Properties of Moist Air
Properties of Moist Air
Properties of Moist Air
where mv and ms are the mass of water vapour and mass of saturated
air pv and pvs are the partial pressure of water vapour and partial pressure of
water vapour in saturated air at same temperature for saturated air relative
humidity is 1 or 100%.
Degree of Saturation (): It is the ratio of mass of water vapour in a
sample of air to mass of water vapour in saturated air at the same
Psychrometric Chart
Constant specific Volume lines are more steeper inclined lines than wet
bulb temperate lines or enthalpy lines
By Pass Factor: Let Dry Bulb Temperature of coil surface is tcoil and air
temperature at entry and exit is t1 and t2 respectively.
By pass factor,
Comfort Chart: Relative humidity lines are taken from chart. It is found that
an effective temperature of 20oC, 99% of people where comfortable in winter
and in summer this temperature is found to be 21.6oC. The comfortable
relative humidity conditions are 50% to 60% and hence shaded region shows
comfort zone for year round conditioning.