CNC Lathe Manual
CNC Lathe Manual
CNC Lathe Manual
Programming Codes
Machine Set Up
Operator Responsibilities
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix A
Do not handle metal shavings with your bare hands. Use a brush or a shaving hook to
handle the metal shavings.
k. No person should ever work alone.
Be sure to read and understand the MSDS Manual which should contain the latest Material Data
Safety Sheets for all hazardous materials used in a given facility. The MSDS should be openly displayed
and available to any employee for purpose of their right to know the proper use, handling and first aid
(if applicable) for the chemicals and other hazards used in the machine shop
It is important to understand all the safety functions of the Machine Tool you are operating!
Correct dress is important. Remove rings and watches and secure any loose clothing.
Never open the door while the machine is in operation.
Handle sharp tools, centers, and drills with care. Some tooling is so sharp it can cut you and you
will not immediately feel it.
Always wear eye protection.
Know where the emergency stop is before operating the lathe.
Use pliers or a brush to remove chips and swarf, never your hands.
Never try to remove string chips while the machine is in operation.
Keep tool overhang as short as possible.
Never use a file on rotating lathe work unless it has a handle.
File left-handed, if possible.
Protect the lathe ways when grinding or filing.
Use two hands when sanding the work piece. Do not wrap sand paper or emery cloth around
the work piece or your hands while sanding.
Never sand the inside of a bore with just your fingers.
The shop area must be kept clean. It is impossible to maintain a safe work environment if tools,
stock, debris and last-weeks coffee cups/pop bottles are lying about the equipment.
Practice common sense. If your instincts tell you not to setup or operate a part in a certain way,
dont do it. Most shop accidents are a result of a lack of knowledge, not carelessness. If you have
any doubt, consult a supervisor or lead person. There are no dumb or stupid questions. What is
known by one person may not be known by all. If someone reminds you of a safety issue that you
may already be are aware of, thank the person for thinking of your safety instead of being sarcastic
or rude.
Maintenance of machine tools is the key to safe and efficient operation. Without the machines
being properly maintained, the equipments accuracy and effectiveness will diminish with each use.
Every machine is different based on its design. For example, some machines have automatic oil
systems, some manual, while others have none at all. Be sure to check with someone who knows
or consult documentation that came with the machine.
Each day the machine operator should lubricate the equipment. If the proper lubrication regimen is
not known, ask your supervisor. Most CNC Machines use an automatic oiling system to maintain
proper lubrication. The lubrication levels should be checked at least once per shift.
The machinery must be cleaned after each use. Dirty machine tools tend to need repair and
alignment more frequently than clean machine tools.
It is the responsibility of the machine user to clean-up after work is performed on the equipment.
Part of clean-up will be the removal of chips and debris from chip pan and surrounding work area.
All debris must be swept up and properly disposed. In case oil and coolant use, the machines
should be wiped down so that they are in the same condition as before the machining was done.
All hand and measuring tools must be returned to their proper storage site. All unused stock should
be marked according to its type and placed back in proper storage.
Measuring tools should be kept in good working order. They should be stored in a clean place,
away from contaminants such as oil and metal shavings.
Measuring tools should be calibrated prior to each use. If you do not know how to calibrate a
micrometer or a dial caliper, ask your supervisor.
A machine shop is, by nature, a dangerous place. All machinery has the potential to cause you
harm if it is used incorrectly or is not inspected periodically.
It is always a bad idea to run dangerous equipment if you are over-tired or not feeling well. Never
operate the equipment if you are under the influence of alcohol or cold medication that makes you
drowsy. Focus is very important.
Accidents in the shop happen very quickly and usually there is not any warning before a problem
occurs. The shop guidelines listed above, if put into use, will allow most people to work safely and
Above all else, it is important to think before you do. If you do not give the machine your full
attention, accidents and injuries are almost certain to happen.
The first and most important part of the machine is called the Bed. The bed of any machine is
the most rigid portion of the machine and is truly the foundation for which all other machine parts
such as a saddle, spindle, tailstock and cross slide are attached. Most lathe beds are made of a cast iron
metal called Meehanite. Meehanite is simply a dense, uniformly sound material than conventional cast
iron beds. Most lathe beds are not only machined but ground to very strict tolerances to provide a
solid base for mounting the other components of the lathe. Being ground allows for years of accuracy
and service, especially in high wear areas.
Spindle Motor
The Spindle Motor is usually an electric motor that drives the spindle assembly in the
headstock. It is usually attached to a series of belts. Sometimes, there is a multi speed transmission
attached between the spindle and the motor to help generate torque or speed. Spindle motors vary in
size and horsepower from one manufacturer to the next. The rule of thumb is that the larger the
spindle motor, the more horsepower the motor has because of the increased number of windings.
Every spindle has a main drive motor that gives the spindle its power. The drive motor is engaged via
the control panel using a switch or G code command. Some motors are connected to the spindle by
belts, by gears and some are even directly attached to the spindle assembly directly. Every machine
tool builder has their own way of applying power to the spindle.
In order to create part shapes, a CNC lathe must be able to move in two dimensions around the
work piece. These two dimensions of movement are called the machines axis. The CNC Axis can have a
positive and negative value. When looking at the way a program is written, it may look very familiar.
That is because CNC coordinates are written in ordered pairs. This is a concept that has been and is still
taught to many grade school level children. The system is known as the Cartesian Coordinate System or
known commonly as the coordinate graph. It is the foundation for all movements on CNC machines
today. Without it, machines would not have a reference to locate and position tools.
Using the grid system, the machines computer numerical control unit tells the axis to move
forward or backwards by driving two or more electric servos which are connected to precision ground
ball screws. The ball screws are spun forward and reverse in order to drive the components attached to
them. In order for the computer to be able to tell which axis is which, they are named. The axis which
moves linearly and is parallel to the length of the part is called the Z axis. The saddle is the large cast or
machined unit that is mounted to the Z Axis. All other axes of motion are usually mounted to the
saddle. Another axis of motion commonly found on lathes is one that controls the tools diametrical
movement. It is called the X axis. The X axis plane controls the diameter location of the tools and is the
plane which the cross slide operates in. The cross slide is generally mounted on top of the saddle.
Manipulation of the axes either individually or together will create a very diverse range of geometric
shapes. The Grid System will be taught in greater detail in an upcoming lesson.
Z Axis / Saddle
In its simplest form, the machine uses powerful servo motors and precision ball screws to help
guide the cutting tool through the defined geometric pairings in order to machine the part. The Z axis is
the axis that runs horizontally towards and away from the work holding device and parallel to the
spindle centerline. The Z axis controls the length of the work piece. On most modern CNC lathes, the Z
axis is set at an angle. This is done mostly to conserve room and aid in support for the other equipment
that will be mounted on it. The term in the industry for this type of configuration for the Z axis to be
set at is called a slant bed.
Resting upon this axis is an often large cast or machined housing called the saddle. The saddle is
where you will find the next component we are going to discuss, the X axis and Cross Slide.
The X Axis is the named axis of movement that runs vertically, up and down across the face of
the spindle. This axis is set perpendicular to the spindle centerline. The X Axis controls the diameter of
the work piece. The X axis has a cross slide mounted to it in order to hold tools via the tool turret. As
stated on the previous page, the X axis rides on top of the Z axis and travels perpendicular to the travel
of the Z axis.
Ball Screws
In order to move the X and Z axis into the correct position for machining, CNC machines use
precisely ground ball screws which pass through pre-tensioned trucks attached to each axis of
movement. The commands are sent from the control to the axis drive card and from there, travel to
the axis motors coupled to each ball screw. The motor drives the ball screw the correct distance
required for the axis to arrive in the exact location commanded. Ball screws come in a variety of sizes
and lengths, depending on the size and length of the machine.
On most heavy duty CNC lathes the primary support for the axis will be the ground box way.
This surface is precisely aligned with the movement of each axis thus allowing a very low friction rate
which could slow or bind the axis movements. Boxes are usually ground directly from the cast bed but
can be attached and then ground to a precise fit. Each machine tool builder makes their ground ways
different but the general principle is the same.
Linear Guides
Some lathes move with great speed to promote efficiency. By needing to move so quickly, a
standard Meehanite bed is not going to be wear resistant enough to put up with the constant rapid
motions of the equipment. For this, the lathe must have linear guide rails installed. A linear guide rail
takes the place of the ground rails which would usually support the saddle and cross slide. The rail is
hardened and ground to exacting standards to allow for very fast rapid speeds. The saddle or cross
slide is then mounted to the rail by a series of bearing packs called trucks. The picture on the next page
is a picture of a linear guide mounted to a machine bed.
Though there is much debate over which is better, linear guide built beds or conventional cast
beds, each has its good points and its detractions. One such argument is that linear guide beds are
lighter because they do not have as much cast material required to make them, which in turn is
supposed to make them weaker and not as stout for machining heavy parts. While the argument
against cast beds is that they have too much surface area contacting the saddle and cross slide which
makes them not only heavier but too slow to be useful in short run time applications. Several machine
tool builders offer both types and do not take sides in debating which one is better. The end result is
what is important, making a quality part, quickly and efficiently.
Below are some examples of CNC lathe tool turrets and tool holding devices. One is a basic
turret with standard bolt on tools, the next is a bolt on style with live tool positions. The third is a
VDI/Mazak style with live tool positions.
CNC Controls as you can see above come in many shapes and sizes. Most have buttons, some
have knobs and switches, some even have dials. Each control will have a way to allow the machine to
run in various modes of operation as well. Most companies call the mode which allows for the machine
axis to be moved a Jog Mode. In order to create programs, machines are usually put into an Edit Mode.
When the machine is first started it will need to be in a Reference, Zero or Home Mode to allow for the
axis to be zeroed. When the operator is ready to run production, the machine is put into an Automatic
or Memory Mode. Entering single commands such as tool calls or turning on the spindle can be done
from the MDI Mode. You will learn more about the various modes as you work the various machines
and you should quickly find that each machine tool builder is a little different than the others. Rest
assured though that once you have worked with a CNC for any given period of time, it almost becomes
second nature for most people to be able to instinctively find the button, switch or knob they are
looking for. As you might have heard while growing up, practice makes perfect.
As mentioned throughout this chapter, CNC lathes and CNC machines in general operate using
axis of movement. The axes are perpendicular and create a grid system that may look familiar. It is
called the Cartesian Coordinate System. We will discuss this system in a later lesson but it is important
to understand that entire turning process cannot happen without the use of a coordinate grid system
letting the machine know where the tool is positioned at any given moment.
If we were to plot a point on the previously shown grid, the vertical lines to the left and right of 0
would read and positive and negative Z values. The horizontal lines above and below the 0 would read
a positive and negative X value. People sometimes confuse how to read a grid because the axis name is
on the zero line and one of the most frequent mistakes is to read each line that looks like the line with
the name as that axis value. Looking again above, it is easy to see how someone could think that every
horizontal line above and below 0 would be a Z value, but they would be incorrect. In reality, the lines
are there only as reference. The axis is the only line that needs to be on there. In plotting you would
count so many steps up or down (X) and so many steps left or right (Z). If we wanted to plot a
coordinate for machining on the grid above, we would make a statement as follows. (X2. Z-3) What this
means is that we would count 2 spaces up and three spaces left of Origin. You do not have to include a
+ in front of any number which is positive. Unless there is a negative sign in front of the number, it is
assumed to be positive.
For the following exercise, look at the coordinate grid below and plot the positions of each
point. Be sure to include the negative value if the location is either negative X or Z.
The basis for all machining uses coordinates to locate a task to be performed. Without
knowing an exact coordinate value, we would only be guessing if we put a hole in the right location or
made a turned diameter the right size. Along with G code programming variables, countless shapes
and sizes can be achieved.
Only after this switch is turned to the on position, will the CNC Panel on the front of the
machine be able to be turned on. Now that the main power is turned on, go ahead and turn on the
control panel. Usually, this will be a Green Button located on the control panel itself. In rare occasions,
this button may be on the side of the control panel or on the machine somewhere close to the control
Below, are some examples of the control panel on/off power buttons.
As you can see, each switch is almost always labeled and usually color coded as well. When you
press this switch, you will often hear the various electrical components start to turn themselves on.
Often you hear cooling fans kick in first, then you will hear the humming of different pumps and other
electronics kick in. The monitor display screen should either be on at this point or with some older
machines, starting to warm up to come on. Once the machine is fully up, you should see that the
emergency stop alarm is active or the machine not ready light will be flashing. Some machines require
a machine ready button to be depressed, others require the reset button, and others may require the
operator to perform other tasks before letting the machine come to a ready status.
Even though each machine tool builder creates a unique machine that is based on their own
custom design, they all share one thing in common they need to have the power turned on to operate.
The remaining procedures vary slightly from one machine to another but for the most part, you will
find the remaining start up procedures similar. It is important that you follow the start up procedures
as they are instructed to you or the machine may fail to initialize and reference return. As stated
before, once you start a machine a couple times, it becomes pretty much second nature for most
After the Control Panel Power button is pressed and the display is up, you can release the
machine from any emergency stop condition it might be in. From this point, you will need to reference
return most machines. This is either a manual, semi automatic or fully automatic process, depending
on the machine tool builder and the optional features you have in your machine. Most machines are
manual in the sense that the operator must direct each axis to contact a home switch by putting the
machine in a home or reference return mode and using the axis directional keys on the control panel,
move the machine to contact the home switch for each axis.
Once the machine is at home position, the machine should be able to be put in automatic mode
for production operation or a manual mode to be able to set up or program the machine. If for any
reason an alarm is generated when taking the machine to its home location, there may be a simple
cause for the alarm. Anything from being too close to the home switch when referencing to pressing
on the chuck pedal while moving the machine can cause an alarm. Some of which have nothing to do
with the process you are trying to complete.
Manual Controls
Every Machine tool has several modes of operation. There will be one for programming, one to
execute the program automatically, one to reference the machine and then there will be several
modes dedicated to manual control of the machine tool. In order to set up the machine to perform a
task or to produce parts using a program, the machine will need to be moved around so that tool
offsets can be made and the work zero can be set. This is accomplished by using the various manual
controls found on the Control Panel. The main manual controls of a CNC control are MDI, Jog, and
Handle. Each one uses different user input to make the machine move manually.
In MDI, which stands for Manual Data Input, you would use G codes to operate the various
manual modes. This is sometimes called semi automatic operation. This is not useful when you need to
move the machine by eye to a location because to move it, you will need to know the exact location for
which to move it to. What this function is very good for is starting the spindle and setting the spindle
speed. It may also be used to lower and raise a tool setter or tool eye when needed.
Next is the manual mode called Jog. This mode allows user controlled movement of the
machine axis by pressing and holding the axis direction button(s). Using this mode is good for moving
the axis under power to an area. Some machine have a Rapid button that can be pressed and held
along with the axis button in order to move the machine in rapid traverse to a desired location. Most
Jog operations are used once the machine is in a location and a cut under power feed is wanted. Boring
jaws manually is one such operation where the Jog function comes in handy. Jog allows both axes to be
moved at the same time.
The manual mode you will most want to familiarize yourself with is the Handle mode. This
mode allows for movement of either axis via a hand wheel either attached to the control panel or a
remote hand wheel wired directly into the control panel. By using this device, you will be able to move
the active axis at a set rate per incremental rotation of the hand wheel. Only one axis can be manually
moved at a time using the hand wheel and you first select the axis you wish to move via a dial, toggle
switch or dial. On most machines, the resolution or the rate that each click of the hand wheel
represents into a set amount. The amounts are typically 0.0001, 0.0010, 0.0100, and 0.1000. Most
hand wheels have 100 increments in one revolution of the hand wheel. It is important to always be
aware of which mode you are in when rotating the hand wheel, especially when the turret is near the
chuck or work piece. Once you have the axis selected, the incremental amount selected, and are sure
of the location of the turret to the work piece and/or chuck, you can slowly rotate the handle either
clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on which direction you want the axis to move. Once
movement of the Axis is complete, you will want to exit the manual mode if you are not planning to
move the axis any further. This will prevent the accidental rotation of the hand wheel and causing the
turret to contact the work piece or chuck. Often, the MDI mode is selected since the axis cannot be
moved with either the directional pad or the hand wheel while in MDI mode. You can perform other
tasks such as setting offset values while in MDI.
While in manual control, the tool setter or tool eye, if equipped, can be lowered and used to set
tool offset values for each tool in the turret. Setting the tool offsets is a major step in preparing the
machine to run in an automatic mode. If the values are not set, the machine will not know where the
tool is at in relation to the location of the work piece and work offset. The tool setter uses both the
handle and jog functions of most machines in order to take measurements.
Other manual controls that the operator will have access to are limited to what is equipped on
any particular machine tool. Things such as Coolant Override, Spindle On/Off, Tool Setter On/Off, Door
Opener, Air Blast, and Chip Conveyor On/Off to name a few, are found on most modern machines but
may not be present on older machines. Some machines use soft keys while other use toggles and
switches. Consult the manuals that came with your machine tools or contact your local machine tool
supplier to find out which manual control options you may have on your particular machine tool.
Please refer to the pictures of various controls on page 19 and 20 to see what modern machine
controls look like. As you will be able to see, every machine tool builder makes a similar area for data
entry as in an alpha/numeric key pad, but a different area for actual machine operation.
say Z-2.5 G01 F.01 or you can say F.01 G01 Z-2.5. Any way you write it the program will execute the
movement the same. The reason is that the machine does not read like a person from either right to
left or left to right, it reads all the codes at once. The machine then determines the order of
importance with G codes being the most important, then Axis letters then other optional input values
such as speed and M codes. G Codes will ALWAYS take priority over the other letter/number codes in
any line of code.
Throughout the class you will also be introduced to basic programming methods and will be
taught how to write a basic G code program. The programming taught during this class will be the most
basic in format and focus on program structure more than anything. Things such as tool calls, spindle
operations and simple cutting patterns will be learned first. Complex programming using such things as
canned cycles are taught in a separate class are usually of an advanced skill level in nature.
Boring Similar to turning except that a boring tool is used to cut the desired geometrical
shape on the Inner Diameter (ID) of a work piece. There must be a basic minor hole already in the work
piece before boring can take place. Solid stock must be drilled since boring bars cannot cut without a
pilot hole. The same G codes are used for boring as they are used for turning.
Below is a picture of a CNC making a cut using a boring tool. Boring tools come in many shapes
and sizes, depending mostly on the clearance required for the desired bore profile.
Drilling Using a drill bit either made of high speed steel, cobalt, carbide or carbide inserted
tool steel, is positioned at X axis 0 and will create a hole on center line of the Z axis. Turning Centers
having live tools can machine holes off of axis center line since the tools are self powered and do not
require the part to rotate during the cut. Drilling is often done to solid bar stock in order to create a
hole for which boring or other ID work is done. Most CNC machines have the ability to use through the
tool coolant which provides coolant at the cutting tip. This allows for deeper holes to be drilled since
the coolant can forces the cut metal chips from the hole. Almost all inserted drills have this ability and
is recommended to use in order to prolong tool life and hole quality.
Face Grooving This operation consists of guiding a specialized grooving tool that has a special
ground clearance along the relief of the cutting tool in order to cut grooves into the face of a work
piece or work piece feature. Face grooving is often used for seal surfaces and also for spring guides.
Face grooving tools are usually made to cover a certain size range and are considered to be a custom
cutting tool.
OD Grooving Utilizing various width and length grooving tools allow for the creation of narrow
and wide as well as shallow and deep grooves along the Z axis of the exterior or interior of the work
piece. Grooving tools come is all shapes and sizes and can be ground to have full radius noses and extra
chip clearance angles. This function can also be used to cut off work pieces to desired lengths in order
to feed the bar through the spindle in what is called bar feeding operations.
The Images below show a couple pictures of common grooving applications, notching and part
off. Notching can be as simple as creating a relief groove for threading or as complex as creating
precision seal grooves and part off removes the work piece from the bar stock.
Threading The last main standard operation can be performed in two ways. On the OD,
threads can be cut or rolled using specific tooling designed to create the proper thread form. On ID
threads where standard inserted threading tools can be used, the threads are cut as they are in the OD
operation. If the hole is too small to allow an inserted threading tool, a tool called a tap can be used to
cut or roll the threads by driving the tool along the centerline of the pre drilled hole that exists on the
work piece. This is called tapping. Tapping can also be done using the live tooling stations on Turning
Centers. Not all machines can perform tapping operations but most machines can cut or roll threads.
Below are a few examples of what modern carbide inserts look like.
As you can see by the picture, there are many different shapes and sizes of todays modern
inserts. The key to selecting and identifying the various shapes and sizes is needed for any given
application is to understand the tool industrys numbering system for the insert system. The name and
number to any insert or tool is called its nomenclature. The nomenclature system for tooling is fairly
simple but is not without its complications.
The following chart is an example of a generic ANSI lathe nomenclature breakdown for turning
and boring tools.
Using this chart, you should be able to identify certain properties of a particular insert you may
have and then cross reference those properties with other measurable data such as thickness, nose
radius and shape in order to identify your insert. What shaped tool holder an insert should fit as well as
other specific details about the insert would be useful while programming and also troubleshooting
during operation. Most modern insert producers make inserts very similar if not the same as the ones
described above and will usually have an insert and tool holder nomenclature directory in their
catalogs which will aid in the proper selection of their products.
Once the insert style is selected, the next step is picking an acceptable grade which will stand
up to the cutting conditions a given operation will present. Identifying the material which you are
cutting as well as its grade and hardness will go a long way to picking the correct grade and insert
coating. Almost every insert manufacturer has a specific line of grades and coatings which are set to
their own custom numbering system. Most companies have insert grades that will cover a full
spectrum of materials used in todays machining applications with some specializing in a line of grades
that will perform in multiple types of materials. Again, trial and error will result in good experience for
selecting the proper insert grade and manufacturer for your tooling needs.
Installing Tools
Now that you have a tool and insert selected for your machining operation, you will need to
properly install the tool into the machine. The very first step in performing this task is to take a step
back and think about safety. If you are going to be reaching into a machine and loosening and
tightening bolt and set screws, it will be a great idea to get the machine to a position to install the tool,
rotate the turret to a tool position that will allow the tool to be inserted, and then engage the
emergency stop button. This will prevent any sudden movements of the machine. With the machine
ready to receive the tool, check to be sure all the mounting hardware is in place and is free and clean
of chips, oil or any other debris, especially if you are removing an existing tool. Wipe the tool to make
sure the tool is also clean of chips, oil and debris.
On the next page are before and after pictures of a pocket that is going to have a tool inserted
into it. The tool that previously occupied the pocket was removed and the mess remaining was a result
of chips and other debris working its way into the pocket over the course of normal machine usage. It
is very common to find messes like this when a tool is removed, especially after prolonged machine
Below are three pictures, one with a tool oriented correctly to the machine the others oriented
incorrectly. Notice that the tool that is oriented correctly is on machine center line and the one that is
not is totally out of place though it looks as though it could make a cut. The red line drawn through the
image shows the centerline where the tool tip should be oriented. Of course, this line will not be
present when loading tools.
Boring and ID working tools need to be aligned similarly to how the OD tools are aligned except
that the tool tip will be pointing towards center instead of the outside of the tool turret. The same
centerline alignment will be needed to assure provide tool cutting ability.
The offset example below is that of a Wear Page found on most Fanuc style machines. Note
that the Tip column is not present. Since you cannot add or subtract this value, it is not included on
most Wear pages. The wear page is used exclusively for fine tuning the position of tools in regards to
their offset positions. Though mainly used for X axis adjustments, the Z axis may need to be moved in
order for proper positioning after tools have been changed or the program has been altered. The
radius is almost never changed unless using a custom form tool.
Wear X
Wear Z
Data entered manually should be confirmed on the screen for mistakes before inputting into
the control. More machine crashes and scrap parts are made by simple typing mistakes and
transposition than poorly written programs. When you are in a rush, most people often neglect to
confirm data entry and this leads to immediate problems. A bad number by a couple thousandths may
only lead to out of tolerance parts while a misplaced decimal point may lead to the machine crashing
into the work piece or chuck.
When installing chuck jaws onto the chuck, take care as you would if you were installing a tool.
First by cleaning the mating surfaces and making sure all bolts are checked for wear and undo strain. If
the bolts fail on chuck jaws, the part will almost certainly be released and will either fall down into the
bed or has the chance to be slung by the chuck in any number of directions, including at the door!
Chuck jaw installation is a crucial part to any good set up. If there is debris on the master jaws
or on the soft jaw teeth, the jaw will not seat correctly and work piece repeatability will be difficult to
achieve. If your bolts are worn or stretched badly, they may not hold the jaw to the master correctly
and work piece repeatability will be difficult to achieve. Lots of problems can give the same symptom.
In order to prevent several of these symptoms in the first place, perform a regular inspection of the
master jaw and soft jaw teeth as well as check the bolts every time the jaws are changed for wear and
tear. Use a soft bristled wire brush to clean any chips or debris from the teeth of both the chuck and
master jaws.
As with installing tool holders into the turret, the new jaws should be tightened evenly and not
over tightened. Over-tightening of the chuck jaws not only leads to bolt breakage, it can damage the
socket which the bolt head seats against. Over-tightening can also lead to damage of the T nuts that
hold the chuck jaws onto the master jaws. The T nuts wear and become deformed from undue
pressure of the over tightened bolts and can crack and fail just as easily as the bolts themselves. If a T
nut is suspected of being damaged, inform your lead man or supervisor right away. It should NEVER be
used in a damaged state.
Soft Jaws
Above is an example of a set of typical lathe Soft Jaws. Soft jaws are named as such because
they are made of material that can be machined and formed into various shapes to fit the work piece.
As shown above, there are several types and sizes of soft jaws. There are also premade and hardened
jaws called hard jaws that are used to grip raw stock, castings or parts where the area gripped does not
matter. The hard jaws often have teeth cut into them by means of a series of grooves cut in patterns
across the gripping area. The grooves or serrations as they are commonly called help grab the work
piece tightly. The down side to using such jaws is that they often leave marks in the surface of the area
where they grab. They are often preset to a couple inches in diameter making it difficult to use them
with small diameter material.
Here is an example of an extended set of soft Jaws. Soft Jaws are normally not very long. Each
size chuck has a normal projection length that varies from 1.7 inches for a 6 Chuck to over 4 for
36 chucks. Extended jaws are usually double the normal length and can be as long as 3 times the
normal length. Note that the longer the jaws extend away from the master jaws, the lower the gripping
force will be. Using long jaws to hold a part that can be held in normal jaws would not be held as
effectively and could result in marring or movement of the work piece when heavy machining is
Pie Jaws
Pie Jaws are full engagement jaws which contact as much of the work piece surface as possible.
The name comes from the look as if each jaw is the shape of a wedge of pie, a very LARGE piece of pie
at that.
This type of jaw is great for holding on to thin walled work pieces which would otherwise
become distorted from the gripping force of normal soft jaws. The almost total surface area contact
with the work piece allows for much lesser gripping force required and thus the jaw pressure can be
greatly reduced. Most Pie Jaws made today are made from cast iron or steel for strength and rigidity.
There are still companies that make pie jaws out of Aluminum to allow for faster work speeds due to
the lighter jaw weight.
Prefab Jaws and Jaw Inserts are often used to hold cast or irregularly shaped parts. This type of
jaw is often made from a casting or extrusion and can be machined to the final part specification to
allow for maximum gripping pressure.
Hard Jaws
Hard Jaws are just that, hardened steel jaws that are pre-machined with multiple steps and
serrations to aide in the gripping of cast or bar stock. Hard Jaws, like the ones shown here often have 3
holes in them to allow for various gripping configurations on either the OD or ID of the work piece.
Hard Jaws are not considered to be very accurate since most are mass produced and not finish
machined on the machine on which you are installing them. The typical accuracy of such a set is usually
4 to 10 thousandths of an inch. Hard jaws are usually used in first operation machining only where the
accuracy between the rough material and the machined surface is not critical.
Collet Chucks
Other ways to hold work pieces on CNC lathes is by holding the work piece in a collet. Collets use a
system that relies on the same hydraulic/pneumatic draw bar as the chuck but instead of driving a nut
to open and close jaws, the draw bar either drives the collet itself or a taper wedge over the collet in
order to open and close it. Collets are usually used when bar stock is passed through the machine or
when very small sized work needs to be held. Collets can be custom made and have very good
repeatability, depending on their manufacture.
As stated earlier, the two types of collets, the direct draw and dead length. In a direct draw
system, the collet is pushed and pulled directly with the draw bar and the taper is provided by an
attachment that mounts to the spindle nose. As the collet is drawn into the taper, the collet closes
around the work piece, when pushed, it opens the collet. The other type of collet system is the dead
length style. With this style, the collet is mounted inside a fixed main collet body which is still attached
to the spindle nose, but instead of the draw bar being attached to the collet, it is attached to a tapered
sleeve. This sleeve is then forced over the outside taper of the collet and opens and closes it without
the collet moving. There are pros and cons to both systems but using the dead length system allows for
much more accurate clamping when the size of the bar stock varies slightly. This can be an issue where
overall length is important but the stock diameter is not. Direct draw style collet chucks do not need a
large collar around the collet in order to push or pull the taper over the collet so they are more
streamline and provide excellent tool clearance.
On the next page are pictures of two types of collet chuck systems.
As you can see, the direct draw style collet system is more streamline than the bulkier dead
length style. Both will attach to the spindle nose and both will use the hydraulic drawbar in some way
to open and close the collet itself.
Most shops use G54 thru G59 as their work offsets. G54 thru G59 are found on almost all
modern Fanuc based CNC machines. There are a few other ways to set work zero but since they are
used either so few in number or so outdated, you will be taught using G54 thru G59. In most machine
programs the work offset used is found in the beginning of the program and usually when there is a
tool change. There will be no other variables with the G54 thru G59 call out n the program since the
information that the code refers to is listed on and pulled from the work offset page. Most lathe
operations rarely use more than G54 and G55. Occasionally needs arise with part-off operations of a
family of work pieces. You will need to consult your companys programmer on which work offsets are
Things to remember while setting work zero:
Check the program or set up sheet thoroughly to find the location for setting the work
Be sure you have a new or sharp tool in the machine when setting work zero
Be extra careful of manual movements when setting work zero. A movement the wrong
direction can lead to a machine collision.
Do not allow someone or something to distract or pull you away while setting work
zero. This can lead to injury and crashes, not to mention an incorrect work offset
Study the print and check the raw material size to know how much, if any material is to
be taken from the face of the work piece.
Never be in too much of a rush when setting the work zero offset. Rushing things leads
to omitting steps and possibly information which will in turn lead to other problems.
To set Work Zero most machines follow a fairly simple procedure. On the next page is a common
procedure for most Fanuc style lathes. The example is actually the procedure for a Doosan brand lathe.
You may need to adapt it slightly from one brand of machine to another but the principle is roughly the
same. During the class, you will be given procedures for setting Work Zero on each of the machines
being used at this facility.
be inserted in alphabetical order. The reasoning for the D and F variables to be located at the end is so
that the operator can easily scan the program and see what the feeds are using the F command, and
the D command is simply so the operator can quickly find the depth of cut.
When you have figured how you would like to order your codes and variables, it is time to start
writing a program. This is done first by declaring a program number. Program numbers on most Fanuc
based machines start with the letter O. It is the only time in a program you will find the letter O. Most
modern machines can have up to 6 digits for a program number but since the majority of older
machines use only 4, most programmers use only 4. This allows for the use of a given program on an
older machine without having to change the number before use.
Program number examples:
On the above program number examples, you will see a semi colon. This is called an end of
block command. The end of block declares to the machine that this is the end of a particular line of
code. Some editing and Computer Aided Machining (CAM) software assumes that every time you press
enter, an end of block command is inserted.
Now that you have a program number declared, you can populate the rest of the program with
G codes and the necessary variables needed to create a functional machine program. As stated above,
every programmer has their own way of inserting and declaring variables on any given line, the
methods discussed in this lesson and throughout the book are only one of many ways to create
functional part programs.
After most program numbers there will be a comment added on the same line to help identify a
program, what the program is making, and/or who the program was written for. This is called inserting
a comment. Comments are created by using parenthesis ( ) symbols surrounding the comment you
wish to make and are not read by the machine as code, rather when the machine sees the parenthesis,
it ignores the contents completely. Comments are only used for operator/programmer reference and
can be used at any location after the program number. Modern machines can read lower case letters
but older machines cannot so most comments are made entirely of capital letters. If you create a
comment in a program using an editor on a personal computer and all the lower case letters disappear
when you send the program to the machine, the machine cannot read lower case letters.
Here are examples of comments as they are often seen in CNC programs.
O1234 (VALVE BODY ABC COMPANY 1234-5678-001);
(OP 1);
(T1 CNMG 432 OD TURN);
The examples above were all taken from actual programs. The first was declaring the program
number, then, the comment immediately following stated the part name, company name, and part
number. The next line would tell the operator which operation number they should be on. The
following lines would give the operator a tool list and possibly any other information needed in setting
up the work piece or tooling in the machine.
The comment after the M00 command simply tells the operator that he/she must flip the part
so the second operation can be performed when the cycle start button is pressed.
The last comment is helpful when scanning a program and wondering what a particular
operation is doing. In the case above, it is directly telling the operator/programmer that the operation
is going to be using the roughing tool and performing OD turning.
Comments can be as simple or as complex as the programmer wishes to make them. A
suggestion would be to keep the comments simple so there is little delay in getting the machine back
into a productive mode. Sometime too much information can be confusing.
The next step in creating programs will be to figure out what you want to do. As in, what
operation do you need to perform to create the geometric features required in order to have a
completed work piece. Once you have this figured out, you will need to understand how they relate to
each other and how they will affect the rest of the operations needing to be performed. This is called
order of operations. It is a very important step because you cannot bore a hole in a part unless there is
a hole through the part. You cannot cut a groove on the OD of a part if the feature has not at least
been roughed in. Kind of like saying, you cannot walk if you are laying down, first you must get up
before you can walk. There is an inherent order to everything. Once some of the basic operations are
performed, the remaining operations such as finish turning, finish boring, grooving, threading, knurling,
tapping, etc. can be performed in any order that the programmer prefers. The main operations almost
always performed first are rough turning, drilling and rough boring. They are often set in that order as
mentioned. Finish turning and finish boring can be done well after other operation have been
completed but often follow the rough turning and rough boring operations.
Once the order has been figured out, now you will need to start writing the code. One thing to
keep in mind while writing a program is that a tool will need to be assigned to perform the tasks
programmed. Keep in mind things such as clearances and cutting angles, not to mention speeds and
feed recommendations from the manufacturer.
Calling a tool on a Fanuc style lathe is simply written as follows:
The letter T declares a tool call, the first two numbers declare the tool position in the tool
turret, the second two numbers declare the tool offset that will be inserted from the tool offset page.
The tool numbers and the offset numbers do not have to match on most machines so be careful not to
have a transposition error where you state a tool number then reverse the numbers when stating the
offset number. This will more than likely cause a crash or at the very least an improperly cut work
Here is an example of a tool call as it is often seen in a CNC program
T0101 M08;
Now that the tool has been called, we need to establish its reference location to the machine
and work piece. The tool offset almost always establishes the machine reference location, but in order
to place the tool correctly in relation to the work piece, a work offset will need to be declared. This is
done by using a common work offset system found on most Fanuc style machines. The work offset on
lathes almost always describes the location of the Z axis to origin of the machine. The process for
setting the work offset was explained in detail in the last chapter. The page where you inserted the
part zero offset is called the work offset page. Each entry is usually described by the G code command
that will activate the offset. Most Fanuc machines have at least 6 work offsets with some machines
having more than 30. G54 through G59 are the most commonly used work offsets and will be the ones
taught throughout this course. Check with your company to see which offsets they use.
Now that you have the understanding of how most programs are started, the following exercise
will help you practice writing the code as it would be needed to start a program and pulling
information from a program start up. Some questions will ask for you to write out what you think the
program would look like and some will require you to pull information from the program written so
you will know what tool is called, the speed, work offset, and what hand tool is being used.
The first one will be done for you so you will know how to use the variables listed
Tool 7 SFM 650 Work Offset G54 Right handed Tool
Written as:
G96 S650 M03;
G96 S650 M04;
G97 S2725 M03;
Knowing the basics of how tool calls are made and how the machine then prepares to perform
the task that will eventually be programmed is not just a step in how to set up, it will be a huge step in
learning how to program a machine. The basis of all machining comes from understanding what the
codes are and in which order do they need to be in a program in order to function properly. As stated
at the beginning of the class, the instruction you have been receiving is not intended to make you a
programmer when completed, rather to enhance your operational and set up skills and to possibly
start you on the path of becoming a programmer by showing you and explaining some of the
programming that you will encounter in everyday work activities.
After the tool is called, the work offset is made active, and the spindle is turned on, the only left
to do is to move to the tool into a position to cut the work piece and then to make the cuts themselves.
To do this you will need to understand the two modes for which a CNC machine operates; a Feed
motion and a Rapid motion.
A Feed motion is controlled on a lathe by using a G01, G02, G03 or any canned cycle that guides
the tool in a controlled motion. The rate at which the machine moves is based on an F command using
thousandths of an inch of movement per revolution of the spindle on the machine.
A Rapid motion is controlled on a lathe by using a G00 command and it tells the machine to get
the set location as fast as it can by moving through the path of least resistance. Whenever you see a
G00, you will need to recognize that the machine will be traveling as fast as the servo motors will allow
in order to get to a programmed location.
Most modern machines have overrides built in for the rapid traverse speeds. They can be as
few as two or as many as twenty. These overrides usually start at zero percent, meaning rapid only at
the programmed Feed motion rate and end at one hundred percent, meaning move at the maximum
speed the servos can travel. It is advisable to lower the rapid traverse rate when running a program for
the first time because of the high rates of speed that the modern machines travel. If you are unsure if
the tool called or other tools extending from the turret will clear the work piece or chuck during any
portion of an operation, this will allow you to be able to safely check as the machine moves at a slower
speed instead of the highest speed possible when each G00 is called.
Once the machine is in position, the machine will drop into a Feed cut or cycle of some sort,
creating geometric shapes and removing excess/unwanted metal. When the machine comes to the end
of a programmed cut, some premade cycles allow for the tool to rapid back to the start of the cut in
order to save time. The rapid override will be useful for this area too as you can confirm at a more
moderate pace, the movements of the axis back to the start of the next cut or cycle.
On the next page is a basic program without any complex movements. The program will
perform common machining tasks used every day on most CNC lathes. See if you can pick out the tool,
the work offset, the comment, the spindle call out and any other useful information that an operator
might need in order to understand what the tool is doing and what sort of task Is being performed.
part zero?
G0 X5.2 Z0.;
G01 X-.07 F.012;
G0 X5.;
G01 Z-2.5 F.014;
G0 Z.1;
G40 X10. Z10. T0100;
Were you able to pick out the information you might need in order to understand what
happening in this short program? It will be explained in greater detail during the programming portion
of your training. What is important to understand is that there is set up information in this short
program that an observant operator/ set up person will see. The tool call will tell you which station to
mount a particular tool and the Work Offset will tell you which Work Offset number you should use
during the initial set up.
As stated earlier, knowing what actions a program is performing will greatly help you in
understanding what operations the machine will be performing and how to effectively set up your CNC
machine. Tool projection, tool geometry, work offset, cutting speeds, and the actual cutting cycles
themselves can play a huge part during the set up as well as operation. Being able to pick out details
like the depth of a bore, the width of a groove, and the length of a turned surface will allow a seasoned
set up person to shorten or length tool projection, select the correct insert, and make sure there will
be no interference with other tool stations as a tool nears the spindle or chuck.
Getting Started
Whenever a machine is to be set up, one of the first things a set up person should do is have a
plan for the set up that will be performed. This plan is fairly generic and will look the same for most
jobs but without it, you will find yourself skipping steps that in the end will cost valuable time. The plan
is simple and can be easily followed even if you have never set up a CNC machine before. The key to
the plan is following it once you have it made. If you deviate from your plan, you risk leaving out an
important step, such as tightening the chuck jaw bolts or not qualifying a tool holder before cutting the
work piece. Below and on the following pages is a simple 5 step method that works very well. If you
follow the steps listed and implement them as needed, you will find that most set ups will go smoothly.
Step 1 Information Confirm that you have all the information that you need to get this
particular set up completed. This will include a current print, set up sheet, job traveler, photos of
previous set ups, printed copy of the program, or any other document that would aide in the set up.
When repeat jobs are performed, far too often, set ups are done without the paperwork because
someone thought they knew the set up information. The set up is then done based on guess work not
actual facts. This leads to other potential problems and delays while troubleshooting is done in order
to make corrections. No matter how many times you plan to run a particular job, set up
documentation should be made if for nothing else, to be able to refer to when a similar job comes
along. At the very least, you may be able to side step potential problems that had to be solved during
the last time a job or similar job was set up.
Step 2 Cutting Tools Check the job traveler, job set up sheet, or CNC Program for the cutting
tools required for the operation to be run. Once you have this list, you can get the tools together and
ready to be inserted into the machine. Do not worry about the chuck jaws or other work holding items.
Your concern at this point should not be about anything but gathering the tools. Tools come in all
shapes and sizes. There will be a reference chart in the Appendix of this book that will help you identify
both inserts and tool holders to a certain extent. One of the best pieces of advice that can be given to a
person who is new to this job or industry in general is to pay attention to details such as numbering
systems that are used by different companies to identify tools and inserts. With as many companies
that produce tools today, no one person will know every detail about every tool. Having some sort of
reference for the tools most often used will however, cut down set up time.
Step 3 Work Holding Now that you have the cutting tools, check to see what requirements
are needed for holding the work piece. Some parts require chuck jaws that have machined surfaces in
them which match a surface that was cut on a previous operation or machine. These are called soft
jaws. They are described in detail in the work holding section of this book. If the part being machined is
of raw bar stock or a casting, hard jaws may be employed to grip the part. Hard Jaws are pretty much
described as they are stated. They are chuck jaws which are precut into various patterns for holding
the OD or ID or work pieces and are hardened to resist deformation and wear. Notes about which type
of jaw to use are most often written in the set up documentation or in some cases in the program as a
comment. If you are unsure of which type of chuck jaw to use, simply ask yourself this question, Does
the surface finish of the work piece area that is being gripped need to be free of scratched and jaw
marks? If the answer is yes, then soft jaws are the way to go. If the answer to this question is no, as
with cast and bar stock surfaces, then hard jaws will do just fine to hold your work piece. If your
company does not have hard jaws, there will only be one answer to this question. If your company
uses collets to hold the work piece, make sure you select the proper collet size. Improper fitting collets
can and will often leave marks on a machined surface. Collets are often used with smaller bar stock
that will not be machined on the OD or to help be more productive by allowing the part to be
machined and parted off. This process is called bar feeding and will be discussed later in the lesson.
Step 4 Hand Tools Once you have the important items gathered and ready to make a set up,
do not overlook some of the most important tools of any set up, Hand Tools. Items such as wrenches,
sockets, hex keys, soft hammers, screwdrivers, machinist scale, etc., are often not thought of until you
go and use them. It may be beneficial to note which hex keys were needed to remove the chuck jaws
or which wrenches are needed to remove an existing tool holder. Soft hammers may be needed to tap
jaws or tool holders loose that are tightly seated in place. Once the new set up begins, any time spent
looking for tools that you should already have out and ready to use is wasted time.
Step 5 Execute Perform the set up as planned. Remove old chuck jaws and tools that will
need to be changed out or may interfere with the new set up. Install new chuck jaws and tools
according to the plan and then be sure to qualify them on the tool eye or a sample work piece. It
sounds very simple and when you get enough practice and experience, it does seem like second nature
to do. Be careful though and try not to become overly confident. Just like any well planned process,
there will be times where not all your plans are executed without a hiccup. With good planning and
training, any minor issue that arises should be able to be handled quickly and without much issue.
Major problem arise when problems arise with the mechanical soundness of the machine, chuck jaws,
or tooling. A cracked or damaged tool holder might be found while installing a tool. The chuck jaws
may be damaged from either excessive wear or improper handling. These problems can and will occur.
The solution should always be not to take a chance. Get a new tool holder if the one you selected is
found to be defective or damaged. Make a new set of jaws if there is excessive wear or damage to the
set labeled for a particular repeat job. Above all else, make sure someone is made aware of these
problems if at all possible, after you have gotten the machine back in service with replacement parts. If
parts are not available, make sure you inform a lead person or supervisor immediately. Do not wait for
them to come to you asking why the machine is not operational yet.
Set Up Pitfalls
There is never a guarantee that using the set up procedure listed above will always result with a
perfect set up. The problems described in Step 5 are but a few of the problems that can be
experienced while setting up a machine. An important point to remember is that every set up is
dynamic and no matter if the job has been run before, just changing one variable can throw an entire
set up out of balance. Often, set up personnel need to be able to think quickly and use a variety of
options in order to quickly get a proven set up working correctly again.
Experience is one of the best tools when it comes to figuring out what to try first but also trying
the simplest thing first is often enough to remedy most situations. It could be simply that changing an
insert for a tool, adjusting coolant flow, changing a feed or speed for a given operation is the solution
and not totally reworking the entire set up.
Though it is easy to say do not get frustrated when a known set up goes awry, be assured that
nine out of ten times, the solution is going to be something simple that might have been overlooked
during the initial set up. Patience is truly the key to solving these types of problems.
Other issues which may be encountered will be running a proven set up on a different machine
from where the part was first run. This can have all sorts of small issues that will arise and mostly deal
with the rigidity and wear and tear differences from one piece of equipment to another.
No matter what you run into, keep an open mind and try to think positive with thoughts of that
there is always multiple solutions to a problem and working the problem and not the solution will be
the answer. Thinking that there is only one solution to any problem is a sure fire way to become
frustrated and non productive. If you feel like you are running into a brick wall looking for the answer,
try stepping away to get a pop or coffee or possibly talk to a co worker about the issue. Whatever you
do, try not to isolate yourself thinking you are the only person who can figure out the problem. Some
of the greatest ideas come from teamwork and cooperation between coworkers.
Though these are the majority of what you can expect, every company is different and every
company has their own expectations of what an operators duties and responsibilities should be. As an
employee, you should try your best to meet or exceed the level of service you provide. It is a matter of
pride to most CNC machinists that the word acceptable is not good enough. Words like excellent and
exceptional are what the true goals are.
The spindle speed for a particular tool is found to be incorrect and you wish to change it. The kind of CNC
programming word that you must change is:
G code
b) F code
S code
d) T code
You have activated and started running a proven program (one that has been run before) on a new set up. You are
cautiously allowing the first tool to come into its approach position when you determine that the tool is not going
to where it is supposed to. It is most likely because of:
b) Auto
d) Edit
Zero Return
Which toggle switch or soft key work in conjunction with an M01 command?
Dry Run
b) Optional Stop
Single Block
d) Machine Lock
In order to call a tool position to become active in a CNC machine, which type of CNC programming word would be
G code
b) F code
S code
d) T code
True or False The feed rate override switch allows the operator to control the machines movement rate during
cutting commands
Which toggle switch, button or soft key makes the control activate one command at a time for every push of the
cycle start button?
Dry Run
b) Optional Stop
Single Block
d) Machine Lock
What mode switch position allows the machine to be sent to its home position?
b) Memory
d) Edit
Zero Return
The button that will disable power to the machines servos is?
b) Emergency Stop
Cycle Start
d) Feed Hold
Coolant On
10. The Display Screen that allows the operator to see the distance to go and current active G codes is?
Offset Page
b) Position Page
Program Page
Either b or d
11. True or False Proven Programs (Ones that have been run before) require no program verification procedures.
12. True or False As part of the machine start up procedure, you must send the machine to its zero(home) position.
13. The display screen that allows the operator to only view the axis location data is:
Offset Page
b) Position Page
Alarm Page
d) Program Page
14. The button that will reactivate the CNC program after a temporary stoppage is:
b) Emergency Stop
Cycle Start
d) Feed Hold
Coolant On
15. How often should you check the lubrication levels on a machine that you are operating?
16. The display screen that allows the operator to see the actual CNC program is:
Offset Page
b) Position Page
Alarm Page
d) Program Page
b) Emergency Stop
Cycle Start
d) Feed Hold
Coolant On
19. What mode switch position allows the machine to operate from a CNC program?
b) Auto
d) Edit
Zero Return
20. You notice that there are metal shavings becoming entangled around the cutting tool and you want to pause the
program to clear them before they distort your finish, you should:
b) Press Feed Hold between cuts, Stop the spindle and remove the chips
21. You are setting up a new job and you notice that there appears to be an error in the length calculation for a boring
tool. You should:
Notify your supervisor and explain to them know how you determined the error
d) Run the machine because you can blame it on the programmer when it crashes
Quietly make the change because you do not want the attention
22. You are setting up a repeat job that has been run recently; the program is in the machine and most of the tooling
seems to be still set. You should:
Check the tooling to the program to confirm lengths are still valid, qualify the tooling, set the work
offset and then run the program.
Remove all the tooling and demand to have a new program sent to the machine
23. While running a program, the machine starts making a strange noise. You notice that the spindle seems to be
laboring. You should:
Try to catch the machine between cuts and stop the machine so you can look inside
b) Wait until the cycle ends and hope that it was your imagination
d) Hit feed hold and then the reset button. Open the door and check the tool and part
Either A or D
24. True or False It is okay not to wear safety glasses while working on CNC machines since they are mostly enclosed.
26. While installing soft jaws onto a chuck you notice that one of the jaws has some damage on the mounting teeth.
You should:
Go ahead and install it since others have used it without any problem
b) Try to fix the problem the best you can and use the jaw
d) Show the jaw to your supervisor or lead person and see what they recommend
Repair the jaw and get back to work, no one needs to know
29. What step must be taken when installing ID working tools into their respective pockets on a CNC lathe?
a) Bolts must be tighter than with OD tools because of tool projection
b) The pocket does not have to be clear of debris and chips
c) The tool must be oriented correctly but opposite of the turning tool
d) The stars must be in the correct alignment in the night sky
e) None of the above
30. You want to rotate the tool turret to a location so you may install a new tool holder. You need to:
Call the tool using the MDI mode and T code command
b) Stop wasting time and just reach into the machine and change the tool
Try to find other things to do so that the next shift will need to change it
Either A or D
31. What device, button or command controls the clamping and unclamping of the chuck?
Foot Switch
M Code
32. The Axis that controls the length of a work piece is called what?
H Axis
b) T Axis
Z Axis
d) V Axis
O Axis
33. True or False Almost all CNC Lathes equipped with Fanuc style controls come with the same standard features.
34. What is the term that is given to the removing of metal when using an OD lathe tool to move along the Z axis?
b) Pushing
d) Rolling
35. You are operating a CNC lathe and after running a couple of parts, you notice that the Outer Diameter of the work
piece is almost out of tolerance. You should:
36. While running a work piece, you notice that the amount that the size is off from nominal diameter by .005. How
much should you adjust the machine by?
b) .010
d) .025
37. You are operating a lathe and notice the first piece that is made measures .007 too long on the overall length.
What do you adjust to correct the problem?
38. You are running a lathe program for the first time and notice that as the first tool is coming down towards the
work piece but does not look like it is in the correct location. Upon further investigation you check the Distance to
Go display and find that the tool is in fact 1.975 inches from where it should be. It is likely that:
39. What is the part of the machine called that spins the work piece?
a) Flywheel
b) Spindle
d) Axis
Tool Holder
40. True or False The Work Offset system on most modern lathes allows a value to be set for distance from the
machine reference location to the programmed zero location.
41. Soft Jaws on a CNC lathe chuck are typically held onto the chuck by what method?
a) Glue
b) Taper Pins
d) Bolts
G98 T01
T0101 M19
43. While operating a CNC lathe you notice an odd sound as the roughing tool makes a cut and the spindle seems to be
laboring. What should you do?
b) Press the feed hold between cuts, stop the spindle and coolant, then try to see what is possibly causing
the problem
Ignore the problem and hope it goes away like the monsters under your bed
d) Keep running the machine until the spindle stalls then blame the set up person
Take the rest of the day off so that someone else will have to deal with the problem
44. Each axis of a Coordinate Grid is named. What are the two names given to most lathe axis?
b) A & C
d) K & M
45. What must be done to assure the tool is in the pocket correctly?
a) Clean Pocket
b) Tool Oriented
46. True or False A set up on a CNC Lathe is a process that can involve changing out tools, chuck jaws and the
47. While running a threading operation you notice that the thread gage is getting tight but still goes on. What should
you do?
b) Adjust the federate, maybe someone messed with it while you were not looking
Adjust the wear offset for the tool so that the gage goes on smooth and freely
Delete the program and start over since it is apparent that the programmer does not know what they
are doing
48. What is the operation on a CNC Lathe that creates undercuts in the OD, ID and Face of the work piece?
b) Turning
d) Grooving
49. While inspecting a groove on the OD of a work piece you discover that the surface finish is not coming out as the
previous part you have just run but the size is still good. What should you do?
50. True or False After using the tool setter to find the reference location of an OD Turning Tool Holder on a Fanuc
style lathe, you do not have to enter any other information for that tool in the offset page.
3.82 and .262 are constants in these formulas and it are used every time
when converting SFM to RPM or RPM to SFM
The cutting speed of a tool is defined as the number of feet of work piece surface, measured at
the circumference that passes the tool in one minute. The cutting speed, expressed in Feet Per Minute
(FPM), must not be confused with the spindle speed of the lathe which is expressed in RPM. To obtain
uniform cutting speed, the lathe spindle must revolve faster for work pieces of small diameter and
slower for work pieces of large diameter. The proper cutting speed for a given job depends upon the
hardness of the material being machined, the material of the tool, and how much feed and depth of
cut is required.
Below are some sample tables for different types of cutting tool materials. These are for reference only
and you should consult the tool makers catalog or reference material for the actual suggested surface
70-100 SFM
30-70 SFM
30-60 SFM
200-300 SFM
120-200 SFM
400-800 SFM
200-400 SFM
1100-1800 SFM
1000-1400 SFM
W = Width
d = Depth
F = Feed
IPM / (RPM x T)
T = Teeth
1 / TPI
Common Fanuc style lathe G and M codes and other lathe variables
Rapid Traverse
Linear Interpolation (feed)
cut IpR position
Circular Interpolation CW
cut IpR position
Circular Interpolation CCW
cut IpR position
Inch Input
G28 G40 G41 G42 G80 G90 G91 G96 G97 G98 G99 M00 M01 M03 M04 M05 M08 M09 M30 M97 M98 M99 T0505 -
Tool IpR
Feed Rate In IpR (Inches per Revolution)
Incr. dist. from start to center point in the X axis
Incr. dist. from start to center point in the Z axis
Spindle RpM
(G96 S850 , G97 S 1400)
Incremental Move In X Axis,
function in canned cycles, Dwell time
Incremental Move In Z Axis,
function in canned cycles
G00 G01 G02 G03 G04 G20 G21 G28 G40 G41 G42 G80 G90 G91 G96 G97 G98 G99 M00 M01 M03 M04 M05 M08 M09 M30 M97 M98 M99 T0505 -
Common Fanuc style lathe G and M codes and other lathe variables
Rapid Traverse
Linear Interpolation (feed)
cut IpR position
Circular Interpolation CW
cut IpR position
Circular Interpolation CCW
cut IpR position
Inch Input
Metric Input
Return To Reference Point
Tool Nose Radius Compensation Cancel
Tool Nose Radius Compensation Left
Tool Nose Radius Compensation Right
Canned Cycle Cancel
Absolute Programming
Incremental Programming
Constant Surface Speed
Cancel Constant Surface Speed or Set Spindle Speed
Feed Per Minute Not commonly used on a Lathe
Feed Per Revolution Most commonly used on a Lathe
Program Stop
Optional Program Stop
Spindle CW
Spindle CCW
Spindle Stop
Coolant On
Coolant Off
Program End Rewind
Local Sub Routine Call (In Program - including after M30)
Call Sub Program (Other Program)
End Sub Program
Tool #5 call Offset #5 call
Tool IpR
Feed Rate In IpR (Inches per Revolution)
Incr. dist. from start to center point in the X axis
Incr. dist. from start to center point in the Z axis
Spindle RpM
(G96 S850 , G97 S 1400)
Incremental Move In X Axis,
function in canned cycles, Dwell time
Incremental Move In Z Axis,
function in canned cycles