Visual Merchandising Elements Exterior Presentation
Visual Merchandising Elements Exterior Presentation
Visual Merchandising Elements Exterior Presentation
Exterior Presentation
The quality of a store front is a major determinant for a customer and the store appearance
should never be compromised. The exterior appearance silently announces what customers can
expect inside. Good exterior visual merchandising attracts attention, creates interest and invites
the customer into business. Generally the exterior presentation should be progressive, lavish or
discount image to the customer. The important point to be noted is that how a store visually
welcomes a customer has to do a lot, whether they enter or not.
Exterior Signs
An effective sign is a silent sales person. A sign must attract attention of customers in less than
ten seconds and should convey what the business is and what it has to sell. The size of the letter
used in signs should be large enough to be read from a distant place. Elegant design and
expensive sign material will convey a business of luxury goods and services. A design of the sign
conveys a great deal about the business. Signs can also be used to target a specific market
segment such as youth, women, singles etc. Logo is also very important and plays a major role in
attracting customers. They should be unique and noticeable. To put it in simple words simple
brief, well designed, well lettered and easy to read signs will attract more customers and convey
a feeling of welcome to the customers. A stores signs is its identity. It is with the sign that the
public recognize the store.
Hence it should create an image that can be consistently carried out as an identity of the store.
Marquees are special type of signs used to display stores name. Effective marquees should be
designed so as it is different from others and attracts the attention of customers.
Banners are economical but colourful and eye catching means of promotion. They can be
changed frequently to create different appearances which will in turn attract customers to the
store. It will be more effective when the colour scheme and design concept used in the banners
are materials and newspaper ads.
Entrance & Aisles
Most of the first time customers remember the store entrance. This goes on with the quote first
impression is the best impression. Giving the best impression to the customers right at the
entrance is mandatory for any store. Cluttered aisles makes the shoppers feel uncomfortable and
hence leave to a bad shopping experience. Entrances that allow shopping to come into a store
without being aware of their entering are also becoming very popular.
Window Displays
The display at shop windows is becoming increasingly popular as far as visual merchandising
stands. Changing window displays to suit themes and moods and seasons is gaining popularity.
Special emphasis has to be placed on a stores window displays because they are the information
link to the potential customer. It is reckoned that as many as one in every four sales could be the
result of a good window display. Window display should attract attention, create interest and
invite people into the store to purchase goods. The average amount of time an individual spends
looking at a window display is about eleven seconds, and that is the maximum time available to
achieve this. Too much of merchandise must not be crowded at a window, as customers find it
difficult to determine the message and what items are being promoted.
Interior Presentation
Selling space is the most important part of a store and therefore, efforts to utilize each square
foot will help to maximize sales. When planning interior displays, it should be kept in mind that
the theme and image presented on the exterior must be carried throughout the interior of the store
to provide consistency for the customer.
The purpose of interior display is to develop desire for the merchandise, show what is available,
and encourage both impulse and planned buying.
Three major goals of a store should be to motivate the customer to spend money, project the
image of the store and keep expenses to a minimum. Well-designed displays and in-store
promotions are essentials for a consistent theme and to help the customer find advertised items.
Although the percentage of in-store purchase decisions may vary by type of store and product,
this is a critical selling point. Information provided by the Point of Purchase Advertising Institute
(POPAI) indicates that nothing influences the consumers purchase decisions more than
advertising used where the sale is actually made---the point of purchase.
Impulse buying - The trick of Visual Merchandising
A research conducted in US suggests that 64.8 per cent of all purchases decisions were made
inside a supermarket. This included impulse purchase along with substitutions and generally
planned buys where the shopper had an item in mind, but no brand. Most people indicated they
purchased the item because they saw it displayed.
Displays or advertising alone may not increase product sales substantially. However, combining
advertising and display into an integrated promotional campaign will usually be more effective.
Some effective displays are created by suppliers or brand-name manufacturers, while others are
developed from scratch. The main principles of design used in display are balance, emphasis,
proportion, rhythm, colour, lighting and harmony. These principles apply to all displays, window
and interior.
Display Design
An effective way of attracting customers to a store is by having good displays, both exterior and
interior. A customer will be attracted to a display within three to eight seconds, which is the time
a customer spends to determine interest in a product. Every display should be planned and must
have a theme. Good design makes a visual presentation come together. This means the design
attracts attention in a way that strengthens the store image, as well as introducing merchandise to
the customer. Sale or promotional good in front of the store should be placed for short period of
time only. If the sale or promotion lasts for several weeks, merchandise should be moved to the
rear of the store. The customer should always get to see new exciting and creative merchandise
with display at the front of the store.
Straight Rack - Long pipe suspended with supports to the floor or attached
to the wall.
1.8.2 Four way fixtures: Two cross bar that
perpendicular to each other in a pedestal.
1.8.3 Wall Fixtures: To make store walls
merchandisable, wall usually covered with a
skin, that is fitted with a vertical columns of notches similar to those on the
Gondolas, into which a variety of hardware can be inserted can be merchandised
much higher than floor fixtures.
Shelving flexible and easy to maintain.
Pegging small rods inserted into walls. Folding For soft lines that can be folded and
stacked on shelves or tables creates high fashion
Planogram is tool used by the retailer, which helps the
retailer to determine the location of the merchandise
within a department. It is a diagram that visually
communicates how merchandise physically fit on to a
store fixture or window, to allow for proper visibility and
price point options. It helps in listing the exact number of
square feet used for various products and exact number
of products to be displayed in a particular area
Planogramming benefits:
Improved sales presentation and closure results
Increased consumer appeal of product displays
Better brand awareness through consistency
Improved efficiency of shelf space allocations
Everything from perfumes, scented candles, toiletries, cleaning products are all
bought while keeping scent in the mind. The scent generally determines which
product the customer purchases.