ss9 Course Overview
ss9 Course Overview
ss9 Course Overview
Mr. Weichel
Contact and Availability
School hours until 4PM
Phone extension #123
Course Introduction
In Social Studies, it is our hope that
students learn more about themselves,
Hernn Corts and his conquistadors
storm the Aztec Teocalli
each other, and the world we inhabit. In this
course, we hope that students develop
critical thinking skills and demonstrate their ability to interpret evidence, navigate
perspectives, and embrace the process of inquiry. Students in Social Studies 9 will
develop these skillsets while investigating multiple thematic case studies from the
16th through the 19th centuries truly a period of global transformations as well as
select studies of current issues in Canada and their historical roots. Students
completing Social Studies 9 will be able to discuss many of the critical formative
issues of the modern world they find themselves in.
Units of Study
1. The Industrial Revolution: The Emergence of the Modern World
What is the relationship between technological innovation and social change? Is
technological progress a good thing?
2. Colonialism: Guns, Germs, Steel
How does colonialism affect local populations? Why are some civilizations able
to conquer others?
3. Revolutions: Evaluating Cause and Effect
What causes a revolution? How can people change society? Do revolutions have
to be violent to be successful?
4. Nationalism and the Formation of Modern Nation-States
Can there be a true national identity?
5. First Nations: Idle No More and Truth and Reconciliation
To what extent are Canadas First Nations on the path to healing and
6. Environmental Issues in Canada: Selected Case Study
What are the competing voices in Canadas oil industry? Is consensus possible
with complex environmental challenges and competing belief systems?
Students must understand the difference between formative and summative
Formative Assessment
Think of formative assessment as on-going check-ins to see how you are doing with
the skills and concepts being taught in a particular unit. This can be done in many
ways: blog posts / journal entries / paragraph responses, class discussion, practice
assignments like document questions or mindmaps, quizzes, etc. In short, most of
the day to day work you might do in a class is designed so that both you and your
teacher can gauge your progress and understanding. Its a good thing! Since
formative assessment is about the process of learning, it isnt fair that a large chunk
of your grade comes from this stuff just dont underestimate its value!
Summative Assessment
The bulk of what you might think of as marks comes from summative assessment
pieces. These can be unit tests, projects, essays, presentations, etc. They typically
occur after you have completed the lessons and practice necessary to demonstrate
all that youve learned. Since this means that the majority of your grade comes
from relatively few things, this means that you need to invest significant effort to
prepare yourself for summative pieces as well as complete them within the
accorded timeframe.
Final Exam
The Social Studies 9 final exam is worth 15% of the overall grade and will include
source analysis questions and extended written responses.
Late Homework: If your work is not complete by the beginning of the class it
is due, then you will stay at lunch or after school to finish it. For larger
assignments, this could be spread out over multiple days.
Late projects or major assignments: Summative pieces like inquiry projects or
essays will have two due dates. On the class before the formal due date,
whatever the student has completed so far will be handed in to the teacher,
either in person or through Managebac (as per the assignment). The student
will then be able to hand in the final (revised and completed) version of their
assignment on the actual due date. If no final copy is turned in then their
assessment will be based on their draft version. Thus, there will only be late
assignments if prior arrangements have been made with the teacher. Im
here to work with you, so exceptions can be made, but students must put in a
fair effort and avoid a pattern of late and missing assignments.
Extra assignments or make-up projects: Dont exist. Remember, units of
study are designed purposefully to lead to a final activity. Completing extra
things many weeks or months after a unit is finished doesnt truly
demonstrate your learning.
Exceptions and extensions may be granted, but with sufficient notice and/or
parent contact.