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Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.

3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


Kenji Ishihara
Chuo University, Hachiji, Tokyo, Japan
E-mail: Kenji Ishihara
SUMMARY: The first part of this paper consists of brief introduction of the in-situ pile loading tests that have been conducted in Japan over
the last two decades in connection with the design and construction of high-rise buildings in areas of soft soil deposits. In addition to the
conventional types of tests in which the load is applied at the top and at the toe of the pile (O-cell test), what may be called pile toe bearing
test and skin friction test is introduced. The results of these tests are described and compared with those from the conventional type of the
pile loading tests.

In-situ prototype tests are also introduced in which bearing power of Barrette type pile is compared with that of the

circular type pile. A special case of in-situ pile loading tests conducted in Singapore is also introduced in which the friction between the
circular ring-shaped concrete segment and the surrounding soil deposit was measured directly during excavation of the shaft by applying
loads up and down by jacks installed between two adjacent segments in vertical direction. The second part of this paper is a brief description
on constructions of large-diameter circular diaphragm walls that was carried out about 10 years ago for the LNG storage tank in the coastal
site in Tokyo Bay.

The construction of the large-scale Kawasaki Island in the middle of Tokyo Bay in Japan will also be introduced.


whole scheme and process of construction is for these two undertakings is introduced with some comments on observed behaviour of the
walls and on special precaution taken during construction.

whether a given deposit is competent enough to mobilize the

necessary bearing power.

Some of the results of in-situ pile

In the design and practice of foundations supporting heavy-weight

loading tests recently obtained in Japan by this method are

structures such as high-rise buildings or large-scale facilities, of

introduced in this paper.

utmost importance is to know the load-carrying characteristics of

soil or rock deposits at depths as deep as 30m-50m.

In the case of the deep-seated foundation supported by the

Estimates of

diaphragm walls, the O-cell test is not applicable and some other

the load-bearing capacity for piles embedded into such deep-seated

methods need to be explored. In important projects, efforts have

deposits have been made generally by carrying out what is known

been made to measure directly the bearing power or skin friction

as the O-cell test or pile toe loading test.

In some cases, direct

within excavated pits or shafts by means of the plate loading tests

loading tests are performed by large concrete blocks or segments

performed on exposed surface of intact stiff sand, gravel and rocks.

on the intact surface of the deep deposits which are exposed during

As one of the attempts in this context, an example of in-situ loading

excavation of pits or shafts for foundation construction.

tests conducted in Singapore is introduced in this paper.


outcome of these in-situ tests has not unfortunately been publicized

The other topics of importance in the foundation engineering

and compiled to the extent that these data can be effectively

would be the design and construction of the large-scale diaphragm

utilized for the design practice in the future. In view of this, some

wall, particularly when it is used as circular walls without any

data from the in-situ pile loading tests performed in Japan were


collected and presented in this paper.

distribution in the circumferential direction are important factors to

It is to be noted that the soil deposit near the surface in the area

In the roundshaped walls, the hoop compression and its

be considered with utmost precaution.

The method of design and

of industry and mega city in Japan, is generally composed of soft

results of monitoring in this regard will be introduced by quoting

soil of alluvial origin underlaid by alternative layers of stiff sand,

an example of constructing a large LNG storage tank in Tokyo.

clay, sand and gravel of diluvial origin.

It is the generally adopted

When the circular wall is constructed under the seabed, one of the

criterion that some of the stiff sand or gravel layer can be chosen as

major concerns is the safety against the bottom heave and piping

a bearing layer to support the piles.

due to high hydraulic gradient of seepage water.

Thus, the end bearing type

These issues will

piles is frequently used in Japan rather than the friction type pile.

be briefly touched on by quoting an example of the large scale

However, since the stiff bearing layer is seated at great depths of

construction of Kawasaki man-made island in the middle of Tokyo

about 20-50m, the O-cell tests have often been adopted to identify

Bay in Japan.

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Accumulation of in-situ data on pile testing is so much both in

internally by oil pressure, creating an upward force on the shaft and

content and volume that it was difficult to overview all of them and

simultaneously an equal magnitude of force downwards to the

come up with a state-of-the-art text from a fair point of view.

bottom of the shaft.

What is written here is part of the test data which is considered

power of the pile toe is resisted by the upward force mobilized by

appropriate in the context of the present presentation.

the friction on the surface of the pile body.

There are

The downward force to monitor bearing

At the same time, it is

also many construction examples of circular diaphragm walls.

possible to monitor the shaft friction as well while the reaction is

Because of the limitation in several respects, it was not possible to

taken by the downward directed bearing power. The mutually

prepare a comprehensive overview of the current state of the

counteracting forces as above are utilized to apply two major forces,


However, it is believed that the main points of the

that is, for the end bearing test and also for the shaft resistance test.

current practice in Japan are understood via the typical examples

The upward movements of the pile at its toe and downward

introduced here.

displacement of the ground at the pile toe can be measured

independently via the two long bars with their ends attached



through the pipes to the top and bottom of the pressurized jack.
Thus, the upward displacement of the shaft is known along with the



downward movement of the pile toe, thereby permitting the

load-displacement relation to be established for the shaft resistance

The pile top loading test in which loads are applied directly on top

as well as the end bearing power.

of piles has long been the method commonly adopted to verify

The advantages of using this technique are summarized as follows.

actual bearing capacity of piles in the field. When the size of piles


There is no need to provide large equipments such as heavy

is relatively small corresponding to a low magnitude of design load,

weights or reaction piles on the ground surface for applying

this method proved to be the most practical and useful tool for

the force on the pile top, making it easier and inexpensive to

assessing the load-carrying capacity of piles. However, the demand

install the test setup.

for greater bearing power has increased in recent years in unison

guages for monitoring pressure and displacements are the only

with increasing size and weight of buildings and facilities. Thus,

major apparatus for the test setup on the ground surface which

required size and embedment depth of piles have increased

are simple and installed in a limited space.

remarkably. In such situations, the top loading test has become no

longer recognized as an effective means to evaluate in-situ
performance of large piles,


The oil pump and several ancillary

As far as the end bearing is concerned, the ultimate value is

measured directly, as a load of high intensity can be applied
just to the soil deposit adjacent to the pile toe.

because it requires large trestles and facilities on the ground surface

The above method, as referred to as O-cell test has been used

to apply heavy weight to the pile head, and therefore becomes

widely for evaluating the in-situ performance characteristics of


large and long piles.

To cope with this, what is called pile toe loading test has become

In Japan, the original setup was modified to

some extent particularly in the mechanical part for applying the

a commonly used procedure. This method consists of applying up

pressure at the pile toe.

Instead of the pressure cell, a mechanical

and down forces at the tip of piles by means of a large jack which

system consisting of a large-capacity jack at the pile toe and the

has been embedded in advance at the pile toe.In its original form

measuring device controlled on the ground surface have been

proposed by Osterberg in 1984 for bored piles, a flat pancake-like

incorporated and in common use for carrying out the pile loading

cell was placed at the bottom of the drilled shaft before the concrete


was poured. After the concrete has cured, the cell was pressurized

schematically illustrated in Figure 1.

The test setup of general use in Japan for the O-cell tests is

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 1

Schematic diagram for pile toe loading test (Ogura et al. 1997)

Pile Toe Loading Test at Kanto Postal Bureau Site

at the pile toe through the procedure as illustrated in Figure 3.


the present case, a hole with a diameter of 2.2m was drilled to a

Taking advantage of the construction of the new 28-storey building

depth of 48m.

for the postal bureau office in Saitama Prefecture due north of

cement-mortar was lowered through the mud water to provide a

Tokyo, a series of pile tip loading tests was conducted by Shibuya

sound base for the pile toe and then the jack-attached reinforcement

et al. (1997) to assess the end bearing capacity of cast-in-place

cage was lowered so that the jack could be made to sit at the right

reinforced concrete piles.

position of the base.

The building was 129.8 high and had

After cleaning the bottom, a hopper laded with

Concrete was then poured to form the test

The site is located at the northern part of

pile. The area of cross section at the pile tip was Ap=3.8m2.

Ohmiya terrace area and consists of a series of soil layers of

After curing for 34days, the load was applied cyclically to the jack.

diluvial origin, as displayed in Figure 2.

One of the results of the pile toe loading tests is demonstrated in

two-storey basements.

Below the surface fill,

there exists a dense sand deposit underlaid by silty clay with a SPT

Figure 4.

N-value of about 5.

Shown in Figure 4(b) are the settlements, Sp, plotted

Below this deposit, a thick dense sand

versus the load, Pp, both monitored at the pile tip. It is known

deposit with N>50 was shown to exist at depths between 45m and

that the ultimate value of the end bearing is about 30MN and this is

60m, which was considered competent enough to act as an

mobilized when the pile tip was displaced by 50cm. The effective

end-bearing layer of the piles.

nominal bearing capacity is normally defined in Japan as the load

To substantiate its bearing capacity, a jack 1.3m in diameter

and 1.044m high with a movement stroke of 50cm was embedded

intensity at the stage when the pile is displaced by an amount equal

to 10% of the diameter of the pile tip.

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 2

Figure 3

Soil profile at the site of Kanto Postal Bureau (Shibuya et al. 1997)

Procedures for installing a jack at the toe of the cast-in-place reinforced concrete pile

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 4

Results of the pile toe loading test at the site of Kanto Postal Bureau (Shibuya et al. 1997)

In this case, by reading off a value of 23MN corresponding to

the settlement of 10% of the pile diameter, the nominal bearing



6.05MN/ m =605t/ m .




In this particular test, values of upward

movement of the pile top, Uo, was also monitored on the ground

The measured uplifts at the top, Uo, and at the pile tip,

Up, are shown in Figure 4(a) as plots versus the load, Pp, applied at
the pile tip.

It can be seen that the amount of uplift at the pile tip

is greater than that at the pile top indicating the fact that the pile
body tended to shrink due to the compressive load.
To monitor the friction along the shaft, the strain gages were pasted
on the reinforcement at five depths as indicated in Figure 2.


reading the compressive strains of the gages, it was possible to

calculate the total magnitude of the vertical load being applied to
the cross sections at each of the five depths.

The axial load

distributions thus obtained through the depth are displayed in

Figure 5 where it is noticed that the reduction in the axial load
between two neighboring points of measurement is taken over by
the equal magnitude of friction acting on the surface of the pile

Figure 5

Axial load versus depth in the pile toe loading test at

Kanto Postal Bureau (Shibuya et al. 1997)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

The frictional force intensity between two adjacent points of

casing as accordingly shown in Figure 2. The friction between

measurements thus calculated is shown in Figure 6 as plots versus

Section 4 and the jack at the pile tip is known to reach its maximum

the displacement between these two points. It can be seen that the

value of 20t/m2 when it was fully mobilized. This value was almost

frictional force between the Section 1 and the top is almost equal to

equal to the friction of 17t/ m2 which had been postulated when the

zero indicating that the friction was cut off by the presence of the

design was made.

Figure 6

Frictional force intensity on the shaft versus the displacement of two neighbouring points
(Shibuya et al. 1997


Load-Settlement Curves At The Pile Top Estimated From

The Pile Toe Loading Tests

corresponding to the settlement of 50cm.

The curve predicted by the model is seen shifting rightwards by
an amount approximately equal to the toe resistance which was

The load-settlement relations, that is, Pp vs. Sp curves can be

gradually mobilized with increasing settlement.

There are many

obtained in-situ with the optimum cost as described above but what

other cases of similar studies in which the

Po So

is indeed necessary in the design of piles is the load-settlement

predicted by the


Po vs. So curve

at the top of piles. There are several

coincidence with


Pp Sp relation via the model shows a good

the Po So relation actually measured at the

models proposed to estimate the relation at the top based on the

pile top. Thus, it is now considered appropriate to perform the

results of the pile toe loading test.

pile toe loading test and to estimate the

One of them is what is termed

Load transfer method proposed by Kishida and Tsubakihara


Using this method, the Po



Pp Sp relation



So curve

Po So curve at the pile

top to be incorporated in the design.

at the pile top at




2. 4

Compiled Results of The Pile-Toe Loading Tests

which was represented by a hyperbolic curve.

The result of the analysis is shown in Fig. 7, together with the

There have been a majority of test data of similar nature ever

Pp Sp relation obtained from the pile toe loading test.

performed in Japan at various sites to obtain the end bearing


It is noted that the ultimate value of the skin friction, that is,

capacity of dense sand deposits and soft rocks.

Pf 30MN , which should be equal to the upward load at the

summarized by Ogura et al. (1998) as shown in Figure 8 in terms

pile toe, can be estimated directly from the test result

of the load intensity at the pile toe,

Pp / A p ,

These were

plotted versus the

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

pile tip.

Sp ,

divided by the diameter of the pile


at the

considered competent; the end bearing capacity is greater in soft

It may be seen in Figure 8 that the pile tip settlement is

rock or gravelly sand deposits as compared to that in the dense sand

much smaller for soft rock and gravelly sands than that for sand


deposits. This implies the fact that, for the stiff deposits generally

Figure 7

The load-settlement curve at the pile top estimated from the P p-Sp relation by
using the load transfer method (Shibuya et al. 1997)




the shaft friction.

The magnitude of the force at the pile top is

slightly smaller than the upward force from jack

equal to the weight of the pile body.

by an amount

By means of this test, it is

3.1 Concepts Of The Pile Toe Bearing Test And Skin Friction

anticipated that the genuine value of end bearing capacity free from


the influence of the shaft friction can be measured/obtained.

The fourth type of test is the one called Skin-friction test.


Shown in Figure 9 are the illustrations for four types of pile loading

type of test was proposed to cope with the criticism saying that in

tests ever performed. Figure 9(a) is the normal type of the pile top

the widely used O-cell loading test, the frictional force along the

loading test.

The pile toe loading test as described in the

shaft is mobilized in the downward direction which is opposite to

foregoing section is illustrated in Figure 9(b). This test can be

the direction activated in the normal working conditions of in-situ

carried out to know the bearing capacity of the pile toe.


piles. In an attempt to shed some light on this aspect, the skin

there remains some influence in the vicinity of the pile tip, of

friction test was developed by Dr. Ogura and his associates (2005).

reducing the vertical confining stress due to the shaft friction

As illustrated in Figure 9(d), this test consists of applying an axial

directed upwards.

To eliminate this effect, if any, what is called

force, first of all, at the pile top which is approximately equal to the

Pile toe bearing test was proposed as illustrated in Figure 9(c).

upward force at the pile tip while the end-installed jack is in

In this type of test an axial load approximately equal to the upward

operation. Then, the pressure in jack is released

force at the end jack is applied in addition at the pile top to discard

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 8

Summary of the pile toe loading tests (Ogura et al. 1998)

There is no force acting upward from the pile toe.

Thus, the

A-pile and B-pile, were used for in-situ loading tests.

The A-pile

axial load, Po, applied at the pile top is totally resisted by the

with a diameter of 1.0m was embedded to a depth of 42m where a

friction mobilized on the surface of the shaft.

0.5m-height jack was installed. Below this depth, the pile was

This is the principle

of performing the skin friction tests.

modulated through the 5m-length to a depth of 47.5m where a sand

layer with N-value of 24 was encountered.


Pile Toe Bearing Test And Skin Friction Tests At Kaifu

For this modulated

portion near the bottom, the diameter was 1.0m but for the

Site In Aichi Prefecture

non-modulated part the diameter was 80cm.

The test site is located at Kaifu near Nagoya where the deposits

loading test by the A-pile was to know the toe bearing capacity of

consist of a series of soil layers as shown in Figure 10. The

the sand deposit.

depths at which the jack was installed on two piles A and B are also

straight pile to a depth of 44m where a 0.5m in height jack was

indicated in Figure 10.


The site is located in the flood plain area

The aim of the

The B-pile with a diameter of 0.8m was a

Below this, the modulated pile with the diameter of

composed of layers of soft silt and clay deposits with the SPT

1.0m was jointed downwards as illustrated in Figure 10.

N-value of the order of 0 to 5. There exists a gravelly sand layer

of the test by the B-pile was to examine the bearing power of the

at the depth of 48.5m.

gravelly sand layer with a N-value of 60 at a depth of 49m.

Two precast concrete piles, denoted by

The aim

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 9

Four types of pile loading test

Figure 10 Soil profile at Kaifu site and embedment of two piles for toe bearing
and skin friction tests (Ogura et al. 2005)

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

The prefabricated piles were installed in pre-bored holes after the

toe loading are, by and large, the same for the two plots of Pj versus

bottom had been cleaned up.

Sj and Sp.

Milky cement was poured and

It can also be seen in Figure 11 that the ultimate

churned with the soils at the bottom to prepare sound beds for

bearing power of 10.87MN was achieved with a settlement of

placing the piles. After the piles were put in place, the cement

17.6cm at the pile toe in the sand deposit of N=24 at the depth of

mortar was poured to fill the annular space between the precast pile


and the surrounding soils.

Measurements were made of the axial strains by means of strain

gauges pasted to the reinforcement cage through the pile length as


Pile Toe Bearing Test

indicated by the dotted points on the right-hand side of Figure 10.

Over the portion of the pile from the top down to the jack point, the

The results of the pile toe bearing test on the A-pile is demonstrated

axial load monitored by the strain gages was shown to take

in Figure 11 in terms of the jack-applied load Pj plotted versus the

approximately an identical value which is equal to Po Pp .

downward displacement of the pile, Sj, at the point of the jack and

the 5m-long portion from the jack point to the pile tip, the axial

also the displacement, Sp, at the pile tip.


It can be seen in Figure

force as measured by the strain gages at five points is displayed in

11 that the displacement at the jack point is slightly larger than that

Figure 12, where it can be seen that the axial load tends to decrease

at the pile tip.

with increasing depth from the depth 42m to 47m due to the skin

This is due to a slight compression of the pile body

taking place through the 5m-long portion between the jack point
and the pile tip.

friction mobilized over the 5m long portion above the pile toe.

However, the load-settlement curves for the pile

Figure 11

Load-displacement curves from the pile toe bearing test at Kaifu (Ogura et al. 2005)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 12


Load-displacement curves obtained from the pile toe bearing tests at Kaifu (Ogura et al. 2005)

Skin Friction Test


Comparison Of The Toe Bearing Capacity Between The

Sand And Gravel Deposits

Following the toe bearing test on the A-pile, the skin friction test
was carried out on the same pile by reducing the jack pressure

As demonstrated in Figure 10, the B-pile was put in place in the

while keeping the pile top load unchanged.

sandy gravel layer at the depth of 49m where the SPT N-value was

The reduction in the

jack pressure was assumed to be equivalent to the increase in the



at the pile top which is regarded as indicating the

corresponding increase in the skin friction Rd.

test is displayed in Figure 13 in terms of


The result of the

or Rd plotted versus


The result of the pile toe bearing test conducted on the B-pile

are shown in Figure 15 where the end bearing load intensity, q p ,

as defined by q p Pp / A p is plotted versus the vertical
displacement, Sj. at the jack point or at the pile tip,

Sp .


the vertical displacement, So , at the pile top or Sj at jack point. It

result of the pile toe bearing test on the A-pile shown in Figure 11

may be seen that, for a given axial load at pile top, the

is also replotted in Figure 15 in the same fashion for comparison.

displacement at the jack point, Sj, is smaller than that at the pile top,

It is obvious from Figure 15 that the end bearing load intensity

indicating that this difference corresponds to the shortening of the

q p in the gravel is much higher than that in the sand deposit.

pile body.

The depthwise distribution of the axial load through

the pile length as evaluated by the strain gage reading is displayed

in Figure 14.

It can be seen that the maximum load, Po , at the

top tended to decrease with depth and became equal to zero at the
pile tip for all the steps of loading.


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 13

Figure 14

Skin friction distributions through the toe portion of A-pile (Ogura et al. 2005)

Distribution of the axial force versus depth in the skin friction tests at Kaifu (Ogura et al. 2005)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 15

Displacement at pile toe, Sp or at jack point Sj versus end load intensity, q p (Ogura et al. 2005)


Figure 17 together with the side view of the two piles.

There is a


thick wind-blown deposit of clayey silt termed Kanto loam

having the SPT N-value of the order of 5 to 30 to a depth of 14.5m.

The rectangular pile called Barrette pile has been of frequent use in

Below the loam layer, there exists a stiff sandy soil deposit of

recent years particularly for installing friction piles, because of its

diluvial origin with the N-value in excess of 50.

greater amount of shaft resistance that is mobilized in comparison

installed by lowering the rebar cage into the prepared hole and

with that of the circular pile. This effect is envisioned highly


likely as the surface area on the shaft is apparently larger in the

Strain gages were attached to the reinforcement cage of the piles to

Barrette-type pile.

measure the axial load at several depths as shown in Figure 17. The

In order to verify this aspect, in-situ pile loading tests were

tests were of normal loading type in which the load Po is applied at

conducted by Iwanaga et al. (1991) where the behaviour of the

the pile top and the settlement measured at the top.

circular pile was compared to that of the rectangular pile having an

The result of the pile top loading test on the circular pile is

identical cross sectional area.

presented in Figure 18 in which the pattern of the load-reload

the two pile loading tests.

Shown in Figure 16 is the layout of

The circular pile 1.2m in diameter had

the same cross sectional area of 1.13m

2.0 0.6m rectangular

as that of the

pile, but the latter had a surface area

which was 1.38 times larger than that of the former.

There were

Two piles were

cycles is displayed versus time on the upper left-hand side.


progress of the settlement with time is shown on the lower

left-hand side in Figure18.

On the basis of the time-changes thus

obtained, the load-settlement curve in cyclic loading is established

two sets of earth anchors as shown in Figure 16 which were

as shown in the lower right-hand side of the diagram.

installed to carry reaction force when the load is applied on top of

off the maximum values of load and settlement at each cycle, the

the piles.

load-settlement curve was obtained as shown in the upper

The test site was located at Tsukimino in Kanagawa

Prefecture due west of Tokyo.

The soil profile there is shown in

By reading

right-hand side.


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

The results of the pile top loading test on the rectangular pile is

embedded through 2.5~3.0m into the stiff sand layer, as shown in

demonstrated in Figure 19 in the same fashion as that of the loading

Figure 17. Based on the measured data, the equivalent axial force,

test on the circular pile.

Comparison of the load-settlement curves

Pp, mobilized by the friction at the portion of the pile toe was

in the upper right-hand side of Figures. 18 and 19 does apparently

estimated. The force Pp divided by the area Ap at the toe is plotted

indicate that the bearing power is greater for the rectangular pile

versus the settlement at the pile tip Sp in Figure 20(b). The

than for the circular pile. To demonstrate this feature more vividly,

settlement Sp was taken approximately equal to that at the pile top

the load-settlement curves for the circular pile and rectangular pile

So. As shown in Fig.ure 20(b), the ultimate load intensity for the

are shown together in Figure 20.

In Figure 20(a), the settlement,

rectangular pile was 11MPA as against 8.6MPA in the circular pile.

So, at the pile top is plotted versus the load, Po, at the pile top,

Thus, there was 1.24 times increase in the bearing power mainly by

where it can be clearly seen that the rectangular pile exhibited the

frictional resistance at he portion of the toe in the case of the

ultimate bearing power of 17MN as against 13MN in the circular

rectangular pile. It is obvious that the increase has emerged from


the fact that the rectangular pile (Barrette-type pile) has the larger

The ratio of increase in the bearing power in the Barrette

pile is about 1.3 times as compared to the circular pile.

surface area over which the frictional resistance at the toe portion

There were strain gauges equipped at the pile toe portion

Figure 16

can be mobilized, even if the cross sectional area is the same.

Layout of the pile loading tests, one on a circular and the other on a rectangular pile at Tsukimino
(Iwanaga et al. 1991)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 17

Figure 18

Soil profile and side view of the two piles (Iwanaga et al. 1991)

Load-settlement-time relations obtained by the pile top loading test on circular pile,
Tsukimino, Kanagawa (Iwanaga et al. 1991)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 19

Load-settlement-time relations obtained by the pile top loading test on rectangular pile,
Tsukimino, Kanagawa (Iwanaga et al. 1991)

Figure 20

Load-settlement curves from the pile loading tests on the circular and rectangular piles
at Tsukimino (Iwanaga et al. 1991)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


The entire floor area of the building complex is enclosed by the

diaphragm walls with a thickness 0.8m to 1.2m which was

5.1 Outline Of The Project And Construction

embedded to a depth of 15m to 40m where the competent residual

soil or bouldery clay layer exists.

The diaphragm walls were

In-situ measurements of shaft resistance were carried out in the

designed to act as the permanent walls for the 3-level basement car

excavated shaft during the construction of cast-in-place reinforced


concrete piles for the foundation of the United Overseas Building

section CA3 through CA6 is demonstrated in Figure 26 where it

in Singapore (UOB).

can be seen that the upper part of the piles through soft alluvial

The 66-storey building 281m high was

constructed in 1992 in the central business district of the city.


The side view of the caisson and bored piles along the cross

deposits (Kallang Formation) consists of the caissons enclosed by

shown in Figure 21, it is located on the right bank of Singapore

the diaphragm walls.

River about 500m from its exit to the Marine Bay.

composed of the segment of cast-in-place reinforced concrete.

as it stands now is shown in Figure 22.

The building

The lower part of the foundation was

The approximate soil

The method of constructing the caissons in the upper part consisted

profile in the east-west direction is displayed in Figure 23 where it

first in installing the diaphragm walls through water-saturated soft

can be seen that there exits a marine clay deposit about 10~30m

ground, as illustrated in Figure 27. For the CA8-pile having an

think overlaid by a surface fill and peaty clay layer.

Below the

inner diameter of 7.6m, the diaphragm wall was constructed by

marine clay, there is a residual soil deposit of medium stiffness

following the three steps of cutting 1, 2 and 3 as illustrated in

which is underlaid by the bouldery clay. The layers of alluvial

Figure 27(c).

deposits above the bouldery clay are called Kallang Formation.

soil behind, excavation was advanced in dry conditions by

According to the paper by Han et al. (1993), the bouldery clay

machines. In the course of downward excavation, the reinforced

deposit is composed of stiff to hard soil deposits interspersed with

concrete ring beams were constructed in-situ at an interval of 5~6m,

sandstone-derived boulders. The boulders varying in size and in

to provide circular bracing for the diaphragm wall. When the

shape from a few centimeters to 6m occupy about 20~30% of the

excavation reached the level of the bouldery clay deposit, that is,

total volume. Thus, the boulders are seldom in contact with each

the toe of the diaphragm wall, the cutting was carried out further


The soil/clay matrix behaves essentially as a stiff to hard,

down in open conditions while protecting the exposed soil surface

heavily over-consolidated clay and it tends to soften when put in

by placing the ring-shaped cast-in-place reinforced concreting

contact with water. The undrained shear strength of the clay matrix

circular segments 40cm thick and 2m wide.

By sealing off the groundwater and retaining the

as evaluated via the pressiometer test and plate loading test was
shown to be about 1.0Mpa 10kgf/cm2.

The bouldery clay

5.2 In-Situ Measurements Of The Shaft Resistance

deposit is estimated to extend down to about 120m depth and the

majority of high-rise buildings in the district are founded on the

As the excavation proceeded through the bouldery clay deposit,

base structures constructed in this bouldery clay deposit as shown

in-situ loading tests were performed at a total of 26 spots.

in Figure 24. Construction of the foundation for the UOP Plaza is

exact locations of the loading tests conducted in the shaft CA3 and

described somewhat in details by Iwanaga et al. (1991) and

CA4 are indicated in Fig.ure 26. The scheme of the loading test at

Imamura et al. (1991).

the bottom of the current stage of excavation is schematically

The following is the excerpt from the



illustrated in Figure 28. The lower segment B of the concrete wall

The UOB plaza carrying a total weight of 1512MN was constructed

to be tested had been constructed against the soil wall with an open

on the foundation with 12 caissons supported by the shaft friction.

gap 75cm wide on top of the bottom segment C.

The plan view of the layout of the foundation is demonstrated on

segment A of the concrete ring for testing had also been constructed

the left side of Figure 25. The right side indicates the portion of

with an open gap of 75cm apart from the bottom of the

strutted excavation to construct the 5-storey podium attached to the

already-constructed upper segment C.

The upper

high-rise tower.


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 21

Location of the UOB Building in Singapore

Figure 22

UOB Plaza in Singapore


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 23

Figure 24

Site geology around the UOB Building in Singapore

Typical features of building foundations in the central business district in Singapore


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 25

Figure 26

Layout of the bored piles for UOB Plaza

Layout of the caissons and bored piles for the UOB Plaza Building


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 27

Construction of diaphragm walls and RC lining for foundations of UOB Building

Twelve hydraulically operated jacks were placed along the concave

shown in Figure 30(b), where it may be seen that the ultimate shaft

shelf in the annular space 80cm in height as illustrated in Figure 28.

friction was somewhere between 1.8 and 2.0MN. From the series

The setup of the jacks along the circular shelf is shown somewhat

of the loading tests as above, the ultimate value of the shaft

in details in Figure 29.

resistance was obtained for the cast-in-place reinforced concrete

Measurements of the vertical

displacement were made during the jack-driven loading by means

of several dial gauges as well as by means of the transit viewing
apparatus, as illustrated in Figure 28.
Some of the test results are demonstrated in Figure 30 in terms of

segment which is installed in contact with the bouldery clay in

The outcome of the tests on 26 ring segments with the diameter of
4.7, 6.2 and 6.8m is summarized in Figure 31 in terms of the shaft

the total applied load plotted versus the measured displacement.

resistance f plotted versus depth. Figure 31 shows that there is

Figure 30(a) shows the load-displacement curves obtained from the

a tendency of increasing shaft friction with increasing diameter of

tests loaded upwards to No. 9 segment and downwards to No. 10

the ring segment. However, looking over the entire test results, one

segment which were located at an elevation of 51m in the CA4

can recognize that the ultimate value of shaft friction was in excess

bored shaft, as accordingly shown in Figure 26.

of 45tf/m2.

It may be seen that the ultimate skin friction mobilized between the

the ultimate skin friction used for the original design were modified

concrete ring wall in 6.8m in diameter and surrounding bouldery

from 45tf/m2 to 35tf/m2, which conduced greatly to reducing the

clay deposit was 220tons=2.2MN for the segment No. 9 but for the

cost of bored pile construction. As a result, the length of the bored

segment No. 10 the ultimate friction would have been greater than

pile was shortened, as accordingly indicated in Figure 22.

Based on the test data as verified above, the value of

this value. The results of the tests conducted at No. 4 and No. 5
segment in the bored shaft CA2 with the diameter of 4.7m are


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 28

Scheme of the loading test for shaft resistance within the bored hole

Figure 29

Details of jack installation


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 30

Figure 31

Load-displacement curves obtained from the in-situ loading tests

Ultimate shaft friction obtained from the in-situ loading tests


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828




plotted in the abscissa of Figure 32.

In the case of the skin

friction, the N-value at the depth of measurements is directly used

in the abscissa as shown in Figure 33 to represent the stiffness or

A vast majority of in-situ loading tests on bored piles ever

strength of the soil materials surrounding the piles. Shown in

performed in Japan was compiled and summarized in a form of

Figure 32 with black dots are the results of in-situ measurements on

charts in the Japanese design manual of building foundations

end bearing loads for the bored piles which were designed as


friction piles.

These are shown in Figures 32 and 33, where the ultimate

toe bearing load intensity,

Pf , and ultimate friction resistance,

f , are shown in terms of the plots against the SPT N-value.


the case of the toe resistance, it has been customary to take an

average N-value over the 2m section, viz. 1m above and 1m below
the tip level of piles. This averaged value is denoted by

Figure 32

N and

Summary plots of the ultimate toe bearing load intensity as function of averaged N-value (from Japanese manual)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 33

Summary plots of the ultimate skin friction as functions of SPT N-value (from Japanese manual)

Needless to say, the value of the point resistance is shown to be


relatively small because the major part of the external load is


carried by the skin friction.


The data points indicated by open

circles in Figure 32 are those derived from the measurements on

In early 1970 techniques have evolved extensively for liquefying

the bored piles designed as end bearing piles.

natural gas and transporting it by ships over a long distance.

Since the skin

friction was not taken into account, the end bearing capacity does
naturally take large values in excess of

Pf 7MN / m .

Although there are considerable scatters in Figure 32, an average


Pf 233N is drawn through the cluster of data points,

together with two other lines corresponding to the standard

30% . It is recommended in the manual that the

relation Pf 200N be used for design purpose for the deposits
having a N -value less than 60.
deviation of


liquefied natural gas (LNG) carried to the site of destinations is

once stored in a large tank.

In response to demand it is

transformed back into gas again and distributed for industrial or

domestic use.

In the wake of this trend, the construction of

large-capacity storage tanks began in Japan in 1970s. In the early

stage, the tanks were constructed on the ground, but for the sake of
easiness of maintenance and safety as well attempts have been
made to construct the tanks underground.

With respect to the ultimate skin friction plotted in Figure 33

One of the early efforts in this context was the construction of the

against the SPT N-value, there also are considerable scatters in the

storage tanks in Sodegaura on the east coast of Tokyo Bay.

f 5.9N is drawn through the

cluster of data points, together with the 50% lines of deviation.
It is recommended in the manual that the relation f 2.5N be
test data, but an average line


location is shown in Figure 34. The tank was constructed in 1989

and had dimension 64m in diameter and 44m in depth with a
storage capacity 170,000 k .

The bird-eye view of the roof of the

used for the design of the bored piles.

tank is shown in Figure 35 and its side view is displayed in Figure

It is of interest to see where the result of the shaft friction tests in

36, together with the soil profile.

UOB building in Singapore is plotted in diagram of Figure 33.

of the circular diaphragm wall were two-fold, viz., the thickness of

Assuming that the N-value is greater than 50, the value of

the wall and the depth of its embedment.

f 350kPa 35ton / m

The critical issues for the design

is plotted in Figure 33. It is

observed that this value is located in the vicinity of the average line
deduced from the Japanese case studies.


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


Wall Thickness

37(b). Therefore, the uniform load as shown in Figure 36 (b) is

generally adopted for performing design calculation.

The second

The thickness of the wall was determined by considering three

load was the biased load acting from two directions as illustrated in

kinds of external loads expected to act on the wall.

The first is the

Figure 37(c). This kind of load is taken into account, because there

uniformly distributed load directed to the center of the circle, as

always are some unidentified sources inducing eccentric load

illustrated in Figure 37(a), which is specified from the earth

application such as sloped layers of underground deposits and

pressure at rest plus water pressure at each depth for which

non-uniformity of soil deposits. Since it is difficult, however, to

K o 0.5 was assumed. It is to be noticed that the effect of this

estimate its magnitude, it was assumed to take a value 0.2 times the

uniform pressure is exactly the same as that of the equivalent

magnitude of the uniform load.

uniform pressure acting from the four directions as shown in Figure

Figure 34

The location of the Trans Tokyo Bay Tunnel and LNG tanks


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 35

Fig. 36

Underground LNG tank at Sodegaura, Chiba, Japan

Underground LNG storage tank at Sodegaura (Goto-Iguro, 1989)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 37

Three types of external loads in the design of the diaphragm wall

Figure 38

Stability against bottom uplift


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

When the effects of earthquake loading are to be considered, the

of excavation as shown in Figure 38.

load from one direction is assumed to act as shown in Figure 37(d).

stability check is generally made by comparing the total weight of

Considering this stage,

In the present case of the LNG tank, the magnitude of the

soil-water mass in the portion AABB with the uplift water

earthquake force was assumed to be 0.15 times the uniform load.

pressure at the bottom which is equal to w (D / 2)

As a result of the load application as mentioned above, the

usual to control the water table level inside or outside of the

thickness of the wall was determined to be 1.2m, although there are

excavation so that the factor of safety of at least about 1.03m can

some differences in the reinforcement in the direction of the depth

be maintained. The stability check for seepage-induced piping may

depending upon the computed bending moment in the body of the

need to be made by comparing the hydraulic gradient against its

diaphragm wall.

critical value. Since it is difficult, however, to evaluate the critical

. It is

value, the general practice is to design the diaphragm wall so that


Stability Check For The Uplift And Seepage

its toe can penetrate deep enough through an impervious layer with
sufficient thickness.

In carrying out excavation in the dry condition, it is a common

practice to lower the ground water table inside to a level 1-2m
below the bottom of the excavation.


Method Of Excavating Ditches

The ground water table

below the impervious layer is lowered outside the diaphragm wall

While there are several methods which are different in details and

to a degree necessary for reducing the uplift water pressure acting

in size, the method for excavating ditches for the diaphragm wall

at the bottom.

can be roughly classified into two groups as described below.

Anyway, the most critical time is at the final stage

Figure 39

Diaphragm wall by rebar lapping method


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 40

Diaphragm wall by concrete cutting method


Rebar Lapping Method

The steps for constructing the wall are illustrated in Figure 39.
First of all, rectangular ditches are excavated by a cutting machine
for the A-element (advance element) at a certain interval as shown
in Step 1.

Drilling mud is filled in the ditch at this stage.


reinforcement cage (rebar cage) franked by two long steel plates is

lowered into the mud-filled ditch and concrete is cast by tremie

At this time, the steel plate tends to be deformed outward

due to the weight of un-cemented concrete.

To prevent this, it is

common to throw gravels or crushed stones into the space outside

the steel plates as illustrated by Step 2 in Figure 39.

Then, the

excavation is made for the element B (follow element).

In this

case, both ends of the Section A are still filled with gravels, but
gravels are excavated together and the bottom is cleaned up as
shown in Step 3. Since the concrete at the element A has already
been solidified, there is no extra pressure acting on the steel plate to
induce its deformation. After the excavation, the rebar cage is
lowered into the mud and concrete is poured as illustrated in Step 4.
Figure 41

Cutting machine for the ditch

Note that the rebar in Section B is assembled so that it can fit well


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

at both ends to the already existing reinforcements projecting from

Figure 49.

the side of element A.

constructing the diaphragm wall used for temporary retaining

When this method is adopted, the cutting of the ditch is made

structure, and also for the case of circular walls where the hoop

generally by using the machine as shown in Figure 41.

compression is expected to induce high compressive loads in the

The axis

of the cutting bit is arranged vertically and by rotating the bit

horizontally, the excavation can be advanced at the bottom.


the connection between element A and B is very tight, this method

is adopted for constructing diaphragm to be used as permanent

This concrete cutting method is adopted for

circumferential direction.

In the LNG storage tank, the rebar

lapping method was used, because the diaphragm wall was

intended to function as permanent structure.

No matter whichever

method is adopted, the same method can be applied for the

circular-shaped wall construction as well.

It is to be noted that

what is called circular wall is not exactly the round circle. It has a
multi-angular shape.


Concrete Cutting Method


Observed Performances

As illustrated in Step 1 in Figure 40, the ditch excavation is carried

out at element A at a certain interval.

Then, the rebar cage

The measurements were made of the earth pressure and lateral wall

without the steel plates is lowered and concrete is poured as shown

deflection at several points around the circular diaphragm wall after

in Step 2.

When the B-element is excavated in the next stage, the

the construction of the LNG tank at Sodegaura site. Shown by the

cutting is performed not only for the portion of soils but also for the

solid line in Figure 42 is the already deflected feature of the wall

hard portion of concrete on both sides, as illustrated in Step 3.

top as computed using the uniform design load in Figure 37(b).

Then, installation of the rebar and concreting is carried out as

Although the amount of deflection is not shown explicitly, it was of

shown in Step 4.

the order of 1cm.

When using this method, the ditch is excavated

Needless to say, the deflection was uniform and,

by means of the machine having the horizontal two-axes of cutting

hence, the solid line is a true circle. The dotted line in Figure 42

bit. The two cutting bit is rotated horizontally in mutually opposite

indicates the deviation of computed wall deflection by considering

directions so that the bit can cut the surround soils upwards on both

the eccentric design load shown in Figure 37(c).


A typical machine is shown in the photograph later in

Figure 42

Design loads and measured wall displacements in radial direction, LNG storage tank at Sodegaura
(Goto-Iguro, 1989)


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

The dotted line in Figure 42 indicates the deviation of computed

facility for ventilation when the highway traffic is in service.

wall deflection by considering the eccentric design load shown in

Since the Island was to be located in the middle of the sea and

Figure 37(c).

seated in the soft soil seabed at a water depth of 28m, the greatest


It is apparent that the deflected shape is slightly

The chain-dotted line in Figure 42 shows the lateral

deflection of the wall top

actuallly measured at the time when the

excavation had been completed to the targeted depth.

It may be

challenge was posed for its safe construction.

A series of steps

taken for constructing the diaphragm wall and some difficulties

encountered will be described below somewhat in details.

seen in Figure 42 that the measured distribution of the wall lies

within the two lines of deflection computed using the design loads


Soil Conditions In Seabed

indicated in the right hand of the figure.

The soil conditions at the site were investigated by two deep



borings drilled to a depth of 135m from the sea level.


outcome of this investigation is displayed in Figure 44. It can be

seen that there exists a soft silty clay deposit (AC1) of alluvial



origin with the SPT N=0 to a depth of about 22m from the sea

The Trans Tokyo-Bay tunnel connecting Kawasaki city on the west

bottom which is underlaid by a series of alternate layers of sand

and Kisarazu city on the east was constructed during the period of

and silt of diluvial origin down further to a depth of about 45m

1989-1997 to provide the 4-lane highway across the Tokyo Bay.

from the sea bottom.

The location of the highway is shown in Figure 34.

Out of the

stiff soils with N-values in excess of 50. Since the diaphragm wall

15km long highway, the eastern and the undersea tunnel with a

had to be embedded to a sound base deposit through sufficiently

diameter of 14m was constructed for the 10km long stretch on the

impervious clay or silt layer, of most critical concern was the

west as shown in Figure 43.

Below this the deposits consist mainly of

In the middle of the tunnel, a

decision as to how deep the diaphragm was to be penetrated. The

man-made island called Kawasaki Island was constructed to

presence of the impervious layers with sufficient thickness and

provide a starter base for launching the shield tunnel to the east and

stiffness is demonstrated in Figure 45.

to the west.

This island was intended to be equipped with a

Figure 43

Plan and side view of the trans Tokyo Bay tunnel


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 44

Soil profiles at the site of Kawasaki Island


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 45

Soil profile and water-bearing layers at Kawasaki Island

Figur 46

Construction process of the man made Island


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

8.3 Construction Of The Diaphragm Wall

floor at the top.

This is called outer pier and the other one inside

is called inside pier. The next step was to drive a number of steel
The sequence of the process for constructing the Island consisted of

pipes 40cm in diameter side by side in contact in a circular

several steps as illustrated in Figure 46.

alignment along the outside rim of the inner pier and also along the

In this case, the concrete

cutting method illustrated in Figure 40 was adopted.

inside rim of the outer pier. The circular arrangement of the pipes


along the inside of the outer pier is shown in the plan view of

First of all, the soft clay and soft deposits under the

seabed were stabilized to a depth of 35m below the seabed by the

Figure 48(a).

method called sand compaction pile (SCP) over the circular area

driving pipes side by side, the annular space 12.6m wide between

about 120m in diameter.

The area ratio of compaction was 30%

these two walls was filled up by dumping cement-mixed soils from

The compaction pile was constructed by

the pier. It is to be noted that the seabed deposit just underneath

means of the heavy machinery equipped on board the ship. The

the soil-cement fill had been stabilized by the technique called

annual portion of the seabed deposit with an inner diameter of

Deep Mixing Method (DMM).

100m was stabilized by the Deep Mixing Method (DMM) in which

construction is illustrated in Figure 48(c).

the soft soils were churned and mixed with cement to improve


these into somewhat stiff materials. The zones of SCP and DMM

advanced downwards through the 12.6m wide cement-mixed soil

are indicated in Figure 46(a).

fill and further down to a depth of 119m from the floor level of the


After the work of soil stabilization was over, steel pipe

pier. Excavation was carried out by what is called the reverse

piles 1,016m in diameter were driven by the hammer-operated

circulation method using the two-axes rotating type cutting bits as

machines aboard the ship to provide the foundation for the jacket

shown in Figure 49. The width and length of one element of

structure to be put into place later on.

excavation was 2.8m and 2.35m, respectively.

and 78.5% in plan.

The jacket frame unit

After constructing two circular walls in this way by

The feature of this phase of

From the top floor of the pier platform, excavation was

Special caution

assembled at the yard at other site was carried by a tug boat and its

was taken to maintain the in-plumb condition of excavated shaft

legs were put on the top of the pile.

One of the jacket frame units

within an accuracy of 1/1000 by using a high-precision apparatus.

in the yard is shown in Figure 47. The feature of the jacket unit

The circular diaphragm wall had an outer diameter of 103.6m and a

sitting at the site of the Island is displayed in Figure 46(b). The pier

total length of 119m counted from the working platform on the pier.

thus constructed was used as the working platform for further work

Rebar cages were lowered unit by unit and concrete was poured in

of diaphragm construction and excavation.

the bored holes.


Figure 46(d).

The jacket-type platform consisted of three circular

This phase of the construction is illustrated in

piers with two outer piers connected with each other by the flat

Figure 47

Unit of jacket frame sitting on the assembling yard


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 48

Layout of the platform and piers in Kawasaki Island


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


After installing the circular diaphragm walls with a

critical issue in the challenge of deep excavations below the natural

width of 2.8m, sea water inside the enclosed wall was pumped out

ground water table.

and excavation was advanced to the level of -72m below the sea

level and then framed structure of the inner jacket was dismantled

level within the diaphragm wall while lowering the ground water

and removed.

level. The dewatering and control of the water table level inside

together with the cement-mixed soil to expose the inside surface of

and outside the diaphragm wall during the excavation was

the diaphragm wall.

conducted by means of two sets of deep wells as illustrated in

schematically illustrated in Figure 46(e).

Figure 50.

One is the well points to pump water up from the two

reached the level of -28m, a huge ring-shaped hoop composed of 6

water-bearing pervious layers designated as A and B in the figure.

reinforced concrete blocks 5.8m thick and 11m high was installed

The other set was installed within the excavated pit to observe the

around the inside periphery of the diaphragm wall.

level of water during excavation.

intended to assure the tightness of the junction between blocks in

The still other was to observe

the ground water level at the deepest layer C.

The levels of water

The excavation was advanced to a targeted

The circular row of the pipes was also taken away

This phase of the construction work is

When the excavation

This was

the formation of the wall.

The feature of this installation is shown

table indicated in Figure 50 are the targeted level for the final stage

by a picture in Figure 48.

The platform of the bird-eye view is

of excavation down to the floor at the depth of -72m.

shown in Figure 52.

It is to be

noticed that the design and control of the water tables are the most

Figure 49

Two-axes rotating type cutting bits


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 50

Observation and control of water levels inside and outside of the excavated pit

Figure 51

Installation of a block hoop at the depth of -28m


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 52

Bird-eye views of the platform of the piers

Performances Of The Diaphragm Wall

important factor, because any significant deviation is associated

with a risk of eccentricity of the overall behaviour.

There were two important items to be considered in the structural


design of the circular diaphragm wall.

In the lower part of the wall, a great magnitude of

One was the earth pressure

compressive stress is induced in the circumferential direction.

acting on the wall and the other was the force in circumstantial

Therefore, a special concrete with high compressive strength ought

direction which acts as support to maintain the stability of the wall.

to be cast.

As there was no bracing structure inside the wall, it was considered

was specified as 36MN/m2.

of utmost importance to make sure whether the hoop compression

In order to monitor the performances of the diaphragm walls,

was uniformly transmitted in the circumferential direction, not

several set of strain gages were attached to the rebar cages.

causing any deviation.

In the Kawasaki Island, the strength of the concrete


There are two aspects to be paid attention

the earth pressure cells and tilt meters were installed in the wall

in discussing design and performance of the circular diaphragm

before concrete was cast. Figure 53 shows the circumferential


compressive stress measured in the walls at three stages of


In the upper part of the wall, distribution of the hoop


load, earth pressure and wall deflection around the circle is an



Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 53

Figure 54

Distribution of the circumferential load intensity versus depth

Measured earth pressures at two locations at the stage of excavation to the depth of 28m


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Figure 55

Measured earth pressure at two locations around the diaphragm wall

When the inside excavation reached the level of -28m, a huge

along the periphery of the diaphragm wall due to eccentricity of the

ring-shaped hoop was installed as indicated in Figure 53(a).

load distribution.


At greater depths, the compressive stress itself

this stage, the hoop load monitored at three locations was

is an important factor.

distributed versus depth as shown in Figure 53(a) with its

lower than the strength of 36MN/m2 which was achieved with the

maximum value of about 20MN/m occurring at the depth of 80m.

use of high-strength concrete.

As the thickness of the wall was 2.8m, this maximum corresponds

At the time the design was made, analyses were made to evaluate

to 20/2.8=7.14MN/m in terms of load intensity.

Shown in Figure

The measured stress was shown to be

the compressive stress in the hoop direction.

The results of the

53 (b) is the depthwise distribution of the circumferential load per

analyses are also indicated in Figure 53.

1m depth at the stage when

analysis results, the design load was specified reflecting the records

level of 40.4m.

the excavation had progressed to the

It is noted that the maximum

load of about

On the basis of the

of previous cases of diaphragm construction.

The load

38MN/m was monitored at the floor level of excavation, viz., at the

distribution thus determined for the design of Kawasaki Island is

depth of 40.4m.

also indicated in Figure 53.

The distribution of the circumferential load per

In view of the good coincidence with

1m depth at the near-final stage of 69.7m deep excavation is

the analysis and design values, actual progress of the excavation

demonstrated in Figure 53(c), where it is noted that the maximum

was considered satisfactory and to have been executed successfully.

load was about 40MN/m occurring at the bottom level of

The external force acting on the diaphragm wall was the earth


pressure and water pressure from inside and outside as well of the

This corresponds to a compressive load intensity of


40/2.8=14.3MN/m =143kg/cm which is apparently smaller than



The earth pressure was measured by means of the pressure

the compressive strength of the concrete, 36MN/m , used in the

cells buried at various depths at four locations around the wall.

design of the diaphragm wall.

One of the features to be noticed is

The results of measurements are shown in Fig. 54 where it may

the variation of the hoop load amongst three points of

seen that the earth pressure acting on the outer face of the wall

measurements along the periphery, particularly at shallow depths.

(Figure 54(b)) was, by and large, smaller than that evaluated by the

It is noted in Figure 53 that the variation was not so significant,

theory assuming Ko=0.5. The earth pressure on the inside of the

indicating no likelihood of buckling-type deformation to take place

wall was somewhat scattered and took values in excess of those


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

evaluated by theory at two depths.

However, in the deeply

for tight connection at joints between two neighbouring elements.

embedded portion, the larger earth pressure tends to act to make the

The structural design is made to resist against the earth pressure at

wall safer against the heaving of the excavated bottom, and

rest plus water pressure acting from behind.

therefore, it was considered not to cause any serious problem.

always necessary in this case.

Distribution of measured horizontal inward displacements is shown

When the diaphragm wall is utilized in the form of circular-shaped

in Figure 55, along with the values corrected for the effects of

retaining walls, more important is the hoop compression in the


It can be seen that, at the stage of excavation to the

circumferential direction and eccentricity in the radial deflection.

depth of 69.7m, the maximum wall deflection was of the order of

Since the hoop compression tends to increase with depth, it is a

2cm and that occurred at the bottom of the excavation.

common practice to use high-strength concrete at deeper portions.


Bracing system is

displacement of this order of magnitude was judged as acceptable

In this paper, the case of the LNG storage tank in Tokyo Bay was

for safe performance of the diaphragm wall.

taken up to highlight issues of importance as above.

The second

example is the construction of the Kawasaki Island in Tokyo Bay.



This is unique in the sense that it has the largest-ever depth of

embedment and that it was constructed in the middle of the waters.

In a majority of cases of foundation design in Japan, it is possible

In terms of the scale and the hurdles encountered, it may be cited as

to locate a stiff layer in the deposits of dense sand, gravel or soft

one of the most difficult unprecedented challenge in the recent

rocks at depths 20-50m where a sufficient bearing capacity can be

history of civil engineering practice.


In view of a certain degree of uncertainty in assessing

the skin friction, the piles are generally designed as the end bearing


pile for which more reliance can be put for supporting

superstructures. Under such circumstances, verification of the load

In preparing this text, information on the pile testing in Japan was

carrying capacity of a given stiff layer as to whether it can indeed

given by Dr. H. Ogura, Technical director of Japan Pile Co. The test

mobilize the design-assumed bearing capacity has been the major

data on the UOB plaza and the prototype tests in Tsukimino were

motivation to perform the in-situ pile loading tests.

offered by Dr. T. Hosoi, former executive director of Nishimatsu

As a consequence of a majority of the loading tests over the last

Co. and by Mr. Y. Ueda at Singapore office of Nishimatsu Co.

two decades, fairly reliable sets of data have been obtained and

The information on the diaphragm construction at Kawasaki Island

accumulated. These are put forward in the manual published by the

was offered by Kajima Co. and also by Dr. H. Yoshida,

Japan Association of Architecture for the design and construction

Vice-president of Chemical Grout Co. in Tokyo. Dr. T. Sueoka,

of buildings having 20 to 50 storeys.

director of engineering center of Taisei Co. also provided

For large structures such as bridges or dams, caissons or diaphragm

information on construction of the Kawasaki Island.

walls are often used as foundations to support superstructures.


former executive director of Tokyo Gas Co., kindly provided

such cases, loading tests are generally carried out within excavated

detailed account of the construction of the LGN storage tanks in

shafts or pits by applying loads directly to the intact surface of stiff

Sodegaura. The author wishes to extend his sincere thanks to these

soil or rocks. When the bearing layer is too deep or too difficult to

experts mentioned above who furnished the most valuable

designate such as the case of UOB building in Singapore, friction

information without which the writing of this text would not have

piles are planned and implemented, but verification of the bearing

been materialized.

capacity by means of the in-situ tests become prerequisite.

Dr. S. Goto,

As a

This paper was originally submitted and printed in the Proceedings

result of the loading tests, the pile length was reduced and this

of the Bangladesh Geotechnical Conference (BGC-2009) held in

contributed greatly to the saving of the cost.

Dhaka in December 2009. The author wishes to express his deep

Diaphragm walls have been used for various purposes as temporary

thanks to Professor A.M.M. Safiullah for giving his permission to

supports or as a part of main permanent structures.

publish this paper again in this journal in its present form.

It is utilized to

retain the soil ground for executing excavation to construct

basements of buildings, subway stations, storage tanks etc.


the diaphragm wall is constructed in the form of straight line in

plan for the purpose of water-proofness, precaution should be taken


Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 41 No.3 September 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

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