Application of Frequency Locked Loop in Consumption Peak Load Control
Application of Frequency Locked Loop in Consumption Peak Load Control
Application of Frequency Locked Loop in Consumption Peak Load Control
Keywords: Frequency Locked Loop, Frequency Synthesizer, Electricity Peak Load, Consumption Control.
Sowa kluczowe: FLL ptla czstotliwociowa, synteza czstotliwoci,.
Generally, Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and Frequency
Locked Loop (FLL) systems, if they are in the stable states,
generate the output signals whose frequencies are the
same to their input signal frequencies. However, there is the
difference between them. The PLL input and output signals
are, at the same time, in phase. That is not case with FLL
input and output signals. In many applications in the field of
control, measurement and telecommunication, the
frequency appears as the only signal parameter, which
carries information, so that it is not necessary to care about
the phase difference between input and output. In such
applications, in comparison with the PLL, the FLL is more
suitable for usage.
In this article, an application of the FLL for the
development of a consumption peak load control (PLC) is
described. This FLL, described in [2], possesses powerful
ability to average the periods of non uniform pulse rate, fed
at the input. This FLL is used for addition and/or subtraction
of unlimited number of non uniform pulse rate frequencies.
Any number of pulses per second might be add or subtract
at the inputs of FLL, to match synthesized frequency of the
output pulse rate. However, the FLL will still generate
uniform pulse rate at the output, no mater what level of
irregularities exists in the input signals periods.
The approach to Peak Load Control (PLC), based on
the FLL [2], offers the optimal, but simple and natural way of
peak load control for all kind of large consumers, regardless
of the consumption in a factory, the technological process,
organization of production, the variability of the used current
power, the size of the space and position of the factory and
regardless of the other parameters that might have
influence on the peak load control.
In practice, very large losses of electricity exist due to
excess of consumption, which appears as variable peak
load for large electricity customers and for citizens in wide
consumption. PLC systems for large electricity customers
was very complex in practice, because of the very wide
variety of large customers and a number of parameters that
might have influence. Therefore, the general solution, which
would be applicable in all cases, must be adaptable to all
kind of customers. Such a solution should provide a high
degree of flexibility in operation, so that an operator can,
using his experience and creativity, step by step, reprogram
factory settings in order to stabilize and minimize peak load,
but without to disturb technological process or work
productivity of that factory.
Fig. 2. The PLC System: installation of photo sensor in MAX is under control of the laboratory of Electrical Distribution; checking
functions and verifications of extended MAX makes Republican Bureau for Measures.
min time. The distance between the criterion curves and E0,
may be chosen according to the control needs. The real
time graphic presentation on the realized PLC system is
shown in Fig. 7. In addition to the parameters
Fig. 7. The real time graphic presentation of the current MAX and total power consumption on the realized PLC System
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Authors: prof. dr in. ure Perii, Faculty of Information
Technologies, str. Pavlovia put bb. 76300 Slobomir, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, E-mail: ; prof. dr in. Aleksandar .
ori, Faculty of Information Technologies, str. Pavlovia put bb.
E-mail:; prof. dr in. Slobodan Obradovi, Faculty of
Information Technologies, str. Pavlovia put bb. 76300 Slobomir,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail:; prof.
dr in. Petar Spalevi, Faculty of Technical Sciences, str. Knjaza