Development of Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayer

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


P.D.P.R.Harsh Vardhan1, S.Dheepak2, P.T.Aditya3, Sanjivi Arul4

Student, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 3 million cases of pesticide poison in each year and up to 220,000 deaths,
primarily in developing countries. Organophosphates and carbonates, affect the nervous system. Others may irritate the skin or eyes.
Some pesticides maybe carcinogens Others may affect the hormone or endocrine system in the body. Children, and indeed any young
and developing organisms, are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of pesticides. Even very low levels of exposure during
development may have adverse health effects. Pesticide exposure can cause a range of neurological health effects such as memory
loss, loss of coordination, reduced speed of response to stimuli, reduced visual ability, altered or uncontrollable mood and general
behavior, and reduced motor skills. An Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayer is a basically a combination of a Blimp on a Quad copter
frame. This project is to mainly overcome the ill-effects of pesticides on human beings(manual pesticide sprayers) and also to cover
larger areas of fields while spraying pesticides in a short span of time when compared to a manual sprayer.

Keywords: pesticides, automated sprayer, blimp, quad copter.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION
The World Health Organization estimates that there are 3
million cases of pesticide poison in each year and up to
220,000 deaths, primarily in developing countries. The
potential health effects of pesticides include asthma, allergies,
and hypersensitivity, and pesticide exposure is also linked
with cancer, hormone disruption, and problems with
reproduction and fetal development. Children are at greater
risk from exposure to pesticides because of their small size:
relative to their size, children eat, drink, and breathe more than
adults. Their bodies and organs are growing rapidly, which
also makes them more susceptible; in fact, children may be
exposed to pesticides even while in the womb [1].

1.1Effects of Organophosphates and Pyrethroids:

effects, or endocrine system effects [2].In China, it's estimated

that 500,000 people suffer pesticide poisoning annually, and
some 500 of them die. Children seem to be greatly susceptible
to the toxic effects of pesticides. The Natural Resource
Defense Council has collected data which recorded higher
incidence of childhood leukemia, brain cancer and birth
defects. These results correlated with early exposure to

1.2 Effect on Mothers and Babies on Exposure to

Exposure to some pesticides can be 'hell' for a pregnant lady
as it can easily lead to death of baby and even if the baby is
produced will have lots of disorders or even loss of limbs.

Acute organophosphate and carbonate exposure causes signs

and symptoms of excess acetylcholine, such as increased
salivation and perspiration, narrowing of the pupils, nausea,
diarrhea, decrease in blood pressure, muscle weakness, and
Some organophosphates also have a delayed
neurological reaction characterized by muscle weakness in the
legs and arms. Among the most promising alternatives to
organophosphates were synthetic pyrethroids. However,
pyrethroids can cause hyper-excitation, aggressiveness, uncoordination, whole-body tremors, and seizures. Acute
exposures in humans, usually resulting from skin exposure due
to poor handling procedures, usually resolve within 24 hours.
Pyrethroids can cause an allergic skin response, and some
pyrethroids may cause cancer, reproductive or developmental

Fig.1 Harmful effects of pesticides

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Methods Followed To Overcome the Problem

There are various methods that are implemented today in
various parts of the world to reduce the consequences caused
to human beings (manual pesticide sprayers).
The ones in use today are:
1) Tractors (Deere) equipped with GPS system and huge
sprayers which can automatically spray from the ground.
2) Using of a Remote Piloted Vehicle (RPV) for spraying
pesticides (an RC helicopter). This method efficiently used the
pesticides (10- 15% more efficient than manual spraying) and
also could substitute 50 workers. Sadly this project was
cancelled long ago.
3) Greenhouse pesticide spraying through pipelines and nozzle
4) Line following robot have been proposed to be an alternate.

1.3 Drawbacks of these Solutions:

1) Tractors occupy a large area to maneuver thus eating up
large areas that could be used for plantations.
2) The Remote Piloted Vehicle uses a RC helicopter which
can be hard to control and spraying can be not even.
3)The greenhouse method of spraying pesticides through
pipelines running through supports are not suitable in open
fields, which will demand high power pumps to pump
pesticides over long distances due to major losses. Also it will
be difficult to actually build a pipe system in a particular area
of pest infestation and spray only there. (It occupies more time
to locate the area of pest infestation and build a piping system
as it involves a lot of labor and time too.)
4)Line following robots may be hard to implement in an actual
scenario as they are not good in rough and hilly terrains.
Carrying the equipment and the pesticide can bring much
complexity to maneuvering and controlling.

Fig2. Schematic Of The Proposed Idea

A Quad copter with a mechanism which can come back to its
reference or initial position is used here. This increases the
control of the Zeppo-quad rotor. The blimp gives the lift and
the propellers take care of the steering part and the quad copter
takes care of the control and also supports the lift and
propelling of the Zeppo-quad rotor. The balloon is connected
to the quad copter (mainly) so that the gondola (spray
platform) can be lowered, to ease spraying which is explained

2.1 Aerial Automated Pesticide Sprayer:
AAPS is basically a blimp (zeppelin) integrated into a quad
copter to spray pesticides in open fields. The main aim of this
system is to reduce the ill-effects to humans, lessen the time
used for spraying, use economically the pesticides and to use
under any climatic conditions.

Fig 3 CAD model of a Blimp

Fig 4 CAD model of a Quad frame with one rotor

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Fig 5 Free Body Diagram of a Quad copter [4]

There are three methods of implementing this:
1) A GPS system is integrated into it. In areas where multiple
cropping patterns are implemented, certain cropping patterns,
or certain pest infested area alone can be targeted and
commanded to be quarantined. Eg.Paddy brown plant
hopper, which produces brown circular patches of infested
crops in a paddy plantation.
2) A proximity sensor can be attached in the front face of the
blimp which takes a turn on encountering a sign board and
thus follows a trajectory which covers the whole field area.
3) A Zeppo-quad rotor can also be used to spray liquid
fertilizers over a uni-crop patterned field by just giving the
length and breadth of the field and also specifying a reference

2.2 Advantages
Can be used to spray on hilly terrains Eg. On tea plantations as
its aerially sprayed and the terrain is of no consequence. Can
be used to spray uni-crop, multi-crop pattern and almost any
cropping pattern in fields. Increases the efficiency of spraying
(like we saw in the RPV) and also can substitute 50 workers
thus saving 50 workers from the harmful effects. Reduces the
time for spraying when compared to manual spraying.
Pesticides are evenly sprayed. More area can be brought under
cultivation (unlike the GPS integrated Deere tractors based
automation which needs some area for them to maneuver on
the ground). Increases the turnover from cultivation, by using
AAPS, Thus it increases the economy of the country as a
whole. Another advantage is that the spray platform (the
gondola of the blimp) can be lowered to any desired level
which aids the spraying of pesticide from beneath the leaves.
Also it can be used to spray from the top as well and thus
covering a large verity of crops for which AAPS can be used.
Various attachments like multipoint nozzle rotors and probes
with multiple nozzles fitted to it can also be used to increase
its usage. The pesticides can be mixed and carried in
containers (cartridges) which can be pressurized to spray by a
piston arrangement (similar to a syringe).

The piston which pushes out the pesticide in the cartridge will
be actuated by a cam shaped like shown in the picture. When
the cam completes one rotation the piston will be in its max
displacement from the home position and it comes back to its
home position using a spring. The rotation of the cam is
brought about by the worm and worm wheel arrangement
driven by a small dc motor. So in one rotation of the cam the
whole cartridge is used and the gear ratio should be
correspondingly adjusted. A sensor senses when the cam has
completed its one rotation (piston reaches the maximum
displacement from home position) and stops the zeppo-quad
rotor which will then continue moving when the cartridge is
replaced. The cartridge can be replaced when the piston has
come back to its home position only. An alternate way of
actuating the piston is to connect the piston to a connecting
rod connected from a disc, which is driven by a worm and
worm wheel mechanism which in turn is run by a DC motor.
The same sensors can be used here to sense the position of the
piston , thus ensuring all the pesticide has been removed. The
cartridge can be removed only when the piston comes back to
its home position (the piston would hinder the removal of the
cartridge if it was inside it).






4.1 Frame Characteristics
The most suitable way is to begin with is the skeleton of the
Quad copter, the frame. The frame is considered the largest (in
volume) component used in the Quad copter and a very
important one. Choosing a frame to fulfill the required need is
essential, critical, and also not simple. The frame should be
light-weight yet strong to tolerate possible accidents and
crashes, it has also to be thin [5].

4.2 Propeller Characteristics

The mechanical lifting element of the Quad copter is the
propellers. High quality propellers are made by different
manufacturers to deliver great performance of lifting power at
a very small weight; to minimize the torque needed for
spinning them by the motor's rotor. As mentioned propellers
are manufactured from a variety of materials such as; plastic,
which is cheap, available, and light, but is by nature fragile
meaning it could be damaged or broken easily. Wood is tough
and mid-priced but is certainly heavier than plastic. Lastly is
the carbon fiber which is tough and light-weight but more
expensive than the previous two types.

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

4.4 Software & Control Design:

Fig 6.CAD model of a Quad copter Propeller

Choosing a suitable size is quite crucial, since it affects the
power consumption, the overall weight, and how sturdy and
reliable (stable-wise) the Quad copter is. Increasing the size of
the propellers means higher thrust delivered, but that comes at
the cost of more torque required to spin them by the motors.
Having that in mind, the criterion for choosing the propellers
is mainly dependent on the model that is being built and its
overall weight. Importantly is the fact that four propellers are
needed, but with a pair being oriented for clockwise (CW)
direction and the other pair for the counter-clockwise (CCW)

After selecting the right hardware components, the next step is

to have a proper design for the code that will run on the Quad
copter. This phase is the hardest of all and needs so much
patience and constant tuning and monitoring. Having a snappy
control loop is essential as the Quad copter tries to selfstabilize itself, without such a loop, the flight could be
sluggish with a huge amount of errors, which will be also
accumulative and eventually would result in a crash with
unexpected consequences. Starting off with a simple, yet
much enriched flow chart of how should the program
embedded in the micro-controller look like and behaves. A
flow chart is very similar to the block diagram; brief and
comprehensive [6].

Fig 8 Schematic flow chart showing the initial setup and

calibration steps from startup [5].

Fig 7.Testing setup of Propeller

4.3 Electronic Speed Controller:

ECS's are required to run the BLDC motors in the Quad
copter. The ESC is a standalone chip that's connected to the
receiver's control channels and then coupled with the BLDC
motor. For a better understanding of the ESC, it's more
conventional to consider it as a pulse-width modulation
(PWM) controller for the BLDC motors. PWM in short is a
great way of controlling some modern electronics such as a
BLDC motor, a fast variation between the motor being fully
off and fully on powered, more conveniently described as a
percentage called the duty cycle. Controlling the duty cycle
means controlling the speed of the BLDC motor without any
losses and also without affecting the load [6].

The process begins with providing the power through the

battery, at this instance hardware components will initialize
and boot. After that the sensors will be calibrated, taking the
nominal value that they see and consider it as the reference.
The receiver would then start testing the frequency and
channels in order to make sure that it is correctly connected
with the transmitter. The phase called arming can now take
place, setting different modes and configuration such as;
turning the whole system off (disarm).The next two steps are
mainly getting the values that the sensors read and then
sending those values to the proportional-Integral (PD) which
will get the error and output the final values with the help of
the desired values from the transmitter and receiver. To
conclude, mixing is the process of sending the commands to
the motors based on the desired input plus the output value
generated from the PD.

4.5 Algorithm of functioning of AAPS:

1) Using a pre-programmed chip: assume that breadth of field
sprayed in one straight run of blimp be 30cm.
Step 1: start
Step 2: Get values of length and breadth of field
Step 3: Trigger the motion of the piston towards the extreme
end of the cartridge as the blimp starts moving
Step 4: If piston at extreme end of the cartridge, go to step
8, else go to step 5

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

Step 5: Move the blimp till *present position < breadth* and if
*present position < breadth = move*; else go to
Step 6: Turn 90 degrees left move 30 cm, store this value in
L1 and then turn again 90 degrees left
Step 7: Move forward
Step 8: Stop
2) Using a proximity sensor: using previous assumption
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Trigger the motion of the piston to the extreme end of
the cartridge
Step 3: Check if signal is received from sensor (that piston has
reached the extreme end)
Step 4: If yes, go to Step 12 else, go to step 5
Step 5: Move forward
Step 6: Check if signal is detected from the proximity sensor
at the front end of blimp.
Step 7: If yes, go to Step 8 else, go to step 5
Step 8: Turn 90degrees to the left, move 30cm, again turn
90degrees left and move forward
Step 9: Check if signal is detected from next proximity sensor
Step 10: If yes, go to Step 11 else, go to step 5
Step 11: Turn 90degrees right, move 30cm forward turn 90
degrees right move forward
Step 12: Stop

It has no rigid internal structure and obtains the shape of its
hull only by internal overpressure. The only solid parts are the
gondola and the tail fins. The advantages of this non-rigid
structure are obvious. Not only is the ship many times lighter
than a comparable rigid airship, but also almost as resistant to
weather conditions, if an adequate envelope material is

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

5.2 Various Lift Forces in a Blimp:

The inefficiency of the static lift vehicle comes when it is
required to move through the surrounding medium. Due to the
nature of displacement buoyancy, these vehicles tend to be
very large and, as a result, they develop a great deal of
dynamic drag when in motion. The dynamic effects of the
motion can be used to an advantage, however, if the motion
can be used to generate lift. By shaping the body, or a portion
thereof, as a lift producing foil, a lifting force may be
developed to support the weight of the body, provided
sufficient forward speed is attained. A principle disadvantage
of the dynamic lift vehicle is that it requires forward motion of
some finite velocity to generate the lift. As a result, this
vehicle can neither fly very slowly nor can it remain airborne
at zero forward velocity (hover). If these attributes are
required, one must provide some sort of internal powering for
the static lift, such as a vertical jet exhaust, or a propeller with
a vertical down flow [3].
Having defined these primary sources of lifting force, one
might observe that it is possible to use two of these sources, or
even all three, in combination. By doing so, one moves from
the pure lifting force source, for example static lift, to a hybrid
source, such as a partial static lift and a partial dynamic lift.
This is exactly the technique used here. Its envelope produces
static lift, while the two motors provide powered static lift and
is also supported by the quad copters, and dynamic lift when
the hull is positioned in a way shown.

Fig 10.Showing Static, Powered Static, and Dynamic Lift


Fig 9.Blimp model

5.1 Considerable Advantages of a Blimp:

1) A minimum of expenses has been realized to achieve the
aims of the project.
2) The airship may be de and reassembled for transportation
purposes in very short time. The most economical of these
forces from the production of lift point of view is undoubtedly
the static lift wherein buoyant force is generated by the
displacement of a portion of the supporting medium by the
body and for airborne vehicles (like Blimps), it is the balloon.

This method can be used in all situations. Of used for highly

toxic pesticides this will not lead to unemployment problems.
This can also be used in places where laborers are hard to find.
They can hasten the pesticide spraying process thereby
lowering the causalities due to pesticide exposure, preventing
encounters with venomous snakes such as Russell's viper and
cobra which can be found regularly in fields thereby reducing
the amount of snake bite cases. Also keeps the food chain
healthy. Since they are sprayed from lower altitude,
environmental pollution can be reduced.

This method can be used in all situations. Of used for highly
toxic pesticides this will not lead to unemployment problems.
This can also be used in places where labourers are hard to
find. They can hasten the pesticide spraying process thereby

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

lowering the causalities due to pesticide exposure, preventing

encounters with venomous snakes such as Russell's viper and
cobra which can be found regularly in fields thereby reducing
the amount of snake bite cases. Also keeps the food chain
healthy. Since they are sprayed from lower altitude,
environmental pollution can be reduced.












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Amrita university,

S.DHEEPAK, Student , Amrita university,

P.T.ADITYA, Student , Amrita university,

Dr. SANJIVI ARUL, Associate Professor,

Amrita university,

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @


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