Sources of Indian History Coins
Sources of Indian History Coins
Sources of Indian History Coins
Sources of Indian
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E. J. R A P S O N .
i. Limits of the Contribution. The object of this contribution is to
give an account from the historical point of view of all the known coinages
of ancient and mediaeval India, beginning with the earliest times and
extending in each particular instance to a period determined by the
following considerations. In the case of the states of Northern India
generally, and those also of Southern India which were situated to the
north of the river Kistna, our subject is naturally bounded by those welldefined limits which are, as a rule, afforded by the introduction of the
Muhammadan form of coinage as a result of the progress of
Muhammadan conquest between c. 1000 and 1310 A.D. In the extreme
south, where Muhammadan supremacy was never absolute, and where,
consequently, no similar break of continuity occurs in the coinage, our
survey will not extend beyond the rise of the kingdom of Vijayanagar in
1326 A.D.
Beyond these limits reference will, however, be made to any noteworthy instance in which, from some special cause, such as the isolation
or inaccessibility of a state, the use of an early form of coinage has
survived until a later date.
2. Classification. Ancient and mediaeval Indian coins, as thus
defined, fall naturally into three main classes (1) a primitive native
coinage, which, so far as the present state of our knowledge will allow us
to judge, seems to have been very widely used throughout India and in
Ceylon; and, following this, the classes which numismatists have usually
distinguished geographically as (2) Northern, and (3) Southern. These
terms are not strictly accurate, as any rigid geographical classification is,
in this case, impossible. The real distinction between the two classes so
called is due to the disturbing influence of foreign invasions; and, while it
is true that all the successive waves of foreign influence came in at the N.
W. corner of India, it is equally true that most of them had spent their
force not only before reaching the south, but even before reaching the
centre or the north-east On the other hand, intercourse with the north
gave to the coinage of certain southern states, e. g. that of the Andhras,
some of the usual northern characteristics. In the numismatic sense,
therefore, the term Northern should be understood as denoting that
class of Indian coins in which the primitive native system of coinage is
very greatly modified by foreign influence, and the term Southern as
denoting that class in which, for the most part, an independent and dis tinctively Indian development is to be traced.
3. Literature. The following are standard works on the different
branches of Indian numismatics. Further references are given in or at the
end of each section.
Indo-Aryan Research. II. 3 B.
In the N.W. the influence of the Greek settlers in the early part of the
2ND cent. B.C. greatly modified this coinage; but, in other parts of India, this
primitive coinage continued for some centuries longer (Th. AIW. p. 57).
5. Form of the coins. The shape of these coins is approximately
square or oblong, the silver coins having been, as a rule, cut from a flat
sheet of metal, and the copper coins from a bar. These primitive coins are
little more than weights of metal, on which was stamped from time to
time the symbol of the authority responsible for their correctness and
purity. From this method of marking, they have usually been called
P U N C H - M A R K E D coins ( P L A T E I , 1 ) .
C.CAI. p. 42, PI. I, 123; C.ASR. VI, 213; TILAIW. p. 57; Collection of symbols,
THEOBALD, JBA. 1890, p. 181 (rev. Rev. Nam. 1892, p. 91); 1894, p. 73. Cp. also Ar. Ant. p.
403; JBRA. X, p. XXL
GARD. P. XVM. DANNENBERG who first noticed these coins attributed them to Bactria,
SALLET, ZfN. 1879, p. 285, Pi. IV, I.
11. Indian relations with the Seleucids. From the date of the
eastern expedition of Seleucus and his alliance with Candragupta in B.C.
306 (Appian, Syr. 55), a constant intercourse was maintained between
the Seleucid kingdom of Syria and the Maurya kingdom of N.India, as is
shown by the Seleucid embassies established under Megasthenes and
Daimachus at the court of Pataliputra, and by the mention of Greek kings
in Asokas inscriptions (L.IA. II, p. 241). The adoption of the elephant as a
type on Seleucid coins, and the similarity between certain coins of
Seleucus (e. g. BABELON, Rois de Syrie, PI. I, 15) and those of Sophytes, are
no doubt due to this intercourse.
It has been generally assumed (e. g. GARD. p. xx) that the coins of Sophytes were
copied from those of Seleucus; but the opposite may have been the case, or, perhaps, both
of these classes may have been derived from the same originals the imitations of
Athenian coins made in India (v. s-. 9). For Sophytes, v. C.JBA. 1865, p. 46; NChr. 1866,
p. 220; Geog. Ind. p. 157; VON SALLET, ZfN. 1879^.285, PI. IV, 2; GARD. pp. XIX. 2, PI. I, 3;
SYLVALV LVI, JA. 1890 (XV), p. 237. Cp. also NChr. 1893, P- 101; Proc. BA. 1867, p. 106;
Rev. Num. 1890, p. 496; ZfN. 1883, p. 2, 1J1. I, 1.
AR. II (1790), p. 331; C.ASR. II, p. 162; XIII, p. 72; JBA. I (1832), pp. 392. 476; 1834,
pp. 562. 635; 1S51, p. 371; Proc. BA. 1879, pp. 77. 122. 205. 210; 1SS0, p. 11S; 1886, p. 86;
NChr. 1843 (v), p. 202; 1843 (vU, pp. 111. 160; 1891, p. 199; PE. I, p. 148.
to the different Sassanian monarchs who reigned within these limits (v.
inf. 75). There is also further evidence of relations between Persia and
India during the reign of VarahranV, A.D. 420438 (DROUIN, HE. p.24,
from theMuseon 1895). But the most extensive importation of Sassanian
coins into India was due to the invasion of the Htinas (last quarter of the
5th cent, A.D.), who brought with them the proceeds of the plunder of
Sassanian treasuries. Some of the coins thus introduced were restruck in
R E P O U S S I by the Hunas (v. inf. 104); others no doubt were used as
currency with little or no modification and formed the patterns from
which subsequent Huna and also other Indian coinages were copied (v.
inf. 105). In this manner the Sassanian type of coin O B V . Kings Head:
R E V . Fire-Altar became firmly established in certain parts of India, and
continued to be used during several centuries (v. inf. 122). During the 7 th
cent, also, as is proved by the coins, Sassanian kingdoms existed in
Multan and Sind (v. inf. 109).
17. The Greek invasion. The incursions of the Bactrian princes
into the Kabul Valley and Northern India must have begun about the
beginning of the 2nd cent. B.C. The war between the Seleucid Antiochus III
and the Bactrian Euthydemus ended in an alliance between them (B.C.
206). Probably in the same year, Antiochus crossed the Paropanisus and
renewed friendly relations with the king then reigning in the Kabul Valley,
Sophaga- senus or Subhagasena, who has been identified (L.IA II, p. 273)
with Jaloka.
POLYBIUS, EXC. Hist. XI, 34, II.
C.NChr. 1869, p. 217, P1 I. VI. VII. For the date of Eucratides: VON SALLET, ZfN. 1879,
p. 170; GARD. p. xxvi. Parthian coins attributed to Mithradates I (B.C. 171138) imitated
from those of Eucratides: GARD., Parthian Coinage, p. 32, PI. II, 4 (= Internat. Num.
Orient. I, Part $\ Gold piece of 20 staters struck by Eucr.: CHABOUILLET, Rev. Num.
1867, p. 382, PI. XII, nLes textes relatifs a Eucra- tideo, id. p. 407. Gold coin of Eucr.:
MONTAGU, NChr. 1892, p. 37, PI. Ill, 11. Cp. also ZfN. 1879, p. 295. Silver medal
(decadrachm) attributed to Eucratides or Heliocles, GARD., NChr. 1887, p. 177, PI. VII, I.
Coins of Eucratides bearing also the name of Heliocles and Laodice: VON SALLET, ZfN.
1879, p. 188; VON GUTSCHMID, Gesch. Irans, p. 48; GARD. p. xxiv.
GARD. P. 20, PI. VI, 11; VAUX, NChr. 1875, p. I; VON SALLET, ZfN. 1879, pp. 173. 190.
Cp. also Proc. BA. 1872, PP. 34 . 1 745 C.NChr. 1869, p. 226; 1892, P. 45; HOERNLE, IND.
Ant. 1879, P. 196; TH.JRAS. 1877, P. 3; VON SALLET, ZfN. 1S79, P. 184.
21. Pant ale on, Agathocles. Contemporary with the reign of Eucratides in India are those of P A N T A L E O N and A G A T L I O C L E S , whose
coins are found both in the Kabul Valley and W.Panjab those of
Agathocles also as far south as Kandahar (C.NChr. 1869, p. 41)- The
Indian coins _ of thesejwo rulers are the only coins of Greek princes
which bear inscriptions in BrahmT characters ( P L A T E I , 1 2 , Pantaleon).
Certain copper coins of Agathocles have legends on both O B V . and R E V .
in Kharosthl letters ( P L A T E I , 1 6 ) .
C.NChr. 1868, P. 279, PI. VIII, 810, Pi. X; VON SALLET, ZfN. 1879, 175, Pi. V; GARD.
Pll. Ill, 8. 9, IV, and XXX, 4. For the .reading of the Kha- rosthi legends on coins of
Agathocles: BUHLER, WZKM. VIII, p. 206.
For one suggested arrangement: C.NChr. IS6S, p. 274. Available data and general
chronological table: CARD. p. xxxilff. nDie sicheren Dateno: VON SALLET, ZfN. 1S79, [>.191.
Historical notices of Menander and Apollodotus: GARD. p. xxxvu; I..IA. II, p. 322; BE. I, p.
47; RH.D., SBE. XXXV, p. xix; A'ON GUTSCHMID, Gesch. Ir., P- 104. Coin bearing the names
of Archebius and Ihiloxenus (the genuineness of this specimen and of others struck from
the same dies has been disputed): VON SAI.I.ET, ZfN. 18S8, p. 9, IT. I, 3; id. 1S96, p. 327.
Coin oflolyxenus: RODGERS, NChr. 1896, p. 2C9; of Theophilus, SMITH, JBA. 1897, p. 1.
Interpretation of mono-
grams: C.NClir. 1846, p. 175; 1868, p. 181; 1888, p.204; CHABOUILLET, Rev. Num. 1867, p393 ; TH. JRAS. 1863, p. 121; PE. I, p. 55; VON SALLET, ZfN. 1879, p.200; GARD. p. LV;
HOERNLE, Ind. Ant. 18791 p. 196. The metal nickel used for Bactrian coinage: FLIGHT,
NChr. 1868, p. 306.
later Greek princes, and with the fact that some of them are directly
imitated from the
would prove that Miaus ruled territory to the S O U T H of the Hindu Kush.
This view is strengthened
by the fact that all the obols were found in W.Afghanistan (C. op. cit. p. 50.
For the opposite view, v. CARD. p. XLVIII and inf. 36).
For the characteristic differences between the coins of Sakas and Kusanas, the
discussion of which bears on the question of the nationality of Miaus, v. C.NChr. 1889, p.
TERRIEN DE LACOUPERIE, Comptes rendus de PAcad. des Inscrr. 1890, p. 33S (rev.
Rev. Xum. 1890, P. 256); GARD., NChr. 1879, p. 274 (appendix on geog., IIOWORTH P.
279); GARD. P. 172, no. 4.
somewhat similar to that of some of the coins of Pancala (v. 53) and on
the O B V . appears a Stag, as on the coins of the Kunindas (v. 50).
PE. I, p. 224.
41. Aparanta. The legend on these coins has been read M A H A R A J A S A A P A L A T A S A . As they are similar in appearance to the coins
struck by the Satraps of Mathura ( 32) and also by Hindu princes ruling
in the same neighbourhood (v. inf. sub Mathura. 52) their date is
probably the latter part of the I cent. B.C. or the first part of the I cent. A.D.
GCAL p. 103; C.ASR. XIV, p. 136, PL XXXI, 3. 4; PE. II, PI. XLIV, 25. 26. Eor the
locality ot Aparanta = Northern Konkan: BHANDARKAR, Tr. I. Or. Congr. 1 ^74 , p- 3 3 ; an(l
Hist. Dek. p. 17, note 4; C., however, CAI. p. 102, contends that Aparanta = W.Rajputana.
RODGERS, Cat. Lahore Mus. Ill, p. 151; SMITH, JBA. 1897, p. 8, PI. I, 12.
45. Baran. C. supposed this to be the ancient name of Bulandshahr and read the legend on the coins G O M I T A S A B A R A N A Y A (C.CAI. p.
88, PI. VHI, 10; C.ASR. XIV, p. 147, PI. XXXI, 15); but, as has been pointed
out by BCHLER, the old name of this place was V A R A N A , and the reading
of the coin-legend is extremely doubtful. This Gomitra has usually been
identified with one of the Hindu princes of Mathura of the same name (v.
inf. 52); but the types of his coins are different and the forms of the
Brahml letters of his coin-legends seem to be more ancient.
46. Eran Erakina. The coins found on the site of this ancient
city in the Sagar District are remarkable as being the finest specimens of
purely native money ( P L A T E I V , 8 ) . It is possible to trace here the
development of the P U N C H - M A R K system into the T Y P E system. In the
place of a number of symbols punched on to the coin from time to time,
there appears at a later period a definite type, made up of a collection of
these symbols struck from a die. This is usually the case in those parts of
India which were least affected by foreign influence (cp. inf. 129).
their inscrr., and the fact that they are in fabric somewhat similar to the
coins of the Nfigas of PadmUvatl (SMITH, JRAS. 1897, p. 643; v. inf. 101),
point to a date not earlier than the 5 cent. A.D.
C.ASR. VI, pp. 165. 174; XIV, 149, PI. XXXI, 1925; FLEET, CII. Ill, Pref. p. 67;
RODGERS, I. M. Cat. Ill, p. 15.
C.CAI. p. 79, PI. VII; CARLLEYLE, JBA. 1880, p. 21; RIVETT-CARNAC, id. p. 87;
RAJENDRA LALA MITRA, Proc. BA. 1880, p. 8.
have been made for the same purpose, and that they should be regarded
not as coins, but, like the R A M A -
For the coins found in the Purl Dist., V. HOERNL, Proc. ASB. 1895, P. 61, 11 . II; for
those found IN the Ganjam I)ist., V. ELLIOT, Numismatic Gleanings p. 33 = JMLS. XX
(New Series IV), p. 75.
55. Sibi = the Sobii of Quintus Curtius (X, 4), the inhabitants of the
country around Chitor. For coins on which this name has been read in
this case, however, the reading cannot be regarded as certain v. C.ASR.
VI, p. 204; XIV, p. 146, PI. XXXI, 13. 14.
56. Taxila, the modern Shahdheri or Dheri Shahan, in the Rawal
Pindi District (C. Geog. p. 104). For the coins of the earliest period, v.
supra 46. The art of striking from a die would seem to have been
known here at an earlier period than elsewhere in India. The earliest
specimens are struck only on one side, and by a method peculiarly Indian,
according to which the metal was stamped while in a semi-molten state,
with the result that the impress of the die was left enclosed in a deep
incuse square. The coins of Pancifla (S 53) and Tripurl (S 57) offer other
examples of this method (BH.JRAS. 1894, p. 553). From the early square
struck coins of Taxila (Plate I , n) are imitated the copper coins of the
Greek princes Pantaleon and Agathocles, c. 190, 11.c. (Plate I , 1 2 ,
Pantaleon). These, like all other Greek coins of the period, have types on
both sides; and the double-die coins of Taxila, the art of which,
moreover, has an undoubtedly Greek appearance, are probably due to
their influence (Plate I, 13). The double-die coins are succeeded by those
of Maues, who probably conquered Taxila in the latter part of the 2 nd cent.
n.c. C. regards Liaka Kusuluka as a Saka satrap of Maues at Taxila,
interpreting the words of the Taxila copper-plate C H A H A R D \ T A \
C U K H S A as one name = Taxila (Geog. p. 109).
C.CAI. p. 60, III. II. Ill; C.ASR. XIV, p. 16, II. X; Ar. Ant. PI. XV, 2631.
62. Gondophares. The date 21 A.D. as the first year of the reign
Gondophares has been obtained from his Takht-i-Bahi inscr. by regarding
the year 103 as Vikrama samvat.
C.NChr. 1890, p. 118; MARKOFF, Russ. As. Soc. 1892, p. 293, rev. DROUIN, Rev. Num.
1893, p. 119, and RAPSON, NChr. 1893, p. 217.
Whether this procedure be justifiable or not, the result well agrees with evidence
derived from the epigraphy of the Greek legends of the coins (GARD. p. XLVI) and with
other indications.
For the coins of this dynasty: GARD. p. 103, Pll. XXII. XXIII; VON SALLET, ZfN. 1880,
p. 296; 1881, p. ILL; C.NChr. 1890, p. 158, Ill. XIII. XIV; MARKOFF, op. cit. PI. IV, 2531;
PE. II, p. 215. Coin of Abdagases with portion of Kharos(hl inscr. written from left to right:
HOERNLE, Proc. BA. 1895, p. 83. For the identification of Gondophares with the
Gundophorus of the apocryphal Acts of St. Thomas: VON GUTSCH., N. Rhein. Mus. f. Philol.
XIX, P. 161; cp. also Gesch. Ir. p. 134; GARD. p. XLIII; PE. II, p. 214.
SPECHT, JA. 18S3 (II), p. 317; TH., Ind. Ant. 18S6, p. 19; C.NChr. 1889, p. 269; 1892, p.
41. But see S. L EV I , JA. 1897, p. 1 ff.
usual genitive in the Greek inscriptions, by the use of the title aunfjp ulya;,
and by the similarity in form between certain letters both in the Greek and
KharosthI inscrr. (C.NChr. 1892, p. 71). Moreover, the Nameless King ' uses
a symbol of the kind which is characteristic of Hima Kadphises and his
successors; and, on a unique coin, published by C. (NChr. 1892, PL V, 14)
there occurs a bust with two faces, and, in front of the faces, the symbols
respectively of the Nameless King and Hima Kadphises (C.NChr. 1892, p.
It cannot be doubted that these two were nearly related in point of time;
whether they were also connected as members of the same dynasty is not
so certain. C. places the Nameless King among the Sakas (NChr. 1890, p.
114), but also suggests that these coins without a name may have been
issued by the satraps of one of the early Kusana kings, perhaps of Hiipa
Kadphises himself, von GUTSCHMID (Gesch. Ir. p. 136), recognising the
numismatic break which occurs between Kozola Kadaphes and the later
Hima Kadphises, places the_ Nameless King in the interval, and regards
him as an Indian prince the Agnivesya prince, who, according to the
Gargi Samhita (KERN, Brhat-Samhita 39) ruled over India for 20 years
between two Saka dynasties. C., too, saw the feasibility of some such view
and suggested that the KharosthI V I , which occurs on many of these
coins (e. g. C.NChr. 1890, PI. XII, 4) might be an abbreviation of
V I K R A M A D I T Y A (1 . c. p. 115). It must be pointed out, however, that, if
any such identification of the Nameless King with Vikramaditya is
possible, the Vikrama era, which begins with 57 B.C., must, if our
chronology of this period is correct, be supposed to date from his birth.
68. Kujula Kara Kadphises. This prince, who bears the Kusana
title D E V A P U T R A , is supposed by C. to be the son of Kujula Kadphises,
and the predecessor of Hima Kadphises.
NChr. 1892, p. 65, PI. IV, 913. In the chronological table on p. 45, he is,
however, placed after Hima Kadphises and before Kaniska.
Usually, however, it has been assumed that the coins bearing this
form of the name are merely varieties of the coinage of Kujula Kadphises
(v. sup. 65); and, in favour of this assumption which allows them an
earlier date, it may be pointed out that in type and execution they
somewhat resemble those of Zeionises (v. sup. 34; cp. GARD. PI. XXIII,
5, Zeionises, with 7, Kujula Kara Kadphises).
69. Hima Kadphises. The order of succession of the Indian
Kusana monarchs from this point to the last quarter of the 2 nd cent. A.D. is
certain. H I M A K A D P H I S E S who has been identified with the Yen-kaoching of the Chinese accounts (c. 3078 A.D.; P L A T E I I , N ) is connected
with his successors as the first to issue the gold coinage, which is
continued by the Guptas after the supremacy of Northern India had
passed into their hands in the 4 th cent. A.D. With the exception of two or
three gold coins of Eucratides (Rev. Num. 1867, p. 382; NChr. 1892, p. 37,
PI. m, 11), one of Menander (C. coll., now in B.M.) and, perhaps, one of
Taxila (C.CAI. PI. II, 18), and another coin of uncertain attribution (GARD.
p. 162, PI. xxix, 15, v. sup. 37 (1)), no specimens which can possibly have
been struck in India, during the two centuries previous to the date of
Hima Kadphises, are to be found in the collections of the present day. The
large gold coinage of the Kusanas has been attributed to the influx of
Roman gold to India A T this period.
C.NChr. 1888, p. 219, and the passage of Pliny there quoted, Hist. Nat. XII,
41 (18).
70. Certain it is that the Roman weight-standard ( A U R E U S =124 grains
Indo-Aryan Research. II. ja.
--------------J---------------- -
or 8,035 grammes) was adopted in India at this time. Pieces of the weight
of two aurei were only struck by Hima Kadphises; the largest gold coins of
his successors are aurei.
For a table of the weights of these and later Kusana gold coins, v. C.CML p. 16.
72. Kaniska, Huviska, Vasudeva. The Saka era has usually- been
supposed to date from the A B H I S E K A of K A N I S K A at Mathura in 78 A.D.
(OLDENBERG, ZfN. 1881, p. 292 = Ind. Ant. 1881, p. 214); and to this era the
dates found in the stone inscrr. of K A N I S K A , H U V I S K A , and V A S U D E V A ,
have usually been referred. If this supposition be correct, the known
dates will be as follows:Kaniska, years 728=A.D.85106; Huviska,
years 3364 = A.D. III142; Vasudeva, years 7498 = A.D. 152176.
C.NChr. 1892, p. 49. It used to be supposed that Vasudevas inscriptional dates began
much earlier, so as to make the first part of his reign coincident with the last part of
Huviskas (cp. G ARD . p. LI; DROUIN, Rev. Num. 1888, p. 38); but C. ( 1 . c.) suggests that
this may be due to a misreading of the decimal figure 70 as 40. Coins of lluvijka with
inscrr. in Brahml characters: SMITH, JBA. 1897, p.3.
C., however, reasoning from the fact that Kaniska was a Kusana and
a Saka king (v. sup. 64), seeks another origin for the Saka era (he
supposes it to have been founded by Castana, v. inf. 80), and explains
the Kusana dates as being of the Seleucid era (B.C. 312), with the hundreds
omitted (e. g. year 7^ 407 Seleucid = 95 A.D.). This procedure would make
all the Kusana dates, as given above, 10 years later. C. justifies it by
referring to the fact that the Kusanas use the Macedonian, and not the
Indian, names of the months in their inscrr. (NChr. 1892, p. 44); compare
also BHANDARKAR (Hist. Dek. p. 26!). Regarding another possibility, viz.
that the dates of Kaniska and his, successors have to be referred to the
second century of the era, used by Sorlasa, Liako Kusuluka and others,
see WZKM. IX, P- 1 7 3 f% 73. Religious emblems. As illustrating the religious history of
this period, the coins of Kaniska and Huviska are important. They show .
a remarkable eclecticism; for on their reverses are represented Greek and
Scythic divinities, deities of the Avesta and of the Vedas, and Buddha.
For the coins of the Early Great Kusanas: C.NChr. 1892, p. 63, Pll. IVVIII; id. P. 9S,
Pll. IXXIV; CARD. PP. XLVM, 120, Ill. XXVXXIX; VON SALLET, ZfN. 1879, p. 377. Cp.
also Ar. Ant. p. 347, PI. X. For the chronology: DROUIN, Rev.. Num. 18S8, pp. 8. 1S5; VON
GUTSCH., Gesch. Ir. pp. 136. 164. Kusana modifications of the Greek alphabet: STEIN, Baby,
and Or. Rcc. 1887, p. 155; C. id. 1888, p. 40. Divinities represented on the coins: STEIN op.
c. = Ind. Ant. 188S, p. 89; C.NChr. 1S92, pp. 61. 128; Tn.JRAS. 1877, p. 209; HOFFMANN,
Abh. f. d. K. des Morg. 1881, p. 139; ,GARD. p. LX; RAPSON, JRAS. 1S97, p. 322, for the
reading OH|DO as a name of Siva.
constituted the currency of both tne Kabul Valley and the Panjab during
the long period from 180 A.D. to c. 42SA.D.; the date of the settlement of
Kidara Shah in Gandhara ( 76). Within these limits the relative age of
different classes may be determined by their nearness to or remoteness
from the originals from which they were copied. Thus C.s class A (NChr.
1893, p. 115, PI. VIII) on which the names ofKaniska orVasudeva can still
be read, is, no doubt, older than his class B (id. p. 120, PI. IX) on which
only a few vestiges of the Greek letters remain. A criterion of locality may
also be applied:
(1) the coins bearing OH|DO on the rev., with type, Siva and his bull Nandi
( P L A T E I I , 1 3 ) derived from the earlier Kusana types of Vasudeva
( P L A T E I I , 1 2 ) belong rather to the Kabul Valley: they were imitated
by the Scytho-Sassanians ( 75) , ' ( 2 ) those with APAOXjDO. and
type, seated goddess ( P L A T E I I , 1 4 ) , belong rather to the more
eastern portion of the Kusana dominions: they were imitated by the
Kidara Kusanas { % 7 6 ) and by the Guptas (91; C.NChr. 1893, p. 115
by an error in his mode of statement, he seems to mean the opposite).
This type is probably also derived from the earlier Kusanas (e. g. GARD.
PL XXVI, 18: Kaniska). This is, however, not certain, as all the coins
attributed to the earlier Kusanas which bear this type have a late
appearance, and it is possible that they may all have been struck by the
later Great Kusanas who mechanically repeated the names of their
predecessors in the Greek inscrr. on the obv.
C.NChr. 1893, P- II2 P1 L VIIIX. Cp. also TH., Ind. Ant. 1883, p. 6; SMITH,
JBA. 1897, p. 3. For a coin which seems to combine a Kusana obv. with a Sassanian rev., v. SMITH, op. cit. p. 5.
ti, who has been identified by C. (NChr. 1893, p. 184) with the Kidara of
the coins, being hard pressed by the Ephthalites, crossed over the
Paropanisus and
BH.JRAS. 1894, P. 551, the tribal names corrected in accordance with DOWSONS
original reading (JRAS. 1863, P. 221) since verified by BUHLEK. For C.s interpretation of
these two words, v. SUP. 56.
the Lion Capital, in which mention is made of the Great Satrap Kusulaa, is
dedicated for the worship of the whole of Sakasthana (BH. ed BUULER, JRAS.
1S94, p. 540);
(3) Nahapana is described as a K S A H A R A T A (BrahmT) = C H A H A R A T A (KharosthT)
on his coins (BH.JRAS. 1890, p. 642, PI. I), and known as a Saka from the inserr.
of his son-in-law Usavadata;(C.CAI. p. 105; ASWI. IV, p. 101);
,(4) Nahapanas conqueror, the Andhra Satakarni, boasts of having
defeated the Sakas and of having entirely uprooted the Khakharata family
(OLD., ZfN. 1881, p. 320 - Ind. Ant. 1SS1, p. 226; ASWI. IV, p. 108).
7 9 - Nahapana. There is no sufficient ground for the
identification either of Liaka Kusuluka with the Kusana Kozola
Ivadaphes (GARD. p. XLIX), or of Ksaharata with the Kharamosta of the
coins (C.NChr. 1890, p. 171) or the Kharaosta of the Lion Capital
(BH.JRAS. 1890, p. 641; 1S94, p. 549). there are, therefore, no coins,
known at present which can, with any certainty, be attributed to this
family except those of N A H A P A N A (Plate III, 1), the satrap who ruled
over the southernmost conquests of the Sakas including 'a portion of the
Deccan or Maratha country, the northern Konkan, some portion of
Gujarat proper, and Surastra or Kathiawad and Kacch. (BH.JRAS.
1890, p. 642). Some of these territories were conquered from the
L. c. For other views as to the origin of this era, v. SS 72 . 8o; C.CMI. p. 3, refers the
dates of Nahapanas inscrr. to the era of the Malavas, or Vikramaditya samvat, B . C . 57.
OLDENBERG, ZfN. 1881, p, 322 = Ind. Ant. 18S1, p. 225; BUHI.ER, Ind. Ant. 1883, p. 272;
BHANDARKAR, Hist. Bek. p. 25.
83. Dates on Ksatr. Coins. The inscriptional dates begin with the
year 72 of Rudradamans Junagadh inscr. (v. sup. 80). The coin-dates
( P L A T E I I I , 3; Damasena, date 153) begin with the year 100, in the reign
of the sth satrap, Jlvadaman, 'and continue regularly to the end of the
dynasty. The last known dates are those of Rudrasimha, 310, and of his
sisters son Simhasena, 304 (BH.JRAS. 1890, p. 662; C.CMI. p. 4). In
determining the era to which these dates should be referred, it should be
borne in mind that they probably do not mark the extreme limits of the
dynasty. In the period of confusion, when the kingdom of the satraps was
falling to pieces before the attacks of the Guptas, it is at least possible that
no coins may have been struck. The earliest coins of the Guptas struck in
this part of India have, unfortunately, no dates which have as yet been
read with certainty (SMITH, JRAS. 1889, p. 123); but it is certain that the
Gupta conquest took place in the latter part of the reign of Candragupta
VikramSditya (c. A.D. 380414, SMITH, JRAS. 1893, p. 82). If, therefore,
the coin-dates of these satraps be referred to the Saka era, 78 A.D., the
latest known date 310 = A.D. 388, would fall well within the reign of
Candragupta; and there would seem to be no sufficient reason for the
alternative which has been suggested by OLDEN- BERG (ZfN. 1881, p. 318 =
Ind. Ant. 1881, p. 224), viz. that these dates should be referred to an
independent satrapal era beginning c. 100 A.D.
CP. also Ar. Ant. p. 405; STEVENSON, JBRA. II, P. 377; NEWTON, id. 1S61, P. IS; VII, P.
1; IX, p. 1; TH.JRAS. 1850, P. I; FLEET, Ind. Ant. 1885, P. 325; 1 K. I, PP. 334. 425; II, PP.
69. 84. For THE NUMERALS, CP. also PE. II, P. 80; BHAU DAJI, JBRA. VIII, P. 225.
84. Abhiras. These Abhira kings are known from inscrr. at Nasik,
and also from the Pauranic lists (BHAND., Hist. Dek. p. 45; Tr. I. Or. Cong.
1S74, P-3 4 1; BUHT.ER, ASWI. IV, 103 f.). They are known to have been
connected with the Ksatrapas of Surastra and Malwa sometimes as
commanders of their armies (BH.JRAS. 1S90, p. 657); and it has been
suggested that they were the governors of the Sahyadris and Ivonkan
during the same period (Bn., Bomb. Gaz. XVI, p. 624). It has been
conjectured that the interruption in the line of Mahaksatrapas between
Vijayasena, year 171, and Damajadasri, year 176 (v. sup. 82), may have
been caused by an insurrection ot the Abhira king against his feudal lord.
The contemporary Ksatrapa, \ iradaman reigns uninterruptedly through
this interval, but the position of Mahaksatrapa seems to have been
usurped by Isvaradatta who strikes coins apparently imitated from those
both of Vijayasena and Viradaman dated in the first and second years
ofhis reign. This
conjecture is supported
arguments derived from (1)the formation of the name, and (2) the method
of dating in regnal years.
BH.JRAS. 1890, p. 656. Bn. points out that if the last year of Vijayasena, 171, HE the
first year of Isvaradatta, this = 248 A.D. may possibly mark the beginning of the Trikutaka
(or of the Chedi) era; v. also C.CMI. p. 4. He also suggests that Madharlputa,
is usually regarded as an Andhra may be an Abhira.
I he use of metronymicsis common to Andhras
and Abhiras (Bomb. Gaz. XVI,
BUHLER, Ind. Ant. 1883, p. 272. The synchronism of Pulumayi and Castana is in every way probable and is
rendered almost certain by the quotations from PTOLEMY VII, 1, 82 BadJavcx (Paithan) fiotaAciov
[lipo]ttToAp.aou, and VII, 1, 63,
Bn. suggests that Madharlputa may perhaps be an Abhlra (v. sup. 84), and BHAND. (Hist. Dck. p. 35) that
he may belong to a branch of the Andhra dynasty: but V.' BTTHLF.R, Ind. Ant. 1883, p. 273; C.CAI. p. 107.
For the coins of the An- dhras: C.CAI. P. 102, PI. XII; Bn.JBRA. XIII, p. 3C3, Pll. III. IV; id. XV, P. 273, PI.
II; E.CSI. p. 28, PI. II, 3948; TH., Ind. Ant. 1877, p. 274; 1880, p. 61. Cp. also Proc. BA. TSS2, P. 59;
1893, P 117; JBRA. XII, p. 407; XIV, p. 153; PE. II, p. 66. For the chronology: BOHI.ER, Ind. Ant. 1883, P.
272; BHAND. Tr. I. Or. Cong. 1S74, P. 347; and Hist. Dek. p. 25 (rev. MISS DUFF, JRAS. 1S95, p. 693); OLD.,
ZfX. 1881, p. 323 = Ind. .Ant. ISSI, p. 227.
S9. Xanda Kings of Karwar. Similar in style and fabric to the large
his queen KumaradevI may denote that she belonged to a royal family of
Licchavis previously reigning at Pataliputra (BUHLER, WZKM. Y, 225 If.;
SMITH, JRAS. 1893, p. 81). When a great extension of the empire took
place by the conquest of the kingdom of the Ksatrapas of Surastra and
Malwa in the reign of C A N D R A G U P T A I I V I K R A M A D I T Y A , c. 410 A. D., it
is probable that the capital was transferred, either permanently or
occasionally, to a more central position at Ayodhya (SMITH, JRAS. 1893, p.
86). At its greatest extent the Gupta empire seems to have comprised the
whole of Northern India, with the exception of the Panjab (SMITH, JBA.
1894, p. 178), which, no doubt, continued to be ruled by the Kusanas.
91. The Imp. Gupta coinage. The coinage of the main portion of
the empire was originally of gold and copper. The types of the gdld coins
are borrowed at first from the eastern mintages of the Later Great
Kusanas (v. sup. 74, class (2)); but they show a development of their
own and are, without question, by far the finest examples of Indian art.
After the annexation of the kingdom of the Ksatrapas, the Guptas
continued in this region the issue of a dated silver coinage, exactly
imitated from the coinage of their predecessors except that, in place of
the caitya, a frequent Gupta emblem, the peacock, appears on the reverse.
A silver coinage bearing this type, but of a somewhat different fabric,
seems subsequently to have been struck also in other parts of the empire
(v. inf.). The dates on the silver coins of Candragupta II Vikramaditya are
not beyond dispute (FLEET, Ind. Ant. 1885, p. 66), but those of his
successors, ICumaragupta I (121136: SMITH, JRAS. 1889, p. 128, and
JBA. 1894, p. 175) and Skandagupta (144? I 6X ; Plate IV, 10: date, 145)
are more certain.
The gold coins, at first, follow the weight-standard which the Kusanas
seem to have borrowed from the Roman A U R E I (v. sup. 70); but, later,
there comes in another class of gold coins which seem to represent the
Indian S U V A R N A (= 146,4 grains or 9,48 grammes) and to be due to a
revival of the ancient native weight-standard (v. sup. 4). It is possible
that coins of these two standards wrere in circulation together, and that
they are distinguished on the inscrr. as D I N A R A S and S U V A R N A S
respectively (FLEET, CIL Ill, p. 265; SMITH, JRAS. 1889, p. 43). During the
reign of Skandagupta, the Roman standard is abandoned; but it is not
equally certain whether or not the reintroduction of the S U V A R N A took
place at the same time or previously (RAPSON, NChr. 1891, p. 57; SMITH,
JRAS. 1893, p. 105). The Gupta silver coins, like those of the Ksatrapas
from which they are imitated, seem to be intended for henri-drachms of
the Persian standard (v. sup. 8). It seems probable that this silver Gupta
coinage, which was originally instituted in Surastra and Malwa in the
reign of Candragupta II Vikramaditya, formed the pattern for a silver
issue in the northern and central provinces of the empire during the two
succeeding reigns. These silver issues which may conveniently be called
the western and the central are distinguished by a difference in fabric,
workmanship, and design: the latter are thinner and flatter, more
carefully executed, and represent the peacock of the reverse with tail
more fully expanded (SMITH, JRAS. 1889, pp. 121. 127; C.CMI. p. 17). A
debased coinage of copper plated with silver bearing the names of
Kumaragupta and Skandagupta, but having a trident instead of a peacock
as R E V . type, is probably to be attributed to Valabhl (v. inf. 98) at a
period when it was still a province of the Gupta empire (SMITH, JRAS.
1893, p. 137; cp. also BOHLER, WZKM. V, p. 216). The copper coinage of
1889, p. 138, PL IV, 816; id. 1893, p. 133; JBA. 1894, p. 173; NChr. 1895,
p. 167).
The three articles BY V. A. SMITH, JRAS. 1889, p. I; id. 1893, P. 77; and JBA. 1894, p.
164, form a digest of all work done in Gupta numismatics up to the dates of their
publication. For full lists of authorities, v. JRAS. 1889, pp. 58. 59; id. 1893, p. 79, notes;
JBA. 1S94, p. 164 fF.
92. Division of the Gupta Emp. During the last quarter of the 5 th
cent, A.D., the western provinces become independent under the Senapati
Bbatarka of ValabhT (BURGESS, ASWI. 187475, Kath&wSd and Kacch,
p. 80; v. 98); while the northern and central provinces (E.Malwa) were
held by different branches of the imperial family; and, in other parts of
the empire, powers previously subject or feudatory become independent.
It will be necessary here to deal only tvith those to which coins can be
For a outline of the history of this period: FLEET, Preface to CII, III; SMITH and
HOERNLE, Bhitarl Seal of Kumaragupta II, with Synchronistic Table of Guptas and
Contemporary Dynasties, JBA. 1889, p. 84.
known coins can be ascribed to this dynasty. The coins of much debased
gold which were formerly thus attributed (SMITH, JRAS. 1889, p. 11)
probably belong to the Northern Branch (v. sup. 93).
For dynastic lists: C.CMI. p. 14; CII. Ill, p. 200; CASR. Ill, p. 137; id. XV, p. 166.
There is some doubt as to the reading of these dates: FLEET, Ind. Ant.
1885, P- 68; and the era to which they should be referred is altogether doubtful, v. inf. 105. Cp.
also CASR. IX, p. 27, PI. V, 2022; and XVI, p. 79; CII. Ill, p. 200.
98. ValabhT. To the kings of Valabhl (Plate IV, 12) have been
attributed certain silver coins bearing a trident on the R E V . and inscrr. in
debased characters which have not yet been thoroughly deciphered, but
seem to include the title Bhattarakasa. They are imitated from the western
type of Gupta silver coins ( 91). For earlier coins probably struck in
Valabhl before the date of its independence, and while still tributary to
the Guptas, V . sup. 91.
C.ASR. IX, p. 28, PI. V, 23. 24, reads the inscrr. as containing the names and titles of
the founder of the dynasty Senapati Bhattaraka (recle Bhalarka) and his eldest son
Dharasena, but these readings are extremely doubtful. Cp. also C.CMI. p. 8, PI. I, 16;
HOERNLE, Proc. BA. 1S90, p. 171, 11 . VII, 4a and b; TH.JBA. 1855, p. 509; id. JRAS. 1850,
p. 63, PI. II, 353S; id. PE. II. p. 100; PRINSEP, JBA. IV, p. 687; NEWTON, JBRA. VII, p.
14; JBRA. VI, p. xxxtx.
C.CMI. p. 8. n. I, 18. 19; C.ASR. IX, p. 30, PI. V, 26; FLEET, Ind. Ant. 1885, p. 68; BH.AU
DAJJ, JBRA. XII, 214; SMITH, JRAS. 1889, p. 138; E.CSI. p. 149.
Closely connected with these are certain coins having the inscr. A C Y U T
which must without doubt be attributed to the Acyuta mentioned in the
Allahabad inscr. It is possible that this Acyuta may have been one of the
Naga princes.
RAFSON, JRAS. 1897, P. 420; SMITH, ID. P. 643- 102. ? Parivrajaka Maharajas.
These tributaries of the Guptas are said to have governed Dabhala,
peril. = Dahala, and the country including the eighteen forest kingdoms
(CII. Ill, p. 93 ff.). It is possible that certain coins bearing the name E D N A
H A S T I may have been struck by the Maharaja Hastin, whose inscrr. bear
dates from 156 to 191 = A.D. 475 510. This attribution is, however, extremely
CII. Ill, lref. p. S, and p. 95. For the coins: C.CMI. p. 8, PI. I, 17; I'E. I, p. 87, PI. IV, 23
(coin found at Kanauj).
Closely connected IN size and fabric with these are certain small coins
on which the NAME VIGRAHA has been read (RAPSON). Specimens were found by
Ventura in the Manikvala Tope together with coins of the 7 lh and 8th
centuries A.D.
PE. I, p. 94, PI. V, 5-7.
103. Hunas. The Huiya invaders of India (called in Sk. lit. and
inscrr. also Sita-, Sveta-, or Hara-Hunas, v. SMITH, JBA. 1894, p. 186)
whose attacks, beginning during the reign of Skandagupta, c. 452 480
A.D., led to the dismemberment of the Gupta empire, were an offshoot from
the Ephthalites or White Huns, a people of Tartar origin who settled in the
Oxus territories, c. 420 A.D., and, from this date until the destruction of
their power by the Turks in 556 A.D., ivaged almost incessant war1 on the
Sassanian monarchy.
The extension of this poiver to India followed the defeats inflicted on
the Sassanians during the reigns of Yezdegerd II, 43S 457, A.D., and FTrOz,
457484 A.D., in consequence of which the Sassanian provinces which bordered on India passed into the hands of the Ephthalites (C.NChr. 1894, p. 245).
The leader of this invasion who conquered the kingdom of Gandh;Ira from
the Kiditra Kusanas (v. sup. 76) and established his capital at S'akala,
probably c. 465470 A.D., is known from Chinese sources as L A E - L I H and has
been conjecturally identified -with the R A J A L A K H A N A U D A Y A D I T Y A of
the coins2
EROTTIN, Les ITuns Ephthalites dans leurs rapports avec les rois perses sassanides, Museon,
- C.NChr. 1S94, pp. 247. 251. 279, FI. IX, 12. The name read as Lamata by TH.PE. I, p.
411 (no. 4), and Latona or Latuma by DROUIN, JA. 1S93, (I), p. 548.
Huna conquests. Those of the thin Sassanian fabric are, naturally, the
earliest in
date; and of these the class which bears inscrr. in the same modified form
of the Greek alphabet as is found on the Scytho-Sassanian coins (v. sup.
7 5) is no doubt older than the class which has Nagari inscrr., and may
probably, in part at least, belong to the Ephthalites before their invasion
of India (C.NChr. 1894, p. 262). Of these early Huna coins, many
specimens seem to be merely Sassanian pieces with the head of the Huna
leader restruck in R E P O U S S I ( P L A T E I V , 1 8 : Shahi Javuvlah) so that
the reverse type the Sassanian fire-altar is almost obliterated. The
species of coin thus produced was no doubt the pattern from which later
coins struck in the ordinary manner were copied.
C. op. cit. p. 262; and cp. PI IX, 1015, with II. X, 3. 4. These RTPOUSSL coins have
been attributed to Kashmir, but this attribution depends on the identification of the Sahi
Khingila (id. PI. IX, II) with Khinkhila Narendraditya who is mentioned in the
Rajataranginl as a successor of Mihirakula (id. p. 265). This identification is however not
certain, and the coins of Khingila would seem to be older than those of Mihirakula. The
Sahi Jabttvlah or Jabula of the REPOUSSE coins is identified by C. with Toramana (id. p.
253) on the evidence of the Kura inscr. of Maharaja Toramana Saha Jauvla; but this
designation may be simply a tribal name applicable to any member of the dynasty v.
BCHLER, EL I, p. 239; and SMITH, JBA. 1894, p. 189.
The following suggestions as to the era in which Toramanas hemidrachms are dated
have been made:(1) FLEET, Ind. Ant. 1889, p. 22S supposes the date 52 to denote years of
Toramanas reign. This explanation is rendered less probable by the fact that the
Maukharis Isanavarman and Sarvavarman (v. sup. 97 ) antf also Bhlmasena (v. sup. 99),
apparently date in years of the same era (SMITH, JBA. 1894, p. 194); (2) DROUIN, JA. 1890
(XVI), p.368, suggests a HCtna era beginning c. A.D. 448, and perhaps marking the date of
the first invasion of India; (3) C.NChr. 1894, p. 252, supposes either that the date is
Sakawith omitted hundreds, i. e. 5 2 = 452; or (4) 1 . c. that it may refer'to a Huna era
beginning c. 456 A.D. the date of the great victory over the Sassanians. For the dates of the
known princes of the later Gupta dynasty of E.Malwa, v. sup. 94 -
struck over those of Toramana (FLEET, Ind. Ant. 1886, p. 245). This is the
only class of copper coins which can be attributed to the Huna Toramapa,
but of Mihirakula other classes also are known. One of these bears the
usual Kusana types (v. sup. 74 (2); C.NChr. 1894, pp. 256. 281, PI.X, 5. 6;
SMITH, JBA. 1894, p. 203); while the types of another class (e. g. C. op. cit.
PLX, 7) are of less certain derivation.
It is doubtful whether the copper coins of Mihirakula bearing Kusana types are not to
be attributed solely to Kashmir, which the Kidara Kusanas probably continued to hold after
they were driven out of Gandhara (v. sup. 76) and which may, perhaps, have been
conquered by the Hunas for the first time during the reign of Mihirakula. Against the
suggested identification of the Huna Toramana with Toramana of Kashmir: C.NChr. 1894,
p. 256. For other Huna coins doubtfully attributed to Kashmir, v. supra sub 104.
C.NChr. 1S94, p. 267, PI. XII, 2; Ar. Ant. PI. XVII, 5, 7, 10, 17; DROUIN, Rev. Num.
1S91, p. 221.
109. Persian Kings in the Panjab and Sind. There are found in
NAV.India coins of Sassanian type and fabric bearing inscrr. in NagarT,
Sassanian Pahlavi, and an alphabet, hitherto unread, which is probably a
development of the modified form of the Greek alphabet used by the
Scytho- Sassanians (v. sup. 75). These have been sometimes attributed
to the later Hunas (C.NChr. 1894, pp. 267. 289), but apparently without
sufficient reason. They were almost certainly struck by some Sassanian
dynasty or dynasties
as is shown by the st\le of the coins and by the use of Sassanian Pahlavi
ruling over Sind and Multan, which the earliest Arab geographers include in the
kingdom of Sind (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9lh ed., sub Multan). It may be noticed
that this region had at other periods been in the hands of Persian conquerors (v.
61, and cp. 30). For one of these issues, which has the name S R I V A S U D E V A only
in NagarT characters and all the remaining portion of its legends in Sassanian
Pahlavi, an approximate date is fixed by its very near resemblance to a coinage
issued by Kbusru II Parvlz in the 37th year of his reign -= 627
LONGPRIER, Medailles des rois perses,
l'k XI, 3, with C.NChr. 1894, PI. XII, 10 or Ar.Ant. PI.XVII, 9). In the
Pahlavi inscrr. on these coins Vasudeva is called king of Bahman (=
the coin? fairly represent the list of kings given in the Rajatarangini. For
all the previous period, the dates and order of succession given in the
Raja- tarangim are untrustworthy, although a number of the names are
found on the coins. That the Kidara Kusanas held Kashmir for some time
is certain, but the date of their settlement there is doubtful (v. sup.76).
The Kashmirian coins of the Hunas given in C.NChr. 1894, PI. X, 57, and
913 (v. sup. sub S 106), seem to be copied from coins of the Kidara
Kusanas; and those of the succeeding Naga or Karkotaka Dynasty (c. 625
757 A . D . ,
C.CMI, p. 39, Pi- in, 714) all bear the name
Kidara (Plate IV, 22: Yasovarman). Between the date of the Hima
Mihirakula (c. 515 A . D . )
and the beginning of the Naga
Dynasty, C. places a number of kings among whom a Toramana occurs.
This king has usually been identified with the Huna Toramana, the father
of Mihirakula ( R A J E N D R A
M I T R A ,
Proc. BA. 1878, p. 191; F L E E T ,
CII. Ill, Pref. p. 1 off.). For
thearguments against this identification and in favour of a somewhat
later date for Toramana of Kashmir, v. C.NChr. 1894, p. 256. Some gold
coins of Harsa of Kashmir (PlateIV,23) c. 1090A.D., are directly imitated
from South Indian coins, for the attribution of which v. inf. S 125 (1).
C.CMI. p. 25, PI. IllV; R ODG ERS , JBA. 1879, p. 277, Pll. XI. XII. Cp. also
C.NChr. 184.3 (VI), I; PE. 1 ,3SS, PI. XXXI, 1 15. For the reading T UHJINA (STEIN)
instead of T URYAMAT IA ( Toramana, C.CMI. p. 42, PL III, 1) v. SMITH, JBA.
1897, p. 6, PI. I, 9.
113. Nepal The earliest coins peculiar to Nepal are large copper pieces
which bear some resemblance to the second class ofYaudheya coins
a resemblance no doubt due to a common origin from the coins of the Kusanas
(v. sup. 60). They appear to extend over a period from the first quarter of the 5 th
cent, to the last quarter of the 7 th cent. A . D .
Those bearing the name
Mananka have been attributed to Manadevavarman, c. 425 A . D . ,
those reading Gunaiika to his successor Gunakamadevavarman, c. 450 A . D .
These names occur only on the coins and in the native dynastic lists. No mention
of them has yet been found in inscrr. or other dated records. The dates given are,
therefore, only approximate. The coins of Anisuvarman (Plate V, 1) and Jisnugupta
can be dated with more exactness, as both these kings are known from dated
inscrr. of the seventh cent. The coins bearing the names Pasupati and Vaisravana
cannot be accurately dated. These are names of divinities, and it is uncertain by
whom the coins were struck; but, from their style and fabric, they would seem to
belong to the same period as the others.
C.CAI. P. 112, PI. XIII; PE. I, P. 62, PI. Ill, 12; TBA. 1865, p. 124, PI. 15 19;
BF.NDALL, ZDMG. 36, p.651; S MITH , Proc. BA. 1887,p. 144, PI. II; H OERN LE , id.
1S8S, p. 114. For the chronology: B UI ILE R , Ind. Ant. 1884, p. 411; S. L EV I , JA.
1894 (IV), p. 94, places AijiSuvarman earlier.
Ilwen Thsang, and the Rajatarangini, v. S TEIN , Z UR Gesch. der Sahis VON Kabul,
Chauhans are the Bull and Horseman (115 (6)), which continued for
some generations to find a place among the coin-types of their
Muhammadan conquerors, the
Indo-Aryan Research. II. 3 B.
Sultans of Dehli (cp. S. LANE-POOLE, B. M. Cat. Indian Coins: Sultans of Dehli, Pll.' 1
C.CMI. p. 83, PI. IX, 914; BUHLER, Proc. BA. 1893, p. 94; MORISON, WZKM. VII; TH.,
Pathans p. 63. For Rajput coins not certainly read, v. TH., Pathans, p. 59; C.CMI. p. 88.
121. Kangra. The coins of the Rajas of Kangra represent a period probably
from c. 1330 to c. 1610 A.D. They call for notice here merely as noteworthy instances of
the survival of an Indian type the Bull and Horseman for many centuries after
the Muhammadan conquest.
C.CMI. p. 99, PI. XI; R ODG ER S , JBA. 1880, p. 10, PI. II; BAYLEY, quoted in PE. I, p. 392.
(2) thick pieces of silver also derived from the Sassanian type, but so
degraded in execution as to show little similarity to their originals. They
are commonly called G A D K I Y A P A I S A (Plate V, 4) and C. (CMI. p. 50)
would identify them with the S A D B O D D H I K A D R A M M A S of the Jaunpur
inscr. (C.ASR. XI, p. 176). They are found in S.W.Rajputana, in Mewar,
Malwa, and Gujarat (C.CMI. p. 47). By their O B V . type they are connected
with a class of coins, on which the name S O M A L A D E V A is substituted for
the degraded fire-altar of the R E V . The same name also occurs on coins
which have for the O B V . the horseman type, probably borrowed from
the Brahman Sahis of Gandhara ( 115 (6))
C.CMI. p. 49, PI. VI, 1012; B11.JBRA. XII, p. 325. Cp. also id. XI, p.334;
(3) copper coins of very rude fabric which may perhaps be imitations of
the coins ,of the Later Kusanas (class (1), v. sup. 74) O B V . King
standing: R E V . Siva and Bull. The workmanship is, however, so much
degraded, that the O B V . of these coins has usually been supposed to
represent the Sassanian fire-altar. C. supposes these coins to have
formed the common copper currency of the Panjab and Rajputana
between A.D. 50 and 800 (v. sup. 1 1 5 ( 5 ) ) .
C.CMI. p. 48, PI. VI, 16.
For coins conjecturally assigned to this period: LOVENTHAL, op. cit. p. 7, PI. I, 16-33.
Gold coins bearing the emblem universally adopted by the PSndyas in later
times, viz. the fish, have been attributed to a period from the 7 th to the 10th cent. A. D.
(E.CSI. p. 120; Plate V, 10). Later copper coins show the influence of the Cola conquest
in the middle of the 11th cent. A.D. (V. inf.
126. Cola.'The coins all belong to the period during which the
Colas were becoming, or had become, the paramount power in S.India.
They fall into two classes:(1) before c. 1022 A . D .
the beginning
of the reign of Rajaraja Cola. These coins show that the Cola power was
already becoming supreme: they bear the Cola emblem, the tiger, in the
centre with the Panrjya and Cera emblems (fish and bow) on either side
of it. The coin-legends, in Sanskrit characters, give the names or titles of
Cola sovereigns; but they have not, as yet, been identified beyond dispute
with those occurring in the dynastic lists (Plate V, 13); (2) after c. 1022
. D .
With the reign of R A J A - R A J A comes a coinage of an
entirely new type O B V . King standing: R E V . King seated (Plate V, 14).
This type spread with the extension of Cola power over a great portion of
Southern India. Its use was established in Ceylon, as a result of the Cola
occupation of the island, and was continued by the independent Rajas of
Kandy (v. inf. % 127).
E.CSI. P. 135, PI. IV, 151 174; IIUI.TZSCH, Ind. Ant. 1S92, p. 323, PI. I, 7; id. 1S96, p.
317, PI. I, 1. 2.
LOWSLEY, NChr. 1895, p.211, PI.VIII; Rangacharl and Desikachari, Ind. Ant. 1895,
P- 332 .
130. The dates of the known Eastern Calukya coins are fixed. Spe cimens in some alloy of bronze have been recently found near
Yellamanchili in the Yizagapatam dist. bearing in the inscr. V I S A M A S I D D H I , the title ofVisnu- vardhana, A . D .
Madras Govt. Mus. Report 1894, p. 4; HULTZSCH, Ind. Ant. 1896, p. 322,
PI. II, 34 ,
but it is remarkable that most of the specimens known have been found in
the island of Cheduba, off the coast of Arakan.
FLEET, Ind. Ant. 1890, p. 79; E.CSI. p. 67, PI. ILL, 79.80, assigned these coins to the
Western Calukyas of the 6th or 7* cent. A.N. Cp. also PHAYRE, Proc. BA. 1872, p. 3. For
specimens found in India, V. HULTZSCH, IND. Ant. 1896, p. 321, PI. II, 24. 25, who also
points out that these coins bear dates in regnal years.
India; CMI. = Coins of Mediaeval India; Geog. = Ancient Geography of India. CII. Corpus
Inscriptionum Indicarum.
DR. = DROUIN; HE. = Memoire sur les Huns Ephthalites.
E. = ELLIOT; CSI. = Coins of Southern India, ed. =
edited by.
El. = Epigraphia Indica.
G. or GARB. = GARDNER; or GARDNER, British Museum Catalogue of Greek and Scythic Kings of
GUTSCH., Gesch. Irans = A. VON GUTSCHMID, Geschichte Irans.
Ind. Ant. = Indian Antiquary.
I.M.Cat. = Indian Museum Catalogue.
JA. = Journal Asiatique.
JBA. or JASB. = Journal of the Bengal Asiatic Society.
JBRA. or BBRAS. = Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. JMLS.
Journal of the Madras Literary Society.
JRAS. = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
JR. Geog. Soc. = Journal of the Royal Geographical Society.
L. = LASSEN ; IA. = Indische Altertumskunde.
NChr. = Numismatic Chronicle. OBV. =
Proc. BA. or Proc. ASB. = Proceedings of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal.
PE. = PRINSEPS Essays ed. THOMAS. rev.
= reviewed by. rev. = reverse.
RH.D. = RHYS DAVIDS; ACC. = Ancient Coins of Ceylon.
SBE. = Sacred Books of the East.
TH. = THOMAS; AIW. = Ancient Indian Weights.
Tr. I. Or. Congr. = Transactions of the International Congress of Orientalists.
WZKM. = Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, or Vienna Oriental Journal.
ZDMG. = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft.
ZfN. = Zeitschrift fur Numismatik.
S I. Limits of the Contribution
page I
2. Classification of I. coins .
3. Literature of Indian Numismatics .....I
42- Arjunayana .
4 Audumbara.
4 Ayodhya .
4 Baran .
46. .Erag .
4 Janapada .
48. Kada. .
4 .Kosambl .
50 Kuninda .
5 Malava .
i- .Mathura.
2 .Pane ala
3 .Purl and. Ganjam
4 Sibi . . . .
5 Taxila .
6 .Tripurl .
58. .Ujjain .
s 5 .Vatasvaka
s 9
60 Y A U D
62. Gondophares....................................15
63. Wrongly attributed coins .
General . . . 10
. . .
S 4 1* Aparanta . . .
. . . 11
4 0 * Almora
75- Scvtho-Sassanians .
jj go. The Imp. Guptas .
. . . 24
jj 91. The Imp. Gupta Coinage . 25 92. Division of the Gupta Emp. 26 jj 93. The Northern Guptas .
94. The Guptas of E. Malwa . 26 g 95. Later Guptas of E. Magadha 26 jj 96. Unattributed G. Coins .
jj 97. The Maukharis .
. .
S 98. Valabhl............................................27
S 99. Bhlmasena.......................................27
too. Kfnaraja .
... 27
101. The Nine Nagas ... 28 jj 102. The Parivrajaka Maharajas . 27
% 103. Hunas............................................27
104107. Huna Coinage ... 28 jj 108. Uncertain, Hflna or Persian 30
. 26
. 27
Palas of Magadha ... 31
129. W.Calukya.....................................37
jj 130. E.Calukya.....................................37
131. Kadamba........................................38
jj 132. Rastrakuta.....................................38
S 133. Kalacuris of Kalyanapura . 38 134. Yadavas of Devagiri .
135. Yadavas of Dvarasumadra . 38 136. Kakatlyas of Worangal .
S 137. Vijayanagara..............................38
. 38
. 38
. 33
some variety of
Punch marked coin. 5.
JE. [C.NChr. 1869, p. 127, PL IV, 11 =
Obv. A number of symbols.
GARD. P. 163, Pl. XXX, 3.
Rev. Two symbols, one of which has been
11. Taxila; single-die coin. 56.
supposed to denote the district of Benares
Obv. In incuse, left, pile of balls, right,
(C.CAI p. 56, PI. I, 14).
caitya; beneath, wavy line and uncertain
Ah. W 52,8 grains = 3,41 grammes.
designs (? vine-branches).
Guild-token. 6.
JE. [Cp. C.CAI. p. 61, PL II, 9.
Obv. Steel-yard; Above, in Kharosthl
12. Pantaleon. 21. 56.
characters, Dujaka or Dojaka.
Obv. R'ajino Pamtalevasa; Figure of Indian
Rev. In incuse, in Brahmi characters,
Rev. In incuse, BASIAEDZ I1ANTA/E. [BTFHLER, Ind. Stud.Ill, p.49 (sec. ed.)
AE0 NT05 L Maneless lion to right. JE.
Persian siglos. 7.
[ G A R D . p. 9, PL III, 9.
Obv. Early Achaemenid king represented as
13. Taxila; double-die coin. 56.
archer half-kneeling to right. PunchObv. Elephant to right; above, caitya.
mark, symbol like triskelis.
Rev. In incuse, maneless lion to left;
Av. W* 83,5; grs. = 5,41 grms. [RAPSON,
above, svastika; in front, caitya.
JRAS. 1895, p. 876', PI. 24.
JE. [C.CAI. p. 62, Pl. Ill, 2.
4- id.
14. Maues. 29.
Rev. Incuse, and counter-mark resembling
Obv. Head of elephant to right; bell susBrahmi character yo.
pended from neck.
Ah. Wt 84,5 grs. = 5,47 grms. [RAPSON,
Rev. B AHAEOI! MAYOY. Caduceus; to left,
JRAS. 1895, p. 875, Pl. 1.
monogram ILl.
5. Persian double daric, struck in India. 7.
JE. [Cp. GARD. p. 68, PL XVI, 1.
Obv. Achaemenid king (probably DariusIII
15. id.
Codomannus, B.c. 337330) represented
as archer half-kneeling to right. Behind,
MAYOY. Poseidon, holding trident in left
:YTA; beneath, MNA; in front,
hand, with right foot placed on. the
Rev. Irregular incuse, with conventional
shoulder of a river god.
pattern formed by curved line in relief. A7.
Rev. Rajatirajaia mahatasa Moasa in
WT 262,7 grs. 17,02 grms. [HEAD,
Kharosthl characters; Female figure
Historia Numorum p. 700. The inscr.
behind and beneath the figure of the king
standing between two vines; below, right,
on the Obv. has been supposed to mean 2
staters = 1 min a.
JE. [Cp- GARD. p. 70, PL XVII, 1.
6. Indian imitation of an Athenian coin. 9.
16. Agathocles. 21.
Obv. Head of Athena to right. Behind, Rev.
Obv. Hitajasa?net in Kharosthl characters;
Owl to right. In front, AOE; behind,
Tree in square railed enclosure.
a bunch of grapes.
Rev. Akathukreyasa, in Kharosthl charAh. \\'t 257,8 grs. = (6,7 grms. [HEAD B.M.C
acters. Caitya surmounted by star.
at., Attica p. 2s, Athens, no. 267, PI. VII, 3.
JE. [BUHLER, WZKM. VIII, p. 206.
17. Vonones and Spalagadama. 30.
Obv. Head of Athena to right. Behind, a
punch of grapes.
ONONOY. King on horseback holding
Rev. Eagle to left, looking back.
lance to right.
Ah. Wt 54 grs. = 3,49 grms. [HEAD,
Rev. Spalahoraputrasa dhramiasa SpalaB.M.Cat., Attica, p. 26, Athens, no. 274, PI.
gadamasa, in Kharosthl characters. Zeus,
VJJ, 9.
facing, holding thunderbolt in right and
Sophytes. 9.
long sceptre in left hand; below, left,
Obv. Jlelmeted head of king to right. Rev.
monogram .
XO(J)YTOY. Cock to right; above, on left,
Ah. W 36,5 grs. = 2,36 GRMS. [GARD. p. 99,
Pl XXI, 10.
Ah. Wt 58,3 grs. = 3,77 grms. [GARD. p. 2, PL
18. Euthydemus. S 18. 28.
I, 3.
Obv. Diademed head of king to right. Rev.
Diodotus. $ 12.
BAIIAEDI EYQYAHMOY. Herakles seated to
Obv. Diademed head of king to right. Rev.
left on rock, holding in right hand a club
BAXIAEGX AIOAOTOY. Zeus striding to
which rests on rock; below, right, monogram
left, hurling thunderbolt; aegis on left arm.
ifi .
At his feet, eagle to left; above eagle,
Ah. Wl 254,6 grs. 16,49 grms. [GARD. p. 4,
PL I, u.
Ah. Wl 257,1 grs. = 16,65 grms. [GARD. P- 3 .
19 - Saka imitation of coin of Euthydemus.
PL 1 , 6.
S 28.
10. Demetiius. $ 18.
Obv. Degraded imitation of head of EuthyObv. BAZIAEm: ANIKHTOY AHMHdemus.
TPIOY. Bust of king to right, wearing headRev. Degraded imitation of type ofEuthydress of elephants scalp and diadem. Rev.
demus; left, copy of name in Greek charMaharajusa aparajitasa Demetriyusa in
acters; right, inscription in Aramaean
Kharos(hi characters; Winged thunderbolt;
characters hitherto not certainly read. Ah. Wl
below, right, monogram
174 grs. = 11,27 grms. [C.NChr. 1889, p. 307,
Pl. XIII, 5.
Miaus or Heraus. 35.
Obv. Diademed bust of king to right. Rev.
KOIIANDY. King on horseback to right; behind, Victory
with wreath. A. W1 184,4 grs. = 11,94 grms. [C.NChr. 18SS,
p. 47, PI. Ill, 2; GARD. p. 116, PI. XXIV, 7.
2. Hyrcodes. 36.
Obv. YPKCDAOY. Diademed bust of king to right.
Rev. MAKAPOY APAH0 POY. Armed figure facing, with
flames issuing from shoulders, and holding spear in right
Ak. YV1 44 grs. = 2,85 grms. [C.NChr. 1889, p. 310, PI.
XIII, 15.
Zeionises. 34.
Obv. Debased Greek legend probably intended to represent
on horseback to right; various KharosthI characters in
field; in front, symbol.
Jikoniasa in KharosthI characters; left, Satrap to right;
right, City to left holding wreath and cornucopiae; KharosthI characters in right and left field. A. W' 149,6 grs. =
9,69 grms. [Cp. C.NChr. 1890, p. 168, PI. XV, I.
Strato II. 33.
CTPATflNOC; Diademed bust of king to right.
Rev. KharosthI inscr. (for Cs reading, V. GARD. 1 . C.);
Athena TO left, holding thunderbolt and aegis.
AY. W> 37 GRS. = 2,39 GRMS. [Cf. GARD. p. 168, PI. XXXI,
5. Ranjubula, imitated from coins of Strato II. S 33 Obv. BACIASI BACIA6 C0 C CCDTHPOC PAXY;
Diademed bust of king to right. Rev. Apratihatacakrasa
chatrapasa \ Raju- bulasa inKharostjP characters;
Diademed bust of king to right.
AV. W( 38 grs. = 2,46 grms. [GARD. p. 67; PI. XV, ti.
Ranjubula Rajubula. 33.
Obv. Mahakhatapasa Rdjubidasa in Brahml characters;
Standing figure facing.
Al. [BH. JRAS. 1S94, p. 547, PI. 4.
7. Hermaeus and Kujula Kadphises. 65. Obv. BAIIALDI
Diademed bust of king to right.
Rev. Kujulakasasa kusan ay a vugasa dhra- mathidasa in
KharosthI characters; Her- akles facing, holding club in
right and lion^ skin in left hand.
/E. [GARD. p. 120, PI. XXV, 1.
Kujula Kadphises. 65.
Obv. KOPCNAKQZDVAD | KAA4 hZDV; Diademed head
of king to right. xE. [GARD. p. 122, PI. XXV, 4.
Kozola Kadaphes, imitated from Roman
denarii of Augustus. 66.
Diademed head of king to right.
EE. [Cp. GARD. p. 123, PI. XXV, 5.
20 /
Rev. Deva Skandagupio 'yam vijitavanir
avanipatir jayati, Fan-tailed peacock.
Ah. \Vfc 34,3 grs. 2,22 grins. [Cp.
SMITH, JRAS. 1S89, p. 133, PI. IV, 3. it. id.:
Candragupta II Vikraniaditya. 91. Obv. King
standing to left, with an attendant, right, holding
an umbrella over him. Rev. Maharaja Sri
Candraguptah; Garuda represented with human
.E. [Cp. SMITH, JRAS. 1889, p. 138, PL iV, 9.
12. ValabliT. 98.
Obv. Kings head to right.
Rev. Inscr. not perfectly read; Trident. AL.
30,6 grs. = 1,98 grins. [Cp. C.CMI. p. 8, PL
I, 16.
13. Maukliari: Isanavarman. 97.
01 v. Head of king to left; in front, date
Rev. Vijitavanir avanipati SrTsdnavarma
deva jayati; Fan-tailed peacock.
N. Wt 63 grs. = 4,08 grms. [C.CMI. P . 79 , PI.
VIII, T 4 .
10. Papdya. S I24*
Obv. Two fishes under canopy; right, lamp; left,
Rev. Inscr. not certainly read.
N. Wt 57 grs. = 3,69 grms. [E.CSL p. 152 F; Pl.
III, 129.
11. Kerala. 125 (2).
Obv. Name not read.
Rev. Sri Vlrakerala sya.
A. W* 36,3 grs. = 2,3s grms. [Unpublished.
12. Koiigudesa. 125 (1).
Obv. Elephant to right.
Rev. Floral design.
N. Wt 60,2 grs. = 3,9 grms. [Cp. E.CSI. p. 152 F;
PI. Ill, 119.
13. Cola. 126.
Obv. Tiger seated under canopy to right,
facing two fishes.
Rev. Uttamacola.
Ax. Wt 62,6 grs. = 4,05 grms. [E.CSI. p. 152 G;
Pl. III, 154.
14. id.: Rajaraja. 126.
Obv. King standing.
Rev. Rajaraja; Goddess seated.
JE. [Cp. E.CSI. p. 152 G; PL IV, 166.
15. Ceylon: Parakrambahu. 127.
Obv. King standing.
Rev. Pardkramabdku, Goddess seated. JE.
[Cp. RH.D., ACC. p. 25, Pl, 5.
16. Pal lava. 128.
Obv. Vase on stand.
Rev. Lion to right.
A. Wt 103,9 grs. = 6,73 grms. [ECSI. P . 152 B s
PL II, 49 '
17. W.Calukya. 129.
Obv. Boar to right, surrounded by various
punch-marked symbols.
Rev. Striated.
A". Wt 57,2 grs. = 3,7 grms. [E.CSI. P- 152 , Pl. I,
19 .
Kadamba: Padma-tanka. 131.
Obv. Lotus, surrounded by various symbols and
inscr. punch-marked.
N. Wt 57 grs. = 3,69 grms. [Cp. E.CSL p. 152, Pl.
I, 8.
19. E.Calukya: Rajaraja. 130.
Obv. Boar to right; Sn Rajaraja sa(in- vai) 33.
N. Wt 66,8 grs. = 4,32 grms. [Cp. HULTZSCH,
Ind. Ant. 1896, p. 321.
Kalacuris of Mahakosala: Jajalladeva.! jg
The references are to pages. Coin-legends are in italics. When one reference is of more
importance than the others, it is placed first and separated from the rest by a semicolon instead
of a comma.
Abdagases 15.
Avantivarman 31.
Ayodhya 11; 12, 25.
Azes 8, 9, 15.
Achsemenid dynasty 3, 7.
Acyuta 28.
Adivaraha 31; 34.
Afghanistan 8, 10.
Agathocles 6; 14.
Agnimitra 13.
Agnivesya prince 17.
Ajmir 33.
Alexander the Great 4.
Allahabad district 12.
Almora 10.
Amaravatl 23.
Amsuvarman 32.
Andhra (Andhrabhrtya or Sa- tavahana)
dynasty 23; 20, 21, 35 37 *
Antialcidas 6.
Antimachus 6.
Antiochus II. 4.
Antiochus III. 5.
Antiochus Nicator 6.
Apaldtasa, Maharajasa 11.
Aparanta 11.
Apollodotus 6, 8, II, 12,21.
Arachosia 8, 19.
Arakan 38.
Archebius 6.
Arjuna 22.
Arjunayana 11.
ASoka 4.
Asp av arm a, son oflndravarma 9 > 15 .
Asvaka 14.
Athenian coins in India 3.
Athenian coins, Indian imitations of 3.
Audumbara (Odumbara) 11; 12, 15.
Augustus 4, 16.
Aurangabad district 23.
aureus 17, 18, 25.
authorities quoted: Acts of St. Thomas 15;
Alberuni 32 , 33 ; Appian 4; Arrian 14;
Hwen Thsang 32, 33; Pliny 17 ;
Ptolemy 12; Pu- ranas 13,22,23,28;
Quintus Curtius 14; Rajataranginl 29,
32, 36; Varahamihira, Gargl-samhita
Indo-Aryan Research. II. 3 B.
Azilises 9, 11.
Cheduba 38.
Chinese authorities 7.
Chitor 14.
Chitral 20.
Coimbatore 36. coin-legends: Aramaic 7;
Brahms (or Nagarl) 6, 9, 10, II, 12,13,14,21,
29 ; Brahml
and Kharosthi 6, it, 12, 20; Brahml
and Pahlavi 31; Brahml, Pahlavi and
uncertain 30; Chinese and Kharosthi
IO; Greek 8, 9, 21, 29; Greek and
Kharosthi S, 9, 15, 16, 18.
coins of uncertain attribution 10.
coins, where found v. provenance of
coin-types: boar 37; bow 36 ; bull and
horseman 33, 34; caitya 23; caityatree 13; deities Avestan, Buddha,
Greek, Scythic, Vedic iS; elephant 35,
36; firealtar 30, 34, 35; fish 36; goddess
seated 19, 20, 33; horseman 34; king
seated 36; king standing 35, 36; lion 37;
lotus 38; peacock 25; ship 37; Siva and
bull 19> 355 stag ii; sun-god of Multan
31; tiger 36; trident 25 ; of Kashmir
3,31; native Indian influenced by Greek
5 ; ofRanjubula9; of Southern India 35;
developed from punch-marks 11, 37.
Cola 36.
Comorin, Cape 36.
copper or bronze alloyed 23,37.
Coromandel Coast 37.
countermarks 3.
Cukhsa 14, 20,
cup-shaped coins 37.
7; _
ICanauj 24, 31, 34.
Harsadeva of Kashmir 32; 36.
27; 29.
Hasti, Rana dynasty
medals 6.decadrachm struck by
struck in honour
v. Miaus.
of ancestors
16. byAga- thocles and
Antimachus 6. Megasthenes
17; 16, iS. 4.
6, 17. metronymics
22. Kush 9.
Airan ca paramesvara 31
Miaus 9, 16.
Greek alphabet,
Kusanamodifications of 18;
modifications of
29. guild tokens 3.
Gujarat 20, 29, 34.
Gunauka =
Gunakamadevavarman 32.
Jaloka 5.
Jamna 12, 16, 33.
Janapada 12.
JANAPADASA, Raj HA 12. Javuvlah
(Jabuvlah or Jabula) Sahi 29.
Jayadaman 21, 23. Jaya(gupta) 27. '
Jejahuti 33.
Jisnugupta 32.
Jivadaman 22.
Johiyas 14.
Kabul s, 6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 20. Kacch 20.
Kada 12.
Kadaik branch of ICunets 12. Kadamba 38;
Kakatlyas v. Worangal. Kalacuris v.
Dahala, Kalyana- pura, MahakoSala.
Kalyanapura, Kalacuri dynasty ^ of 38.
Kanarese districts 38.
Kanauj (ICanyakubja) 31; 24, 28, 33, 34.
Kandahar 6, 8, 15.
Kandy 36, 37.
Kangra 34.
Kaniska 18; 9,10, 13, 14, 17, 19 . 31 *
Karakoram pass 8.
Karhad 23.
Karkotaka dynasty 32. Karnata 36.
karsapana 2.
Karttikeya 15.
Karwar, Nanda kings of 24. Kashgar 10.
Kashmir 3 [; 8, 20, 29, 30, 33. Kalhiawad
Kerala 36.
Khakharata = Kaharata 20. Kharamosta,
son of Artas 9, 20. Kharaosta 9, 20.
Khingila, Sahi 29.
Khinkhila Narendraditya 29. Khusru II,
Parviz 30, 31. Kidara Kusanas 19; 20, 28,
3 32, 33*
Rangamattl 26.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------56 II. LITERATURE AND HISTORY. 3B. SOURCES OF INDIAN HISTORY: COINS.
$ -------------------------------------------------------------------Rudradaman 21, 23.
Rudrasimha 22.
Sadboddhika drammas 34.
Sagar district II. vSahyadri
mountains 22.
Saka 7 9; 4, 10; 17,18,20.
Sakala 8, 2S.
Saka-Parthian, term applied to
dynasties of Maues and Yon
ones 8.
Saka satraps?'.Mathura; others
9, M*
Sakasthana 8, 20. Saktivarman
Salem 36.
Sanabares 15.
Sapaleizes 10.
Sarvavarman 27, 29.
Sasanka 26.
Sassanian dynasty and coins 4 ,
5. !5 . 19. 20, 28, 29, 30, _ 3 i.
34 Satakarni V. Gotamlputa I. and
Satavahanas V. Andhra dynasty.
Satlej 12, 34.
Satyadaman 22.
Scytliic invaders of India 7.
Scytho-Sassanian 19; 4, 29.
Seistan 5, 8, 15.
Seleucid ambassadors in India
4Seleucid coins 4, 7.
Seleucus 4.
Senapati Bhatarka 26, 27.
Shahdheri 14.
Skaki Tip in 31 .
Sibi 14. sigloi 3.
silver alloyed 10.
Simhasena 22.
Sind 5, 8, 15, 30. single-die
coins 14.
Siriyana Gotamlputa Sata- kani
II. 24.
[Ztpo]n-roYEp.aio; = Sri Pnlumavi 24.
Sita-Hunas V. Hunas.
.bivadalta 10.
Sivapali[ta] 10.
Skandagupta 24, 25, 26, 28.
Sobii = Sibi 14.
Sonias a 18.
Sogdiana 7.
Somaladeva 34.
Somesvara (Cauhan) 33;
(IvalacuriofKalyanapura) 38.
Sophagasenus (Subhagasena) 5*
Sophytes 3, 4.
SoterMegas V. Nameless King.
Spalagadama 8.
Spalapati 33.
- ^ , vSse (or Sek) v. Saka.
Sthiragnpta 26.
strategos,title of Aspavarma 9.
Strato II. 9.
Sunga V. Paricala (Sungas).
Surastra and Mahva, Ksatrapas
Of 21 ; 23, 25, 3S. ' suvarna 2, 25.
Sveta-HOijas v. Hunas. symbols
11, 17, 35, 36; Ca- lukya 37 ; Cera
36; Pandya 36; Ujjain 14; v. also
emblems and coin-types,
Takan Iv
9koras an Malka 3 [.
Tukan = Panjab 30.
1 8, 17.
Taxila 14;
Tewar 14, 33.
Theophilus 6.
Ttaotavog Castana 24.
Tomara dynasty of Delili 33;
and of Kanauj 31.
Toramana 26, 27, 29, 30, 32.
Transoxiana 7.
Tripun (Tripura) 14; 33. Tsanyu
(Chanyu) = deva- putra 9.
Tunjina 32.
Turkestan 7.
Turks 15, 28.
Turyamdna 32.
Udayaditya V. Takhana.
Udumbara v. Audumbara
Ujcniya 14.
Ujjain 14; 21, 23.
Upatikya 13.
Usavadata 20.
Vaisrcivcina 32.
Valabhl 27; 25, 26.
Varahran V. 5, 20.
Varana 11.
Yasithiputa 23.
(Multan) 30.
Vatasvaka 14.
Vatsa-pattana 12.
Vema-Reddis v. Kodavi^u.
Vigraka 28.
Vigraka, Sri 31, 34.
Vigrahapala I. (Magadha) 31, .
34 Vigrahapala drammas 31.
Vijayamitra, son of 9.
Vijayanagara 38.
Vijayasena 22.
I Vikramaditya 17; v. also Candragupta II.
Vilivdyakura 23.
Vindhya mountains 33.
Virakeralasya, Sri 36. Vlrasena
(Vlrasimha) Ivrama- ditya 27.
Visa?na-siddhi 37.
Visnugupta Candraditya 26.
Vinuvardhana (of Mahva) 30;
(E. Calukya) 37.
Vizagapatam district 37.
Vonones 8; 4, 15.
weight-standards: of Andhra
coins 23; Attic 6; Ksatrapas
of Surastra 21; native Indian
2, 25, 27; Persian 3, 6, 21,
25, 27; Roman 4, 17 , 25. _
:, .
The earliest specimens of this coinage are probably at least as early as the beginning of the 4 th
cent. B.C.
C.ASR. I, p. 70; II, pp. 229. 264. 288; XIV, p. 17; C.NChr. 1S73, p. 209;
C.CAI. p. 52; TH.AIW. p. 33; Ru.D.ACC. p. I, summary of results p. 13, S II. * * * * * * * * * * 22j
RAPSON, JRAS. 1895, p. 869.