Nature As A Dominant...
Nature As A Dominant...
Nature As A Dominant...
To my beloved family
First of all I want express my full thanks and praising to Allah who enabled
me to complete this work and I hope that, this work will please Him and
receive His acceptance.
I also take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep
regards to my guide supervisor Dr. WigdanYagoub for her exemplary
guidance and constant encouragement throughout this work.
Lastly, I want to express a deep sense of gratitude to my parents, brothers,
sisters and friends for their continuous encouragement and valuable help
without which this work would not be possible
In this study the researcher focuses on the Romantic era in general and the
Romantic Poetry in particular because the literary works of that era has specific
characters and features that give it a unique flavor and makes it last for a long
time, valid for all generations and has its own influence on the following eras of
British literature at least. The study basically investigates the theme of NATUTER
as a dominant one in some poems of the leader poets of that period (Wordsworth,
Coleridge, Byron, Keats and Shelly), and how does each of the poets mentioned
above apply and treat nature in the selected poem of his. Of course those figure
poets implied every single aspect of nature craft fully and skillfully in their works.
They wrote about the beauty of green fields, forests, colourful flowers, high hill,
river banks, rural scenes, wild wind, fresh air, sun rise and sun set, twinkling stars,
drippy rains . Almost all the romantic poets depicted every scene of natural beauty.
The selected poems are:((The Daffodils by Wordsworth, The Nightingale by
Coleridge, The Pathless Wood by Byron, A Thing of beauty by Keats and the
Loves Philosophy by Shelly)).
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Table of Contents
Page title
Page number
Abstract in English
Abstract in Arabic
Table of Contents
B- Previous studies
2.3.0William Wordsworth
Chapter One
(1.1) Introduction
Nature is a dominant theme in Romantic poetry, it is more important to examine
what these poets are saying about nature and how they use it.
philosophy was a response to the Enlightenment and Rationalism and the scientific
and technological advances it brought. Romantics believed that logic and reason
could no longer solve life's problems and, in fact, were creating more. As such,
Romantics sought to restore man's relationship with nature. They saw nature as
something pure and uncorrupted and, therefore, almost spiritual. Most Romantics
believed that humans were born pure and good and that society corrupted. Nature,
therefore, became a symbol of life without society, a truly good life. Nature
becomes a place where one can go to reflect and contemplate the many questions
of life, a place where one can find solace and happiness in its purity. While most
Romantic poets do write about nature, some also write about life in the city.
However, these poems tend to be much darker and emphasize the idea that society
For the Romantics, nature was a fairly dominant theme and occupied a very
prominent role in the poetry. For these thinkers, nature helped to enhance the
individual experience.
embedded in the natural setting. There is a powerful and potent element to the
natural setting in its reverence. The pantheistic view helps to enshrine the role of
nature in the Romantic poet. At the same time, the love of nature was almost a
response to what the prevailing social order espoused at the time. Neoclassical
society was cosmopolitan and conformed life took place in the urban setting. For
the Romantic thinker, to break from this into a new realm was liberating and
powerful. This is where the love of nature took on both the form of a statement
and response.
(1.3)Research Questions
1. Why is Nature significant in the Romantic Movement?
2. In which sense is NATURE a dominant THEME in that era?
3. Why is NAUTRE regarded as an inspirational in that era?
4. How did each of the leader poets apply and treat NATURE in his work?
1-Nature is a significant and dominant theme of Romanticism.
2-Nature is a source of inspiration.
3-Nature is treated and applied skillfully by Romantic artists.
Literature review & Previous
Chapter Two
Literature review
A-Theoretical Framework
2.1.0Definition and Features of Romanticism
Romantic Movement
The Romantic Period was a literary movement in Europe and America during the
late 1700s through the middle 1800s. Romanticism was characterized by five basic
systems of beliefs. It should not be surprising that these were completely different
from the characteristics of the Enlightenment. Romanticism was an intentional
revolt against the rational, formal, reasonable period of the Enlightenment. The
Enlightenment was too scientific and did not focus on romanticism.
The Romantic Movement emphasized emotions over reason; feelings and intuition
were more prevalent than intellectual ideas or thoughts. So it is completely
different from the previous period (the Age of Reason). Emotions and even
passions were addressed in literature written during
the Romantic Period.
Writers during the Romantic Period wrote from their imaginations rather than
presenting life realistically. So, in contrast to the realistic literature written during
the Enlightenment, literature written during the Romantic Period was imaginative
and unrealistic. Romantic literature was also a break with classicism, which creates
its own themes and forms. Theyunderstood that the human mind believed beyond
Another difference between the Romantics and the writers of the Enlightenment
was a focus on individual concerns rather than on society's. No longer was public
life more important than private life nor did the concerns of society take preference
over the problems of individuals.
Two other characteristics of the Romantics concerned the characters that were
featured in their literature. These writers felt a reverence for nature and the
common man. Rural life was considered ideal, and heroes of the literature during
this period were usually from humble origins. A revolutionary difference from
literature of the past was the Romantics' use of normal everyday language in their
poetry--the language of the common man. Also, there was an increasing
importance of children and women. Children, especially, were esteemed in
literature of the Romantic Period, and females were much more likely than in the
past to be significant characters. Rousseau, who was a French thinker, apposed
many aspects in the Enlightenment. He believed that material aspects of life
corrupted nature and that society corrupts humans. Rousseau also believes that
children grow like plants, which means they are very organic. He wanted children
to explore and learn on their own. He said that if you educate people in that matter,
society would be organic.
Rather than the nonfiction of the Enlightenment, most literature written during the
Romantic Period was fiction. Poetry and novels were the prevalent genres. Women
authors were much more common also; however, women often used masculine
names (or pen names) because they felt their works might not be respected or taken
seriously if readers knew they were females.
2.1.1 Romanticism and Nature
Romanticism and nature are connected because the artists and philosophers of the
romantic period emphasized the glory and beauty of nature, and the power of the
natural world. Some scholars of romanticism believe that the romanticists treated
nature in an almost religious way. Reasons for the development of this strong
entity calls are made for nature to rescue the struggling writer, and carry his ideas
to the world.
Nature took a different role in each of the Romantic poets, and even the preromantics, and Victorians writings, but each of these writers has that one major
thing in common: They all write extensively on the role of nature in the lives of
To the Romantic poets, nature is supreme. It is regarded as pure, and therefore
capable of
Communicating perfectly to human instinct. For this reason, nature is capable of
moulding man and capable of generating power.
Nature means the tangible object of the divine creation, the processes of growth
and decay, the developmental stages and dissolution of all created things that helps
us to the awareness of the greater power behind all that we see and behold. This
lead to the fact that ecstasy which the senses attain in this state of awareness is of
inestimable value to the poetic mind.
2.1.3Characteristics of Romantic Poetry
There are many angles and point-of-views from which one can study romantic
poetry. The most of important characteristic of this form of poetry is:
1-Imagination:The phenomenon of imagination is the essence or core of romantic poetry.
According to romantic poets, it is possible to attain a transcendental experience by
means of imagination. It takes people near to the spiritual truth.
2-Emotions:When it comes to romantic poetry, reason and logic take a backseat. The one thing
which rules the world of romanticism is emotion. Romantic poetry is one of the
best means to let loose one's emotions through words. The overflow of emotions
depicted through romantic poetry transcends the boundaries of logical reasoning.
Spontaneity in romantic poetry arises from an emotional outflow, and sometimes
pain is the inspiration.
3-Nature:A romantic poet can let loose his/her imagination in the process of interpreting
natural phenomena. It is said that romantic poetry associated with nature is a kind
of a meditative process. The rationalists tend to view or associate nature with some
kind of machine. A romanticist's perception of nature is that of an organic
phenomenon. Nature is also viewed as a setting or place which offers respite from
the artificial world that we inhabit.
4-Pastoral Life:The pastoral life, culture and traditions are mentioned on a frequent basis in
romantic poetry. In most cases, the relaxed and slow-paced pastoral life of
shepherds is depicted in these poems. Romantic poetry employs this feature in
order to present before readers the complexities of life in a simple manner.
Contrasting features of country and urban life can also be depicted by the portrayal
of pastoral life.
critics cite the publication of this volume as the true beginning of Romantic
Periods. In the second edition of the lyrical Pallad (now published under
Wordsworth name ),Wordsworth added a preface which outlines his aesthetic
theory and his views on what makes for a good poetry This preface is often
considered as a manifesto of Romantic ideology.
be seen as a reflection of both his art and his life. Lord Byrons literary epics
include Don Juan, Byronic Hero, and The Curse Minerva. She Walks in Beauty is
one of the best known of poems in the English language, a personal description of
a beautiful woman and in essence a love poem, as well as So, we'll go no more a
roving, a description of man speaking of his youth. Lord Byron died of a cold
brought on by his compromised immune system after an attack in the Gulf of
Corinth with the rebel army that he commanded in Greece
not to shed a tear (86-89) Shelley points out another fear of mankind are fear of
death which is completely ignored by the bird while flying high on the sky. The
bird rises higher and higher from the earth as continues singing as it soars up. This
poem teaches that man should not have fear of death and do enjoy the present
moment like the Skylark which goes higher and higher without any fear of death.
Man should also have to enjoy the present movement.
B-Previous studies
The poetry of the English Romantic period contains many descriptions and ideas of
nature. All of the romantic poets and authors discuss in varying degrees, the role of
nature in acquiring meaningful insight into human condition. These writers all
make appeals to nature as if it some kind of living entity calls made for nature
rescue the struggling and carrying his ideas to the world. Romantic poets love
nature and celebrate in its various dimensions. They wrote about the beauty of
green meadows, thick forests, thin flowers, high hills, river banks, rural scenes,
wild wind, fresh air, sun rises and sets etc. Almost every romantic poet touched
every scene of natural beauty. The romantic poets substituted love, emotions,
imagination, and beauty. They viewed several perspectives of nature and its
greatness. One writer stated in his introduction to a romantic anthology: the variety
of this catalogue implies completeness; surely not phase or feature of the outer
natural world is without its appropriate counterpart in the inner world of human
personality. Nature then can be all things to all men. Nature has answer for all
unanswered questions of mankind. They tried to heal sorrows of human beings by
writing their verses about nature. Thus romantic poets believe that nature is a
source of inspiration. They use simple language and personified nature as God,
man etc .So the researcher is going to focus on how romantic poets have treated
nature and how nature is best guide for happy life according to some relevant
studies that undertake the romantic poets.
2.3.0William Wordsworth
Many scholars have written on William Wordsworth and they have expressed
differentviews on his works. However, in this chapter, the researcher will look
deeply at different works that showsthe essence of nature with relevance to
William Wordsworths write-ups.
The Universal referenceencyclopedia (Vol. 16, 1990) says;
(Wordsworth referred a reflective vacant and pensive mood to a
Restless research for scientific knowledge. He believed that we
learn more by communicating with nature or talking to country
People rather than reading books. He believed that harmony with
Nature is the source of all goodness and truth.
William Wordsworth was the quin-essential poet, a naturalist, who pays close
attentionto the details of the physical environment around him (plants, animals,
geography weather).
In a study on Tintern Bay Nasser ud-din Sofi comes to the fact that
Wordsworth believes that "nature is a teacher whose wisdom we can learn,
and without human is vain and incomplete". Another poem words worth
stress on how modern life is divorced from nature
He continues
Wordsworth expresses the power of remembrance of beautiful scenes to
console amid weariness, to affect and humanise the life and to lift man
above his bodily needs and confusion of the concrete world
Salvasen (1976) says:
Wordsworths poetry which gives profound insight into humannature is
influenced by external nature.
Mathew Alnord
Makes a claim for Wordsworths that the power of Wordsworthswork is
primarily the healing power of its access to joy in nature.
According to Watson (1992),
Wordsworth was one of the greatest tragic poets and had adeep indignation
and compassion for human suffering. The Romantics withdrew to
ruraldwellers and made them to appreciate the natural aesthetics given by
God to man. Therefore,rural solitude was of great importance to
Wordsworth and it brings solace to them. The world istoo much with us.
(Ibrahim B. F. and F. F. Akande; 2000)
Reveals his great concern to manssuffering and sought refuge in nature as a
source of inspiration, imagination and creativity.
Moreover, in the poem, we hear Wordsworth advocating for a withdrawal
from the corrupt society (the sea, in this case striving as on agent). Watson is
also of the opinion that Wordsworthhas distinguished himself from all other
poets before him and among the Romanticist because ofhis interest in natural
essence and rural dwellers.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a Romantic poet and literary critic changed the nature
ofpoetry. He also had distinctive views on imagination and religion.
It is well known that Coleridge helped to change poetry with the publishing of
lyricalballads with William Wordsworth in 1788. Both Coleridge and
Wordsworth believed in therestorative powers of nature, but Coleridge was
much more a traditional Christian in his beliefs.
Abraham 1965
Wrote a broad description that applies to the conversation poems through which
Coleridge applied the theme of nature both craft fully and skillfully. Abrams was
describing both the conversation poems and later poems influencedby them.
Abrams essay has been called a touchstone of literary criticism. As
Pauldescribed it in 2002
Abrams called some of Coleridge poems as greaterRomantic lyric namely they are
Coleridges Conversation poems, and included,TinternAbbey and some works of
some other poet of the same era such as (Shelleys stanzas Written in Dejection
and Keatss Ode to a Nightingale),and this was a major influence on more
modern lyrics by Matthew Arnold, Walt Whitman,Wallace Stevens and W. H.
In 2011 Dere Fatima wrote:
(Coleridges conversation poems are considered by many critics to be
Coleridges finest verses thus Harold Bloom has written, With Dejection,
The Ancient
Mariner, Kubla Khan and Frost at Midnight shows Coleridge at his
most impressive).
Lord Byron is one of the most influential poets of the romantic era; therefore his
literary works have become the subject for whoever interested in literature. He
wrote a variety of works concerning the dominant theme of his period which is
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine published an article stating that:
Hewas "one of the most remarkable men to whom
(England) has had the honour and disgrace of giving
birth. The list of writers, artists, and composers who
Were directly inspired by Byron's life and poetry is
Almost without peer.
The global book reference (Wikipedia) says:
In contrast Lord Byron and Walter Scott achieved enormous fame and
influence throughout Europe with works exploiting the violence and drama
of their exotic and historical settings; Goethe called Byron "undoubtedly the
greatest genius of our century.
A website called British Romanticism stated the following
(Byron is one of the few British Romantic writers to achieve widespread
fame during his lifetime. Byron was good friends with Percy Shelley, but
very much disliked (and was disliked by) Wordsworth and Coleridge. In
fact, Byrons poetry bears little resemblance to that of the Lake Poets; its
style and form is much more similar to British poetry of the 18th century.
His contribution to the period comes in the form of the Byronic hero, a
boldly defiant but bitterly self-tormenting outcast, proudly contemptuous of
social norms but suffering for some unnamed sin).
2.3.3John Keats
Keats was the prodigy of the Romantics. Though dead at age 25, he was
enormously prolific. Keats's poetry, though distinctly Romantic in flavor is unlike
any of his contemporaries. He is best known for his sonnets and odes, particularly
"Ode to a Nightingale" and Ode on a Grecian Urn." He is also well-known for his
love of the classics of antiquity, which often filters into his poetry.
Nasser ud-din Sofi in an analytic study of A Thing of Beauty says
That Keats expresses the beauty of both real and artistic forms of nature.
Everything in nature for him is full of wonder and mystery-the rising sun,
the moving cloud, the growing bud and the swimming fish. His love for
nature is purely sensuous and he loves the beautiful sights and scenes of
nature for their own sake.
When he analyzed Ode on a Grecian urn. He states that:
Keats, he praises the artistic beauty of nature. He yearns for eternal beauty:
He portrays the artistic beauty of nature in his poem Ode on a Grecian urn.
Nasser ud-din Sofi in an analytic study on ode to a Nightingale, writes:
Keats is astonished to see happiness of the Nightingale.Before the hearing of
song of the bird, he tried many ways of forgetting worries Keats believed he
has either been poisoned or is influenced by drug. But Keats felt a tranquil
and continual joy in the song of Nightingale and makes him completely
happy. It indicates to unite with nature gives eternal happiness for the
mankind. Nature woks as a source of generating happiness and is a best
guide for human beings to live a happy life.
On a Website called (Effective Papers), theywrote:
(. Keats really likes to use the images and sounds of nature in many of his poems.
He creates wonderful mental images of the beauty of nature. Keats uses these for
example in The songs of birds- the Whispering of the leaves, The Voice of
Waters-the Great Bell that Heaves, The Author also sometimes uses
personification to better describe the actions of nature. He uses it in, the
Whispering of the leaves. That adds so much feeling tao the descriptive, and the
sound and image that people create becomes more dramatic.
Keats wonderful technique is very unique. As a kid he was known to be a sensitive
person. Keats didnt follow the obvious and sought further meaning into things
around him. Keats listened to sounds a different way than everyone else did. He
heard music instead of noise. Being a romantic poet, Keats loved and honored the
olden days. But also being born during a time of great industrialism, harmony and
nature were not paid much attention to.)
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (An electronic Magazine) wrote:
He addresses the Grecian Urn as"unravished bride of quietness and a foster-child
of silence and slow time". He also calls the Grecian urn a "Sylvan historian
"because of the rural and forest scenes carved on its surface. Keats also goes on to
say that music which is imagined is much sweeter than music which is actually
Keats presented the artistic beauty of nature through his poems which can also
enlighten humanity. This work of art has created immortal figures. Nature in any
form like art will bring happiness to the world.
In analytic study on The Skylark Nasser ud-din Sofi wrote:Shelley believes that Nature exercises a healing influence on man's personality. He
finds solace and comfort in nature and feels soothing influence on his heart. He
treats poetry as a tool for pouring his thoughts to the world. He presents the
changing and indefinite moods of Nature.
Catherine Peck wrote:
(Although Shelley focuses upon the wonder and beauty of organic nature implies a
negative view of civilization, he must have also appreciated mans intelligence,
for, considering the context of the Romantic period, his inventions in machinery
founded the Industrial Revolution that boosted the economy. Moreover, improved
transport, such as railways and steamboats, aided the rising tourism, enabling
people to visit the sublime landscapes that inspired Romantic theory and work. It
can thus be argued that if man is a product of nature, then his inventions are also
nature essentially a man-made nature and should therefore be equally as
sublime as his art. However, mans industrial power has a destructive side, like
natures parallel forces).
Nasser ud-din calims that:
Shelley in his Ode to the West Wind, He appeals: Drive my dead thoughts over
the universe, Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth!(63-64) He appeals to the
west wind, the most forceful agent in nature to drive away his dead thoughts (old
memories) from him like shrunken leaves in order to start a new life ,the life of
happiness. These words are not only for Shelley to remain happy but for all men
and women in the world to be happy.
Analysis from a Critical Point
of View
Chapter 3
Analysisfrom a Critical Point of View
In this chapter going to see how each of the romantic figure poets applied the
basic theme of that era in his works (selected poems).
3.0TheDaffodils by William Wordsworth 1770-1850
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
The poet was alone taking a walk beside a lake. Suddenly he came across a plenty
of golden-coloured Daffodils under the trees beside a lake. Wind played music role
to make the daffodils dance. This view made him very excited and happy. The
happiness did not stop at the lake side. Any other time he remembers, he recaptures
his mind to the scene and it brings him unlimited joy
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The poet is shocked by the large number of the Daffodils. They are as many as the
stars in the sky. The poet could not simply believe it fluttering and dancing in the
breeze, continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the Milky Way, they
stretched in never ending line along the margin of a bay.
beings face gloomy days packed with unhealthy hatred and darkness. However, in
spite of all, a thing of beauty helps to remove the dark cloud that burdens our souls.
Hence, the poet says that we as human beings every day create an ornate band,
made of all the lovely things we see. This band keeps people bound to
thedespairingearthas we would, otherwise be hopeless too.
Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with a sparkling of fair musk-rose blooms;
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read;
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heavens brink.
This closing paragraph tells people some of the beautiful things on Earth. After all,
beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Everyone can mark something beautiful in
anything. The examples set by the poet are as: the sun, the moon, trees, flowers,
streams, musk-rose blooms, architectural graves, even fairy tales or heroic legends.
The simple sheep are human beings; the poet sympathizes with the innocence of
human beings. Keats sees the beauty in innocent humans seeking solace in nature,
and Mother Nature in its own way sprouts a shady wall of relief and consolation.
Another image is of a delicate lone white flower holding up its head among a
setting of thorns and ends and everything in nature is against delicateness so too
are the daffodils mentioned in the poem.The poet also sees beauty in the death of
martyrs and legends. The mighty dead are those martyrs who have died bravely
for certain causes. People should honor them by erecting magnificent, grand grave
in which beauty is seen. If one looks around, there are plenty beautiful things to
notice they seem to flow forever as a fountain, from the Gods above to help the
naive human beings able to cope with the harshness of life.
*The message that Keats wants to get across through this outstanding poem is that
Beauty has the ability to transform lives, it can remove negativism, and dark
thoughts. Beauty can also remove the impact of grief, it can help one survive even
when there is a dearth of noble natures or when one is surrounded by hostile and
wicked people. Beauty has a positive impact on ones health, it can help steady the
breathing, and can give one a sound sleep. John Keats suggests that beauty can be
found everywhere in life
Conclusion, Recommendations and
Suggestions for Further Studies
Whoever interested in English literature should surely give more attention to the
richest era (Romanticism) through the whole history of literature of all human
beings. The figure poets of that era are true lovers and admirers of nature. They
mention nature as both safe and warm refuge and a source of happiness for all
creatures .Moreover it works as source of inspirations. Nature woks as a source of
generating happiness and is a best guide for human beings to live happily and
peacefully. So each of the fifth leader poets of thatera (William Wordsworth-S.T
Coleridge-Lord Byron-John Keats and Percy Shelley) appliednatureas a basic
theme,craft fully in his works. Those pioneer romantic poets have tried their best to
bring happiness to people and helpthem to get rid of all their sorrows and
melancholy through natural beauty and rural setting in their poems. They believed
that nature has answers for all unanswered questions. They celebrate the beauty of
nature in its various dimensions. So it is very difficult if not impossible to across a
poem free of any aspect of nature sceneries such as sing birds, dancing flowers,
dropping or flowing water, twinkling stars etc.perhapsnatural scenes are do present
in every piece of literary work of that era. To conclude nature is our best guide,
source of inspiration to lead a happy and prosperous life.
4.2 Recommendations
After finishing this study the researcher recommends the following: Romantic poetry should be included in high schools, colleges and instates
Regular seminars should be held by faculties of Arts students on romantic poetry.
Humanitarian organizations should adopt the idea of nature as a source of
happiness for people and care much on it.
Much care should be given to the elements of nataure by whoever looks for
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