Quiz # 1 Course
Quiz # 1 Course
Quiz # 1 Course
Dated : 20-09-2016
1. Lecture # 3 (Chapter 25 Introduction to Object DBMS)
Requirement of Advance Database Application
Weakness of RDBMS
Object Oriented Concepts
o Object Identity ( and its implementation and advantages)
SubClass, SuperClass and Inheritance
Overriding, Overloading and polymorphism (examples also)
Storing Objects in RDBMS
Mapping Class to Relation
Relationships and Referential Integrity
2. Lecture # 4 (Object Relational Mapping and Hibernate)
Why ORM with example
Five Mismatch Problems
ORM advantages and Solutions
Hibernate Advantage
Hibernate High Level and Detailed View
Different Objects (Configuration, Session, Transaction, Query ..etc.)
Hibernate Mapping Files
Session and Criteria Interface
Advantages of ORM
Mappings (Collection, Association, Component)
3. Lecture # 5 (Chapter 14 Object Relational Databases)
Stages in OO Systems
Impedance Mismatch between Object and Relation
Call Level API
SQL Mapping Framework
ORM Framework
Proprietary Framework
Examples of Hibernate Mappings
Schema and Conversion examples
Hibernate HQL Query Language