Final Thesis Paper

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Factors Influencing Secondary Students’ Perception and Preferences in Choosing a Strand

in Senior High School

A Research
Presented to the
College of Education
University of Santo Tomas

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for English Subject Area
A.Y. 2015-2016

Cyruss Morning B. Co
John Jireh V. Penamora
Cyrene S. Rufo
Patricia Ysabel A. Tamayo
Ma. Jomelle Alexa C. Tanudra
Crisel Angelica C. Yao

May 11, 2016




Research Questions………………………………………………………….6

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………6


Research Design……………………………………………………………..6

Subjects of the Study………………………………………………………...7

Research Instrument…………………………………………………………8

Research Procedure………………………………………………………….8

Data Analysis………………………………………………………………...9

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………………………...9




Appendix A (Survey Form)……….….….……………….……………...…17

Appendix B (Survey Frequency and Percentage)…………………………..21

Appendix C (Letter)……………….….….……………….….….…………25


The purpose of this research is to know the different factors that affect a secondary student

in choosing a strand in Senior High School. Since the K-12 program was implemented in 2013, an

additional two years in high school was added. The K-12 curriculum aims to further develop the

skills of young Filipinos. The first phase of our research was to see how well-informed the

Education High School students in choosing a Senior High School strand. In addition, we created

survey questions that are related to our research question. For our final phase, we tallied and

created charts for each question we’ve created and we conclude the things that affect a student’s

decision in choosing a strand. This research aims to help the students determine the things they

need to be able to choose a strand that best suits them.


The Revised Basic Education Curriculum or K-12 is a necessity to align the Philippine

education to that of the global standards by adding one year for mandated kindergarten and an

additional two years for Senior High School to the current four-year secondary education program

(Rivera, 2011). According to Cuenco (2016), the implementation of the program prepares the

students to be globally competitive. Furthermore, it also develops the competencies and

qualifications for certain occupations through intensive trainings of mentors in order to equip our

students with standardized skills. Moreover, it aims to improve the knowledge and skills of

Filipino students so that they may contribute to a better society (Lacanilao, 2012). The on-going

program offers advanced education in various subject such as Sports, arts and entrepreneurship.

(Cuenco, 2016).

The Senior High School is part of the said program designed by the Department of Education

where students will study a certain related subject. Senior High School was also made in

cooperation with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) which is the governing body for

tertiary level in the Philippines. (Cuenco, 2016). The additional two years in secondary education

aims to better prepare the Filipino youth to proceed to higher education, employment,

entrepreneurship, or mid-level skills development, and to be at par with international standards

(Lagoon, 2014). The Academic Track consists of four Strands: General Academic Strand; Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand; Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) Strand; and Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS) Strand; while the other

tracks are mainly application-based tracks: Technical Vocational-Livelihood (TechVoc), Sports

and Arts (Cruz, 2014). Students choose their strand based on different factors (Academic

Exchange, 2016) and the chosen track and strand will help the student decide his/her next step:

higher education, employment, entrepreneurship, or middle level skills development (Geronimo,


The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand tackles today’s

challenges of transportation, global warming and environment-friendly machines, appliances and

systems, with related fields including, but not limited to accounting, computer science, electrical

engineering, mechanical engineering, information n sciences and systems, computer engineering,

civil engineering, and economics & finance (Science Pioneer, n.d.).

The Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Strand is designed for students who

wants to develop their understanding of accounting and management in a business context and

develop skills that enhance their employability and help them achieve the following: develop an

appreciation of the role of accounting within the overall function of management, acquire technical

accounting skills and integrate theoretical and conceptual considerations with practice, evaluate

the principles and theories that underpin accounting and management, critically reflect on the role

of the main stakeholder and the influence of regulatory frameworks on accounting and

management, and develop analytical and problem solving abilities and apply them in making

management decisions (Brunel University, 2016).

The Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS) Strand includes, but are not limited to, the study

of the following: “language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history;

jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and

theory of the arts; those aspects of social sciences which have humanistic content and employ

humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment

with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the

relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life. “ In relation to that, the social

sciences involve the studies that deal with humans in their social relations, like economics,

anthropology, political science, psychology, and sociology.” (American Academy of Arts and

Sciences, n.d.).

The Sports Track include subjects that prepare students for career in sports, fitness, and

recreation (Aquino, 2015) it also offers specialized subjects like Safety and First Aid,

Understanding Human Movement, General Coaching, Understanding Social, Psychological &

Cognitive Development, and Student-athlete Enhancement and Formation (Taguinayo, n.d.).

The Arts and Design strand will have subjects to prepare students for career in design and

creative industries (Aquino, 2015). This Strand also gives students the opportunity to train with

other artists and put on shows to exhibit their works in a subject (DepEd, 2013).

The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TechVoc) strand teaches common competencies like

using hand tools, basic calculation, planning and drawing, performing shop maintenance, and

practicing occupational health safety to ensure that graduates will have employable skills after

senior high.

Students who are still unsure about what to do after senior high school may take the General

Academic Strand (GAS), which covers a wide array of subjects taken from the other academic

strands (Cruz, 2014).

The implementation of the Senior High School Program happening in June 2016 but there is

still speculations on the effectiveness and preparedness of the government, the schools, and the

students’ families for the program’s implementation (Fabella, n.d.).

Research Question

What factors influence secondary students’ choice in strand for Senior High School?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to discover the different factors that affect secondary students’ choice of strand

in the Senior High and discuss how they affect students’ choice of strand.


Research Design

For this study, the researchers used a checklist type of survey form to get the respondents’

answers. The questionnaire has 20 multiple choice questions that tackle different aspects of their

reasons for choosing a specific strand/track for Senior High. The respondents shaded the answers

that were most appropriate and applicable to them.

Subjects of the Study

Data was collected from forty-eight (48) randomly picked students from both sections of the

University of Santo Tomas – Education High School’s 9th Grade level. There were twenty-four

(24) male respondents comprising 50% of the total number of respondents, and twenty-four (24)

female respondents making up the other 50%.An equal number of male and female respondents

were randomly chosen from each section (12 boys and 12 girls each).

The age of the participants ranged from thirteen to fifteen (13-15) years old. Majority from

them were aged 15 years old during the survey period. 39 participants, comprising 81% of the

students, were of this age, while the others were fourteen (14) years old, with eight (8) participants

(17%) during the survey period, and one (1) participant rounding out the remaining 2% thirteen

(13) years old at the time of the survey as the youngest.

Prior to the selection of the participants, a letter was sent to the supervising teacher of English

to request permission for the participation of the students and for the approval of the survey

questionnaires to be used. The researcher coded each student for confidentiality and anonymity

purposes. The students’ consent were also sought using the same letters attached to the survey


Research Instrument

The researchers produced a survey questionnaire which is made up of twenty (20) multiple

choice questions. The survey questionnaire includes different factors that affect a students’ choice

of strand in Senior High School and which collected basic information such as name, section, age,

and sex was administered. It also gathered information about the participants. The survey questions

were about the different reasons they chose their strand. The survey questionnaire was validated

by an expert to ensure content validity.

Research Procedure

The process of data gathering was divided into two (2) parts: (1) accomplishing of the

demographic scale, and (2) answering a survey questionnaire form.

A profiling of the participants was done at the beginning of the study wherein the participants

answered a preliminary survey to gather basic information which is vital to the study. The

participants were allowed to ask the researchers questions or clarifications as they read and answer

the instrument. The next step of the data collection process was carried out by the researchers by

distributing the survey questionnaires to the respondents and giving them an ample amount of time

to answer the checklist-type survey. The papers were then collected by the class secretaries of the

respective sections and were given back to the researchers after they were answered. The

researchers then tallied the data collected from the survey forms and used them to interpret the

respondents’ answers.

Data Analysis

The results of this study were analyzed using mathematical formulas to find the percentages

and of the data in order to answer the question introduced earlier on.

Results and Discussion

Figure 1. Students' reasons on choosing a

particular school to attend senior high

Results and Discussion

Advertisments Media Personal Choice

Peer Pressure Parent's Decision Others

Based on the chart, most of the respondents chose a senior high school to attend because of

their personal opinion. 34 respondents or 71% of them wanted to go to a senior high school that

they wanted based on their own decisions. 25% or 12 of the respondents chose a school because

of parental influence. The remaining 4% of the respondents chose varied reasons like scholarships

and school quality. According to Erikson (2010), the children need to develop a sense of autonomy,

the confidence to take initiative, and the motivation to industriously master culturally valued tasks.

Figure 2. Students' families capability to

shoulder expenses for the duration of
senior high school

Yes No
Based on this chart, 39 respondents make up the 81% that answered that they and their

families could shoulder the expenses that can be accumulated all throughout their stay in senior

high school. The remaining 9 (18%) answered that they cannot fully pay for the expenses that

cover the two years of senior high school. The greater amount of “yes” answers may be the result

of families’ greater capabilities in earning money to support schooling children for senior high

school. According to the Philippine Statistics Office’s most recent labor force survey done in

January 2016, 94.2% of working-age Filipinos are employed, from which we can conclude that

since more people have jobs, they are more capable to send their children/wards to a senior high.

Figure 3. Students' preferred

strand in senior high



The chart shows that 22 respondents comprising 46% chose the Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics strand. This is the strand with the greatest number of

students. The next most-chosen strand is the Humanities and Social Sciences strand with 8 students

at 17%. The third most chosen strand is the Health Allied strand with 6 students at 13%. The STEM

strand is most probably the most chosen strand because according to columnist Isagani Cruz, the

most in demand and lucrative jobs nowadays are the ones that are in line with the STEM strand.

This claim is further supported by, wherein most of the jobs listed as “in-demand”

are those jobs that can be taken after taking up the STEM strand, such as jobs in agriculture,

cyberservices, electrics, power and utilities, and engineering. Cruz also states that the country is

also in need of more scientists and science teachers where students can help the country.

Figure 4. Student's personal reasons for choosing a

strand in senior high

Peer Pressure

Financial Status

Skills Match

Desire to learn more things

Desire to develop skills for tertiary


The chart shows that 20 respondents, comprising 42% chose a strand in senior high school

with the personal reason of having the desire to learn more things. This is the personal reason with

the highest results among the others. The 2nd highest personal reason is the matching of skills of

an individual person at 33%. The 3rd highest personal reason is having the desire to develop skills

for tertiary education which compromises the 10%. The desire to learn more things is the most

probably chosen personal reason because according to Steve Jobs, Creativity is just connecting

things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they

didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because

they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things.

Figure 5. Students' answer on who decided
on which strand they will take.

Yes No

Based on the chart, most of the respondents answered that they are the one who decided on

which strand they will take. 46 students out of 48, comprising 96% of the respondents agreed that

they are the ones who chose their strand. According to the National Quality Standard (2013),

Independence contributes to the development of self-esteem, identity and wellbeing. Doing

something for yourself produces a powerful sense of achievement and success. When children

have opportunities to make choices, to attempt tasks for themselves, and to take on increasing

responsibilities, their sense of themselves as competent members of society grows.

Figure 6. Students seeing themselves as

successful individuals in their chosen strand

Yes No
Based on the chart, most of the respondents agreed that they see themselves as successful

individuals if they chose that strand. 44 students out of 48, comprising of 92% approved that they

will be productive and prosperous in choosing their desired strand for Senior High School.

According to National Quality Standard (2013), allowing children to make choices for themselves

is an important yet relatively easy step towards encouraging independence and agency. When we

make materials and resources easily accessible, without the need for adult assistance, we promote

children’s ability to resource their own learning independently and successfully.

Overall, the researchers have concluded that the major factors that influence a

student’s choice in strand in senior high school are their personal decisions, with focus on their

assumed level of success in a field related to that strand, their desire to acquire more skills and

knowledge about a certain field related to the strand they will take, and their thirst for independence

and autonomy in making decisions for themselves for their education. Based on our research,

students follow their personal opinions instead of solicited/unsolicited opinions from other parties

(family, peers, media, etc.) in choosing their preferred strand, school to take it in and deciding on

steps to take in the future because at this stage on life, the desire to become independent and the

itch to learn something new about something that interests them gets higher. However, there are

still a few who depend on different sources or people in order to make up a decision on which

schools, strand, college or future plans they will take.

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand got the highest

rate among the preferred strands of secondary students. Based on our findings, the fields of

profession related to STEM has a broad scope of possible careers with a lot of lucrative

opportunities in it. It is because it can be considered comprehensive because of the different

subjects that it offers that is easily applicable to our modern, tech-dependent world. Because of

this, more students choose to take this strand. In relation to this, the majority of respondents chose

a strand in senior high school in which they think they will be most successful in, which leads to

the fact that acquiring knowledge is beneficial to because this most likely lead to great things in

the future.

Cruz, I. (2016). Senior high school. Retrieved 22 March, 2016, from

Cruz, I. (2014, July 3). The STEM strand. Retrieved April 29, 2016, from

Defining the Humanities and the Social Sciences. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from

Deped. (n.p.). Academic Track. Retrieved 22 March, 2016, from


Deped. (2013). Wwwdepedgovph. Retrieved 22 March, 2016, from

Deped. (n.p.). SHS Core_21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World CGpdf .
Retrieved 22 March, 2016, from

Director’s Corner: Building Self-Esteem & Independence. (2010, November). Retrieved April
29, 2016, from

Edukasyonph. (n.p.). Edukasyonph. Retrieved 22 March, 2016, from

Geronimo, J.Y. (2014). What senior high school tracks fit your locality?. Retrieved 22 March,
2016, from

Gratz, G. (n.d.). The Impact of Parents’ Background on their Children’s Education. Retrieved
April 29, 2016, from

Hubpagescom. (2015). Why Does the Philippines Need the K-12 Education System?. Retrieved
22 March, 2016, from

In Demand Jobs in the Philippines and Abroad. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from

Dewey, J. (1859-1952). (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2016, from

Martin, F. (2015). The Factors that Affect Students’ Decision in Choosing their College Courses.
Retrieved 22 March, 2016, from


Mateo, K. (2015). Useful Tips For Surviving Senior High. Retrieved 22 March, 2016, from

Montebon, D. (2014, December 12). K12 Science Program in the Philippines: Student Perception
on its Implementation. Retrieved April 29, 2016, from

New Things Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from

Promoting independence and agency. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from

The Philippine star. (2016). DepEd: 13 million students to enter senior high. Retrieved 22 March,
2016, from

Rivera, R. (2011). The K-12 Program. Retrieved April 28, 2016, from Philippine Free Press vol.
102 no. 24 (June 2011). P. 16, 34

APPENDIX A (Survey Form)


Name (Optional):____________________ Age:______

School:___________________________ Gender:______

Direction: Shade the answer that is most appropriate and applicable to you.
1. Have you chosen a school where you will take your Senior High School?
o Yes
o No

2. Have you decided to apply to other schools?

o Yes
o No

3. How many schools are you planning to apply to?

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5 or more

4. Why did you choose that or those school(s) for your Senior High School education?
o Advertisements
o Media
o Personal Choice
o Peer Pressure
o Parent’s Decision
o Others (Please Specify):________________________

5. Do you have siblings or other relatives who are enrolled in that or those schools?
o Yes
o No

6. Are your parents/guardians capable of shouldering the expenses for the entire duration
of Senior High School?
o Yes
o No

7. Are you well-oriented about the different tracks and strand available for senior high?
o Yes
o No

8. What is your preferred track?

o Academic Track
o Sports Track
o Arts and Design Track
o Technical Vocational Track

9. What is your preferred strand?

o Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
o Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
o Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
o Health Allied
o General Academic Strand (GAS)
o Music and Arts
o Sports

10. Do you think that your chosen strand is appropriate for you and matches your skills?
o Yes
o No

11. Why did you choose this strand?

o Peer Pressure
o Financial Status
o Skills Matches
o Influence of other people
o Desire to learn more things
o Desire to develop skills for tertiary education
o Others, please specify:____________________________________

12. Is the strand and track you chose the same as the ones you chose in your first choice of
o Yes
o No

13. Are you aware of the consequences if you decided to shift to another strand during the
school year?
o Yes
o No

14. What if your desired strand is offered only to limited schools? Will you decide to change
your strand?
o Yes
o No

15. Are you the one who decided on which strand you will take?
o Yes
o No
16. If you answered no in #15, who inspired you to choose your preferred strand, and why?
o Parents
o Relatives
o Peers
o Personal Choice
o Media
o Advertisements
o Teacher

17. Do you have a sibling older than you? If yes, what is his or her program or course in
o None
o Yes (Please Specify):___________________

18. Do you have any other relatives who chose a college program related to the strand you
chose? If yes, please specify.
o Yes (Please Specify): _______________________
o No

19. Do you see yourself as a successful individual if you take this strand?
o Yes
o No

20. What do you think are the possible degree programs you can take after your Senior High
o Education (Special Education, Preschool. Elementary and/or Secondary)
o Arts and Letters (Journalism, Writing, Communication Arts, Mass
Communication, Behavioural Science, Economics, English, and/or Humanities )
o Science (Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Microbiology, Geology, Mathematics,
and/or Medical Technology)
o Engineering (Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.)
o Commerce and Business Management
o Accountancy
o Fine Arts and Design (Painting, Advertising, Interior Design, and/or Fashion
o Architecture
o Tourism
o Hotel and Restaurant Management
o Medicine
o Sports (Coaching and/or Sport Science)
o Information Technology and Computer Science
o Multimedia Arts (Animation and Filmmaking)
o Rehabilitation Sciences/Physical Therapy
o Others, please specify:_______________________________________

APPENDIX B (Survey Frequency and Percentage)
1) Have you chosen a school where you will take your Senior High School?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 30 62.5%
No 18 37.5%

2) Have you tried to apply to other schools?

Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 23 47.91667%
No 25 52.08333%

3) How many schools are you planning to apply to?

Choices Frequency Percentage
1 17 35.41667%
2 10 20.83333%
3 18 37.5%
4 3 6.25%
5 or more 0 0%

4) Why did you choose that or those school(s) for your Senior High School education?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Advertisements 0 0%
Media 0 0%
Personal Choice 34 70.83333%
Peer Pressure 0 0%
Parent’s Decision 12 25%
Others: (Good Standards, 2 4.166667%

5) Do you have siblings or other relatives who are enrolled in that or those schools?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 16 33.33333%
No 32 66.66667%

6) Are your parents/guardian capable of shouldering the expenses for the entire education
of Senior High School?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 39 81.25%
No 9 18.75%

7) Are you well-oriented about the different tracks and strand available for senior high?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 36 75%
No 12 25%

8) What is your preferred track?

Choices Frequency Percentage
Academic Track 38 79.16667%
Sports Track 3 6.25%
Arts and Design Track 7 14.8333%
Technical Vocational Track 0 0%

9) What is your preferred strand?

Choices Frequency Percentage
Accountancy, Business and 5 10.41667%
Management (ABM)
Science, Technology, 22 45.83333%
Engineering, Mathematics
Humanities and Social 8 16.66667%
Sciences (HUMSS)
Health Allied 6 12.5%
General Academic Strand 0 0%
Music and Arts 3 6.25%
Sports 4 8.333333%

10) Do you think that your chosen strand is appropriate for you and matches your skills?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 42 87.5%
No 6 12.5%

11) Why did you choose this strand?

Choices Frequency Percentage
Peer Pressure 0 0%
Financial Status 0 0%
Skills Matches 16 33.33333%
Influence of other people 3 6.25%
Desire to learn more things 20 41.66667%
Desire to develop skills for 5 10.41667%
tertiary education
Others : (Ambition, Personal 4 8.333333%
Choice, Sports, Opportunity)

12) Is the strand and track you chose the same as the ones you chose in your first choice of
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 33 68.75%
No 15 31.25%

13) Are you aware of the consequences if you decided to shift to another strand during the
school year?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 29 60.41667%
No 19 39.5333%

14) What if your desired strand is offered only to limited schools? Will you decide to
change your strand?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 12 25%
No 36 75%

15) Are you the one who decided on which strand you will take?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 46 95.83333%
No 2 4.166667%

16) If you answered no in number 15 who inspired you to choose your preferred strand,
and why?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Parents 0 0%
Relatives 0 0%
Peers 0 0%
Personal Choice 1 2.083333%
Media 1 2.083333%
Advertisements 0 0%
Teacher 0 0%

17) Do you have a sibling older than you? If yes what is his or her program or course in
Choices Frequency Percentage
None 28 58.33333%
Yes 20 41.66667%

18) Do you have any other relatives who chose a college program related to the strand you
chose? If yes please specify.
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 13 27.08333%
No 35 72.91667%

19) Do you see yourself as a successful individual if you take this strand?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Yes 44 91.66667%
No 4 8.333333%

20) What do you think are the possible degree programs you can take after your Senior
High School?
Choices Frequency Percentage
Education (Special 3 3.703704%
Education, Preschool,
Elementary and/or
Arts and letters ( Journalism, 9 11.11111%
Writing, Communication
Arts, Mass communication,
Behavioural Science,
Economics, English, and/or
Science ( Biology, Chemistry, 13 16.04938%
Pharmacy, Microbiology,
Geology, Mathematics,
and/or Medical Technology)
Engineering (Chemical, Civil, 16 19.75309%
Electrical, Mechanical, etc.)
Commerce and Business 4 4.938272%
Accountancy 3 3.703704%
Fine Arts and Design 5 6.17284%
(Painting, Advertising,
Interior Design, and/or
Fashion Design)
Architecture 6 7.407407%
Tourism 2 2.469136%
Hotel and Restaurant 1 1.234568%
Medicine 2 2.469136%
Sports (Coaching and/or 2 2.469136%
Sports Science)
Information Technology and 9 11.11111%
Computer Science
Multimedia Arts ( Animation 2 2.469136%
and Filmmaking)
Rehabilitation 2 2.469136%
Sciences/Physical Therapy
Others (Psychology, Law) 2 2.469136%




Dear Respondents:

The undersigned are conducting a research study titled “The Factors Influencing Secondary
Students’ Perception and Preferences in Choosing a Strand in Senior High School”, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for their English Class.

In this regard, may we request your utmost cooperation to answer each item of this questionnaire
to the best of your ability upon consideration of truth and honesty. Be rest assured that your
responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,


Researcher Researcher


Researcher Researcher


Researcher Researcher

Noted by:


Research Adviser


Supervising Teacher in English


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