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Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC),

developed by David Wechsler, is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of
6 and 16 inclusive that can be completed without reading or writing. The Fifth Edition (WISC-V) is the most
current version. The WISC-V takes 4865 minutes to administer and generates a Full Scale IQ (formerly known
as an intelligence quotient or IQ score) which represents
a childs general intellectual ability. It also provides ve
primary index scores (i.e., Verbal Comprehension Index,
Visual Spatial Index, Fluid Reasoning Index, Working
Memory Index, and Processing Speed Index) that represent a childs abilities in more discrete cognitive domains.
Five ancillary composite scores can be derived from various combinations of primary or primary and secondary
subtests. Five complementary subtests yield three complementary composite scores to measure related cognitive abilities relevant to assessment and identication of
learning problems.

questions to make them less biased against minorities and

females, and updated materials to make them more useful
in the administration of the test.
As of fall 2014, the current version of the WISC is the
WISC-V. Also the Wechsler scales have been translated
and adopted for so many countries all over the world
such as the Japanese versions of WISC-IV by Japanese
psychologists including Kazuhiko Ueno, Kazuhiro Fujita,
Hisao Maekawa, Toshinori Ishikuma, Hitoshi Dairoku,
and Osamu Matsuda.

2 Test format
The WISC is one of a family of Wechsler intelligence
scales. Subjects 16 and over are tested with the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), and children ages three
years to seven years and three months are tested with
the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
(WPPSI). There is some overlap between tests, with children aged 7 being able to complete the WPPSI or the
WISC-IV, and children aged 16 being able to complete
the WISC-IV or the WAIS. Dierent oor and ceiling
eects can be achieved using the dierent tests, allowing for a greater understanding of the childs abilities or
decits. This means that a 16 year old child who has mental retardation may be tested using the WISC-IV so that
the clinician may see the oor of their knowledge (the
lowest level).


The original WISC (Wechsler, 1949) was an adaption

of several of the subtests which made up the Wechsler
Bellevue Intelligence Scale (Wechsler, 1939) but also featured several subtests designed specically for it. The
subtests were organized into Verbal and Performance
scales, and provided scores for Verbal IQ (VIQ), Performance IQ (PIQ), and Full Scale IQ (FSIQ). A revised
edition was published in 1974 as the WISC-R (Wechsler, 1974), featuring the same subtests however the age
range was changed from 5-15 to 6-16. The third edition
was published in 1991 (WISC-III; Wechsler, 1991) and
brought with it a new subtest as a measure of processing speed. In addition to the traditional VIQ, PIQ, and
FSIQ scores, four new index scores were introduced to
represent more narrow domains of cognitive function: the
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), the Perceptual Organization Index (POI), the Freedom from Distractibility
Index (FDI), and the Processing Speed Index (PSI).

The WISC-IV was divided into fteen subtests, ten of

which formed part of the previous WISC III. The ve
new subtests include three core tests: Picture Concepts,
Letter-Number Sequencing, Matrix Reasoning and two
supplemental tests: Cancellation and Word Reasoning.
The supplemental subtests were used to accommodate
children in certain rare cases, or to make up for spoiled
results which may occur from interruptions or other circumstances. Testers were allowed no more than two substitutions in any FSIQ test, or no more than one per index. A total of ve composite scores could be derived
with the WISCIV. The WISC-IV generated a Full Scale
IQ (FSIQ) which represented overall intellectual ability,
the four other composite scores were the Verbal Comprehension index (VCI), Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI),
Processing Speed Index (PSI), and Working Memory Index (WMI).

The WISC-IV was produced in 2003 followed by the UK

version in 2004. Each successive version has re-normed
the test to compensate for the Flynn eect, ensuring not
only that the norms do not become outdated which is
suggested to result in inated scores on intelligence measures, but that they are representative of the current population (Flynn, 1984, 1987, 1999; Matarazzo, 1972). Ad- Each of the ten core subtests were given equal weighting
ditional updates and renements include changes to the towards the Full Scale IQ. There were three subtests for

both the VCI and PRI, thus they were given 30% weighting each; in addition, PSI and WMI were given weighting
for their two subtests each. The WISC-IV also produces
seven scaled process scores on three subtests: Block Design, Cancellation, and Digit Span. These scores were
intended to provide more detailed information on cognitive abilities that contribute to performance on the subtest. These scores did not contribute to the composite
The VCIs subtests are as follows:
Vocabulary - examinee is asked to dene a provided
Similarities asking how two words are
Comprehension - questions about social situations or
common concepts.
Information (supplemental) - general knowledge
Word reasoning (supplemental)- a task involving
clues that lead to a specic word, each clue adds
more information about the object/word/concept.
The Verbal Comprehension Index is an overall measure
of verbal concept formation (the childs ability to verbally
reason) and is inuenced by knowledge learned from the


Letter-Number Sequencing children are provided a series of numbers and letters and asked to
provide them back to the examiner in a predetermined order.
Arithmetic (supplemental) - orally administered
arithmetic questions. Timed.
The PSIs subtests are as follows:
Coding children under 8 mark rows of shapes
with dierent lines according to a code, children
over 8 transcribe a digit-symbol code. The task is
time-limited with bonuses for speed.
Symbol Search children are given rows of symbols and target symbols, and asked to mark whether
or not the target symbols appear in each row.
Cancellation (supplemental)- children scan random
and structured arrangements of pictures and marks
specic target pictures within a limited amount of

3 Psychometric properties

The WISCIV US standardization sample consisted of

The PRIs (formerly known as Perceptual Organization 2,200 children between the ages of 6 and 16 years 11
Index) subtests are as follows:
months and the UK sample consisted of 780 children.
Both standardizations included special group samples in Block Design children put together red-and- cluding the following: children identied as gifted, chilwhite blocks in a pattern according to a displayed dren with mild or moderate mental retardation, children
model. This is timed, and some of the more di- with learning disorders (reading, reading/writing, math,
reading/writing/math), children with ADHD, children
cult puzzles award bonuses for speed.
with expressive and mixed receptive-expressive language
Picture Concepts children are provided with a se- disorders, children with autistic disorder and Aspergers
ries of pictures presented in rows (either two or three syndrome (Aspergers is a form of autism), children with
rows) and asked to determine which pictures go to- open or closed head injury, and children with motor imgether, one from each row.
Matrix Reasoning children are shown an array WISCIV is also validated with measures of achieveof pictures with one missing square, and select the ment, memory, adaptive behaviour, emotional intellipicture that ts the array from ve options.
gence, and giftedness. Equivalency studies were also conducted within the Wechsler family of tests enabling com Picture Completion (supplemental) - children are
parisons between various Wechsler scores over the lifesshown artwork of common objects with a missing
pan. A number of concurrent studies were conducted to
part, and asked to identify the missing part by pointexamine the scales reliability and validity. Evidence of
ing and/or naming.
the convergent and discriminant validity of the WISC
IV is provided by correlational studies with the following
The WMIs (formerly known as Freedom from Dis- instruments: WISCIII, WPPSIIII, WAISIII, WASI,
tractibility Index) subtests are as follows:
WIATII, CMS, GRS, BarOn EQ, and the ABASII. Evidence of construct validity was provided through a se Digit Span - children are orally given sequences of ries of exploratory and conrmatory factor-analytic studnumbers and asked to repeat them, either as heard ies and mean comparisons using matched samples of clinand in reverse order.
ical and nonclinical children.


The WISC is used not only as an intelligence test, but as a

clinical tool. Some practitioners use the WISC as part of
an assessment to diagnose attention-decit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities, for example.
This is usually done through a process called pattern analysis, in which the various subtests scores are compared
to one another (ipsative scoring) and clusters of unusually low scores in relation to the others are searched for.
David Wechsler himself suggested this in 1958.[1]

Subsequently, the WISC can be used as part of an assessment battery to identify intellectual giftedness, learning diculties, and cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
When combined with other measures such as the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment SystemII (ABASII; Harrison & Oakland, 2003) and the Childrens Memory Scale
(CMS; Cohen, 1997) its clinical utility can be enhanced.
Combinations such as these provide information on cognitive and adaptive functioning, both of which are required for the proper diagnosis of learning diculties and
learning and memory functioning resulting in a richer picture of a childs cognitive functioning.

The WISCIV has also been co normed with the

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-II UK (WIATII
UK; The Psychological Corporation, 2005), a measure of
academic achievement. This linkage provides information on both cognitive ability and academic achievement
in children. Tests of intellectual functioning are used extensively in school settings to evaluate specic cognitive
decits that may contribute to low academic achievement,
and to predict future academic achievement. Using the
WISCIV in such a manner provides information for educational intervention purposes, such as interventions that
When diagnosing children, best practice suggests that a address learning diculties and cognitive decits.
multi-test battery (i.e., multi-factored evaluation) should
be used as learning problems, attention, and emotional The WISC-IV can also be used to assess a childs cognidiculties can have similar symptoms, co-occur, or re- tive development, with respect to the childs chronologciprocally inuence each other. For example, children ical age. Using such comparisons with other sources of
with learning diculties can become emotionally dis- data, the WISC can contribute information concerning a
traught and thus have concentration diculties, begin to childs developmental and psychological well-being. Very
exhibit behavior problems, or both. Children with ADD high or very low scores may suggest contributing factors
or ADHD may show learning diculties because of their for adjustment diculties in social contexts that present
attentional problems or also have learning disorder or problems in accepting such developmental diversity (or
mental retardation (or have nothing else). In short, while that cannot accommodate more than a certain level of
diagnosis of any childhood or adult diculty should never high cognitive functioning.)
be made based on IQ alone (or interview, physician examination, parent report, other test etc. for that matter)
the cognitive ability test can help rule out, in conjunction 5 Translations
with other tests and sources of information, other explanations for problems, uncover co-morbid problems, and WISC has been translated or adapted to many languages,
be a rich source of information when properly analyzed and norms have been established for a number of counand care is taken to avoid relying simply on the single tries, including Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Norwesummary IQ score (Sattler, 2008).
gian, Swedish, Finnish, Croatian, French (France and
The WISC can be used to show discrepancies between Canada), German (Germany, Austria and Switzerland),
a childs intelligence and his/her performance at school English (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Aus(and it is this discrepancy that school psychologists look tralia), Welsh, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese (Hong Kong),
for when using this test). In a clinical setting, learn- Korean (South Korea), Greek, Romanian, Slovenian and
ing disabilities can be diagnosed through a comparison Italian. Separate norms are established with each transof intelligence scores and scores on an achievement test, lation. (Norway uses the Swedish norms). India uses
such as the Woodcock Johnson III or Wechsler Individ- the Malins Intelligence Scale for Children (MISIC), an
ual Achievement Test II. If a childs achievement is below adaptation of WISC. The fourth edition of WISC was
what would be expected given their level of intellectual adapted and standardized for India in 2012.
functioning (as derived from an IQ test such as the WISCIV), then a learning disability may be present. Other psychologists and researchers believe that the WISC can be 6 References
used to understand the complexities of the human mind
by examining each subtest and can, indeed, help in diag- [1] Kaplan, Robert M.; Saccuzzo, Dennis P. (2009). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues (Sevnosing learning disabilities.
However, the research does not show this to be a very effective way to diagnose ADHD or learning disabilities.[2]
The vast majority of ADHD children do not display certain subscores substantially below others, and many children who display such patterns do not have ADHD. Other
patterns for children with learning disabilities show a
similar lack of usefulness of the WISC as a diagnostic
tool.[3] Although, when Cattell Horn Carrol (CHC) theory is used to interpret the WISC-IV subtest, things tend
to make a great deal more sense.

enth ed.). Belmont (CA): Wadsworth. p. 262 (citing

Wechsler (1958) The Measurement and Appraisal of Adult
Intelligence). ISBN 978-0-495-09555-2. Lay summary (9
November 2010).
[2] Watkins, M.W., Kush, J., & Glutting, J.J. (1997). Discriminant and predictive validity of the WISC-III ACID
prole among children with learning disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, 34(4), 309-319
[3] Ward, S.B., Ward, T. J., Hatt, C.V., Young, D.L, & Mollner, N.R. (1995). The incidence and utility of the ACID,
ACIDS, and SCAD proles in a referred population. Psychology in the Schools, 32(4), 267-276
[4] Psychological Testing Unit. antarnadfoundation.org.
Retrieved 7 September 2010.

Cohen, M. (1997). Childrens memory scale. San

Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
Flynn, J. R. (1984). The mean IQ of Americans:
Massive gains 1932 to 1978. Psychological Bulletin,
95(1), 2951.
Flynn, J. R. (1987). Massive IQ gains in 14 nations:
What IQ tests really measure. Psychological Bulletin, 101(2), 171191.
Flynn, J. R. (1999). Searching for justice: The discovery of IQ gains over time. American Psychologist, 54(1), 520.
Harrison, P. L., & Oakland, T. (2003). Adaptive
behaviour assessment systemsecond edition). San
Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2005). Psychological Testing: Principles, applications, and issues.
Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth
Matarazzo, J. D. (1972). Wechslers measurement
and appraisal of adult intelligence (5th ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
The Psychological Corporation. (2001). Wechsler
individual achievement testsecond edition. San
Antonio, TX: Author.
Ward, S.B., Ward, T. J., Hatt, C.V., Young, D.L, &
Mollner, N.R. (1995). The incidence and utility of
the ACID, ACIDS, and SCAD proles in a referred
population. Psychology in the Schools, 32(4), 267276
Watkins, M.W., Kush, J., & Glutting, J.J. (1997).
Discriminant and predictive validity of the WISCIII ACID prole among children with learning disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, 34(4), 309-319
Wechsler, D. (1939). Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale. New York: The Psychological Corporation.


Wechsler, D. (1949). Wechsler intelligence scale for

children. New York: The Psychological Corporation.
Wechsler, D. (1991). The Wechsler intelligence
scale for childrenthird edition. San Antonio, TX:
The Psychological Corporation.
Wechsler, D. (2004). The Wechsler intelligence
scale for childrenfourth edition. London: Pearson Assessment.
Wechsler, D. (1974). Manual for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenRevised. New York:
Psychological Corporation.
Wechsler, D. (1949). The Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children. New York: Psychological Corp.

7 External links
WISC-IV at Fairleigh Dickinson University site
David Wechsler Biography

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