Standard Pallets
Standard Pallets
Standard Pallets
Review of domestic and international pallet standards and ongoing operational and cost
implications to Australian Domestic and International Logistics
Final Report
21 March 2002
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Some History .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7
2. CONCLUSIONS...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
3. RECOMMENDATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
5. SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS WORK ........................................................................................................................................................................................................16
5.1 GISCC - The Australian Pallet Study ..............................................................................................................................................................................................16
5.2 Efficient Unit Load study by A.T. Kearney.....................................................................................................................................................................................17
5.3 Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) : a survey of the Australian grocery industry .......................................................................................................................18
5.4 ECR Pallet Implementation Project: Apaper provided ECR Asia (Singapore)................................................................................................................................19
5.5 Conclusions......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
6. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK .............................................................................................................................................................................................................20
6.1 Preamble ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
6.2 Supply Chain Typology ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................22
6.3 Changes in market mix ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
6.4 Study components............................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
6.5 Conclusions......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
7. SYNOPSIS OF SURVEY OUTCOMES ..................................................................................................................................................................................................28
7.1 Respondents.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28
7.2 Summary of Interviews....................................................................................................................................................................................................................29
7.3 Conclusions......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................29
8. MARKET CONTEXT ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................30
8.1 Market Framework ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................31
8.2 Manufactured Goods........................................................................................................................................................................................................................31
8.3 Agricultural Goods ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................33
8.4 Retail Markets..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
8.5 Export and import trade ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................35
8.6 Value of Market Segments...............................................................................................................................................................................................................39
8.7 Conclusions......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................41
9. AUSTRALIA’S LOGISTICS TASK ........................................................................................................................................................................................................42
9.1 The task in 2001...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................42
9.2 Domestic pallet statistics..................................................................................................................................................................................................................47
Figure 5-1 Composition of capital cost elements identified within the GISCC report ...........................................................................................................................................17
Figure 6-1 Conceptual framework linking the purpose of the pallet to the prevailing market demands and product attributes.............................................................................20
Figure 6-2 A Supply Chain Typology outlining influences on Australia's logistics processes...............................................................................................................................22
Figure 6-3 Transport and storage output and gross domestic product index ...........................................................................................................................................................24
Figure 6-4 Key components of logic within the study............................................................................................................................................................................................25
Figure 8-1 Market structure delineating key segments within supply and demand cycles ......................................................................................................................................31
Figure 8-2 Subdivision (by value) of Australian manufacturing (including imports and exports) by unitisation class...........................................................................................32
Figure 8-3 Subdivision of Retail market within Australia ......................................................................................................................................................................................34
Figure 8-4 Value of the major Market Segments for unitised goods within the Australian market .......................................................................................................................39
Figure 9-1 Apportionment of container flows as full and empty imports and exports in 2000 ..............................................................................................................................44
Figure 9-2 5 Ports volume of container flows in 2000 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................44
Figure 9-3 Supply chain configuration incorporating road, rail and sea freight movements on unitised non-bulk products .................................................................................46
Figure 9-4 Transport and Storage output and Gross Domestic Product .................................................................................................................................................................48
Figure 9-5 Trend analysis for container throughput for the five major ports..........................................................................................................................................................48
Figure 9-6 Consumer (Grocery and food) - Market value estimates based on growth forecasts ............................................................................................................................51
Figure 9-7 Consumer (Non-Grocery and household) - Market value estimates based on growth forecasts...........................................................................................................51
Figure 9-8 Industrial/Other - Market value estimates based on growth forecasts...................................................................................................................................................51
Figure 9-9 Totals (All market segments) - Market value estimates based on growth forecasts..............................................................................................................................51
Figure 9-10 Forecast trade and consumption comparisons by market sector and total...........................................................................................................................................52
Figure 11-1 Various combinations for trailer length and pallet size........................................................................................................................................................................61
Figure 11-2 Trailer utilisation, showing under-utilised capacity .............................................................................................................................................................................63
Figure 11-3 Demonstrates the difference in loading/unloading techniques.............................................................................................................................................................64
Table 4-1 Growth rates and value by market segment forecast for 2010 and 2020................................................................................................................................................14
Table 4-2 Container movements by pallet standard.................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Table 4-3 Matrix for operational decision criteria ..................................................................................................................................................................................................15
Table 6-1 Assessment of growth scenarios based on alternative task apportionment and predicted growth forecasts...........................................................................................24
Table 7-1 Summary of key survey participants ......................................................................................................................................................................................................28
Table 8-1 Australian Market for Manufactured Goods ..........................................................................................................................................................................................31
Table 8-2 Summary of Agricultural production and export activity.......................................................................................................................................................................34
Table 8-3 Subdivision of the Retail market within Australia .................................................................................................................................................................................34
Table 8-4 Summary for import trade, segmented into the unitised classification...................................................................................................................................................37
Table 8-5 Summary for export trade, segmented into the unitised classification ....................................................................................................................................................38
Table 9-1 Logistics volumes for relevant market segments (unitised/containerised) .............................................................................................................................................42
Table 9-2 Inter-capital road freight matrix 1998-99 ('000 tonnes) .........................................................................................................................................................................43
Table 9-3 Use of domestic and ISO containers within long distant freight movements.........................................................................................................................................43
Table 9-4 Summary of container activity for 1998-9 .............................................................................................................................................................................................44
Table 9-5 Summary of Coastal Shipping of Containerised freight.........................................................................................................................................................................45
Table 9-6 Estimated volume for pallet issues per annum .......................................................................................................................................................................................47
Table 9-7 Summary of key market indicators.........................................................................................................................................................................................................48
Table 9-8 Summary of the current and modelled growth by market sector............................................................................................................................................................50
Table 9-9 Growth rates and value by market segment forecast for 2010 and 2020................................................................................................................................................53
Table 10-1 Geographic distribution of pallet standards..........................................................................................................................................................................................55
Table 10-2 Import containers by market segment and pack type ...........................................................................................................................................................................56
Table 10-3 Import containers by pack type and pallet standard at origin ...............................................................................................................................................................56
Table 10-4 Export containers by market segment and pack type ...........................................................................................................................................................................56
Table 10-5 Export containers by pack type and pallet standard at destination .......................................................................................................................................................56
Table 10-6 Container movements by pallet standard..............................................................................................................................................................................................57
Table 11-1 Matrix for operational decision criteria ................................................................................................................................................................................................65
Table 12-1 Summary of cost elements within financial summary..........................................................................................................................................................................67
Table 12-2 Project inventory and other costs and benefits .....................................................................................................................................................................................68
Table 13-1 Scenarios "A" - "C" indicating growth in indices in the intervening years ..........................................................................................................................................70
Table 13-2 Value of market segments and determination of task size by segment ................................................................................................................................................71
Table 13-3 Forward projections of production, export, import and consumption estimates based on derived growth indices, by market sector..................................................73
Table 13-4 Summary of Import Containers by Origin port for 1995 and 2000 ......................................................................................................................................................74
Table 13-5 Summary of Export Containers by Destination port for 1995 and 2000 ..............................................................................................................................................75
This study into the operational and cost implications of the Australian Taking a 20 year view, and understanding that import and export trade
Pallet in Domestic and International Logistics has been commissioned have substantially higher growth rates than domestic production and
by the consumption, the “markets” served by Australia’s domestic and
Integrated Logistics Network (ILN) international fields, will fundamentally change.
Australian Marine Group (AMG) International trade as a percentage of domestic consumption will
Debate regarding the suitability and implications arising from the Multi-national firms are consolidating their manufacturing platforms
Australian pallet standard has been ongoing since the mid 1990’s. and economising on product range
Despite several recent studies and the dual recognition of both the The Asia region is emerging as a substantial market with
Australian and ISO pallet criteria the Australian Standards regime countervailing power to set standards
(AS4762-2000 “General-purpose flat pallets), the issue remained
unresolved in a number of forums. This study incorporates a market perspective and models forecasts the
changing market mix. Over 40 organisations were interviewed to
Globally, there are four (4) dominant pallet sizes utilised. These are: determine their direction in manufacturing and marketing strategy and to
relate these issues to pallet standards.
1200 x 1000mm pallet, cited as the ISO standard and most
common across Asia, Americas, Europe and New Zealand The pallet remains one of the most pervasive items of logistics
1200 x 800mm pallet, known as the Euro-pallet equipment, yet this issue is largely dismissed as trivial by many logistics
1100 x 1100mm pallet used in Japan and Korea practitioners within Australia.
1165 x 1165mm pallet used exclusively in Australia
However there is a strong correlation between the views of the multi-
Contemporary argument seeking to retain the 1165 pallet have been national organisations for the need to align Australia’s pallet and
based on the cost to alter the pallet pool (around 15 million pallets), container standards with those of its dominant trading partners.
adjust racking and associated equipment, and increased warehousing
costs. Multi-nationals will make decisions as to where they base their
production platforms and/or source materials and products based on the
Conversely, previous studies have failed to identify and assess the overall cost of supply.
implications of an increasingly global logistics network, where
Considering the supply chain cost implications of this and other Given the relative isolated nature of Australia’s land transport system,
examples, Australia will be best served by commencing a process to the 11652 pallet has provided an effective means of moving goods.
align its pallet and carton standards towards the ISO standards used by Freight forwarders and transport operators have invested in equipment
its trading partners. based on the 11652 pallet. Similarly racking and conveyor systems have
been developed that accommodate the pallet standard.
To not undertake this process is like the decision by the USA to
maintain the imperial standard of measurement, as the rest of the
globe embraced metric measurements.
One interviewee surveyed the issue akin to dental surgery, saying “it
will hurt to get the tooth out, but it will only get worse if we don’t”.
(ii) as a demonstration of Australia’s long term commitment
1. This study recommends the progressive adoption of the ISO pallet
toward the Asia markets
standard for Australia with full implementation by 2010.
(iii) in support of market development programs such as
Supermarkets to Asia
2. It is recommended that government provides leadership in the
implementation of the ISO standard and recognises that
6. It is recommended that depreciation and write-off costs relating to
(i) there is a predisposition towards the status quo by industry
compliant transitional and/or capital expenditures be structured
based on short-term planning horizons, and
within a range of taxation incentives designed to foster timely
(ii) the misalignment of standards should be seen in the
implementation of the standard. This recognises that
context of a “market failure” that government has a
(i) strategic and operational factors identified within the study
legitimate right to address.
yield a positive economic and financial outcome concurrent
with the adoption of the ISO standard, particularly within an
3. It is recommended that the outcomes of the study be presented to
ECR/EUL context
Australian Transport Council (ATC) via the Integrated Logistics
(ii) supply chain standards have long term implications for trade,
Network, with the view of achieving support towards the ISO
and government must
standard by ATC.
remove short-term impediments for industry
recognise the transitional cost burdens
4. It is recommended that the ILN design and promote an
acknowledge the extent of sunk cost treatments for
implementation strategy through the Transport and Logistics
distribution infrastructure
Working Group for industry awareness, consultation and delivery
of the new ISO standard.
The following points are drawn from the summary of each chapter of An ECR study conducted in 1999 outlined the strategic relevance of
this report and can be read in context with the Conclusions in section ECR within the Australian Grocery industry, and questioned the
motives being pursued and the inherent imbalance of power therein.
From Section 5 (Previous work) It found that evident deficiencies may cause the strategic benefits to
The pallet standards issue has been an integral part of the global be lost. A copy of the paper is provided in section 14.3 and is titled
debate of the benefits of ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) and “Efficient consumer response (ECR): a survey of the Australian
EUL (Efficient Unit Loads) strategy. grocery industry”.
Global consulting firm AT Kearney undertook a seminal study in From Section 6 (Framework)
1997 and identified that substantial benefits can be realised by The logic and rationale for a prevailing pallet standard is derived
harmonising the carton size to the pallet standards, and by from the conceptual notion of a supply chain and its composite
developing processes that maintain load (and unit) integrity as far elements, which exist within the notion of “why do goods move?”
along the supply chain as possible. Such benefits are between 1.2-
1.6% of sales values. A summary of the AT Kearney findings is A study into pallets standards requires a number of considerations
provided in the appendix in 14.2 titled “Efficient Unit Loads by such as
A.T. Kearney”. o A long range view of the served market
o A holistic view of the supply chain
ECR Asia has undertaken extensive research and development on o The relevance of unitisation and efficiency
this issue, identifying substantial financial benefits and o The relationship between products (SKU’s), pallets,
recommending implementation of the 1200 * 1000 mm pallet. containers and/or trucks
This outcome will have significant implications for Australia’s
future import and export trade and supporting logistics systems. A Differential growth rates exist for domestic production, export trade,
summary of the ECR findings is provided in the appendix in import trade and domestic consumption, which will lead to a change
section 14.1 titled “ECR Standard Pallet Implementation Project”. in the market mix served by Australia’s logistics systems (and
The Symonds Henderson report (commissioned by the Grocery
industry) recommended the retention of the Australian pallet
standard however based 80% of the financial justification on
The GISCC report by Symonds Henderson identified that there is financial
justification to introduce the ISO pallet where international trade reached 70% of
domestic grocery consumption
Table 4-1 Growth rates and value by market segment forecast for 2010 and 2020 million per annum and also represents an opportunity cost of $40
million recognising that parallel freight movements by rail and road
Product, consum ption Current
and trade values for Growth
Growth (b)
are undertaken. It is considered that harmonisation between ISO
containerised products (a)
containers and the product footprint (pallet) would address this cost,
Comsumer (Food/grocery) Dom. Production 4.2% 61 85 134
Export 11.6% 10.0% 10 24 63 whether considered in a marginal or opportunity cost treatment.
Import 9.2% 9.0% 3 7 16
Dom. Consumption 2.6% 2.6% 54 68 88
(a) Based on ABS Economic indicators against market values 1100 x 1100 ‘000 TEU’s 35 62
(b) Composite forecasts derived from ABS Economic indictaors and adjusted to reflect volume growth
in contaier 1995-2000 % total 10 16
% growth 9 3
1200 x 1000 ‘000 TEU’s 230 275
Container movements and volumes relevant to the pallet standards
% total 62 69
issue are % growth 5 10
o Imports – 375,000 TEU’s 1200 x 800 ‘000 TEU’s 90 40
o Exports – 400,000 TEU’s % total 24 10
o Coastal shipping % growth 10 18
Tasmania - 190,000 TEU’s Non Standard ‘000 TEU’s 15 23
Other - 35,000 TEU’s % total 4 5
% growth 6 10
TOTAL ‘000 TEU’s 370 400
The movement of empty ISO containers to WA and empty
domestic containers from WA yields a marginal cost around $20
800 Over 80% of the overall capital cost is captured by two key elements
relating to racking adjustments and increased warehousing requirements.
5 million racking locations to be adjusted at $45 per location,
assuming no overhang is tolerated, leading to a one off cost of $225
200 million
Whilst a four percent reduction in storage floor area is available with
Estimated Modification Additional Modification Modification Storage Modification compression of racking, it is essential that an additional 1.3 million
capital cost to existing pallet to pallet to existing facility for to transport
pool requirement machinery rack / MHE additional fleet rack locations required at $600 each, totalling $777.6 million
The Symonds Henderson report ( commissioned by the Grocery The analysis assumes that the migration to the new pallet standard will
industry) recommended the retention of the Australian pallet not absorb the under-utilisation inherent within the chain, evident due to
standard, however based as much as 80% of the financial the proliferation of carton sizes, particularly ISO carton standards.
justification on increased warehouse expansion costs, a finding
which is not generally accepted from the survey conducted within
this study. 5.2 Efficient Unit Load study by A.T. Kearney
In 1997, global consulting firm AT Kearney undertook a seminal study
5.1.1 Key issues addressed regarding supply chain efficiency and the relevance of harmonisation of
standards. The context of the study is generally limited to grocery
The report is comprehensive in its analysis of equipment interface and manufacturers and distributors.
operating costs, dealing with pallet and ancillary equipment
modification costs. The study assessed the implication of co-ordination within supply chains
in a concept labelled “Efficient Consumer Response”. Within the study,
A full copy of the report is provided in Appendix 14.1 on page 72 An ECR study conducted in 1999 outlined the strategic relevance of
ECR within the Australian Grocery industry, and questioned the
The results of the study identified substantial benefits and savings by motives being pursued and the inherent balance of power therein. It
adopting the ISO standard through South East Asia. found that deficiencies may cause the strategic benefits to be lost.
The outcome of the study provides a stark contrast to the results of the ECR Asia has undertaken extensive research and development on
GISCC report referred in section 5.1 on page 16. However it must be this issue, recommending implementation of the 1200 * 1000 mm
recognised that whilst the principles are consistent, the relative pallet, which will have significant implications for Australia’s future
immaturity of the Asian situation would yield significant benefit, import and export trade and supporting logistics systems.
which may not follow with a more mature environment such as
Australia, having already established substantial infrastructure costs.
5.5 Conclusions
The pallets standards issue has been an integral part of the global
debate of the benefits of ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) and
EUL (Efficient Unit Loads) strategy.
6. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Figure 6-1 Conceptual framework linking the purpose of the pallet to the prevailing
market demands and product attributes
6.1 Preamble
The conceptual notion of a supply chain and its composite elements
exists within the notion, “why do goods move?”
Whilst the obvious subject of the study is the pallet and its prevailing
standard, the underlying argument extends to the purpose and fit of
the pallet within the supply chain. It therefore begs the question as to
the need and existence of the pallet in the first instance, and if its
purpose and use has been found to be “wanting”, then what item
and/or process will replace the pallet.
Production Flow
goods (a) Market
The issue has been treated tactically to date as pallet costs are the domain
of the “firm”, and in the context of a firm’s individual potential to
influence the pallet standard, the outcome for practitioners has been to
move onto “the next big issue”.
markets not linked to global with substantial
The need for single organisations to tolerate multiple pallet
markets or chains growth expected in
standards within a regional (sub-global) manufacturing or supply next 10 years
Changes in the market mix serviced by supply chain processes.
increasingly large techniques, which
suppliers and Australia’s influence supply chain
“appetite” for value and market decisions ·
added products “follow the leader”
Direct Indirect
6.2 Supply Chain Typology
Exports of Food products to Asia have increased from $4.8B in 1991-92 to around
$13B in 2000-01 – source Supermarkets to Asia database
The Transport and Storage Index has approximated GDP since the From Table 6-1 the task mix in Scenario “A” is consistent with the
early 1990’s. Given that conceptual notion that transport provides a relativity between domestic and international flows identified in the
link between markets (consumption) and production, this is accepted GISCC report of 1998.4
Scenarios “B” and “C” provide for alternate mixes in the task split as
Figure 6-3 Transport and storage output and gross domestic product index 80:20 and 70:30 respectively.
For all scenarios, the total growth is limited to 3.5% (compound) over
the twenty years to 2020. The growth in the international task is assumed
to be 8% consistent with various forecasts and references.
Under these criteria, the growth in the domestic task will vary to meet the
overall consumption index.
Scenario “A” yields a growth in the domestic task of 2.7% and yields a
% task mix of 78%, against an international task of 22%.
The Grocery Industry Supply Chain Committee report titled “The Australian Pallet
Study” for the Grocery Manufacturers’ Association ad the Australian Supermarkets
Institute undertaken by Symonds Henderson
Prevailing standards
Compliance Alignment and efficiency
with ISO of pallet standards with
standards packaging and container
Towards ISO pallet standards
packaging Current
situation within
standards Australia, due
The “status
and domestic No quo” will lead to
to increasing te
pallet imports by 1 substantial
standards multi-national
Closed systems estimated to
and domestic be 10-15% sub-
standards; may optimal
Domestic utilisation
be efficient in
standards a steady state
6.5 Conclusions
Revenue Domestic
Domestic logistics
Geographic focus
Revenue Global
Organisation or
Export logistics
Import logistics
Slip sheeting
More than 50 individuals representing 40 organisations were
interviewed to provide views and input into the study. These include:
Equipment providers Bachell Equipment n/a Asia
Baxter Manufacturer $8000m $285m Global
BBC Retailer Not stated Asia
Policy Advisers Chep Equipment ~$140m Global
Coles Retailer Not stated Domestic
CRT Services $50m Domestic
7.1 Respondents CUB/Fosters Manufacturer $4200m - Global
DFAT Policy - n/a Asia
Dexion Equipment - - Domestic
The table adjacent provides a summary of the key participants FCL Services - $100m Domestic
assessed in terms of financial size, geographic focus, logistics scope Heinz Manufacturer $500m Asia
and perceived positive or neutral support or the issue of pallet Holden Manufacturer Not stated Global
IKEA Retailer $7000m $110m Global
standardisation. JJP Manufacturer $230m Global
K&S Services $130m Domestic
A comprehensive contact list is provided under separate cover. Kelloggs Manufacturer Not stated Domestic
Loscam Equipment Not stated Asia
Murray Goulburn Manufacturer $1500m Asia
Nestle Manufacturer $2200m Global
P&G Manufacturer >$1000m Global
SCT Services - $100m Domestic
Simplot Manufacturer $3500m $500m Global
Sonneveld Policy - n/a Global
TDG Services - Not stated Domestic
TNT Materials Equipment - Not stated Domestic
Toll Logistics Services - Not stated Asia
Toll SPD Services - $265m Domestic
UBA Manufacturer - $1000m Asia
Uncle Toby's Manufacturer $350m Asia
Unilever Manufacturer $1300m Global
Woolworths Retailer - $15000m Domestic
7.3 Conclusions
A number of consistent messages emerged from the interview process
conducted within the scope of the study
Supply chain philosophy in 2001 has progressed significantly
since the GISCC report of 1997.
Supply chain management has emerged as a critical
differentiation for firms in 2001 to 2010
Manufacturing is consolidating to pursue scales of economy
Supply chain processes are fundamentally changing with
concepts of “shelf ready packaging” and “reverse crate flows”,
emerging. This is being facilitated by strategies such as
Not all supply chains are serviced by pallets and/or containers, rather The classification used herein will also show this in graphical form as
are limited to supply chains servicing specific manufactured and/or follows.
value added products.
Classification Unitised Palletised Containerised
Conclusive data regarding the physical movements of these goods
A (never) (never) (never)
within supply chains is not available, however judgements can be
made from an assessment of the value of the goods within specific B (never) ? (not usually) (typically)
C (always) (domestic) (always)
The following analysis based on the degree of unitisation6 employed ? (subject to
will determine the relative market sizes for three (arbitrary) product type)
classifications, which are
The following sections develop a composite model for market
Goods that are never unitised, palletised, or containerised, and are segmentation, based on data from a number of sources.
generally bulk commodities and refined products, or automotive Manufactured goods
vehicles. Agricultural goods
Goods that are not typically palletised, and but may be Retail markets
containerised, and may generally be handled and break-bulk Export and import trade
ABS publication: Manufacturing (Cat. no. 8225.0) 2000
Not usually
unitised Almost always
49% unitised and
Table 8-2 Summary of Agricultural production and export activity Except for distribution of goods relating to hardware and appliance
transport and distribution, most retail good are unitised on pallets and
Agricultural products 1998-99 Production Export
transported on vehicles or within containers.
'000 tonnes Value $m '000 Value $m
Livestock products (a)
Beef 1,973 4,476 (b) Table 8-3 Subdivision of the Retail market within Australia
Chicken 564 1,018 (b)
Retail category Sales$B Average Gross Costs (b) Product
Other 1,022 1,753 (b)
Margin (a) value (C)
Total 3,559 7,247 (b)
$B $B $B
Wool 688 2,140 377 1430 Supermarkets 45.0 20.0 9.0 36.0
Rice 1,362 290 655 408 Other food retailing 17.0 20.0 3.4 13.6
Milk 10,102 2,900 240 67 Department stores 13.4 - 13.4
Grapes 1,265 1,191 113 104 Clothing and soft goods 10.3 40.0 4.1 6.2
Fruit 1,650 1,426 170 300 Furniture and coverings 4.9 - 4.9
Vegetable 3,077 1,497 45 22 Hardware 5.3 30.0 1.6 3.7
Appliances 8.0 15.0 1.2 6.8
25,262 23,938 1,600 2,331 Recreational goods 7.3 35.0 2.6 4.7
(a) Excludes sales of live animals Pharmaceutical and other 17.3 30.0 5.2 12.1
(b) Processed as manufactured goods
Total retail market 128.5 27.1 101.4
Pharmaceutical and
Recreational goods
6% Supermarkets
Appliances 36%
Furniture and
coverings Other food retailing
4% 13%
Clothing and soft
Department stores
The analysis in Table 8-4 and Table 8-5 shows the proportion of
containerised freight as a proportion of the total trade.
Within the context of pallet standards, grocery and food products have
demonstrated the most significant requirement for pallet usage, with
household and industrial products allocating lower priority to the
Table 8-4 Summary for import trade, segmented into the unitised classification
Source: Derived from ABS 30.28 Merchandise Exports And Imports, By Commodity
Table 8-5 Summary for export trade, segmented into the unitised classification
Source: Derived from ABS 30.28 Merchandise Exports And Imports, By Commodity
8.6 Value of Market Segments Figure 8-4 Value of the major Market Segments for unitised goods within the Australian market
In Confidence
N g
un Ex
iti po
Market segment
se rts
U pr
od Im
tis uc po
ed ts rts
m no
an ti
uf nc
ac lu
tu de
re d
Ag d
ric od
ul uc
tu ts
Page 40
To ra
ta lp
N G lu ro
on ro ni
tis ct
pr ce ed s
oc ry
es an pr
se d od
d pr uc
fo oc ts
od es
C se
lo an
th d d
in ot fo
H g he od
ar an rc
dw d on
ar ot su
e m
unitised products
an rv er
d ar
Consumer -
W ho ty
oo us go
d, eh od
pa ol
d s
pe fu
Market value segmentation ($B)
El ra rn
ec nd is
tri hi
ca fa ng
l, br
ic Ph
el ta
ec ed ar
Consumer -
non grocery
m ac
21 March 2002
c et
al y
d pr
sc od
ie uc
ifi ts
Industrial and
Operational and cost implications
Domestic and International pallet standards
Domestic and International pallet standards
Strategic design + Development
Operational and cost implications
8.7 Conclusions The growth rate for international trade is between 8-10%
(compound), whereas domestic production and consumption is
Pallets are not used in all supply chains. Generically, three types around 3-4%
of supply chains exist for the purpose of categorisation herein,
which are:
o Bulk shipments
o Semi bulk shipments, typically in containers or as
“break bulk” consignments
o Containerised movements of unitised freight (pallets,
cartons, bags, etc.)
The volumes associated with each of these elements are shown in the
following table.
BT = billion tonnes
MT = millions tonnes
Road freight dominates the movement of product between Sydney, Rail freight movements of unitised product, is undertaken within
Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. Typically, product travels domestic and ISO containers.
between origin and destination on domestic pallets as
22 pallets per 13.7 metre trainer load (45 foot) Domestic container sizes and configuration has been based on the
30 pallets per B-Double load domestic pallet being accommodated two wide and therefore is wider
than the ISO standards pallet.
Table 9-2 Inter-capital road freight matrix 1998-99 ('000 tonnes)
There is not a consistent approach to the operation of container loading
for long distance transport.
MT Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide
(1998-9) +NSW +VIC only +SA Other Total
Table 9-3 Use of domestic and ISO containers within long distant freight movements
+NSW 8.0 2.8 1.5 1.6 13.9 Application Loading method
+VIC 9.6 3.2 1.9 1.0 15.7
Brisbane Domestic Intercity stock transfers Hand stacking to
only 1.9 1.3 0.3 0.2 3.7
containers maximise cubic capacity
+SA 1.6 1.7 0.1 0.2 3.6 Direct delivery on Product on pallets
Other 1.5 1.1 0.1 0.2 2.9 pallets
ISO Intercity stock transfers Hand stacking to
Total 14.6 12.1 6.2 3.9 3.0 39.8
containers maximise cubic capacity
Source: BIZ Shrapnel11
Rail movements of non-bulk unitised product totals around 10 million
tonne per annum.
Note that these volumes include the costal shipping volumes shown in
the next section, as relevant to port activity.
Export Full
TEU's Import Empty
The following table is a composite derived from various sources to 37% TEU's
Graph and % split assumes
balance of import ad export flows
provide a view of containerised freight as at 1998-9, totalling 31 over the long term
million tonnes.
Figure 9-2 5 Ports volume of container flows in 2000
Table 9-4 Summary of container activity for 1998-9
'000 TEU's Container balances - 12 months to June 2000
1998-9 Volume Value 700
Qty Unit $B
600 Full TEU's Empty TEU's
Total shipments by sea
Export (1998-9) 432 mt 90 500
Import (1998-9) 57 mt 101
% containers 300
Export 3 % 40
Import 30 % 66
Container shipments
Export 13 mt 36 0
Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports
Note that marginal imbalances between imports and exports led to build up in
container storage through 2000, however has been resolved.
BTE Waterline Report September 2000 – Table 9 – TEU Throughput at the Five
Major Australia Ports (1995-2000)
BTE Waterline report Issue 27 – June 2001 – Table 1 (page 3)
BTE Information Paper 46 – Coastal Freight in Australia (1998-99)
Figure 9-3 Supply chain configuration incorporating road, rail and sea freight movements on unitised non-bulk products
ckhhooldlding Freight LCL cargo
rnssppeer aning
r annnuum
Cargo Node FCL cargo Sea movements
(stock port
holding) 1100MT
MT Interstate freight
Local freight movement
movement road, rail, sea
Empty container
Local Interstate repositioning
customer customer
3355% 6655%
% %
2255MT 5500MT
(22255,0,000 TT
00 TEEU’s
Coastal shipping as
Sea single voyage
Totals 1,500 30,200 2,900 100 5,300 40,000 100% 40,000 100%
% 4% 76% 7% 0% 13% 100%
Figure 9-5 Trend analysis for container throughput for the five major ports16
BTE Transport Indicators sourced from
Product, consumption Table 13-3 on page 68 titled “Assessment of growth scenarios based on
Current Modelled
and trade values for
Growth Growth
2001 alternative task apportionment and predicted growth forecasts” provides
containerised products
Consumer (Household) Dom. Production 4.3% 39
annual estimates for growth, and indicates the importance of
Export 13.5% 9.0% 4 international supply chains and sources of supply and demand.
Import 14.2% 7.0% 12
Dom. Consumption 4.6% 4.6% 47
Product, consumption
Current Modelled 9.6 The task in 2020
and trade values for 2001
Growth Growth
containerised products
Industrial/Other Dom. Production 0.9% 29 The following charts indicate the potential market values for each market
Export 5.5% 4.0% 8 segment for years 2010 and 2020, based on the forecasts in Table 9-8 and
Import 8.4% 5.0% 32
Dom. Consumption 3.3% 3.3% 53 Table 13-3
Product, consumption
Current Modelled
and trade values for 2001
Growth Growth
containerised products
Total Dom. Production 3.7% 129
Export 8.2% 22
Import 5.9% 47
Dom. Consumption 3.5% 154
120 60
40 -
2001 2010 2020
Dom. Production Export Import Dom. Consumption Figure 9-8 Industrial/Other - Market value estimates based on growth forecasts
Figure 9-7 Consumer (Non-Grocery and household) - Market value estimates based Industrial and "other" market growth
$B value
on growth forecasts
2001 2010 2020
Figure 9-9 Totals (All market segments) - Market value estimates based on growth
- 0%
2001 2010 2020 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019
Whilst substantial reform has focussed on domestic transport Comsumer (Food/grocery) Dom. Production
Export 11.6%
within Australia across road, rail and coastal shipping segments, it Import 9.2% 9.0% 3 7 16
Dom. Consumption 2.6% 2.6% 54 68 88
will become more critical that Australia’s transport systems are
integrated with international supply and demand markets and Consumer (Household) Dom. Production
Export 13.5%
delivery channels Import 14.2% 7.0% 12 22 43
Dom. Consumption 4.6% 4.6% 47 70 110
Products manufactured in Australia for export markets will need to Industrial/Other Dom. Production
Export 5.5%
meet customer expectations for packaging storage and Import 8.4% 5.0% 32 50 81
Dom. Consumption 3.3% 3.3% 53 71 98
transportability. Secondly these products must not also conform to
customer systems, without transferring non-conformance costs Total Dom. Production
along the chain. To fail to appreciate this dynamic will cause Import 5.9% 47 79 141
Dom. Consumption 3.5% 154 209 297
o Customers to source products from alternate sources
o Manufacturers to nominate alternate economies for Ratio international trade to consumption
Comsumer (Food/grocery) 25% 46% 90%
their production platforms Consumer (Household) 33% 43% 57%
Industrial/Other 75% 86% 99%
Global manufacturing and brand managers are consolidating with Total 45% 58% 81%
a focus on Asia. Where Australia’s standards and systems do not (a) Based on ABS Economic indicators against market values
comply with the systems developed by these firms, the total (b) Composite forecasts derived from ABS Economic indictaors and adjusted to reflect volume growth
in contaier 1995-2000
landed and distributed cost of goods will increase for Australia’s
Container movements and volumes relevant to the pallet standards
Trade in products which are unitised/containerised will substantial
issue are
increase as a percentage of domestic consumption.
o Imports – 375,000 TEU’s
Table 9-9 Growth rates and value by market segment forecast for 2010 and 2020 o Exports – 400,000 TEU’s
o Coastal shipping
Tasmania - 190,000 TEU’s
Other - 35,000 TEU’s
Table 10-2 Import containers by market segment and pack type Table 10-4 Export containers by market segment and pack type
Error! Not a valid link. Error! Not a valid link.
Table 10-3 Import containers by pack type and pallet standard at origin Table 10-5 Export containers by pack type and pallet standard at destination
Error! Not a valid link. Error! Not a valid link.
Where ISO cartons are re-configured there are handling costs and
similar under utilisation in the footprint, due to “indivisibility” of the
carton unit.
The prevalence of the rainbow pallet provides increased flexibility Homogenous pallet Heterogeneous pallet
when “mixing and matching” for load make up and optimal cubic Single product Multiple products
• know as a “rainbow” pallet
utilisation of truck and container space. • product ordered as layers
vieNottee t
Trailer length
length == 45
45 ft
ft or
or 13.7
13.7 m
m de ieww, a thhaat d
Floor length,
length, excluding
excluding end
end walls
walls == 13.55
13.55 deno , and t dia
noted nd th iagr
te b the gram
d by e tra ams
y tthe traile s aare
24 pallets @ 1.2 m2 = 28.8 m2 he ar ilerr a re in
area arrea in PPLA
Trailer length
length == 48
48 ft
ft or
or 14.6
14.6 m
Floor length,
length, excluding
excluding end
end walls
walls == 14.5
11.6 Container loading Low take-up of slip sheeting as a handling method in lieu of
A considerable proportion of unitised freight is hand stacked into Limited cooperation/coordination between origin and
containers for international or coastal shipments, due to destination handling points, and a resolution to accept the status
Mismatch between the dimensions of Australian pallets, and the quo
internal dimensions of the ISO container
Different pallet sizes and configurations between Australian and A number of organisations interviewed outlined their desire to utilise
overseas supply and demand points the ISO footprint to facilitate efficient container loading techniques.
Inadequate or alternate handling methods
Typical method
Sea journey
ISO container
ISO pallet
Austn pallet
Sea journey
Unitised method
ISO container
1200*1000 1200*1000
ISO pallet ISO pallet
To harmonise carton and pallet sizes based on the Australian standard ignores the
global trend towards the ISO standard, the expected demands/standards within new
export markets, and the rationalizing and implementation of global manufacturing
$m $m
Market segment
Grocery 30,000 54,000
Non Consumer Grocery - 47,000
Industrial - 53,000
Non unitised products - -
Capital costs
Modification to existing pool 72.5 150 Increased for wider population
Additional pallet requirement 27.0 0 Additional pallet requirement addressed with organic growth and harmonisatio with carton sizes
Modification to pallet machinery 21.0 50 Marginally increased to allow for inflation
Modification to existing rack/MHE 225.0 400 Indicative cost as pro-rata
Ignored as inventory levels declining, stock turns increasing and harmonisation with carton sizes tack up
Storage facility for additional pallets 777.6 0 available slack in pallet under-utilisation
Ignored as loading is becoming increasingly heterogeneous, allowing for mix ad match of pallets and
Modification to transport fleet 72.0 0 products; footprint less that 5% difference
Operational costs
Labour 45.6 Nominal provision, although not consisdered likely
Allow for increased cosnumerable for slip sheets for 10 million sheets used per annum, at 3 "re-uses" at
MHE equipment 17.2 50 $20 each, plus increased lease costs for equipment
Assumes that product integrity is maintained and product loaded into containers in pallet lots using slip
Operational benefits sheets or similar
Container loading for international 25.3 116 As at 2001, 775,000 TEU's handled which are loaded with unitised freight, @ $150 per TEU
Container loading for coastal 34 As at 2001, 225,000 TEU's handled which are loaded with unitised freight, @ $150 per TEU
Inventory and ECR benefits
Assumes harmonisation applicable to part inventory at the benefit applicable to Europe; Australia rate at
Harmonise carton to pallet @1.2% 1.64% for grocery only
Grocery Note 1 - 486 Assumes 75% inventory
Non Consumer Grocery - 282 Assumes 75% inventory
Industrial - 159 Assumes 50% inventory
Note 1. GISCC study considered the benefits of ECR/EUL strategies external to the question of pallet standards
Markets Inventory benefits Oper- Operating benefits Capital costs Net Inflation Inflated
ating Cash factor cash
Costs flows flow
Racking adjustment
Pallet Pool mods.
Coastal shipping
Pallet machinery
Efficiency rate
Export TEUs
Import TEUs
Non grocery
Non grocery
Total TEUs
Growth Growth Growth Share Share Share Growth Growth @ $175/TEU Growth @ $175/TEU
* Eff. Rate * Eff. Rate
2.6% 4.6% 3.3% 75% 75% 50% 8% 8% $ 175.00 5% $ 175.00 150 50 400 3%
1.2% 1.2% 1.2%
12.4 Conclusions
The financial analysis allows for
A capital expenditure of $600 million for adjustments to the pallet
pool, packaging & ancillary equipment over the 10 years
The incremental increase in operating costs by $100 million over
the same period
The benefits of ECR/EUL are applied to 75% of the market
segment for consumer grocery and non grocery products and 50%
for industrial products
Unitised loading of containers is a substantial benefit
Table 13-1 Scenarios "A" - "C" indicating growth in indices in the intervening years
Error! Not a valid link.
Table 13-2 Value of market segments and determination of task size by segment
Value Totals Tonnes Pallet issues
Segment Product group value per
$B Value $B (Million) (Million)
Figure 13-1 Australian manufacturing - production, exports, imports and consumption by market sector
Food, beverage Textile, Wood and Prinitng, Petroleum, Non-metallic Metal products Machinery and Other mfg.
and tobacco clothing, paper product publishing and coal, chemical mineral mfg. equipment
mfg. footwear and mfg. recorded media and associated products mfg.
leather mfg. product mfg
Market Segment
Table 13-3 Forward projections of production, export, import and consumption estimates based on derived growth indices, by market sector
Product, consumption Current
and trade values for Growth 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Growth (b)
containerised products (a)
Comsumer (Food/grocery) Dom. Production 4.2% 61 63 66 68 70 73 76 79 82 85 89 93 97 101 106 111 116 122 128
Export 11.6% 10.0% 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 22 24 27 29 32 36 39 43 47 52 57
Import 9.2% 9.0% 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dom. Consumption 2.6% 2.6% 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 65 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 79 81 84 86
Product, consumption
Current Modelled
and trade values for 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Growth Growth
containerised products
Consumer (Household) Dom. Production 4.3% 39 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 59 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82
Export 13.5% 9.0% 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 17
Import 14.2% 7.0% 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 29 31 33 35 38 41
Dom. Consumption 4.6% 4.6% 47 49 51 54 56 59 62 64 67 70 74 77 81 84 88 92 97 101 106
Product, consumption
Current Modelled
and trade values for 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Growth Growth
containerised products
Industrial/Other Dom. Production 0.9% 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
Export 5.5% 4.0% 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 16
Import 8.4% 5.0% 32 34 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 50 52 55 57 60 63 67 70 73 77
Dom. Consumption 3.3% 3.3% 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 76 78 81 83 86 89 92 95
Product, consumption
Current Modelled
and trade values for 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Growth Growth
containerised products
Total Dom. Production 3.7% 129 133 138 142 147 152 157 163 169 175 181 187 194 202 209 218 226 235 245
Export 8.2% 22 24 26 27 30 32 35 37 40 44 47 51 56 60 65 71 77 84 91
Import 5.9% 47 50 53 56 59 63 66 70 74 79 83 88 93 99 105 111 118 125 133
Dom. Consumption 3.5% 154 159 165 171 176 183 189 196 202 209 217 224 232 241 249 258 267 277 286
Table 13-4 Summary of Import Containers by Origin port for 1995 and 2000
Error! Not a valid link.
Source: Analysis of data provided by TradeData (Victoria University)
Table 13-5 Summary of Export Containers by Destination port for 1995 and 2000
Error! Not a valid link.
Source: Analysis of data provided by TradeData (Victoria University)
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is a strategy to improve ECR Singapore was officially launched on 11 Aug 1998. The ECR
consumer choice, satisfaction and service and at the same time, reduce Board is jointly chaired by Mr Tan Kian Chew, Chief Executive Officer
total costs, inventories and physical assets. ECR requires distributors of NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd and Mr Yap Yoon Kee, General
and suppliers to focus jointly on the efficiency of the total grocery Manager of Colgate-Palmolive (Eastern) Ltd, with the Singapore Article
chain, rather than the efficiency of individual components. Number Council (SANC), a division of the Singapore Confederation of
Industries, providing the secretariat support. This industry-led initiative
It successfully stimulated consumers' expenditure and pulled the retail has the following objectives:
sector of the US and Europe out of recession in the 1990's. Such an To improve consumer choice, satisfaction and service
industry-led initiative is critical and timely given the current Asian To achieve a reduction of total costs, inventories and physical assets
financial crisis. The success of this initiative is dependent upon the To remove unnecessary cost from the distribution system and make it
commitment by all parties in the supply chain to agree on standards more responsive to consumer demand
and work together in a mutually beneficial arrangement. To network with other national and regional ECR organisations
ECR benefits companies in terms of the reduction in supply chain and ECR Singapore focuses on three areas for continuous improvement
inventory costs, and the increase in sales through better response to
customers' needs.
Enabling technologies are improvements that render support to PALLET SIZE STANDARDISATION
supply and demand management. This includes rapid communication
of accurate and complete information to all trading partners, through The Pallet Standardisation Working Group looked into the reduction of
technologies such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). supply chain costs and increase in productivity through standardisation
Computerisation, including the application of automatic identification of pallet sizes. Issues of concern and the necessary industry adjustments
and data capture techniques, will in turn lead to the standardisation of required for the implementation of standard pallet size(s) in their sectors
design and specifications for trucks, containers and warehouses. were addressed by the working group during the third and fourth quarters
Working groups were formed for the following areas: of 1998. Surveys have been conducted among the working group
members to assess the current use of pallets and the impact of pallet size
Data Alignment standardisation to the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry.
EDI Standards The working group is made up of 35 members with 5 retailers, 15
Bar-coding Standards & Point-of-Sales grocery and FMCG manufacturers, 2 distributors, 3 third-party logistics
Education & Training providers and 7 logistics equipment suppliers.
Although the ECR Standard Pallet implementation project has not been
Conclusion completed, the preliminary findings (after nine months since
The advantages of ECR Standard Pallet include: commencement in January 2000) have been encouraging. Upon the
Reducing multiple handling of goods completion of the project (scheduled in December 2000), the detailed
Facilitating delivery turnaround time findings on the operational benefits that has been derived through the use
Facilitating regional transport efficiencies of standard pallets, pallet pooling and leasing of pallets would be shared
Streamlining transport services with the industry (and in particular the FMCG players). This would be
Facilitating the concept of shared asset done through ECR Singapore.
Facilitating the use of single material handling systems
Facilitating palletised deliveries
Streamlining packaging design process
Fig 4 : Picking & loading of goods onto ECR Standard Pallets Fig 6 : Stacks of new ECR Standard Pallets
at GLS’s warehouse
EUL Mission: To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of current A wide range of secondary unit load dimensions is currentl;y in use,
and future supply chains by promoting harmonisation and integration driven by primary product size. This proliferation adds complexity and
of transport and storage items. should be rationalised. Since space utilisation is key to EUL, available
spaces across the supply chain should be based on seven modules: five
The traditional approach to supply chain management has been for based on strict modularity with the 600 x 400 and two additional
each player to optimise his part, often to the detriment of ‘total chain’ modules, representing shelf replenishment needs.
efficiency. Thus, manufacturers have typically used pallets to
optimise space ut8ilisation and retailers have improved handling Secondary reusable transport items (RTI), such as boxes and crates, offer
productivity by using roll cages. This disjointed approach has significant potential savings for selected category flows. In order to limit
resulted in unnecessary, non-value added handling, where loads are
Current pallet heights make poor use of vehicle inner heights, often EUL opportunities are not equally spread between manufacturers
based on previous design. As a result, 15% of additional grocery and retailers.
trucks are required. As vehicle technology develops and extra inner
truck height is made available, pallet height standards need to be Future pricing must incorporate a suitable compensation mechanism to
increased. High cube and double stacking technologies should also be ensure that such investment takes place.
monitored and pallet heights adapted to reflect developments.
A clear vision, leadership and a long-term perspective are required to
Pallet height should be derived from inner truck height. ensure that projected ECR savings become a reality.
The current situation, in which manufacturers typically use pallets and Efficient Unit Load developments require a process and category
retailers favour roll cages, is a barrier to Efficient Replenishment. Ass oriented approach.
cross-docked volume increases, the need for an integrated tertiary
item – used across the total supply chain – becomes critical. In order to make best use of spaces available in the supply chain and to
minimise the overall handling along the chain, the unit load design must
Suppliers of tertiary items need to develop a tertiary item which be very process-oriented, together with the principal replenishment flow
combines the advantages of pallets with those of roll cages to enable modules, allowing category-specific increases in cross docking and break
effective cross-docking. The Dolly is one such item but is only bulk operations.
suitable for those applications using RTI.
EUL make optimal use of spaces available in the supply chain and
Technical developments are required to integrate pallets and roll minimise handling.
This Report provides guidelines rather than standards. It should be used
by standards bodies, and by manufacturers, retailers and service
John K. Harris, Paula M.C. Swatman, Sherah Kurnia The concept on which ECR is based actually originated from the quick response (QR)
strategy, already existing in the textile and apparel industries (Cooke, 1994; Fiorito et
The Authors al., 1995). QR, in turn, is based on the manufacturing just-in-time (JIT) concept (Ellram
John K. Harris, John K. Harris is an Analyst at Deakin University, Geelong, et al., 1989; Fiorito et al., 1995; Knill, 1990). The JIT concept was simple: to deliver
Victoria, Australia raw material to production areas in the exact required amount at the precise time it was
Paula M.C. Swatman, Paula M.C. Swatman is the Director of the Interactive needed. The use of raw material pulls new raw material into the production process.
Information Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia During the mid-1980s the JIT manufacturing concept was applied to the US textile and
Sherah Kurnia, Sherah Kurnia is a PhD candidate at the School of Information apparel industries in an attempt to combat market penetration by overseas
Management and Systems, Monash University, Australia manufacturers. This textile and apparel industries initiative was termed "quick
response" and attempted to reduce the amount of inventory held within the apparel
Abstract supply chain. Quick response required the retailer to share point-of-sale-scanned data
with manufacturers to improve the flow of product through the supply chain. The
Efficient consumer response (ECR) is a supply chain management strategy which grocery industry noted the success of the quick response approach to managing supply
attempts to address the inefficiencies that have led to excessive inventory and chain data and proposed a similar stock replenishment system called ECR (Cooke,
unnecessary costs at all levels within the grocery industry supply chain. Although 1994; Ellram et al., 1989; Fiorito et al., 1995).
originating in the USA, ECR has also attracted attention and interest in many other
countries. This paper presents the results of an Australian study which was designed Although ECR originated in the USA, the concept has attracted many European
to assess the applicability of ECR within the Australian grocery industry. The countries and Australia. Research papers published in the last few years suggest that
results of the study indicate that the inefficient business practices of the US supply there has been an increasing level of interest among European manufacturers and
chain are also prevalent within the Australian grocery industry and that some retailers in the ECR initiative (Coopers & Lybrand, 1997; Coupe, 1995; Kurnia et al.,
Australian companies had already begun to engage in business activities related to 1998; Leggett, 1996; Peck, 1997; Wheatley, 1996). The importance and applicability of
ECR as early as 1996. ECR to the European grocery industry became more noticeable in 1994 with the
establishment of the ECR Europe Executive Board, which promotes and advances the
Introduction ECR initiative in Europe (Davies, 1997; Penman, 1997).
Efficient consumer response (ECR) originated in the USA in 1992 as a direct result
of threats from alternative store "formats" (or types) and their supply chains In Australia, however, very little research has been conducted regarding the
(McKinsey & Co. 1992) which highlighted major inefficiencies within the applicability of the ECR initiative. At the beginning of this study, only one industry
supermarket and its supply chain (Kurt Salmon Associates, 1993). In order to study (conducted by Coopers & Lybrand in 1995) could be found, the results of which
survive, the US grocery industry leaders took an initiative to study how to improve indicated that ECR would be effective in improving the state of the Australian grocery
the performance of the supermarket supply chains in 1992. As a result of their study, industry.
the ECR initiative was established, and the term "efficient consumer response"
(ECR) was first introduced at the US Food Marketing Institute Conference in ECR as a collaborative solution to adversarial trading
January 1993 (Robins, 1994). This ECR initiative is concerned with transforming
Anderson, B., 1996, The Art and Science of Computer Assisted Ordering: Methods for
Management, Quorum Books, Westport, CT.
Brawn, D., 1989, EDI Developments Abroad and How They Impact Australia, IDC
Table I Respondents' ECR status Conference, "EDI - The key to Profitability in the 1990s, IDC Conferences", Sydney.