Moon Mythology - Lunar Deities - Moon Phases
Moon Mythology - Lunar Deities - Moon Phases
Moon Mythology - Lunar Deities - Moon Phases
Moon Phases
Folk belief has always held the moon as a prominent subject. In Mythology, the
moon is thought of as the counterpart of the Sun.
Long ago, ancient people believed that the moon was chasing the sun and that each
night the sun descended into the Underworld as the moon reigned the night sky.
Science tells us that the Moon is approximately 4 1/2 billions years old and 2159
miles or 3,474.8 kilometers in diameter or roughly 30 times that of earth. The moons
circumference is 6,784 miles or 10,917 kilometers.
Lunar Deities
Moon mythology includes lunar deities such as the Greek Selene, or Selena, and
Artemis who evolved into the Roman Luna and Diana or the Thracian Bendis.
Interestingly, moon mythology also includes the male lunar deity Nanna or Sin from
the Mesopotamian culture. African mythology brings us Thoth, who ruled the
Egyptians as their lunar deity and is many times depicted wearing a lunar crescent
upon his head. Other male lunar deities include Tsukuyomi or Tsukiyomi representing
the Shinto and Japanese god. Polynesian mythology includes the male lunar deities
Fati and Marama but also has at least 3 female lunar deities named Hina, Lona and
Lunar Rotation
As the moon rotates, it reflects varying degrees of light from the Sun. While it reveals
different parts of its surface, due to its rotational pattern we can only ever see one
side of the moon from Earth. This situation has long given rise to much speculation
about the dark side of the moon and what, or whom, may reside there.
Every one is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.
-Mark Twain
One complete cycle of the moon moving through each of its four phases takes
between 29 or 30 days.
* The New Moon phase takes place while the suns light is not reflected from the
moons surface. This monthly event appears to make the moon temporarily
disappear hence the phrase, the dark of the moon. This period of the lunar cycle
has long been used for spell-craft as it is thought to be the optimum time for initiating
spells. The new moon is also the preferred or a ripe time to plant seedsof any
kind, be they in the ground or in friendship, love or business.
* The Crescent Moon takes shape during the time just after the new moon and just
before the quarter moon phase. It is aptly named for its C shape. Moon mythology
often portrays the moon goddess with a crescent on her head. This period of time is
best used quietly tending the affairs of whatever took place during the new moon.
* The Quarter Moon lunar phase occurs when just half of the moon is visible. When
the moon is waxing, (on its cycle to becoming full)it is called the first quarter. When
the moon is waning, (just after the full moon)it is called the last quarter. A waxing
moon is a time to use natural momentum and creative energy to build or cause an
outcome. A waning moon is a time to naturally recede, regroup and recharge.
* The Gibbous Moon falls between the quarter and full moon phases. More than
half of the moon is visible. As each day the gibbous phase continues, more of the
moon is seen in the sky as it nears the full moon phase. This is a time of perceived
acceleration as people, animals, things and energy can magnify in their intensity.
* The Full Moon is when the moon is seen as a full circle of light. As the suns light
aligns to create this bright mirror we may choose to think of the full moon as the
suns child or companion as did the ancients so long ago. The pull of the power of
the full moon can be readily felt a day or two on either side of the actual calendar
time. The full moon period is historically associated with endings and the release of
energy and the unveiling of mysteries as the light of the full moon increases.
Full moons phase to new moons in their opposite sign. An example of that would be
as follows: If the moon becomes full in the sun-sign of October(Libra) then it will
become a new moon in Aries.
Therefore, it is recommended to look astrologically to what house and sign in your
natal chart the moon will be transiting when full. The generic characteristics of that
particular house and sign will show what area of your life is to be impacted by the full
moon. The aspects formed by other planets in relation to the moons position will
show if this transit is to be difficult or not.
called a Blue Moon. Also, when a full moon occurs twice during any calendar month,
that moon is also called a Blue Moon.
Native Americans called the January moon the Wolf Moon, the Old Moon, or
the Moon After Yule.
The ancient observation that the full moon and strange behavior are somehow
connected eventually became part of many belief systems as large groups of people
incorporated the lunar cycle into their daily lives. The term loony and the words
lunatic and lunacy all come from the (full)moons association with mental behavior.
As odd, strange behavior and often violent acts are known to rise in number during
the full moon it is no wonder that law enforcement agencies take special notice of the
full moon period.
Folklore around the world tells of strange shifts in energy around the time of the full
moon that creates monsters of men. The greek Werewolf (lycanthrope) legend tells
of a man bitten by beast and subject to a lunar curse repeating itself on each full
moon. Native American mythology has many tales of Shape-shifters, where humans
turn into various animals. Most of these ancient myths and old legends share an
association with the full moon. There is something about the full moons gravitational
pull that effects the human chemistry is such a way as to cause many of us to
experience varied levels of anxiety and other uncomfortable mental related issues.
As we are made up of approx. 77% water it seems safe to say that the cycles of the
moon may indeed have some very critical role to play in the tides of our minds as
Bide by the moon, follow her glow,
By the light of the new we renew and grow.
By the waxing quarter our determination shows,
By the full moons light our desires we know.
By the waning quarter we ebb and flow,
By the dark moons presence we return what weve sown.
Bide by the moon,
Follow her glow.