8 4 Vocabulary For IELTS
8 4 Vocabulary For IELTS
8 4 Vocabulary For IELTS
Unit 20
8 Listen to speakers 1 -6 and complete the sentences below by writing one word in
38 each gap:
Audio script
Unit 1 People and relationships
Track 01
1 Ive learned a lot from so many people, but I suppose the person that stands out is my
colleague Lin. When I started working at the firm, my employer didnt give me a lot of formal
training so I had to learn on the job. I was given the desk next to Lin and she explained
everything to me. She was incredibly efficient. She knew the job so well, and she made it look
so easy.
2 The person I admire the most is probably my boss. She really knows what she wants to
achieve with the organization, but at the same time she is so flexible and open to new ideas.
She really takes an interest not only in her clients but also in her employees. She really
listens to what they have to say.
3 I suppose the relationship Ive found most difficult - but ultimately most rewarding - has
been my relationship with my younger brother. Hes different from me in almost everyway
you can imagine. Im the kind of person who likes to get things done, but he is a real dreamer
- so idealistic. It used to drive me crazy, but over the years, Ive come to really admire him for
following his dreams.
Track 02
Im going to begin this section of my talk by saying something about only children, that is
children without siblings. Historically, only children were relatively uncommon. However,
these days, as families are becoming smaller, being an only child has become relatively more
common. There are many reasons for this trend - social, economic, and political, which I
go into at this point. However, I will say that having an only child generally means that
resources can be concentrated on the one child. And I would add that, by parental resources
mean not just money but also care and attention.
Only children have frequently been seen as different from children with siblings and
to negative stereotype. They are often considered to be less tolerant of others - i.e. less able
to accept differences, to allow those with different points of view to say and do as they like.
surprisingly, they are sometimes said to be less co-operative than other children - in other
words, less able to work effectively with others. On the other hand, only children are often
regarded for their autonomy, that is to say, their ability to make their own decisions without
being unduly influenced by others. In short, the picture thats emerging is of children who are
rather unconventional, that is not quite normal in social terms.
I think its important to say here that many of these views have been challenged. In fact more