Crash Box Crash-Wothiness
Crash Box Crash-Wothiness
Crash Box Crash-Wothiness
Crash absorbing materials are being used in industry to reduce impact of collision on
worthy structure often referred as crashworthy, as they could sustain crash up to a
certain limit without causing any damage to the integrity of structure as a whole. In
automobile industry crashworthy structure absorbs impact energy in a controlled
manner. The sudden impact of collision cause huge amount of impulse and deceleration.
Energy absorption by using metallic absorber is achieved by progressive buckling using
folding deformation using initiators such as ribs, holes, folds, cuts, different shapes of
sections, elements with variable thickness and constant increase of sections and of
inertia moments. The key feature of these crash boxes is that deformation that rate of
energy dissipation is concentrated over relatively narrow zones and other part of
structure undergoes rigid body motion.
Problem Statement
Selection of material and geometry of crash box and implementing it on frame rail
attached to a rigid bumper. Using Ansys Explicit STR and comparing stress variation of
different models with and without crash box.
Fig.1: three different configurations (M1 without crash box, M2 and M3 with different
combinations.) [1]
Design of
crash box
Design of
Analysis of
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