A Printed UWB Vivaldi Antenna Using Stepped Connection Structure Between Slotline and Tapered Patches
A Printed UWB Vivaldi Antenna Using Stepped Connection Structure Between Slotline and Tapered Patches
A Printed UWB Vivaldi Antenna Using Stepped Connection Structure Between Slotline and Tapered Patches
AbstractIn this letter, a new stepped connection structure between slotline and tapered patches is adopted in a planar printed
Vivaldi antenna. By using the stepped connection structure, the
impedance matching is significantly improved and a wide bandwidth is achieved. In order to illustrate the effectiveness of this design, a prototype of the modified Vivaldi antenna is fabricated and
tested. Experimental results show that the impedance matching is
significantly improved in the band from 3 to 15.1 GHz. In addition, a measured gain, which is better than 5 dBi, is obtained with
a compact size. Compared to other techniques, the presented technique effectively improves the impedance matching and enlarges
the bandwidth without changing the overall dimensions. Moreover,
a relatively flat group time delay response is achieved within the
band of 315.1 GHz.
Index TermsGroup delay, printed Vivaldi antenna, ultrawideband antenna, unidirectional radiation pattern.
LTRAWIDEBAND (UWB) wireless communication
technology has attracted much interest owing to its
features and advantages, such as high data rates and low fabrication cost. As an indispensable component, UWB antennas are
facing many challenges. One challenge of the UWB antenna
design is how to miniaturize the antenna size with a wide
impedance bandwidth and good radiation performance [1].
Relatively flat gain through the entire band as well as linear
group time delay is also very important in some UWB systems.
The Vivaldi antenna is one of the best candidates for the UWB
technology due to its broad bandwidth, low cross polarization,
and highly directive radiation patterns [2]. However, the Vivaldi
antenna always needs a large antenna size to achieve good performance [3]. Tapering both inner and outer edges of a Vivaldi
antenna can also broaden the bandwidth and improve the radiation performance [4][6]. However, the antenna size is still
relatively large.
Manuscript received January 08, 2014; revised March 26, 2014; accepted
March 26, 2014. Date of publication April 01, 2014; date of current version
April 18, 2014. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grants 61171044 and 61231001, the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China under
Grants ZYGX2012YB010 and 2672013ZYGX2013z002, and the Research
Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China under Grant
20120185110024. (Corresponding author: Z. Zhao.)
J. Wu, Z. Zhao, and Z. Nie are with the School of Electronic Engineering,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu
610054, China (e-mail: zqzhao@uestc.edu.cn).
Q. H. Liu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 USA (e-mail: qhliu@ee.duke.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2014.2314739
Some techniques have been proposed to miniaturize the Vivaldi antenna size [7][10]. A small antipodal Vivaldi antenna
proposed in [7] has a wide bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz, but
this design pays the price of low antenna gain. The antipodal Vivaldi antenna presented in [8] utilized a tapered slot edge to extend the low-end limitation for miniaturizing the antenna size.
A relatively large size is also needed. An elliptical strip conductor was used to modify an antipodal tapered slot antenna
in [9]. Slot-loaded technique was adopted in [10]. Though the
impedance matching can be improved by employing these two
techniques, a large antenna size is also required. The antenna
in [11] realized a wide bandwidth with a relatively small size.
However, this design paid the price of low antenna gain, especially in the low frequency band.
In this letter, a compact planar printed Vivaldi antenna is designed and fabricated. A new stepped connection structure is applied to improve the impedance matching. Compared to other
techniques proposed in [9] and [10], the stepped connection
structure is very effective to improve the impedance matching
without changing the overall dimensions. In addition, the proposed antenna achieves a high gain better than 5 dBi. The gain
of the proposed antenna is higher than that of the antenna in [7],
especially in the low frequency band. This letter is organized as
follows. In Section II, the structure of the antenna is presented.
Simulation and experimental results are given in Section III.
Conclusions are drawn in Section IV.
Originated from [7], a planar printed Vivaldi antenna is designed and shown in Fig. 1(a). FR-4 is used as its substrate with
a relative permittivity of 4.4 and a thickness of 0.8 mm. This antenna consists of a microstrip-to-slotline transition structure and
two symmetrically exponential tapered patches. The two exponential tapered patches are connected to the slotline at the right
and left edges. The microstrip-to-slotline transition structure is
used to excite the antenna. In this design, a stepped microstrip
feeding line is adopted for good impedance matching. The width
of the microstrip feeding line is fixed to 1.5 mm to achieve 50characteristic impedance. The inner and outer exponential tapered edges of the tapered patches are described in [7]
where and
are the inner and outer edges, respectively.
For the microstrip-to-slotline transition structure, its effect is
to realize field matching between the microstrip mode and the
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Fig. 1. Schematic view of the planar printed Vivaldi antennas. (a) Original design. (b) Modified antenna with stepped connection structure.
Fig. 3. Simulated input impedance of the proposed antenna with different connection structures.
Fig. 2. Simulated load impedance of the exponential tapered patches with dif.
ferent gap
Fig. 5. Photographs of the fabricated antenna. (a) Top view. (b) Bottom view.
Fig. 6. Simulated and measured VSWR results of the printed Vivaldi antenna
with stepped connection structure.
Fig. 7. Simulated and measured gains and measured radiation efficiency of the
printed Vivaldi antenna with stepped connection structure.
Fig. 9. Simulated and measured group delay of the proposed printed Vivaldi
antenna with stepped connection structure.
A compact planar printed Vivaldi antenna is designed and
fabricated in this letter. By using a new stepped connection
structure between the slotline and the exponentially tapered
patches, the impedance matching of the antenna is significantly
improved. Simulated and measured results show that the presented antenna can realize a wide bandwidth with a gain better
than 5 dBi. Compared to other techniques, the proposed technique is very effective without changing the overall antenna
dimensions. In addition, a relatively flat group delay response
is achieved in the working frequency band.
Fig. 8. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the proposed printed Vi-plane) and -plane (
-plane) at different frevaldi antenna in -plane (
quencies. (a) 3.5 GHz. (b) 7 GHz. (c) 10 GHz. (d) 14 GHz.
time delay was obtained by measuring the transmission coefficient between the two antennas. The simulated and measured
results of group time delay are shown in Fig. 9. As shown in
this figure, the group time delay is around 1.3 ns with a variation of less than
ns in the operating band. This means that
a relatively flat group delay response is achieved.