7 Things You Should Never Do in Law School
7 Things You Should Never Do in Law School
7 Things You Should Never Do in Law School
Zedy Macatiag
There is a whole new world inside this college, but it will not exactly be a fantastic of point of view.
You will read more, you will have less sleep, and you will be put under more pressure than you ever
had in your undergrad years. Depending on how well you will handle yourself in the coming weeks,
you will either say Let it be, kaya ko pa, or scream Let me out, ayoko na!
To help you adjust more easily with this new chapter in your life, here is a list of 7 things that you
should never ever do now that you are a student of the UP College of Law. You may find these
things commonsensical, but if you have done them before anyway, then this list will explain why
doing them again will only endanger your stay in this college.
1. Dont Come to Class Unprepared
Every week in law school, you will be expected to read more than what you studied for the
whole semester in an undergrad class. You need to read wisely and to prepare for recitation
once the professor calls you. If you get called and you know nothing about the cases for that
meeting, then youre as screwed as Jon Snow was innever mind; if you cant infer the rest
of the reference, you have some catching up to do before law school takes over your life.
Even if you don't get called in the end, entering a class without reading anything and hoping
that you won't get picked to recite will still be an unpleasant experience. Its like entering a
haunted house and hoping that you won't see a ghost inside. It's terrifying and it will haunt
you for the rest of the period. So study well before coming to class. Remember that your
time in law school will be spent less inside the classroom and more on your study table.
2. Dont cut classes
Never ever think its better to be absent because you havent studied anyway. Recitation takes
a major part of your grade in most classes, and some profs will only call you once or twice
for the whole sem. If your class card is drawn and youre not present, the general rule is that
you will automatically get a five, which is hard to recover from. So ALWAYS COME TO
CLASS. Even if you havent read everything, at least you still have a chance to bluff your
way to a tres if youre in class. (Dont worry; its normal to be humiliated by a profyou just
have to stay strong). Some students even go to class even when theyre sick. Better to be sick
than to fail.
3. Dont sleep in class
This is a gratuitous warning to those who have a habit of snoozing in class. If your prof in
law school catches you dozing on your desk, expect an unforgettable scolding that will leave
you wide awake for the rest of the period. But dont worry, you wont likely get drowsy in a
class that makes you tense and worried by the possibility of being the next student to recite.
4. Dont wear shorts or flip flops to class
Law school is not just about cases and codes; its also about your clothes. Lawyers are
expected to display propriety even in their outfit, and they are trained to dress properly as
early as law school. So do not come to class thinking that academic freedom extends to your
sartorial preferences. Dont wear shorts and argue that tsinelas could be an emblem of vice
presidents; your professor will just retort that such cannot be the case for lawyers.
5. Dont be a snob
Dante could not pass through inferno alone; neither can you pass through law school by
yourself. You will find many people who can help you get by in UP Law and that includes
your blockmates. You and your blockmates should help each other in writing digests, making
reviewers, planning for finals dates, etc. These things will not work if you show indifference
among yourselves. So start being convivial as early as now. Give joy if not love to your
blockmates, as well as to other people you meet at Malcolm Hall. But of course, be friendly
not just because you need help. Be a genuinely nice person and you will realize that
friendships do exist even in hell.
6. Do not forget to relax
Devote most of your time to your studies, but never all of it. Law school should not deprive
you of your freedom to do the things that make you happy. You will no longer have as much
free time as you had before, but with the right attitude and self-discipline, you can surely
have enough time for law school as well as other things. The trick is to study hard without
letting yourself go crazy in UP Law.
7. Do not just depend on this list
Obviously, this is not complete list, and no amount of advice from a primer or elsewhere
can ever tell you everything you need to know about being a law student. Most of these
lessons you will realize along the way. In the first week alone, you will already learn many
things, both inside and outside the classroom. But your goal should be to learn as many as
possible until you graduate. Just like enjoying a good movie, you will thoroughly appreciate
law school only if you finish it.