2.4. Advantages
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
I Beam
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Sheet Pile
Fig. 8
TMT Bars
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Wear rates vs. hardness for pearlitic rail steels (open square)
and bainitic steels
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
(HV10) and the
transition temperatures by Charpy impact tests (vTrs) with the
tempering parameter in the TS780 Mpa grade steel
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP) is a microstructural control
technique combining controlled rolling and cooling. In the last decades,
improvement of structural steel properties were mainly obtained by restriction of
the carbon content, improvement of the internal cleanliness and use of microalloyed grades combined with normalising and later thermomechanical
rolling.This last development allowed to refine the microstructure and to produce
stronger and tougher steels. Thermo mechanical rolling was introduced to
improve the properties over conventional rolling. The thermomechanical rolling is
defined as a rolling process leading to a finer microstructure, which cannot be
obtained by a heat treatment alone.To overcome the limitations of
thermomechanical rolling, accelerated cooling process of beams after rolling has
been developed.Thermo-mechanical control process is used to obtain excellent
properties for steel plates, such as high strength, excellent toughness, and
excellent weldability. These techniques have already been applied to various
advanced products. The applications of high strength structural, their demand
and the process techniques are discussed. The current technologies of TMCP in
the world and the mathematical modelling of TMCP are discussed. In this report,
the fundamentals of microstructural control by TMCP, the recent development of
TMCP, available technologies in SAIL plants and the scope of improvement of
existing facilities in SAIL plants are described.
Infrastructural development is one of the main criteria for growth of any nation.
India is in the phase of developing its infrastructure with many projects going on
like construction of reservoirs, dams, metro rails, fly overs, roads etc.Steel plays
a vital role in all these projects. India is the third largest producer of crude steel in
the world. But Indias per capita steel consumption is around 60 kg as against the
world average of 217kg and 510 kg for China [1]. Because of our low per capita
consumption, there is a lot of scope for improvement in consumption of steel
mainly in construction industry. Hot rolled steel is extensively used in modern
structural applications. This success is justified by the intrinsic qualities of steel,
combining strength and ductility. These properties are recognized since time
immemorial. But if steel remained so popular, it is also because steel makers
developed newer grades to the benefit of their customers in terms of cost and
optimized properties. In the field of long products, the use of thermo mechanical
control processes (TMCP) was for a large part responsible for these
Thermo mechanical controlled processing (TMCP) is a technique designed to
improve the mechanical properties of materials by controlling the hot-deformation
process in a rolling mill. This was originally designed to produce the required
external shape of the product. Controlled rolling, controlled-cooling and directquenching are typical examples of thermo mechanical controlled processing.
Such processing saves energy in the manufacture of steel by minimizing or even
eliminating the heat treatment after hot-deformation, thus increasing the
productivity for high grade steels. It normally requires a change in alloy design
and often reduces the productivity of the hot deformation process itself, but at the
same time, makes it possible to reduce the total amount of alloying additions and
to improve weldability, whilst sometimes producing new and beneficial
characteristics in the steel.
Adapting latest technologies in the world is the key to the success of any
industry. So far SAIL is successful in this aspect with its huge modernization
projects at ISP & RSP. To add some more advantage to the structurals which
arethe most consumed type of steel in construction sector; SAIL should focus on
processes which increase profitability. This report presents the technology of
TMCP and prospect of adopting it in SAIL Plants.
2.1. Historical aspects:
The first introduction of thermo mechanical processing into commercial
production was adopted in controlled rolling of carbon (C)-manganese (Mn) steel
plates of 40 kgf/sq mm grade for shipbuilding industry in the 1950s. After 1945,
the concept of toughness as distinct from the concept of ductility, and impact
toughness became a requirement for shipbuilding and other structural steel
plates. In the 1950s, an increase in the Mn/C ratio, deoxidization by the addition
of aluminum (Al) and the normalizing of Al killed steels were all adopted to
improve impact toughness properties. At that time, the concept that ductile to
brittle transition temperature can be reduced by refinement of ferrite (alpha) grain
size was also established [2].
In the early 1960s, an extensive research was conducted to examine the effects
of rolling temperature on mechanical properties. From these research works, a
rolling procedure at a controlled temperature was developed to refine the grain
size. Controlled rolling made a major contribution to the reduction in alloy
addition and the improvement of weldability. This development led to the
production of substantial amounts of strong and tough steels which were mainly
used for pipelines.
Although controlled rolling resulted into relatively low productivity, it could be
performed at a comparatively low temperature to obtain enhanced levels of
strength and toughness. As the controlled rolling process is based on grain
refinement, it can improve yield strength and toughness, but cannot improve
tensile strength without alloying. Hence, there has been limited improvement of
weldability with this process.
Since the late 1970s, efforts were made to combine micro alloying with TMCP,
which improved strength, toughness andweldability. When TMCP is used
incombination with controlled rolling, the accelerated cooling allows the austenite
(gamma) to ferrite (alpha) transformation to be controlled. TMCP is now widely
used for the production of stronger and tougher steels with excellent weldability.
The present approach of using water-cooled TMCP, which gives accelerated
cooling after low- temperature rolling and direct quenching, has been greatly
improved in the 1980s. The continuous online control process covers a wide
TMCP process:
There are several processes for TMCP. These processes broadly fall into the
following three main categories.
Controlled rolling down from the normalizing temperature which is still fully
austenitic (above the Ar3 temperature) followed by a rapid cool of
approximately 10 deg C/sec. The aim of this process is to refine the grain size
by controlled rolling and to increase the strength by suppressing the formation
of ferrite and pearlite in favour of a strong tough bainite [2].
Controlled rolling both above the Ar3 and below that temperature, in the
austenite ferrite mixed region, in addition to austenite grain refinement, the
recrystallized grains are flattened and nucleation of fine ferrite is encouraged
by the deformation. At a temperature above the Ar1, the controlled rolling is
interrupted, and followed by rapid cooling to room temperature or an
intermediate temperature.
Controlled rolling is performed as part of a preliminary processing,
followed by cooling and reheating to just above the Ar3 temperature and then
rapid cooling to well below the Ar1 temperature. The purpose of this technique
is to develop the finest equiaxed austenite grain size before the controlled
cooling begins.
By appropriate choice of deformation temperature and strain rate, the strength of
steel can be increased. The strength of TMCP steel is higher than normalized
steel of the same composition. Thus TMCP steel has a leaner composition (lower
alloy content) than conventional normalized steel of the same strength [2].
The following figure (Fig. 1) shows schematic diagrams of various rolling andheat
treatment processes to improve the toughness of steel plates withtensile
strengths typically under 600 MPa. The toughness of the steels is improved by a
off-line heat treatmentat about 900C, followed by cooling to the
ambienttemperature (Normalizing, Fig. 1.a). The refined transformedstructure
from refined austenite contributes towardsthe improved toughening effect.
Recrystallization takes place when the temperature is sufficiently high (more than
900 deg C) and most of the ledges and deformation bands induced by
deformation disappear. The retaining deformation ledges and bands can act as
potential heterogeneous nucleation sites for the austenite to ferrite
transformations and contribute to grain refinement. Also the heterogeneous
deformation of austenite increases the grain surface area and the length of grain
edges per unit volume, while there is no change in the number of grain corners
per unit volume.
The additional feature of TMCP is its cooling process. During the accelerated
cooling the growth of transformed products is effectively suppressed and grain
refinement is achieved by transformations where the above mentioned nucleation
sites are introduced. The decrease in the transformation temperature caused by
accelerated cooling induces strong changes in the intra-granular structure. The
transformation driving forces also contribute to refinement of the grain size
through low temperature rolling followed by quenching with water. The tensile
strength can be widely controlled (from 50 kg/sq mm to above 80 kg/sq mm).
The micro alloying elements in the steel control the microstructure. A little
amount of elements such as niobium (Nb) and titanium (Ti) allow the
microstructure to be refined from the reheating of steel to controlled rolling and
accelerated cooling processes and enhance the strength of the finished rolled
product. The effects of Nb (Fig 3) as an example of a micro alloying element
show that the sizes of the Nb precipitates formed during each process are
roughly 300 nm at the slab reheating temperature before rolling (more than 1000
deg C), 50 nm during controlled rolling (around 800 deg C) and 10 nm at the
transformation temperature (around 600 deg C) during cooling. In short, the size
of precipitates decreases with decrease in the temperature as the process
progresses. This is useful for microstructural control. It is therefore necessary to
maintain Nb in a solid solution so that it can be precipitated in sufficient amounts
in the subsequent processes [2].
Nb precipitates during the reheating of steel and prevents austenite grain growth
via the pinning effect. During the subsequent rolling process, at below the
recrystallization temperature (around 900 deg C), the driving force generated by
the strain energy introduced by such rolling, facilitates the precipitation of fine Nb
carbides and/or nitrides. These fine precipitates prevent austenite grain
recrystallization and therefore coarsening of grains.
During thermo mechanical rolling, the strain induced precipitation of micro
alloying elements such as Nb plays an important role in controlling the
microstructure. Nb delays the onset of austenite recrystallization.
Because of the non-recrystallized nature of austenite, there is a plentiful supply
of heterogeneous ferrite nucleation sites (ledges and deformation bands) for the
subsequent cooling process. Nb also induces other effects such as during the
austenite to ferrite transformation upon cooling, it precipitates in the ferrite matrix
and enhances its strength via the precipitation strengthening mechanism. The
crystal structure of the precipitates does not fit well in the ferrite lattice and this
incoherency between the ferrite and precipitates results in increased strength.
The TMCP parameters affect the microstructure and properties of Nb-Ti micro
alloyed steel. For example, the yield and tensile strength increase with a
decrease in the finishing-cooling or non-recrystallization rolling temperature.
The most notable effect of TMCP is that steel with the same strength as
conventional steels can be manufactured with a lower carbon equivalent (i.e. with
lower alloy addition) through microstructural control. It has been demonstrated
that the value of Ceq [2] required for TMCP steel to attain the same strength is
0.04 % to 0.08 % lower than that required for normalized steel. As a result,
weldability (i.e. the preheating temperature required to prevent cold cracking at
HAZ) has been significantly improved in TMCP steels. TMCP thus increases
productivity during the fabrication of steel structures while enhancing safety and
TMCP process has several advantages that can help to overcome issues related
to the addition of major alloying elements and conventional heat treatments.
TMCP steels with added micro alloys have been developed to manage the
conflicting requirements of strength and toughness through grain refinement and
because of decrease in micro alloying weldability is improved. TMCP effectively
enables reduction of the preheating temperature, thus lowering the rolling cost.
As TMCP steels afford good weldability, they are highly valued in industries such
as shipbuilding, offshore structures, pipelines and building construction.
TMCP is the sophisticated combination of well-defined deformation operations
and well-defined heat treatment in a single production stage to control the
microstructure of the steel being rolled. TMCP produces steels with the desired
external qualities (dimensions, shape and surface quality) and acceptable
mechanical properties. TMCP is normally considered as the final stage in the
production of steels.
10 | P a g e
Fig. 4: I Beam
11 | P a g e
Fig. 5: Angles
Fig. 6: Plate
Aplateis astructural elementwhich is characterized by two key properties. Firstly,
its geometric configuration is a three-dimensional solid whose thickness is very
small when compared with other dimensions. Secondly, the effects of the loads
that are expected to be applied on it only generate stresses
whose resultants are, in practical terms, exclusively normal to the element's
thickness [8].
12 | P a g e
Plates caters the requirements of ship building, line pipe, yellow goods, boilers
and pressure vessels, defence, construction and wind engineering sectors.
Sheet Pile:
TMT Bars:
treatment (TMT),
a metallurgical process
hardening and heat-treatment into a single process.
13 | P a g e
as thermo-mechanical
integrates work
The quenching process produces a high strength bar from inexpensive low
carbon steel. The process quenches the surface layer of the bar, which
pressurizes and deforms the crystal structure of intermediate layers, and
simultaneously begins to temper the quenched layers using the heat from the
bar's core.
plate flatness after cooling, as well as the productivity of the process. Frequently
used accelerated cooling equipment has been thoroughly reviewed for this
purpose. Each steel plant adds specific features related to the cooling method,
installation location and the motion of the strip/plate.
Presently, accelerated cooling equipment is commonly of the continuous type, in
which the cooling zone is divided in the traveling direction of the strip/plate. In
this setup, water cooling of the top and bottom faces of the strip/plate can be
independently controlled in each zone.
In addition to homogeneous water cooling, progress has been made in reduceddistortion cooling technology, which requires even more sophisticated cooling
control. This is needed to ensure both the uniformity of the cooling temperature
and the required strip/plate flatness after cooling. The issues related to strip/plate
distortion (deflections) are classified into three major types depending on the
direction in which uneven cooling occurred, i.e., along the thickness, longitudinal
and transverse directions. On the basis of thermal stress and elastic instability
theory, the expressions for the critical buckling along these three directions
resulting from uneven cooling are found. One of the causes of plate distortion is
the inevitable overcooling on the four narrow faces of the plate. To avoid this
temperature decrease, several mechanistic measures are generally taken such
as a water crown profile can be applied in the transverse direction, edge
screening, which reduces the water flow along the edges, can be applied in the
width direction, and head and tail screening can be applied to prevent
overcooling at the respective narrow faces. To minimize the temperature
difference, optimization of the nozzle arrangement at the bottom face has also
been examined, since another mechanism that causes distortion is the different
thermal histories of the top and bottom faces of the strip/plate. At some steel
plants, learning functions are employed so that the ratio of water volume applied
to the top and bottom faces can be automatically controlled on the basis of the
accumulated data on temperature and flatness. The flatness of the strip/plate
before cooling is essential for ensuring a uniform cooling temperature. This is
consistent with the recent trend of optimizing the sequential equipment
configuration by installing a hot leveler before the accelerated cooling stage.
Additional technologies have been required to meet the increasing demand for
TMCP since the 1990s. A key issue in such technologies has been to achieve
highly uniform cooling to minimize steel strain, which occasionally occurred with
15 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
18 | P a g e
Fig. 11: Influence of selective cooling during rolling on the temperature profile of
the flange width
4.1.2. TMCP for bars:
The first major application of TMCP in long products was the implementation of
the THERMEXprocess.THERMEX has found a world-wide expansion for the
production of high quality reinforcing bars (Fig. 13).The Thermex Cooling
Technology involves subjecting the bar to predetermined quantity of highpressure water after the last rolling mill stand. This treatment converts the bar
surface to a hardened structure. The subsequent phase involves cooling at
ambient temperature to allow the hot core to temper the surface through thermal
exchange. This results in a unique structure of tempered martensite in the
peripheral zone and a fine grain ferrite-pearlite at the central zone. Such a
structure is the guarantee of a THERMEX TMT Bar.
19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e
Product Characterisation:
21 | P a g e
Ferrite Pearlite
Fe 500
Tempered Martensite
Acicular Ferrite
/Bainite Fe 600
manufacturers because the cooling process can be designed to match the rolling
mill capacity; hence they achieve a high productivity rate. In contrast, the off-line
systems are relatively slow and energy intensive.
Different technologies have been used aiming at the in-line hardening treatment
of pearlitic rails (forced air-cooling, cold water cooling, dipping in synthetic
quenching medium, etc.). Among them, the in-line water spray cooling
technology called CHHR [12] (Continuous Head Hardening Rails) has been
applied for the production of rails at ARES, in Corus UK and Pennsylvania Steel
Technology. The cooling technology is based on water sprays (Fig. 16).
23 | P a g e
Fig. 16: Wear rates vs. hardness for pearlitic rail steels (open square) and
bainitic steels
Another important character of rails is the resistance to rolling contact fatigue
(RCF). Repeated high stresses combined with creepages (predominant in
curves) are the main cause of rolling contact fatigue. Hence, new rail steels
offering longer life need better resistance to RCF in addition to improved wear
24 | P a g e
In this field also, TMCP allows to elaborate suitable microstructure with superior
initiation time for fatigue cracks due to RCF [14] (Fig. 18) or superior toughness
and resistance to the propagation of the cracks (Fig. 19).
25 | P a g e
Fig. 20:Changes
tests (vTrs) with the tempering
parameter in the
TS780 MPa grade steel
27 | P a g e
28 | P a g e
Mathematical Formulation:
Control of final properties depends on accurate quantitative knowledge of
microstructural and local constitutional changes that occur during processing.
Reheating Module:
29 | P a g e
30 | P a g e
Once the DRX sets in, post dynamic recrystallization will continue even in
the absence of strain, this is termed MRX.
The static recrystallization kinetics expressed as the time to reach a certain level
of recrystallization depends on chemical composition, applied strain (), strain
rate (), initial grain size (d0) and temperature (T) [1, 5]. Sellars [5] derived an
equation for describing the time for 50% static recrystallization including strain,
strain rate, composition, grain size and temperature
t0.5= B sd0pZqexp(
where B and r are constants dependent on the chemical composition of the steel
and Z is Zener-Hollomon parameter.
Empirical relations are available in the literature to determine the grain size of
austenite in the metadynamicrecrystallized condition [19].
In case where applied strain is less than the critical strain, static
restoration occurs during inter-pass time.
31 | P a g e
No Recrystallization Temp:
This temperature marks the cessation of recrystallization. The grains assume a
pancake shape below this temperature, thus increasing the effective grain
boundary area. Additionally deformation bands and other defects are
endangered during deformation in the no recrystallization regime.
Strain Accumulation:
= i + Kacc (1-Xi-1)
Kacc is a constant can be taken as 0.5 for short inter-pass time, and 1.0 for
long inter-pass time
32 | P a g e
In case of partial REX the grain size is averaged over the recrystallized
and unrecrystallized fraction using a law of mixture type relation.
Grain Growth:
Precipitation Kinetics[20]:
Dislocation Density:
The average ferrite grain size is computed taking into account predictions
from different transformation models
ss+ dis + p +
Ky D
= 15.4 (3.5+2.1Mn+5.4Si)
=1.44 10-3
; where
is dislocation density
35 | P a g e
Product Attributes:
36 | P a g e
37 | P a g e
Process Route:
The steel is produced at fully integrated ISP using iron ore from SAILs own iron
ore mines and processed through stringent quality control measures through
BOF and continuous casting route. Special grades are produced with secondary
refining facilities like Desulphurising, LF, VAD, VOD etc. in Steel Melting Shop.
These blooms/beam blanks produced with clean steel are charged into Walking
Beam Furnace for reheating and soaking at required temperature before
commencing rolling operation through Universal Section Mill. The steel
blooms/beam blanks are converted into Parallel Flange Structural Sections
(Wide/Narrow flange), passing through the state of the art Universal Section Mill
supplied by SMS MEER.
38 | P a g e
39 | P a g e
With all the above features the USM can produce quality products. By adding
TMCP facility to this route will further enhance the quality of the products with
added advantages of TMCP like leaner chemistry, strength, thereby reducing
cost and increasing overall profitability.
41 | P a g e
This report has given the history of TMCP, different processes of TMCP, latest
technologies in TMCP in the world, TMCP in SAIL, advantages, and the
prospects of adopting TMCP in SAIL.
42 | P a g e
TMCP has allowed to increase the productivity and to decrease the cost of the
alloying for the steel producer.
Products with an improved combination of properties such as tensile
strength,toughness, ductility, wear resistance,weldabilityis obtainable through
TMCP for a wider range of thickness.
TMCP has been successfully applied for the production of structural. In terms of
quality or economy, the performance of this production route compares
advantageously over the alternative routes like increased alloying or off line
43 | P a g e
First and foremost, Im very thankful to SAIL, RDCIS for giving me great
opportunities to learn. I am extremely grateful to Sri S. S. Mohanty, Director
Technical, Steel Authority of India Limited, for providing me an opportunity to
prepare a technical memorandum on Thermo Mechanical Controlled Processing
of High Strength Structurals. I owe my deepest sense of gratitude to the
respected Dr. B. K. Jha, ED I/c, RDCIS, for providing me an opportunity to
explore into the real world of steel and realize the interrelation of various
disciplines. Im grateful to Sri A. K. Paul, GM &HoPC, Burnpur Plant Centre for
his constant motivation, support and encouragement. Im thankful to Sri
AtulSaxena, GM &HoA, Products and Dr. A. K. Bhakat, DGM &HoG, AEC for
their constant support and encouragement. Im highly indebted to my advisor,
project guide Sri D. Karmakar, DGM, AEC, for his constant advice, support and
Finally, I thank all my colleagues and family members for their support without
whom this project work would not have been a possibility.
44 | P a g e
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45 | P a g e
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[18] Predictionofmicrostructureevolutionduring multistandshaperollingofnickel-base super alloys Kannan Subramanian
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46 | P a g e