PHYS2213B Syllabus
PHYS2213B Syllabus
PHYS2213B Syllabus
Primary textbook: Modern Physics, 6th edition by P. A. Tipler and R. A. Llewellyn (W.H.
Freeman and Company, 2012) (important)
Other suggested textbooks (optional):
1. Student Solutions Manual for Modern physics, 6th edition by P. A. Tipler and R. A. Llewellyn
(W.H. Freeman and Company, 2012)
2. Modern physics (Schaums solved problems) by R. Gautreau & W. Savin (McGraw-Hill)
3. The Feynman Lectures by Feynman, Leighton and Sands (Basic Books)
Outline of topics:
Quiz (40%): There will be four one-hour quizzes. You will be allowed to earn redo points on
quizzes by turning in within a specified number of days detailed written solutions (with lots of
written explanations) for those questions for which your scores were below 70%. If the detailed
solutions are correct, they can earn up to 50% of the points you missed. For example, a student
who got 60/100 for a problem on the original exam could earn up to 20 redo points by following
through on the detailed solution. The quiz dates are indicated on the 2213B calendar.
Homework (40%): Six homework sets will be assigned. The most important thing you can learn
from homework is how to solve problems for yourself. Therefore, please try each problem for at
least one hour before discussing it with anyone else. After you have made an honest attempt at a
problem for at least one hour, you may discuss it with others currently in the course who have also
made honest attempts at the problem. If your answers differ, you may argue your case at the
blackboard, but you may not look at each others papers or copy things off the blackboard
Final project and peer review (10% + 5%): At the end of the semester students will give
in-class presentations on an advanced Modern Physics subject of their choice. I will suggest
the material to be covered in these presentations. The presentations will be peer reviewed by
other students in the class and also graded by the instructor. Peer reviews will be done using
the "Peer Review Form for Student Presentations" which will be distributed to the class. I will
use the criteria on this form for my grading of the presentations. I will be reading the
presentation peer-review forms and using them in my grading of the reviewers. High-quality
presentation reviews are expected.
Class attendance and participation (5%): Class participation will be assessed in about 15
in-class assignments. Class assignments will be short (5-10 minute) calculations carried out by
students during class time and designed for practice of the newly learned concepts. Every
reasonable attempt at a solution will earn full credit (i.e., no penalty for incorrect solutions)
but will require physical and mental presence in the classroom.
Reading assignments: Students will receive reading assignments from the primary textbook
ahead of each lecture. The main purpose of the reading assignment is to prep you for the new
material that will be discussed in the upcoming lecture, so that we can focus on developing the
intuition and practicing problem solving during lecture time. This approach has been shown to
increase the retention of new material by physics education researchers, so that you learn
more in class and have less to catch up on at home. While reading assignments do not
contribute to your grade directly, completing them ahead of each lecture will let you get the
most out of each class. You can find the regularly updated schedule of reading assignments in
the Course Schedule file, posted on Piazza.
Extensions, late assignments and missed exams: In absence of a serious medical excuse
(documented by an official physician's note), late homework will receive reduced credit
according to the following policy: 75% of earned credit will be given for late assignments
turned in within 24 hours from the due time, 50% within 48 hours, 25% within 72 hours, and
zero credit beyond this point. If you have medical excuse or absence due to an approved
Institute activity, you must contact me as soon as possible to arrange a new due date for your
assignment, or to make an alternative arrangement for a missed exam. In all cases, you may
not look at any solutions handed out in class (or at the homework of anyone else).
Etiquette and student-faculty expectations: Students are expected to be civil and
considerate in class. They should refrain from any actions that distract their classmates or the
instructor or otherwise disrupt the class. A specific example is cell phones (and other
electronic devices unrelated to the class): they should be turned off and put away during class.
See this page for an articulation of some basic student-faculty expectations that you can
have of me, and that I have of you: .