Building Attacking Soccer
Building Attacking Soccer
Building Attacking Soccer
com Session Plan: Building Attacking Soccer By Greg Maas UYSA State Technical Director
Set up: Create two 30 x 30 areas or as needed. Divide players
into two groups; one ball per pair of players as shown. For
illustration purposes, limited numbers are shown.
Instructions: Players begin by simply passing and moving as
shown by example "A." Players then progress to additional
combination play with a Wall-Pass or 1-2 Pass as shown by
example "B." Final combination is a Double-Pass, where player
#1 begins with a pass to player #2, player #2 makes an angled
pass back to player #1, and then spins away from the ball and
makes a penetrating run to receive a through ball from player #1,
as shown by example "C."
Coaching Points: Body mechanics and general technique;
correct angle and timing of run and pass; implication of 1st and
2nd touches; deception while setting up the combination; verbal
and visual communication; keep the ball moving.
Set up: 44 X 20 area or as needed. Divide into two equal teams,
with goalkeepers, and put 3 or 4 players on each corner as shown.
Be sure to have plenty of extra balls for the exercise.
Instructions: Player "A" takes a touch diagonally into the field
and then passes a ball on the ground to player "B," who then takes
one touch to drop the ball back to player "A" who runs to meet the
ball and finish with a shot on goal. Players "A" and "B" then
rotate positions. Play continues with players "C" and "D" doing
the same. After a set period of time, rotate players to the other
side for the opposite foot. Make it a competition, each team keeps
track of the number of goals scored.
Coaching Points: Proper timing, accuracy and weight of pass;
timing of combining runs to goal; correct selection of striking
surface; placement vs. power; finish all 2nd chance opportunities.
Set up: 44 x 55 area or as needed (half field), with a midfield
line. Divide team equally, two goalkeepers, with one team (Red)
starting at the midfield line as defenders; the (Yellow) team begins
behind goal #2 as the attackers.
Instructions: Play begins with the goalkeeper in goal #1
distributing the ball to the goalkeeper in goal #2 with a punt, dropkick, or throw. Once the goalkeeper receives the ball, one
defender and two attackers immediately enter the field of play
creating a 2 v 1 situation as shown. If the defenders win the ball,
they immediately counter to goal #2. Variations include 3 v 2, 4 v
3, and then even numbers (i.e., 4 v 4). Rotate roles accordingly.
Coaching Points: Correct attacking shape and balance;
awareness of passing lanes in the defensive line, angled passes and
timing of attacking runs; speed of play and decision making;
finishing technique and confidence to score. Session Plan: Building Attacking Soccer By Greg Maas UYSA State Technical Director
Set up: Half field or as needed, with wide flank channels. 8 v 8,
with two players from each team starting in wide flank channels as
target players as shown.
Instructions: Play begins with one team in possession, if the ball
is passed wide to one of the target players, the target player
receives the ball one-touch into the field of play, and the player
passing the ball to the target player immediately replaces and
becomes the new target player as shown. If the target player does
not receive the ball one-touch into the field of play, they must
penetrate the flank and get a cross into the box and no player
exchange occurs; if they do receive one-touch into the field of
play an exchange occurs. Final phase, remove any restrictions and
flank channels, and finish 8 v 8.
Coaching Points: Find the most efficient and effective way to
score; reward creative and decisive actions; find a way to win; all
of the above.
Set up: Cool down. 20 x 30 area or as needed. Create 3 lines
with players equally distributed in each line as shown.
Instructions: Designated a "Team Captain" for the cool down
exercises. Players begin by jogging back and forth between the
cones. Players progress by performing various dynamic exercises,
flexibility movements to include, but aren't limited to: skipping,
lunge walks, squats, toe touches, leg swings, side-stepping,
grapevine, gate (groin) movements, knee hugs, heel kicks, etc.
Reduce heart-rate. Final stretch.
Coaching Points: Reinforce the importance building attacking
soccer; review session; remind players of upcoming training,
games, or events.