Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology: Flotation

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Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology

College of Engineering
Department of Ceramics, Metallurgical and Mining Engineering

John Logos N. Guiang, Junnile L. Romero, LovelleRhoy C. Manpatilan,
Juvan G. Navidad, Kristine Mae M. Pazo, Frances Liane C. Matildo, Nino Bonn H. Anino

Flotation after being studied, has been performed in the laboratory using Denver Flotation Cell. The students
were able to operate the said process and were able to recover concentrates. Quantities in creating pulp at a
certain percent solids were also calculated. Factors affecting flotation such as flotation time, feed size, pH, pulp
density, conditioning time and reagents dosages were also reviewed.
Keywords: Flotation; Collector; Froth

Flotation is a physico-chemical separation
process that utilizes the difference in surface
properties of the valuable minerals and the
unwanted gangue minerals (Wills, 2006, p.267).
There are three mechanisms that a material being
recovered by flotation from the pulp undergoes. (1)
The selective attachment of valuable minerals to air
bubbles or true flotation is the most important
mechanism and represents the majority of particles
that are recovered to the concentrate. The other two
mechanisms are (2) entrainment in the water which
passes through the froth and (3) physical
entrapment between particles in the froth attached
to air bubbles or aggregation. The degree of
entrainment and physical entrapment also controls
the separation efficiency between the valuable
mineral and gangue.
In the flotation process, ore is ground to a size
sufficient to adequately liberate desired minerals
from waste rock or gangue. It is conditioned as
slurry using specific reagents referred to as
collectors which are organic compounds that
adsorb to the surfaces of the desired minerals. They
form a monolayer on the particle surface that
essentially makes a thin film of non-polar
hydrophobic hydrocarbons. The collectors greatly
increase the contact angle so that bubbles will
adhere to the surface. The greater the contact angle,
the greater is the work of adhesion between particle
and bubble and the more resilient the system is to
disruptive forces. The particle and bubble must
remain attached while they move up into the froth

layer at the top of the cell. Once at the top, the froth
layer must persist long enough to either flow over
the discharge lip of the cell or to be removed by
mechanical froth scrapers. If the froth is
insufficiently stable, the bubbles will break and
drop the hydrophobic particles back into the slurry
prematurely. To remedy this, another reagent, the
frothers are added to stabilize air bubbles so that
they will remain well-dispersed in the slurry and
will form a stable mineral-loaded froth layer that
can be scraped off before the bubbles burst. The
remaining unfloated mineral slurry will be
discharged as tailings.
This is usually applied for the concentration of
metallic sulfide minerals such as copper sulfides,
lead sulfides, etc. at present; however, it has
become highly effective in the treatment of a great
variety of oxide ores, native ores, and even nonmetallic minerals.
1.1 Objective
This experiment mainly aims to
familiarize the student with the concentration of
minerals using froth flotation. Specifically, this
study aims to determine how factors such as
flotation time, feed size, pH, pulp density,
conditioning time and reagent dosages control the
wettability of minerals and consequently, its ability
to float..
1.2 Significance of the Study
In Philippines, numerous mining and mineral
processing such as Oceana Gold Corporation and
Filminera Resources Corporation utilizes flotation

Flotation . Submitted to Engr. Leaniel C. Silva, Instructor. Page 1 of 6

in concentration of valuable metals. Knowledge

and familiarization of flotation process and
techniques are given important consideration for
the benefit of the students.

2.1 Materials
The materials and equipment used in this
experiment were Denver Flotation Cell, 1000 mL
graduated cylinder, 10 mL graduated cylinder, 1
mL syringe, NASFROTH 301, NASCOL
304(SEX), wash bottle, analytical balance, and
Aluminum pan.
2.2 Experimental Procedure
Sample Preparation:
The particle size analysis of the whole
sample was obtained using Sieve Rotary Shaker.
Afterwards, the sample ore was made into a pulp of
18% solids by weight.
Conditioning Period
The pulp was then poured into a 1000 mL
flotation cell then a 0.04 grams of NASCOL
304(SEX) collector was added.
Lime was added in order to maintain the
alkalinity of the pulp. For the first trial, the pH was
raised from to 4.3 upon the addition of lime. For
the second trial instead of using Lime, the
performer use Feldspar due to lack of supply.
The pulp was agitated without aeration at
maximum rpm for about 10 minutes in the first trial
and 14.5 minutes in the second.
Flotation Proper
After the conditioning period six (6) drops
of frother through the syringe was added to each
trial, and was approximated to be 0.06 mL.
Afterwards, the pulp is subjected to agitation at
maximum rpm and with aeration.
The initial recovery of concentrate was
that, the system was subjected to agitation and
aeration without scraping the floated material until
such time where scraping is necessary. The
scraping period was done every minute. Every
scraping period is consisting of 10 scrapes and due
to losses of water there is a need for additional
water in order for the float to reach the exit of the
cell which called hutch water and the amount of
hutch water use was 176 mL. The flotation time
was 5 minutes per trial.
The concentrate and tailings was decanted
and dried and measured its specific gravity in order
to confirm the results.

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Figure 1. Process Flow Chart for Bond Work


3.1 Specific Gravity of Ore
Pycnometer method was used for
determination of the specific gravity of the solid
particles and was determined using the relation:

Mass empty pycno (M1)

Mass pycno + ore (M2)
Mass pycnomenter + water + ore (M3)
Mass pycnomenter + water (M4)
Specific gravity (G)
Table 1. Data for Specefic Gravity of ore


The table shows the ore density which is

2.34g/mL. This density is essential for the
calculation of the amount of solids and water
needed in reaching a specific pulp density and
percent solid.
3.2 Pulp Composition
Pulp density at 18% solids is calculated using the

Flotation . Submitted to Engr. Leaniel C. Silva, Instructor. Page 2 of 6

Equation (1)
is the solids fraction of the slurry (state










Table 2. Weights of the Concentrates and Tails

by mass)
is the solids density
is the slurry density

In the experiment, the weights of the tailings

were not taken, and were just simply subtracted
from the obtained weight of concentrates.
From Table 2, it can be observed that the
concentrates weighed higher than the tails thus high
percentage of concentrate has been recovered. This
is because the ore being utilized have already
undergone flotation. In a basic flotation circuit, this
portion is considered cleaning stage where the
level of pulp is kept low to maintain a deep froth
and a high grade concentrate.

is the liquid density

Inputting the data, we have:

18 2.34 (1)
100 (2.341)
1.115 g/mL
Shown below is the calculation for getting the
specific amount of pulp composition for 1000mL

Ms+ Mw=Mp

Equation (2)

Vs+Vw=Vp=1000 mL Equation(3)
Where Ms is the mass of dry solids, Mw is the
mass of water and Mp is the mass of pulp. Vs is the
volume of solids, Vw is the volume of water and
Vp is the pulp volume which is at 1000mL solution.
Relating it with density, we have:

o Mass=V

Equation (4)

Using 3 to substitute for Vw:

2.34(Vs) + 1(1000-Vs) = 1.115(1000) Equation (6)
Vs = 85.82 mL
Ms = 200.82 grams
Vw = 914.18 mL
These are the needed components to make a pulp of
18% solids by weight.


The overall principle of flotation is to select

the fine particles by attaching it to air bubbles, and
the heavy particles are left below. This is done by
aeration and adding chemicals (collectors and
frothers) to the slurry in order to impart the
minerals hydrophobicity (minerals attach to the
bubbles) and to ensure the stability of the froth.
One of the chemicals used in this experiment is
NASCOL 304(SEX), a collector. When all the
collected minerals are in the froth at the surface, it
is then retrieved by scraping.
3.6 Difference between sulfide and oxide flotation

3.3 Flotation Tests Result


Based on the experiment done, it can be seen

that flotation utilizes the difference in surface
properties of the valuable minerals and the
unwanted gangue. It was able to clean the
concentrates of ores. It is therefore advantageous
for low grade and complex ore bodies, especially
the sulphides. The flotation performance can also
be controlled and altered by the flotation reagent.
However, the offset is that the process expensive
and quite complex because it requires specific
quantities for the operation to proceed efficiently.
Flotation is also disadvantageous in dealing with
ore having excessive slimes.
3.5 Basic principles flotation.

Combining 2 & 4 we have:

sVs + wVw = pVp
Equation (5)
2.34(Vs) + 1(Vw) = 1.115(1000)


3.4 Advantage and disadvantage of flotation over

mineral dressing or concentration process.



In sulfide flotation processes, there are two

mechanisms by which particles are transferred from
the flotation pulp to the concentrate: adhesion to air
bubbles and natural flotation, and entrainment in
froth. The entrainment mechanism is particularly

Flotation . Submitted to Engr. Leaniel C. Silva, Instructor. Page 3 of 6

important for particles of nonsulfide gangue,

which do not adsorb collector. The importance of
controlling the recovery rate of water was
illustrated in plat test work in which selectivity
between valuable sulfides and sulfides gangue, and
between valuable sulfides and non-sulfide gangue,
was altered by manipulating variables affecting the
water recovery rate.
Flotation of oxide minerals on the other hand
is controlled by number o factors such as surface
potential and solubility of the mineral,
concentration and type of various inorganic,
properties of the collector, pH, ionic strength and
temperature. The role of these factors depends on
the mechanisms of adsorption of the collector
inorganic or polymer additives. The major
mechanisms include electrostatic interaction,
chemical adsorption, chain to chain interaction
modification of the surface by inorganic.
3.6 Analyzing Parameters

The flotation time provides enough time to

separate the concentrates from the tailings. Effect
of flotation time actually depends on the size of
particles and the specific gravity of the minerals. It
also depends on the reagents used in the further
procedure of the process. Mineral recovery
increases significantly as the time increases.
Like any other processes of concentration in
mineral processing, particle size largely affects the
recovery of the concentrates. That is, the smaller
the particles and the more uniform they are, the
higher the recovery rates are. This is because larger
surface areas of the particles are exposed to the
chemicals added in flotation; also, difference in
densities is greater if the particles to be separated
are of the same diameter.
On the other hand, pH also affects the flotation
process. Flotation, as mentioned above, makes use
of surface properties (charges) difference of the
minerals. And the chemicals added changes the
surface properties of these minerals in order to
retrieve them. Therefore, if the pH is 4 and above,
the electrical charges of the system is generally
negative and itll affect greatly in the
hydrophobicity imparted by the collectors in the
system by interfering in the surface charges
Conditioning time also has a pronounced effect
on the recovery of valuable minerals and on the
grade of concentrate. Flotation rate, recovery, and
grade of concentrates are directly proportional to
the conditioning time. That is, flotation rate,
recovery of valuable minerals, and grade of
concentrates increase as conditioning time also
increases until the limit is reached.
Selection of reagents must also be done with
careful consideration. It is essential that the

reagents are fed smoothly and uniformly to the

slurry. Increase in collector dosage increases
mineral recovery until equilibrium is reached.
Beyond which, further addition may either have no
effect, or a slight reduction in recovery may occur.
The gangue recovery also increases with collector

The effect of flotation time, feed size, pH, pulp
density, conditioning time and reagents dosages on
the wettability of the particle were not determined
due to unavailability of material. Nevertheless, the
students were able to know the process of froth
flotation and how the Denver flotation cell is
operated. The students were also able to determine
the specific gravity of the ore and were able to
prepare the right amount of components to create a
pulp of certain percent solid needed for flotation
process. The principle of flotation was studied and
functions of reagents were determined. It is
concluded that flotation time, feed size, pH, pulp
density, conditioning time and reagents dosages on
the wettability is an essential factor in operating
flotation process thus it is strongly suggested for
the laboratory to have adequate materials for it.

1. Metso (2006) Basics in Minerals Processing, 5th
Edition, Section 4 Separations, Metso Minerals.
2. McKay, J.D., Foot, D.G., and Shirts, M.B.
(1988), Column Flotation and Bubble Generation
Studies at the Bureau of Mines, Column Flotation
88, SME-AIME, Littleton, Colorado pp. 173-186.
3. Wills, Barry A., Napier-Munn, Tim. An
Introduction to the Practical Aspects of Ore
Treatment and Mineral Recovery, 7th Edition.
Elsevier Science & Technology Books, October
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potentials. Metallurgical Transactions, vol. 3, 1972.
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5. COLLINS, G. L., JAMESON, G.L. Experiments
on the flotation of fine particles. The influence of
particles size and charge. Chem. Eng. Sci, v.31, p.
985-991, 1976.

Flotation . Submitted to Engr. Leaniel C. Silva, Instructor. Page 4 of 6

6. Zhang, Jian-Guo. Factors affecting the kinetics

of froth flotation. June 1989.

Flotation . Submitted to Engr. Leaniel C. Silva, Instructor. Page 5 of 6

Cyanidation of Gold-Silver Bearing Ore. Submitted to Mrs. Alma Mae Batucan, Instructor. Page 6 of 6

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