Synthetic Biology: Lessons From The History of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Synthetic Biology: Lessons From The History of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Synthetic Biology: Lessons From The History of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
fats3. These and other early syntheses demonstrated that chemists could indeed make living
molecules as well as new compounds that went
beyond those that naturally occurred, thus giving birth to synthetic organic chemistry. It was
unclear where this field would lead, and many
feared these advances could lead to goals such
as the creation of living beings. Today, however,
nearly all aspects of our lives are touched by
synthetic molecules that mankind has learned
to make.
J. Iwasa
Advances in our ability to build and modify organic molecules on increasingly larger
scales have continued to push the frontier of
our understanding of the physical principles
underlying living systems. For example, chemical synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides (first
performed by Gobind Khorana) led directly
to the elucidation of the genetic code4. Bruce
Merrifields complete synthesis of RNase A
demonstrated that chemical structure (primary sequence) is sufficient to confer tertiary
structure and the seemingly magical activity
of enzymes5. More recently, complete chemical synthesis of poliovirus complementary
DNA was a vivid demonstration that genetic
instructions are sufficient to specify an active
biological system6.
Over the last several years, this line of
research has culminated in the emergence of
a field known as synthetic biology. Whether
synthetic biology represents a truly new field is
open to debate, but the boldness of the stated
goalsto learn how to precisely and reliably
engineer and build self-organizing systems
that both recapitulate biological function
and show new functionsis unquestionably
novel. These goals hold promise for harnessing
the efficiency and precision of living systems
for diverse purposes: microbial factories that
manufacture drugs, materials or biofuels7;
cells that seek and destroy tumors8; cells that
can carry out rapid tissue repair and regeneration; cells that can direct the assembly of
nanomaterials; even living systems that can
compute. Synthetic biology, however, is more
than a broad set of visionary applications.
Much effort is going into developing a common toolkit of well-defined biological parts
and devices as well as strategies to link them
together into predictable systems912. These
foundational efforts are aimed at one day
making engineering cells as reliable and predictable as engineering an electronic device.
Indeed, synthetic biology can be viewed as a
subdiscipline of bioengineering that is focused
on engineering self-organizing cellular devices
(as opposed to instruments that interrogate
living systems or materials that interface with
At this threshold, where our view of biology
as something to be observed is transitioning
into a view of biology as something that can
be engineered, there are many important questions. Why even attempt synthetic biology when
our understanding of biological systems is still
incomplete? And should we choose to proceed,
how should we go about it? Many reviews
have compared synthetic biology to electrical
engineering, noting that cellular networks, like
electronic circuits, are built in a hierarchical
fashion from modular components that per-
Early 1800s
Empirical formulas
Valence (Frankland)
Structural formulas (Kekul)
Ring structure for benzene (Kekul)
Tetrahedral geometry for carbon
(Vant Hoff)
Sulfanilamide (IG Farbenindustrie)
Figure 1 Chemical synthesis and theories of structure emerged concurrently. Significant milestones in
chemical synthesis (left of timeline, dates shown in green) and theories of chemical structure (right of
timeline, dates shown in red) are shown.
a tetrahedral geometry, an idea proposed by
Jacobus Vant Hoff in 1874.
A critical lesson here is that a complete
understanding of chemical principles was not
a prerequisite for the emergence of synthetic
chemistry. Rather, synthetic and analytical
approaches developed in parallel and synergized to shape our modern understanding of
chemistry. The synthetic approachempirically learning how to systematically manipulate
and perturb moleculesdirectly contributed
to developing theories of chemical structure
and reactivity (Fig. 2a). At the simplest level,
synthesizing a molecule was often the ultimate proof of the proposed structure. More
significantly, the ability to synthesize variants of known molecules allowed a rigorous
and systematic exploration of the principles
underlying chemical structure and reactivity,
thus beginning the field of physical organic
Biology: synthesis redux
The convergence of analytical and synthetic
approaches seems to be replaying itself in modern biology (Fig. 2b). Biology has historically
been a field based almost entirely on observation and analysis, and it is currently undergoing exponential growth in the accuracy and
throughput of measurement. Modern experimental techniquesgenome sequencing,
DNA microarrays, molecular structure determination, and high-throughput microscopy
coupled with in vivo biosensorsrepresent
major analytical advances, giving us extensive
parts lists and descriptions of biological systems and their behaviors, including the abundance, subcellular localization and interactions
of entire proteomes. These developments are
akin to the advances in analytical chemistry of
the early nineteenth century. However, the history of organic chemistry suggests that synthesis will be a necessary complement to analysis
in order for biologists to truly understand the
mechanisms of complex living systems.
In many ways, synthetic biology can be
viewed as in vivo reconstitutionan intellectual descendant of simple biochemistry.
Reconstitution methods (which essentially
apply the synthetic philosophy to noncovalent
systems) allow us to determine not only what
is necessary, but also what is sufficient to build
a system that carries out a particular function.
The ability to build and systematically modify
biological systems will allow one to explore
their design principles in much deeper ways.
Thus, synthetic biological systems will allow
experimentation that is not possible with
extant living systems, which are encumbered
by eccentric evolutionary histories and constraints. What are the minimal systems that
can perform a behavior? How does that behavior precisely vary as individual components,
the linkages that connect them into larger
networks, and specific biochemical parameters
are altered? For example, Suel et al. have studied a simple genetic circuit in Bacillus subtilis
that underlies differentiation, both by quantitatively characterizing the existing circuit and
by making new connections and analyzing the
changes that result14,15.
What can we expect to learn? Clearly there
will be more than a few simple rules explaining
how living systems work. As in physical organic
chemistry, however, it is likely that unifying patterns will emerge, and an understanding of the
logic underlying biological systems will develop.
It may even be possible to construct something
analogous to the periodic table for biology that
facilitates the systematic understanding of network elements and their properties16,17.
Complex natural
organic molecules
Complex synthetic
organic molecules
Synthetic methods
Principles of chemical
structures and reactivity
biological systems
biological systems
Toolkit of parts
Biological design
Figure 2 Synthesis and analysis are complementary. (a) In organic chemistry, analysis and synthesis
were both critical in determining fundamental principles of chemical structure and reactivity. Synthetic
molecules have been used for a wide variety of applications. (b) Similarly, synthetic approaches will
complement analytical methods in elucidating biological principles, and synthetic cellular systems will
prove highly useful.
opened a factory to synthesize this molecule,
which he called Aniline Purple, and thus
founded the synthetic dye industry. Along with
other examples, such as the synthesis of indigo
by Adolf von Baeyer in 1867, these advances
led to the explosive growth of the German
and Swiss dye industry, while simultaneously
dismantling the import of indigo and other
natural dyes from distant tropical locales. In
fact, synthetic indigo remains an important
commercial product and is used in todays blue
jeans (Levis was founded in 1873).
Although dyes were the earliest economically
important synthetic compounds, the development of the European dye industry would
ultimately lead to successes in chemotherapy.
Indeed, nearly all of the modern big pharmaceutical companies are in part descended
from German or Swiss dye manufacturers.
For example, the first effective antibacterials were the sulfa drugs3,18. The first of these
molecules, sulfanilamide, was synthesized
by IG Farbenindustrie in 1908 because of its
potential as a dye. In 1932, Gerhard Domagk
discovered that sulfanilamide and related
compounds have bactericidal activity, and he
was aided in his studies by chemists that could
make a variety of related compounds.
The lesson here is very clear: synthetic biologists (and their funding agencies) must move
forward with an open mind. The progress of
synthetic biology cannot be myopically linked
to only a few obvious targets; instead, we must
be prepared for a variety of potential industrial and therapeutic applications, including
unexpected ones that we have not yet foreseen.
Most of the successes in synthetic biology so
far have been in so-called toy systems; however,
we should not underestimate the importance
of these achievements in laying a foundation
of parts and construction methods that will
be useful for diverse applications of synthetic
biology. For example, in synthetic chemistry,
developing generic protecting-group strategies
or classes of reactions to make carbon-carbon
bonds allowed the synthesis of diverse organic
products with a wide array of applications.
Similarly, learning how to link a set of molecules into a generic type of regulatory circuit
module, such as an ultrasensitive positive feedback loop, could be useful for a diverse range
of synthetic biology applications9,11,19,20. In
the long term, synthetic biology is likely to
have as broad and pervasive a role in our society as the products of both the chemical and
electronic revolutions.
Goal-oriented biology
Focusing on specific goals and applications
in the context of biological systems is a feature that clearly distinguishes synthetic biol-
of the nineteenth century. The development
of increasingly sophisticated methods to alter
and build biological systems will provide
essential synthetic tools that will synergize
with analytical methods, which together will
ultimately lead to a far deeper understanding of the physical principles underlying
the behavior and design of cellular systems.
The applications of synthetic biology will be
highly varied, and progress and innovation
is likely to come from unexpected areas. We
might also expect that understanding the
engineering principles of biological systems
will have a transformative effect on other
fields of science. For example, man-made
materials, even at the nanoscale, are currently
templated or built using directed assemblyexactly the opposite of how biological
molecules create structure and function.
Biological molecules are self-assembling systems that can adapt to change, show robust
homeostasis, and can self-repair. There may
come a day when man-made materials also
have these properties. Universities, industry,
governmental agencies and scientists will
have to work together in an open-minded