziggy> eyal...........?
<wanka> of course there is - but we aren't going to get ANYWHERE by throwing the
past in each other's faces - that's why there is a problem in the first place
*** Change: ea has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: irc-serve
*** Signoff: B52Bomber
*** Signoff: Goofa
*** Signoff: netmbx
*** Signoff: Ausum
*** Signoff: Iceball
*** Signoff: Liron
*** Signoff: Eyal
*** Signoff: MooseMan
*** Signoff: Beelzebub
*** Signoff: drone9
*** Signoff: star
*** Signoff: Swan
*** Signoff: _mk_
*** Signoff: kahuna
*** Signoff: Sherlock2
*** Signoff: Aronsson
*** Signoff: noppe
*** Signoff: tiger
*** Signoff: fisu
*** Signoff: CNN
*** Signoff: Bucket2
*** Signoff: jaska
*** Signoff: Harri
*** Signoff: jam
<MK> I'm not afraid of pal. it self I'm afraid of an east front.
(XDZebra) bye
<wanka> mk, why did we lose eyal et al
(XDZebra) Do you honestly think that the world would sit back and laugh if Israe
l was threatened?
<MK> Don't know
<wanka> hold on xdz, i'll be right back
<MK> It did so in 67
(XDZebra) Things have changed.
*** Change: Eyal has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: MooseMan has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Beelzebub has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: drone9 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Liron has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Ausum has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Goofa has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: thut has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: B52Bomber has joined this channel (+WAR).
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*** Change: Leo has joined this channel (+WAR).
<chrism> q
<Doom_Frog> :/
<MK> Doo: what they have to say?
<Poseidon> Historically no wars have been won by air power alone. Eventually for
an occupation US will have to send people in.
<Ziggy> i'm in alaska, they've taken some of the Air Guard over there
*** Signoff: chrism
<Jason> how many people are from the us on here
<jph> ~r
<wanka> posiedon - however a major one with Lybia was avered w/ air alone
<Doom_Frog> Just no reason for panic..they're prepared, Iraq won't win etc..
<jph> probably most of us
<Jason> well they have taken a whole battalion(2000) from here
(Oaklid) I'm in Pittsburgh, PA
<huber> I I can get on the tube is cartoons...
*** Change: MooseMan is now known as Elvis
<Elvis> +join mel
*** Change: Elvis has left this channel.
(Beelzebub) Poseidon....well stated. Hopefully, our air power will considerably
weaken Iraq for our ground troops.
(Liron) /help exec
<wanka> pos- also the seven (six) days war was almost all ari
<Doom_Frog> I'm sure it will..
*** Signoff: lex
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*** Signoff: fsvt
(OO7) .list
(eus) they ARE considering that...
*** Change: Topi has left this channel.
<Ziggy> i'm in Fairbanks , Alaska.. they're posting troops along the pipeline up
<Poseidon> around 600000 was a figure they were hoping for [thhat is old]
<Jason> well my father is in the Army Guard as a helicopter pilot and he is in d
esert training right now
*** Signoff: Doom_Frog
<Ziggy> i hope they don't need him
(eus) Anybody watct TV?
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: troops are preparing for chemical warfare (as usua
l, nothing new). military experts expect a ground war sometime soon. (several d
ays or sooner?)
(Beelzebub) I heard a report (possibly a rumor) earlier that said B-52's carpet
bombed the revolutionary guard, causing 150,000 casualties...This seems rather h
igh to me.
<Ziggy> not lately
<wanka> VERY high
<Jason> PeaceServe: where are you from?
(PeaceServ) Report from Poet: have any of you seen DoomFrog lately? Please RESP
<Jason> 150,000 is to high
<jph> PeaceServ is from microchips
<wanka> hehe
*** Change: henttonen has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Ziggy> have you ever seen what they can do?
<MK> Bell: where u hear it?
<jph> peaceserv is an IRC robot
*** Signoff: Leo
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*** Change: Dov has joined this channel (+WAR).
<wanka> There are only about 250,000 rev guards total
<dragonldy> hey lunch
(Beelzebub) Huber...sometimes you have to fight, despite the conmsequences.
*** Change: n8735053 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<jph> huber: Yes, and we're all pro-war here too
(Angelle) Is anyone here from the RAF?
<jph> RAF?
<fup> dragonldy: they do not conciously go to die, or to kill.
*** Change: n8735053 is now known as niai2
<jph> Royal Air ForcE?
<huber> beel: true, but this isn't the right time
(Angelle) Yes.
<dragonldy> fup: anyone you know in the military?
<Poseidon> Hussein did not attempt a peacefull solution when kuwait exceeded oil
quota 5.5 months is quite enough time to comply
<Ankka> Nuke 'em high
*** Change: niai has joined this channel (+WAR).
<fup> dragonldy: yes. but what does that matter?
(Aronsson) huber: we have your address. The KKK will visit you. We are the devil
in disguise...
(eus) Britain RAF?
<dragonldy> poseidon: right on!
(Beelzebub) Huber....I think we would have had too sooner or later. Iraq is just
too aggressive.(actually, Saddam)
(Angelle) eus: Yes.
*** Change: Duke has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Lunch> The KKK Took My Baby Away!
*** Change: Ziggy has joined this channel (+WAR).
<huber> Aronsson: I wouldn't be suprised.
(Beelzebub) Devil in Disguise...Malmsteen tune!
*** Signoff: Duke
*** Change: ylo has joined this channel (+WAR).
(eus) not me, angelle...
*** Signoff: Op
<dragonldy> fup: just making sure that you have some *basis* from which to talk.
You should know about the military before you condemn it.
<fup> a peaceful solution (according to bush) would include reinstating an immor
al monarchy in the kuwati state.
*** Signoff: Be
<fup> dragonldy: oh, the military, oh that which i do know...
(Angelle) I'm just worried about some friends of mine who are in the RAF...
<dragonldy> fup: and you're still against the war?
<DataStorm> fup: but one recognized by the UN as a legitimate govt
<fup> dragonldy: quite.
<Lunch> Gotta go...see ya later on the beach, dragonldy!
<Poseidon> He built up arms as we waited the longer we waited the more serviceme
n would have to be eventually killed
(Oaklid) well, what does bush plan t doo when he gets iraq out f kuwait?
*** Change: steveb has joined this channel (+WAR).
<dragonldy> bye lunch..
(Beelzebub) Fup...The regime in Kuwait is disgraceful (the exiled one that is)..
.hopefully we will "establish" a new one. (I don't know if I like the sound of t
hat word "establish"....)
*** Change: Lunch has left this channel.
<steveb> hello
(Angelle) Hi.
<fup> dragonldy: i konw that good persons can be molded to commit atrocious acts
<dragonldy> fup: so I suppose you're out demonstrating with the peace advocates
al radio station...but at the time they were to busy to deal with me...
<huber> jph1: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(eus) CNN : I mean any new news? any new action? etc.
*** Signoff: Angelle
*** Signoff: Pharoah
*** Signoff: jph
*** Signoff: Beelzebub
<Ziggy> don't know: eus
(eus) mid : I'm in comp lab.
*** Signoff: jph1
<fup> ergh.
(PeaceServ) Report from lolo: german tv reports on new peace proposal from the u
ssr at the un
<Ziggy> same here
*** Change: Beelzebub has joined this channel (+WAR).
(eus) well...
<Eyal> god: a guy from the middlesex att world has called me and interviewed me
for about 10 minutes after locating me over here on irc.
<dragonldy> Turkey? Anyone hear anything about Turkey getting into this?
(mid) AAA --> Anti aircraft ?????
*** Change: giles has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Ziggy> gustav: from finland right?
(giles) damn fuck
*** Signoff: Beelzebub
<CNN> eus - For last 1/2 "All quiet" stated last live report. Looking
quite good
<fup> har ho.
<fup> middlesex? where was he located?
<fup> not in the uk....
(Godfather) eyal: really?....that'sgreat!....what didya have to say?
*** Change: Goon has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: giles is now known as jph
<huber> Bye... I wish us all peace very soon. And I think we should realize that
none of us know half the story so far....But I'm glad to see so many people tal
king about it here.
(DrWho) so eyal: how did the interview go?
*** Change: niai has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: total has joined this channel (+WAR).
(jph) every other system I've been on crashed
*** Change: niai has left this channel.
<Eyal> god: just feelings and what the streets were like during the attack and n
(eus) anybody know about the new proposal from ussr?
*** Change: fup has left this channel.
<Ziggy> thanks huber, take care
(DrWho) AAA = Anti Aircraft Artilery
*** Change: Beelzebub has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: huber
*** Change: rolf has joined this channel (+WAR).
(mid) DrWho: Thanks...!
<Ziggy> sorry : gustav
<Poseidon> rehi
(Beelzebub) Hey...did just go down?
(mid) Oil go down $2.95
<CNN> ziggy - I am..
*** Change: thut has joined this channel (+WAR).
(jph) yes
*** Change: rolf has left this channel.
(Beelzebub) Ouch...I had trouble getting back on!
*** Change: Pharoah has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Pharoah> Dragonlady: Well, Egypt was/is against Israel for the same reasons tha
t some neighboring countries are -- and that's land dispute. My point was that i
f things go WELL, then the attitude of Egypt towards Isreal may grow more positi
*** Change: kdw1 has left this channel.
<dragonldy> pharoah: Ah I see. I haven't been up to date in world relations..
(jph) neither hhas he
(Beelzebub) was inevitable. Comparison of Vietnam and Iraq wars on NBC.
<Poseidon> If we get rid of iraq perhaps more land to go around also
(jph) Beelz: tell us about it
(eus) dragon : france want to do that since long ago. They just got a reason...
<dragonldy> More peace protests..
<Pharoah> Dragonlady: I'll fill you in on some of that later. I have to eat now
*** Change: grund has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Gustav> There wree comparisons of vietnam and iraq in our college paper the day
after war broke ou
<MK> pha: why? if things go well, Egypt will demand more action from us on the p
al. issue somthing the gov. in israel doesn't like
<dragonldy> ok pharoah
(Beelzebub) jph...they're chanting "never agian! Never again" ...(protest group
led by Ron Kovics)
<Pharoah> Poseidon: Thus causing more dispute, MAYBE
*** Signoff: Liron
*** Change: Liron has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Phoenix> gee...'nam went on for years. this has been going a little over two d
ays. great comparison.
(Beelzebub) Another Vietnam Vet is crying, saying he wish he could offer advice
to the soldiers.
(jph) BeezL: I mean the Nam comparisons
<Gustav> That point has been made, Phoenix
<dragonldy> eus: heheh.. funny.. they said "other countries" but didn't give spe
*** Change: chevere has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Gustav> And that needs to be taken into consideration. If the draft is reinsta
ted, opinions will change overnight
<Swan> ron kovic is an idiot. Someone put the idea in his head that because he
lost his legs he's an authority on war and peace.
(jph) Phoenix: The damages are very close here
(jaska) bye
*** Signoff: jaska
*** Signoff: Ziggy
(Beelzebub) vet admits this war is different, and the soldiers should
and will come home with pride.
<dragonldy> Blood banks are in "war mode" - lotta people giving blood for the tr
*** Change: talso has joined this channel (+WAR).
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: Bernie Shaw and other CNN folks soon LIVE from Amma
n, Jordan!
*** Change: heska has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Poseidon> phar -true but it may help stability if everyone gets elbow room may
be satisfied for awhile
*** Signoff: niai2
*** Change: cindy has left this channel.
<dragonldy> Duchess of York donated blood today..
(eus) another 20 years, we'll get Gulf Vet... crying and wish he can advice the
soilders who are going to have war with China...
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: hey you! Consider donating blood very seriously.
Many people feel helpless to do anything well here's your chance. Red cross ca
lling for donars.
(Ravage) kt-qb3
<steveb> How many allied planes where shot down now?
(Beelzebub) steveb...9 from what I heard last
*** Change: Prong has joined this channel (+WAR).
<MK> Nice doing heska
*** Change: DrWho has left this channel.
<CNN> steveb - 8-9
(Warner) ravage: there's only one winning move ....
*** Signoff: Eristetty
<steveb> bel: so 2 more where shot down today..right?
(Ravage) Checkmate!
*** Signoff: thut
(Ravage) Is Saddam in check yet?
<Pharoah> Beelzebub: hehe yeah...maybe if they sent some GIF and Anim AA fire fi
les :)
<MK> Too many planes shot down
(Beelzebub) I know of an A-6, but I don't know what the other was...
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: bernard shaw describes mad race for border. Says
iraqi govt went out of way to help them. Bernard thanked King Hussein of jordan
for help.
(Prong) Hey all, I haven't heard any news in about 14 hours, what's new?
<Poseidon> k-q3
*** Change: Rush has joined this channel (+WAR).
<steveb> An F15E an an F18 are the only other US planes I know that was downed.`
(Lanzecki) Swan: Who was left behind?
*** Signoff: Topi
(Ravage) g@QwnW /PCu4Z5Z^;rDJBxEkIllegal move!
(Beelzebub) Prong....up to 150,000 Iraquis killed in Carpet bombing raids...revo
lutionary gaurd members.
<dragonldy> Hey! Said on news here that the navy pilots are better trained today
because of the video games they played!!
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: (the race for border was by his cnn crew only didn
't mean to imply mass exodus though i did hear jordan is accepting refugees as i
s syria)
(Prong) Yo! Video games!
<Pharoah> Say, sometimes on the local stations as well as ones in Jerusalem, etc
., you will hear the sound of a modem connecting.... do you think that the net i
s being used for the transmission of classified data (war-related)??
(Ravage) Q-q8 Checkmate!
(Beelzebub) Prong...Isreal said it WILL retaliate...Air raids being stepped up
(Ravage) Did someone say video Games?????
<dragonldy> ravage: yes I did
(Rush) I like Ms. Pac Man
<Poseidon> I dont have very good visualization skills -get confused
(Ravage) I like Twin Cobra.
(Prong) Scramble! (Althought I can't find it anymore...)
(Rush) my favorite though is: Kill the bastard SADDAM
(Beelzebub) Ravage...Twin Cobra....All Right!!!
(agenta) s;afk;lfk;lafk
*** Signoff: agenta
<Pharoah> They we're probably playing S.T.U.N. Runner or perhaps F/A-18 Intercep
(Ravage) Beelzebub! It's awesome!
<steveb> They should have assasinated that sucker.
(Prong) As for news in the last 14 hours, has Saddam done anything else aggressi
(Beelzebub) Ravage....Raiden is like a recent version of Twin Cobra. VERY TOUGH
(Prong) Excuse my typoos. :-)
(Ravage) Ya know why Bush chose Quayle as his Vice? So noone would assasinate h
<Pharoah> Steveb: I am sure that there have been MANY attempts!
(Beelzebub) prong....He's been very other missile attacks
(Prong) Ravage: Common knowledge.
*** Change: tiger has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Prong) Beelzebub: You mean that's it??? They really are keeping a tight lid on
this war.
(Ravage) Prong: Okay....Fork me, right!
*** Signoff: MK
<dragonldy> steveb: right! assassinate him!!
(Prong) Ravage: Silly person.
(Beelzebub) prong...There was a "fa;llse alarm" in Jerusalem last night...Isreal
ites were told to put on their Gas masks.
(PeaceServ) Report from Leviathan: swan, where are you getting your information?
*** Signoff: maja
(Ravage) Thwang!
*** Signoff: netmbx
*** Signoff: _mk_
*** Signoff: Frodo
*** Signoff: Sherlock2
<dragonldy> boom! footage of Tomahawk missle launch
(Prong) netburp!
(Beelzebub)'re telling me
(Rush) hey prong: FINALLY!!! some pro-US support around our campus, I was gettin
g worried, and tired of the protesters.
<Pharoah> there they go again!
<AnkkaVaan> Rubberduck radio reports that saddam is washing his socks because hi
s spares were blown off
<Pharoah> (netburp)
(Prong) I love watching missiles & planes & such... technology is art to me...
(Beelzebub) The only pro war support I saw was on a bathroom wall
(Ravage) Rush: Go Bush! kick Saddam's fucking ass!
(Prong) Rush: Was there a pro-UN march in our campus??????
<Pharoah> hahahahahaha!!
<steveb> Can't they pre-program a cruise missle to search and destroy Saddam by
the smell he emits?
(Rush) ravage: you got that right! Kill that damn bastard.
(Prong) steveb: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
<dragonldy> steveb: Damn don't I wish!
*** Change: talso has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Rush) steveb: or the piss from his pants.
<Poseidon> kill? how about torture?
<Pharoah> Steveb: Maybe a Saddam-seeker would do :)
(Beelzebub) SteveB.....he's been shitting his pants too masks any
smel he emits.
<Gustav> Are we forgetting the point here? To drive him from Kuwait?
*** Signoff: talso
*** Signoff: Warner
(Prong) I hope the Israelis eventually assassinate him... it would be very poeti
<Pharoah> Sentence him to a life long sentence of net lag!!
<steveb> Gustav: call him a taxi..
(Rush) Gustav: ok, then after that can wee kill him? :-)
*** Signoff: bowman
<Pharoah> Steveb: hehehe good one ;-)
<AnkkaVaan> TOP STORY OF THE HOUR: Saddam is pregnant
<Swan> they're showing old footage on cnn.
<Poseidon> I have wondered from the start why we didnt just use a little man w a
sharp knife-assassinate
(Prong) No he's not, he's just happy to see you.
<beans> nope
(Beelzebub) beans...The least NBC have gone back to normal schedul
*** Change: Arttu has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Spider has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Pharoah> *pffffffffpt* Just bean-related news, tis all
*** Change: ken has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Spider> Hi - Ho
<toad> tough beans
<DataStorm> 'bean related news'?
<beans> no name jokes
*** Change: heska has left this channel.
<beans> where is swan?
*** Change: tiger has left this channel.
*** Change: Belgrath has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: steveb
<Poseidon> we didnt have anything to do with it a crazed lunatic acted on his ow
n :]
<Pharoah> Beans: Deal, my nick is spelled wrong anyhow ;-)
(Ravage) Wish I was an Iraqi cryin' Weiner. B-O-L-O-G-N-A.
*** Change: ken has left this channel.
<AnkkaVaan> Saddam is angry b'couse there is no MacDonald's in baghdad
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: 'we sneaked out of bomb shelter.. they wouldn't le
t us out. iraqis were very security and safety conscious at hotel.' '[whining a
bout conditions]'
*** Change: Ravage has left this channel.
(PeaceServ) Report from Leviathan: logout
*** Change: adamg has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Hombre has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Pharoah> Cows are against religion...
<beans> who is swan?
<toad> hey hombre
*** Change: KingFahd has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Hombre> yo
<Pharoah> Moslem, anyway...
(KingFahd) Welcome my people! To Victory!
(Prong) Cows let people grab their tits!
(KingFahd) They ain't tits.
(Prong) Close enuf.
*** Change: weirdo has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: cindy has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: cindy
(KingFahd) Otay. Mooo! Cow lover@!
*** Change: Spider is now known as CNNRules
<Pharoah> Prong: pas de tits
*** Change: adamg has left this channel.
*** Change: beans has left this channel.
*** Change: KingFahd is now known as Khadaffi
*** Change: Pharoah is now known as DamnSadda
<AnkkaVaan> Cows vote against Saddam because he wants to requlate farting during
the war (to save energy)
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: (points out jordans parliament called for arabs to
strike US and side with Iraq)
*** Change: DamnSadda is now known as Pharoah
*** Change: todd has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Khadaffi has left this channel.
<Pharoah> AnkkaVaan: Maybe he can make methane bombs!
<Poseidon> Keep a low profile the feminists are sneaking up to castrate you
*** Change: Saddam has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: todd
<shavlul> it has been anticipated for several days that a satellite will fall in
to the atmosphere... is this rocket booster from a recent (last 24 hrs) launch?
*** Change: Liron has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> garyf: it is just the right thing to do for now.
<Swan> well the rocket booster fell when it was launched, soo. :)
*** Change: tene has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> shavlul: yes it was, like the russian said 'spotnick' ;)
<shavlul> i am very impressed at the restraint the israeli gov't has given in th
e attack. it's more than i would have given|\!
*** Change: tene is now known as Ankka
<Eyal> yes n534256 ;)
*** Change: Ankka is now known as RubbaDuck
*** Change: bowman has left this channel.
<shavlul> several days ago the united states released chemicals into the atmosph
ere to induce an aurora borealis. read it on USEnet
(garyf) Hmm.. For some reason, it seems that Jordan is waiting for Israel to ``
violate'' it's airspace so that it can declare a war.
*** Change: Lancelot has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Lancelot) hi
<RubbaDuck> hai
<Swan> I think some israeli official probably asked, "what will retaliating gain
us?" and they all looked at each other and shrugged.
(garyf) Has anyone here been reading Clari-Net?
<shavlul> King Hussein of Jordan sure is in a tight spot isn't he; between iraq
and israel
<Swan> I have been reading clarinet.
<tjroppane> What about international terrorism ? in Europe ?
<lex> he is between i raq and a hard place...heheheh
<Swan> Jordan's parliament called for arabs to strike the US and allies and side
with Saddam.
(Lancelot) was there a new rocket-attack on israel earlier today ?
<Eyal> Swan: Israel will only retaliate if Jordan will go against us and the mis
siles of Iraq will get more dangerous.
(garyf) Reported terrorists attacks in Chile, two U.S. banks and three Mormon te
mples. - UPI.
<RubbaDuck> no - USSR tried to hit them with a booster rocket
<Eyal> Swan: and not for a matter of gaining anything but simply protecting live
s here.
*** Change: rex has joined this channel (+WAR).
<rex> I've heard that Israel is under attack agian...any confirmation on this?
<tjroppane> what do you mean by protecting lives Here
<Eyal> rex: false.
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: cnn: iraq's information minister called for moslem
s/arabs to attack allied interests and targets.
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: newsconference in baghdad "All arabs against allied
(garyf) Eyal would probably tell us if there is any change.
<lex> eyal: how far away did a missle come from you?
<shavlul> eyal: is the terminal in the "sealed room"?
<Swan> eyal: I wonder how many israelis will be saved by having jordan and syria
attack israel and having the coalition compramised
<rex> eyal: thanks...
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: B-52:s /cruise missiles attack in baghdad
<Eyal> lex: 20 minutes drive away by car.
*** Change: rex has left this channel.
<lex> wow
<Eyal> shavlul: sure is.
<fisu> sure it was B-52:s in Baghdad??
(garyf) CNN - Is that a confirmed report? And who said it?
<shavlul> eyal: does that include traffic jams?
<Eyal> shavlul: nope, i came to israel specially to get drafted (finished high s
chool+first year college in california).
<Op> Eyal: the local newsreporter wannat know if people in revovot are worrried
about addtion attack...
*** Change: Liron has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: JackRippr has joined this channel (+WAR).
(JackRippr) Hiya
<Eyal> Op: We are not worried, guess we got used to all the alert etc... but we
are expecting another attack and ready for it.
*** Signoff: oaklid
*** Change: Fratman has left this channel.
<tjroppane> Maybe the war will not last long . How long do you think it will
go on ?
<lex> a few months prob
*** Change: Fratman has joined this channel (+WAR).
(JackRippr) any news?
(kahuna) any news of activity at or near iraq/turkish border ?
*** Change: pahakala has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: ra has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Fratman> zbye
*** Change: jk87377 has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: Fratman
(garyf) Eyal: If Jordan claims that Israel has violated thier airspace, and sta
rt an attack, do you know if the allied nations in the gulf have said that they
would defend Israel?
*** Change: jk87377 is now known as juhana
<Swan> No activity on iraq/turkey border beyond US using airbases there.
<tjroppane> Are there anybody from Kurdistan logged on ?
<Swan> yeah right!
<Op> Eyal: reporter asking "if peolpe in Israel are ready and willing to retalia
te ...??
*** Change: Heechee has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Op is now known as Reporter
(garyf) Kahuna - Border closed on Iraqi side, mines layed. No confirmed reports
of attacks from US planes stationed there.
*** Change: annemarie has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> garyf: they have said nothing yet, guess they will all help iraq if israe
l will attack (been like that before).
<Eyal> garyf: i.e - six-day-war we have fought 4 countries all alone.
*** Change: d1 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<pahakala> Hi all!
*** Change: DataStorm has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: oaklid has joined this channel (+WAR).
<pahakala> Anything new since six hours?
<tjroppane> If Iraq loses the war, what is going to happen to the borders ?
*** Change: Doom_Frog has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Swan> There were editorials all around the country today calling for israeli re
straint.. calling for them not to retaliate. Gorbachev, Bush and others called
israel to lobby for this, as well as arab restraint.
(garyf) 5:10 am in Baghdad.
*** Change: Hombre has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: Doom_Frog
*** Signoff: oaklid
*** Signoff: pahakala
*** Signoff: juhana
*** Signoff: d1
*** Signoff: JackRippr
*** Signoff: kahuna
*** Signoff: annemarie
<Reporter> liron, eyal:(lcoal reporter on the line real one!!!) .. how much dama
ge was there in Tel Aviv??? as far as you know ...****************
<Pharoah> Finland
(Ravage) Cool!
(Stealth) They didn't have carpet bombing back in Iwo Jima, though.
<Doom_Frog> Finland..nice country...I'm 1/4 finnish..
(PeaceServ) Report from Swan: (eastern airlines went belly up tonight)
(Ravage) I'm about .......0 .....Finnish....
<tjroppane> are you canadian ?
(Ravage) Whom?
<Pharoah> Tjroppane: Your name sounded Finnish, anyway. How long would it take t
o learn Finnish? I would use it a lot
<Eyal> reporter: tell him to call me live.
<Doom_Frog> Eastern airlines went belly up...sheesh..
(garyf) *clap, clap* Goodbye Eastern! [waving]
*** Change: sl35746 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Bye bye eastern.
<sl35746> hi
*** Change: Icarus has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Reporter> what is the phone #
*** Change: Banach has left this channel.
(Ravage) Hello morning star!
(Liron) SORRY WE ARE NOT IN TEL AVIV .. DID NOT SEE IT... (we heard the news jus
t like you ppl did)
<shavlul> chancellor stevens will resign from UC Santa Cruz
<Doom_Frog> (they were fuck-ups anyways)
*** Change: sl35746 is now known as axelrod
*** Change: Icarus has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> Hi morning star! I'm YoDa!
<misha> then again, carpet bombing is largely ineffective anyway. viz VietNam.
(JackRippr) brb
<shavlul> *clap, clap* goodbye chancellor stevens! [waving]
(Ravage) I'm God....But don't tell anyone.
<Swan> would you want his job, with screaming idiots yelling at you every day?
*** Signoff: fisu
(Ravage) Fish!
<Pharoah> Swan: weeelll....
<shavlul> ravage: does god ever lie?
(garyf) Misha - It's effective when you have lots of people on a flat surface wi
th nowhere to hide.
*** Change: Mongol has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Ravage) Shavlul: Not usually.
<Heechee> misha: You can't compare Vietnam with Iraq. The terrain is just the op
<shavlul> swan: chancellor stevens deserved it :-)
<Swan> (that was a reference to chancellor stevens who has a hellish job)
<shavlul> make that ;-)
<tjroppane> Pharaoh : I dont know because very few people study finnish ? Have y
ou heard about the events in Lithuania ?
*** Change: Pun has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Terrain is totally different.
<misha> garyf: hiding is irrelevant, since no-one aims in carpet bombing.
(Ravage) What's going on in Lebanon?
<Doom_Frog> More support for the war too..
*** Change: drwhite has left this channel.
(Ravage) Ah haaaaaa!
<Swan> we go through chancellors like jeni goes through boyfriends, like a wino
goes through cheap whiskey.
*** Change: Mongol has left this channel.
<Pharoah> Tjroppane: Nope... I'm very interested in Finnish because I may eventu
<Doom_Frog> Stealth: Mlx wants to know how I'm using arrakis's server...
*** Change: Dr_Delete has joined this channel (+WAR).
(bt) Happi Happenings Dr_Delete!
<Doom_Frog> You explain it to him.
*** Change: abrams has joined this channel (+WAR).
(bt) Happi Happenings abrams!
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
<Pharoah> Hey Doc!!!!!!!!
(thomas) exit
*** Change: huopio has joined this channel (+WAR).
(bt) Happi Happenings huopio!
<Doom_Frog> Hey doc!
(Dr_Delete) Yo
*** Signoff: thomas
(Stealth) So tell him...
(Dr_Delete) Phar: bm?
*** Change: Addiction has left this channel.
<Pharoah> Doc: Umm...okay, just a sec
<tjroppane> Bye bye!
(Stealth) Someone should write an Amiga client...
<Pharoah> Later, TJ!
<Pharoah> Yeah!
*** Change: tripe has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Lanzecki has left this channel.
*** Change: Batman has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Dr_Delete) What's the news people?
*** Signoff: tjroppane
*** Change: Liron has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Pharoah> Doc: Did you get the message? I called your place voice earlier :-)
*** Change: Concerned has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Batman) I'm batman.
(Batman) Fuck you too.
<mlx> hello bats
*** Change: Orion has joined this channel (+WAR).
(bt) bfd, bathead
<mlx> what
<Reporter> Eyal: hmm... in about 5 min or so..
*** Change: Batman has left this channel.
*** Signoff: Orion
*** Change: Ayatollah has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Addiction has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: shavlul
<Pharoah> Imagine what would happen if you /msg +report Iraq has been hit by a n
uclear weapon!!! Oh shit!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ayatollah) Is this hell?
(Liron) ....2.3......................1.
(bt) ph: don't give unf=derlings those kind of ideas
(Ayatollah) Imagine if this net crashed. Oh Shitttt!
*** Change: chet has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Ayatollah has left this channel.
*** Change: Hombre has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
<Pharoah> If this is heaven, wouldn't that be hell?
(Dr_Delete) /msg +report The U.S. masacres Iraq into small fragments.
<Pharoah> Pharoah falls down laughing.
<Heechee> Pharoah: Wouldn't be funny..
<Pharoah> Saddam Hussein just plain falls down.
(Dr_Delete) Heechee: are you on its's connect?
*** Change: Sonny has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: Liron
not uninhabited.
(bt) 2 in unpopulated areas
*** Change: huopio is now known as CNN
*** Signoff: fisu
<Pharoah> Well, I'm outta here for now...
(bt) and one hit in an area of "unknown content"
(bt) (last I had heard)
<Pharoah> If I'm not back in 5 minutes, call the president.
<Heechee> 2 in sea..
<CNN> ..larry king ...blah blah
(Ravage) Finally, Pharoah. Do some work.
(Dr_Delete) and I quite "We WILL retaliate with weapons of mass destruction."
*** Change: squirrel has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Nati was an ok 'n Aarzak are worried about him..
(Dr_Delete) (said Israel officials before the war)
(Ravage) Larry King sucks Iraqi testicles.
(Dr_Delete) quite=quoote
(Dr_Delete) quoote=quote
(Dr_Delete) =)
<Doom_Frog> Wish we could find some Israeli's who knew where he lived to find ou
t if he's ok..
*** Signoff: mlx
<Pharoah> =) = :-)
*** Change: netmbx has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Concerned> Hey, what's the **latest** on the Gulf War?
(Ravage) 8=O
(Stealth) Nati is a girl.
<Doom_Frog> Rrrribbit!
*** Change: pjm has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Dr_Delete) /kick Pharoah > 2000
<Pharoah> Doom: It is possible through the net ... would take much work
(Ravage) What Gulf War?
(Stealth) She's fine, she was online here when the missiles hit.
<Concerned> What Gulf War???
*** Signoff: jtk
<Doom_Frog> Who's fine stealth?
*** Signoff: chbarry
<Pharoah> Doc: okayyyyy okay
(Dr_Delete) Con: Bush praises israel for their tolerance..
*** Signoff: Pharoah
(Ravage) How is operation Desert Shield coming along. Has Hussein invaded Kuwai
t yet?
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
<Concerned> Hey, I'm new at IRC. Anyone have any advice/pointers?
(Dr_Delete) Con: The Pentagon says they have NOT established air superiority yet
(Ravage) Don't mess up. It's lethal Concerned.
<Concerned> Really? Are Iraqi planes airborne?
<squirrel> Just listen to this for a while! <Concerned :-)
*** Change: Doom_Frog is now known as worriedfr
(Dr_Delete) Con: There are a total of 8 Allied planes lost, 1 is 'unaccounted fo
r' whatever that means.
*** Signoff: Heechee
*** Change: worriedfr is now known as Woredfrog
*** Change: Woredfrog is now known as Doom_Frog
(Ravage) Send Jane Fonda to Iraq. She'll stop the war.
*** Change: Alexander has joined this channel (+WAR).
<squirrel> How about WART-frog
<Concerned> Lethal? :-( *shakes in boots*
<Doom_Frog> Rrrriiiiibbbit!
<Alexander> Hithere!
*** Change: bt has left this channel.
(Ravage) Hithere!
<Concerned> Hi
<Doom_Frog> Send pornos over Iraqi Tv! That'd throw their country into chaos!
<Alexander> can some one plz explain how to get "reports"?
(Dr_Delete) Con: yeah Iraqi planes were/are airborne, but so far there have been
no Allied planes lost due to dog fight. :)
(Dr_Delete) Doom: they wouldn't know what to do with real women. :)
(Ravage) Just malfunctions.
*** Signoff: netmbx
*** Change: Moon has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Har Har! I know Dr...
<Doom_Frog> They'd go berserk though!
(Dr_Delete) =)
<Doom_Frog> :)
(Dr_Delete) Welp, gotta go everyone.
(Dr_Delete) good luck
*** Signoff: Dr_Delete
<Concerned> Ok, why don't the Iraqis have sec ed right after driver's training?
*** Change: abrams has left this channel.
<Alexander> Hi moon!
<Concerned> 'sec' = 'sex'
*** Change: netmbx has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Moon> hi everyone
(Ravage) When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people
to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to
assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and EQUAL station to which th
e laws of ...BREATHE...
*** Change: looter has left this channel.
(annemarie) oh great, misogynistic jokes, just what i always join a channel for
<Moon> how can i get messages new report updates from peaceserv?
<Concerned> Sorry.
(Ravage) Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to to the opinions of manki
nd requires that they declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
<Doom_Frog> You'll see them as messages in this channel.
(Ravage) Thank You.
<Swan> misogynistic joke? where? i missed it???
<Doom_Frog> send a message to peaceserv for instructions.
<Alexander> Doom: how often?
(Ravage) Dr. Pepper, anyone?
<Doom_Frog> As soon as it gets news.
(PeaceServ) Report from Unix: all quiets?
<Doom_Frog> Got that?
<Alexander> Ravage: no tanks.
(Ravage) Who is Unix?
*** Signoff: Concerned
<Alexander> *grin*
<Doom_Frog> Unix! Unix sucks! Hahahahaha
(Ravage) Who is Unix?
<Alexander> Unix is a dude.
<Doom_Frog> Unix the operating system.
*** Change: miller has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Moon> hi
<Doom_Frog> :)
<Alexander> wow a miller!
*** Change: T-Roy has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Ravage) Unix is a dude operating system?
<Alexander> for me?
<Alexander> hehe
(miller) Hi all
<Alexander> Hi Miller
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
*** Change: squirrel has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> Ha Ha Ha
<Alexander> nope.
(Ravage) the definition of a DUDE: a tumor located inside the tube of horse's u
<Alexander> Unix: is a real person.
(Ravage) Unix is the name of my operating system, I thought.
*** Signoff: [_]
<Doom_Frog> Wonder if pyro is coming back on...:/
<Moon> that was lovely ravage
<Alexander> hehe
*** Change: chet has left this channel.
<Alexander> dunno..
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
(Ravage) Moon: Who cut the green cheese? Phew!
*** Change: T-Roy has left this channel.
(Ravage) Anyone got a plug for Doom_Frog?
*** Change: miller has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> Reporter: So a buncah reporters will be hounding us for news now eh?
*** Change: abrams has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Moon> Gee Ravage what a nice way to make an impression
*** Change: Ravage is now known as Hellraise
*** Change: pjm has left this channel.
*** Change: Zot has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Hellraise) Fuckkkkkkkk!
*** Change: Hellraise is now known as Ravage
<Moon> how rude
<Zot> hello???
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
<Moon> hi zot
(Ravage) It's my split personality, Moon.
<Zot> Zot!
<Moon> i see--partl;y caused by me being the moon is suppose
(Stealth) What's this about reporter?
*** Change: Banach has left this channel.
*** Change: Zot has left this channel.
<Moon> seems you scared zot off
(Ravage) Where's the beef?
*** Change: arch has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
(Ravage) Where's that plug?
<Alexander> hehehe
<Alexander> well bye!
<Alexander> see ya later
<Alexander> Laterness...Alexander
(Ravage) her her her
<Moon> how often does peaceserv give updates?
(Ravage) Depends on what is happening in the world, moon.
<Doom_Frog> When it gets new info, moon.
<Moon> so Alex how have you been?
<Alexander> *splat*
<Doom_Frog> Till someone tells it something new, it won't.
<Moon> seems the whole world has gone crazy in the last 48 hours or so
(Ravage) Down with PeacServ!
<Alexander> hey, it's trying
*** Change: cos has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Ravage) Trying to do what?
<Swan> consultant pressed for worst case scenerio: "Well Tom, if a black hole a
ppeared in the middle of iraq, or a large asteroid hit, or the armies of hell ro
se up and were led by satan himself, things would be pretty grim indeed Tom."
<Doom_Frog> I admit, I myself considered asking a reporter if they wanted to wat
<Moon> CNN is making bucks off this war like no one could believe
(Ravage) Swan: Keep swimming.
<Doom_Frog> (the irc news)
(PeaceServ) Report from CNN: Nothing important on CNN: larry king show..
<Maleger> ABC ain't doing bad either
(Ravage) Larry King sucks!
<Doom_Frog> Yep..
(Ravage) Yep..
<dlady> Yep..
<Swan> ravage: qvak qvak!
<Doom_Frog> Nothing on the news right now important..
(abrams) /whois Eyal
<Moon> I prefer ABC--I llike Peter Jennings
<Doom_Frog> eyal is in israel I think..
<Maleger> Jennings is good on foreign affairs
(annemarie) i started out w/abc & note th
<Moon> i have not seen anything since about 2 o'clock today
(Bucket2) Eyal IS in Israel!
(annemarie) note that it's nice to see ted koppel
(abrams) Thanx. Actually, I meant to do /whois eyal, not " /whois eyal"
<Doom_Frog> So...what station/newspaer/radio show ya from reporter.
(abrams) The point is, eyal is not on IRC now, is he?
<Doom_Frog> ?
*** Signoff: arch
*** Change: Adrian has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Signoff: dlady
<Moon> who is eyal????????/
<Doom_Frog> Nope, eyal isn't..
(Bucket2) abrams: No, he's being interviewed on the phone by a reproter
<Doom_Frog> I'm sure some israelis are.
*** Change: twelvebit has left this channel.
<Moon> who is being interviewed,and where and by who?
(abrams) I was going to ask him if he wanted to do exactly that (get interviewed
(Ravage) The Cow Jumped over the Moon.
<Reporter> Moon: Eval will be back soon ...:-) ....
<Moon> thanks ravage
*** Change: Shizen has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Who you with abrams?
(abrams) " /ignore ravage -msg"
<Doom_Frog> reporter: who ya reporting for?
<Shizen> Wow. I'm getting messages again!
<Doom_Frog> I've been doing that for a while myself abrams..
<Moon> i am confused am i suopposed to be?
*** Signoff: DataStorm
<Doom_Frog> Rrribbit!
*** Change: Shizen has left this channel.
(Bucket2) Moon: Yep!
<Doom_Frog> Next they'll start interviewing frogs..
(Ravage) Moon Unit Zappa?
(abrams) I have a relative with an NBC connection. I thoght it would be good ne
t publicity as well as a chance for Eyal to say whatever they wanted.
*** Change: Bis has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Har Har Har!
<Bis> What's the news?
<Shizen> Have you seen the IR pictures of the laser guided bombs yet? Wow.
*** Change: Mix has left this channel.
<pahakala> Finnish radio sais that there's been an alert for missile attack i Is
rael 15 mins ago, could you confirm, Elay?
*** Change: jzemo has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Reporter> bye ..guys .. I will back in 30 mins or so,...
*** Signoff: Reporter
*** Change: Bucket2 is now known as Bucket
<Eyal> jerusalem siren went off
<Doom_Frog> (doom frog is confused by abram's asking him to call CNN)
*** Change: adamg has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> the security people are checking out the reason.
(Ravage) Another false alarm?
<huh> Can anyone hear me?
*** Signoff: Silverado
(Ravage) Yup.
<Eyal> yes.
<cos> huh: yes
<Doom_Frog> Siren is off...uh oh..
<Doom_Frog> I can hear ya, huh.
<Shizen> Do you want us to hear you, huh?
*** Change: Kato has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Ravage) Confirmation, Eyal?
(Bucket) Huh: Read you loud and clear
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: Jerusalem siren went off just now; army is checkin
g out the matter.
*** Change: Fornax has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Ravage) Someone pulled a the fire alarm!!!!
<Doom_Frog> Wow..that wuz quick..
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: no confirmation yet.
<listener> Hope siren is false alarm
<huh> Where am i?
<Eyal> i hear alot of aircrafts now.
<Doom_Frog> Jeez..if Eyal gets cut off after an explosion, I'll freak out..:(
(Bucket) Huh: You tell me!
<Shizen> nod Doom
(Ravage) Whoa.
*** Change: Gwydion has joined this channel (+WAR).
(Ravage) Are the Israeli's attacking?
(Abrams) eyal -- keep talking to us, pal!
<Shizen> Just like the American suicidal news reporters.
<Doom_Frog> I was really bummed out today cuz of Nati being taken out..
<Maleger> Eyal:Do you know why those Isaeli patriots were not operational?
<huh> Is this Super-Connect?
<Doom_Frog> :(
<Gwydion> Nati?
<Doom_Frog> I sad that to Nati yesterday Abrams..
<Shizen> MNP error correction is making this REALLY jumpy.
*** Change: Arttu has left this channel.
*** Change: Holobyte is now known as Canada-I
<Swan> israeli patriots weren't operational because their crews are not trained
<cos> What happened to Nati??
<Eyal> Malegar: because that will be considered retaliating and we can't do that
*** Change: Canada-I has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> Didn't help. ;,(
*** Change: ariel has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: Gwydion has left this channel.
<cos> The Israeli patriots, I heard, are brand new and not yet installed.
<Doom_Frog> He got cut off during the strike yesterday, cos.
<Doom_Frog> (he was in Haifa)
*** Change: Abrams is now known as Steve
<Maleger> Eyal:knocking them down would fall under self-defense wouldn't it?
<Shizen> (wants to get in touch with his friend who was studying in Israel last
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: an explosion was heared in Jerusalem, still checki
ng the reason...
<Doom_Frog> while talking to us on here.
<Swan> Eyal: who fed you that propaganda? :)
*** Change: pepevela has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Eyal> Swan: ;)
<Kato> I heard that Israel will be able to attack if they get attacked again
<Doom_Frog> Explosion in jerusalem?
<Doom_Frog> :(
<huh> who's from BU?
*** Change: Canada-1 has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Maleger> we should have gotten them the patriots sooner
<Shizen> BU?
<Kato> ...if so, I hope they bomb Saddam's ass to hell.
(PeaceServ) Report from Flynn: Eyal, where are you exactly?
<cos> huh: do /WHO -HOST *.bu.*
(Steve) eyal: How bad an explosion -- any clue of what you can see or anything?
<Eyal> Steve: i am hearing aircrafts that's all.
(Ravage) Confirmation Eyal?
*** Change: bt has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Maleger> poor Eyal-bombarded both by missles and questions!
<Eyal> Flynn: I am north to Jerusalem (40 minutes away by car).
(Stealth) SA has given them permission to use their airspace.
*** Change: bt has left this channel.
<Doom_Frog> So eyal: You didn't hear an explosion?
(Ravage) Stealth? Where'd you hear that?
(PeaceServ) Report from Eyal: I am north to Jerusalem (35 minutes away by car).
*** Change: banksie has joined this channel (+WAR).
*** Change: pun has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Moon> who permission to use their airspace
<Doom_Frog> sez the sirons are off now on tv..
*** Change: banksie is now known as Timbo
<Doom_Frog> The US moon, who else?
<Eyal> Doom: just now it got to the tv?
<Doom_Frog> or israel?
*** Signoff: huh
*** Change: Alexander has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Kato> Later guys
*** Change: Kato has left this channel.
<Alexander> RE!
<Doom_Frog> I just saw that on tv...but..
(Steve) Just a note: US TV (CNN included) has no mention of the explosions or p
lanes -- just the air sirens and the fact that they stopped.
<Doom_Frog> it might have been about an earlier siren..
<Doom_Frog> SO: Be careful.
<Moon> my question too Doom
<Doom_Frog> Fox 50.
<Shizen> Yeah. the sirens got hit by the missiles.. :)
(Canada-1) Nice firework display in Baghdad on CNN.
<Shizen> (nod canada-1)
<Timbo> Hi folks, New Zealand here - what is the latest in the Gulf?
(Steve) Doom_frog: That was this siren they reported on.
<Swan> CNN mentioned sirens in israel? I missed it.
<Swan> Iraq and supporters are praying to god that Israel will take the bait and
hit back. I wonder if they will play into Iraq's hands.
*** Change: mael has joined this channel (+WAR).
<Doom_Frog> Us attacked Iraq by plane, Iraq lauched missiles at iraq, 10 hits.
<Timbo> Steve: phew - that is good news!
(john) the mayor of Tel Aviv said the should NOT retaliate (his OPINION)
(Aussie) Steve: you have to ask to be allowed to send to +report
*** Unknown Command: LOG
(Aussie) Doom_Frog: did you say that right?
*** Value of LOG set to OFF
*** Log file ended
IRC Log ended Fri Jan 18 22:34