Astro Article
Astro Article
Astro Article
Seventh House :
Spouse, personality of spouse, relations between life partners, desires, partnership, open enemies,
recovery, journey, litigation, danger to life, influence in foreign countries and fame, relations
between self and public, sexual or urinary disease.
Eighth House :
Longevity, kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident, unearned wealth, inheritance,
legacy, will, insurance, pension and gratuity, theft, robbery, worries, delay, battles, enemies,
inheritance of money, mental affliction, extramarital life.
Ninth House :
Fortune, religion, character, grand parents, long journeys, grandson, devotion towards elders and
god, spiritual initiation, dreams, higher education, wifes younger brother, brothers wife, visit to
holy places, philosophy, communication with spirits.
Tenth House :
Profession, fame, power, position, authority, honour, success, status, knees, character, karmas,
ambition in life, father, employers and superiors, relationship between self and superiors, success
in business, promotion, recognition from government.
Eleventh House :
Gains, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, friends, elder brother, ankles, left ear, advisers, favorites,
recovery of illness, expectation, sons wife, wishes, success in undertakings.
Twelfth House :
Harm, punishment, confinement, expenditure, donations (given), marriage, work related to water
resorts, vedic sacrifice, fines paid, sexual enjoyment outside wedlock, contacting sexually
transmitted disease, weakness in sexual act, sleeping comforts, enjoying luxuries, loss of spouse,
losses in marriage, termination of employment, separation from own people, long journeys,
settlement in foreign land.
Significators of Houses
The significators or karakas of various houses are as under:1st House Sun
2nd Jupiter
3rd Mars, Mercury
4th Moon, Venus
5th Jupiter
6th Mars, Saturn
7th Venus
8th Saturn
Vedic Astrology has a number of different branches which helps in various ways in prediction.
Prashan (Horary Astrology) is one of the branches which give predictions based on the moment
of time when the question is asked.
It is one of the most useful techniques for offering guidance in times of crisis if it is used
effectively. It gives answers of specific queries (prasna) depending on the time of the query.
In Sanskrit, day time is represented by the word Aho while night time is represented by the
word Raatra. From the word Aho, the sound ho has been combined with the Ra of Raatra
which jointly forms word hora. So, the word hora represents the day and night time which is
nothing but only the moments of time.
This subject has been discussed in detail by Sage Parasar in his work Brihat Paraasara Hora
Saastra and also by Kalyana Varma, Varahamihira and Kalidasa in their work. Many western
astrologers like Claudius Ptolemy, Willian Lilly and Alan Leo etc. had worked and written books
on this subject of Astrology.
Horary Astrology mainly focuses on answering specific questions however some Astrologer also
use it with Janam Kundli (Birth Horoscope) and Varsh Kundli (Yearly Horoscope) too as types of
karma done by a native is indicated by the Janam Kundli, Varsh Kundli and Prasna Kundli under
different circumstances.
Prashan Kundli is itself a very effective and self speaking kundli which gives very accurate and
stunting results if analyzed properly and with utmost care. For the purpose an Astrologer must
have very sound knowledge of different Parasari as well as Tajik combinations and yogas. He
should be very quick in calculating different degreewise positions of planets in respect of rising
According to Prashan Marg, a landmark in the area of Horary says that the time of question
(Prashna) should be given the same importance as the time of birth. Human births are regulated
according to the law of Karma and hence the time of birth is significant.
Similarly a person proceeds to an astrologer to ascertain his future prompted by a Divine force
and hence the time of question is equally important. However there are certain points of
difference in reading Prashna charts and horoscopes.
1st house
The querent, his personality and appearance, his health, his thoughts and his life in general.
2nd house
Family asserts, ancestors property , money, cash, wealth, speech, ornaments, jewelery and
movable assets, mouth, inner parts of mouth, family.
3rd house
Younger siblings, friends, neighbors, communication, news, writing, close relations, cousins,
short journeys, courage.
4th house
Mother, house, landed property, buildings, immovable property, farms, wells, mines and other
resources of the earth, vehicles, happiness from family.
5th house
Children, romance, love affairs, intelligence, higher education, creativity, speculation,
investments in shares and stocks, elections, entertainment, desires.
6th house
Sickness, diseases, enemies, servants, subordinates, litigation, court cases, loans, competition,
pet animals, lodgers, tenants, debts, thieves.
7th house
Spouse, partner, rival, marriage, love, dealings with the public, public image, open enemies,
thief, war, the astrologer whom the querent contacted.
8th house
Longevity, danger to age, suffering, ill heath, hidden or unconstitutional physical, relationship,
accidents, insurance, inheritance after death of a relative, other peoples money, money of the
spouse, money owed to the querent, taxes, mortgage, occult science related matters, black magic,
9th house
Father, long journey, religious matter, religion, divine worship, divine Guru, journey of foreign
countries, law and court, childrens higher education, illness of mother.
10th house
Profession, service matter, good or bad deed done by the querent, career, change of job or
profession, promotion, social status, fame, matters related with government or ruler, boss or
employer, father, fathers status.
11th house
Elder siblings, friends, gain & profits, success in total, speculation of spouse, longevity of
parents, Pitri Karma (religious duty towards parents), success.
12th house
Expenditure, hospitals, jail, seclusion, secret dealings, sorrow, death, charity, secrete enemies,
losses, foreign travel.