Unigraphics NX Interview Questions and Answers
Unigraphics NX Interview Questions and Answers
Unigraphics NX Interview Questions and Answers
1. Airthmatic Expressions
2. Conditional Expressions
3. Geometric Expressions
11) What is Direct Modeling or Synchronous Modeling?
Direct modeling techniques represents extended capabilities for some of the more basic
Unigraphics functions. Among these are face oriented operations, constraint based methods,
blend regeneration and independence of feature history. You can use Direct modeling functions
on models that have been imported from other CAD systems and are non-parametric.
12) What is the limit for Undo?
we can use Undo for 222 times or until up to last time saved.
13) How many colors in are there in UG?
1. Solid Modeling
2. Feature Based Modeling
3. Free Form Modeling
4. Sheet Metal Feature Modeling
19) What is Parasolid?
Para solid is form of translator which is used to open the higher version Unigraphics part files to
in lower version of Unigraphics. For example we can open the NX7.5 version part files in NX4.
27) What is Co-ordinate System? How many types of Co-ordinate Systems are there in
Co-ordinate System is a reference element. It uses X,Y and Z co-ordinates while creating model.
Following are the three types of Co-ordinate Systems
String mode is an option which is available while creating lines and arc using basic curves. When
the string mode is selected we can draw continuous lines or arc. If the string mode is not selected
we can create only one line or arc at a time.
38) What is Reference Set?
Reference set controls the the amount of data that is loaded from each component and viewed in
context of an assembly. (Data likes Datum Planes, Axis, Solid body, Sheet body, Sketches,
Curves etc)
39) What is Top Down Assembly?
In top down assembly we create the different parts in the same assembly file and assemble it
there itself.
40) What is Bottom Up Assembly?
In bottom up assembly we create the different parts of an assembly in separate file and then get
them and assemble using constraint.
41) How many mating constraints are there in assembly?
There are 8 mating constraints in assembly. Mate, Align, Angle, Parallel, Perpendicular, Center,
Center, Distance and Tangent.
42) How many ways to find the sketch is fully constrained in Unigraphics?
There are three ways to find the sketch is fully constrained. 1) In sketch environment (status bar)
2) In part navigation 3) Checkmate
43) What do mean by NURBS?
NURBS is Non Uniform Rational Bezier Splines.
44) What is B surface?
B surface is Bazier surface.
45) What is the use of Expand command?
Expand command is used in Drafting. In the drafting application you can use expand to create
and edit objects in specific view.
46) What is Section Strings?
Section strings is defined as the curves which represent the section of the profile in Sweep along
guide or Swept command.
A Datum plane is a reference plane that serves as aid when existing planes are not available.
The datum plane can be editor later. The fixed datum plane are datum planes which cannot be
edited later.
58) How Can we identify the Manually edited dimensions in Drafting?
We can identify by going to Information > Others > Object specific > Dimension with
Manual Text.
59) How many types of views can we create in a drafting?
We can create 11 types of views in drafting.
60) What is the maximum number of guide curves used in Swept operation?
The maximum number of guide curves used in Swept operations is Three (3).