Birth of Younger Brother/Sister Operative Dasha
Birth of Younger Brother/Sister Operative Dasha
Birth of Younger Brother/Sister Operative Dasha
the dasha operative at the time of birth of younger brother was of Jupiter
which is aspecting IIIrd lord of Mercury, it is also lord of D-3. The
anterdasha operating was of Mercury which is IIIrd Lord. Hence operating
dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 3,4 and 1 of dasha
Yogni Dasha
The dasha operating was of Dhanya which is equilent to Jupiter and
anterdasha was of Bhadrika which is equivalent to Mercury. The position
under Vimshotri dasha hence operating dasha and anterdashas are
covered under parameter 1,3 and 4 of dasha parameter.
At the time of birth of younger brother the Saturn was transiting in
Saggitarius it was posted with Vth lord Mars and was aspectng IIIrd house
with Xth aspect. Jupiter was transiting is Taurus it was aspecting IIIrd
house and Vth house. Hence parameters set in transit conditions are
fulfilled. The Sun was in Scorpio i.e. in Vth house, the Moon was is cancer
likely to enter in Leo where IIIrd lord Mercury is posted.
Timing of Marriage Operative Dasha
1. Dasha of VIIth Lord.
2. Dasha of Lagna Lord.
3. Lagna Lord of D-9.
4. Dasha of RAHU/VENUS natural significator.
5. Dasha of VIIth lord from VENUS.
6. Planet position VIIth from Venus.
7. Dasha of planet posted in VIIth house, aspecting VIIth house or Lord.
8. Dispositer of VIIth Lord.
Transit of Planets
1. Saturn and Jupiter will influence two conditions out of four mentioned
below :
i. VIIth house
ii. VIIth Lord
iii. Lagna
iv. Lagna Lord
2. The Sun may indicate month of marriage by influincing one of four
conditions mentioned above by posting or aspect.
3. The Moon may indicate date of marriage by influincing one of four
conditions mentioed above by posting or aspect.
Date of Birth : 19.10.1952
fulfilled. The Sun was transiting in Sagitarius it has just passed through
Libra where VIIth lord Sun was posted. The moon at the day of marriage
was in Cancer likely to enter Leo which is VIIth house.
Date of Birth : 08.11.1955
12.55 AM
Yogini :
Second Child :
D.O.B. 31.08.1986
Time of Birth : 04.15 AM
Place of Birth : Delhi
Yogini :
Third Child
04.15 A.M.