Materials Studio Introductory Tutorial PDF
Materials Studio Introductory Tutorial PDF
Materials Studio Introductory Tutorial PDF
Chem 253
Tutorial for Materials Studio
This tutorial is designed to introduce Materials Studio 7.0, which is a program used for modeling and
simulating materials for predicting and rationalizing structure properties relationships. The program
allows users to import, edit or even create from scratch crystals or molecules. Then it is possible to
perform a wide variety of calculations such as predicting the powder diffraction pattern, geometry
optimization, sorption of porous materials and even DFT using the modules included in the program.
If you run into difficulties using this software, the Help resource is especially useful, and includes both
practical examples and theory behind the modules and modeling.
Notable modules include CASTEP for first-principles quantum mechanical calculations, Forcite for
geometry optimization, Discover for molecular dynamics calculations and Reflex for powder diffraction
pattern simulation and refinement.
For up-to-date details on the login process, check:
To begin, login to a linux workstation in the MGCF (credentials will be provided to you during your
tutorial session). Double-click on the Win7 environment icon and start the VM. Login as guest (no
password). Click on the desktop icon Materials Studio 7.0 to open the program, select Create a new
project. Name it whatever you wish.
1. Interface Guide
Under View -> Explorers, there are three windows that may be displayed (see image below). First is the
Project Explorer which displays the file and folders in the current project. Next is the Properties
Explorer, which contains information on any selected atoms or bonds in the structure. Finally, the Job
Explorer lists any ongoing module calculations and their % completeness. Note the toolbars may be
arranged in a different configuration than described in the guide as they are customizable.
Spring 2015
The toolbar, highlighted in black, at the top of the image provide the user with a variety of ways to
interact with the structures. Note these toolbars are customizable and may be displayed or hidden under
View -> Toolbars. The most useful are described. From left to right, the first toolbar (3D Viewer), the
first arrow icon is for selection; the second icon for rotation; magnifier icon for zoom; the fourth icon for
translation; house icon for reset; the sixth icon for recentering; the seventh icon for fit the viewer; the
eighth icon for display style.
For the next toolbar (Sketch): the first icon is for sketching an atom; second icon for sketching a ring;
third icon for sketching a fragment; fourth icon for Measure/Change; fifth icon for creating a centroid;
sixth icon for cleaning up the structure geometry; H icon for adjusting hydrogen atoms (auto-update
hydrogen); eighth icon for modifying the element; ninth icon for modifying the bond type; tenth icon for
modifying hybridization.
The second row includes shortcuts to the modules that may otherwise be accessed under Modules at the
top of the screen.
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2. Exercises
These exercises are designed to provide an introduction to common and useful features available in
Materials Studio. This includes the creation or import of structures, manipulating them and performing
calculations using the modules.
Exercise 1: Create a structure from known coordinates and space group, geometry optimize and calculate
the powder diffraction pattern.
The elpasolite-cryolite structure of double perovskites has the formula A2BBO6, with Fm-3m space
group. This is a face-centered array with all of the tetrahedral and octahedral holes filled. An example of
this type of structure is Sr2CuWO6. The coordinates are as follows:
A (, , )
B (0, 0, 0)
B (, , )
O (x, 0, 0); x
1. What are the oxidation states of each of the species present in Sr2CuWO6?
2. Left-click the blank page icon at the top left corner. Select New -> 3D Atomistic. Rename this file to
Double Perovskites.
3. Click Build -> Crystals -> Build Crystal Input the information on the space group and select
Build. The unit cell lengths are unimportant at this stage, so the default of 10 is fine.
4. Click Build -> Add Atoms. Create Sr2CuWO6 with the correct oxidation states using the coordinates
listed above. Note the space group generates all symmetry-equivalent atom positions within the unit cell.
Since the ions are located too far away from one another to be bonding within this unit cell, the next step
is to geometry optimize the cell.
5. Run Modules -> Forcite -> Calculation. From here, the Task is Geometry Optimization, Fine quality,
and under More, tick the Optimize Cell option. Click Run, and when completed this will create a new
folder with a second 3D Atomistic file along with other files detailing the calculation performed. Check
the Termination Status is Normal and that the refinement has converged. Rename the output 3D
Atomistic to Double Perovskites GO, for Geometry Optimized.
6. What are the new unit cell parameters? What is the coordination number of copper (6), tungsten (6) and
strontium (8)? Look up the ionic radii of Sr, Cu, W and O for the appropriate coordination number and
oxidation state. What do you predict the unit cell length to be assuming the bonding is entirely ionic in
character? Considering copper as the face-centered array, what species lies in the tetrahedral hole, and
which lies in the octahedral hole?
7. Now calculate the powder diffraction pattern. First make sure the geometry-optimized 3D Atomistic
file is selected. Then click Modules -> Reflex -> Powder Diffraction. Change the 2-theta min and max
to be 10 and 80 respectively. This module can also be used to account for experimental parameters such
as the source wavelength, FWHM of peaks, crystal size and preferred orientation to better represent
Spring 2015
experimental data. For now the remaining default values are acceptable. Click Calculate. A new window
should open with the diffraction pattern.
8. Select the window, type Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C and open up Excel. Paste the data into Excel, which should
give you 4 columns. The first is the 2-theta angle in the specified step size. Next is the intensity
corresponding to the 2-theta angle. The last two columns are to define where peaks are expected to appear
from indexing. Save this file and keep it for later use.
Exercise 3
Copy the geometry-optimized Sr2CuWO6 structure into a new folder named CaF2. Create the CaF2
fluorite structure by deleting, repositioning and reassigning the elements as necessary. Then perform a
geometry optimization calculation and calculate the powder diffraction pattern as in previous exercises.
What is the unit cell length? How does this compare with the known atomic radii of Ca2+ and F-?
Spring 2015
Exercise 4
1. Navigate to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) at If you prefer you may
load Conquest in the Linux environment. If you do this, you can use the folder that is shared between the
Linux and Windows environment under Documents/<username>-kvshare.
2. Click Get Structures, and enter the CSD refcode FIJDOS, corresponding to MOF-74. If you are not
logged into the UC system you will also be required to input your name and institution to obtain
structures from the CSD.
3. Select Download -> Download current entry and save the structure in your working folder
4. Click on the desktop icon Materials Studio 7.0 to open the program.
5. Create a new project
6. Select File -> Import, and open the .cif file you just saved.
7. This creates a new 3D Atomistic file within your MS project, displaying the structure you downloaded.
8. Select Build -> Bonds -> Calculate, adjusting the tolerance under Connectivity Options as necessary
to ensure all covalent bonds are present. The From slider dictates the minimum bond length, and the
To slider controls the maximum length between two atoms to be considered a bond.
The structure should now look something like this:
9. Select and delete the oxygen atoms in the pore, and the terminal DMF ligand.
In the next few steps, we will replace the linker on the left with the linker on the right (see below). Sketch
the new linker as follows:
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(across the red line on the left-hand structure).
11. Create space to draw the expanded linker by selecting all the atoms except the carboxylate on the
linker. Hold down Shift+Alt, right-click and drag the mouse.
12. Select Sketch from the toolbar, click on the linker and draw one more C atom. Complete the linker by
sketching the remaining C atoms.
13. Select the bonds in the newly formed aromatic ring, and change the bond type to Aromatic in the
Properties tab in the bottom right.
14. Click the H icon on the toolbar to auto-update the hydrogen atoms in the structure.
15. Confirm the connectivity and bond types are correct. Now perform the geometry optimization using
Forcite as with previous exercises. Be sure to optimize the cell parameters.
16. You may change the representation of the crystal by right-clicking on the 3D Atomistic document,
selecting Display Style. The default is the Line representation. Converting to CPK will display more
realistic atom separations and is useful in visualizing what the crystal structure and void space is really
like. Under Lattice you can also change the range of atoms displayed by editing the unit cell range.
17. Under Display Options the background and perspective can be edited, and is very useful in making
figures of structures.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise 5: Create the fcu (face-centered cubic) net using the Reticular Chemistry Structure Resource.
1. Navigate to and click Nets.
2. In the Symbol box, type fcu.
This lists the space group and topological information on the net fcu. You can use this information to
create a new 3D Atomistic structure based on this topology.
3. In a new project, select New -> 3D Atomistic. Rename this file to fcu.
4. Click Build -> Crystals -> Build Crystal Input the information on the space group and select
Build. The unit cell lengths are unimportant at this stage, so the default of 10 is fine.
5. Click Build -> Add Atoms. Select Ag+ as the element to add, and place it at the coordinates of the
vertex in fcu (x,y,z = 0,0,0). Note the space group generates all symmetry-equivalent atom positions
within the unit cell.
6. Add Cl- displaced halfway along the unit cell. (x,y,z = 0.5,0,0). This is the rock salt structure, adopted
by the salt AgCl.
7. Since the ions are located too far away from one another to be bonding within this unit cell, the next
step is to geometry optimize the cell. For each ion, set the correct charge.
8. Run Modules -> Forcite -> Calculation. From here, the Task is Geometry Optimization, Fine quality,
and under More, tick the Optimize Cell option. Click Run, and when completed this will create a new
folder with a second 3D Atomistic file along with other files detailing the calculation performed. Check
the Termination Status is Normal and that the refinement has converged.