Edpc 505
Edpc 505
Edpc 505
Group discussions should however be more focused on the topic of the paper. All papers must
address some topic of crisis/trauma intervention, and the discussions should evolve with your
knowledge of the subject over the term. The 3 page paper is due the class following your
presentation and must include: An overview of what the paper addressed, the methodology used,
your critique (methodology, sample, results), and what your group discussed. Do not go over the
allotted three pages.
Resource Research (10%)
Each student must hand in a list of 5 different resources (only one phone resource allowed)
serving different populations (other than the ones from your poster presentation) found in the
Montreal area. Included with this must be all relevant and specific information such as:
1) Location and demographics (e.g. phone number, hours of service)
2) Clientele served (be specific. age, sex, culture, language )
3) Services offered (e.g. day care only, live in, telephone, individual, groups, length.) Be
specific of the services offered, as if presenting to a client.
4) Cost if any
5) Contact person. Specify if there is no contact person.
Provide specific details as if you would be providing information to a client in need of a
resource. Also details on the type of interventions offered.
*This assignment is due October 4 but can be handed in at any time prior to this date.
Poster Presentation (35%)
Each group (2 people) will prepare a poster on a specific crisis/trauma intervention. The
focus will be on a specific intervention, during a specific crisis, with a specific population. This
will include a description and use of a specific crisis intervention technique. The presentations
will be graded on the visual appeal, the content, your ability to address the subject from an
intervention perspective, as well as your ability to present professionally during the poster
presentation. The final paper is due the class after your presentation and this will include the
information found in the poster presentation. It will also include a list of your references. More
details will be provided regarding the criteria of the poster presentation.
Test (30%)
Multiple choices and short answers format, covering lecture material and all chapters assigned
until the test. The majority of the material tested will come from the class presentations and
application of the concepts. You cannot miss the test without a doctors note.
Participation (5%)
Participation is very important in this class format. Learning will only happen if everyone
does the readings and participates in the ensuing discussions. Please come to class prepared.
Because participation marks often favor the more extroverted students and punish those students
who are not as comfortable to speak out in a large class, most class work discussion will be
evaluated on the work done in the smaller groups. Participation will also be based on attendance
and appearance of interest. One mark from your participation grade will be deducted for every
missed class. Presentations are not finished in this class until the last day and therefore it is
important for all students to attend to the end of the term. Also for any student who misses more
than 2 classes throughout the semester, I reserve the right to add a further requirement (e.g.
paper, project, etc.)
1.Empirical Paper and Discussion
Presentation (Quality, Content, Presentation)
Copy of Presentation & Write-up
3.Resource Research
I will be in my office or in class hour prior to each class. If you need to see me at a
different time or earlier, please email me and we can make arrangements. If you have any
questions, concerns, comments, and/or suggestions please do not hesitate to speak with
me or email me. If you have emailed me and I have not responded within 24 hours,
please assume that I did not receive the email.
2. Course Etiquette: The use of technology is exclusively for taking notes. If it gets
disruptive, you may be asked to leave the class.
3. Students are strongly encouraged to fill out the online evaluation for this course at the
end of term. Online course evaluation serve primarily as a tool toward teaching
improvement, and informing students about courses, and as one of the elements for
evaluating the teaching performance of staff for reappointment, tenure and promotion
purposes. For more information consult the following link:
4. All papers must be in proper APA format. All papers are due on their due date. If they are
handed in late, one full grade will be deducted for every week that it is late (e.g. an A will
become an A-). Handing something in on Wednesday morning is considered a week late.
Handing something in to the wrong place will also be considered late.
5. You will be forming groups with students you may not know. Because your presentation
marks are group marks, please deal with group problems in a fashion, which will allow
each of you to receive the mark for which you have worked.
6. McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the
code of student conduct and disciplinary procedures (see
http://www.mcgill.ca/integrity for more information.
7. In accord with the McGill University Charter of Students` Rights, students in this course
have the right to submit in English or in French any work that is to be graded.
8. If you have a disability please contact the instructor to arrange a time to discuss your
situation. It would be helpful if you contact the Office for Students with Disabilities
398-6009. http://www.mcgill.ca/osd.
9. Additional policies governing academic issues which affect students can be found in the
Handbook on Student Rights and Responsibilities, Charter of Students` Rights.
Sept. 6:
Sept. 13:
Readings: Chap 1: Approaching Crisis Intervention (pp.1-13)
Chap 2: Culturally Effective Helping. (pp. 28-44)
CBT and Mindfulness
Sept. 20: Chap 3: The Intervention and Assessment Models
Readings: Chap 4: Basic Crisis Intervention Strategies
Sept. 27:
Readings: Chap 8: Suicide
Group article discussion # 1
Oct 4:
Readings : Chap 7:Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Group article discussion # 2
Oct. 11:
Readings: Chap 9 and Chap10(pp. 297-328 Partner Violence and Sexual Assault
Group article discussion # 3
Oct. 18:
Readings: : Chap 11.Chemical Dependency
Group article discussion # 4
Oct. 25:
Nov 1:
Readings: Chap 12: Personal Loss: Bereavement and Grief
Group article discussion # 5
Nov. 8:
Readings: Chap 13: Crises in Schools
Group article discussion # 6
Nov. 15
Readings: Chap 16: Avoiding Burnout
Poster Presentation
Nov. 22:
Poster Presentation
Nov 29: