MPSC Town Planner Exam Detail
MPSC Town Planner Exam Detail
MPSC Town Planner Exam Detail
(Marks 10)
(B) Procedure of Land Acquisition under L.A. Act 1894.
letters will be sent by post. As far as possible, only the candidates who are eligible in terms of this
advertisement & prospectus, will be admitted for the Screening Test. However, in case of a candidate
whose eligibility is disputed, may be admitted provisionally subject to verification of his eligibility. If at any
stage of selection it is found that the information given by a candidate in the application is false or wrong
or that a candidate does not satisfy the conditions of prescribed qualifications for the post, his candidature
for the examination will be cancelled. Candidates should appear for the examination at their own
Viva - Voce and Personality Test :- The candidates who will qualify in the Screening Test and who
are eligible for the post according to the provisions mentioned in advertisement, will alone be called for
interview by Commission. All such candidates will be summoned by the Commission for Viva-Voce and
Personality Test which they will have to attend at their own expenses at Mumbai.
Place : Mumbai
Date : 11 th August, 2008.
N. S. Patwardhan
Deputy Secretary,
Maharashtra Public Service Commission.