Categories of Disability Under IDEA
Categories of Disability Under IDEA
Categories of Disability Under IDEA
D isabilit
U nder IDEA
April 2
April 009
In troduc
Introduc tion
troduction Infan ts and Toddlers
Infants oddlers,,
Every year, under the federal law U nder Thr ee Years of AAge
hree ge
known as the Individuals with Under IDEA, “infants and toddlers with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
disabilities“ are defined as individuals
millions of children with disabilities under three years of age who need early
receive special services designed to meet their intervention services because they—
unique needs. Early intervention services are
provided through the state to infants and toddlers are experiencing developmental delays, as
with disabilities under three years of age and their measured by appropriate diagnostic
families. For school-aged children and youth instruments and procedures, in one or more
(aged 3 through 21), special education and related of the following areas:
services are provided through the school system.
These services can be very important in helping • cognitive development;
children and youth with disabilities develop, • physical development;
learn, and succeed in school and other settings.
• communication development;
Who is Eligible ffor
or SSer
er vic
ervic es?
vices? • social or emotional development; and
• to see if the child has a disability, as defined by The term may also include, if a state chooses,
IDEA; and children under three years of age who would be at
risk of experiencing a substantial developmental
• to learn in more detail what special education delay if early intervention services were not
and related services he or she needs. provided.
• autism; if they experience developmental
delays in one or more of the following
• deaf-blindness;
• deafness;
•physical development;
• emotional disturbance;
•cognitive development;
• hearing impairment; •communication development;
• mental retardation; •social or emotional development; or
• multiple disabilities;
•adaptive development; and
• orthopedic impairment;
★ who, because of the developmental delays,
• other health impairment; need special education and related services.
• specific learning disability; If a state chooses to include developmental
• speech or language impairment; delay in its definition of an eligible “child with a
disability,” it must define precisely what the term
• traumatic brain injury; or means and ensure that its definition is consistent
with IDEA’s definition. “Developmental delays”
• visual impairment (including blindness). must be measured by appropriate diagnostic
IDEA further defines each of these instruments and procedures. The state also deter-
disability terms. We’ve provided mines whether the term applies to children aged 3
those definitions on pages 3 through 9, or to a subset of that age range (for
and 4. example, ages 3 through 5).
Under IDEA, a child may not Three more points to note about the term
be identified as a “child with a developmental delay:
disability” primarily because • A state may not require an LEA to adopt and
he or she speaks a language use the term developmental delay.
other than English and does
not speak or understand • If an LEA uses the term, the LEA must conform
English well. A child may to both the state’s definition of the term and
also not be identified as to the age range the state has adopted.
having a disability just
because he or she has not had • If a state does not adopt the term, an LEA may
enough appropriate not independently use the term to establish a
instruction in math child’s eligibility under IDEA.
or reading.
1. AAutism...
utism... (a) An inability to learn that cannot be
explained by intellectual, sensory, or
...means a developmental disability health factors.
significantly affecting verbal and
nonverbal communication and social (b) An inability to build or
interaction, generally evident before maintain satisfactory interpersonal
age three, that adversely affects a relationships with peers and
child’s educational performance. teachers.
Other characteristics often associ- (c) Inappropriate types of
ated with autism are engaging in
behavior or feelings under
repetitive activities and stereotyped normal circumstances.
movements, resistance to environ-
mental change or change in daily (d) A general pervasive mood of
routines, and unusual responses to unhappiness or depression.
sensory experiences. The term autism
does not apply if the child’s educational (e) A tendency to develop physical symptoms
performance is adversely affected primarily or fears associated with personal or school
because the child has an emotional disturbance, problems.
as defined in #4 below. The term includes schizophrenia. The term
A child who shows the characteristics of does not apply to children who are socially
autism after age 3 could be diagnosed as having maladjusted, unless it is determined that they
autism if the criteria above are satisfied. have an emotional disturbance.
2. DDeaf-B
eaf-B lindness
eaf-Blindness ...
lindness... 5. HHear
ear ing Impair
earing men
mentt ...
...means concomitant [simultaneous] hearing and ...means an impairment in hearing, whether
visual impairments, the combination of which permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a
causes such severe communication and other child’s educational performance but is not
developmental and educational needs that they included under the definition of “deafness.”
cannot be accommodated in special education
programs solely for children with deafness or 6. M en
Men tal RRetar
ental etar da
etarda tion...
children with blindness.
...means significantly subaverage general
intellectual functioning, existing concurrently [at
3. DDeafness
eafness... the same time] with deficits in adaptive behavior
...means a hearing impairment so severe that a and manifested during the developmental period,
child is impaired in processing linguistic informa- that adversely affects a child’s educational
tion through hearing, with or without performance.
9. OOther
ther HHealth
ealth Impair men
Impairmen 12. Trauma tic BBrr ain Injur
aumatic Injuryy...
...means having limited strength, vitality, or ...means an acquired injury to the brain caused by
alertness, including a heightened alertness to an external physical force, resulting in total or
environmental stimuli, that results in limited partial functional disability or psychosocial
alertness with respect to the educational impairment, or both, that adversely affects a
environment, that— child's educational performance. The term applies
to open or closed head injuries resulting in
(a) is due to chronic or acute health impairments in one or more areas, such as
problems such as asthma, attention deficit cognition; language; memory; attention;
disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-
disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities;
hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia, psychosocial behavior; physical functions;
nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, information processing; and speech.
and Tourette syndrome; and
The term does not apply to brain injuries that
(b) adversely affects a child’s educational are congenital or degenerative, or to brain injuries
performance. induced by birth trauma.
10. SSpe
pe cif
pecif ic LLear
cific ear ning DDisabilit
earning isabilit
isabilityy... 13. Visual Impairmen
mentt Including
...means a disorder in one or more of the basic Blindness ...
psychological processes involved in understanding
or in using language, spoken or written, that may ...means an impairment in vision that, even with
manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, correction, adversely affects a child’s educational
think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do math- performance. The term includes both partial sight
ematical calculations. The term includes such and blindness.
conditions as perceptual disabilities, brain injury,
• the principal of your child’s school; or To find out how to contact your state’s PTI,
look at the NICHCY State Resource Sheet for
• the special education director of your child’s your state (available on our website). You'll
school district or local school. find the PTI listed there (look under
Any of these individuals should be able to “Organizations Especially for Parents”), as
answer specific questions about how to obtain well as many other information resources,
special education and related services (or early such as community parent resource centers,
intervention services) for your child. disability-specific organizations, and state
agencies serving children with disabilities.
In addition, every state has a Parent Training
and Information (PTI) center, which is an
excellent source of information. The PTI can:
April 2009
This publication is copyright free. Readers are encouraged to copy and share it, but please credit
NICHCY, the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities.
We’d like to thank our Project Officer, Judy L. Shanley, Ph.D., at the Office of Special Education
Programs (OSEP) of the U.S. Department of Education, for her support of this publication
and of NICHCY itself. A special thanks goes out to the Office of Policy and Planning, at
OSEP, for their involvement and the fine-tooth-comb review to ensure this document’s
consistency with the requirements of IDEA 2004. NICHCY is made possible through Cooperative Agreement
Number H326N030003 between OSEP and the Academy for Educational Development. The contents of this
document do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention
of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
NICHCY: 1.800.695.0285 6 Categories of Disability Under IDEA