JALCOM Compressed
JALCOM Compressed
JALCOM Compressed
Department of Physics of Materials, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Prague, Czech Republic
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lujan Neutron Scattering Center, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
Advanced Forming Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, 85 Inchinnan Drive, Renfrew PA4 9LJ, Glasgow, United Kingdom
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 22 December 2014
Received in revised form 17 February 2015
Accepted 23 March 2015
Available online 20 April 2015
Neutron diffraction
Solution hardening
Non-basal slip
a b s t r a c t
Inuence of aluminium content on the deformation mechanisms in MgAl binary alloys has been studied
using in-situ neutron diffraction and acoustic emission technique. It is shown that the addition of the
solute increases the critical resolved shear stress for twinning. Further, the role of aluminium on the solid
solution hardening of the basal plane and softening of non-basal planes are discussed using results of the
convolutional multiple peak prole analysis of diffraction patterns. The results indicate that the density
of both prismatic hai and pyramidal hc + ai dislocations increases with increasing alloying content.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The application of magnesium alloys as lightweight structural
elements in the transportation industry has been signicantly
increased in the last two decades. However, there are many technological challenges, as e.g. limited room temperature formability
or asymmetric response on the strain path changing, which still
waiting on the proper solution. The specic deformation behavior
of the hexagonal closed packed (hcp) structure of magnesium is
often in the background of these problems. It is well known that
0i (BE) and f1 0 1
2g extension twinning
the basal slip 0 0 0 1h1 1 2
requires the lowest activation stress at room temperature. The
0gh1 1 2
0i prismatic
further slip systems, as rst-order f1 0 1
(PrE), followed by the rst- f1 0 1 1gh1 1 2 0i (PyE) and second 2gh1
2 3i) pyramidal generally requires either higher
order (f1 1 2
applied stress and/or elevated temperatures to be activated. As it
was shown by numerous authors, the addition of solute elements
signicantly inuences the deformation mechanisms both in single- [1,2] and polycrystals [37]. There is a general agreement that
addition of Al and Zn increases the critical resolved shear stress
(CRSS) for basal slip and concurrently decreases that for prismatic
slip. The concentration dependence of CRSS usually follows the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +420 221 911 619; fax: +420 221 911 490.
E-mail address: jan.capek@centrum.cz (J. Capek).
0925-8388/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
diffraction and acoustic emission techniques during uniaxial compression tests at room temperature. The inuence of the solute
content on both dislocation slip in particular systems and extension twinning is discussed in detail.
2. Experimental procedure and processing methods
Pure Mg, binary Mg2 wt.% Al and Mg9 wt.% Al (further referred as Mg2Al and
Mg9Al) were used for the experiments. Since the grain size signicantly inuences
the twinning activity, the authors endeavored to prepare specimens with similar
grain sizes. The nal (after heat treatment) grain sizes (measured by linear intercept
method according to ASTM E112) of (100 10) lm for pure Mg and Mg9Al and
(85 15) lm for Mg2Al were achieved as follows: in the casting phase 1 wt.% Zr
was added to the melt in the case of pure Mg, whereas different cooling rates were
used in the case of MgAl binary alloys. The as-cast specimens were then solution
heat treated for 24 h@413 C and quenched into water. Since the proper tuning of
cooling rate was difcult, there is a difference between the grain sizes of Mg2Al
and Mg9Al alloys. Nevertheless, such a difference is not signicant from the point
of view of the deformation mechanisms studied. The inverse pole gures (IPF)
and the microstructures after the heat treatment are showed in Figs. 1 and 2. As
it is obvious from IPFs (Fig. 1), all of specimens exhibited a random initial texture.
The initial microstructure is similar for pure Mg and Mg9Al samples (Fig. 2a and c):
the grain size varies; both coarser and ner grains are present. In contrast, the
Mg2Al specimen has more uniform grain size distribution and generally ner grains
(Fig. 2b). The testing was carried out using cylindrical specimens with a diameter of
9 mm and gauge length of 20 mm. The in-situ neutron diffraction (ND) measurements were carried out at the SMARTS engineering instrument [16] in the Lujan
Neutron Scattering Center. The mutual orientation of the longitudinal axis of the
sample and the incident beam was 45. The two detector banks were positioned
at 90 to the incident beam in order to record diffraction pattern in both along
and perpendicular to the loading direction (for scheme of the experimental setup
see [17]). The compression testing were carried out using a horizontal 250 kN
capacity load frame at a strain rate of 1 103 s1 in strain control mode. In order
to collect ND data with good enough statistics, the test were stopped at predened
strain levels (0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%) for approx. 70 min.
The acoustic emission (AE) testing was performed using a Physical Acoustics
PCI-2 acquisition board and a broadband AE sensor from Dakel company was
mounted on the outside the gauge length using vacuum grease and an elastic band.
The AE amplied by 60 dB in the frequency range 1001200 kHz. The threshold
level was set as 30 dB. The AE was recorded separately during uniaxial deformation
at the same condition, as during ND testing.
The samples for metallography were rst grinded, than polished step-by-step 3,
1 and 1=4 lm diamond paste and nally etched in 3% Nital solution.
Fig. 1. The IPF of initial texture of deformed samples measured by ND in axial
direction for (a) Mg; (b) Mg2 wt.% Al; and (c) Mg9 wt.% Al alloy.
where r0 and k are parameters of HallPetch equation (we used values r0 = 11 MPa [18], k = 0.39 MPa/m1/2 [19]), M is the Taylor orientation factor and Bn = dsR/dcn is the solid solution hardening rate
on the basal plane. In Fig. 4, both the concentration dependence of
02 as well as the values corrected to grain size Drss are plotted as a
function of the c2/3 (i.e. we assuming Labuschs theory for concentrated alloys, describing dependence of resolved shear stress Dss
on solute concentration c as Dss / c2/3 with Bn = 39.5 MPa (at.)2/3
[5]). The dependence is clearly linear and the value for M = 4.7
obtained from the linear t (slope = 185.6 MPa (at.)2/3, thus
M = 185.6/39.5) is in the range (46) suggested by theoretical calculations [18]. Thus, it seems that the strengthening of the basal
Fig. 3. The true stresstrue strain curves as measured in compression for various Al
Fig. 2. The initial microstructure of samples for (a) Mg; (b) Mg2 wt.% Al; and (c)
Mg9 wt.% Al alloy.
changes in the area under the curve below the cross-over point we
can directly determine the twin volume fraction (TVF). Fig. 8 shows
the twin volume fraction as a function of the composition, applied
strain (a) and stress (b). It is obvious that the strain dependence of
the TVF for pure Mg and Mg2% Al is the same within the experimental error (Fig. 8a), which ts well with the AE data. In contrast,
the TVF for Mg9% Al is smaller, which indicates that there is
another signicant strain accommodation mechanism besides the
twinning. Similar dependence of twinned volume on Al content
was observed in the same set of specimens by Nagarajan et al. [7]
using analysis of metallographic pictures.
If we plot the same quantity against the applied stress, we nd
that the stress, at which the twin volume starts to grow, increases
with increasing Al content. This result can be used for an estimation of the solute strengthening of the twin growth. If we subtract,
similarly to Eq. (1), the contribution of the grain size from the
experimentally measured data, we obtain a dependence of critical
stress for twin growth on the Al content. The inuence of the solute
content on the twin growth was recently studied by Ghazisaeidi
et al. [6]. They calculated the solute twin dislocation interaction
energy by density functional theory (DFT) and predicted the solute
strengthening of the twin growth for MgAl binary system. As it is
obvious from Fig. 9, our experimental data are in good agreement
with their theoretical predictions.
Fig. 5. The AE count rates measured during compression tests as a function of (a)
strain; and (b) stress for all solute concentrations.
2d sin h nk
d d0
cot hh h0
In the present work, we considered d0 and h0 as the lattice spacing and the Bragg angle of the corresponding lattice planes in the
stress-free material. The activation of specic deformation mechanisms emerges on the lattice strain applied stress curves as a
deviation from the straight line of Hookes elasticity. In Fig. 10
the stress evolution of the (00.2){10.0} lattice strains, related to
extension twinning, are shown with respect to the both axial and
radial detector. When the twinning become active, the soft-oriented grains (e.g. {10.0} in axial and (00.2) in radial detector,
respectively) starts to behave plastically and their curve deviate
above the ideal straight line. At the same time the conjugated
curves of hard-grains fall under this line, since they have to
accommodate larger portion of the elastic loading [29]. The ideal
Fig. 7. Axial distribution function variation for the 00.2 pole during for Mg2 wt.%
Al alloy measured at different strains.
Fig. 10. Stress evolution of the (00.2){10.0} lattice strains as it was measured in (a)
axial; and (b) radial detector. The ideal elastic response is indicated with a dash line.
Fig. 9. Comparison of the concentration dependence of the critical stress for twin
growth as measured experimentally (symbols) and calculated using theoretically
(theoretical data are replotted from [6]). The CRSS for basal slip is indicated as well.
Fig. 11. Stress evolution of (a) {10.2}; and (b) {10.1} lattice strains as it is measured
in axial detector. The ideal elastic response is indicated with a dash line.
Fig. 12. Evolution of dislocation density with applied strain for all alloy
10:1 = 0.36; m10:1 = 0.34). The stresses at inection points are
higher that those for {10.2} grains, but the solute dependence exhibit a similar character (Fig. 11b).
Fig. 13. (a) Strain dependence of the Basal edge (BE) Prismatic + Pyramidal Edge
(PrE + PyE) dislocations ratio; (b) Evolution of the relative change of BE/(PrE + PyE)
ratio with the strain; and (c) evolution of the relative change of BE/(PrE + PyE) ratio
with the stress.
with the ndings Akhtar and Teghtsoonian [2] in dilute MgAl single
The inuence of the solutes on the pyramidal hc + ai-slip have
2gh1 1 2
3i slip
been studied only in few works [34,35]. The f1 1 2
mode is the only mechanism besides the extension twinning,
which provides elongation in crystallographic c direction. Despite
of the high critical resolved shear stress for its activation at room
temperature, several works found indication for its activity
[8,12]. The strain evolution of the ratio of hai/hc + ai dislocation is
plotted in Fig. 14. There is a jump at 1% strain for Mg2Al and
Mg9Al alloy, caused by massive activation of non-basal hai slip in
the vicinity of the macroscopic yield point. For Mg9Al alloys at
higher strain level the fraction of hc + ai dislocations signicantly
increases, whereas for Mg2Al and pure Mg the increment is very
Fig. 14. Evolution of the ratio of hai and hc + ai dislocations as a function of the
applied strain and Al concentration.
The authors are grateful for the nancial support of the Czech
Science Foundation under the project no. GB14-36566G. JC
acknowledges the support from the Grant Agency of Charles
University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. This work has beneted from the use of the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center at
LANSCE, funded by the US Department of Energys Ofce of Basic
Energy Sciences. Los Alamos National Laboratory is operated by
Los Alamos National Security LLC under US DOE Contract DEAC52-06NA25396. KM is grateful to Pavel Lukc (Charles
University, Prague) and Carlos Cceres (The University of
Queensland, Brisbane) for fruitful discussions.
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