Complex Multiplier

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Complex Multiplier

Megafunction User Guide

101 Innovation Drive

San Jose, CA 95134

Software Version:
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Document Date:

May 2008

Copyright 2008 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and
service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants
performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make
changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera
Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User GuidePreliminary

Altera Corporation
May 2008


About This User Guide ............................................................................. v

Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ v
Referenced Documents ............................................................................................................................. v
How to Contact Altera ............................................................................................................................ vi
Typographic Conventions ...................................................................................................................... vi

Chapter 1. About this Megafunction

Device Family Support .........................................................................................................................
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................
Features ...................................................................................................................................................
General Description ...............................................................................................................................
Complex Multiplication ..................................................................................................................
Conventional Representation .........................................................................................................
Canonical Representation ...............................................................................................................
Resource Usage and Performance .......................................................................................................


Chapter 2. Getting Started

Software and System Requirements ................................................................................................... 21
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Customization ................................................................................. 21
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Page Descriptions ........................................................................... 22
Instantiating Megafunctions in HDL Code or Schematic Designs ................................................. 29
Generating a Netlist for EDA Tool Use ....................................................................................... 210
Using the Port and Parameter Definitions .................................................................................. 210
Identifying a Megafunction after Compilation ............................................................................... 211
Simulation ............................................................................................................................................. 211
Quartus II Software Simulation ................................................................................................... 211
EDA Tool Simulation ..................................................................................................................... 212
Design Example 1: Multiplication of 8-Bit Complex Numbers Using Canonical Representation ...
Design Files ..................................................................................................................................... 212
Configuration Settings ................................................................................................................... 213
Functional Simulation in the Quartus II Software ..................................................................... 213
Comparison of Resource Usage ................................................................................................... 215
Functional Simulation in the ModelSim-Altera Simulator ...................................................... 219
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 220

Chapter 3. Specifications
Ports and Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 31

Altera Corporation

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide


Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation

About this User Guide

Revision History

The following table shows the revision history for this user guide.

Date and Document

May 2008


Changes Made
Initial release.

This user guide references the following documents:

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Summary of Changes

Configuring Cyclone II Devices chapter in the Cyclone II Device

Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of
the Stratix II Device Handbook
Configuring Stratix III Devices chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix III
Device Handbook
Cyclone II Architecture chapter in the Cyclone II Device Handbook
DSP Blocks in Stratix and Stratix GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the
Stratix Device Handbook
DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2
of the Stratix II Device Handbook
DSP Blocks in Stratix III Devices chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix III
Device Handbook
Embedded Multipliers in Cyclone II Devices chapter in the Cyclone II
Device Handbook
Implementing High-Performance DSP Functions in Stratix and
Stratix GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix Device
Introduction chapter in the Cyclone II Device Handbook
Introduction chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix Device Handbook
Introduction chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook
Multiplier-Adder Megafunction User Guide (ALTMULT_ADD)
Quartus II Integrated Synthesis chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II
Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II
Simulation section in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook
Stratix Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix Device

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

How to Contact Altera

How to Contact

Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device

Stratix III Device Family Overview chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix III
Device Handbook
Synthesis section in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook

For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to the
following table.

Contact (1)



Technical support


Technical training



Product literature


Non-technical support (General)


(Software Licensing) Email

Note to table:

Visual Cue

You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative.

This document uses the typographic conventions shown in the following



Bold Type with Initial

Capital Letters

Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are
shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.

bold type

External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold
type. Examples: \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file.

Italic Type with Initial Capital


Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters.
Example: AN 75: High-Speed Board Design.

Italic type

Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.

Examples: tPIA, n + 1.
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type.
Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.

Initial Capital Letters

Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
Delete key, the Options menu.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

About this User Guide

Visual Cue


Subheading Title

References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
shown in quotation marks. Example: Typographic Conventions.

Courier type

Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For
example: c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL
keyword SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in

1., 2., 3., and

a., b., c., etc.

Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is
important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.

Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.

The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only.

The hand points to information that requires special attention.

A caution calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can damage or

destroy the product or the users work.

A warning calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can cause injury
to the user.

The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.

The feet direct you to more information about a particular topic.

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Typographic Conventions

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Chapter 1. About this


Device Family

The Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) megafunction

supports the following target Altera device families:

Arria GX
Cyclone III
Cyclone II
HardCopy II
HardCopy Stratix
Stratix IV
Stratix III
Stratix II
Stratix II GX
Stratix GX


As design complexities increase, the use of vendor-specific intellectual

property (IP) blocks has become a common design methodology. Altera
provides parameterizable megafunctions that are optimized for Altera
device architectures. Using megafunctions instead of coding your own
logic saves valuable design time. Additionally, the Altera-provided
functions may offer more efficient logic synthesis and device
implementation. You can scale the size of the megafunction by setting


The ALTMULT_COMPLEX megafunction implements the multiplication

of two complex numbers and offers many additional features, including
the following:

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Parameterizable input data widths ranging from 1 to 256 bits

Output result widths of up to 256 bits
Two representations of implementation: canonical representation
and conventional representation
Support for both signed and unsigned data representation formats
Active-high asynchronous clear and clock-enable control inputs
Option to add the extra latency required to pipeline the output of the

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

General Description


The ALTMULT_COMPLEX megafunction simplifies the process of

multiplying complex numbers. The megafunction offers the following
two implementation modes:

You can use the canonical representation for the following:

Input data widths of less than 18 bits

All Altera devices listed in Device Family Support except
Stratix III devices.

You can use the conventional representation for the following:

Input data widths of 18 bits or more

Stratix III devices

With the conventional representation, you can use the

ALTMULT_ADD megafunction to implement the complex
multiplier by instantiating two multipliers.

For more information about the ALTMULT_ADD

megafunction, refer to the Multiplier-Adder Megafunction
User Guide (ALTMULT_ADD).

Complex Multiplication
Complex numbers are numbers in the form of the following equation:
a + ib


a and b are real numbers

i is an imaginary unit that equals the square root of 1: 1

Two complex numbers x = a + ib and y = c + id are multiplied, as shown

in Equation 1 and Equation 2:

xy = ( a + ib ) ( c + id )
= a c + ibc + iad bd


= ( ac bd ) + i ( ad + bc )

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

About this Megafunction

Conventional Representation
From Equation 1, the multiplication of two complex numbers can be
represented in two parts: real and imaginary. The xy_real variable in
Equation 3 represents the real part, and the xy_imaginary variable in
Equation 4 represents the imaginary part. Both equations are derived
from Equation 2.

xy_real = ac bd
xy_imaginary = ad + bc

Table 11 shows the number of resources required to represent the

multiplication of two complex numbers in the conventional
representation. Two ALTMULT_ADD megafunction blocks are
instantiated to implement this representationone block to generate the
output of the real value and another block to generate the output of the
imaginary value.

Table 11. Resource Usage for Conventional Representation






For Stratix III devices, the conventional representation improves resource

efficiency as the ALTMULT_ADD megafunction is inferred in the
ALTMULT_COMPLEX megafunction for the device.

Canonical Representation
From Equation 1, the multiplication of two complex numbers can be
represented in two parts: real and imaginary. The xy_real variable in
Equation 5 represents the real part, and the xy_imaginary variable in
Equation 6 represents the imaginary part. Both equations are derived
from Equation 2.

xy_real = ac bd
= ac bd + ( ad bc ) ( ad bc )
= ( ac ad + bc bd ) + ( ad bc )
= ( ( a + b ) ( c d ) ) + ( ad bc )


xy_imaginary = ad + bc

Altera Corporation
May 2008

The canonical representation is available for all Altera devices

listed in Device Family Support except Stratix III devices.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Resource Usage and Performance

Table 12 shows the number of resources required to represent the

multiplication of two complex numbers in the canonical representation.
The multiplication requires the instantiation of one comparator and three

Table 12. Resource Usage for Canonical Representation





For more information about the multiply or add mode in the DSP blocks
of Stratix devices and details on using accumulators in the finite impulse
response (FIR) filter applications, refer to the following literature:

Resource Usage


Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device

DSP Blocks in Stratix and Stratix GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the
Stratix Device Handbook
Implementing High-Performance DSP Functions in Stratix and
Stratix GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix Device

For more information about the architecture of DSP blocks, embedded

multipliers, and hardware conversion process, refer to the following

Stratix III Device Family Overview chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix III
Device Handbook
DSP Blocks in Stratix III Devices chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix III
Device Handbook
Configuring Stratix III Devices chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix III
Device Handbook
Introduction chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device Handbook
Stratix II Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II Device
DSP Blocks in Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2
of the Stratix II Device Handbook
Configuring Stratix II and Stratix II GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of
the Stratix II Device Handbook
Introduction chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix Device Handbook
Stratix Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix Device
DSP Blocks in Stratix and Stratix GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the
Stratix Device Handbook

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

About this Megafunction

Implementing High-Performance DSP Functions in Stratix and

Stratix GX Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix Device
Introduction chapter in the Cyclone II Device Handbook
Cyclone II Architecture chapter in the Cyclone II Device Handbook
Embedded Multipliers in Cyclone II Devices chapter in the Cyclone II
Device Handbook
Configuring Cyclone II Devices chapter in the Cyclone II Device
Other related device documentation available on the Literature page
of the Altera website (

Table 13 summarizes the resource usage of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX

megafunction for Stratix III and Cyclone III devices.

Table 13. ALTMULT_COMPLEX Megafunction Resource Usage for Stratix III and Cyclone III Devices
Note (1)
Logic Usage
(Dedicated Logic

Device Family


Input Data Width


Stratix III






Cyclone III

DSP Blocks






Notes to Table 13:


You can get the resource information from the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. The information in this table is
valid and accurate in the Quartus II software version 8.0.
Specify the representation on page 3 of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager for the ALTMULT_COMPLEX
megafunction. For Stratix III devices and input data widths of 18 bits and above, use only the conventional

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Resource Usage and Performance

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Chapter 2. Getting Started

Software and

The instructions in this section require the following software:

Plug-In Manager

The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager creates or modifies design files that

contain custom megafunction variations, which can then be instantiated
in a design file. The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager provides a wizard that
allows you to specify options for the Complex Multiplier
(ALTMULT_COMPLEX) megafunction features in your design.

Quartus II software version 8.0 or later

For operating system support information, refer to:

Start the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager in one of the following ways:

Altera Corporation
May 2008

On the Tools menu, click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.

When working in the Block Editor, on the Edit menu, click Insert
Symbol as Block, or right-click in the Block Editor, point to Insert,
and click Symbol as Block. In the Symbol window, click
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.
Start the stand-alone version of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager by
typing the following command at the command prompt:
qmegawiz r

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Page Descriptions

Plug-In Manager

This section provides descriptions of the options available on the

individual pages of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX wizard.
On page 1 of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, you can select Create a
new custom megafunction variation, Edit an existing custom
megafunction variation, or Copy an existing custom megafunction
variation (Figure 21).
Figure 21. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 1]

On page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, specify the

megafunction, the device family to use, the type of output file to create,
and the name of the output file (Figure 22). Choose AHDL (.tdf), VHDL
(.vhd), or Verilog HDL (.v) as the output file type.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Figure 22. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 2a]

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Page Descriptions

On page 3 of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, select the width of the

input and output buses. Specify whether the input buses are signed or
unsigned (Figure 23).
Figure 23. ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 3 of 6]

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Table 21 shows the options available on page 3 of the

ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.

Table 21. ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 3] Options

Configuration Setting


Currently selected device family

Select the device family you want to use. Turn off

Match project/default to change the device family if it
is different from the default.

How wide should the A input buses be?

How wide should the B input buses be?

Select the width of the input buses. You can choose

from 1 to 256 bits.

How wide should the result output bus be?

Select the width of the output bus. You can choose

from 1 to 256 bits.

What is the representation format for A inputs?

What is the representation format for B inputs?

Select Signed or Unsigned for inputs A and B.

On page 4 of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager,

specify the implementation style and select the optional inputs
(Figure 24).

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Page Descriptions

Figure 24. ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 4 of 6]

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Table 22 shows the options available on page 4 of the

ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.

Table 22. ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 4] Options

Configuration Setting


Which implementation style should be used?

Select an implementation style for the complex multiplier.

The Automatically select a style for best trade-off for the
current settings option chooses the best implementation style
based on the device family and input data widths specified on
page 3 of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.
The Canonical (Minimize the number of simple multipliers)
option is used for non-Stratix III devices or when the input data
width is less than 18 bits.
The Conventional (Minimize the use of logic cells) option is
used for Stratix III devices or when the input data width is
18 bits and above.


Select the output latency. You can choose a value between 0

and 14 clock cycles.
Select Create an asynchronous Clear input to create the
asynchronous clear (aclr) port. Use the aclr port to reset the
megafunction asynchronously.
Select Create a Clock Enable input to create the clock-enable
(ena) port. Use the optional ena port to enable the clock.

On page 5 of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager,

you can choose to generate a resource usage and timing estimation netlist
(Figure 25).

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Page Descriptions

Figure 25. ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 5 of 6]

On page 6 of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager,

specify the types of files to be generated. Choose from the AHDL include
file (<function name>.inc), VHDL component declaration file
(<function name>.cmp), Quartus II symbol file (<function name>.bsf),
instantiation template file (<function name>_inst.v), Verilog HDL
black-box declaration file (<function name>_bb.v), and Quartus II IP
Advisor file (<function name>.qip). If you selected Generate netlist on
page 5, the file for that netlist is also available. A gray checkmark
indicates a file that is automatically generated and a red checkmark
indicates an optional file (Figure 26).

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Figure 26. ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 6 of 6]

For more information about the ports and parameters for the
ALTMULT_COMPLEX megafunction, refer to Chapter 3, Specifications.

in HDL Code or

Altera Corporation
May 2008

When you use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager to customize and

parameterize a megafunction, it creates a set of output files that allows
you to instantiate the customized function in your design. Depending on
the language you choose in the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, the wizard
instantiates the megafunction with the correct parameter values and
generates a megafunction variation file (wrapper file) in Verilog HDL (.v),
VHDL (.vhd), or AHDL (.tdf), along with other supporting files.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Instantiating Megafunctions in HDL Code or Schematic Designs

The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager provides options to create the

following files:

A sample instantiation template for the language of the variation file

(_inst.v, _inst.vhd, or _inst.tdf)
Component Declaration File (.cmp) that can be used in VHDL
Design Files
ADHL Include File (.inc) that can be used in Text Design Files (.tdf)
Quartus II Block Symbol File (.bsf) that can be used in schematic
Verilog HDL module declaration file that can be used when
instantiating the megafunction as a black box in a third-party
synthesis tool (_bb.v)

For more information about the wizard-generated files, refer to

Quartus II Help or to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in
volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.

Generating a Netlist for EDA Tool Use

If you use a third-party EDA synthesis tool, you can instantiate the
megafunction variation file as a black box for synthesis. Use the VHDL
component declaration or Verilog HDL module declaration black-box file
to define the function in your synthesis tool, and then include the
megafunction variation file in your Quartus II project.
If you enable the option to generate a synthesis area and timing
estimation netlist in the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, the wizard
generates an additional netlist file (_syn.v). The netlist file is a
representation of the customized logic used in the Quartus II software.
The file provides the connectivity of the architectural elements in the
megafunction but may not represent true functionality. This information
enables certain third-party synthesis tools to better report area and timing
estimates. In addition, synthesis tools can use the timing information to
focus timing-driven optimizations and improve the quality of results.

For more information about using megafunctions in your third-party

synthesis tool, refer to the appropriate chapter in the Synthesis section in
volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.

Using the Port and Parameter Definitions

Instead of using the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, you can instantiate
the megafunction directly in your Verilog HDL, VHDL, or AHDL code by
calling the megafunction and setting its parameters as you would any
other module, component, or subdesign.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Altera strongly recommends that you use the MegaWizard

Plug-In Manager for complex megafunctions. The MegaWizard
Plug-In Manager ensures that you set all megafunction
parameters properly.

For a list of the megafunction ports and parameters, refer to Chapter 3,


Identifying a

During compilation with the Quartus II software, analysis and

elaboration are performed to build the structure of your design. To locate
your megafunction in the Project Navigator window, expand the
compilation hierarchy and find the megafunction by its name.


The Quartus II Simulator provides an easy-to-use, integrated solution for

performing simulations. The following sections describe the simulation

To search for node names within the megafunction (using the Node
Finder), click Browse in the Look in box and select the megafunction in
the Hierarchy box.

Quartus II Software Simulation

With the Quartus II Simulator, you can perform two types of simulations:
functional and timing. A functional simulation enables you to verify the
logical operation of your design without taking into consideration the
timing delays in the FPGA. This simulation is performed using only your
RTL code. When performing a functional simulation, add only signals
that exist before synthesis. You can find these signals with the Registers:
Pre-Synthesis, Design Entry, or Pin filters in the Node Finder. The
top-level ports of megafunctions are found using these three filters.
In contrast, the timing simulation in the Quartus II software verifies the
operation of your design with annotated timing information. This
simulation is performed using the post place-and-route netlist. When
performing a timing simulation, add only signals that exist after
place-and-route. These signals are found with the post-compilation filter
of the Node Finder. During synthesis and place-and-route, the names of
RTL signals change. Therefore, it may be difficult to find signals from
your megafunction instantiation in the post-compilation filter.
To preserve the names of your signals during the synthesis and
place-and-route stages, use the synthesis attributes keep or preserve.
These are Verilog HDL and VHDL synthesis attributes that direct analysis

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Design Example 1: Multiplication of 8-Bit Complex Numbers Using Canonical Representation

and synthesis to keep a particular wire, register, or node intact. Use these
synthesis attributes to keep a combinational logic node so you can
observe the node during simulation.

For more information about these attributes, refer to the Quartus II

Integrated Synthesis chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.

EDA Tool Simulation

The Quartus II Handbook chapters describe how to perform functional and
gate-level timing simulations that include the megafunctions, with
details about the files that are needed and the directories where the files
are located.

Example 1:
Multiplication of
8-Bit Complex
Numbers Using

Depending on which simulation tool you are using, refer to the

appropriate chapter in the Simulation section in volume 3 of the
Quartus II Handbook.
This design example uses the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager to configure
the ALTMULT_COMPLEX megafunction. The design uses a Stratix II
device to implement a complex multiplier with an 8-bit input data width
using the canonical representation. The ModelSim-Altera software is
used for the simulation.
The example also compares the resource usage between the canonical and
conventional implementations for a design with an 8-bit input data
width. The canonical representation requires less resources for designs
with less than 18 bits of input data width, or designs involving nonStratix III devices.

Design Files
The example design files are available in the User Guides section on the
Literature page of the Altera website (
The following functional simulations are available for the design

Functional Simulation in the Quartus II Software on page 213

Functional Simulation in the ModelSim-Altera Simulator on
page 219

Download the respective design example for the Quartus II or

ModelSim-Altera software before running the simulation.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Configuration Settings
This design example configures the ALTMULT_COMPLEX
megafunction for the canonical representation with an input data width
of 8 bits.
Table 23 shows the ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager configuration settings that are used to create this design
example. In the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager pages, select or verify the
configuration settings shown in Table 23. Click Next to advance from
one page to the next.

Table 23. Configuration Settings for Multiplication of 8-Bit Complex

Numbers Using Canonical Representation
Configuration Settings
Device family

Stratix II

Output file type


Bus width for data A and data B inputs

8 bits

Bus width for result output

16 bits

Representation format for data A and data B inputs


Output latency

Implementation style


Create an asynchronous clear port


Create a clock enable port


Generate netlist


Functional Simulation in the Quartus II Software

Run the Quartus II functional simulation to display the functional
behavior waveform of the design example. The design files are already
configured and compiled.
Set up and run the Quartus II Simulator by performing the following

Altera Corporation
May 2008


Open the project and

extract the complex_canonical.qar file.


In the Quartus II software, open the complex_canonical.qar file and

restore the archived file into your working directory.


On the Processing menu, click Start Compilation.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Design Example 1: Multiplication of 8-Bit Complex Numbers Using Canonical Representation


When the Full compilation was successful message box appears,

click OK.


At the Compilation Report window, expand the Fitter menu

hierarchy, followed by the Resource Section menu hierarchy. Select
DSP Block Usage Summary. The number of DSP blocks used is
displayed (Figure 27).

Figure 27. Resource Usage for Canonical Representation

The resource usage values are correct at the time of publication.

For updated results, refer to the Compilation Report of the latest
version of the Quartus II software.


On the Processing menu, click Generate Functional Simulation



When the Functional Simulation Netlist Generation was

successful message box appears, click OK.


On the Processing menu, click Start Simulation, or, on the toolbar,

click the Start Simulation button.


When the Simulator was successful message box appears, click


Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

10. In the Simulation Waveforms window, view the simulation output

waveforms to verify the results (Figure 28).
Figure 28. Functional Simulation in the Quartus II Software

Comparison of Resource Usage

To compare the resource usage between the canonical and conventional
representations, edit the design file in the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager
by performing the following steps:

The project file of Design Example 1 must be open before you

perform the following steps. Otherwise, browse to your working
directory and open the complex_canonical.qpf file.


On the Tools menu, click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. The

MegaWizard Plug-In Manager dialog box appears (Figure 29).

Figure 29. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 1] to Edit Existing Custom

Megafunction Variation


Altera Corporation
May 2008

Select Edit an existing custom megafunction variation. Click Next.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Design Example 1: Multiplication of 8-Bit Complex Numbers Using Canonical Representation


Browse to your working directory and select the

complex_canonical.v file (Figure 210). Click Next.

Figure 210. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager [page 2b]


On page 3 of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In

Manager, click Next.


On page 4 of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In

Manager, select Conventional (Minimize the use of logic cells), as
shown in Figure 211. Click Finish.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Figure 211. Selecting Conventional Representation as Implementation Style


On page 6 of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX MegaWizard Plug-In

Manager, click Finish.


The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager dialog box appears. Click OK to

overwrite the file specified.


The Megafunction File dialog box appears with an option to add

the Quartus II IP Advisor File (.qip) your project. Click Yes.

10. On the Processing menu, click Start Compilation. When the Full
compilation was successful message box appears, click OK.

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Design Example 1: Multiplication of 8-Bit Complex Numbers Using Canonical Representation

11. At the Compilation Report window, expand the Fitter menu

hierarchy, followed by the Resource Section menu hierarchy. Select
DSP Block Usage Summary. The number of DSP blocks used is
displayed (Figure 212).
Figure 212. Resource Usage for Conventional Representation

The resource usage values are correct at the time of publication.

For updated results, refer to the Compilation Report of the latest
version of the Quartus II software.

For designs with input data widths that are less than 18 bits, Altera
recommends that you use the canonical representation for efficient
resource usage. If you set the IMPLEMENTATION_STYLE parameter to
AUTO, the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager chooses the canonical
representation by default for designs using non-Stratix III devices or
input widths that are less than 18 bits.
For designs using Stratix III devices or input widths of 18 bits and above,
you can use only the conventional representation. If you set the
IMPLEMENTATION_STYLE parameter to AUTO, the MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager chooses the conventional representation by default.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Getting Started

Functional Simulation in the ModelSim-Altera Simulator

Run the ModelSim-Altera software to generate a behavior waveform of
the design example.
You should be familiar with the ModelSim-Altera software before trying
out the design example. If you are unfamiliar with the ModelSim-Altera
software, refer to the support page for software products on the Altera
website ( On the support page, there are links to such
topics as installation, usage, and troubleshooting.
Set up and simulate the design in the ModelSim-Altera software by
performing the following steps:

Unzip the file to any working

directory on your PC.


Start the ModelSim-Altera software.


On the File menu, click Change Directory.


Select the folder in which you unzipped the files.


Click OK.


On the Tools menu, click Execute Macro.


Select the file and click Open. The file is a script file for the ModelSim-Altera
software to automate all the necessary settings for the simulation.


View the simulation results in the Wave window (Figure 213). You
can rearrange signals, remove signals, add signals, and change the
radix by modifying the script in the file.

Figure 213. Simulation Waveforms in the ModelSim-Altera Software

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide



The Quartus II software provides parameterizable megafunctions

ranging from simple arithmetic units, such as adders and counters, to
advanced phase-locked loop (PLL) blocks, divisions, and memory
structures. These megafunctions are performance-optimized for Altera
devices, and therefore, provide more efficient logic synthesis and device
implementation, because they automate the coding process and save
valuable design time. Altera recommends using these functions during
design implementation so you can consistently meet your design goals.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Chapter 3. Specifications

Ports and

The Quartus II software provides the Complex Multiplier

(ALTMULT_COMPLEX) megafunction that implements the
multiplication of two complex numbers. This chapter describes the ports
and parameters of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX megafunction. These ports
and parameters are available to customize the ALTMULT_COMPLEX
megafunction according to your application.
The parameter details are only relevant if you bypass the MegaWizard
Plug-In Manager interface and use the megafunction as a directly
parameterized instantiation in your design. The details of these
parameters are hidden if you use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager

Refer to the latest version of the Quartus II Help for the most current
information on the ports and parameters for this megafunction.
Figure 31 shows the input and output ports for the
ALTMULT_COMPLEX megafunction.
Figure 31. Input and Output Ports of ALTMULT_COMPLEX Megafunction

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Ports and Parameters

Table 31 shows the input ports, Table 32 shows the output ports, and
Table 33 shows the parameters for the ALTMULT_COMPLEX

Table 31. ALTMULT_COMPLEX Megafunction Input Ports

Port Name






Asynchronous clear for the

complex multiplier.



Clock input for the complex




Imaginary input value for the data A Input port [WIDTH_A-1..0] wide.
port of the complex multiplier.
Width is specified by the WIDTH_A



Real input value for the data A port

of the complex multiplier.



Imaginary input value for the data B Input port [WIDTH_B-1..0] wide.
port of the complex multiplier.
Width is specified by the WIDTH_B



Real input value for the data B port

of the complex multiplier.



Clock enable for the clock port of

the complex multiplier.

Input port [WIDTH_A-1..0] wide.

Width is specified by the WIDTH_A

Input port [WIDTH_B-1..0] wide.

Width is specified by the WIDTH_B

Table 32 lists the output ports of the ALTMULT_COMPLEX


Table 32. ALTMULT_COMPLEX Megafunction Output Ports

Port Name






Imaginary output value of the


Output port [WIDTH_RESULT-1..0]

wide. Width is specified by the
WIDTH_RESULT parameter.



Real output value of the multiplier.

Output port [WIDTH_RESULT-1..0]

wide. Width is specified by the
WIDTH_RESULT parameter.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008


Table 33 lists the parameters for the ALTMULT_COMPLEX


Table 33. ALTMULT_COMPLEX Megafunction Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Name







Specifies the representation algorithm and the number

of bits per channel. Values are AUTO, CANONICAL, and
CONVENTIONAL. A value of AUTO directs the
Quartus II software to determine the best
implementation method based on the selected device
family and input width. A value of CANONICAL is
available for input widths that are less than 18 bits and
for all supported devices, except for Stratix III devices. A
value of CONVENTIONAL is available for all supported
device families for the entire input range (1 to 256 bits).
If omitted, the default is AUTO.




Specifies the amount of latency, in clock cycles, needed

to produce the result. Values are [0..14]. If the value
maximum value of PIPELINE is 14. If the value of
maximum value of PIPELINE is 11. If omitted, the
default is 4.




Specifies the number representation of data A. Values

are UNSIGNED and SIGNED. The data A inputs are
interpreted as unsigned numbers when the value is
UNSIGNED, and as signed two's-complement numbers
when the value is SIGNED. If omitted, the default is




Specifies the number representation of data B. Values

are UNSIGNED and SIGNED. The data B inputs are
interpreted as unsigned numbers when the value is
UNSIGNED, and as signed two's-complement numbers
when the value is SIGNED. If omitted, the default is




Specifies the width of the dataa_real[] and

dataa_imag[] ports. Value must be 256 bits or less.
If omitted, the default is 18 bits.




Specifies the width of the datab_real[] and

datab_imag[] ports. Value must be 256 bits or less.
If omitted, the default is 18 bits.




Specifies the width of the result_real[] and

result_imag[] ports. Value must be 256 bits or
less. If omitted, the default is 36 bits.

Altera Corporation
May 2008

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Ports and Parameters

Table 33. ALTMULT_COMPLEX Megafunction Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Name







This parameter is used for modeling and behavioral

simulation purposes. Create the ALTMULT_COMPLEX
megafunction with the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager to
calculate the value for this parameter.




Allows you to specify Altera-specific parameters in the

VHDL Design File (.vhd). The default is UNUSED.




Identifies the entity name of the library of parameterized

modules (LPM) in .vhd files.

Complex Multiplier (ALTMULT_COMPLEX) Megafunction User Guide

Altera Corporation
May 2008

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