CBCPMonitor Vol10-N08
CBCPMonitor Vol10-N08
CBCPMonitor Vol10-N08
Church Offers Mass for Family Seen as Key to Solving Youth Problems
OFWs in Lebanon By Roy Lagarde lenges prevalent among the youth nation, poverty, lack of access to
today. quality education and peer pressure.
THE Catholic Church has offered prayers for the ENHANCING family values is the “We, as their parish priests, The participants of the gather-
safety of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) in key to solving the problems con- want to know what the youth are also ing expressed that because of pov-
Lebanon and Israel as fighting between the two cerning the youth of today. This has thinking in view of guiding them to erty, most of them were left with no
countries has become more critical. been the consensus of those present become better persons,” said Fr. choice but to work and earn
Organized by the CBCP Episcopal Commis- during the “Vicariate Reload,” a gath- Vicente Servania, Mary Help of Chris- money for a living. They have
sion for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itiner- ering of around 400 youth from eight tian parish priest who was among the to help their parents earn more
ant People (ECMI) together with the Manila parishes of the Diocese of priests who joined the discussion to income in order to keep up
Archdiocesan Ministry, a special mass was held Parañaque last July 22, 2006. come up with collaborative strategies with their basic daily needs
July 23 at the Nuestra Señora de Guia Church in Organized by the Vicariate of to help the youth. and be able to pay their debts.
Ermita, Manila. San Martin de Porres, the youth gath- From the many youth issues The youths declared that
The Archdiocese of Manila, meanwhile, has ering held lately was part of the first presented, the ones related to bro- the family is the “foundation”
started integrating in all its Masses a special prayer vicariate general assembly held at the ken homes topped as the most com- that serves as their “guide” on
for peace in the Holy Land as well as the entire Mary Help of Christian Parish where mon among the youth today. The whatever they do.
Church Offers / P4 young people shared about the chal- other problems stem from discrimi- Family Seen / P4 Parañaque Bp. Jesse E. Mercado, DD
Fil-Mission Sunday
missionaries serving sev- that we have received from
eral countries in the Asia God through the efforts of
Pacific region, and even the missionaries in the
beyond. past. It is an opportunity
In its celebration for us to reflect on our
marking the Filipino Mis- common missionary call-
sion Sunday or Fil-Mis- ing or responsibility to By Baltz Acebedo
sion Sunday last July 30, share our faith with other
the Mission Society of people, especially with rial assistance—for the aries. Through your gen- we received from God;
the Philippines (MSP), those who have not yet cause and efforts of the erous gifts the MSP will and in response to the
the flag bearer of the heard the Good News,” Fr. Mission Society of the be able to train more semi- missionary challenge of
Catholic Church in the Messiona told CBCP Philippines. narians, send more mis- evangelization as a pre-
Philippines for foreign Monitor. “How can we sup- sionaries and share our dominantly Christian
missions, proudly re- With its theme “Eu- port our own Filipino mis- Faith to more countries,” country in the region.”
vealed that its numerous charist: A Mission of sionaries? First, we ask for the MSP’s appeal added. The Fil-Missioners
all-Filipino diocesan mis- Thanksgiving and Shar- your prayers. Most of The Mission Society or MSP missionaries
sionary priests are now ing,” MSP marked this our missionaries have to of the Philippines (MSP) serve the pastoral needs
scattered in several year’s celebration of Fil- face loneliness, sickness, is a community of zealous of the local communities
Asian countries like Tai- Mission Sunday with cultural barriers and even and committed Filipino di- in their respective mis-
wan, South Korea, Thai- mission awareness and sometimes threats to per- ocesan missionary priests sion areas. Some of them
land and Japan; and in promotion campaigns in sonal security as they who live out the charism assist in the formation of
some countries in the Pa- several parishes in Metro preach the Gospel in for- of spending their lives by the local clergy. They
cific region like Papua Manila. Fr. Eladio Oliver, eign lands. They are do- proclaiming the gospel in also take part in the hu-
New Guinea, Australia, MSP’s Bursar General, in ing extraordinary work so the foreign missions. The man development of the
New Zealand, American an interview with CBCP they need and equally ex- Catholic Bishops’ Confer- flock under their care and
Samoa, Cook Islands; Monitor, said that during traordinary strength that ence of the Philippines es- engage in dialogue with
and even in Guyana, last July 30’s celebration can only come from tablished the MSP in 1965 other religions. In some
South America and the of Fil-Mission Sunday, God’s grace; they need to mark the 4th Centennial countries, they also min-
Netherlands. MSP missionary priests, your prayers,” Fr. Oliver celebration of the begin- ister to the needs of the
According to Fr. seminarians and together said quoting the MSP’s ning of the Christian Faith overseas migrant work-
Socrates C. Messiona, with the Fil-Mission Aux- appeal that was read dur- in the Philippines. ers.
MSP, Father Moderator of iliary Association ing the Sunday masses in The mandate that In 1967, the Catholic
the Mission Society of (FMMA), its lay volun- some parishes. the Catholic bishops Bishops’ Conference of
the Philippines, the cel- teer group, joined the “Second, we ask for gave to the MSP is “to the Philippines declared
ebration of Fil-Mission Sunday masses in some your material support for recruit, train and send Fili- every last Sunday of July
Sunday is an occasion for 14 parishes in Metro Ma- our Fil-Missioners. We pino missionaries in order as the Filipino Mission
Filipinos to be aware not nila to campaign for mis- can take part in the mis- to share our faith with Sunday or Fil-Mission
only about the efforts of sionary vocations and sion work of the Church other countries espe- Sunday for the whole
MSP missionaries but appeal for public sup- by sharing our material cially in Asia as a sign of Catholic Church in the
also of the collective re- port—prayers and mate- blessings to our mission- our gratitude for the faith Philippines.
around us. For many of us, we entered tity and slowly being introduced to
the seminary through the invitation of his mission for God and His Church.
a priest. Some of us initially thought It is in the seminary that a candidate
of entering the seminary through a to the priesthood is gradually trans-
vocation campaign in our school lis- formed into the thoughts, ways, and
tening in awe to the priests and nuns holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
CBCP Monitor
and fly Lufthansa on 02 July. O, my favor- crowded salon of Cocina de Mallorca in lem, than any threat to annihilate the family
ite travel agent, Catholic Travel, put me the center of Madrid. as the future of humanity.
on a circuitous route—on the way there, And then finally … Valencia. Doing The ITPC Congress, though still heavily
Protagonist of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace 4 airports as stop-overs with an average immigrations was fast. The airport being European and South American in content, was
3-hour wait in each for my connecting compact was not difficult to navigate. So an awesome assembly of the world’s families.
flights; on the way back, 3 airports for my I headed straight to the luggage carousel Many of the congress speakers were the same.
Pedro C. Quitorio Pinky Barrientos, FSP connecting flights with a 7-hour wait in … waited for the suitcases and various But it must be grace that puts a new enthusiasm
Editor-in-Chief Production Manager
Munich, 4 hours in Frankfurt, and about 2 packages of our flight to be unloaded. The into these speakers, and a new openness in the
Baltazar R. Acebedo hours in Guangzhou. In the beginning, I carousel went around, I went around— hearts of those listening to them. Hearing Kiko
Marcelo T. Dalanon was somewhat miffed at this itinerary. But once, twice … ten times. My suitcase was Arguello for the 3rd time proclaim that the family
Managing Editor Circulation Manager
then, it turned out to be a grace … as al- nowhere. Not only mine, but also those is in crisis, that every 30 seconds a marriage
Dennis B. Dayao Ma. Lourdes G. Ebilane ways for those who love God. of 2 other Filipinas and 3 foreigners. After somewhere in the world is breaking up, that as
On-Line Editor Marketing Supervisor The wait in the first 2 stop-overs gave almost an eternity of describing my suit- an ordinary painter he heard the Lord tell him to
me the chance to comply with all the rosa- case, finally I was handed a slip for my prepare the world for a new time, could perhaps
Roy Q. Lagarde Leah Cariaso ries I had promised to pray for many friends missing suitcase with the parting advice elicit a “so what’s new” from the audience. But
News Editor Comptroller and even strangers asking for prayers. that if they find if they would let me know. no, my mind and my heart—the same for the
The last stop before Valencia, was Madrid. The prayers of my husband and children, multitude there—were stirred anew, because
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP
Communications Development Foundation, Inc., with
I had looked forward to this one because and my beloved Mother Butlers back with this ordinary Spanish painter came thou-
Layout by Mark Front
editorial and business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., I was going to finally meet there a friend home proved more powerful than the in- sands from different parts of the world who live
Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. Edito- of my Theresian friend. She assured me efficiency of airlines. Two days later, my his Neocatechumenal Way. What other proof
rial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. that her friend would know me the mo- suitcase arrived. does one need that indeed the 3 altars of the
Email: cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net Website: ment I stepped out of the Madrid airport. How does one describe the combus- family—Eucharist, bedroom, dining table—are
www.cbcpworld.net/cbcpmonitor And she did … and for some strange rea- tion of grace when families in multitudes sanctified places where parents and children
son, I did too. It must be grace—the way from 61 countries come together in thanks- Faith and Fire / P8
Tidbits Laik
Laikoo Lampstand
and the Parish
THE Couples For Christ (CFC), just days
after their 25th anniversary celebration,
Spirit. For them the Holy Mass ceases to
be a routine to comply or an obligation
tual needs?
On Charter Change
and the Mining Issue
sent a strong letter of appeal to all the to go over with. It is a celebration; it is The Parish and its Significant Role
active bishops in the Philippines. In a nut- life. Hence, they attend the Mass with
shell it states: “Please accept us in your much devotion and gusto. They are also By design the parish is irreplaceable.
dioceses and respective parishes. We seen taking care of the old and orphans; It has a unique and fundamental role in
love God and our Mother Church, and they build houses in remote barangays; the spiritual life of the faithful, for it is nec- WHAT do these two issues have in common—charter
are zealous to proclaim the good news of they are with the poorest of the poor help- essarily linked to the sacramental struc- change and the mining issue? These were the two topics
Jesus to all. May we be given the oppor- ing out with their livelihood programs. ture of the Church, the permanent core in chosen by the Bishop Businessmen’s Conference for their
tunity to share that love with others and And, look how they love their family. which Christ acts through the Holy Spirit. 30th General Assembly & Annual Meeting last July 7. Why
bring Christ to the ends of the earth.” These were the same lay men and women The parish is, as the late John Paul II finely discuss them again when these two issues had been the
I am personally struck by the tone of yesterday, residents in the parish, now observed, the ultimate presence of the subjects of previous CBCP pastoral statements?
of the letter. It sounds like the voice of a transformed by the CFC. Church in a territory. It is, in some sense, The CBCP released a “Pastoral Statement on the Al-
stranger at the door pleading for admit- In a way, they are strangers to the the Church itself, close to the homes of leged ‘Peoples’ Initiative’ to Change the Constitution”
tance; of an outsider who begs to be ac- parish, for they attain a spirituality that her sons and daughters. It is the common on April 7, 2006. It explained their stand against the peoples’
cepted as part of the household. And yet does not come from the pastoral program home of the faithful, the first place of the initiative as a process. Their choice of amending the consti-
they are not strangers in the parish. They of the parish; nor from the inspiring homi- incarnation of the Gospels. It is a mother tution is through a constitutional convention instead of
are familiar faces, close relatives and lies of the parish priest, of the sacraments who with its preaching of the Word, the the peoples’ initiative or the constituent assembly. The
friends, all genuine residents of the dio- that the pastor has faithfully administered baptismal font, the Mystery of the Lord’s latter process would ensure discussion of the pros and the
ceses and parishes. Baptized that they to his flock, of the great example of his Supper and the other sacraments gestates, cons of the proposed changes in the constitution by repre-
are, they are duly recorded in the parish life. And so, like strangers, they are gives birth, nurtures to full stature its sons sentatives elected by the people. It must be noted that the
book, expected to participate in the ac- knocking at the door of the parish wait- and daughters. Vatican II expressed this CBCP first issued their stand on charter change on July 7,
tivities of the community in worship and ing to be received. doctrine beautifully in these words: “This 2003 and the present stand is consistent with it.
in the apostolate. They are in short the But why does the CFC or any other Church of Christ is really present in all The statement on mining issues and concerns was is-
lay men and women in the parish. ecclesial community seek the acceptance legitimately organized groups of the faith- sued only last January 29, 2006. This also reflects the same
It is a fact, however, that for some of the parish? What is there in the parish ful, which, in so far as they are united to concern that the CBCP expressed two years ago in their
time many of them were mere passive that it is seeking? Is there something still their pastors, are also appropriately called Pastoral Letter on Indigenous Peoples in which mining dev-
members of the parish, Catholics in name deficient in the ecclesial community that Churches in the New Testament” (LG 26). astated their ancestral lands.
but not in life, indifferent to the call for only the parish can supply? Or, is there Based on this theology the parish is The Assembly had to come up with their yearly action
the apostolate and work of mercy. And perhaps the possibility that the ecclesial defined by law as an organizational struc- plans for the improvement of the common good, support-
then, one day they were there in the movements and faith communities can ture of the Church. It is not an association ing their chosen theme, “Bishops and Businessmen in Soli-
Church, singing and dancing in groups, eventually supply that deficiency and re- of the diocese, but part of its structure. It darity for the Common Good”. This is the primary reason
praising the Almighty, invoking the Holy place the role of the parish in their spiri- Tidbits / P13 why these two issues had to be discussed by many distin-
guished speakers during that day. Considering the present
poverty situation where 60% of our population is strug-
Seventy Times Seven Jo M. Imbong gling for bare existence, the improper implementation of
charter change and the mining law will obviously affect the
Vie ws and P
iews oints
Points SONA 2006 Boac, related the experience of the devastation of Boac,
Marinduque due to the Marcopper mine spill. This caused
a permanent destruction of the mined areas and will remain
as such since the old mining law did not provide for its
ONE is rightly inclined to think that a state sically in terms of its being aggressive Thus: when babies are born, they rehabilitation. Their experience in Marinduque has made
of the nation address says where the nationwide socio-economic develop- would no longer be already multi-thou- the people poorer and deprived of livelihood due to the
country is, how the people are. While it ment. It looks with hope and enthusiasm sand pesos indebted to the government. pollution of the river and the destruction of the fishing
is understandable to say where the coun- on what infrastructures should be built, When men and women want to work, they grounds.
try is going and what people can expect, improved and/or promoted—under the can readily find work in the country and A comment from the floor, by Dr. Gonzalez from U S.T.
it is incongruous to have a SONA pre- following conditionalities: do not have to go to a foreign country gave a very relevant and doable suggestion; that is, to
cisely so much focused instead on what ONE: There is enough money to do like Lebanon. When parents want their harness the resources of the sea in place of mining. The
the is it not. The reason for this futuristic them children to have enough food, clothing, Philippines being an archipelago and having a vast coast-
approach is because the present state of TWO: There is unity for doing them shelter and proper education, they have line, fish, like tuna, which now commands a high price
the nation is dim and dismal. Hence, the THREE: There are 3 years, 11 the sufficient resources to provide all abroad may be raised. Developing fishery resources in our
present of the state is better left unad- months, six days to have it done. these. tropical waters, with the right technology inputs can make
dressed. The 2006 SONA wherefore cannot In other words, who would not want the Philippines earn sufficiently, possibly more than what
This is why some say that the SONA but be commended in its content and the 2006 SONA agenda to become reali- our people can earn from mining operations.
2006 was but a good geography lesson. spirit, in its programs and projects. All ties as envisioned and designed by the The presentation for charter change was straightfor-
Others think that it was a blitzkrieg for Filipinos should support its vision and present national leadership? But then, if ward coming from two distinguished speakers, former Sena-
support from the military general, local resolve to have the nation listed among the same national leadership cannot even tor Vicente Paterno and past Comelcc Chairman Christian
officials and certain church leaders. There not merely the “developing” but actu- clean the country of an illegal numbers Monsod. Mr. Paterno dwelled on the transitory provisions
are also those who consider the SONA as ally “developed” countries. Its citizens game like jueteng, it is quixotic for it to recommended by the CONCOM on charter change—the
the preview of an “Enchanted Kingdom”. can then once again claim its rightful even imagine that it can deliver so many interim period where President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
No. The SONA 2006 forwards a vi- place of respect and pride in the commu- fantastic and grandiose national Laiko Lampstand / P10
sion of a great future for the country ba- nity of nations. projects!
BEFORE April 5, 1955, the time with the institution of its diocesan ment. He created mission teams and
when Dumaguete became a sepa- Catholic hospital, the Holy Child opened new parishes in many
rate See from Bacolod, the area Hospital. Never feeling weary from parts—extending even to the hin-
under the jurisdiction of what is all the initiatives he did, he estab- terlands—of Negros Oriental.
now the Diocese of Dumaguete lished linkages abroad for financial
was merely the recipient of mission- assistance extended to the young Pastoral Priorities and Direc-
ary efforts of the Spanish friars diocese. He openly accommodated tion
from the Archdiocese of Cebu, the various religious orders, congrega-
Diocese of Jaro and the Diocese of tions and organizations to help in The Dumaguete Diocese, for
Bacolod. Between 1580 (when the spiritual formation and amelio- its part, follows the direction of the
Christian faith was first introduced ration of its people. He organized Second Plenary Council of the Phil-
to what is now the Diocese of diocesan commissions and tasked ippines (PCP II) and National Pas-
Dumaguete) and 1955, Dumaguete them to address the peoples’ tem- toral Consultation for the Church
was yet far from the helm in decid- poral as well as spiritual needs. Renewal (NPCCR). Drawing inspi-
ing for the spiritual formation and After all the basic structures ration from the encyclical letter of
direction of its own people and in were put in place, the Most Rev. the late Pope John Paul II, Novo
the management of pastoral con- Angel N. Lagdameo, second Millennio Eneunte, the Diocese of
cerns of the newly founded par- bishop of the Dumaguete, orga- Dumaguete cannot be less faithful
ishes. The founding, in fact, of the nized in 1991 the First Diocesan in conforming to or adopting
first Catholic school in the place— Synod of Dumaguete to strengthen NPCCR’s nine (9) pastoral priori-
St. Paul College of Dumaguete— the pastoral programs and priori- ties as to embody the Diocese’s
was the initiative of the Bishop of ties of the diocese. Bishop pastoral programs and direction,
Jaro, Bishop Frederick Rooker. Lagdameo introduced the concept namely: (1) integral faith formation;
Pastoral initiatives, therefore, were of basic ecclesial communities. He (2) empowerment of the laity to-
not really based on the actual local started organizing priests through St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral Parish Church
needs, as felt by or drawn from the team ministries and awakened
local faithful. people’s interest through various ward social transformation; (3) ac-
This socio-religious back- pastoral celebrations and con- tive presence and participation of
ground influenced the shaping of gresses. Year after year, people the poor in the Church; (4) the fam-
the life and mission of the Diocese gathered by the thousands to heed ily as the focal point of evangeliza-
of Dumaguete when it was estab- and respond to ecclesial calls for tion; (5) building and strengthen-
lished as a local Church in 1955. renewal and evangelization. ing of participatory communities;
The first bishop of the Diocese, Today, the Diocese continues (6) integral renewal of the clergy;
the Most Rev. Epifanio B. Surban, her journey, but whilst aware that (7) journeying with the youth; (8)
DD, took off managing the young forging initiatives or simply ecumenism and inter-religious dia-
diocese with the aim of building it, preaching may not be her only prin- logue; and (9) animation and for-
firmly establishing basic Catholic cipal concern, she has to sustain mation for mission “ad gentes”.
institutions and creating avenues herself through a life of authentic Inarguably, the Christian Faith
for people to be truly evangelized. witnessing to the Faith and to the painstakingly passed on by the
It was therefore during his term as Gospel. The Most Rev. John F. missionaries more than four hun-
bishop when the foundation of a Du, DD, shortly after his installa- dred years ago in this part of Negros
vibrant and evangelizing Church tion in 2001 as the third bishop of has never been futile—not at all.
was laid. Parochial and diocesan Dumaguete, embarked on a chal- The missionaries’ sweat and blood,
schools were founded in many par- lenging mission to steer the Dio- shed and planted in the past, have
ishes; a local radio station, DYWC, cese in accomplishing its divine grown to become the vibrant
was acquired; formation of future mandate to holiness. He formal- Church that it is now. And this will
diocesan priests at the St. Joseph ized priests’ training and formation, continue to grow as, truly, the Dio-
Seminary became a reality; and the and heeded the laity’s challenge of cese of Dumaguete unfalteringly
envisioned apostolate of taking a more meaningful and profound pursues its journey in its relentless
care for the sick became concrete participation and spiritual advance- witnessing to the Faith and to the
(Fr. Glenn M. Corsiga is currently the
Rector of St. Joseph Seminary Col-
lege in Sibulan, Negros Oriental – Ed.)
Important Facts
Population 1,010,896 High Schools
Catholics (91.37 %) 923,680 Diocesan 12
Area 4,955.9 sq. kms. By Religious 9
Bishop 1 Elementary
Priests: Diocesan 4
Diocesan 95 By Religious 7
Religious 15 Kindergarten
Brothers 6 Diocesan 4
Sisters 115 By Religious 5
Diocesan divisions:
Vicariates 7 Catholic Institutions:
Parishes 41
Chaplaincies 15 Retreat Houses 7
Hospital 1
Educational Centers: Clinics 2
College/University Orphanages 3
Diocesan 1 Radio Station (Diocesan) 1
By Religious 1 Catechetical Center 1 His Excellency,
Most Rev. John F. Du, DD
Bishop of Dumaguete
Building Self-Reliant
was organized in 1959. It existed sources which enable them to man-
under different names: Catholic Aid, age their own development in a self-
Archdiocesan Social Action Center, sustaining manner. This program,
Cebu Caritas, Inc., unto its present which started on March 1997, has re-
name, Commission on Service, after
the Fourth Diocesan Synod of Cebu.
The Commission on Service is
Communities of Disciples markably provided help or assistance
to already 4,500 women members cov-
ering 52 parishes in the Archdiocese
the social welfare and development By Msgr. Roberto F. Alesna, H.P. of Cebu. Not discounting the fact
arm of the office of the Roman Catho- that this approach benefits those who
lic Archbishop of Cebu. It is based are willing to work hard, endure disci-
at the Cebu Caritas Inc. Building, P. pline and work together with others,
Gomez St., Cebu City. the program has noted considerable
Cebu archdiocese’s Commission effects of improvement in the lives of
on Service envisions itself to build the recipients.
self-reliant communities of disciples The CAPS-R Grameen involves
immersed in Gospel values. To the following program components
achieve such vision, it commits it- and services: (1) Capacity Building;
self—as its mandate or mission—to (2) Value Formation; (3) Credit Ser-
serving Cebu’s “community of dis- vices; (4) Savings Mobilization; and
ciples” by: providing technical and (5) Members’ Mutual Savings Fund.
financial resources to the poor; initi- No question, it is ascertained
ating and organizing groups to work that the program indeed precipitated
together as a community imbued some positive implications like,
with Gospel values and ecological among others—(a) banking facilities
concern; facilitating and networking and services are readily extended to
with other Commissions of the arch- poor women who can access small
diocese, Government Organizations loans; (b) exploitation by unscrupu-
(GO’s), People’s Organizations lous money lenders and usurers is
(PO’s) and Non-Government Orga- eliminated; (c) opportunities for self-
nizations (NGO’s) in accord within employment for vast unutilized man-
the framework of the Archdiocesan power resources are created; (d) dis-
Plan or Program of the Archdiocese advantaged people are brought
of Cebu. within the folds of some organiza-
To upgrade directly the quality tional format which they can under-
of life of the beneficiaries and indi- stand and operate and can find socio-
rectly the entire Cebu population, the political and economic strengths
Commission of Service’s vision and through mutual support; and (e) re-
mission are attained through— cipients become self-reliant commu-
health, nutrition and development nities of disciples immersed in Gos-
intervention programs; providing Archdiocesan Welfare Services, the reaved family; (4) Referral services, lessness brought about by disasters pel values.
opportunities and empowerment for Alay Kapwa—Relief, Emergency or problems not met by the office are and calamities. Admittedly, on the whole, the
communities to organize themselves and Rehabilitation (AK-RER), and recoursed to other social welfare or- Thus, the Alay Kapwa—Relief, activities and programs of Cebu’s
and acquire income-generating the Cebu Archdiocesan Program for ganizations. Emergency and Rehabilitation (AK- archdiocesan Commission on Ser-
projects; assisting oneself and oth- Self-Reliance (CAPS-R Grameen). A brief definition of terms is RER) area involves the following vice may yet fall short as to embody
ers, and accessing immediate help to The Archdiocesan Welfare deemed appropriate to understand component services: evangelization; or address the indubitably bigger and
victims of man-made and natural di- Services, a short term program in- the second area of COS’s (Commis- giving information or education on numerous concerns that are un-
sasters; and establishing linkages tended to provide the immediate sion on Service) area of social con- current social issues and problems avoidably brought to the fore dur-
with government and non-govern- needs of walk-in clients and cern programs and services, the Alay like poverty and environmental prob- ing this Year of Social Concern. But,
ment organizations to enhance ser- indigents, include the following ser- Kapwa – Relief, Emergency and Re- lems; solicitation of material and fi- palpably so, the archdiocesan Com-
vices to the poorest of the poor. vices: (1) Material assistance such habilitation (AK-RER). nancial aid or support; and distribu- mission on Service cannot fail to re-
as free medical assistance (free clinic “Alay” literally means offering tion of the resources received main undaunted in pursuing its man-
Current Programs and Ser- on regular schedule to immediate what we have and what we are to through the bishops and parish date of building self-reliant commu-
vices indigents and, upon request, free poor and distressed fellowmen or priests in the archdiocese. nities of disciples immersed in Gos-
medical mission to remote parishes), “kapwa”. “RER” (Relief, Emer- The third social concern pro- pel values—such is our humble con-
The social concern programs and food and clothing provision; (2) gency and Rehabilitation) is a pro- gram area, the Cebu Archdiocesan tribution.
and services being currently under- Transportation assistance (boat and cess through which a particular dis- Program for Self-Reliance, or better
(Msgr. Roberto Alesna, H.P. is currently
taken by the archdiocesan Commis- bus tickets or transportation dis- tressed community is helped to man- known as CAPS-R Grameen, aims at the Chairman of the Archdiocesan Com-
sion on Service may be classified into counts) to needy clients; (3) Burial age its environment and resources bringing the disadvantaged or the mission on Service of the Archdiocese
three principal areas: the assistance, financial aid to the be- in order to alleviate poverty and help- poor into a self-reliant community of of Cebu—Ed.)
Laity in Politics
© Denz Dayao
© Denz Dayao
Commitments: could be) best done through a constitutional the Millennium Development Goals for the 21 of each year as a day of remembrance for
convention.” eradication of poverty. the victims of martial law.
We commit ourselves to the following: We will continue working to eradicate cor- We will intensify our efforts to network This is what Yahweh asks of you: only
In agreement with the CBCP position on ruption in our institutions and in those areas and collaborate among ourselves and with our this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk
charter change, “we do not support hasty ef- of society where we live and carry out our min- mission partners to maximize our service to the humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)
forts to change this fundamental law of the istry. poor.
land without the widespread discussion and We will work and collaborate critically with As a way of working towards national rec- AMRSMP 2006 Convention Participants
participation that such changes require (which the government, as far as is feasible, to achieve onciliation, we will commemorate September July 19, 2006
© Roy Lagarde
doubted. Moreover, such studies had always been imbued
with abundance prayers, sacrifices and holiness.
We can learn from history that whenever God’s de-
signs for love, marriage, transmission of life, family and
nurturance of the dignity of the human person are observed,
By Fr. Romuald P. Zantua, D.S. lived and defended, abundant goodness reigns in the world;
otherwise, corruption, chaos, and all sorts of evil prevail.
THE Book of Ecclesiastes says that there is a time to speak and the law said one was not supposed to speak to in public. The Church Hierarchy has been a Good Shepherd to
a time to be quiet. Both moments need discernment. Jesus broke One can be very fruitful in silence. The silence of the lamb its faithful—protecting them from the evils of confusion,
his silence before Pilate not to defend himself but to remind the brought to its shearer, describes the Lamb of God. No voice of deception and corruption. It deserves the support of all
governor that the only power he had over him came from above. his was heard in the streets. “A smoldering wick he would not because it works for their best interest.
The same thing he did to the servant of the High Priest. quench; a bruised reed he would not even break.” But his Once more, I hope the Catholic Church’s right to guide
Instead of giving the other cheek, he confronted him with the voice reaches to the farthest ends of the earth. Her flock is respected and honored by all, especially by our
truth: “If I said something wrong, tell me what it was, but if Another high public servant whose silence could have government officials and lawmakers. I am a Catholic and I
none, why did you strike me?” Jesus, the Truth, reminded two meant an approving “yes” maintained his silence. His con- believe that what the Church teaches on matters of faith
public servants, both high and low, of the truth. Before Herod, demning silence was construed as a resounding “no” to a and morals is always God’s.
he said nothing. wrong-doing of his king. His silence was more eloquent than In keeping with the Philippine Constitution on the right
Sometimes, when we have accomplished the task of speak- spoken or written words. It is the silence granted to martyrs to profess one’s religious belief and the right of families to
ing, in season and out of season, silence is the best move, with a cause, which fools can never understand. education their children in such delicate and sacred matter,
especially when people are already tired of listening to so many I do not know the context of this hearsay anecdote about I hope DepEd will pay heed to the exhortations of the Catho-
conflicting voices. St. Francis. I heard that he said to his brothers that they were lic Church.
Yes, Jesus knew the right time to speak. In the midst of meant to preach the Gospel always, and, if necessary, by words.
noisy accusing men ready to cast a stone at a woman, he broke Silence can also be deeply and effectively prophetic. In- Evelyn C. Mijares
his silence, only after writing something on the ground. Yes, deed it can be of great service to the truth, especially when the High School Teacher
unprovoked, he could also start a conversation with a person search for the truth has become fruitless.
Title: NACHO LIBRE IGNACIO/Nacho (John Black) an night. They continue to lose but a movie make. The story line of mon- Now, really? It is the height of na-
Running Time: 90 mins orphan, who grew up under the care the more they lose, the greater is astery cook by day and a fighter by ivete to expect that prayer alone
Lead Cast: Jack Black, Ana de la of the friars, has always dreamed to Nacho's will to win. Despite night is dramatic enough. But the could transform a perennial loser
Rguera, Hector Jimenez, be a "luchador" (mex wrestler). But Ignacio's wearing a mask to conceal drama is not sustained and after a into a champion overnight. It may
Darius Rose, Cesar
he's stuck as a cook serving meager his identity, he is soon exposed and while it drags and bores. The attempt be dramatic and cinematic, but
Director: Jared Hess and stale food to orphans. One day, forced to leave the community. His of the director and screenwriter tan- that's about all. It is silly to be-
Producer: Steve Nicolaides a young, beautiful nun, Sister loneliness and depression are alle- dem, Jared and Jerusha to combine lieve that this could happen in real
Screenwriters: Jared Hess, Encarnacion (Ana dela Reguera) viated somewhat by Sister hilarious absurdity with religious life. The movie's simplistic as-
Jerusha Hess, Mike White comes to stay in the monastery. Encarnacion's encouragement to sensitivity fails. Also, the movie is sumption detracts, rather than, in-
Music: Danny Elfman Wanting to impress and serve some- fight for a noble cause. Nacho uses plagued by too many inconsisten- spires. Real life and reel life should
Editor: Billy Webber thing more than the barely palatable this to psyche himself up for his cies, goofs and mistakes to enable merge and coincide at least for the
Genre: Comedy food, Ignacio enters a local amateur fight with Ramses (Cesar Gonzales), one to enjoy it. duration of the movie, and in
Cinematography: Xavier Perez "fight night". But, first, he teams the haughty, reigning champion of Nacho Libre has a noble inten- Nacho Libre, this doesn't happen.
Grobet up with Esquelle (Hector Jimenez) the ring. Nacho wants to win in or- tion: to deliver the message that For the film's message to effect a
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Location: Mexico another rag-tag, scrawny, street- der to bequeath a legacy to his be- everyman, even an orphan, could realization (or even a transforma-
Technical Assessment: ½ smart toughie. They lose but earn loved orphans. find his place in the sun with enough tion) in the viewer, it's up to the
Moral Assessment: enough to buy a more delectable "Nacho" combines the come- determination and inspiration. viewer to determine the human
CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 13 dish. Ignacio becomes a cook by dic, athletic, singing and acting abili- Coupled with a noble cause to fight effort one needs in addition to
and below with parental guidance day and Nacho, the luchador, by ties of Jack Black. But one man can't for, anyone could be a champion. prayer to "become a champion."
www.cbcpworld.com | training@cbcpworld.net | +632 4041612, 4042182
Observes Bicentennial Jubilee Fete
by Msgr. Dexter Irisari, HP
THE parish of St. Lawrence the Dea- and the Departed Paniteños” (Nov.
con in the municipality of Panitan, 1 & 2); “Day for Overseas’ Work-
Capiz is marking its bicentennial ers” (Dec. 17); “Day for the Youth” C E L E B R AT E D .
foundation anniversary this year as (Jan. 14, 2007); “Day for Christian
City and his theological studies in Marcilla,
Archbishop Angel Navarra, Spain. In 1983, he earned his
it celebrates its annual town fiesta Families” (Feb. 11, 2007); “Day for
in honor of St. Lawrence the Deacon, Professionals” (March 4, 2007); N. Lagdameo, 66, Licentiate degree in Canon Law from the
its patron saint, on August 10 with “Day for Farmers” (April 1, 2007); president of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
its general theme, “St. Lawrence the “Day for the Aged, the Sick and the Catholic Bishops’
Deacon and the Church’s Social Disabled” (May 13, 2007); “Day for Conference of the APPOINTED. Sr.
Concerns”. The major activities Government Officials, Personnel Philippines, 66th Grace S.
marking the celebration are the no- and Soldiers”(June 10, 2007); and birth anniversary; Namocatcat, D.C.,
vena masses on July 31 to August 8, “Day for Thanksgiving” (July 15, August 2, 2006. 62, as Information
the vespers mass on August 9, and 2007). Lagdameo, who is Officer and Assis-
the concelebrated fiesta mass on Au- The various preparations and currently the Arch- tant Supervisor of
gust 10. The presiders-homilists and activities for the year-long celebra- bishop of Jaro
specific themes for the novena tion are spearheaded by Msgr. Dex- CBCP Secretariat;
masses, held at 3:00 pm from July 31 ter Irisari, parish priest, Fr. Ramel
(Iloilo) since 2000, assumed office as the after whose appoint-
to August 8, are: Msgr. Dexter Irisari, Talabucon, parochial vicar, and by 17th CBCP president on December 1, ment was approved
“Building a Civilization of Love”; the officers of the Parish Pastoral 2005. Born in 1940 in Lucban, Quezon, by the CBCP presi-
Fr. Ramel Talabucon, “Resisting Council which include, namely, Nida Lagdameo was ordained priest on De- dent Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo last
Graft and Corruption”; Fr. Victor Buenvenida, Faustino Lara, Mary cember 19, 1964 in Lucena City. He was June 15, 2006. First admitted to the reli-
Bendico, “Renewing Politics in Our Ann Villarais, Milagros Dais, first appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu gious congregation of the Daughters of
Land”; Fr. Clemente Fungot, “Pro- Graciosa Diaz, Medina Espiritu, in 1980, and as Coadjutor Bishop of Charity in 1964, Sr. Grace’s prior assign-
tecting Our Environment”; Fr.Butch Francis Dadula, Rachelle Dayang, Dumaguete in 1986, then as Bishop of ments include, namely: as Director for the
Abalajon, “The Scourge of Illegal Joyce Denosta and Angelita Pelaez. Dumaguete in 1989 until his appointment Religious Education Department and
Drugs”; Fr. Aris Pedrajas, “Strength- The parish of St. Lawrence the as Archbishop of Jaro in 2000. Archbishop
ening the Christian Family”; Fr. Deacon was first evangelized by the
Campus Ministry Office of the
Berman Ibañez, “Peacemaking”; Augustinian missionary priests
Lagdameo took his minor seminary for- Universidad de Sta. Isabel; Assistant Di-
and Fr. Edsel Delfin, “Protesting some 200 years ago and, like all mation, philosophy and theology studies rector and Faculty member of the Insti-
Against the Aswang Festival”. other countryside parishes in the at the San Jose Seminary, Ateneo de tute of Catechetics of the Archdiocese of
The Vespers Mass presider and Philippines evangelized by the Manila University, Quezon City. Manila; as National Director of the As-
homilist on August 9, 4 p.m., will be Spanish friars, the manner of evan- sociation of Children of Mary; Religious
Msgr. Vicente Hilata. Archbishop gelization followed a general pat- CELEBRATED . Education Ministry Coordinator of the
Onesimo Gordoncillo will be the main tern. Noel Vincent Abalajon gives a Rev. Fr. Samson Daughters of Charity schools; and as ad-
celebrant and homilist during the historical account of such typical Silloriquez, OAR, ministrator of the Cebu Archdiocesan In-
solemn concelebrated Fiesta Mass pattern of evangelization by the 52, Councilor of stitute of Catechetics, Cebu City. Sr.
on August 10 at 8 a.m. Spanish missionaries: General Curia for Grace finished her Bachelor of Science
The parish is also set to hold “When the Spanish missionaries the Order of the
the following activities in observ- started to preach the Gospel among the in Education degree from the Colegio de
ing the year-long bicentennial foun- early Filipinos, they encountered this Augustinian Recol- Sta. Isabel, Naga City and obtained her
dation anniversary celebration: problem of dispersed settlement pat- lects-Philippines in Master of Arts degree in Religious Edu-
“Ecclesial Basic Communities’ Day” tern of the inhabitants. Thus, the re- Rome, Italy; 25th sacerdotal ordination cation from the De La Salle University in
(Sept. 3); “Religious Organizations’ settlement of the population into fewer anniversary; July 18, 2006; in Marcilla, Manila. She also took special studies on
Day” (Oct. 8); “Days for the Saints Capiz’ / P14 Navarra, Spain. Ordained priest in 1981 Pastoral Theology at the East Asian Pas-
to the Philippine Province of the Order of toral Institute, and on Spiritual Direction
the Augustinian Recollects, Silloriquez from the Center of Ignatian Spirituality in
CWL Holds Leadership Training was first assigned to the OAR commu-
nity in Via Sistina, Rome in 1981-1984,
Quezon City.
then with the San Sebastian College- CELEBRATED. Bishop Manuel Del
By Roy Lagarde
Recoletos, Manila in 1984-1987, and with Rosario, Bishop Emeritus of Malolos
THE newly elected officers and board Special emphasis was given on the
the Recoletos Formation Center in Quezon (Bulacan), 51st episcopal ordination an-
members led by Catholic Women’s spiritual formation of the members espe- City in 1987 to 1994. Prior to his current niversary, July 25, 2006. Ordained bishop
League National President, Josephine S. cially on the importance of the Eucharist assignment in Rome, Fr. Silloriquez served in 1955, Bishop Del Rosario was bishop
Gaviola and advisers held its national and prayers as the source of strength and as parish priest of San Sebastian Basilica of Calbayog from 1955 to 1962, and then
leadership training last July 27-30, 2006 grace to witness and live the Eucharist in in Manila from 1994 to 2001. He took his as bishop of Malolos from 1962 to 1977.
at CBCP-NASSA BEC Development Cen- their ministry. college seminary formation at the He was ordained to the priesthood on
ter in Tagaytay City with the theme “Liv- Towards the end of the seminar, Mrs. Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary in Baguio March 25, 1939.
ing the Eucharist in the Ministry of the”. Filipina Ranada talked on sex education
The main objective of this leadership in public and some private schools de-
training is to discuss the national action tailing its possible consequences.
program for the year 2006-2008 that will “To allow sex education in the class-
be implemented down to the parish level. room is risking the student’s moral and
Topics discussed were concerns for spiritual well being,” she said quoting
women, family, youth and environment Episcopal Commission on Family Life
and identifying the strategies to address (ECFL) head Abp. Paciano Aniceto.
the problems of poverty, migration, deg- After four days of intensive prayer
radation of the environment, problems of and work, the officers and board mem-
the youth such as the use of prohibited bers finally were able to formalize the
drugs and the effects of media on their national action program ready for imple-
moral values. mentation for the years 2006-2008.