Time For Change
Time For Change
Time For Change
a change?
A research report
into the professional
fulfilment experienced by
tomorrow’s leaders
Foreword 3 “Many junior and middle managers ask for more leadership
Key findings 6 development, but don’t understand that the next step is not
Unfulfilled & caught in a trap 7 upwards, but outwards. They will have to start leading outwards,
Time for a change? 8 however uncomfortable it feels, before they can go upwards. They
Where do we go from here? 9
have to understand that they have a responsibility to their team to
A training shortfall 11
Real skills required 13 influence not only upwards but outwards too.”
Time for some DIY? 15 Julia Middleton, founder and Chief Executive, Common Purpose
About Common Purpose 17 from her book Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World