D-Neuron in Schizophrenia Research

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Advances in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (ABB) Volume 2 Issue 3, September 2013


D-neuron in Schizophrenia Research

Keiko Ikemoto
Department of Psychiatry, Iwaki Kyoritsu General Hospital,
Iwaki, 973-8555, Japan
Although dopamine (DA) dysfunction is a well-known
hypothesis for etiology of schizophrenia, molecular basis of
mesolimbic DA hyperactivity has not yet been clarified. To
explain this, modulating function of trace amines on DA
neurotransmission and the decreased number of striatal Dneurons, trace amine-producing neurons, were considered.
Notably, Trace Amine-Associated Receptor, Type 1 (TAAR1),
a subtype of trace amine receptors, with a large number of
ligands, including tyramine, -phenylethylamine and
methamphetamine that have influence on human mental
state, is now regarded as a targeted receptor for novel
neuroleptics. Reduced stimulation of TAAR1 on DA neurons
in the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA) has been
revealed to increase firing frequency of VTA DA neurons.
The decrease of D-neurons in the striatum and nucleus
accumbens of postmortem brains of patients with
schizophrenia has been reported. This implies the decrease
of trace amine synthesis and consequent reduction of the
stimulation of TAAR1 on terminals of midbrain VTA DA
neurons, and may lead to mesolimbic DA hyperactivity in
schizophrenia. The decrease of striatal D-neurons of
postmortem brains of schizophrenia might be due to neural
stem cell dysfunction in the subventricular zone of lateral
ventricle. The new D-cell hypothesis, in which D-neurons
and TAAR1 are involved, is in agreement with recent reports
of TAAR1 research using animal models.
Dopamine; D-neuron; Trace Amine; Schizophrenia; TAAR1

Dopamine (DA) dysfunction (Hokfelt et al. 1974, Toru
et al. 1982) glutamate dysfunction (Watis et al. 2008,
Olbrich et al. 2008) neurodevelopmental deficits
(Christison et al. 1989, McGlashan et al. 2000) or neural
stem cell dysfunction (Reif et al. 2006, Duan et al. 2007)
are well-known hypotheses for etiology of schizophrenia.
DA dysfunction hypothesis suggested that mesolimbic
DA hyperactivity caused positive symptoms such as
paranoid-hallucinatory state of schizophrenia (Hokfelt
et al. 1974, Toru et al. 1982). It is also explained by the
efficacy of DA D2 blockers for paranoid-hallucinatory
state and also by hallucino-genic acts of DA stimulants
including methamphet-amine or amphetamine (Hokfelt

et al. 1974, Toru et al. 1982). Glutamate dysfunction

theory was induced by the fact that intake of
phencyclidine (PCP), an antagonist of NMDA receptor,
produces equivalent to negative symptoms of
schizophrenia, such as withdrawal or flattened affect,
as well as positive symptoms (Watis et al. 2008,
Olbrich et al. 2008). The neurodevelopmental deficits
hypothesis implicates that schizophrenia is the
consequence of prenatal abnormalities resulting from
the interaction of genetic and environmental factors
(Christison et al. 1989, McGlashan et al. 2000). Neural
stem cell dysfunction has also been shown to be a
cause of schizophrenia (Reif et al. 2006, Duan et al.
2007). Although mesolimbic DA hyperactivity
(Hokfelt et al. 1974, Toru et al. 1982) has been well
documented in pathogenesis of schizophrenia, the
molecular basis of this mechanism has not yet been
detailed. In the present article, the author hypothesized
the involvement of striatal D-neurons and trace amineassociated receptor, type 1 (TAAR1) in the pathogenesis
of mesolimbic DA hyperactivity of schizophrenia
(Ikemoto et al. 2003).
The D-cell described by Jaeger et al. in 1983 in the
rat central nervous system and defined as the nonmonoaminergic aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase
(AADC)-containing cell contains AADC but neither
dopamine nor serotonin (Jaeger et al. 1983). It can also
produce trace amines (Boulton 1974, Boulton & Juorio
1979), and may act as an APUD (amine precursor
uptake and decarboxylation) system that takes up
amine precursors and transforms them to amines by
decarboxylation (Komori et al. 1991). The localizations
of D-cells are specified into 14 groups, from D1 (the
spinal cord) to D14 (the bed nucleus of stria terminalis)
in caudo-rostral orders of the rat central nervous
system using AADC immunohistochemistry (Jaeger et
al. 1984a, b). In this usage, the classification term D
means decarboxylation. In rodents (Tashiro et al. 1989,
Komori et al. 1991, Mura et al. 2000), a small number
of D-cells in the striatum have been rostrally described
and confirmed to be neurons by electron-microscopic


Advances in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (ABB) Volume 2 Issue 3, September 2013

observation (Komori et al. 1991). The author with coworkers reported in 1997, dopa-decarboxylating
neurons specific to the human striatum (Ikemoto et
al.1997, 1998, Kitahama et al. 1998, 2009), that is, Dneurons in the human striatum (Kitahama et al. 1998,
Ikemoto 2004) (classified to be D15) (Kitahama et al.
1998), and later, the reduction of the number of Dneurons in the striatum, including nucleus accumbens
of patients with schizophrenia (Ikemoto et al. 2003,
Ikemoto 2004).

to the decrease of the amounts of trace amines in the

nuclei, though direct evidences have not yet been
demonstrated. Enlargement of the lateral ventricle
(Degreef et al. 1992, Horga et al 2011), a usual finding
documented in brain imaging studies of schizophrenia,
is possibly due to dysfunction of neural stem cells of
the subventricular zone (Reif et al. 2006, Duan et al.

Trace Amine-Associated Receptor, Type 1

Cloning of trace amine receptors in 2001 (Borowsky et al
2001, Bunzow et al. 2001), elicited enormous efforts to
explore signal transduction of these G-protein coupled
receptors whose genes are located on chromosome
focus 6q23.1 (Miller 2011). The receptors have been
shown to co-localize with dopamine or adrenaline
transporters in monoamine neurons and to modulate
the functions of monoamines (Xie & Miller 2007, 2009,
Lindemann et al. 2008). The trace amine-associated
receptor, type 1 (TAAR1) having a large number of
ligands, including tyramine, -phenylethylamine
(PEA) and psychostimulants, for example methamphetamine, 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
(Bunzow et al. 2001, Zucchi et al. 2006, Miller 2011),
has become a targeted receptor to explore novel
neuroleptics (Bradaia et al. 2009, Revel et al. 2013).
TAAR1 knockout mice showed schizophrenia-like
behaviors with a deficit in prepulse inhibition, as well
as greater locomotor response to amphetamine and
released more DA (and noradrenaline) in response to
amphetamine than wild type mice (Panas et al. 2010).
It has been shown that TAAR1 has a thermoregulatory
function (Wolinsky et al. 2007). It was clarified that
increased stimulation of TAAR1 receptors on cell
membranes of DA neurons in the midbrain ventral
tegmental area (VTA) reduced firing frequency of
VTA DA neurons (Bradaia et al. 2009, Panas et al. 2010,
Revel et al. 2013).
A New D-Cell Hypothesis of Schizophrenia
A new theory, D-cell hypothesis, to explain
mesolimbic DA hyperactivity in pathogenesis of
schizophrenia is shown in Figure. In brains of patients
with schizophrenia, dysfunction of neural stem cells in
the subventricular zone of lateral ventricle causes the
decrease of D-neurons in the striatum and nucleus
accumbens (Reif et al. 2006, Ikemoto 2008). This leads


The reduction of TAAR1 stimulation on DA terminals

of VTA DA neurons, caused by trace amine decrease,
would increase the firing frequency of VTA DA
neurons (Bradaia et al. 2009, Panas et al. 2010), leading
to the increase of DA release in the nucleus accumbens,
and then resulting in mesolimbic DA hyperactivity. It
has been shown that D2 stimulation of neural stem
cells in the striatum inhibited forebrain neural stem
cell proliferation (Kippin et al. 2005). Then, striatal DA
hyperactivity may accelerate D-neuron decrease,
which accelerates hyperactivity of meso-limbic DA
system. Actions of D2 blocking agents in
pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia might partially be
explained by the decrease of inhibition to forebrain
neural stem cell proliferations. It is consistent with
clinical evidences that initial pharmacotherapy using
D2 blockers is proved to be critical to prevent
progressive pathognomonic procedures of schizophrenia.
The D-neuron, i.e., the trace amine-producing neuron,
is a clue for pathogenesis schizophrenia. Further
exploration of signal transduction of the D-neuron is

The present study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for

Scientific Research from Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (C-22591265).

Advances in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (ABB) Volume 2 Issue 3, September 2013


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