Assessment Manual 2014

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VSS Assessment Strategy

Auditing Procedure

GSVEC structure
Each strand of the GSVEC has a particular learning focus and purpose. At each year level
each strand has specified outcomes against which students are assessed.
The following diagram illustrates the GSVEC curriculum framework.
Core Subjects (CS)
Develops core academic
skills and knowledge
through the existing
Bahraini curriculum.

Supportive Subjects

Vocational Specific Skills


Career and Personal

Development (CPD)

Develops English skills,

literacy and numeracy
that are specific to
technical and
commercial areas.

Develops generic
competencies and
specific skills and
knowledge required to
work in a particular
industry or occupation.

Develops career
planning skills,
awareness, commitment
to personal goals, civil
and civic responsibility
and improved health and

Includes the current

general subjects:
Contemporary Issues
Religious Studies

The curriculum is applied

to the specific vocational
context being studied in
the VSS strand.

Core Subject


Project-based delivery
combined with structured
workplace learning.

Project-based delivery.

VSS Curriculum

CPD Curriculum

VSS Curriculum Guide

CPD Curriculum Guide

Occupational standards

The qualification requirements

To obtain the General Secondary Vocational Education Certificate students must complete
the requirements of each strand in each year of study. The GSVEC is completed over a
period of three years.

Core subjects (CS)

Subjects studied in the Core strand are as stipulated in the existing Bahraini curriculum.
Established learning outcomes and assessment criteria remain unchanged.
The core subjects provide students with an academic component to their program and will
ensure that students electing the GSVEC can still access university level programs through
the established Bahraini Examination and University entrance system.

Supportive subjects (SS)

Supportive subjects provide a range of vocationally specific English, mathematical and
science skills in addition to computer application skills delivered within the vocational skills

Vocational specific skills (VSS)

The purpose of this strand is to develop students skills and knowledge of the requirements
of particular industries. The range of industry options is extensive and may be expanded to
suit the demands of the Bahrain labour market. The VSS strand has two main fields of
study; commercial and technical.



Curriculum content
Curriculum content is developed by the supportive teacher/s in conjunction with the
specialist subject teacher/s to ensure that the needs of the students are being addressed
within the supportive subjects and is made relevant to the curriculum content being
delivered within the classroom.
The curriculum developed in each supportive subject area is independent from but
supports the learning both in the Core subjects and the Vocational Specific Skills units.
The teacher responsible for the delivery of the supportive subjects must:

be able to identify weaknesses within the student learning that requires support

become familiar with the course content of each unit of work

be able to identify areas where they can relate the required course material to the
vocational unit

be able to develop learning material that will support and develop student learning

be able to assess the relevance of their course material

be able to assess the efficacy of their teaching

be responsive to the changing needs within each classroom

be responsive to the individual needs of the students

be responsive to the needs of the vocational teacher.

Identified supportive subjects in the commercial stream are:

1st Year: Computer Applications, General Maths, General Science, Computer

Applications (ICT), Insurance

2nd Year: Economics, Accounting, Financial Maths, Applied Maths, Computer


3rd Year Specialist: Small Business, Banking, Applied Maths General Science,
Quality Concepts, Labour Law, electives.

3rd Year Advanced: Insurance, Economics, Accounting, Small Business, General

Maths, General Science, Quality Concepts, Labour Law, electives.

Identified supportive subjects in the technical stream are:

1st Year: Technical Drawing, Applied Maths, Applied Science, Computer


2nd Year: Mechanics, Technical Drawing, Applied Maths, Applied Science.

3rd Year Specialist: Technical Drawing, Applied Maths, Applied Science, Small
Business, Quality Concepts, Labour Law, electives.

3rd Year Advanced: Mechanics, Technical Drawing, Applied Maths, Applied Science,
General Maths, General Science, Small Business, Quality Concepts, Labour Law,

Vocational specific skills (VSS)

The purpose of this strand is to develop students skills and knowledge of the requirements
of particular industries. The range of industry options is extensive and may be expanded to
suit the demands of the Bahrain labour market. The VSS strand has two main fields of



study; commercial and technical.

The VSS strand includes a program of study at each year level. Students must successfully
complete the following VSS programs to be awarded the GSVEC:

Two Year 1 Vocational Specific Skills units

Four Year 2 Vocational Specific Skills units

Two Year 3 Vocational Specific Skills units.

A feature of the VSS strand is the development of foundation vocational skills in the first
year and an opportunity for students to taste a variety of industry areas and occupations
prior to selection of a specialisation in the final year of the GSVEC.
The final year includes the option of two tracks the specialist track or advanced track.
Those students wishing to gain employment in their area of specialisation are able to exit
with their GSVEC through the specialist track and enter the workplace with recognised
entry-level skills and knowledge. Those students wishing to participate in further study are
able to exit with the GSVEC through the advanced track fully prepared to undertake higher
level studies within an industry area.
The VSS strand is also an opportunity to develop generic 'employability' skills. The VSS
units package a range of occupational standards including units that will prepare students
for work in general, for example occupational health and safety, working with others,
communicating and planning tasks and activities. The VSS program at years 2 and 3
includes a structured workplace learning component. The structured workplace learning
component gives students the opportunity to consolidate their skills and knowledge and
apply them in a real work environment. Structured workplace learning is an essential
component of the VSS program, as it provides opportunities for assessment of the VSS
units and underpinning employability skills.

Vocational specialisations
Year 1 VSS units provide foundation commercial or technical skills from a range of industry
streams (for example business, retail, tourism and media and machining, welding,
automotive and electro technology). In years 2 and 3 the vocational streams become
specialised and include the following.

Year 2







Welding and fabrication

Financial services

Air conditioning and refrigeration


Electrical wiring
Computer maintenance
Electrical machines
Mobile Technology
Plant Maintenance



Year 3





Welding and fabrication

Financial services

Air conditioning and refrigeration


Computer maintenance

Careers and personal development (CPD)

The purpose of this strand is to develop careers exploration and planning skills and
personal skills, knowledge and attitudes in relation to the environment, personal goals, civil
and civic responsibility, and improved health and well being.
As part of the GSVEC learning program students must participate in community-based
projects, voluntary work and/or structured activities that will help develop self-confidence,
teamwork skills and other skills important for life and work.
The CPD strand includes three units of study in each year of the GSVEC. Two are
undertaken in each year of the qualification, one of which must be the Career Exploration
unit. Students select either the Individual Development Skills or Community Service Skills
unit to complete the requirements of the CPD strand. Students must successfully achieve
the outcomes of the following units to be awarded the GSVEC:

Careers Exploration 702

Personal Development Skills 701 or Community Service Skills 103

Careers Exploration 704

Personal Development Skills 703 or Community Service Skills 203

Careers Exploration 716/726

Personal Development Skills 715/725 or Community Service Skills 303.



VSS Assessment Strategy

The VSS (Vocational Specific Skills) Assessment tool has been developed for
evaluating the performance of the Students in the Specialization areas. The
basic idea has been to make the assessments qualitative rather than
quantitative and also to distinguish between Students who accomplish the
same given task either in a single attempt or multiple attempts. All efforts
have been aimed at making this Assessment tool as user friendly as possible
for the Teachers.

Components of Assessment
Specialization subjects are assessed considering the 4 components
involved in the delivery of the subject. They are:
1. Occupational Standards which are practical oriented activities aimed
at developing the necessary physical or psychomotor skills.
2. Tests which are theoretical or practical oriented assessments
associated with the Occupational Standards.
3. Class work/Activities which are either theoretical or research oriented
tasks related to the Occupational Standards given to the students as a
4. Employability Skills which are an integral part of the Vocational
Education and are assessed in context of the Occupational Standards
that are acquired by the Students.
5. Attendance This is an important element and introduced as part of the
regulation to discourage the Students from abstaining.
Note: The marks are not allocated for attendance but at the same time
monitored to enable the Teacher to take necessary action against
students who are tending to be irregular or not satisfying the
Attendance requirements by generating a list of such students




Distribution of Marks
The 4 components of VSS subjects are allocated marks as follows:
Occupational Standards
Class work/Class Activities
Employability Skills




100 Marks

Note: The total will be scaled to 60 marks

A centralized Practical oriented Theory Final Exam will be given for 40
marks at the end of the semester. The final exam marks will be added
with the VSS marks above.
The final marks for the VSS subject (100 Marks) = 60 Marks + 40 marks

Details of Assessment
1. Occupational Standards
The Occupational Standards vary in number for various specializations.
Each Occupational Standard has been assigned a weighting based on the
activity involved. Therefore the marks allocated for each Occupational
Standard is proportional to the complexity of the task. This implies that
not all the Standards in a specialization be given equal marks. This
approach has been adopted to make the assessment qualitative instead
of quantitative.
Each of the Occupational Standards is assessed as follows:

Completed (in first attempt)
Completed after Retrial 1
Completed after Retrial 2
Not Completed

% Marks

These grades are decided by the accomplishment of the tasks the students
undertake as specified in each Occupational Standard and evaluated



based on their achievement levels as per the Task Indicators in each of

these Tasks respectively.
For example: If one of the Occupational Standard has a weighting of 10
The Student who achieves ALL the indicators scores (C) 10 marks
The Student who achieves ALL the Mandatory indicators and some
of the Non-Mandatory scores (C1) 7.5 marks. (75%)
The Student who achieves ONLY the Mandatory indicators scores
(C2) 5 marks. (50%)
The Student who fails to achieve even one of the Mandatory
indicators is awarded (NC) 0 marks
Competency Allocation Criteria (CAC)
Assessment Strategy for an Occupational Standard
Criteria for awarding C, C1, C2 & NC

Occupational Standard

Task 1




Importance of Achievement Categorization

Must achieve this
Must achieve this
May achieve this activity


Non Mandatory NM

Must achieve this

May achieve this activity


Must achieve this



Achieves only these 4 (M)

Number of Non Mandatory Indicators 2

Achieves 4 (M) + Any 1 (NM)

Achieves ALL (6) Indicators

If a Student does not achieve any 1 Mandatory Indicator


Non Mandatory NM

Number of Mandatory Indicators

Total number of Indicators




Suggested Procedure for handling NC cases:

A Student has to score a minimum of 50% in the Occupational Standards
to progress to the next semester.
If a Student does not achieve 50% marks in the Total marks, he shall
progress to the next semester but his result shall be "Withheld" with an
NC and specific remark about not completing the Occupational
Standards in his Marks Card.
He shall be given an opportunity to complete the standard/s as follows:
a) First Year:
The Student shall be allowed to complete the standard/s
before the end of the year.
If the Student manages to achieve more than 50% marks in
Occupational Standards after retrial and passes, he/she will
not be in a position to have preference in choosing the track of
his/her choice in Year 2 for Technical Students. The School will
decide the allocation of the track to such Students based on
their performance and satisfying the pre-requisites necessary
in the Specialization that is allocated.
If the Student still fails to complete the Occupational
Standard/s and does not achieve a minimum of 50%, he/she
has to repeat the whole year.
Technical Students can choose the track of their choice in the
Second year if they have no NCs at all in the first year.
b) Second Year:
The Student shall be allowed to complete the standard/s
before the end of the year.
If the Student manages to achieve more than 50% marks in
Occupational Standards after retrial and passes, he/she will
not be in a position to have preference in choosing the
Specialization of his/her choice in Year 3. First preference will
be given to those of the Students who have no NCs.



If the Student still fails to complete the Occupational

Standard/s and does not achieve a minimum of 50%, he/she
has to repeat the whole year.
The Student will not be able to choose Advanced track in Year 3.
Students can choose the Specialization of their choice in the
Third year if they have no NCs at all in the first and second
Students who have no NC/s throughout the first 2 years, who
have a GPA of atleast 70% are eligible to choose Advanced
track in Year 3.
c) Third Year:
The Student shall be allowed to complete the Occupational
standard/s before the end of the semester as the standard
may be prerequisite for other Occupational Standards in the
following semester.
If the Student does not complete (NC) the Occupational
Standard even at the end of the semester, the Student has to
complete this pre-requisite Occupational Standard before
carrying out similar Occupational Standards in the following
Graduation certificate will be issued only after the Student has
successfully completed the prescribed Occupational Standards.
The Student is given a chance for Retrial before the Core &
Supportive Final exams.
Marks awarded after Retrial would be 50% of the Weighting
for the Occupational Standard completed after the retrial.
2. Tests
The Student has to take up minimum 3 Tests (Maximum of 4) during the
Semester with one Test held every month. The Aggregate marks out of 3
(or 4) Tests will be considered for the final evaluation in the Assessment
tool (Worksheet).




The Tests Sheet in the Assessment tool (Worksheet) can be used for
entering the Monthly Test marks to calculate and automatically update
the aggregate marks in the main evaluation sheet.
The Average marks will be calculated automatically proportionate to the
number of tests held during the semester. However, in case the teacher
administers only 2 Tests or less an alert message will appear on the
The number of tests given to students can be administered. For
instance, if 3 tests marks are entered for all students but 2 tests marks
are for one student, the number of Test pending for that student will
appear on the worksheet.
The Tests can be also administered for any maximum marks convenient
to the Teacher. (Ex: 100, 50, 25,20, 10 etc.,) but the entry has to be
made out of 20 in the worksheet.
Minimum Marks required for passing the Tests is 60% (12 Marks out of
20). It is not mandatory to give Re-Tests for Students who fail to score
60% marks in the monthly tests.
Students whose aggregate is less than 60% (12 Marks out of 20) have to
undertake a Re-Exam before the end of the semester.
The Re-Exam is a comprehensive exam prepared by a team comprising
Curriculum Specialists, Internal Verifiers of the respective cognate areas.
Only 1 Re-Exam is allowed.
The Final marks will be calculated as follows:
- If the Student scores more than 12 marks (60%) in the Re-Exam, the
Final marks will be truncated to 12 marks.
- If the Student scores less than 12 marks (60%) and more than 10
Marks in the Re-Exam, the Final marks will be truncated to 10 marks.
- If the Student scores more than the marks achieved in the Semesterend aggregate marks but less than 10 marks, then these marks will
be treated as Final marks.




- If the Student scores less than the marks achieved in the Semesterend aggregate marks, the Final marks will be the same as Semesterend aggregate marks.
(Higher among the two will be considered)
This strategy is adopted in order to have a demarcation between the
Students who pass a test the first time and those who tend to score
more in the Retrials.
Illustrations of various cases are shown in the Table below:


Table 1
The final mark of the test will be the aggregate based on the maximum
number of tests given to the students.
a) The Student is given 4 tests and scores above 60% in all the 4 Tests
conducted to get an aggregate based on the 4 tests.
b) The Student is given 3 tests and scores above 60% in all the 3 Tests
conducted to get an aggregate based on the 4 tests, and a message of
1 Test Pending will appear.
c) The Student is given 2 tests and scores above 60% in all the 2 Tests
conducted to get an aggregate based on the 4 tests ,and a message of
2 Tests Pending will appear.




d) The Student is given only 1 test and scores above 60% in the Test
conducted to get an aggregate based on the 4 tests, and a message of
3 Tests Pending will appear.
e) The Student is given 4 tests and scores less than 60% in the 1st Test but
is allowed to continue and subsequently scores enough marks in the
next 3 tests to improve the aggregate to above 12 marks (60%) and
therefore does not require taking up the Re-Test.
f) The Student is given 4 tests and scores less than 60% on the aggregate
(7.5 marks) and has to resit for a End-Semester Re-Exam. In the Re-Exam
the Student scores 8 marks. Since he/she has scored more than the
Semester aggregate marks (7.5 marks), the Final marks awarded will be
higher among the two, ie., 8 marks.
g) The Student is given 4 tests and scores less than 60% on the aggregate
marks (9.5 marks) and has to resit for an End-Semester Re-exam. In the
Re-Exam the Student scores 11 marks. Since he/she has scored more
than the Semester aggregate marks (9.5 marks) but less than 12, the
Final marks awarded will be 10 marks.
h) The Student is given 4 tests and scores less than 60% on the aggregate
marks (10.3 marks) and has to resit for an End-SemesterRe- exam. In the
Re-exam the Student scores 16 marks. Since he/she has scored more
than 12, the Final marks awarded will be 12 marks.
Strategy adopted for awarding Test marks

Final Marks


Re-Test not








Re- Test Marks




More than 12 Marks
scored in Semester
Higher among the two
Higher among the two
More than 12 Marks
scored in Re-Test

3. Class Work/Activities
In a semester minimum of 4 class works can be assigned to the
Students. This is on an assumption that the Teacher gives class work
once every 2 weeks.
Class work sheet can be used to enter the marks (Out of 10) and the
aggregate is automatically calculated out of 10 marks and updated in
the main sheet.
Note: There will be no retrials for Class work/Activities.

4. Employability Skills
There are 8 Employability skills which are assessed by the Specialization
teachers during their association with the vocational Students in the
A total of 10 Marks are allocated for the Employability skills. Each
Employability skill has scale from 1 to 5 (Low to High) as shown below:

1 (low)

3 (medium)


Uses English to communicate in

class, but answers

Answers questions in class in short



with only a few words

Can write in English but still has

errors in

spelling and sentence structure.

Planning and


With support the project is

organised and completed.. Is
able to collect,

Projects are effectively planned,

organised and
completed according to
specifications and within

analyse and organise


given timelines. Shows some


Can listen to and support the

efforts of others.

Works comfortably in a team and

supports the

Tries to keep working with


efforts of others. Gives

constructive feedback
in a team situation.



Does not suggest or refine

solutions, but is


Recognises problems and suggests


5 (high)
Uses English
effectively in
familiar situations,
But still has
limitation in
Can write simple
sentences accurately.
Displays a high level
of planning skill in
organising and
completing the
project. Is highly

Applies teamwork in
a range of
Works effectively
with a range of
people and draws
on the strengths of
team members.
problems, and shows


some initiative

willing to try out solutions
suggested by

to the problems.


Initiative and

Has demonstrated some effort to


Has consistently demonstrated an

effort to explore


alternative methods in their class


creative alternative methods in

their class work.


Has demonstrated basic skills in

use of technology.
Has an understanding of the
application of
Occupational Health and Safety


The Student made some effort

to reflect upon the

The Student has applied technical

appropriately and to a satisfactory
standard in the
relevant area of technology and
has a functional understanding
OH&S Standards.
The Student was able to reflect
upon the

standard of his/her work.

achievement he/she has made in

the project with
some constructive analysis.


The Student applied classroom

skills and

The Student used a range of

mediums to learn and

knowledge to the project/s.

applied these to a good standard in

the classroom.

in contributing to a
solution and
procedures to
resolve them.
Displays a high level
of skill in applying a
range of alternative
methods in their
class work.
The Student has
developed a good
skill level in
technology and has
applied OH&S
The Student
effectively analysed
her/his work
and was able to take
responsibility for
their own
decisions with
respect to their
The Student used all
the available range
mediums to learn
and applied these to
a high
standard in the

Individual teachers who assess the Students in each of their

specializations give the marks using the scale (1 to 5) for employability
The Teachers have to choose the level of the Students employability
skill from the Worksheet and the consolidated marks will be calculated
and awarded out of 10 marks in the main sheet.
Incase there is a large deviation in the marks given by the different
teachers, the coordinator shall intervene, consult the concerned
teachers and resolve the issue accordingly.
5. Attendance
Marks are not allocated for Attendance, but it will be monitored to
enable the teacher to take necessary action against students. 5 marks




will be only given in order to show the students who are tending to be
irregular or not satisfying the Attendance. As a result, those students
will not be eligible to take up the Centralized Final Exam.
Students who are not absent for even a single occasion are eligible to
get 5 marks.
Marks will be calculated proportionately based on the number of days
available and the number of days the Student is present during the
The Student loses 1 unit for every 1 day of absence. However, Students
who are absent due to some genuine reasons and who produce the
relevant document in support of their absence lose (0.5) unit for each
such day of absence.
1 Unit = (Number of days Present
semester) X 5 Marks.

Number of days available in the

The Students are expected to be present for at least 70% of the days
when the Specialization subjects are covered.
Note: Students who do not meet the 70 % attendance criteria are not
permitted to take up the final exam.





Criteria for Resetting & Eligibility to move to next year

The Reset procedure is illustrated below:

50% to




A Student can carry 3 subjects (Core or Supportive or Combination of

both) in which he/she has failed within the year to be eligible to take
up a Reset at the end of the year.
3 Subjects: Core or Supportive or CPD or 1 VSS subject (VSS subject
has a credit between 6 to 22 Hours) the whole combination
amounting to 3 subjects.
CPD (2 Hours credit) is treated equivalent to Core or Supportive
subject with regards to its credit weightings but delivered and
assessed similar to a VSS Subject.
If a Student fails in more than 3 subjects (Core or Supportive or
Combination of Core or Supportive & 1 VSS Subject), the student has
to repeat the whole year.
If a Student fails in more than 1VSS subject, the student has to repeat
the whole year irrespective of the Core & Supportive subject marks.
A Student who has failed in 1 VSS Subject and is eligible for a Reset at
the end of the year, will be given a modified project covering the
Occupational Standard/s unaccomplished (Cause of failure).
The Reset exam will be centralized and will be held in any of the
GSVEC schools for the failed students from all Schools. The
modified projects will be decided by an Examination committee
comprising Senior Teachers and Specialization Coordinators.
The Student has to repeat the whole year if he/she fails to complete
the modified projects in more than 1 VSS subject.
Upon successful completion of the project, the Student will be given
50% (C2) marks in the Occupational Standard/s on which the student
was re-trialled or re-examined.
If a student scores less than 50 in a particular subject in the first
semester of the first and second year then " " will be written in
his certificate for the subjects which have continuity.




If the student scores less than 50 again in the second semester then
" "will be written in his certificate, as we take the average of
both semesters which becomes less than 50.
Example: 40 + 46 = 86

average of the score = 43 < 50 ""

However, if the student scores greater than 50 in the second

semester then " "will show in his certificate provided that the
average score is greater than or equal to 50.
Example: 40 + 70 = 110

average of the score = 55 ""

If he/she scores more than 50 in the second semester, but the

average is less than 50 again will show ""
Example: 40 + 56 = 96 Average of the score = 48 < 50 ""
If a student scores less 50 in any semester for a subject which is not
continuous for two semesters it will show " "in his certificate.
" "will be shown in the certificate for insufficient attendance.





GSVEC Assessment Pack & Verification Procedure

1. Developing Assessment Packs
GSVEC adopts a project based learning approach; hence the Assessment
packs that would be developed have to be in the form suitable to the
projects. The projects that would be planned must cover the
occupational Standards in each of the specializations, and be contextual
to the needs of the present day labour market.
The course of action suggested is as follows:
Formation of a Project Development Team (PDT) for each of the
specialization, comprising of one Head of Section or experienced
Teacher from each cognate area, Curriculum Specialist, GSVEC
school coordinator and a coordinator from the Directorate of
Technical & Vocational Education.
Identification of Consultants from each of the OSR (Occupational
Standards Review) Committee focus groups for approval of the
Finalize the projects to be implemented for the 3 levels to be
covered for 3 academic years.

2. Duties & Responsibilities of Teacher

Develop Projects Plans/Reports; complete with the materials
required and the Assessment pack, in his/her specialization to be
handed over to the Head of Section / Senior Teacher before the
start of the semester.
Provide timely information regarding specific needs for the
coming semester.
Assist with monitoring and evaluation as required in the GSVEC
Quality Assurance processes.
Assist with Students selection into the programme if required.




3. Verification process
Verification is conducted by the Internal Verifier and Senior Internal
Verifier to ensure that the GSVEC Projects carried out by the Students are
being assessed consistently, accurately and in a well-designed way.
There will be one internal verifier for each specialization.
3.1 Internal Verifier
The Head of Section will be the Internal Verifier
The Internal Verifier will be responsible for the internal Verification
of units in specified subject or occupational areas.
The Internal Verifier for Commercial Schools shall be the Senior
Teacher covering the specialization as follows:

1 Internal Verifier for Business

Business Communication 701
Prepare your Work Place 701
Exhibition Management 702
Business 703/704
Business 725
Business 726

1 Internal Verifier for Multimedia

ICT 707
Multimedia 702
Multimedia 703/704
Multimedia 725
Multimedia 726

1 Internal Verifier for Finance

Financial Services 703/704
Retail 703/704
Small Business 715
Small Business 716


1 Internal Verifier for CPD



Career Exploration 702

Personal Development 701
Career Exploration 704
Personal Development 703
Career Exploration 716/726
Personal Development 715/725
The Internal Verifier for Technical Schools shall be the Head of
Section or Senior Teacher covering the specialization as follows:

1 Internal Verifier for Automotive

Automotive 701
Automotive 704
Automotive 715/725
Automotive 716/726

1 Internal Verifier for Machine Shop

Machine Shop 701
Machine Shop 703
Machine Shop 715/725
Machine Shop 716/726

1 Internal Verifier for Welding & Fabrication

Welding & Fabrication 701
Welding & Fabrication 703
Welding & Fabrication 715/725
Welding & Fabrication 716/726

1 Internal Verifier for Electronics

Electronics 702
Electronics 703
Electronics 715/725
Electronics 716/726

1 Internal Verifier for Computer Maintenance

Computer Maintenance 702
Computer Maintenance 704
Computer Maintenance 715/725
Computer Maintenance 716/726




1 Internal Verifier for Electrical Wiring

Electrical 702
Electrical Wiring 703

1 Internal Verifier for Electrical Machines

Electrical Machines 703
Electrical Specialization 715/725
Electrical Specialization 716/726

1 Internal Verifier for Plant Maintenance

Plant Maintenance 715/725
Plant Maintenance 716/726

1 Internal Verifier for Instrumentation

Instrumentation 301
Instrumentation 302


The Internal Verifier shall carryout the following activities during

Pre-Delivery Verification:
Check that the project/s planned in the unit encompasses all
the specific Occupational Standards in the specialization,
and the assessment specifications are appropriate for the
learning outcomes.
Ensure that sufficient resources necessary for carrying out
the project oriented tasks are available at the beginning of
the semester.
Ensure that the time allocated for the project/s is sufficient
based on the actual time available during the semester.
Complete the Pre-delivery checklist and submit the same to
the Quality Coordinator.





The Internal Verifier shall carryout the following activities during

Mid-Delivery Verification:
Sample Student evidence (marked) to monitor the progress
of the project undertaken by the Students.
Observe the activities carried out by Students while at work
and guide the Head of Section on following the right
methods and approaches to be adopted.
Over check and approve the assessment methods adopted
by the Teacher.

Complete the Mid-verification records and submit a copy to

the Quality Coordinator.


The Internal Verifier shall carryout the following activities during

Post-Delivery Verification:
Sample Student evidence (marked) to ensure consistency of
the prescribed Occupational Standards.
Over check the assessment of the Students (entries by the
Teacher/Assessor) in the VSS Assessment Worksheet and
discuss discrepancies (if any) with the concerned
Endorse the approved VSS Assessment worksheet for the
whole group of Students and submit the same to MIS
(Management Information System).




3.2 Senior Internal Verifier

The Senior Internal Verifiers shall:
Plan a schedule for the Semester to visit all the Specialization
sections in the GSVEC schools and provide a copy of the schedule
to the respective schools and MOE.
Ensure the effective and efficient operation of the Internal
Verification activities in his specific cognate area.
Carry out GSVEC teaching resource material verification
Co-ordinate and monitor Internal Verification and ensure that all
Internal Verifiers are applying consistency across that cognate
Approve all stages of Internal Verification (Pre, Mid and Post
delivery) in all schools.
Convene a meeting with the Internal Verifier if needed and suggest
improvements in the execution of the project.
Identify the areas of concern in the GSVEC schools.
Areas that could be of concern include:
Assessment instruments not available.
Inappropriate assessment instruments.
Incorrect or inappropriate assessment specifications.
No evidence or insufficient evidence of Student
Prescribed Occupational Standard not covered in the




Inappropriate judgement of Students achievement.

Internal standardisation arrangements unsatisfactory.
The Senior Internal Verifier could be
An experienced Head of Section from the one of the other GSVEC
school from the same specialization

The Curriculum Specialist in his specific cognate area.


A Teacher in the Specific cognate area with vast experience.

4. External Verifiers
The External Verifiers shall carryout the following tasks:
Plan a schedule for the Semester to visit all the Specialization
sections in the GSVEC schools and provide a copy of the schedule
to the respective schools and MOE.
Visit all the Specialization sections in the Schools at least once in
each semester as per the Semester schedule.
Carryout Surprise Visits to the schools at random and complete an
Inspection report to be submitted to the Director of Technical &
Vocational Education, MOE.
Check the actual work or activity carried out by the Student while
at work and also the completed projects of the GSVEC Students.
Seek for assessment evidence and or information to be kept ready
prior to their visit and also during the visit.
The External Verifier shall submit a report to the School detailing
his/her observations and comments regarding the delivery,
management, support, assessment and internal moderation of the
GSVEC qualification.




A copy of this report shall be submitted to the Directorate of

Technical & Vocational Education.
The External Internal Verifier could be an experienced Faculty from:
Bahrain Training Institute (BTI)

Bahrain Polytechnic.

University of Bahrain.




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