Development of Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayer
Development of Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayer
Development of Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayer
Student, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Tamil Nadu, India
The World Health Organization estimates that there are 3 million cases of pesticide poison in each year and up to 220,000 deaths,
primarily in developing countries. Organophosphates and carbonates, affect the nervous system. Others may irritate the skin or eyes.
Some pesticides maybe carcinogens Others may affect the hormone or endocrine system in the body. Children, and indeed any young
and developing organisms, are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of pesticides. Even very low levels of exposure during
development may have adverse health effects. Pesticide exposure can cause a range of neurological health effects such as memory
loss, loss of coordination, reduced speed of response to stimuli, reduced visual ability, altered or uncontrollable mood and general
behavior, and reduced motor skills. An Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayer is a basically a combination of a Blimp on a Quad copter
frame. This project is to mainly overcome the ill-effects of pesticides on human beings(manual pesticide sprayers) and also to cover
larger areas of fields while spraying pesticides in a short span of time when compared to a manual sprayer.
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @
2.1 Aerial Automated Pesticide Sprayer:
AAPS is basically a blimp (zeppelin) integrated into a quad
copter to spray pesticides in open fields. The main aim of this
system is to reduce the ill-effects to humans, lessen the time
used for spraying, use economically the pesticides and to use
under any climatic conditions.
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @
2.2 Advantages
Can be used to spray on hilly terrains Eg. On tea plantations as
its aerially sprayed and the terrain is of no consequence. Can
be used to spray uni-crop, multi-crop pattern and almost any
cropping pattern in fields. Increases the efficiency of spraying
(like we saw in the RPV) and also can substitute 50 workers
thus saving 50 workers from the harmful effects. Reduces the
time for spraying when compared to manual spraying.
Pesticides are evenly sprayed. More area can be brought under
cultivation (unlike the GPS integrated Deere tractors based
automation which needs some area for them to maneuver on
the ground). Increases the turnover from cultivation, by using
AAPS, Thus it increases the economy of the country as a
whole. Another advantage is that the spray platform (the
gondola of the blimp) can be lowered to any desired level
which aids the spraying of pesticide from beneath the leaves.
Also it can be used to spray from the top as well and thus
covering a large verity of crops for which AAPS can be used.
Various attachments like multipoint nozzle rotors and probes
with multiple nozzles fitted to it can also be used to increase
its usage. The pesticides can be mixed and carried in
containers (cartridges) which can be pressurized to spray by a
piston arrangement (similar to a syringe).
The piston which pushes out the pesticide in the cartridge will
be actuated by a cam shaped like shown in the picture. When
the cam completes one rotation the piston will be in its max
displacement from the home position and it comes back to its
home position using a spring. The rotation of the cam is
brought about by the worm and worm wheel arrangement
driven by a small dc motor. So in one rotation of the cam the
whole cartridge is used and the gear ratio should be
correspondingly adjusted. A sensor senses when the cam has
completed its one rotation (piston reaches the maximum
displacement from home position) and stops the zeppo-quad
rotor which will then continue moving when the cartridge is
replaced. The cartridge can be replaced when the piston has
come back to its home position only. An alternate way of
actuating the piston is to connect the piston to a connecting
rod connected from a disc, which is driven by a worm and
worm wheel mechanism which in turn is run by a DC motor.
The same sensors can be used here to sense the position of the
piston , thus ensuring all the pesticide has been removed. The
cartridge can be removed only when the piston comes back to
its home position (the piston would hinder the removal of the
cartridge if it was inside it).
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @
Step 5: Move the blimp till *present position < breadth* and if
*present position < breadth = move*; else go to
Step 6: Turn 90 degrees left move 30 cm, store this value in
L1 and then turn again 90 degrees left
Step 7: Move forward
Step 8: Stop
2) Using a proximity sensor: using previous assumption
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Trigger the motion of the piston to the extreme end of
the cartridge
Step 3: Check if signal is received from sensor (that piston has
reached the extreme end)
Step 4: If yes, go to Step 12 else, go to step 5
Step 5: Move forward
Step 6: Check if signal is detected from the proximity sensor
at the front end of blimp.
Step 7: If yes, go to Step 8 else, go to step 5
Step 8: Turn 90degrees to the left, move 30cm, again turn
90degrees left and move forward
Step 9: Check if signal is detected from next proximity sensor
Step 10: If yes, go to Step 11 else, go to step 5
Step 11: Turn 90degrees right, move 30cm forward turn 90
degrees right move forward
Step 12: Stop
It has no rigid internal structure and obtains the shape of its
hull only by internal overpressure. The only solid parts are the
gondola and the tail fins. The advantages of this non-rigid
structure are obvious. Not only is the ship many times lighter
than a comparable rigid airship, but also almost as resistant to
weather conditions, if an adequate envelope material is
This method can be used in all situations. Of used for highly
toxic pesticides this will not lead to unemployment problems.
This can also be used in places where labourers are hard to
find. They can hasten the pesticide spraying process thereby
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @
Amrita university,
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @