President Obama: Capitalist or Communist, Just Decide What Works'
President Obama: Capitalist or Communist, Just Decide What Works'
President Obama: Capitalist or Communist, Just Decide What Works'
President Obama:
Capitalist or Communist,
Just Decide What Works
nicholas kamm/afp/getty images
nited States President Barack Obama stoked controversy March 23 when he suggested to an audience of Argentine youth that they shouldnt get caught up in ideological disputes between capitalism and communism. Instead, he urged the
next generation of Argentine leaders to pursue a mixed economy
that uses bits of Communist theory and bits of capitalist theory.
During his speech at a Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016
utopian thought. Generally speaking, they believe that 99 percent of humanity is basically good, yet they are being restrained
by a corrupt upper class. If the 99 percent can overthrow their
oppressors, the reasoning goes, then out of their goodness they
can establish a government that will abolish poverty, racism, sexism and income inequality. To accomplish this, you do not need
to limit government and maximize personal responsibility and
freedom. You need to maximize government. You need an administrative state.
When confronted with truth about the astronomically high
death tolls of past socialist movements, most utopians respond
that the movement failed because a corrupt dictator hijacked the
system. But is it possible that they are simply wrong about human
Dictators will always try to hijack governmentsthat is,
until the day all human beings develop righteous character. And
because that righteousness comes only from God, and Gods Kingdom on Earth is not yet, humanity is much better off having a constitutional system of checks and balances that prevents the concentration of power in the hands of the state. Such a system may
occasionally restrain the state from doing some good things, but
it also protects people from the tyrannical excesses of an out-ofcontrol government run by carnal men.
As President Obama suggested in Argentina, he may be in
the process of using socialist theory to circumvent and supercede Americas traditional constitutionally limited government
and its system of checks and balances and separation of powers.
This isnt necessarily happening because the president has sinister intentions; it is happening because the human heart, cut off
from Gods Spirit, is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked. Once the federal government has the power to regulate
the educational system, the health-care system and the private
sector, the only guarantee of liberty is the off chance of a benevolent leader.
President Obamas description of a nation with a state-run
educational system, a state-run health-care sector and a state-supervised private sector doesnt fit Adam Smith-style capitalism
or Karl Marx-style communism. It describes the mixed socialist
market economy of a Chinese-style authoritarian bureaucracy.
practical and just choose from what works. You dont have
to worry about whether it neatly fits into socialist theory or
capitalist theoryyou should just decide what works.
President Obama further elaborated on what he meant by saying that Cubas Communist system under dictator Ral Castro has
made great progress in providing all citizens with free access to
basic education and health care. He said the Cubans should be
congratulated for this huge achievement. He then added that
he believed the most successful economies are rooted in a market-based system, so an ideal economy should have a private sector subject to community (i.e. government) oversight.
Two days before his speech in Argentina, President Obama
held a press conference alongside Ral Castro in Havana. During
the press conference, Mr. Obama promised he would never try to
impose American ideals on the Cuban people. Instead, he hoped
America and Cuba could learn from each others example on
human rights.
During the press conference, President Obama said he agreed
with Castro that government-provided education, government-provided health care and government-provided pensions
are human rights. As President Obama nears the end of his second term, he is becoming more honest about his radical worldview.
According to one Gallup poll, 38 percent of Americans think
the Obama administration needs to do more to solve the countrys problems, as opposed to 55 percent who think the government is too involved in peoples lives already. Many of those in
favor of more government intervention may bristle a bit when
they hear President Obama speak positively of communism. Yet
when it comes to problems in their lives, they still think that the
answer is the federal government.
The reason for this state of affairs? Americas public schools
no longer teach the rationale the Founding Fathers used to limit
the power of the federal government in the first place!
Americas founders were realists. They understood that
human nature was evil, so they sought to devise a system of
checks and balances that would keep power out of the hands of
a single branch of government, or worse yet, a single individual.
The worlds socialist and Marxist movements are rooted in
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016
The jcpa also noted the political tension that now exists
between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies. It added:
According to one Sunni politician in Lebanon, Saudi
Arabia was courting Syrian refugees in Lebanon with the
goal of establishing an anti-Hezbollah Sunni militia. The
politician said Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin
Salman sees Sunni Syrian refugees with military training
as a way to harass Hezbollah, and he may be using Saudi
philanthropic organizations that provide aid to refugee
camps as a way to court potential militia recruits.
The pro-Hezbollah media in Lebanon chose also to
accuse Turkey and Saudi Arabia directly of destabilizing
Lebanon as part and parcel of a greater scheme to bring
down the Alawite regime in Syria.
The Syria-Russia-Iran-Hezbollah alliance is fighting proxy wars
with the Turkey-Saudi Arabia-Qatar alliance. The jcpa concluded
that appearances show that both rival alliances are looking for the
possible game changer in Syria, which might turn out to be frail,
paralyzed and divided Lebanon. Such an outcome would not only
endanger Israel, it would threaten Syria and lead to the congealing
of the Middle Eastern alliances prophesied in the Bible.
The jcpa then quoted French Prof. Fabrice Balanche, a specialist on Syrias political geography. Balanche wrote:
Turkey and Saudi Arabia may not remain passive in the
face of major Russian-Iranian progress in Syria. For example, they could set up a new rebel umbrella group similar to
Jaysh al-Fatah and/or send antiaircraft missiles to certain
he Islamic State is calling on German Muslims to execute Brussels-style attacks on Chancellor Angela Merkels
offices and the Cologne-Bonn airport. The terrorist group
released images of its targets on the Internet and urged Muslims
to unleash violence on the enemy of Allah.
About those potential target images, Reuters wrote,
One of the disseminated Islamic State images features a
militant in combat fatigues standing in a field and gazing at
Cologne-Bonn airport with a caption reading: What your
brothers in Belgium were able to do, you can do too.
Another shows the German chancellery building in Berlin on fire with an Islamic State fighter and a tank standing
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016
It is clear that Germany is the focus of international terrorism and that attacks could happen, said a spokeswoman of Germanys bka federal police. But former German Defense Minister
Under a UN Security Council resolution passed alongside the nuclear deal, the country is forbidden from developing weapons that can carry nuclear weapons.
That would seem to include ballistic missiles, including
two which were tested earlier this month with the words
Israel must be wiped off the Earth emblazoned on one,
according to the U.S. and other Western powers.
On Tuesday, the U.S., France, Britain and Germany and
three allies called for a United Nations Security Council
meeting to formulate an appropriate response to Irans
recent ballistic missile tests, which they say were carried
out in defiance of a UN resolution and to threaten Israel.
The letter called the launches destabilizing and provocative and says the Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile and Qiam-1 short-range ballistic missile that were fired
are inherently capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry wrote about this
subject and where Irans continued belligerence is leading in his
article Iran Goes Ballistic.
over the past week. In the wake of the Brussels attack, analysts, journalists and police departments are discovering that
the Islamic States penetration into Europe is far deeper than
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had traveled to Iraq and Syria were now the advance guard of the
next generation of global jihad. It continued:
The men were to form classic sleeper cells and wait for
orders. isis leaders saw opportunity wherever it may arise,
but this new wave would place emphasis on wreaking havoc
in Italy, Belgium, France, Germany and the UK.
isis leaders believe that European societies are easily
weakened through savagery.
The Guardian goes on to quote one of the Islamic State members
saying: At the meeting, they talked about which societies would
crumble first and what that would mean. They thought big attacks
would lead to pressure on the European Union and even nato.
Spiegel Online also wrote about the Islamic States infiltration
of Europe, in an article titled Activating the Sleepers:Islamic
State Adopts a New Strategy in Europe, published on March
29. It describes the Islamic States track record of infiltrating its
enemies with agents who remain dormant for a long time before
striking. The people behind this terror are proving to be surprisingly farsighted, patient planners, and not rash actorsand this
applies in both Europe and Syria, it said. This is the new and
long underestimated side of [the Islamic State].
[The Islamic States] behavior is in many ways more like that
of a secret service than of animated fanatics, Spiegel reported. It
Testimony from deserters suggests the terror organization began establishing sleeper cells in multiple European countries early on, in Turkey in particular. According to the former [Islamic State] fighters, they are made
up of men who arent on any watch lists. This enables [the
Islamic State] to elude the vulnerability suffered by many
based in Europenamely that they are known terrorists.
Instead, the group now had the capacity to take the fight
to the heart of its enemy. [T]he migrant route that had
ferried hundreds of thousands of Syrians and Iraqis fleeing
persecution had also allowed a small number of isis members to blend in and head back the other way.
In essence, isis had begun to prioritize controlling populations over geography. While it hadnt given up its grip on
the large swath of Iraq and Syria the original area it controlled was now less important than the faraway societies it
could influence.
In the case of [the Islamic State], it is not the usual paramilitary group engaged in acts of terrorism. It is staging
attacks in numerous countries from East Asia to the West
and at the same time controlling territory in the heart of
the Middle East. It is a terrorist organization as well as a
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for [the Islamic State] to be able to simultaneously execute terror attacks across the world while being hunted by
a global dragnet means it has a very sophisticated intelligence apparatus.
On March 29, Jeffrey Lewis brought up an even more disturbing scenario in his Foreign Policy article titled Belgiums Failed
State Is Guarding Americas Nuclear Weapons.
Washingtons traditional nuclear strategy isnt keeping
Europe safeits putting everyone at risk of apocalyptic terrorism, he warned. He noted the fear that Islamic State terrorists
could rob a nuclear power station and build a dirty bomb. But,
he wrote, If you were a Belgian terrorist, why settle for a dirty
bomb, when you have the option of stealing an honest-to-goodness nuclear bomb? He continued:
The United States forward deploys about 180 B61
nuclear bombs at bases in Europeincluding a small number at a Belgian air base known as Kleine Brogel, about an
hour outside of Brussels.
The security of these nuclear weapons is terrible.
In January 2010, a group of protesters who call themselves Bombspotters entered Kleine Brogel.
Apparently the plan was to hang around on the tarmac
of the runway and get arrested. But no one came to arrest
them. So they wandered aroundfor either 40 minutes
or an hour, the accounts differbefore walking through
an open gate into an area with hardened aircraft shelters
for the bases F-16s. Eventually, as the hippies continued to
wander around the shelters, security arrived.
The security force was one moderately annoyed-looking Belgian guy with a riflean unloaded rifle.
The protesters were briefly detained but not for long.
Not to worry, the Belgians assured their American partners, the activists werent anywhere near the shelters with
nuclear weapons.
So, a few months later, the activists entered the base
again. They helpfully sent me a little note. This time, they
not only got inside the proper area, but they also got inside
one of the shelters.
Security never showed up. Apparently, the base commander found out about the incursion when the rest of us
didwhen the activists posted a video on YouTube a day or
so later.
The base had a lax security culture that makes anything
possible. Who is to say what other security breaches
might be possible? ...
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Under the proposed law, migrants would have to learn German and
be seeking work or they would be deported after three years. The
draft for the law is planned for May.
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Chinas state-run Xinhua news agency published a commentary the same day that was highly critical of the Japanese laws,
and referred to Abe as a warlord:
[B]y reinterpreting the countrys war-renouncing
Constitution, the warlord prime minister shook off the
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016
was foolish enough to allow history to repeat itself, as history has already confirmed that such echoes of aggression
will likely not end well for Japan.
he people of Russia have often been viewed by Westerners as hard drinkers who live difficult lives and often die
before their time. But an article in Russia Beyond the Headlines
says these trends are reversing, and Russians are drinking less
and living longer.
Russians life expectancy has increased to just over 71.2
years, said Russian Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova,
during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on March
9. Meanwhile, she noted that the general aging of the population continues with every fourth person in the country
being older than 60.
Maternal mortality has also dropped by over 11 percent.
According to the Ministry of Health, Russians life expectancy has increased to just over 71.2 years, and much of the
increase was observed among men.
whereabouts of all 16 people are now unknown. On March 30,
reports emerged showing that the Communist Party is reaching beyond its borders to silence criticism. Two exiles residing in
Germany said Chinese authorities have abducted their relatives
in China, as a means of applying pressure on them. The abductions appear related to the publication of the letter calling for Xis
resignation. Experts say the crackdown on free speech within
China is intensifying, an indication of rising authoritarianism.
The Islamic State attacks on the European Union and NATO headquarters will lead to the rise of a European strongman prophesied to destroy Islamic terrorism.
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016
merica has too much junk in the trunk. Thats the assessment of Standard and Poors credit rating agency. Their average rating on United States corporate debt just sagged to almost a
15-year low. According to the agency, America faces a debt diet that
many companies will not survive. And guess who is to blame?
We believe corporate default rates could increase over the
next few years, warn S&P credit analysts Jacob Crooks and David
Seven years of binging on cheap, high-calorie, nutrient-deficient debtprovided by the Federal Reservehas left corporate
America bloated, sickly and desperately addicted.
These companies need ever increasing amounts of debt to
liveyet they are so overweight that any small rise in interest
rates, or tightening of credit restrictions, could kill them. This is
the danger Standard and Poors is warning about. These companies are walking heart attacks waiting to happen.
Yet strangely, with the Dow Jones stock index near its all-time
high, it seems as if these companies are the picture of health. Economic analyst Tony Sagami explains:
addicted to it. It is the high-fructose corn syrup that is in practically every food you eat. It is the sweetener in your Oscar Mayer hot
dogs and Campbells vegetable soup. The secret ingredient in your
Sara Lee Heart Healthy Whole Grain Bread. And the worlds central banks are the Archer Daniels Midlands, the Cargills and the
Corn Products Internationals that are pumping out ever increasing
amounts of refined high-grade into the economic food stream.
Thus the markets hang on to every word from the worlds
sugar pushers. More sugar, the markets go up. Less sugar, they go
down. Thats what happened on Tuesday. Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen gave a speech at the Economic Club of New
York and the markets soared. Yahoo Finance explains:
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016
The fact remains that China is still adding extra capacity, albeit of a greener kind than the dirty micro-mills of the
smog bowl.
The giant state producer Sinosteelwith $16 billion of
debtswas rescued from bankruptcy in October. [Swiss
global financial services company] ubs estimates that the
100 biggest steel producers in China lost $11 billion in the
first 10 months of last year. The state plugged the hole.
China is not a market economy. It has chosen a dumping strategy that is ravaging European industry. says
Edouard Martin, a French mep leading the revolt.
The steel crisis has in any case gone too far. It was possible to look [the] other way when China destroyed the European solar industrywith pirated German technology.
There was a larger prize to think about. Steel is another
matter. It is strategic.
We may have to face the unpleasant truth that free trade
has its limits. Even Adam Smith conceded that you cannot
disarm yourself entirely against a mercantilist power. He
meant 18th-century France, of course.
This is the moment we have long feared. Chinas investment-led growth model has created a monster that is now
too big for the international system.
The excess capacity is staggering and is likely to flood our
economies with a fresh wave of deflation in the next global
downturn, perhaps next year, or in 2018 if we are lucky.
Protectionism is the dog that never barked after the
Lehman crisis. Bark it will.
Meanwhile, other European countries are taking drastic measures to try and preserve their industry.
Germany shelters its energy-intensive industries by
cross-subsidies under its Energiewende. The UK left its
steel mills to face the full shock of green taxes, until a partial rebate was agreed in December.
Chicago Now Paying Price of Anti-Police Rhetoric and Black Lives Matter
vidence is rolling in that the anti-police rhetoric following the Baltimore riots is resulting in more inner city violence as police backed off in fear of the racism label. Violence is
heading off the charts in Chicago. The city is Off to Deadliest
Start in Nearly Two Decades, reported the Chicago Tribune on
March 31.
As the first quarter of 2016 nears an end, violence in Chicago has reached levels unseen in years, putting the city on
course to top 500 homicides for only the second time since
As of 6 a.m. Wednesday, homicides totaled 135, a 71 percent jump over the 79 killings in the same year-earlier
period, official police department statistics show. That
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016
But dont worry, the American Civil Liberties Union says that
no empirical evidence exists that would suggest the low police
activity has led to a rise in violence. Instead, some analysts blame
the weather as temperatures in Chicago over the first three
months have been milder and snowfall below normal. Warmer
weather makes people kill each otherdidnt you know?
According to Chicago inner city preacher Ira Acree, the bigger
cause of the violence is fragmented families, a poor school system, and proliferation of guns. Dont expect much media or political attention to focus on the broken families.
Its a crisis here in Chicago, he said about the disturbing level of violence so early in the year. Unless something
radical transpires in our city, theres going to be a bloodbath this summer.
million square miles. Argentine President Mauricio Macri celebrated the decision as very significant in advancing Argentinas
claim of the British-ruled Falkland Islands. Observers said the
UN decision will likely justify more Argentine fishing and oil drilling in the region, increasing tensions over the islands. Argentine
Secretary of Exterior Relations Carlos Foradori confirmed those
concerns when he said, We have wealth that we do not even
know about yet. However, the findings of the UN have no bearing on Britains ownership of the Falkland Islands or the status
of the ocean bed around it. The clcs is a UN scientific body that
exists only to verify a nations claims about its geography. According to the clcs website, its recommendations and actions shall
not prejudice matters relating to the delimitation of boundaries between states. It has already stated that a final determination of Argentinas maritime territory cannot be made until the
Falklands dispute is settled. Argentina lost a brief, bloody 1982
war with Britain after Argentine troops seized the South Atlantic archipelago.
rgentina awarded sovereignty of the Falklands? On Monday, the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (clcs) unanimously endorsed Argentinas request
to expand it maritime territory by 35 percentan additional 0.66
Trumpet Weekly | April 1, 2016