Ssas Test Procedures
Ssas Test Procedures
Ssas Test Procedures
Name of ship;
IMO Ship Identification Number;
Call Sign;
Maritime Mobile Service Identity;
GNSS position (Latitude and Longitude) of the ship;
Course and speed of the Ship and
Date and time (UTC) of the GNSS position.
Additional information such as the name and contact phone number for the CSO may be
included if the SSAS is capable of such programming but this additional information is not
2. Competent Authority: The competent authority for Liberia is the Office of the Deputy
Commissioner for Maritime Affairs, Attn: Director of Maritime Security.
The Administration requires a test message only once a year or before / during
SSAS verification.
Test messages will be confirmed during the working hours of the Administration.
The SSAS test message should, as far as possible, be transmitted at the date and
time specified in the request message.
The confirmation e-mail of the SSAS test message by the Administration should be
retained on board as evidence until the next audit.
2. Verification Procedure
Ship Security Plan amendments: Only those pages in the SSP that relate to the
SSAS must be amended. The amended pages and the updated record of changes
page shall be submitted to: for review and approval in advance
of the on board verification.
Sending a test message:, A SSAS message marked "TEST" shall be sent by the
ship to the Administration in order to verify that the system works properly, prior
to having the installation verified by an auditor . Confirmation of receipt of the
SSAS message will be sent by email to the CSO. The CSO should provide a copy
of the confirmation message to the ships Master, so it can be available for viewing
by the auditor that verifies the SSAS installation.
On board verification by the auditor: Throughout the SSAS verification, the
security auditor will evaluate the procedures outlined in the SSP, interview the
Master and SSO on their knowledge of the procedures, and verify the installation
and programming of the SSAS.
In order for ship owners to not incur additional costs, no special attendance is
required. The SSAS verification can take place in conjunction with another
scheduled inspection, audit or survey provided:
the inspector or surveyor is also an authorized security auditor, and
the on board verification takes place within one year of the installation.
For example, the on board installation verification can be conducted in conjunction
with a Liberian annual safety inspection.
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