Assam State Excise List
Assam State Excise List
Assam State Excise List
Dated: Guwahati
The October1999
All out efforts have been made to include all the available fresh materials to
make the manual truly useful to all concerned.
The important points to be seen during audit have also been set out in the
manual. These are, however, in the nature of guidelines and do not profess to
be an exhaustive list.
Though the instructions contained in this Manual needful compliance, but these
do not debar audit staff from looking out for any other point of interst during
the course of audit.
Receipt Audit Wing (State) headquarters will be responsible for keeping the
manual up-to-date.
Dated October 2007
Pr. Accountant General (Audit),
Para No.
1.1. 1.2
2.1 2.3
3.1 3.9
4.1 4.13
5.1 5.20
Bonded Warehouses
6.1 6.17
7.1 7.16
Miscellaneous Provisions
8.1 8.34
9.1 9.8
10.1 10.4
11.1 11.8
12.1 12.2
Constitutional Provisions:
The power of the State Government to levy and collect the State Excise
duties is derived from Articles 246 of the Constitution of India and entry 51 of list II state
list of Seventh Schedule thereto. Duties of Excise on alcohol or opium, Indian Hemp and
other narcotic drugs and narcotics in Assam are levied and collected under the authority of
the central and state laws and rules made thereunder.
Central Law: The Medical and Toilet preparation (Excise duties) Act, 1955
and rules made thereunder providing for the levy and collection of excise duties on
medical and toilet preparations containing alcohol, opium, Indian hemp or other narcotic
drugs or narcotics.
State Law: The Assam Excise Act, 1910 and rules made thereunder,
namely the Assam Excise Rules, 1945; Assam Bonded Warehouse Rules 1965; The
Assam Distillery Rules (1945), (framed under the Assam Excise Act, 1910); The Assam
Liquor prohibition Act, 1952; The Assam Liquor Prohibition Rules, 1953; The Assam
Opium Smoking Act; 1972; The Assam Opium Amendment (Autonomous Districts) Act,
1954; The Assam Opium (Amendment) Act, 1933; The Assam Opium Prohibition Act,
1947; The Assam Opium Rules (1945); The Assam Dangerous Drugs Rules, 1937; The
Assam Ganja and Bhang Prohibition Act 1958 and The Assam Ganja and Bhang
prohibition Rules 1960.
To bottle means to transfer liquor from a cask or other vessel to a bottle, whether
any process of rectification be employed or not and includes re-bottling.
collector includes the District Collector and in any provision of this Act includes
also any officer whom the State Government may be notification declare or appoint
to be a collector for the purpose of that provision.
District Collector means the chief officer in charge of the revenue administration
of a district.
Excise duty and countervailing duty means any such excise duty or countervailing
duty as the case may be as mentioned in entry 51 of list II in the Seventh Schedule to
the constitution.
Excise revenue means revenue derived or derivable from any duty, fee, tax,
penalty, payment or confiscation imposed or ordered under the provisions of the Act,
or any other law for the time being force to liquor or intoxicating drugs.
Export means to take out of the territory to which this Act applies, therewise than
across a custom frontier as defined by the Central Government.
(10) Import means to bring into the territories to which this Act applies otherwise than
across a custom frontier as defined by the Central Govt.
(11) Intoxicant means any liquor or intoxicating drugs.
(12) Manufacture includes any process whether natural or artificial by which any
intoxicant is produced or prepared, also redistribution and every process for the
rectification, flavoring, blending or coloring of liquor.
(13) Place includes a house, building, shop, tent, vessel and vehicle.
(14) Expression referring to sale include any transfer otherwise than by way of gift.
(15) Spirit means any liquor containing alcohol, obtained by distillation, whether it is
denatured or not.
(16) Tari means, juice, whether fermented or un-fermented, drawn from any kind of
palm free.
(17) Denaturant means any substance prescribed by rules made in this behalf for
admixture with spirit in order to render the mixture unfit for human consumption,
whether as a beverage or internally as a medicine or in any other way whatsoever.
(18) To denature means to mix spirit with one or more denaturants in such manner as
may be prescribed by rules made in this behalf and denatured spirit means spirit so
(19) Transport means to more from one place to another within the territories to which
this Act applies.
1.3 Before taking up the audit, the audit parties are required to be conversant with the
provisions of these laws and rules framed thereunder, so that to objection which is
contrary to any provision of law or rules is incorporated by them in the audit and
inspection notes. This, however would not debar the parties from bringing out any flaw
or defect in any provision of the Act or Rules which ultimately resulted in loss of
revenue to the state exchequer.
Organizational Set up and Functions of the Excise Department.
Organisational Set-up:
Internal Audit: The system of internal audit in the department has not been
(Referred to in Para 2.2)
Within a district the administration of the Excise Department and the collection of
excise revenue shall be under the charge of the District Collector.
appoint a officer who shall, subject to the control of the Board have the
control of the administration of the Excise Department and of the collection
of the Excise revenue;
appoint any person then the District Collector who shall, subject to the
control of the District Collector, excise all or any of the powers and perform
all or any of the duties of a collector under this Act, or any other law for the
time being in force relating to the excise revenue.
Appoint officers of the Excise Department of such classes and with such
designations, Powers and duties under this Act as the State Government may
think fit;
Order that all or any of the powers and duties assigned to any officers under
clause (c) of this section shall be exercised and performed by any servant of
the Government or any other person.
Delegate to the Board all or any of its powers under this Act,
Withdraw from any officer or person all or any of his powers or duties under
this Act.
The Board to delegate to the Excise Commissioner and also in such cases and
such matters as the State Government may specify, to Commissioner of a
The Excise Commissioner, and in such cases and such matters as the State
Government may specify a Commissioner of a Division, subject to the
control of the Board to delegate to collectors and
(iii) Collectors subject to the control of the Excise Commissioner and the Board,
to delegate to Subordinate Officers.
The following Excise Officers are appointed and invested with powers as under:
Power under Section 10 (1) (a) of the Act to give permission for the import of
an intoxicant.
Power under Section 13 of the Act to prescribe passes for the transport of an
intoxicant in excess of the quantity declared under Section 6 of the Act.
Subject to
Commissioner the Deputy Commissioner of Excise shall exercise the duties conferred and
imposed on Excise Officers under Sub-Section (b) of Section 33, Section 37, Section 38,
Section 39, Section 40, Sub-Section 65, Section 67 and Section 70 of the Assam Excise
Act, 1910 (Assam Act I of 1910) and by the Excise Commissioner
to any District Collector (1) his power to transfer of Excise Officers of and below
the rank of Inspectors within district, and (2) his power to appoint and grant leave
and to suspend, reduce, remove, dismiss or otherwise punish Excise Jamadars,
Peons and Clerks.
his power to appoint, transfer and grant leave to Excise Constables of Excise
Intelligence Bureau the Office Staff of the Deputy Commissioner of Excise, Assam
and the transfer of Assistant Inspectors of Excise and Head Excise Constables with
Excise Intelligence Bureau, and
each district who, in subordinate to the District Collector and Subject to the general
control of the Excise Commissioner, shall throughout the district exercise all the powers
and perform all the duties conferred on the District Collector, by the portions of the Acts
specified below:
Section 14
(group of passes)
Section 33 (b)
Section 37
Section 38
(arrest or search)
Section 41
Section 42
(power to investigate)
Section 43
Section 44
Section 45 (1)
Section 46
Section 49
(grant of bail)
(institution of prosecution)
Section 69
Section 70
Provided that he shall not exercise the power of stopping further proceedings under
section 43 (2) of confiscation and release of articles attached under section 69, and
composition of offenses or releases seized under section to without the previous approved
of the District Collector, but if the cases relates to a Sub-divisional Officer concerned
should be informed of the action taken.
By the District Collector to the Superintendent of Excise
His power to appoint peons and transfer and grant leave to Excise Jamadars
and peons.
Section 33 (b)
Section 37
Section 38
(arrest or search)
Section 41
Section 42
(power to investigate)
Section 43
Section 44
Section 45 (1)
Section 46
Section 49
(grant of bail)
(institution of prosecution)
Provided that he should not exercise the powers of stopping further proceedings
under section 43 (2) without the previous approved of the District Collector.
Sub-Divisional Officers:
Sub-Divisional Officers in Subordination to the District Collector and under the
general control of the Excise Commissioner, shall exercise all the powers and perform all
the duties of a collector under the Act with the exception of such powers and duties as
have been exclusively conferred upon or assigned to the District Collector by the Act or
Rules or orders thereunder.
local jurisdiction, the special Excise Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors will be under the direct
control of the Deputy Commissioner of Excise and shall exercise all the powers and
perform all the duties of the Excise Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors.
(Order Nos. 5,6,7,7A, 9 & 10 of Orders under different sections of Excise Act)
The Assam Distillery Rules framed under the Assam Excise Act, 1910 and
come into force with effect from the 1st day of June 1945.
Absolute alcohol is spirit obtained from rectified spirit by removing the water
present as much as possible by treatment with quicklime or potassium carbonate.
Te absolute alcohol of the British Pharmacopoeia should not certain more than one
per cent by weight of water.
Feints means impure spirit produced from the distillation of low wines.
Gravity means prefertion which the weight of a liquid bears to that of an equal
bulk of distilled water, the gravity of distilled water at 600 (sixty degrees)
Fahrenheit being taken to be 10000 (one thousand degrees).
London proof (LP) or proof means the strength or proof as ascertained by means
of sky hydrometer and denotes that spirit which at the temperature of 610 (sixty one
degrees) Fahrenheit weigh exactly 12th /13th parts of an equal measure of distilled
Low Wines; means impore spirit produced from the distillation of wash.
Receiver room means the part of a distillery where the receivers are kept.
Spent less is the reside left after impure spirit has been redistilled.
Spent Wash is the residue left after wash has been exhausted of spirit.
Grant of Licence, Payment of Licence fee and Security Deposit and execution
of bond.
Any person desiring to obtain a licence to establish and work a distillery, in any
place in Assam, shall apply in writing to the Commissioner of Excise under Rule 2 of the
Assam Distillery Rules. Distilleries may be opened for
The Excise Commissioners may sanction under Assam Excise Act, 1910 the
opening of a distillery and inform the applicant and the Collector of the district in which
the distillery is to be opened. He shall also inform the amount of security to be furnished
by him for the due performance of the conditions on which a licence may be granted to
him. Before the licence to work the distillery is granted by the Excise Commissioner, the
distiller shall be required to pay a licence fee to be determined on the merit of such amount
or amount as the provisional Government may direct, as security for the due observance of
the conditions of the licence and shall execute a bond in the prescribed form pledging the
premises, stills, and all apparants and utensils employed in the manufacture of spirit, for
the due discharge of all payments which may become due to the State Government by way
of duty, fees, rents, fines, penalties or otherwise under the provisions of his licence or to
which the distiller may be liable by law or rules or under any engagement or bond into
which he may have entered. In lieu of executing such a bond the distiller may deposit such
amount as the State Government may direct.
Fees for a distillery licence of spirit the holder of a licence of distillery shall pay
in advance a licence fee of Rs. 5,00,000.00 per annum. (Rule 4 of Assam Distillery
(Amendment) Rule 2002. (Rules 2, 3 & 4 of the Assam Distillery Rules).
3.4 (a) Period of Licence.
The licence for distillery may be granted for any number of years not exceeding
ten as the State Government may decide in each case. If the work of the licensee is proved
satisfactory, it may be renewed at the discretion of the State Government for a period not
exceeding the same number of years on such terms and conditions as may then be decided
(Rule 5 of the Assam Distillery Rules)
3.4 (b) Establishment and their cost.
quantity and description of materials used, (2) the quantity of wash and spirit
manufactured, (3) the quantity of wash used, (4) the quantity of spirit passed out and (5)
the quantities of wash and spirit in store. Under the last head the quantity of spirit
remaining in stock in each case, vant or other receptade shall be shown. Such accounts
shall be open at all times to inspection by the Excise officer-in charge or other Excise
Officer authorized by the Collector, and by all Superior Officers of the Excise Department.
Removal of Wash.
The distiller shall only distil wash which has been prepared within the distillery
and no wash (except spent wash from which all alcohol has been extracted) shall
be on any account removed from or allowed to pass out off distillery, except sealed
samples forwarded by the Officer-in-Charge to the Chemical Examiner or to such
other officer as may be appointed for the purpose of examination under the general
or special orders of the Excise Commissioner.
Re-distillation except with the written permission of the Excise Commissioner, the
distiller shall not redistill any spirits other than those which remain in the feints or
weak receiver attached to the still and which have not been removed thereform.
[Rule 14 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
maintained in a distillery.
[Rule 36 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
distillery will take stock of all spirit in the distillery on the last preceding open day if the
last day be a Sunday or holiday prescribed by the Excise Commissioner, and the distiller
shall pay to the State Government, duty at the rate imposed under section 21 of the Assam
Excise Act, 1910, on spirit manufactured imported, exported or transported, as the case
may be and on all spirit which may not be forthcoming and for which he shall be unable to
account to the satisfaction of the Excise Commissioner in excess of a wastage allowance 1
[Rule 27 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
Licence for manufacture of foreign liquor for sale, compounding and bottling.
Distillers who desire to manufacture foreign liquor for sale must take out separate
vend licences on such terms and conditions as may be take out separate compounding and
bottling licences in accordance with the rules famed therefore, if such operations are
carried out.
[Rule 32,33 & 34 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
Beer means any liquor prepared from malt or grain, with or without the addition
of sugar and hops and includes ale, porter and stout.
Brewery means a building where beer is manufactured, and includes every place
therein where beer is stored or where it is issued.
Brewer for Sale means a person who brews beer for the use of any other person,
at any place other than premises of the persons for whose use the beer has been
brewed, and includes any licensed dealer in or retailer of beer, who brew beer.
Sugar means any saccharine substance, extract or syrup and includes any
materials capable of being used in brewing, except malt or grain of any kind.
Grants of licence:
The licence shall be granted by the Excise Commissioner on such terms and
Period of licence:
The term of the licence will be for one year. The licence for a brewery must be
renewed annually.
[Rule 41 (c) of the Assam Distillery Rules]
Security Deposit:
Before the licence to work a brewery is granted the brewer may be required to
make a deposit with the collector of the District of such amount as the State Government
may direct as security for the due observance and of the conditions of the licence.
[Rule 55 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
Bewaring Book:
The Excise Officer authorized by the Excise Commissioner shall deliver to every
brewer a book in which the brewer shall enter in the proper column at least twenty-four
hours before beginning to mash any malt, etc. or to dissolve any sugar the day and hour or
brewery with the date of making the entry and at least two hours before the time entered
for mashing or dissolving he shall enter separately the quantity of malt and un-malted
corn, rice, grits, flaked, rice, maize, grits, flaked, maize and other similar preparations and
of sugar to be used and the hour when all the work will be drawn off the grants in the
mash fun.
[Rule 45 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
Chapter V of the Assam Excise Act, 1910, has been paid or under a bond for payment of
such duty under Section II of the aforesaid Act has been executed for the payment thereof.
Provided that the quantity of worts of beer which may have issued without
prepayment of duty as aforesaid shall not exceed the quantity the duty leviable on which is
covered by the said bond.
And no wort or beer which has not paid the duty as imposed shall be removal from
the brewery and beyond its premises without a pass issued by the collector or by any other
officer empowered in this behalf by the State Government. Provided that if a brewer has
duly executed a bond under Section II of the aforesaid Act, such brewer is authorized to
issue the pass.
[Rule 58 &59 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
Payment of duty:
The duty on the worts shall become due immediately on being charged. A date in
each month not later than the 10th of the month succeeding that in which the duty was
changed may be fixed by Excise Commissioner for payment of duty.
[Rule 57 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
which duty has been charged, and which may have been destroyed by accidental fire or
other unavoidable cause, while on the licenced premises of a brewer for sale; provided tat
satisfactory evidence of such loss has been produced to the Excise Commissioner.
[Rule 67 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
Wastage allowance:
An allowance of 10% shall be made from the monthly total of the charges on
account of Wastage.
[Rule 67 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
The Excise Officer must state the means by which he checked the bulk
quantity, and after samples have been taken and sent to such laboratory as the
Excise Commissioner may decide upon, an the must witness the destruction of
the beer and record a note of the fact in the brewing book.
Maintenance of Registers:
The following registers shall be maintained in the brewery.
A book showing the quantity of beer manufactured and issued, the names and
places to which the beer has been consigned and the balance remaining in store
after each transactions.
A book showing particulars and original gravity of beer which has been
returned unsold to the brewery
[Rule 78 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
forwarded by every brewer to the Collector of the district, in which shall be shown the
total quantity of beer issued during the quarter, the amount of duty paid, the quantity of
beer returned, unsold to the brewer and the amount claimed or received as refund of duty.
The Collector shall, after testing to be correctness of the entries, forward a copy to the
Excise Commissioner for record in his office by the end of the month at the latest
succeeding the close of the quarter.
[Rule 79 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
the Collector or the Superintendent of Excise or by any other Excise Officer authorized in
this behalf by the District Collector once a quarter. If the quantity of beer in stock in the
brewery on such examination trend to exceed the quantity shown in hand in the stock
account the brewer shall be liable to pay duty on such excess at double the rate prescribed
for ordinary issue. If the quantity be found less than that shown in the stock account, the
cause of the deficiency shall be enquired into and the result reported to the Excise
Commissioner who may direct the levy of a fine not exceeding double the amount
represented by the duty on such deficiency; provided that the deficiency not exceeding
10% shall be disregarded an allowance to this extent being made to cover loss in bulk due
to evaporation, leakage and other contingencies within the brewery.
[Rule 80 of the Assam Distillery Rules]
What is Liquor:
consisting of or containing alcohol also tari and Pachwai in any form, and any substance
which the State Government, may by notification, declare to be liquor for the purpose of
this Act.
Classification of Liquor:
Liquor or Foreign Liquor. The following table indicates the classification of Liquor in its
various forms:
purpose of the Act, be deemed to be Country Liquor and foreign liquor respectively.
i) Plan spirit which has been made in India from materials recognized in Assam as
bases for country spirit, namely, mahua, rice, millet, gur or molasses.
ii) Fermented Tari and (iii) All fermented liquors made from mahua, rice, millet or
other grain according to native process.
Foreign Liquors:
any liquor which has been imported into India and was liable, or such
importation, to duty under the India Tariff Act, 1894, or the sea customs, Act
Beer which have been brewed in India, or imported into India in a condensed
form and afterwards converted into potable beer,
Spirit which has been made in India and has been sophisticated or
compounded so as to resemble in colour and flavour of whisky, brandy, jin or
Spirit which has been made in India from some special bases (such as malt or
today) not recognized in Assam as bases for country spirit,
Spirit made in India which has been blended with spirit imported into India,
Wines and liquors which have been made in India perfumed spirit made in
India and spirit manufactured in India and used in drugs, medicines or
(Order Nos. 1 and 2 under Excise Act 1910).
Grant of licence:
For compounding, blending, reducing and bottling portable foreign liquor.
When any wholesale vendor of foreign liquors desire to convey on any of the
aforesaid operations, he will submit an application to the Collector for a licence
under, clause (a) or clause (b) of Rule 53 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945 and shall
furnish the following particulars, namely a) the place at which and the premises in which the operation or operations referred to
in the said rule will be carried on;
b) the nature of the operation to be carried on;
c) the approximate number of days in a week or month for which the operation or
operations will be carried on;
the Collector, if he is satisfied on enquiry that the applicant is a fit person to hold
the required licence and the premises in which such person proposes to carry on
the operation or operations are suitable, shall grant a licence to such persons with
the previous sanction of the State Government.
The warehouse or godown as well as each of the rooms and compartments therein
shall remain under separate locks and keys of the licence and the Excise Officer-inCharge.
Smoking and the use of naked lights or fires within the warehouse or godown are
Licences for the retail sale of any intoxicant shall not ordinarily be granted -
to former licensees who are in arrears to Government or whose conduct have been
found to be unsatisfactory or who have been found guilty of any serious
malpractice or breach of conditions of their licenses;
No licence for retail sale of country spirit shall be granted to any person who has
been granted the exclusive privilege of manufacturing or/and supply country spirit
to retails vendors thereof within a specified area or to any person who has a join
interest either directly or indirectly worth the grantee of an exclusive privilege, as
aforesaid such grants.
No licence for sale of country spirit or hemp drugs shall be issued to females.
No person who held a licence of any country spirit shop for a period of ten
consecutive years be eligible to get settlement of any such or other country spirit
Without the special sanction of the State Government no licence shall be granted to
the holder of a licence for the retails sale of country spirit manufactured in a
distillery for the retail sale of foreign liquor or out still spirit or fermented Tari in
shop within 20 miles of his distillery shop.
Without the special sanction of the State Government no licence shall be granted to
a out still licence for the retail sale of foreign liquor or country spirit manufactured
in distillery or fermented Tari in shop within 20 miles of his out still.
Without the special sanction of the State Government, no licence shall be granted
to the holder of foreign liquor licence for the retail sale of Country spirit
manufactured in a distillery or out still spirit or fermented Tari in a shop within 20
miles of his foreign liquor shop.
Without the special sanction of the State Government, no licence shall be granted
to the holder of fermented Tari licence for the retails sale of Country spirit
manufactured in a distillery or foreign liquor or out still spirits in a shop within 20
miles of his Tari shop.
No licence shall be issued in the name of a Company or firm unless such Company
is registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1913, Co-operative Societies Act,
1912, the societies Registration Act 1960 or otherwise incorporated when a licence
has been granted to an unregistered private company of firm, licence should be
issued in the names of the individuals as representing the corporate body and not
the corporate body itself. No distinction shall be drawn for the legal liabilities
among the individuals as representing the corporate body who will be jointly and
severally responsible.
[Rule 57; 219-227 and 231 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945]
Duration of licence: Licence for the wholesale or retail vend of intoxicants may
be granted for one year from the 18th April to the 31st March or for any shorter periods
within that year subject to the following provisions: (I) temporary licence may be granted
to provide for the supply of intoxicants temporarily and special occasions e.g. fairs,
regimental camps of exercise, etc. and shall be limited to the period during which such
temporary or special occasions last, and should be granted sparingly;
season licence for the sale of fermented Tari may be granted for the periods or
wholesale licence for the supply and sale of intoxicants may be granted for any
number of years not exceeding five as the State Government or the Governor of Assam
may decide in each case.
[Rule 178 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945]
Number of licence: The number of licence which may be granted for any local
area shall be regulated by the needs of the people of that area and no licence for the sale of
any intoxicant in any local area shall be granted unless it is required either to meet and
ascertained demand for such intoxicant by the consuming classes or to contract supply
through illicit sources.
[Rule 179 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945]
Forms of licence:
retails sale and licence for compounding, blending and bottling of potable foreign liquor
may be granted in the following forms.
On and off licence for the supply of potable foreign liquor should be kept within
the narrowest possible limits and granted in localities, such as railway and large industrial
centers or towns, where there is a population accustomed to foreign liquor such licence
should ordinarily be granted to vendors of superior class.
Name of Schedule
Form No.
foreign liquor.
Licence for the retails vend of foreign liquor for
consumption both on and off the premises in
a Non-proprietary club.
Licence for the retail vend of foreign liquor in a
proprietary club
Licence for the retail vend of foreign liquor at a
Military canteen established under the Military
canteen Tenant system
Bar-licence for theatres, cinemas, or other place
of public resort and entertainment
Licence for the retail vend of rectified spirit
(including absolute alcohol) by Chemists and
Permit for the purchase and use in the
manufacture of drugs, medicines or chemicals, of
rectified spirit by chemicals
Licence for the wholesale vend of denatured
Licence for the possession or for storage of
denatured spirit
denatured spirit
(Department instruction No. 8)
Limitation of licences:
Licence for the sale of foreign liquor does not cover the sale of country spirit,
terminated Tari or out still spirit, the premises licensed for the sale of foreign liquor must
be separated from those licensed for the sale of country spirit or out still of fermented Tari,
and foreign liquor licenses should not be granted to persons holding licensed for the sale
of country spirit, fermented Tari or out still spirit when any other feasible arrangement can
be made.
(Departmental instruction No. 7)
No licence for the sale of country spirit shall employ any woman as sales woman
for sale of such intoxicants.
No person who is licensed to sell foreign liquor shall, without the previous
vendor to:(i)
any non-commissioned office or soldier of Indian Land Forces, any noncommissioned officer or sailor of the Indian Navy, any non-commissioned
officer or airman of the Indian Air Force, or any member with corresponding
ranks of Forces allied with Indian in uniform.
fermented Tari shall be paid as follows:Two months fees on the date of auction sale, one months fees on the date on
which the terms of the licence begins, and one months fee on the first day of every
succeeding month, until the total fee due the licence has been realised.
[Rule 242 of the Assam Excise Rule 1945]
as under:A.
Wholesale licence.
The holder of licence for sale of foreign liquor to the trade shall pay in advance an
amount of Rs. 1,00,000 annual wholesale licence fees and the gallonage fee at the rates
prescribed by the Government, time to time on sale to the public in excess of the limit of
sale by retail. The gallonage fees shall be assessed on the actual sales be of the preceding
month and shall be payable by the 15th of the month of which the sale relate.
Licence for the retail sale of foreign liquor to (a) Rs. 50,000.00
the public for consumption off the premises.
Table above shall pay, in addition to the annual lump fee mentioned opposite to the said
items a fee on the basis of sales of Indian-made liquor during the previous month at the
rates prescribed by the Government from time to time. The holder of a licence for the sale
of Foreign Liquor under items (1) to (6) of Table above under rule 244 shall pay in
additional to the annual lump fee mentioned opposite to the said items, a fee as prescribed
in advance on the basis of the permitted quantity at the time of issue of permit or pass at
the rate of Rs. 6.00 per BL in case of IMFL and Rs. 4.00 per BL in case of Beer shall be
realised as gallonage fee to be realised after sale.
[Rule 245 of the Assam Excise (Amendment) Rules, 2005]
Room, Steamers, Dining Cars, Kitchen Cars, Clubs and Dak Bangalows, a surcharge of
75% shall levies over the rates prescribed.
The fee prescribed shall be payable by the 15th of the month following the month
to which the sales relate.
For retail ON licence including Hotels, Refreshment, Bars, Railway Refreshment
Rooms, Steamers, Dining cars, Kitchen cars, clubs and Dak Bungalors, a surcharge of 75
percent shall be realised in advance over the rates prescribed in table.
[Rule 245 (ii) of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rule 1945]
Security deposit:
Provided that in the case of Country liquor shops settled on the vend fee system the
vend fee shall be paid at the time of issue along with duty. Each vender will be required to
deposit at the time of settlement an amount equal to 15 days vend fee on the estimated
consumption of the shop as security.
The security will be liable to be forfeited should the vendors not keep a sufficient
stock of the intoxicant in his shop or infringe any of the Excise rules, or conditions of the
licence in addition to any other penalty prescribed by the rules. It not forfeited it will be
refunded towards the end of the term.
advance deposit equivalent to licence fee calculated on the estimated sales of one month
shall be realised from the holder of licence the retail sale of foreign liquor under items
(1) to (6) of the Table as security deposit before the commencement of the licence for the
due observance of the condition and terms of the licence. The amount of security will be
subject to revision on the basis of the actual sale in the first two months, by the District
Collector. The security will be liable to be forfeited, for the mismanagement of the shop or
breach of any of the conditions of the licence or infringement of any of the Excise Rules,
in addition to any other penalty prescribed by the rules. If not forfeited, the security
deposit will be refunded towards the end of the year of transferred at his request to any
other licence.
[Rule 246 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945]
The fee for a licence holder for compounding and blending of India made foreign
liquor shall be Rs. 1,00,000 per annum as fixed by the Excise Commissioner with
reference to each case, payable in advance.
The fee for a licence holder for manufacturing of IMFL/bottling for sale shall be
Rs. 1,00,000 per annum payable in advance.
[Rule 252 of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rules 2002]
No bottles of IMFL shall be sold or offered for sale unless the bottles is properly
capsuled and capsule bears the name of the distiller, compounder, blender or
brewer of such brand of IMFL.
[Rule 363 of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rules, 1997]
31 day of March next following and shall be renewed for a period of one year at a time.
[Rule 364 of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rule 1997]
in respect of whisky, rum or brandy be rupees twenty thousand and for renewal
there of rupees fifteen thousand annually and
in respect of wine, vodka, liquor, gin, champagne, vodka, cordials and other
similar potable alcohol preparations and beer the registration be rupees ten
thousand and for renewal thereof rupees ten thousand annually.
[Rule 365 of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rule 1997]
Application for registration of a brand name and label referred to sub-rule (1) of
rule 363, shall be made to the Excise Commissioner at least one month before the IMFL is
manufactured and application for renewal of the certificate of registration for any year
shall be made to him before the last day of February of the year preceding.
the brand name and the alcoholic strength of the IMFL and the measure in litre
it is proposed to be sold.
The name and address of the distiller, compounder, blender and brewer and in
respect of foreign liquor bottled in India, the name and address of the bottler
The dates of manufacture and expiry in case of canned beer and shall be
accompanied by two copies of label corresponding to the brand and containing
particulars mentioned (a) (b) and (c). The labels shall be authenticated by the
applicant with his dated signature in full.
[Rule 366 of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rules, 1997]
and label registered under rules with indication as to whether the registration is in respect
of manufacture or sale of the brand manufacture or sale of the IMFL.
[Rule 367 of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rules, 1997]
In exercise of the power conferred by section 36 of the Assam Excise Act, 1910
(Assam Act 1 of 1910), the Governor of Assam is pleased to make the following rules,
The Assam Bonded Warehouse Rule 1965
(vide Notification No. EX-102/63/159 dated 31st December 1965)
Act means the Assam Excise Act 1910 (Eastern Bengal and Assam Act 1910).
Bonded warehouse means the premises or any part of the premises approved and
licensed for deposit or storage of spirit on which duty has not been paid.
(Rule 2 of the ABWH Rule 1965)
Any person desiring to obtain a licence to establish and work a bonded warehouse
in any place in Assam shall apply in writing to the Commissioner of Excise under
Rule 3 of the ABWH Rule.
On receipt of the application and after such enquiry as he deems necessary, the
Excise Commissioner may forward the application to the Government with his
comments thereon.
for supply of spirits for the manufacture of chemicals, medicated articles, etc.
or for other industrial purpose;
If the Government approved the opening of a bonded warehouse in any area, the
Excise Commissioner shall issue necessary sanction under section 16 of the Act
and shall inform the applicant the amount of security to be furnished by him for the
due performance of the conditions on which a licence may be granted to him. The
amount of security deposit may be fixed at Rs. 5000.00 (Rupees five thousand), or
more according to the volume of business.
The applicant shall then be called upon to make necessary arrangement for the
construction of the warehouse at his cost.
establishment as he thinks fit to the charge of the Bonded warehouse. The licensee shall
pay to the State Government an Availability fees @ Rs. 7/- per case of 12 bottles of
IMFL/Beer/Wine etc. of the size of maximum 750 ml at the end of year calendar month by
Treasury Challan for the services rendered by the Excise Staff posted or attached to the
Bonded warehouse.
Availability fee is defined as a fee payable for the services made available to a
bonder/Bonded warehouse by the officials of Excise Department.
[Rule 7 of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rule, 2005]
Immediately on arrival of a consignment at the bonded warehouse the officerin-charge shall open the consignment and enter in the stock register maintain
for the purpose after verifying the same with the passes covering the
consignment. One copy of pass with the entries of receipt shall be immediately
returned to the thereon shall be kept in the warehouse.
A wastage of allowance not exceeding 0.5 percent shall be made for the actual
loss in transit by leakage or evaporation or breakage of vessels or bottles
containing liquor. The allowance shall be determined by deducting from the
quantity dispatched, the quantity received at the destination both quantities
being started in terns of London proof liters of spirit context or in case of Beer
in bulk liters.
If the report of the officer-in-charge shows that the wastage exceeds the
prescribed limit, the licence shall be liable to pay duty at the prescribed rate as
it wastage in excess of the prescribed limit had actually been removed from the
by the collector with the previous sanction of the Excise Commissioner. The warehouse
shall be closed on Sundays and public holidays as declared by Government from years to
year under section 25 of the negotiable Instrument Act 1881 (XXVI) of 1881); provided
that in case of necessity the Collector, Sub-Divisional Officer or the Superintendent of
Excise may direct that bonded warehouse shall not be closed on any particular day.
[Rule 22 of the ABWH Rule 1969]
the officer-in-charge of the distillery or bonded warehouse from which they have been
transferred or by a special permit authorizing their receipt into the bonded warehouse, or if
the spirits be imported by a permit from an officer duly authorized to grant permit for the
transport of imported spirits. All spirits received into warehouse shall be gauged and
proved on arrival and the licence shall there upon become responsible under Rule 37 for
the quantity and strength of the same.
[Rule 20 of the ABWH Rule 1965]
Under bond:
for export to other State or territory in India when specially permitted by the
Excise Commissioner;
On payment of duty:
Without payment of duty and without bond if issued to the public servant
empowered to purchase or remover them on public service.
Without payment of duty and without bond in respect of rectified spirit and
absolute alcohol.
In the case of foreign liquor (excluding rectified spirit denatured spirit, and
absolute alcohol) (a)
to any person for his own consumption and not for sale and holding a pass from
the Collector to obtain liquor from the warehouse.
In case of denatured spirit: To person holding licence for sale of such spirit for
the possession of such spirit for business purpose in excess of the quantity fixed at the
limit of private possession and holding a permit from the Collector to obtain such from the
to a chemist or druggist licence to sell such spirit by retail for medicinal, industrial
or scientific purpose and holding a permit from the collector to obtain such spirit
from the warehouse;
to a person holding a licence for compounding and blending foreign liquor and
holding a permit from the Collector to obtain such spirit from the warehouse;
to person holding licence for the manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations
consisting of containing alcohol and holding a permit from the Collector to obtain
such spirit from the warehouse;
to persons holding permit from the Collector to obtain such spirit from the
warehouse for scientific or industrial purpose;
The licence of the bonded warehouse shall import the spirit under bond on the
import permits issued by the Commissioner of Excise, Assam in his absence the
Joint Commissioner of Excise, Assam. The retail and wholesale licence holders of
foreign liquor shall obtain necessary transport pass from the Collector on payment
of spirits from the bonded warehouse to their respective shop premises. The
transport pass shall be issued in triplicate in miscellaneous Form No. 1 of the
Assam Excise Manual Vol. III. The original copy of the pass shall be retained in
the office of issue; the duplicate copy shall be over to the person to whom the pass
has been granted to accompany the consignment and the triplicate copy to the
office-in-charge of the bonded warehouse.
The duty shall be deposited by the foreign liquor licences into the treasuries by
challans. The challans shall be prepared in quadruplicate. One copy will be kept by the
treasury and the remaining three copies after completion in the treasury will be presented
by the foreign liquor licence or his agent to the officer-in-charge of Excise at the district or
sub-divisional headquarters, his officer will issue the transport pass for the quantity and
endorse on one copy with another copy of the challan to the officer-in-charge of the
bonded warehouse and keep one copy in his office. The officer-in-charge will issue the
spirit and retain in his office the copy of the challan with endorsement and make over the
other copy to the licence of the bonded warehouse or his agent for supply of the foreign
[Rule 30 of the ABWH Rule 1965]
(a) A transport pass fee of Rs. 18.00 per case of Beer containing 12 bottles of 650
ml size or equivalent quantities and Rs. 30.00 per case of IMFL containing 12
bottles of 750 ml size or equivalent quantities payable in advance shall be levied
for issue of transport pass for transport of Beer and IMFL manufactured in Assam.
An import permit Fee of Rs. 30.00 per case of Beer containing 12 bottles of 650 ml
size or equivalent quantities and Rs. 60.00 per case of IMFL containing 12 bottles
of 750 ml size or equivalent quantities payable in advance shall be charged for
issue of import permit for import of Beer and IMFL into Assam in accordance with
sub-rule (1).
[Rule 30 of Assam Bonded Warehouse (Amendment) Rules, 2003]
warehouse shall take stock of all spirits in the warehouse on the last day of March, June,
September and December in each year or on the preceding day, if the last be a Sunday or a
holiday prescribed and licensee shall pay to the State Government duty at the rates
imposed under section 21 of the Act on all spirits which may not be forthcoming and for
which he may be unable to account for the satisfaction of the Excise Commissioner in
excess of an allowance of 1 percent which shall be made to him for wastage.
Provided that if it shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Excise Commissioner
or such officer as he shall appoint that such deficiency in excess of 1 percent has been
caused by accident or other unavoidable cause, the payment of duty at the above rates on
such deficiency may not be required (Amendment).
[Rule 37 of Assam Bonded Warehouse Rule, 1965]
Procedure for export of India made foreign spirit rectified spirits and
denatured spirits:
Any person holding a stock of India-made foreign spirit, India made rectified
spirits and denatured spirits at a distillery or a bonded warehouse in any district in the
State of Assam and desiring to export the same to any other state of India shall present an
application in prescribed form for an export pass to the Excise Officer-in-charge of the
distillery or bonded warehouse together with an import permit authorizing the import
signed by the Collector or any other officer duly authorized in this behalf of the state of
import, specifying the rate of duty chargeable on the India made foreign spirit and rectified
spirit. A treasury receipt showing the payment of duty at the rate in force in the state of
import to the credit of the revenues of that state shall accompany such an application.
(Rule 39 of the Assam Excise Rule 1945)
Maintenance of account:
quantity and strength of spirit received and issue form the remaining in the warehouse.
Such account shall be open at all time to the inspection of the officer-in-charge and of all
superior Excise Officers.
(Rule 31 of the ABWH Rule 1965)
removal from a bonded warehouse, the payment shall be made into the local treasury, or a
treasury approved by the Collector of the district in by which such spirits are to be sold or
consumed by direct payment into treasuries by challans. Advance deposits on account of
duty may also be made with permission of the Collector.
(Rule 42 of the ABWH Rule 1965)
Maintenance of Register:
List of Warehouse Register:The following registers will be maintained in warehouse under the contract supply
Register of stores.
Register of spirit received into reduced or blended in and issued from each vat
of store cask.
Cask-gauging register.
Defect register.
Register of casks.
Barrel tickets.
Inspection book.
Dak book.
Aqquittance roll.
Consignment register.
The levy of duty on medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol, opium,
India Hemp or other narcotic drug or narcotics falls within the legislative purview
of the Parliament, vide entry No. 86 of the Union list embodied in the seventh
schedule of the Constitution of India. The Medicinal and Toilet preparation (Excise
Duties) Act 1955 was enacted by the Parliament and Rules thereunder called the
Medicinal and Toilet Preparation Rule 1956 were framed by the General
Government. The State Excise Department however, administers the above Act
and Rule for the purpose of levy and Collection of duties on medicinal and toilet
preparations and retains the proceeds thereof.
Some of the important features of the Act and rules made thereunder are as
Issue of licence for manufactures: Under section 6 of the Medicinal and Toilet
manufactured in bond the duty is leviable in the state in which such goods are
manufactured. (Section 3 of the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise duties) Act,
The duty leviable on all dutiable goods manufactured in India and used as
medicinal and toilet preparation is given in the Annexure for the purpose of levy of duty,
the medicinal preparation have been classified into two board categories viz Restricted
preparation i.e. capable of being consumed as ordinary alcohol bewarages. On restricted
preparation the rate of duty is higher than on unrestricted preparations.
Issue of spirit to bonded pharmacies without payment of duty:Bonded Pharmacies obtain rectified spirit without payment of duty from the
distilleries and are required to pay duty on medicinal and toilet preparations containing
alcohol etc., as and when issues of medicines are taken from the manufacture.
warehouse, shall pay the duty or duties leviable or such goods under the Act at such time
and place and to such person as may be designated in or under the authority of these rules,
whether the payment of such duty or duties is secured by bond or otherwise.
(Rule 6 of the M&T Preparations Rule)
manufacture shall be imported into Assam except in accordance with the procedure herein
after prescribed.
Provided as follows:
The following institutions are exempted from the payment of duty for import of
spirit contained in medicinal preparation and from obtaining a pass.
Medicinal and Toilet preparation may be exported out of India either under bond
i.e. without payment of duty or after the duty having been paid in which case the exporter
is entitled to rebate of duty furnishing proof of export.
warehouse or bonded manufacture provided that export is made in accordance with the
procedure laid-down vide Rule 97 to 103 of M&TP Rule 1956 and the owner enters into
the bond in Form B-3 with such surety and under such condition as the Excise
Commissioner approve.
as are special in Chapter VII of M&T Prep Rules, grant rebate of duty on dutiable goods,
if exported out of India.
Dutiable goods may be exported out of India, without payment of duty, from a
warehouse of bonded manufactory, provided that export is made in accordance with the
procedure set out in relevant provisions of chapter VII M & T Prep Rule and the owner
enters in to a bond in Form B-3 with the surety/sufficient security approved by the Excise
Commissioner in a sum equal at least to twice the duty chargeable on goods.
(Rule 14 & 15 of M&T Prep. Rule)
When any person authorized to export dutiable goods in hand in accordance with
the Chapter VII of M7T Prep Rule fails to furnish proof of such export to the satisfaction
of the Excise Commissioner, he shall upon a written demand being made by the Officerin-charge, pay the duty leviable on such good shall also be liable to penalty which pay
extend to twice the amount of duty subject to maximum of Rs. 2000 and until such duty
and penalty are paid Excise Commissioner may refuse to permit such person to made
further export of such goods.
(Rule 17 of M&T Prep. Rule)
If, in any particular case it is proved to the satisfaction of the Excise Commissioner
that the loss of rectified spirit in transit is bonafied and not due to negligence or
connivance on the part or manufacturer, the duty payable in respect of such loss may be
waived in full or in part according to the merits of the case.
Except, with the prior sanction of the State Government the concession in this rule
shall not be applicable to issues of rectified spirit made to non-bonded manufactures.
Manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol shall be
permitted in bond without payment of duty as well as outside bond. In the case
manufacture in bind alcohol on which duty has not been paid shall be used under excise
supervision, and in the case of manufacture out side bond, only alcohol on which duty has
already been paid shall be used.
bonded pharmacies.
All spirits received from the distillery under bond for manufacture of medicinal are
entered in B-M1 Register of Receipts of spirit. The spirit received from the distillery is
then taken to store vats and the account there is maintained in BM-2 vat account. The
stock account of spirit is maintained in RG-II Stock Register in which all receipts issues
and closing balance of spirit are shown. The actual physical balance at the close of the
month is also taken to find out the storage wastage.
obtained on an indent in Form I.D.I. tendered the triplicate by the licence of the Bonded
manufactory on a requisition of the licence, which shall be made in RQ I but only in such
quantities are in conformity with the formula of the patent and propriety medicines
displayed as the level of the container in the manner prescribed in the Drug Rules 1945,
for the time being in force for the particular preparation for which the alcohol is required.
Rectified spirit shall not be issued for any purpose other than the manufacture of medicinal
and toilet preparation in the laboratory.
(Rule 29 (1) (4) of M&T Prep. Rule)
and strength and the receipt of such supply shall be entered in register in form RB-2
subject to the provisions of rule 19 of the M&T Prep. Rules duty at the rate levied by the
State Government on alcoholic liquor on all wastage shall be paid by the licences of the
bonded manufactory into a Government treasury, on receipt of a demand from the
officer-in-charge and a copy of the treasury receipt shall be sent to the distillery officer
who shall there upon made the necessary adjustment in his registers.
(Rule 26 & 27of M&T Prep. Rule)
Country spirit may be imported only with the permission of the Excise
Commissioner, Assam and under a bond for the payment of Excise duty in Assam
and by (a)
a person to whom any exclusive privilege for the supply of such spirit has been
granted under Section 19 of the Act, or
obeyed all rules in force in the district or place from which the export was
Country spirit shall not be imported under a bond as aforesaid unless (a)
The Collector of importing district has received a copy of the said pass from
the Chief Revenue Authority of the said pass from the Chief Revenue
Authority of the exporting district or place or from the officer-in charge of the
said distillery, brewery or warehouses.
(3) (a) Whenever any country spirit is imported under a bond as aforesaid, it must on
arrival in the territories to which the Assam Excise Act applies be taken direct to
the excess warehouses specified in this behalf in the pass and fixed by the Excise
Commissioner for the storage of such spirit.
On the arrival at on excise warehouse in the territories to which the aforesaid Act
applies of any such spirit, it shall be tested and measured by the officer-in-Charge
of the warehouse, and shall be taken into store and entered in his accounts.
As soon as may be after such arrival, the Officer-in-Charge of the warehouse shall
certify on the importer copy of the pass full details regarding the spirit received, in
such form as may be prescribed in the pass or required by the Chief Revenue
Authority of the exporting district or place.
1. (i)
When any person desired to remove country spirit from any distillery or warehouse
for export to any other province in India under a bond for payment of excise duty, he must
execute a bond, in the form prescribed by the State Government before the Collector of the
district in which the distillery or warehouse is situated.
The Collector shall sign the bond on behalf of the Governor, as a party to be
The Collector shall then intimate the fact of the execution of the bond to the
Officer-in-Charge of the distillery or warehouse, who shall after the particulars
thereof have been entered in register issue the liquor as if duty has been paid.
No liquor shall be so issued unless it has been gauged and proved by the Officerin-Charge of the distillery or warehouse.
3. (i)
One copy of the pass shall be delivered to the exporter to accompany the
consignment, the second shall be forwarded to the collector of the district to which
the liquor is to be taken and the third shall be retained for record.
Account of all exports shall be kept in the form prescribed by the State
Government of the Governor as the case be, by the officer-in-Charge of the
distillery or warehouse.
warehouse when any spirit is issued for transport to another distillery or warehouse. One
copy of the pass shall be forwarded to the officer-in-Charge of the distillery or warehouse
to which the spirit is to be transported, the second copy shall accompany the consignment
and the third copy shall be retained for record.
Country spirit in transit between distilleries or warehouse and licensed retail shops
will be recovered by the endorsement in the duplicate copy of the licence or in the case of
canteen or lessee-manager shops by the duplicate copy of the pass prescribed in Rule 89 of
the Assam Excise Rules 1945.
[Rule 77,78,81,85,86 & 88 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945]
the State Government has given permission either general or special for its
such conditions if any as the State Government may impose have been satisfied
the duty of any payable under this rule has been paid or a bond has been
executed for the payment thereof.
Sub-section (i) shall not apply to any article which has been imported into India
and as liable on such importation to duty under the Indian Tariff Act 1894 (Act
VIII of 1894) or the sea customs Act, 1878 (Act VIII of 1878).
Clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) shall not apply to liquor manufactured in
India declared under Section 4 to be foreign liquors.
2 (b)
The State Government may by notification (a) prohibit the import or export of any
intoxicant into or from the territories to which this Act applies or any part thereof
or (b) prohibit the transport of any intoxicant.
Prohibit into the areas to which this Act applies the publication or display of
advertisements of liquor or intoxicating preparations in the News papers,
periodicals, Journals, Hoardings, Banners etc. printed and published in and from
the area.
Prohibit into the areas to which this Act applies the entry of Newspapers, Journals,
Periodicals etc., if they contain advertisement of liquor or intoxicating
[Section 12 & 12A, of the Assam Excise Act, 1910]
No intoxicant shall be sold except under the authority and in accordance with the
terms and condition of a license granted by the Authority prescribed in the rules framed
under this Act in that behalf.
Provided as follows:(1)
on such conditioned as may be determined by the Board, license for sale granted
under the Excise law in force in another state may be deemed to be a license
granted under this Act;
The sale of any foreign liquor lawfully produced by any person for his private
use and sold by him or on his behalf or on behalf of his representative in
interest upon quitting station or after his decease.
The sale of tari lawfully possessed by a person in possession of the tree from
which it was drawn to a person licensed under this Act to manufacture or sell
The sale of tari lawfully possessed and intended to be used solely for the
manufacture of gur or molasses;
The sale of tari lawfully possessed and intended to be used solely for the
preparation of food for domestic consumption and not as an intoxicant or for
the preparation of any intoxicating article or of any article for sale; use
The sale of tari lawfully possessed and bread to a person holding a permit to
use tari for the purpose of making bread.
Any club which has transactions with its members in respect of foreign liquors,
shall be deemed to be conducting retail sales and shall be required to take out a license
under this Act on payment of such fees and subject to such restrictions and on such
conditions as the State Government may prescribe.
[Section 18 of Assam Excise Act, 1910]
any holder of a license grated under this Act makes default in payment of any sum payable
in respect of such privilege or license or in complying with any other condition therefore,
the collector may take such privilege or the grant expressed in such license under
management or may re-sell such privilege or grant at the risk and loss of the defaulter.
(Section 34 of the Assam Excise Act, 1910)
Import of India made foreign liquor, other than rectified spirit, denature spirit and
absolute alcohol manufactured in India.
Passes for the import of India-made foreign liquor shall be issued by the Collector
of the importing district only (a) licensed vendors, (b) clubs, (c) persons in charge
of regimental or Assam Rifles Canteens and (d) person approved by the Collector
of the importing district.
India-made foreign liquor may be imported by a person holding a license for the
vendors of foreign liquors, and pirate individuals in Assam or in the State of export
for credit by book transfer to the Government of Assam at the rates leviable in
Assam and in the case of private individuals also a pass fee at the rates specified
into the treasury of the district into which it is desired to import liquor.
[Rule 3 of Assam Excise Rule, 1945]
liquor into Assam must either personally or through his agent first submit an application in
Form 26 of foreign liquor series to the Collector of the district of import for an import pass
in Form 27 of foreign liquor series stating clearly
the name, complete description and quantity of each kind of liquor which is to be
imported and whether the import is to be made in bulk or in bottle;
The importers shall be liable to pay duty on excess wastage, if any, to the State of
export if a claim is made therefore. In that case he will be allowed to set off against that
claimed amount of duty prepaid by him on the quantity representing the excess loss in
[Rule 9 of Assam Excise Rule, 1945]
or the pass fee or both he will be entitled to a refund of the full amount deposited by him
after the facts have been verified by the exporting provices.
[Rule 13 of Assam Excise Rule, 1945]
private individual, shall at once notifying its arrival to the collector of the place of import
and shall not open the consignment unit it has not been examined by an officer of the
Excise Department or unless the collector has intimated that it will not be examined.
[Rule 15 of Assam Excise Rules, 1945]
Export of India-made foreign spirits rectified spirit, denatured spirit and spirituous
preparations manufactured in or imported to the State of Assam.
and denatured spirits at a distillery or a bonded warehouse in any district in the State of
Assam and desiring to export the same to any other State of India shall present an
application in prescribed for an export pass to the Excise Officer-in-Charge of the
distillery or bonded warehouse together with an import permit authorizing the import
signed by the Collector or any other officer duly authorized in this behalf of the State of
import, specifying the rate of duty chargeable on the India-made foreign spirit and
rectified spirit. A treasury receipt showing the payment of duty at the rate in force in the
State of import to the credit of the revenue of that State shall accompany such an
[Rule 39 of Assam Excise Rule, 1945]
Export Pass: India-made foreign spirit, rectified spirit, denatured spirit and
Charge of the distillery or bonded warehouse, shall after satisfying himself that the proper
duty has been paid grant an export pass authorizing export. The export pass shall be in
triplicate in Form 1 of the Miscellaneous Series (General).
[Rule 40 of Assam Excise Rule 1945]
The transport, within the State of spirituous medicinal, toilet or other preparations
from one place to another except from a distillery or a bonded warehouse, may be
made without any restriction.
The transport of India-made foreign spirit, rectified spirits, denatured spirits and
spirituous preparations manufactured at a distillery or bonded warehouse in Assam
from a distillery or bonded warehouse shall be governed by rules relating to issues
from distillery and bonded warehouse.
[Rules 49 of Assam Excise Rules 1945]
Import, export and transport of rectified and denatured spirit and absolute
alcohol to be covered by a pass.
The import, export and transport respectively of rectified and denatured spirit and
absolute alcohol shall be covered by a pass whatever the quantity except that denatured
spirit upto 2 liters be imported for use other than for sale.
All charitable and Mission hospitals or dispensaries, unless in any case the
Government shall other-wise declare on requisitions countersigned by the Civil
Surgeon of the district.
Note: The case failing under items (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) above are exempted from the
payment of duty for the import of rectified spirit and absolute alcohol and form the
payment of pass fee for import of denatured spirit.
[Rule 27 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945]
to possess denatured spirit in excess of the quantity fixed as the limit of retail
(Rule 28 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945)
Government local bond and municipal hospitals and dispensaries, educational institutions
and such private medical institutions as are conducted on charitable lines in other
provinces which are certified on the indent by the Civil Surgeon of the district of import or
any other officer empowered in this behalf by the Government of the State concerned as
being entitled to the supply free of duty. The indent or requisition duly signed or
countersigned by such officer shall be deemed to be an import permit and no separate
import permit shall be necessary.
(Rule 41 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945)
An export pass at the following rates shall be levied on all India-made foreign
liquor, India made Beer manufacturing in the State of Assam as under.
Rs. 30.00 per case of 12 bottles of IMFL of 750 size or of equivalent quantity
Rs. 18.00 per case of 12 bottles of Beer of 650 ml size. The export pass fee is
payable in advances for issue of passes for export outside the State with rule
(2) by the manufacturer.
[Rule 51 (1) & (2) of Assam Excise (Amendment) Rule, 2002]
Account of all liquors and colouring and flavouring to be kept. Correct account of
all liquor and colouring substance in the warehouse or godown shall be maintained
by the licensee in such forms as may be prescribed by the Excise Commissioner.
The accounts shall remain in the custody of the Excise Officer-in-Charge who shall
check them at the end of each days work.
(Rule 71 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945)
inferior quality or otherwise unsuitable for the purpose for which it was made or stored, it
may be rejected and destroyed or otherwise dealt with under the orders of the Excise
If the Officer-in-Charge of distillery or warehouse considers that the spirit to be
issued is bad and unsuitable he should at once report the matter to the Superintendent of
Excise who may, pending order of the Excise Commissioner, stop its issue and ask the
officer to sent samples of such spirit for analysis without delay.
(Rule 348 of the Assam Excise Rules 1945)
mensem for working between sunrise and sunset a single still only, and for the sale of his
spirit under conditions laid sown in the licence. No still-head duty is levied. No define area
to be supplied by any shop is fixed, but practically it is regulated by the situation of other
shops similarly licenced and of shops drawing their supplies from a distillery established
under the order of State Government. The general rule is that no two outstill should be
within five miles of one another or so near shop other as to affect injuriously one anthers
sale of liquor and no new shop should be opened within such distance from an already
existing one as to draw away any of its custom, special care being taken in regulating the
distance, so that the cheaper liquor of an outstill may not find it way to a distillery shop.
(Instruction No. 77 Instruction relating to liquor)
irrecoverable excise revenue. Application for such remission shall be submitted to him
through the district officer.
Provided that without the sanction of the State Government no remission of fees
shall be granted on account of excessive or reckless of speculates bidding at auctions.
(Instruction No. 229 Instruction relating to liquor)
The Commissioner of Excise is authorized to sanction refund of Excise and opium
revenue. All refunds should be noted against the original payment in the remarks column
of the register in which the payment was noted. An order of refund will remain in force for
a period of six months and if the refund be not made within this period fresh sanction must
be obtained.
(Instruction No. 230 Instruction relating to liquor)
The following will constitute an offence under section 53 of the Assam Excise Act
To bottle any liquor other than Tari and pachwai for sale.
Shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to two years and with fine
and the connecting Magistrate shall direct the offender to be imprisoned in default of
payment of fine for a term which may be extended to one year and such imprisonment
shall be in addition to any other imprisonment to which he may have been sentenced.
(Section 53 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with a fine or
with both and where a fine is imposed the convicting Magistrate shall direct the offender
to be imprisoned in default of payment of fine for a term which may extend to one year
and such imprisonment shall be in addition to any other imprisonment to which he may
have been sentenced.
(Section 54 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
in India or not with the intention that such spirit may be used for human consumption
whether as a beverage or internally as a medicine or in any other way what so ever, by any
method what so ever, or has in his possession any spirit in respect of which he knows or
has reason to believe that any such alternation or attempt has been made he shall be liable
to imprisonment for a term which may extend three months or to time which may extend
to one thousand rupees or with both.
(Section 54 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
Adulteration, etc.:
Whoever, being the holder of a license, permit or pass granted under this Act or
being in the employ of such holders willfully contrivances any rule made under Sections
36 (2) (1), (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to two
years or with fine or with both and where a fine is imposed the convincing Magistrate
shall direct the offender to be imprisoned in default of payment of fine for a term which
may extend to one and such imprisonment shall be in addition to any other imprisonment
to which he may have been sentenced.
(Section 56 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
Keeps or exposes for sale, as foreign liquor which he knows or has reason to
believe to be country liquor or
Marks or otherwise deals with any bottle, case package on other receptacle
containing country liquors or marks the cork of any such bottle, case, package
or other receptacle contains foreign liquor, shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to five hundred rupees or with
(Section 57 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
in any case not otherwise provided for in this Act willfully contrivances any
rule made under Section 36 or willfully does or omits to do anything in breach
of any of the condition of such license permit or pass shall be punished in case
(a) with fine which may extend to fifty rupees and in case (b) with fine which
may extend to five hundred rupees.
(Section 58 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
The holder of license, permit or pass granted under this Act shall be punishable as
well as the actual offender for any offence punishable under section 53,54,55,56,57 and 58
committed by any person in his employ and acting on his behalf, as if he had himself
committed such offence, unless he establishes that all due and reasonable precautions were
exercised by him to prevent the commission of such offence;
Provided that no person other than the actual offender shall be punished with
imprisonment except in default of payment of fine.
contrivances any of the provisions of this Act or any rules notifications or order made or
issued thereunder shall be punished with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees.
(Section 62 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
And if in any such case any property has been seized as liable to confiscation under
this Act, the Excise Commissioner or the collector may release the same receiving
payment of the value thereof as estimated by him or of such smaller sum as he may think
(Section 70 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
In any Public place any Excise or Police Officer may:Seize, detain and carry away any excisable or other article which he has reason to
believe to be liable to confiscation under this Act, or any other law for the fine being in
force relating to the excise revenue and detain and search any person upon whom and any
vessel, raft, vehicle, animal, package, receptacle or covering in or upon which he may
have reasonable cause to suspect any such article.
(Section 38 (4) (6) 7 & (8) of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
Search, Seizure and arrest following upon entry without warrant in emergent
Any Excise or Police Officer, not below the rank as the State Government may by
notification prescribe having reason to believe and having recorded the grounds of his
belief that an offence under Section 53,54,55,56,57 or 60 has been is being or is likely to
be committed in any place and that a search warrant cannot be obtained without
affording the offender an opportunity of escaping or of concealing evidence of he offence,
may at any time by day or night:(a)
seize and carry away anything found therein which he has reason to believe to
be liable to confiscation under this Act.
Detain and search and if he think proper arrest any person found in such a place
whom he has reason to believe to have committed any such offence as
(Section 41 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
All officer-in-charge of police stations shall take charge of and keep in safe
custody, pending the order of a collector or other officer empowered under section
42 to investigate the case all articles seized under this Act which may be delivered
to them and shall allow any Excise Officer who may accompany such articles to
the Police Station or may be deputed for the purpose by an official superior to affix
his seal to such articles and to take samples of and from them.
All samples so taken shall also be sealed with the seal of the Officer-in-Charge of
the Police Station.
(Section 45 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
police Station makes or receives information of any arrest seizure or search under this Act,
he shall, within twenty four hours thereafter make a full report of all the particulars of the
arrest, seizure or search or of the information received to the Collector and to the other
officer, if any empowered under Section 42 Sub-Section (2) within the local limits of
whose jurisdiction the arrest seizure or search was made.
(Section 46 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
Whenever an offence punishable under this Act has been committed, the following
The intoxicant hemp plant (cannabis sativa) still, utensil, implement, apparatus
or materials in respect of or by means of which such has been omitted;
The receptacle, package and covering, in which any thing liable to confiscation
under clause (a) or clause (b) is found and the other contents, if any of such
receptacles and packages; and
The animals carts, vessels, rafts or other conveyances used in carrying anything
referred to in the foregoing clause;
Provided that when it is proved that the receptacles or other articles specified in
clause (c) and (d) are not the property of the offender the said article shall not be liable to
confiscation if the owner thereof establishes that he has no reason to believe that such
offence was being or was likely to be committed.
(Section 68 of the Assam Excise Act 1910)
Registers, Returns and Reports
Sadar Excise Officer: The following registers should be maintained in the Excise
Bid Book
Register of Chalans
Registers of Convicts
Register of Cases
Defaulters lists
Register of licenses
Defaulters lists
Register of cases
Register of convicts
Register of licenses
(Instruction nos. 255 and 256 Instruction relating to liquor)
Whether monthly,
quarterly, annual
or occasional
By the 7th of
following month
-doJanuary, April, July &
-do7th of the second month
1 following the quarter
To Govt. by 15 th of the
following month
To Govt. 15 th January, April,
July & October
15th April
30th April
1 st June
15th April
List of vendors published departmentally
Report relating to the traffic opium and
other dangerous drugs
Stole of confiscated cocaine
Inspection reports (Sadar & Subdivisional
Warehouse, distilleries & Ganja Goals).
Commissioner 15th April
Deputy Commissioner
1 st May
Within 12 days if the date of
1 June each year
To Govt. 1st June
Scope of Audit:
The function of audit is to see that duty payable on excisable articles under the
provisions of various Acts, Rules and Notifications and the vend fees have been correctly
assessed collected and brought to account, that a proper account of confiscated articles and
disposal is kept and that penalties and fine have been levied wherever required under the
Act and Rules thereunder. Thus audit will involve:(a)
Examination of the system of auction and other procedures for allotment of retail
vends and fulfillment of conditions attached to the licenses.
Review of demand, collection and balance registers to see that demands are raised
promptly, collected in time no arrears are allowed to accumulate and that there is
adequacy of procedure to recover excise revenue.
In case of refunds of excise and revenue checking whether the refund is admissible
and is covered by sanction.
Scrutiny of all register maintained and to see that all departmental instructions
issued for there maintenance are followed.
licences/permit holder have to pay full duty at the rate specified in the rules on the losses
in excess of the prescribed percentages.
Audit check
The licences have been granted by the competent authority after observing the
prescribed procedure.
All the licences granted on fixed or assessed fee are noted in the Register
giving full particular under proper attestation.
The fees are realised on due dates and in the case last payments the penal
action is taken against the defaulters.
It should be seen that while reviewing the licences on assessed fee the
provisions contained in the rules are observed and the fees are recovered within
the prescribed, dates.
In case where highest bid was not acceptable whether the reasons thereof have
been recorded by the presiding officer.
All the licences granted by auction have been noted in the register under proper
attestation giving full particulars.
The security deposits was paid by the licensee within the prescribed due date.
The installment of licence fee gave been paid by the due dates. In case of
default whether penal action was taken and the interest due on the last deposit
The entries for the payment of licence fee are traceable in the daily collection
register and in the treasury records.
In case of re-auction of vends whether the deficiency has been recovered from
the original licensee along with the expenses for as resale.
Register of permit granted for the transport from distillery to within the state and
import denatured spirit.
Permit fee has been correctly calculated and paid into the treasury.
Entries in the register should be compared with the statement received from
distillery of other state to ensure tat there is no unauthorized issue.
All the permits issued for country spirit have been noted in the register against
the licensee concerned.
The authorized annual quota of the country liquor fixed for each vend out to
auction is noted at the top of the page allotted to a particular licensee.
In the audit of a distillery it should be seen that:-
The applicant desiring to obtain a licence has deposited the prescribed security/fee.
The licensee has exempted a bond pledging the premises, stock of spirit, stills all
apparatus and utensils employed in the manufacture and storage of spirit for the
due discharge of all payment which may become due to Government.
The licensee has not closed the distillery for more than three days in any month
exclusive of Sunday and holidays without the previous written consent of the
The Register should be seen determine showing whether the licensee has
maintained a stock of plain and special country spirit in bottled form and that such
stock at the beginning of each month is equal to half of the average issues during
that month in the three preceding years. Failing to comply with this condition shall
tantamount to levy of penalty which the licensee is required to pay.
No wash has been used except such as has been prepared within the distillery nor
any wash has been removed from the distillery except 2,250 litres of vat for use in
The wastage in the distillery is not more than the scale prescribed by the Excise
Commissioner. In the case of excessive wastage duty has been recovered on the
excessive wastage.
The wastage has been correctly calculated for each month and the charge on
account of duty has been made at the end of each financial year.
The duty on excess wastage of plain country spirit above the strength of 430 over
proof has been charged at the rate prescribed for plain country spirit and not at the
rate prescribed for rectified spirit.
No spirit has been issued if its quantity and strength have been verified by the
The daily collection register showing the amount deposited by the licensed vendors
has been maintained, the entries in the register have been reconciled with the
treasury monthly and a certificate to this effect has been obtained from the treasury
In the audit of brewery it should be seen that:(1)
The licensee of the brewery has deposited the prescribed security in addition
has executed a bond pledging the premises, stock of beer etc. for the due
discharge of all payments which might become due to Government.
The inspector has also maintained a register showing issues of beer made to
other states.
The duty of beer at the prescribed rate has been charged on the total quantity
actually brewed as entered in the brewing book by the licensee. The amount of
duty to be realised on collection of daily brews has been maintained by the
Inspector in the register.
In the case of recovery of duty at the end of each quarter the sanction of the
Excise Commissioner has been obtained and that the licensee has executed a
While assessing duty on beer manufactured in any quarter, beer issued in bond
during the quarter has been deducted from the total quantity brewed and
wastage allowance at the prescribed percentage has been calculated on the
balance thus arrived at.
Bonded warehouse:
It would be seen in audit that:(1)
The licensee of the bonded warehouse has deposited the prescribed security
and licensee fee before the grant of licence.
No liquor has been received in the bonded warehouse without a pass from the
officer-in-charge of the distillery or bonded warehouse from which it has been
imported or transported.
The wastage allowance not exceeding the prescribed percentage has been
allowed for the actual loss in transit by leakage or breakage of vessels or
bottles containing liquor. If the wastage exceeds the prescribed limit, the duty
on the excessive wastage has been recovered.
In case of loss of liquor as a result of fire, accident, theft or any other cause is
due to the negligence of the licence the duty has been recovered on such loss.
An account of all receipt into an issue of liquor from the warehouse has been
maintained in register and that all issues have been made only on application
bearing necessary court fee stamp.
The liquor has been removed under bond or on payment of duty within the
state or outside the state.
No liquor has been removed from the warehouse until duty has been paid into
Treasury and it has been checked and proved by the officer in charge and a
transport or export pass as the case may be has been granted.
The liquor has been imported/transported under bond which has been
discharged after check of the liquor by the officer-in-charge.
The liquor has been removed after adjustment of the duty against advance
payment made into the Treasury. Its account ahs been maintained in register
and that advance has never been less than Rs. 2,000.
The Officer-in-charge has made the stock taking of liquor both bottled and bulk
on the last working day of each month and also stock taking has been checked
by the Excise Officer of the district concerned.
No liquor has been issued except under a pass, granted by the Officer-incharge, wineries etc.
In the audit pharmacy it may be seen that
Every person who manufactures any dutiable or who stores such goods in bond
has paid the duty or duties leviable on such goods under the Act.
No dutiable goods have been removed from any place where they are
manufactured or any premises apartment thereto, whether for consumption,
export or manufacture of any other commodity in or outside such place until
the excise duty has been paid.
The duty has been levied at the correct rate prevailing at the time of issues.
Rectified spirit received under bond has been in quantity and in strength and its
receipt entered in register.
Rectified spirit has been obtained on proper indent duly countersigned by the
Rectified spirit has not been issued for the purpose other then for the
manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparations.
Where there is wastage of spirit during the manufacture of medicinal and toilet
preparations in excess of the prescribed scale, the duty has been recovered on
the excessive wastage.
Before granting licence the prescribed security has been deposited by the
Extent of Audit.
Challans for payment of duty 8 1/3% of the challans i.e., 1 month account may be
checked by the Sr. Auditor/Auditor and 50% of challans checked shall be reviewed
by the Assistant Audit Officer.
Inspecting officer may conduct a general review.
personally if the amount of licence fee exceeds Rs. 30,000 or such other limit the Pr.
Accountant General may fix later on the basis of result of the previous audits with the
approval of the Comptroller and Auditor general of India. The rest should be seen by the
Assistant Audit Officer/Section officer and reviewed by the Inspecting Officer.
Accountant General (Audit) may fix with the approval of the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India may be examined by the Inspecting officer personally. As regards other
cases 10% cases where licence fee ranged between 30,000 and 1,00,000 may be seen by
the Assistant Audit Officer/Section Officer and review by the Inspecting officer and 5% of
the rest of the cases may be seen by the Sr. Auditor/Auditor and generally reviewed by the
Assistant Audit Officer/Section Officer.
may be seen by the Sr. Auditor/Auditor and generally reviewed by the Assistant Audit
Officer/Section officer and Inspecting Officer.
Cases of refunds and remission of revenue exceeds Rs. 1000 of such other limits,
Pr. Accountant General (Audit) may prescribed with the approved of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India 100% of all cases are to be examined
by the Assistant Audit Officer/Section Officer and reviewed by the Inspecting
Cases of refunds and remissions of revenue of Rs. 1000 and less 10% of cases to
be seen by the Sr. Auditor/Auditor and reviewed by the Assistant Audit
Officer/Section Officer.
Check of Register:
The Register required to be maintained under the rules and order of the State
Audit of Warehouses:
Check of challans for duty and licence 8 1/3 of the challan i.e., 1 months account
may be checked. The work of Sr. Auditor/Auditor should be reviewed to the extent of 50%
by the Assistant Audit Officer/Section officer, Inspecting Officer may conduct a general
Check of Register:
All the Register maintained in the warehouse in regard to the receipt of
consignment, bottling, storage etc. should be generally examined to see that these are
maintained property. A small percentage (say 5%) of entries should also be test checked
to verify their accuracy.
Audit of Distilleries:
The terms and conditions of licence granted should be seen generally to find out
whether they were adhered to by conductor. Register should generally be seen to see that
the production of liquor is in reasonable proportion to the material used as laid down in the
departmental manual. One month account may be checked to see this. Issues from
Distilleries to Warehouse of for export shall be test checked for one month with
acknowledgement and duty paid for such issues.
Audit of Pharmacies:
General scrutiny of the Registers maintained to see that manufacture of materials is
Audit of Licences for foreign liquor shops involving revenue Rs. 1,00,000
more per year, country liquor licences for Rs. 1 lakh or more per year and
Ganja and drug licence for Rs. 50,000 or more per year. Review of 10 percent
of licences for foreign liquor and country liquor which are audited by Assistant
Audit Officer/Section officer.
Audit of all licences issued for foreign liquor shops not audited by Audit
Audit of all licence for country liquor shops involving revenue of Rs. 30,000 or
more and upto Rs. 1 lakh and Ganja/drugs licence between Rs. 30.00 and
Group Officers orders may be taken before quantum of audit is allowed to be
reduced to 10% of country liquor licence i.e. provided adequate material for
audit report is getting generated). Review of 10% of licences below Rs. 30,000
for country liquor and Ganja/drug audited by Auditor.
All cases of refunds and remission of revenue in excess of Rs. 1000 and 10%
of other cases, selected at random.
Audit of all licences for country liquor shops and Ganja/drug licences
involving revenue of less than Rs. 30,000 (order of Group officer may be taken
before the audit is reduced to 5% of such licences i.e. provided flow of
materials for Audit report is satisfactory).
Other registers and connected files including those relating to payment made to
distilleries from recovery made on ex-bond clearances (other than those
checked by Assistant Audit Officer/Section Officer).
Acts and rules applicable to that office shall consist of two trained Assistant Audit
Officer/Section Officer and one Sr. Auditor/Auditor. The percentage of supervision shall
be mentioned in Para 10.3 periodicity duration of audit and standard rate of work below:-
Duration of audit
(Party days)
Bonded warehouses
Gazetted Supervision:
50% but for the audit of the office of Excise Commissioner 100%.
documents from the Head of the office and thereafter assign it among the Assistant Audit
Officer/Section Officers and Sr. Auditor. Important cases among with relevant records
should be scrutinized by the Assistant Audit officer/Section Officers should also be
reviewed by the Sr. Audit Officer/Audit Officer. The Sr. Auditor/Auditor attached to the
party should be assigned duties of less important of miscellaneous nature but the duties
include verification of payments made into the treasury and payments drawn from it. The
list of payments made into Treasury as supplied by the Treasury Office should also be
thoroughly scrutinized so that cases of misappropriation/embezzlement or similar
malpractices if any one detected forth with. If during the course of audit and irregularity
reflecting on the working of the office or effecting the revenues of the Government comes
to the notice of the party, a means stating the facts along with the records (KD) on which
such facts are based should be issued to the Head of the Office requesting him to solicit his
comments. On receipt of his reply, the case should be discussed with him, if necessary
before in corporation of comments on the case in the Audit Note/Inspection Report.
This questionnaire covers some for the important points to be looked into during
local audit and may not be taken as exhaustive. The relevant entailments and rules
governing the receipts and notification and such other directions issued by the
Government and component authorities should invariable be gone through before taking
up the audit.
11.1 (a)
Country Liquor:
Whether all the country liquor vends as approved by the Government have
been put to auction?
Whether the auction money has been properly entered in the Register in
respect of all the country liquor vends auctioned?
Whether the installments of licence fee (auction money) have been correctly
recovered within the prescribed due date?
Whether the penal interest has been correctly worked out and recovered in
respect of late deposit of monthly installment(s)?
Whether the balance due if any, from each licence at the end of the contract
period has been worked out correctly and suitable action taken to recover the
same as arrears of Land Revenue?
Whether in the case of a resale of country liquor vend the dues from the
original purchase and the resale purchased are correctly worked out?
Whether the less in resale along with expenses of resale has been recovered
from the original purchaser? If not whether action under the Land Revenue
Act has been taken?
Whether the last installment was adjusted against 100% scrutiny only after
the adjustment of outstanding fee or penalty due from him in respect of his
Whether the details of licences and scrutiny for foreign liquor shop are
noted in the Register?
Whether the licences are renewed every year? If so whether the fixed
fee/assessed fee etc. has been correctly recovered in time?
Whether all the conditions prescribed under the Excise Act and Rules made
thereunder have been satisfied before a licence is granted for a distillery?
Whether the licence has executed a bond pledging the premises, stock of
spirit, stills, all apparatus and utencils employed in the manufacture and
storage of spirit for the due discharge of all payments which may be become
due to Government?
Whether the Register for noting the dimensions and capacity of wash backs,
receivers, spirits, vats are maintained?
Whether the dip tables for receiver vats etc. are approved by the competent
authority and can be accepted as correct?
Whether the quantity and initial gratuity of the wash as declared by the
distiller are correct as per entries in the Register?
Whether the whole quantity of wash prepared was sent for distillation?
Whether the bulk litre of spirit has correctly been arrived at?
Whether the minimum yield based on the fall in gravity of was obtained?
Whether the whole quantity of spirit obtained in the receiver is passed into
the warehouse?
While conducting the monthly stock taking whether the storage wastage has
been limited to the prescribed percentage?
Whether vat to its transfer has been excluded for limiting the storage
In respect of transfer to other vats, whether the whole quantity has reached
the other vats?
In respect, of transfer for blending and reducing whether the whole quantity
has been accounted for the Register of blending and reducing operations?
Whether the rectified spirits are issued in account with provisions of the
Whether the whole of quantity of spirit has been bottled after allowing the
prescribed quantity for wastage in bottling?
Whether the bottling wastage exceeded the prescribed limit and if so, duty on
excess wastages has been levied at the tariff rate?
In case if issue of foreign liquor for consumption within the state whether the
duty has been correctly realised and whether the rate of duty levied on each
kind of liquor is correct?
If the issues spirits are against advance payment whether the adjustments are
made correctly?
Whether the distiller has maintained proper accounts of raw materials used for
the manufacture of spirits?
Whether the distiller has maintained proper accounts of raw material used for
the manufacture of spirits?
Whether the prescribed export fee has been charged on the export of rectified
spirit, country spirit, IMFL to other Union Territories or States?
Whether the licence is current and whether the licensee ahs furnished security?
Whether the whole quantity has been taken to stock after physical verification
of the consignment?
Whether the import permit and the export permit are available in respect of
each consignment received in the warehouse?
Whether the whole quantity as shown in the export permit has been received?
Whether the wastage in transit and store have excluded the allowable limit and
it exceeded whether the duty has been realised on excess wastage?
Whether the quantity of liquor stored in the warehouse at any time has
exceeded the maximum quantity allowed to be stored?
Whether the issues and balances of foreign liquor from the warehouse have
correctly been noted in the Register?
If wastage in stores has been noted in the Register whether the circumstances
under which the wastage occurred were brought to the notice of the Excise
authority before remission of duty, if any, was granted?
Whether quantity released as per each bond has correctly been shown as issue
in the warehouse Register?
Whether rate of duty for each kind of liquor i.e. spirits, wines and beer is
correctly applied.
Whether the duty demanded from the Brewer is paid within the prescribed
Whether the wastage allowance has been calculated on the quantity of beer left
after deducting the quantity of beer issued in the bond?
Whether licence has been granted after charging the prescribed fee?
Whether the licensee has executed a bond pledging premises stock of beer etc.?
Pharmaceutical Laboratories:
Whether the whole quantity of rectified spirit as shown in the permit issued by
the distillery has been received and accounted for after verification?
Whether the deficiency in excess of limit prescribed for wastage in transit has
been noticed at the time of verification and if so, whether duty on such excess
wastage has been collected?
Whether the verification reports have been sent to the distillery officer in time?
If excess wastage have been noticed in the spirits store during stock taking
whether duty has been realised on such excess wastage?
Whether chemical examiner certificate declaring the spirit strength has been
received before the removal of medical preparations from the finished product
Whether duty has correctly been levied taking into account of the strength of
the medicinal preparations before the same are realised from finished product
Whether the licencee has executed bonds before removing the medicinal
preparation under bond?
Where the refund of excise duty etc. has been allowed? Whether it was allowed
in accordance with the provisions of the Rules?
Whether the note refund was kept against the original entry of the receipts of
the amount?
Audit of internal controls
Audit will see that the internal/procedures adequately secure correct and regular
The most important function of Audit and the area of audit concern in relation to
levy and refunds is to satisfy itself, by such test checks as it may consider necessary, that
the internal procedure adequately provide for and actually ensure.
the collection and utilisation of date necessary for the computation of the demand
or refund under law.
that the computation and realization of various fees, rents, royalty etc. are in
accordance with the applicable laws.
(iii) the correct accounting and allocation of collections and their credit to the
Consolidated Fund.
(iv) That the relevant and requisite records are being maintained properly.
That adequate control and monitoring mechanisms have been devised to prevent
loss or leakage of revenue.
(vi) That there has not been any loss or leakage of revenue on account of lacunae or
loopholes in the rules framed for the purpose or on account of avoidable delay in
the issue of the necessary notifications and orders.
(vii) That the machinery for detection of cases of evasion is adequate.
(viii) That double refund, fraudulent or forged refund orders or other losses of revenue
through fraud, default or errors are promptly brought to light and investigated.
(ix) The cases pending in courts of law or before appellate authorities have been
pursued adequately and appeals, wherever justified or considered necessary, have
been filed within the period of limitation; and
That the estimates of revenue have been realized at the end of the financial year.
[Authority Chapter 3 of C & AG (M.S.O.) Audit 2002]