The Void - Stygian Cycle II

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The key takeaways are that imagination is powerful and roleplaying games can help spark creativity, but the developers want to try a new approach to better support players' ideas and make the core material more accessible.

The Creative Commons license will be adopted so that players can meaningfully contribute to the game and have their ideas supported and shared with other players.

The core book will be made available for free in electronic form so that players can try the game before spending money on it and see if they like it.

the stygian cycle II:

Venusian Sunset

Seriously? Free-to-Play?
Imagination is powerful. To quote Albert Einstein, Imagination is more important
than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while
imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. Well said.
We believe in the power of imagination and how it creates wonder and inspiration.
Roleplaying games are one of the few things that can do what they do. Some might
say they are the last frontier for wild imagination and creativity. We certainly believe
so. Thats why we make roleplaying games to help make that possible.
Making roleplaying games the way we have hasnt helped us spark imagination the
way wed hoped. We want to try something different.
First, were adopting the Creative Commons license, so that you can contribute to
the game in a meaningful way. That way, we can support you in your awesome ideas
and help you get them out to your fellow players.
Then, were going to give away electronic copies of the core book for free. Weve
all bought games that didnt end up working out for us. Thats why were giving this
to you for free so that you can figure out if you like the game before you decide to
spend money on it.
If you like The Void and you play it, were going to put out a bunch of cool material
at very reasonable prices. Were going to do it buffet-style, so you can pick and choose
what works best for you and your group. Buying these supplements supports us making more cool material, along with the rest of your fellow players.
After all, lifes too short to waste time and money on games you dont like.
The Staff of WildFire

Created By
christopher Dorn
robert Glass
matthew Grau
fraser McKay
mike Vaillancourt

Written By

christopher Dorn
IP/Line Developer
matthew Grau
matthew Grau
Art Direction &
Graphic Design

mike Vaillancourt
Layout &
matthew Grau
Cover Art
trevor CLAXTON
Interior Illustration
matthew BURKE
matthew Grau

Thanks To
The Gen Con Referee Coordinator: Bob
The Gen Con Referee Team: Steve Pitcher,
Travis Wickline the place to play (and
playtest) roleplaying games on the internet.
Forums, Information, Downloads
WildFire LLC
23321 SE 291st St.
Black Diamond, WA 98010
Black Sky
First Printing. 2013 WildFire LLC. Creative Commons License; Some Rights Reserved. The Void and
the Cthulhu Saga are trademarks of WildFire LLC. All
Rights Reserved. All characters, names, places, and text
herein are copyrighted by WildFire LLC. References to
the works of H. P. Lovecraft are from and remain in the
public domain.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
To view a copy of this license, visit:
or send a letter to: Creative Commons, 171 Second
Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.
[What this means is that you are free to copy, share, and
remix the text and artwork within this book under the
following conditions: 1) you do so only for non-commercial purposes; 2) you attribute WildFire LLC; 3) you
license any derivatives under the same license. For specific details, appropriate credits, and updates/changes
to this license, please see:]

Table of Contents
(1) Overview

(2) Background

(3) Venusian Sunset: Act I


(4) Venusian Sunset: Act II


(5) Venusian Sunset: Act III


(6) Monster: Harbinger


Welcome to Venusian Sunset, the
second adventure in the epic story of
The Stygian Cycle. This is a ready-to-run
adventure that can be part of Organized Play.
This adventure is for Level 1 Characters, which are those that have received 10 Advances or less. If your
Characters are more advanced than
that, you will need to adjust things to
be appropriately challenging.
This adventure is self-contained,
though it is designed to set Characters
up for the next adventure in The Stygian Cycle. It involves the Characters
being sent to the Diamond Head colony on Venus to investigate a string of
mystifying killings and disappearances. What they discover could threaten
all life within the colony.
Naturally, these adventures are intended for Gamemasters. However,
as a player, you may find the way the
setting of The Void is brought to life in
these adventures useful for your visualization of your Character and game.
You probably dont want to memorize the adventures if you plan to play
them itll only ruin your enjoyment.
This adventure assumes that your
group is composed of Wardens. If it is
not, the adventure can still work, but
requires some adjustments before you
run it.

The Stygian Cycle

The Void Organized Play adventures

will take you through the most signifi-

cant events in the solar system, as designed.

This doesnt mean that you wont
come up with awesome and significant adventures on your own, but
these are the ones we designed to hit
the high points based on what weve


Weve created a soundtrack for The

Void on the popular Spotify platform.
It is composed of dark ambient music,
designed to provide an eerie background for your game. We will be updating over time, to expand the repertoire of music and moods. If youre
interested, check our Facebook page
for links


The gravity on Venus is Moderately

Low Gravity, so Characters will have to
deal with those minimal effects as
found on p. 136 of The Void Core. Since
the effects of this less than 10% shift
from 1G, the colonies of Venus dont
take any extra precautions such as
energized deck plates. However, there
are entertainment complexes that rotate in 1G, just to help keep people at
maximum health.
A Venusian day is longer than its
year 243 Earth Standard days long.
That means there are months of both
day and night, depending up the time
of year. To combat this, Venus is run on
a standard 24 hour Earth Standard day
though there arent light cues to tell
people what time of day it is.

Outside the domes of Venus, the atmosphere is extremely dangerous. It is

a Toxic Exotic Atmosphere, as found on
p. 135 of The Void Core, as well as SuperHeated, as found on p. 136 of The Void
Core. The Venusians have special vehicles and environment suits to allow
people to go outside when necessary,
but most people never even contemplate such a trip.

Plot Points

In this adventure, youll have a chain

of related evidence that will be the
subject of investigation by the players, the bulk of which together will
unravel the mystery for the Characters
and put them on the path of resolution.
Each piece of this chain can be learned
through Plot Points.
Once in the appropriate place to earn
Plot Points, the Characters must simply
have the resources necessary to gain
them and they do. They dont have to
make a series of Tests, hoping to succeed at all of the Tests they need to in
order to glean the clues or information.
To determine if the Characters have the
necessary resources, simply total up
the requisite dice pools from the Skills
+ Attributes necessary. If it is equal to
or greater than the Plot Point score,
they succeed. Easily gained information requires four or five Plot Points, information that requires some expertise
requires six or seven Plot Points, and
information that is difficult to glean requires nine or ten Plot Points.

Got Feedback?
Were all roleplayers here.
When youre playing The Void,
youre going to have feedback
whether it be questions, comments, or the awesome stuff you
came up with while youre playing. We want to hear it. Youve
got two options. You can just
fire off an e-mail to feedback@ Alternatively,
you can jump into the pool on
our forums and engage in conversation with both us and other players. Find them at http://

For example, the Characters wish to

search the quarters of a missing com-

Chapter 1: Overview

puter technician in Salacia. The key

information they need to learn there
is that the place has been completely
wiped clean (sterilized) and that the
hard drive in the dwellings computer
hasnt just been erased, it has been
replaced. This requires the Investigate and Computer Skills, but not
particularly high levels of either. The
GM determines that the Investigate
portion rates a four, as does the Computer portion. If the players enter the
scene, spend the time, and have a total
pool of points from their Investigate +
Awareness and Computer + Cleverness ratings that each equals or exceeds four, together they glean all the
information there is to gain.
Sometimes players wont have the
necessary resources at hand. In many
cases, theyll know that theyve come
to an important juncture and be aware
of the resources they are missing. They
can simply go away, gather those resources, and return. If they cannot and
its important they gain the information, have them make Tests using the
appropriate Skill at whatever Difficulty
seems sensible. If they succeed, they
get the information. If not, theyll miss
it or just have them spend 2 Tension
Points to Get a Clue.

Rules for
Organized Play

The great advantage of Organized

Play is that players (and GMs) have
the flexibility to use their Characters
in different groups. Perhaps theyre
playing an event at a local hobby store
or at a convention, theyre playing in
two groups, or their group dissolves or
moves on to another game and they
want to keep playing.

Using the guidelines here, players

can keep their treasured Characters
going through The Stygian Cycle without restriction.
Level 1 Characters
This adventure is designed for Level
1 Characters, which means they have
earned up to 10 Advances.
If players have been playing The Void
outside of The Stygian Cycle, they may
have enough Advances to be considered a higher Level. If this is the case,
youll need to bump up the difficulty
and foes in this adventure in order to
make it appropriately challenging.
Adventure Rewards
Characters completing this adventure should receive 3 Advances. You
can give these out over sessions, or
you can give them all out at the end.
Since players can travel between
groups within the Organized Play of
The Stygian Cycle, any kind of Character advancement needs to be tracked
and verified by the GM. This is to make
sure that everyone stays honest from
group to group.
The simplest method of verification
is to note on the back of their Character Sheet the number of Advances
awarded, any special gear the Character acquired, as well as the name of the
adventure and date or dates played.
Please include your name and write in
your own handwriting dont let the
players do this themselves. If youre
comfortable with it, you may also include your e-mail address.

Since mobile devices are commonplace, an even more formal way to verify advancement is to post the above
details to the players Facebook Wall.
This creates a digital record that is less
easily disputed, if it ever comes to that.
Character Death
If a Character dies, the player
shouldnt be handicapped in terms of
playing in The Stygian Cycle. As per the
rules found on p. 225 of The Void Core,
have the player create a new Character
with the same number of Advances as
the Character who has passed on.
However, have that player keep the
deceased Character with the new one,
so that all Advances have been tracked
and verified for purposed of Organized Play.
Suspected Cheating
Cheating is poor sportsmanship,
most especially in roleplaying games.
Most people simply dont, since roleplaying games are about the story.

However, if a Character has extremely unusual advancements most especially in terms of gear or cannot satisfactorily recount where they received
them, then you have several choices.
You can let them play as is, and adapt
the challenges for that Character to
make them more difficult. You can also
ask them if they will play without the

Unverified advancement can be

suspect, but groups can often be too
excited at the end of a session to properly record things.
In any event, make the judgment
call that works best for your group.
Playing Outside the OP
Enthusiastic players may wish to play
adventures that are not part of The Stygian Cycle in between Organized Play
adventures. Thats awesome and no
one should be penalized for that.
However, if anyone wants to bring in
such a Character, they should have all
outside advancement verified by their
GM, just as if they were playing within
The Stygian Cycle.

Chapter 1: Overview

If you encounter a player who you

suspect has cheated, ask them to be
more detailed about how they received their Advancements or gear. If
they can recount the events of their
adventure and they make sense, you
may choose to let them participate.

suspect advancement for the duration

of your game. Finally, you can simply
not allow them into your game.

Venusian Sunset
Diamond Head is the corporate colony of Geo Excavations on Venus. Like
most colonies on that caustic planet,
the domed city is built into the ground
to protect from the elements. While
home to its own tensions, Diamond
Head has attracted the attention of
the diabolical cult known as the Scions
of Blight. Worshipping the Unnamed,
they perpetuate suffering wherever
they go, feeling that this is the highest
form of worship to which they can aspire. Wherever the Scions go, disaster
and suffering follows in their wake.
The Scions have been in place for
many years in Diamond Head, recruiting its members from the disenfranchised workers of the mining industry
that support the decadent corporate
bigwigs. Following long lost texts that
detail the horrific suffering of victims
at the hands of the Unnamed, they began by kidnapping and torturing visitors, all to appease their master.
The cult only recently started to
show up on the radars of Warden Command when something occurred to
drive the cult to even more depraved
and violent acts of terror. A Harbinger,
a servant of the Chthonian Star, has
found them and possessed the body
of the chief lieutenant of the cult. The
Harbinger has manipulated the cult to
increase the number of kidnapped victims to dozens at a time. These victims
are subjected to rites deciphered by
the Harbinger, which increase the exposure to even the smallest amounts
of radiation to lethal levels. The victims
literally cook before the cults eyes,
screaming as their flesh withers and

their insides are cooked like a microwave. It is the discovery of the first of
the body dumps, located in the center
of one of the largest entertainment
complexes, that has brought the Wardens to Diamond Head.
Many, if not most, of the lower-level
employees live on one of the lower
levels known by most as the Hole. Its
official designation is the Tier-1 Residence Level. It is serviced by a set of
elevators dedicated to transporting
those who live in Tier-1, allowing them
to reach their worksites rapidly. While
the Hole is not a slum by any means,
the difference in lifestyle from those
above to those below is so dramatic
that it has caused tensions in the past.
The management of Diamond Head is
aware of the growing dissent and has
taken steps to improve working and
living conditions. In fact, the living
conditions in the Hole are better than
most other cities middle-class areas.
There are, however, very run-down areas of the Hole, especially in the more
isolated areas.
The cult has set up shop in the Hole,
as it is much easier to hide itself in the
machinery of Diamond Head than up
above. It is also from the Hole that it recruits its members. The first sacrifices
that the cult kidnapped, tortured, and
laid out for display were made in the
Hole. This was done in part to start the
terror machine rolling, but also to stir
up the locals. These acts did not immediately register on anyones radar
and were handled by local authorities that had no idea who committed
the crime. It was not until the bodies

started showing up top-side that officials began taking notice. This has
brought the Hole to a boiling point, as
it appears that the lives of tourists are
worth more than their own.
End Game
The Harbingers end game is nothing short of killing all inhabitants of
Diamond Head. It will do this by directing the cult, via manipulation of
the cult leader, to expand the scope
of the ritual and cause a failure in the
radiation shielding of the city. In order
to accomplish this, the cult must set
demolitions at key structural points
within the facility, kidnap enough important sacrifices to power the ritual,
and summon more Harbingers to infect and possess the survivors who do
manage to get away.

Adventure Synopsis

Venusian Sunset has three distinct

Acts, as the Characters riddle through
the horrific events in Diamond Head.

Act I: Into the Party Zone

In this first act, the Characters are
sent to the Diamond Head colony on
Venus. There, they discover a hideous
and perplexing mass murder and are
given loads of information by their
Warden contact within the colony.
Most of this first Act is spent going
over all of the data so far as well as doing some preliminary investigations.
These numerous leads do not seem
connected and the method of murder
is mysterious. However, they will even-

tually find a piece of evidence that will

point them towards the perpetrators.
Act II: Bring Your Sunscreen
Once the Characters open the
strange Box dropped by one of the
cultists, they are pointed to what they
discover to be a cult safehouse. The
cult is armed and will not be shy about
opening a firefight with the Characters, or innocent bystanders. This is a
challenge for the Wardens, as this sort
of overt action can be difficult to cover
up and be a bureaucratic mess.
The finale of the Act will be the unwilling sacrifice of the pursued cultists by the Harbinger watching the
encounter. The Harbinger will trigger
latent energies that he previously
stored within each cult member to kill
the pursued. Investigation of the cult
hideout will lead the players to the
final confrontation with the Harbinger and the plan to destroy Diamond
Act III: Burn, Baby, Burn!
In the third Act, the Characters find
that the cult plans to kidnap dignitaries from the Anniversary celebration
and kill them in some kind of ritual.
Combined with explosives that will
crack the dome, the cult will attempt
to kill everyone in Diamond Head.
Tracking the cult to their headquarters, the Characters face a final confrontation with cult leadership and
the mysterious Harbinger in an effort
to stop the cults plans, which are already in motion.

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

Act I:

Into the Party Zone

Goals: To introduce the Venusian
colony of Diamond Head as the main
setting, and allow the Characters to investigate the strange deaths and disappearances.
Setting: The Characters Knights Errant ship, Warden HQ in Diamond
Head, various points of investigative
Cast: Agent James Capstan, local
Medical Examiner, random people at
points of interest
The adventure presumes that the
Characters are in the process of leaving Mars after the events in Barsoom.
They are prepping their Knights Errant
to leave when they receive a call.
However, the Characters can come
into this mission from anywhere. Just
tailor it to their last location and modify the travel time to Venus as appropriate.

Scene 1: A New Mission

As the Characters are prepping to

leave Mars, read the following to your
The call comes in at 2 am local time. Your internal clock hasnt
adjusted from the trip in-system.
Bleary eyed, you squint at the message board of your comm panel
and see your orders.


Diamond Head is a mining colony belonging to Geo-Excavations. It
is neither the largest or most populous colony on Venus. They dont call
Wardens in unless things are going
haywire. As you clear the message
and start to get dressed, an ad plays
on the monitor.
Come join us on for Founding
Day here in Diamond Head! Celebrate one of the greatest achievements of Geo-Excavations! Job fairs
and hiring managers will be available to discuss your future career.
You switch off the monitor, knowing this is probably not going to be
much fun.
The Characters can do what they
want before they leave for Venus. The
trip itself will take 14 days, and the
Characters will be in grav-couches the
entire time. Any actions they want to
take during this part of the adventure
will need to take place before departing Mars or immediately after arriving
on Venus.

Scene 2: Venus

Upon arriving on Venus, the Characters will awake from A/D Stasis, ready,
and head down to the colony.
Read the following to your players:
As the large sun rises on the far
side of Venus, the surface structures

of Diamond Head come into view.

The structures are simple, no-nonsense affairs that give no clue to the
vast complex of a caverns and tunnels the lie below. As you get closer,
you can see the Geo-Excavations
logo plastered across the surface of
the Welcome & Customs Center that
affords access to the colony below.
Landing at an isolated docking
bay away from the civilian traffic, your shuttle settles down with
a gentle bump. As you collect your
gear and begins to disembark, you
see that the docking bay is empty.
Because most Warden missions are
off the books, this is not surprising.

After nervously introducing himself,

Capstan is eager to share the information he has gathered. He sends his files
immediately to the Characters wrist

Investigation: General

Three days ago a collection of ten

bodies was found arranged in a
neat circle in the center of the
main thoroughfare in Diamond
The bodies all show signs of radiation burns, from the inside out.
While they look mostly normal on
the outside, their insides appear
to have been exposed to something like microwave or gamma
There is no residual radiation on
the bodies not even on metallic
Surveillance feeds from the area
were cut, so no surveillance is
The victims are a collection of
tourists from the lower end casinos and have no apparent importance.
There are two families of three,
and a family of four.
Ages range from 15 to 54.
Families all arrived on different
shuttles from different parts of the
solar system.
Two of the families stayed at the
same hotel, the other across town.
Back tracking is currently underway to see if they crossed paths

Scene 3: Warden HQ

As the Characters familiarize themselves with the basic details of the

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

A young man enters the docking

bay and approaches. This should
be Agent James Capstan, according
to your personnel roster. Newly assigned to Diamond Head, fresh out
of training, he was assigned to a
desk here to get his feet wet without
throwing him to the wolves right
away. Thinking back to your first
year in the Wardens, you remember
the mindless reports and meaningless interviews that you had to endure all the while silently begging
for some action. If only you could
go back and knock some sense into
that foolish young version of yourself. However, thats in the past and
all you can hope to do is get this
green kid through the next few days
alive. If youre here, its likely something back is going to happen.

comps. However, feel free to let the

players ask the questions. If they miss
any of these topics, have Capstan offer
them up he wants to do a good job.


Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

case, Capstan leads the Characters

over to an unassuming side alley and
slides up a panel cleverly hidden in the
Read the following to your players:
A door-sized panel slides open
and Capstan ushers you inside.
Welcome to Warden HQ on Diamond Head. Its not a lot, but its
home for now. All the access points
to the undercity are hidden in panels like this. Ill issue you pass codes
when we get to my office and upload the layout and location of all
passageways. Your pass code will
be able to open any of the undercity
passage doors here. Transportation around the city is handled by
ground cab and moving walkways.
Travel in the Hole is primarily the
Tube and walking. Your pass codes
will get you on the Tube as well.
The HQ is nothing more than a
hallway with offices on each side,
eight total. The far end of the hallway is another door that has been
wielded shut, blocking passage off
to the rest of the colony. Capstan
guides you past three empty offices,
and a fourth that has been converted into an interrogation room. The
final four rooms hold three confinement cells and Capstans office.
The Characters are given an opportunity to do further research on the
information that has been provided
them. Capstan has only provided an

Investigation: Researching the

Investigation: Researching Data
Plot Points Earned By:
Plot Points:
Awareness + Investigate
Awareness + Investigate
Cleverness + Research
Cleverness + Research

4 Plot Points The available data

doesnt show any direct connection between the victims.
4 Plot Points All of the initial victims worked or lived in the Hole.
Their bodies were discovered in
areas where vagrants and the
dispossessed have taken up residence after failing to make it here.
4 Plot Points Because the victims
were homeless or worked in the
more rundown areas of the Hole,
autopsies were only just competed on some of them.
4 Plot Points Background information on the six original victims
will require talking to the locals in
the Hole. The Warden database is
limited when it comes to those
who dwell in the lowest levels of
the colony.
6 Plot Points There are six separate deaths that occurred over the
last eight weeks in the Hole that
have similarities to the deaths of
the tourists.
6 Plot Points When viewed
chronologically, the radiation
burns have progressed from minor interior burns to the final victim, whose autopsy looks he was
cooked from the inside out.

Scene 4:
Running Down The Trail

At this point, the players will want to

formulate a plan. There are several options for both going through the data

and physically going out to salient

spots to investigate. Characters can

Visiting the Medical Examiner

10 Most Recent Deaths
Original 6 Deaths
Pounding the Pavement

the Medical
Investigation: Visiting
Medical Examiner
The bodies of the original six victims
have already been cremated. The most
recent bodies are all still available for
viewing. They are being held in quarantine until the source and possible
exposure risk is assessed. All of the
bodies show that same withered, desiccated exterior and an interior that
looks to have been exposed to the raw
solar radiation levels of Mercurys surface. All their faces are frozen in agonizing screams, which indicate they
were alive while this occurred.

The information in this avenue is the

freshest and may seem the most promising. Surprisingly, the cult did choose
these victims completely at random.
However, there is nothing that is 100%
random in the universe and there are
trails that will allow the Characters to
trace back the victims to common locations. These locations will allow the
Characters to find a cell of the cultists
and, from there, the cult. The beginning part of this section consists of a
lot of research and investigation.

Family 1 The Hendersons

Father Harry (age 45)
Mother Joanna (age 42)
Daughter Jessie (age 15)
Point of Origin Fresno, CA (Earth)
Planned Stay 7 days
Arrived 5 days ago
Disappeared 3 days ago
Investigation: Payment Records

4 Plot Points Day 1: arrived on

shuttle in the afternoon, took
cab to hotel (the Jovian Grande),
checked into Hotel, had dinner in
hotel caf that evening.
4 Plot Points Day 2: had breakfast in hotel caf (11 am), took
bike taxi to central Promenade,
apparent exploration of the colony for the afternoon, bike taxi to a
restaurant for dinner, took regular
Taxi back to hotel room only 35
minutes into the show.
4 Plot Points Call made to hotel
front desk asking for a doctor to
be sent up to the room, wife reported not feeling well.
4 Plot Points Doctor arrived and
found door to room open and no
one inside.
6 Plot Points Video feeds to the
victims floor, elevator and main
floor are blank.
6 Plot Points Key lock records
only show the Hendersons Key
being used when they came back
from the restaurant early.

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

Investigation: 10 Recent Deaths

Plot Points Earned By:
Awareness + Investigate
Cleverness + Research

There are three families for the Wardens to investigate, in order to attempt
to find common elements. Following
is a trail of information the players can


Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

Family 2 The Wynns

Father Eric (age 54)
Mother Bonnie (age 53)
Son Fred (age 24)
Sons wife Jean (age 22)
Point of Origin Ursa (Jupiter)
Planned Stay 14 days
Arrived 1 day ago
Disappeared 1 day ago, missing within 2 hours of arrival

Investigation: Payment Records

Investigation: Payment Records

4 Plot Points Arrived by shuttle

in the early morning, stopped for
breakfast at spaceport dinner.
4 Plot Points Got in a cab 1.5
hours later, giving directions to go
to the Geo-Excavation Historical
Museum. Records show the family
had reservations there.
6 Plot Points Destination is determined by the cab company
computer, cab driver entered destination before leaving hotel. Cab
never arrived at destination.
6 Plot Points That evening the
cab company reported the cab
and the driver missing.
6 Plot Points Cab was found just
an hour ago by local authorities.
The Cabs GPS system was disabled soon after disappearing.

Family 3 The Jens

Father Wang Jie (age 39)
Mother Li Yan (age 39)
Son Li Quiang (age 21)
Point of Origin Titan (Saturn)
Planned Stay 3 days
Arrived 2 days ago
Disappeared 1 days ago

4 Plot Points Day 1: Arrived on

shuttle at noon, took cab to hotel
(Jovian Grande), checked into hotel, different floor from family #1.
6 Plot Points Key lock records for
the Jens room show multiple entries on their keys that evening.
However, the hallway monitors
show no one entering or exiting
the room not even the family
6 Plot Points A closer look will
show that no one entered or left
the room for the rest of the night.
6 Plot Points If the Characters
examine the surveillance camera
that faces the Jens room, they will
find signs of tampering.
8 Plot Points The Characters can
track the movements of the family to right under the camera position, where they apparently lingered for a while coming in and
4 Plot Points Day 2: The family is
seen leaving their room and going to the elevator, they are not
carrying anything with them, they
take a taxi from the hotel to some
unknown location.
6 Plot Points The records of the
taxi company that the family used
do not show a taxi with that number in their fleet.

I Investigation: Original Deaths

Information on these six deaths is
sketchy at best. The deaths track back
to eight weeks ago, with a body every
four days for 24 days, then nothing.
Most of the victims were discarded in

an area frequented by former or lowlevel employees who live on the fringe

of the colony now. The first three bodies were not suspicious, so they were
not autopsied and simply put in storage for burial at the later date. The last
three were in increasingly worse states
of radiation burns, and were autopsied
to help determine where they were exposed to the radiation.
The information available on the
Warden mainframe is listed below. Victims are listed in order of their deaths.
It requires 6 Plot Points using Awareness + Investigate or Cleverness + Research in order to gain all the following information at once. 4 Plot Points
will only provide 3 of the entries under

Gary Gannon (age 31)

Not reported missing
Area he generally frequented was
picked clean by other vagrants in
the area
No one would speak to officials
Josh Allen (age 29)
Structural engineer
Oversaw repairs and verified any
changes to the facility

Nothing found missing from

home or office
Last seen late night in the office,
but no record of leaving or arriving at home
Body found in the Dregs area of
the Hole

Elisabeth Shaw (age 22)

Personal assistant to one of the
event coordinators of the gala
No other signs of assault, other
than the burn damage
Was found in the Dregs
Last seen leaving a planning
meeting for the event
Ed Park (age 33)
Loan shark
Wasnt reported missing
Body discovered with cash still on
the body
Apparently taken from from his
Larry Everett (age 41)
Ran a mission for the down trodden
Mission door found open one
Everett was found in a back room
Nothing was taken from the Mission
I Investigation: Pounding the Pavement
During any one of these physical
investigations, there is a possibility
that the Characters will find the Box
that will lead them to Act II. This is not
resolved with Plot Points, but instead
requires that the Wardens succeed at
a Hard Awareness + Investigate Test. If

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

Jim Lazarus (age 45)

Sanitation worker, with interior
dome cleaning group
Failed to show up for work
Found dead the next day
No relevant information found in
his living quarters
Contents crated and put in storage, living quarters reassigned


Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

they do, they find the Box. If not, continue in the investigation.
If the Characters do not find the Box
by the investigation of last death, they
will find it there.
The Henderson Family
4 Plot Points The hotel room is
still being held for the investigation. There are no signs of forced
4 Plot Points Investigation of the
surveillance cameras in the hallways show that they have been
tampered with, and are running
on a loop.
4 Plot Points There is surveillance
that shows the people in the room
in a panic attempting, to help the
mother who was reported to be ill.
5 Plot Points The door to the
closet is open and looking in, it
appears that someone was sitting
in the closet.
6 Plot Points The Characters will
notice a smell of almonds coming
from the closet. This can create a
connection, if the Characters went
to the morgue to view the bodies
and noticed the same smell on
the daughters body.
Special If found, the Box was
dropped by one of the cultists
when they went in the closet, in
order to get the daughter who
was hiding there.
The Wynn Family
4 Plot Points The hotel room is
being held.
4 Plot Points The cab is also being held.
6 Plot Points The GPS on the cab
was shorted out in some way.

Success at a Cleverness + Engineering:

Electrical Test will allow the Characters
to determine that the GPS was shorted
out before the Wynn family arrived

4 Plot Points Luggage was still in

the trunk.
4 Plot Points There is no other
damage to the vehicle.
Special If found, the Box was
dropped by one of the cultists and
is lodged under the seat.

The Jen Family

4 Plot Points The Cab has not
been found or spotted on video
4 Plot Points Their room is being held, has been thoroughly
searched, and has been completely sanitized.
6 Plot Points The Jens are a hit
team sent by an unknown entity
to take out the CEO of Diamond
Head at the celebration in a few
6 Plot Points It seems to be just
blind luck that they were chosen
by the cult to be victims of the
Special This is a dead end, as far
as this adventure goes. However,
this could be used as a jumping
point to another adventure.
Jim Lazarus
4 Plot Points The only thing to
search is the contents of his habitat, which is currently in storage.
Special Attempting to search
the storage office will have the
Characters encounter the the first
cultist. He will be sneaking around
the facility, looking for the storage container. He will run when

chased and should be allowed to

escape. If the Characters find a
way to capture or corner the cultist, he will spontaneously combust.
Special If found, the Box was
dropped by one of the cultists and
packed up in a storage case.

Gary Gannon
Investigating this option will require that the Characters convince
one of the other vagrants in the
area to talk to them (Demeanor
+ Persuade). An Average Success
will convince a woman to tell the
Characters that death itself came
to claim Gary. The descriptions
of the person that took him is a
gaunt, frail man whose eyes were
Special If found, the woman
picked up the Box, which was
dropped by the attackers.

Ed Park
4 Plot Points The home/office of
Ed has been taken over by a competing loan shark. The players will
need to intimidate or strongarm
the new owner, John Jeon, to gain
access to his place.
Special Jeon is no real help to the
Characters, stating that he took
over Eds turf when he showed up
dead. He has an alibi for the time
of death, which is why he wasnt
Special If found, the Box was
dropped by one of the cultists and
is lying hidden under the bookcase. Jeon will attempt to claim
the artifact.
Larry Everett
6 Plot Points Talking to anyone
at the Mission will reveal that
there have been people sneaking
through the Mission and talking
to residents. Then, some of those
residents disappeared.
8 Plot Points The Mission was the
original location where the cult
attempted to get its victims. Larry
found out what was going on and

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act I

Josh Allen
4 Plot Points Joshs habitat is still
accessible, as is his office. There is
nothing important in the home of
6 Plot Points Searching the office, there are signs of a possible
struggle and definite signs it has
been searched.
Special With Success at an Average Cleverness + Computers Test,
the Characters will be able to find
that the last information accessed
on the computer were the plans
for the entire city of Diamond
Head. The plans were copied to an
external drive.
Special If found, the Box was
dropped by one of the cultists and
is lying under the desk.

Elisabeth Shaw
4 Plot Points Her habitat is still
available. However, there is no information there pertinent to the
4 Plot Points Interviewing the
Gala event staff will be the direction that the Characters want to
6 Plot Points Elisabeth was leaving with a list of all the dignitaries
and their itineraries.
Special There is no opportunity
to obtain the Box from this option.


Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act II

was attempting stop the cultists

by alerting the authorities. However, they got to him first.
Special If found, the Box was
dropped by one of the cultists
in the back office, behind some

open. However, this requires Success

at a Hard Cleverness Attribute Test.
Now that the box is open, you
find that the smell was coming from
a half-eaten bag of almonds. Also,
theres a notebook with encoded
numbers scrolled across page after page. Finally, there is a business
card for a mechanical repair shop
in the Hole on the other side of the

Wrapping Up Act 1

Because the players could choose

one of many paths to get to the end of
Act I, you will need to bring the action
back to the events at the start of Act
II. The Characters will eventually find a
Box which, when opened, will contain
details of a cult safe house.
When they find the Box and examine it, read the following:
The box is old and rusted. Its
three inches square and an inch tall.
Theres a hinged top thats closed,
with no apparent means of locking.
However, the lid is shut tight and
does not easily open. Theres the
faint smell of almonds which emanates from the seams of the opening, which are very thin. You are unable to see inside.
Allow the Characters to attempt to
open the Box any way that they want.
The lid is being held shut by a low
power magnetic field. It is actually
possible to force the lid open however, that will destroy the contents of
the Box. If they destroy the contents
of the Box, theyll find themselves well
off the path encourage them to be
smart about this. If they figure it out,
they can run an electric current over
the Boxs exterior. The internal battery will be shorted out and the lid will

Act II:

Bring Your Sunscreen

Goals: To put the Characters on the
trail of the cult, and to have them
confront the cult at one of their safehouses.
Setting: Jim Fezzels Small Mechanical
Repair in Diamond Head
Cast: Cultists, possibly the Harbinger

Scene 5:
The Repair Shop

The business card found in the box

is for Jim Fezzels Small Mechanical Repair. Calling into Warden HQ for any
details on the location will provide
directions and the following database

Jim Fezzels Small Mechanical Repair has been in business for the
past eight years in the Hole. Tax
records show an early profitable
business however no tax returns
have been filed in the past 3 years.
No reports of problems at the site
have been made to local authori-

ties, and a visit by the local tax

collectors indicated that the place
looked abandoned. However, no
reports of anyone moving into
the facility have been made and
the location remains empty.

Fezzels shop is a one hour Tube

ride from Warden headquarters.
Maps are detailed and give a good
sense of the area. The building is
in an open area in the middle of
the block, with the street in front,
an empty lot to the right, and a
partially constructed building to
the left. The building to the left
has only the foundation and studs
up, so there is very little cover
from that direction. The back of
the building is on the exterior
bulkhead to the facility it is of
course about five stories underground.

Encountering the Cultists

There are three ways the Characters
could approach this entry Hard and
Fast, Soft & Slow, or Silently. The outcome of each option will hopefully
lead to the capture of one or more of
the six cultists by the Characters. It is
not required, but the cultists are not
mindless fanatics and will give up if
cornered. If no cultists survive, then

Hard & Fast

With a full-on blitz of the location,
the lead will be flying from the getgo. The cultists will see the Characters
coming and will have enough time to
get to their stash of weapons. However, the Characters will still have the
initiative for the first turn. Play out the
gun fight and jump to the Act II conclusion section once the Characters
round up any survivors and/or start
searching the shop.
Soft & Slow
This option entails some of the Characters attempting to talk their way in,
while the others attempt to sneak
into position. This will involve some
impressive Social Skill Tests (the cultists are immediately Unfriendly) for
the people going in the front, as they
will be in the line of fire when the action starts. Once the cultists get tired
of attempting to make the Characters
leave, or the Characters make their
move to take the place, play out the
gun fight and jump to the Act II conclusion section once the Characters
round up any survivors and/or start
searching the shop.
While this may be the safest method
of taking the cultists down, this tactic
still has its dangers, as the Characters
will need to wait until the cultists settle
down for the night. They are not concerned with getting caught, so there
will be no lookouts. Successful Grace +
Stealth Tests will allow the Characters

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act II

Allow the players time to plan how

they intend to enter the location. A
small group of cultists are located
within. These are one of the teams responsible for the kidnappings, though
not the only group. As it happens, the
Harbinger has been shadowing the
Characters since they arrived and is
also watching from a distance when
they arrive.

just skip to the Harbingers sacrifice at

the end. The information in the shop
will be enough to lead the players to
Act III.


Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act III

to make it into the building, and a second successful Grace + Stealth Test will
allow for the Characters to make it to
the rooms the where cultists are sleeping. While there may be a struggle with
one of the cultists when the Characters grab them, it will be minimal since
theyre asleep. The downside to this
option is the time it takes to wait for
the cultists to go to sleep. If the players choose this option, then the events
of Act III will occur much more quickly
and they will have less time to prepare.
Average Blight Cultist
Awareness 2 Grace 2
Cleverness 2 Perseverance 2
Demeanor 2 Physique 2
Statistics: Health 6, Speed 8 mph
Skills: Deception 2, Defense 1, Guns:
Handguns 2, Insight 2, Notice 1, Reaction 1, Survival 1, Unarmed Combat 1
Equipment: ACC-62 Bandit Semi-Auto
Pistol, 2 clips of ammunition

Scene 6:
Wrap Up of Act II

If the Characters end up killing all

the cultists, skip this section.
Collecting the cultists together
in the main room of the repair shop,
you begin to question them. They
all look ragged and gaunt. There is
something sickly about them. Just
when one of them is about to talk,
the cultists start going into violent
convulsions. One by one, the rest of
them do the same, in rapid succession. Their limbs seize up and their
faces contort into death masks of
agony. Each begins to howl in ago-

ny and the noise is deafening. If you

attempt to approach the cultists to
offer any assistance, you are struck
by the heat coming off the bodies.
Your radiation sensors start to go
off but, backing off a few feet, the
radiation fades to nothing.
Horror Test time! This is a Hard Horror Test.
If anyone fails this test, choose one
of the unlucky ones, and as they
turn away from the cultists and begin
to heave their lunch on the ground
they will notice another gaunt figure
looking from across the street, hidden
in an alley. As the Character looks out,
the figure will smile an evil smile with
no feeling in his eyes and disappear.
By the time the Character is able to get
up and steady themselves, the figure is
gone and no trace can be found.
Searching the Building
With all the cultists dead, there is
little to do other than search the dead
and the building. The bodies are no
longer giving off radiation, so it is safe
to examine them. The exterior of the
bodies all look similar to the bodies
of the tourists found earlier. There is
little doubt that the interior is also the
The pockets of the cultists contain
everyday things you would expect to
find on a person. They have IDs that
can be run down. If time permits, the
IDs will tie back to vagrants and other personnel who came to Diamond
Head to make it and failed over the
years. One of the cultists has a Box
similar to the one found earlier. This
Box is open. It also contains a note-

book containing coded numbers and

a code key.
Success at an Average Cleverness +
Research Test will allow the Characters
to decrypt the messages in the notebooks. The notebooks contain map
grid coordinates to numerous locations around Diamond Head. There
is also a listing with each entry of
some item listed in pounds/kg one
pound/0.45 kg at one location, three
pounds/1.36 kg at another and so on.
Success at an Average Cleverness
+ Engineering: Life Support or a Hard
Cleverness + Engineering (any other)
Test will have a Character come to the
conclusion that the numbers at each
location list the number of pounds/kg
of explosives required to destabilize
the dome and kill everyone within.

There are too many bombs planted

for the Characters to find and deactivate enough of them to save the city.
The only way stop the deaths of thousands will be to get to the cult headquarters and stop the bombs from
there. If there is some question from
the Characters whether or not this is
possible, let them find out that the
bombs are not on independent timers
but on a single transmitter detonator
located somewhere presumably the

Goals: To confront the cultists in their

headquarters and stop them from killing everyone in Diamond Head.
Setting: Deep in the undercity of Diamond Head
Cast: Cultists, cult leadership, the Harbinger, most likely local Wardens and

Scene 7: Cultist HQ

Information found within the cult

hideout will give the Characters two
key bits of information. The cult are
about to attempt to kidnap dignitaries
from the Anniversary celebration and
kill them to power some kind of ritual.
The cult has also stolen numerous explosives packs over the course of the
year and placed them at key points
around the citys exterior dome with
the intent of weakening the dome
enough to allow radiation to flood in
which the cult will amplify to kill the
citizens of Diamond Head.
The location indicated on the map is
in the lowest part of Diamond Heads
undercity, below even the generators and air processors. These are the
lowest sections of the area excavated
many years ago to house the city of
Diamond Head. Most of these sections
have been closed off and abandoned
for years. The cult opened one of these
areas and set up shop here years ago.
The Harbinger only arrived here about
a year ago, possessing the second in
command of the cult. It then started

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act III

Also found within the main sleeping

area is a map that leads to a spot deep
within the bowels of Diamond Heads
undercity. This is likely where the kidnap victims were taken.

Act III:
Burn, Baby, Burn!


Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act III

instigating the plan to kill all the people of Diamond Head.

While the Characters are planning
the assault, a notice comes over the
wire from the Warden local office.
A shuttle carrying a group of officials from the outlying colonies
on a tour of Diamond Head went
missing about an hour ago. The
shuttle was spotted and detained
ten minutes ago, but the driver was
found to be some vagrant from below. When the officers attempted to
arrest him, the vagrant went into
convulsions and died in the arms of
the officer. The officer is currently in
transit to a medical facility with radiation sickness symptoms
While a firefight in the upper areas
of Diamond Head, or even in the Hole,
would cause questions and issues for
the Wardens, there is no need to hold
back now. The Characters can feel free
to enlists members of the local Wardens and the local police force to accompany them on the assault of the
cult base. The number of cultists are
unknown (about 20), so they should
consider bringing backup. Also, a hostage rescue will require a larger team.
Assault on Cultist Camp
The local help will pave the way for
the Characters, even laying down their
lives so the ring leaders of the cult
can be confronted. Take the time to
describe the heroic efforts of the lead
team dying on the front. Allow the local help to be guided by the Characters to rescue and retrieve the hostages, while the Characters are allowed to
focus on the leadership of the cult and

stopping the explosion. The aftermath

of the assault will leave the Characters
standing against the head of the cult,
with his two lieutenants hiding in a
back room of the area. The first lieutenant is in actuality a Harbinger.
From time to time, on the lead up to
the finale, cultists will get in the way
of the Characters on their way to the
back room. Use the same stats as before to resolve combat.
Make sure to read all this text before
allowing the Characters to act, as this
will occur within the time it takes to
get in the room and see what is there.
Breaking into the back room,
you finally see the leadership of
the cult. Three men stand facing
the door chanting. Standing in the
front is the cults leader, wild-eyed,
holding the detonator clutched to
his chest. Hes dressed in rags and
has the same withered look that
the rest of the cultists have shown.
Standing to his right and left are his
lieutenants. While both show the
tell tale signs of withering, the one
to the leaders right looks downright cadaverous.
If anyone saw the Harbinger because of the failed Horror check in Act
II, they will recognize him now.
The leader raises the detonator
above his head and shouts, The Blight
consumes all but the faithful!
Now the Characters are allowed to

Unless they are content to allow

the colony to be destroyed, it is likely
the Characters will open fire. Let them
make their attacks the cultists have
no armor, no cover, and they are targets at close range. The only thing protecting the cultists is their belief in the
Blight, and they learn that the Blight
does not care.
As you open up, the hail of gunfire tears through the cult leaders.
The bodies of the leader and the
cultist to the left splay back against
the back wall and come to a rest in a
broken heap. The cultist on the right
gets hit, over and over again. Holes
are blown through him as he still
stands there. Emptying your clips
appears to to have no effect.

All thats left is a gristle-covered

skull hanging for a moment in
mid-air. With a scratchy voice it
speaks, Pity, the screams would
have been glorious. Your victory is
meaningless. The oncoming Star is
inevitable! And with that, the skull
dissolves, the energy dissipates, and
you are alone.

Once the Characters have had the

opportunity to clean up the cultist
headquarters, its time to end the adventure.
You are ordered to report to Warden High Command to be debriefed
on what occurred in Diamond
Head. The local officers that accompanied you on the mission and survived have been sworn to secrecy,
the rescued officials have been told
cover stories, and your identities
have been hidden from the public
record. The official story is that a
group of radicals attempted to disrupt the anniversary celebration
and were going to use some small
explosives to cause a panic. But
thanks to the heroic efforts of the
local police force, all was taken care
of without incident.

Chapter 3: Venusian Sunset Act III

As the smoke clears, you can see

that there are huge gaps where the
remaining cultists body remains
standing. Inside him, there appears
to be some kind of glimmering
energy thats keeping his body together. The cultist/creature reaches
down to retrieve the detonator as
his body slowly dissolves away. Just
as his hand reaches the detonator,
the last of his arm sloughs away
and only energy remains which
causes the detonator causes it to
short out.

Pass the Aloe Vera



It has been weeks since you last saw
John; he just disappeared from the station in the middle of his shift. Now you
finally have information about a person
who matches his description. After a
chase, you have John in your sites. But
something is wrong.
John turns around and steps
into the light but what stands
before you is not him. His body
is withered and blackened,
almost as though it has been
through a fire. His hands end
in claw-like fingers. His face
is ashen, the skin pulled
tight over his forehead and
cheeks. However, his eyes,
although sunken within
the skull, are Johns and
they appear to plead
for some kind of release.
Yes, he is here,
said the thing
with Johns voice.
He said you
would come. How
loyal a friend you are. I
wish I could see that loyalty repaid, but that will not
occur today.
The Harbingers are a race
of energy creatures that
sweep before the Chthonian
Star searching for planets with
sentient life. Soon after their
arrival violence and destruction follows.

The Harbingers are a creation of the

Chthonian Star itself. To accomplish
their terrible tasks, Harbingers possess
the bodies of sentient beings, trapping the victims consciousness in a
corner of his own mind.
Harbingers are not telepathic and
cannot read the victims mind; they
just inhabit the body of the victim. While the signs of such a
possession are virtually undetectable to those around the
victim in the early days, signs
beyond the unusual behavior of the victim become apparent. His body begins to
wither and desiccate, as well
as taking on a decidedly
unnatural hue. The victim
is slowly transformed
into a monstrous creature though it is
rare for a Harbinger to
remain in the body
long enough to see
this transformation
through to the end.
Fortunately not all are
susceptible to being possessed.
A Harbinger must fight for control
when it enters a victim. There is no
known rhyme or reason to the victims a Harbinger chooses. The end
result is always the same though
the victim is forced to perform
tasks completely out of character
and that often result in
death, destruction and
chaos to those around

Harbinger Game Statistics

5-10 tall, 180 lbs. (Male)
5-4 tall, 135 lbs. (Female)
Habitat: Any sentient body
Average Attributes:

5 Perseverance

Average Statistics:


12 mph


Skills: Athletics: Fitness 2, Cryptozoology 4, Deception 3, Defense 3, Guns:

Pistols 3, Hand Weapons: Blades 3, Insight 4, Natural Weapons 3, Notice 2, Occult 5, Persuade 3, Reaction 3, Stealth 3, Streetwise 2, Survival

As normal pistols
Claws (1d6 + 2d6 for Physique)


As normal armor

Horror Factor:



Special Abilities:
Possession a Harbinger can attempt to possess any sentient being. It
must first leave its current host. Doing so will render the prior victim unconscious from the trauma of the departure. The Harbinger then enters
the new victim. Each hour thereafter, the victim must make an Average
Perseverance Test. If he manages to succeed four times in a row, he has
fought off the possession and ejected the Harbinger. The victim will know
that something happened, but not what unless he succeeds at a Hard Occult Test. During possession, the victim will be in a helpless, but conscious
state. As soon as the victim fails one of these Tests, he will be fully possessed.


Upcoming Supplements
There are many exciting supplemental books coming up for The Void!

Horrors of the Void I: Monsters

The Horrors of the Void series introduces you to more of the fascinating and terrifying creatures that are awakening in the solar system. Already available!

Pandoras Paths I: Adventures

The Horrors of the Void series introduces you to more of the fascinating and terrifying creatures that are awakening in the solar system. Already available!

Characters Unbound I: Tactical Combat

The Ecological Footprint series provides in-depth looks into the different planets of
our solar system, with more setting, adventure seeds, and character options. This first
installment explores Jupiter most especially the Gallilean Moons of Callisto, Europa,
Ganymede, and Io.

Secrets of the Void

The Tools of the Trade series explores new kinds of technology and provides new
gear, weapons, vehicles, and more to add to your game.

Vessels of the Void: Spaceships

This volume greatly expands the roster of spaceships for The Void, including expanded stats, customization, and rules for spaceship combat.

Characters Unbound II: Players Guide

The Characters Unbound series introduces new options for Characters of all kinds,
with this volume focusing on a much expanded list of awesome Talents.

The stars were never meant for us

2159 AD. Something approaches, a thing on an orbit
from far away. Seemingly a mysterious shard of dark
matter, this object is known in obscure prophecy as the
Chthonian Star. It is awakening things long thought
lost or dead, things that have slumbered awaiting its return. The Unified World Council sends out special teams
of sanctioned Wardens, whose job it is to ascertain the
new threats to human life, to learn everything they can
about them, and fight them wherever they are found.
Venus. A corporate world, steeped in propaganda.
However, Founding Day approaches and people flood
from all over the planet for the celebration. Then, people go missing. Some turn up in a ritualistic-style sacrifice, cooked from the inside out. What is going on in the
Diamond Head colony? Find out for yourself.
The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror
setting, and this is an adventure to take you there.
The Stygian Cycle II Venusian Sunset:
Is a turn-key adventure, ready-to-run, with most
everything you need.
Takes Characters
Is the second adventure in the epic Stygian Cycle
Is usable in The Void Organized Play framework
take your Character from game to game.
Created by the award-winning team that
brought you CthulhuTech.

WDF 33401

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