Epigastric Pain PDF
Epigastric Pain PDF
Epigastric Pain PDF
Epigastric Pain
The epigastrium is the area of central abdomen lying below the sternum and above the umbilicus.
Irritable bowel syndrome - by definition the pain has been present for at least six months and is associated with
bloating and alteration in stool frequency or consistency. Examination is usually normal or there may be mild
Peptic ulcer - acute or chronic gnawing or burning pain. This may be improved by food if a duodenal ulcer, and
worsened if a gastric ulcer. Typically the pain is worse at night.
Pancreatitis - acute pain which radiates to the back. It is usually accompanied by vomiting. The pain may be
relieved by sitting forward. Signs vary, but include jaundice, tachycardia, abdominal rigidity, tenderness, and
discolouration around the umbilicus or flanks.
Peritonitis - acute pain with signs of shock and tenderness (possibly rebound). This may be exacerbated by
coughing. The abdomen may feel 'rigid'.
Pre-eclampsia - epigastric pain is very significant, especially if severe or associated with vomiting.
Gastrointestinal obstruction - acute colicky pain. Vomiting brings relief. Accompanied by distension and 'tinkling
bowel sounds'.
Gallbladder disease - acute constant pain with vomiting, fever, local tenderness and rigidity. It may be possible to
palpate a gallbladder mass.
Ruptured aortic aneurysm - acute pain which radiates to the back or groin. The patient may be in cardiovascular
collapse. A mass is felt swelling and contracting with the pulse.
Gastric carcinoma - be suspicious in male patients who are over 55 years old and who smoke. Advanced cases
may also have weight loss, vomiting, palpable mass/nodes, hepatomegaly, vomiting and dysphagia.
Referred pain - this may be from the heart in myocardial infarction; also from pleural disease or spinal nerves.
Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical
conditions. EMIS has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its
accuracy. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
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Original Author:
Dr Hayley Willacy
Current Version:
Dr Hayley Willacy
Peer Reviewer:
Dr Colin Tidy
Document ID:
2105 (v22)
Last Checked:
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