Stability of Cyanocobalamine in Sugar Coated Tablets
Stability of Cyanocobalamine in Sugar Coated Tablets
Stability of Cyanocobalamine in Sugar Coated Tablets
Health Science Laboratories, Consumer Healthcare Company, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, 17-85,
Jusohonmachi 2-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-8686, Japan
b Pharmaceutical Technology Research and Development Laboratories, Pharmaceutical Production Division,
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, 17-85, Jusohonmachi 2-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-8686, Japan
Received 31 July 2006; received in revised form 24 November 2006; accepted 28 December 2006
Available online 9 January 2007
The purpose of this study was to clarify the stability of cyanocobalamin (VB12 -CN) in sugar-coated tablets containing fursultiamine hydrochloride
(TTFD-HCl), riboflavin (VB2 ), and pyridoxine hydrochloride (VB6 ), and to identify the factors affecting the stability of VB12 -CN in these sugarcoated tablets. The stability of VB12 -CN was investigated using high-performance liquid chromatography while decomposition was evaluated
kinetically. The decomposition of VB12 -CN in sugar-coated tablets with high equilibrium relative humidity (more than 60%) under closed conditions
showed complex kinetics and followed an AvramiErofeev equation, which expresses a random nucleation (two-dimensional growth of nuclei)
model. We showed that equilibrium relative humidity, the incorporation of VB2 and VB6 , and sugar coating, are the main factors influencing
decomposition and that these factors cause the complex decomposition kinetics.
2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cyanocobalamin; Stability; Sugar-coated tablets; Equilibrium relative humidity; Riboflavin; Pyridoxine hydrochloride
1. Introduction
Vitamin B combinations are a well-recognized treatment of
nerve pain, muscle pain, tired eyes, stiff shoulders, and lumbar pain, and usually consist of a combination of thiamine
(VB1 ), riboflavin (VB2 ), pyridoxine hydrochloride (VB6 ),
and cyanocobalamin (VB12 -CN). Fursultiamine hydrochloride
(TTFD-HCl) is a well-known thiamine derivative with a better bioavailability than thiamine in humans, and is therefore
often used in preference to thiamine in such combinations.
Several dosage forms of such vitamin B combinations are available, such as bottled nutritive drinks, capsules, and tablets. It is
often necessary to take vitamin B combinations for long periods and, as patients usually prefer to take sugar-coated tablets,
these are often used to increase compliance. Sugar-coated tablets
have several advantages over other formulations: masking of the
unpleasant odor and taste of vitamins, elegant appearance, and
ease of swallowing.
When developing sugar-coated tablets containing a vitamin
B combination, it is necessary to consider the stability of the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 6 6300 6896; fax: +81 6 6300 6788.
E-mail address: Ohmori (S. Ohmori).
0378-5173/$ see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
used in solid dosage forms in the pharmaceutical field. In particular, there are few stability studies of VB12 -CN in sugar-coated
tablets using the HPLC method. In the present study, we investigated the stability and decomposition kinetics of VB12 -CN in
sugar-coated tablets containing TTFD-HCl, VB2 , and VB6 using
the HPLC method, and compared it with the stability of VB12 CN in powders, granules, and plain tablets. In order to clarify
the factors affecting the stability of VB12 -CN in sugar-coated
tablets, we evaluated the stability of VB12 -CN in sugar-coated
tablets under various conditions of equilibrium relative humidity
(ERH), in sugar-coated tablets lacking one of the other vitamins,
and in halved sugar-coated tablets.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials
The following vitamins were used in the study: cyanocobalamin (VB12 -CN, Aventis Pharma S.A., France), fursultiamine
hydrochloride (TTFD-HCl, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
Limited, Japan), riboflavin (VB2 , Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan), and pyridoxine hydrochloride (VB6 ,
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan). Lactose
(Meggle GmbH, Germany) was used as a diluent. Corn starch
(Nihon Cornstarch Co., Japan) was used as both a diluent
and a disintegrant. Hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC-L, Nippon
Soda Co., Ltd., Japan) was used as a binder. Magnesium
stearate (Sakai Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan) was used
as a lubricant. Sucrose (Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., Japan),
talc (Matsumura Sangyo Co., Japan), titanium dioxide (Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd., Japan), and powdered acacia (San-ei
Yakuhin Boueki Co., Japan) were used for sugar coating. The
above vitamins and excipients were in compliance with The
Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fourteenth Edition (2001). All other
chemicals were of reagent grade.
2.2. Manufacture of granules and plain tablets
TTFD-HCl, VB2 , VB6 , lactose, and corn starch were granulated with 0.12% VB12 -CN aqueous solution and 6% HPC-L
aqueous solution using a fluidized-bed granulator (FD-3S,
Powrex Co., Japan). Loaded weight in the fluidized-bed granulator was 1092 g, inlet air temperature 70 C, spray air pressure
0.1 MPa, and spray feed rate 810 g/min. After granulation,
the granules were milled using a screen mill (Power Mill,
Showa Kagaku Kikai Kosakusho Co., Ltd., Japan) with 1.5 mm
screen size. The milled granules were mixed manually with
corn starch and magnesium stearate in a plastic bag. Lubricated
granules were compressed using a rotary compression machine
(Correct 19 K, Kikusui Seisakusho Ltd., Japan) with 8-mm
diameter convex punches (radius 6.5 mm). Tablet weight was
170 mg, compression pressure 68 kN/punch, and rotation speed
20 rpm.
Each plain tablet contained 0.01 mg VB12 -CN, 54.58 mg
TTFD-HCl, 4.95 mg VB2 , 5.0 mg VB6 , 68.46 mg lactose,
31.5 mg corn starch, 5.0 mg HPC-L and 0.5 mg magnesium
stearate. When tablets lacking one of the vitamins were man-
Fig. 1. Stability of VB12 -CN in powders. (X) Decomposition rate. (a) Zero-order
plots; (b) Jander plots. () 40 C/6%RH; () 40 C/57%RH; () 40 C/75%RH.
Fig. 2. Stability of VB12 -CN in granules containing TTFD-HCl, VB2 , and VB6 .
(X) Decomposition rate. (a) Zero-order plots; (b) Jander plots. () 40 C/6%RH;
() 40 C/57%RH; () 40 C/75%RH.
Rate constant
Powders at 40 C/75%RH
Granules at 40 C/75%RH
Granules at 40 C/57%RH
Fig. 3. Stability of VB12 -CN in plain tablets containing TTFD-HCl, VB2 , and
VB6 at 40 C. (X) Decomposition rate. () ERH 44%; () ERH 65%.
Table 2
Values of m for solid-state decompositions (compiled from Hancock and Sharp, 1972; Umeda et al., 1985)
1 (1 X)1/3
= kt1/2
(Jander equation)
(1 X)ln(1 X) + X = kt
(1 2X/3) (1 X)2/3 = kt (GinstlingBrounshtein equation)
X2 = kt
ln(1/(1 X)) = kt
1 (1 X)1/3 = kt
1 (1 X)1/2 = kt
X = kt
ln(1/(1 X))1/2 = kt (AvramiErofeev equation)
ln(1/(1 X))1/3 = kt (AvramiErofeev equation)
40 C
Three-dimensional diffusion
Two-dimensional diffusion
Three-dimensional diffusion
One-dimensional diffusion
Random nucleation (one nucleus on each particle)
Phase boundary reaction (spherical symmetry)
Phase boundary reaction (cylindrical symmetry)
Zero-order mechanism
Random nucleation (two-dimensional growth of nuclei)
Random nucleation (three-dimensional growth of nuclei)
40 C
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