Is There Rock After Punk
Is There Rock After Punk
Is There Rock After Punk
to talk-sympathetically
MARCH 1986
First, and it should come as no surprise and struggles that are enacted around,
to communications researchers, whether and in, rock and roll in various contexts.
one looks for meanings (interpretations) Thus, while it is often true that the
or uses (gratifications), one finds hetero "ideology" of rock and roll appears con
geneity. Different people not only inter servative and that its consumption
pret the music differently but use it merely reinforces the capitalist hegemo
differently as well. A 13-year-old girl, a ny, there is always a remainder of non
college student and a blue-collar worker signifying effects in such calculations.
may all be fans of The Police or Prince The fact that we think of it as "pleasure"
or Van Halen, but all for very different is often used to justify our dismissing it as
reasons. Even further, there is no neces the sugar coating that makes the ideolog
sary correspondence between the mean ical pill go down. I will argue that it is
ing someone gives a genre or text and the much more.5
ways they use it. The issue is not one of
The third feature of the way rock and
individual taste because one can identify roll exists within youth cultures is that,
audiences, but the crucial correlations oddly enough, the genre cannot be
remain unexamined.
defined solely in musical terms. Dif
Second, in many cases, the music ferent audiences not only define the
appears "hollow." The significance of boundaries of rock and roll differently
the music is not in the music, nor in the but are differentially capable of listening
fan. For example, the meaning may be to, and finding "pleasure" in, different
found outside the text, in the way it forms of rock and roll.
marks our history. Or the meaning may
These three features suggest that one
be irrelevant, subserviant or simply cannot approach rock and roll by using
absent. As many a rock and roll fan has anyone's experience of it, or even any
commented, the power of the music lies collective definition of that experience.
not in what it says but in what it does, in Yet one cannot deny its popularity, not
how it makes one move and feel. To find merely in quantitative and economic
how rock functions, it is necessary to terms, but also in terms of its importance
explore effects that are not necessarily in the lives of its fans and its role in the
signifying, that do not necessarily involve "youth cultures" of the United States.
the transmission, production, structura Further, they suggest that one cannot
tion or even deconstruction of meaning. read the political effects of rock and roll
Rock and roll is corporeal and "inva off the text (although this does not deny
sive." For example, without the media the relevance of the musical/lyrical text).
tion of meaning, the sheer volume and Understanding rock and roll requires
repetitive rhythms of rock and roll pro asking what it gives its fans, how it
duce a real material pleasure for its fans empowers them and how they empower
(at many live concerts, the vibration it. What possibilities does it enable them
actually might be compared to the use of to appropriate in their everyday lives>
a vibrator, often focused on the genital Treating functions/effects in terms of
organs) and restructure familial rela empowerment avoids the textual and
tions (by producing immediate outrage social-psychological reductionism of
and rejection from its nonfans, e.g., par communication theory. It may help to
ents). If we assume, further, that rock give some rather simple examples of
and roll fans are not "cultural dopes," "empowerment": A record is a commod
then we must examine the contradictions ity to be purchased, consumed and dis-
posed of. But within the larger networks rock and roll is seen as dangerous. For
I want to investigate, such an accommo example, it is not that the music sounds
dation to capitalism may also empower like black music but that it makes its fans
its fans in ways that contradict the con act like "animals" (in the rhetoric of the
sumer economy's attempt to regulate the fifties, blacks). As Duncan (1984, p. 1)
structures and rhythms of daily life. For says, "My father always blamed it on the
the disposability of the commodity also rock 'n' roll. The drugs, the sex, the
places the record at the disposal of its faithless wild boys and girls obeying no
fans: they can control its uses, use it in authority and bearing no responsibility,
new and unintended ways, restructure playing havoc with America in a mind
and recontextualize its messages, etc. less quest for the good time they believed
Second, a song may, in both its ideologi was owed them by the world. My
cal messages and the patterns of its gen father's not stupid." Of course, empow
dered consumption, reproduce the social erment may function conservatively as
definitions of sexuality and social roles. well as oppositionally; this points to a
And yet, in its restructuring of the body level of empirical analysis beyond the
as the site of pleasure, in the ways it scope of the present essay.
makes a space for and inserts the female
This suggests that we look at the ways
body and voice into its physical and of behaving-the practices-that define
social environment, it may challenge the rock and roll culture, including the
hegemonic constraints on sexuality, fact that particular texts exist and are
desire and even gender construction. And popular, which is not the same as being
finally, to combine these two examples, commerically successful. That is, rock
although early rock and roll (especially and roll is not defined by the Billboard
rockabilly) was marketed as if it were charts. Even the briefest study of the rock
male produced and consumed, women and roll culture points to the existence of
were not only fans of the music, but also a boundary between popular music and
sang and even recorded it. The politics of rock and roll, but again, this distinction
the economic decision not to market such cannot be made in solely musical terms.
efforts is not the same as the politics of Not all popular music is rock and roll,
the functioning of the music within the and not all of the fans of popular music
everyday lives of its fans.
are rock and roll fans. Both the music
Furthermore, looking at the networks itself (in its self-references, in the fact
of empowerment within which rock and that performers-from the slick com
roll functions also points to its poten mercialism of Culture Club to the
tially oppositional role in American cul avant-gardism of Fred Frith-struggle
ture. Rock and roll has, repeatedly and to assert that they make "rock and roll,"
continuously, been attacked, banned, in the use of cover versions of songs, etc.)
ridiculed and relegated to an insignifi and the fans compulsively encapsulate
cant cultural status. The fact that so rock and roll. The power of rock and roll
much effort has been brought to bear in depends upon that part of the population
the attempt to silence it, makes it reason which makes a particular investment in
able to assume that some struggle is it, which empowers it within their lives,
going on, some opposition is being which differentiates both the music and
voiced. And despite the changing social themselves. Rock and roll fans (used now
sites and discourses of the attack, it is in this narrower sense) enact an elitism
consistently as a way of behaving that (an inverse canonization) in their rela-
MARCH t986
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MARCH 1986
heart of the hegemonic culture (e.g., the possibilities of image and movement.
garbage bags, safety pins) and the hege Punk played with the iconography of sex
mony's most sacred history (e.g., swasti and gender; the body became a fractured
kas). It took these objects, cut them up surface on which punk could play out its
and through them back into the face of image-games. Such deconstructions of
the nonpunk world (which included old pleasure challenged, not only the ide
rock and rollers-hippies and heavy ologies of romance and gender difference
metal fans-as well as the straight adult (punk was the first rock and roll appara
world) as their worst nightmares. In the tus that did not rely heavily on songs
fifties, kids were prohibited from going about romance and love), but the very
out looking like trash. In punk, they legitimation of sexual pleasure as well.
went out literally dressed in trash.
Pleasure itself had become passe. The
Punk foregrounded the axis of atti crescendo of rock and roll rhythms was
tude, placing its own excorporative prac replaced by the continuous noise, pulses
tice on its surface. It treated every sign as and droning of punk, suggesting some
if there were no meaning behind it; its thing other than sexual satisfaction.
motto was "Xpose." It demonstrated Again, Johnny Rotten summed it up:
that anything could be excorporated, "What is sex anyway> Just thirty sec
treated as a fragment without meaning, onds of squelching noise?" And in
history or feeling. Style became, not an groups like the Voidoids, Blondie, the
identity, but a measure of its effects. Gang of Four, Patti Smith (and later,
Anything could become punk, anything even more explicitly in Joy Division and
could be used by punk, and so punk was Au Pairs), the body appears only to be
there to be used and used up. Implicit in another artificial site on which style is
this practice was the fact that punk style enacted. Punk questioned the naive cele
was itself artificial. Yet style was all that bration of pleasure and its significance as
punk had; it demonstrated, in its atti a moment of resistance or transcen
tude, on its surfaces so to speak, that dence.
A similar result might have been pre
attitude, style and surface is all that
dicted for the axis of youth-that is,
there is.
This particular inflection of the axis of youth itself would have been seen as just
attitude had a significant impact on the another pose, in fact, as passe.14 If car
way punk articulated the axis of the body ried to its "logical" conclusion as a cul
and pleasure within its apparatus; in tural project (and this was perhaps true
particular, it deconstructed the body as in the avant-garde articulations of the
the site of its pleasures. In both its punk aesthetic), punk made obvious the
fashions and dance styles, punk cut up arbitrariness of any style or attitude, the
and even attacked the body, denying its impossibility of any investment. Bring
claims to be privileged. This had a num ing glitter rock's (e.g., David Bowie)
ber of intriguingly positive effects: it attempt to display the artificiality of all
opened up new possibilities for sexual surfaces to the surface, punk pointed to
voices and positions within rock and roll, the construction of an "aesthetics of the
especially for women," who used punk's fake." As Joe Jackson would later sing,
techniques to deconstruct and challenge "Look sharp, just keep looking over your
the sexual/gender definitions of both the shoulder. "
Punk's practice recognized, if only
straight world and the rock and roll
culture. It also significantly restructured implicitly, that all cultural life is con-
The place of youth in the rock and roll
culture has been unsettled by the con
junction of the history of rock and roll
and a series of other social events. In the
eighties, the contradictions of '''youth''
are becoming increasingly explicit. We
might begin trying to make this visible by
returning to the contemporary discus
sions of the death of rock and roll. For
the real power of this discourse lies, not
in its connection with that part of the
audience struggling to rediscover or rein
vest its faith in rock and roll but rather,
in its pointing to a part of the audience
for whom rock and roll is neither possi
ble nor desirable.
The typical description of the crisis of
the rock and roll audience goes some
thing like this: There is, apparently, a
new generation of youth who have con
fronted a number of events: (1) Style and
culture have been increasingly commod
ified and incorporated into hegemonic
discourses through advertising, fashion
and the media. (2) They have been
raised under the threat of continuous
economic recession. While rock and roll
has survived earlier recessions, its fans
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table that rock and roll would define and sexual arrangements similarly chal
even more, help bring about its own lenges the stability and adequacy of the
death, that the rock and roll apparatuses traditional nuclear family. One might
would dismantle their own possibility of add that, similarly, the other institutions
empowering alliances. Consider where which have direct responsibility for the
rock and roll constructed its own culture, disciplinization, control and construction
the physical spaces which it appropri of youth-schools, medicine, juvenile
ated and created as its own: the street, the courts-are coming under broad attack.
Finally, these changes can be related
jukebox, the party and the "hop/dance."
The significance of these spaces is that, to one other reconstruction of youth and
to some extent, they all attempt to exist its relationship to the body in the con
outside of the family and the school. In temporary world. This newly emergent
fact, it is these two institutions which structure makes pleasure something to
rock and roll has most consistently work for (not merely a political struggle,
attacked. Frith and McRobbie (1978- it is a physical and economic one). Youth
1979) have argued that the antidomestic is something to be held on to by physical
ity of rock and roll is an expression of its effort. That is, youth has become a state
basic male orientation and its antifemale of the body, presumably one which offers
ideology. I disagree: the antidomesticity its own pleasurable rewards. This emer
of the rock and roll apparatus is an gent cultural formation is most clearly
attack on the place in which its own embodied in the current transformation
youth is constructed. It is a resistance to of sports/health into a form of leisure
the very disciplinization which is, para with its own styles, and to the remark
doxically, constitutive of its "youth." able appearance of the "yuppies" on the
Such resistance is a crucial aspect of the public scene. It is interesting to note that
rock and roll apparatus. But what if rock this emergent culture not only has grown
and roll begins to succeed in challenging out of the rock and roll audiences, but
the control of the hegemony over the often continues to use at least some of the
category of youth? For example, if youth music within its own structures of
is defined in part by its ambiguous and empowerment (Flashdance and Michael
risky relation to sexual practice (espe Jackson's Thriller, two of the most suc
cially intercourse), what happens to it cessful albums of 1983, are widely used
when that relationship is fundamentally for various styles of exercise).
The result is that while rock and roll
The antidomesticity of rock and roll has been crucial in constructing a youth
(as well as its antischool stance) is culture, it has also been crucial in erod
increasingl y supported by other hege ing the conditions for the particular con
monic discourses and such alliances struction of "youth" upon which it is
surely make rock and roll's status prob built, not merely because of its own
lematic. The family as an adequate site practices but in conjunction with a whole
for the protection of the child is increas series of events which have intersected
ingly under attack. For example, and interacted with it. But if the institu
although issues of childbeating and tions and disciplines that construct youth
incest have been raised by feminists since are deconstructed, how can rock and roll
the nineteenth century, they have never define itself by its resistance to them>
been taken up in widespread public How can the rock and roll apparatus
debate until the present moment. And invest itself in an unstable axis of youth>
the demand for more flexible social and Thus, the relationship between rock and
MARCH 1986
roll and youth has become contradictory: pop sensibilities and disco practices. It
rock and roll exists not within the rise of constructed around itself a number of
youth but rather, at the cusp between the apparatuses which placed the axis of the
rise and the decline of a particular con body and pleasure at their center. This
struction of youth, one which so privi axis was inflected with different em
leges its transitional status as to reify and phases given to dance, fashion, sexuality
celebrate transitions. The rock and roll and romance, as well as to its relation to
apparatus attacks the very conditions of the axis of youth. A second response to
its existence. The current identification the contradiction of attitude is to con
of young people with the video-computer tinue celebrating it, not only foreground
technology does not merely make them ing it but placing it at its center as well;
different from the straight world, it the various practices of "post-punk"
denies their "youthfulness"; they are (e.g., Joy Division and later Talking
better-more adult-than adults. They Heads) and "new music" (e.g., Laurie
too are implicated in a complex and Anderson, DNA, Birthday Party) in
contradictory historical process by which creasingly deconstructed any structure or
the existence of youth is being reshaped commitment taken as necessary to rock
and relocated in social, cultural and and roll. Such apparatuses often
attempted to restructure notions of the
material space.
body (i.e., through new structures of
sense/noise and rhythms) and youth.20
As the deconstruction of youth has
become a more effective presence in
We can now return to the task of everyday life, the ability to make such
interpreting the current situation of rock discriminations seems to have disap
and roll. After punk, the dominant con peared (however oversimplified the cate
tradiction around which rock and roll gories may already seem). Rock and roll
was rearticulated was that of "attitude." has exploded into an almost maddening
There were two possible responses. proliferation of sounds and styles with no
First, the practice of excorporation could musical center. In fact, it is almost as if
be submerged below the surface of the rock and roll today were running
apparatus (a position which character through, metonymically and synchroni
izes much of the history of rock and roll), cally reproducing, rock and roll's entire
allowing the axes of youth and/or the history. It is also expanding its possibili
body to dominate its affective empower ties, partly by combining and rearrang
ment, to define both the center and sur ing other styles, partly by "excorporat
face of rock and roll's politics of "plea ing" a wide range of new musical prac
sure." This helps us explain why heavy tices and technologies. And this is true,
metal and new wave" defined the split not only musically but stylistically as
center of a narrower vision of rock and well. This can be seen in a new genera
roll in the late seventies. Heavy metal tion of rock and roll movies which move
has been and remains a strong affirma fluidly among and combine a wide range
tion of the difference and pleasures of of rock and roll styles (e.g., Streets of
youth (often ideologically entangled with Fire, Buckaroo Bonzai, Repo Man). It
images of working class culture and fan can also be heard, I believe, in individual
tasy). New wave was largely a synthesis records (e.g., Hiisker Dii's Zen Arcade
of punk attitudes (and historical roots), contains a history of rock and roll
although it is given no coherent shape or perhaps works for the rebirth of "au
thentic" rock and roll or an idealistic
However, this description leaves un rock and roll audience. Or finally, one
answered whether, in this situation, rock argues for an interaction between music
and roll is affectively empowered and and audiences, leading one to look for
whether it is or can be oppositional. and privilege the marginal, the subcul
Recently, I was asked to write an article tural, that which remains outside the
for an Italian magazine explaining the musical and sociological mainstream.
increasing "conservatism" of U.S.-onian Such a view not only takes the latter
youth, the existence of a generation of relationship for granted, it fails to locate
rock and roll-ing Reaganites. (Obvious it within specific historical contexts
ly, by contemporary reckoning, this (Hall, 1 981). Furthermore, by repro
includes more than one generation, ducing the unreflective elitism of rock
stretching from the yuppies and baby and roll, it recreates all of the problems
boomers to the current generation of of elitism within its politics.
precollege adolescents.) The question
I would prefer a politics which
assumes both that they are conservative attempted to locate the points at which
(in a way that is consistent with our rock and roll continues to struggle. This
historical understanding of the meanings is, however, a complex matter for, as I
of the term) and that there is, at least have argued, the energy of that struggle
intuitively, a contradiction between is at the level of an affective resistance to
youth and rock and roll on the one hand, the structures of everyday life. More
over, even if a particular rock and roll
and conservatism on the other.
I have suggested that one cannot apparatus is effective at this level, there
answer this question by separating the is no guarantee that its resistance will be
music and its audience within the terms articulated into an active struggle against
of traditional communication models. In hegemonic (ideological, economic and
such a model, one can assume that the political) structures. These two issues
music is determining, that its politics are then define the sites at which the battle
inscribed within it. One would then must be waged for the cultural critic. Is
argue, for example, that rock and roll rock and roll working affectively for
has become so much a part of the hege particular audience fractions and how is
monic, capitalist system that it has lost it positioned within hegemonic politics?
any oppositional power. Listening to it The question must remain open for it is
contributes to the conservatism of youth, an empirical one. But to say that it is
reinforcing the already existing conser empirical is not to say that it is behav
vatism which enabled them to enjoy the ioral, exegetical or phenomenological.
music in the first place. Alternatively, How then is it to be answered?
one can assume that the audience (par
I have attempted to do three things in
tially determined by its social and histor this article: (1) to lay out a conceptual
ical context) is determining. One then vocabulary with which we can investi
argues that the current generation no gate the politics of rock and roll in more
longer needs or desires oppositional rock subtle and complex ways, a framework
and roll. Both of these views lead to within which rock and roll is a set of
identical political alternatives: one an strategies for struggle, the nature and
nounces the death of rock and roll as an effects of which are never predetermined;
oppositional form; or one awaits and (2) to argue that at least two significant
MARCH 1986
I In fact, the project of the present essay can be read as an attempt to rearticulate pop sensibilities to
the political left, much as Hebdige (1 979) attempted to articulate punk in England to British black
2The best work on rock and roll is: Frith (1981); Duncan ( 1984); Young (1984). See also Hebdige
disco apparatus, arising out of urban black, gay and hispanic subcultures. See Dyer (t 979) and Frith
(1 978).
li The discussion that follows is the product of conversations with Dick Hebdige.
12For discussions of punk and its aftermath, see Dancis (1 978); Laing (1978, 1985); Hebdige (1979,
1 983); Marcus (1 980a, 1 980b, 1981a, 1981b, 1981c, 1 983); Erikson (1980); Frith (1981, 1983);
Marchetti (1982); Grossberg ( 1983-1984); and Savage (1 983).
13S. Frith (personal communication, September, 1983) has suggested that the differences in the sexual
politics of British and American rock and roll may be due, in part, to the fact that women re-entered
(and feminist concerns entered) British rock and roll with punk, while in the United States, this had
occurred earlier in the decade with the singer-songwriter movement.
14"Youth" in rock and roll is always connected to the real frustrations and powerlessness of
adolescents, despite attempts to define it in terms of an attitude of "eternal youth." See Christgau
(1 984).
151n my opinion, the best punk and post-punk music foregrounded this contradiction (e.g., the Sex
Pistols, the Buzzcocks, the Voidoids).
16Two recent arguments for the "disappearance of youth" are Postman (1 983) and Meyrowitz
(1984). See Rowntree (1968) and Jacques (1973) for class-readings of youth and youth culture. For a
good summary of many of the arguments, see Frith (1 984). One can find discussions of the crises of the
various youth populations (yuppies, baby boomers growing up, and the new youth) in almost every
major publication. Particularly useful examples are Wellborn (1981) and Trippett (1981). What I am
suggesting is the need for a "genealogy" (Foucault, 1980) of youth. I am grateful to Ellen Wartella and
Philip Sellars for their contributions to this discussion.
MARCH 1986
nit is interesting to note that the other major attempt, albeit failed, to construct a youth culture, was
in the 1 920's, following the First World War. Certainly, the contemporary construction of youth needs
to be understood in the context of specific events and developments throughout the twentieth century.
See Fass ( 1 977) and Wohl ( 1 979).
18For example, "Young people are now getting married cause they see how their parents followed
every desire and got totally disrupted and how the nihilism of 1979 caused nothing but O.O.'s and
cancer" (Acker, 1982, p. 78).
19"New wave" is a particularly problematic genre term. It is sometimes used as if one can assume that
it is the form in which punk and disco were appropriated by commercial interests, thus making it
inherently co-opted. Obviously, I refuse such an assumption.
20It is important to remember that how a particular musical text is located within apparatuses is not
inscribed within the musical practice, and hence, that the same text can function in different, even
contradictory apparatuses. Consequently, the lines between these different genres is neither simple nor
stable. See Grossberg ( 1 984a).
211 would argue that the contemporary punk apparatus, for example, as built around hardcore music,
differs significantly from the moment I have described. Further, the question of punk's influence at the
affective level cannot be read off of some quantitative measure of its cultural presence.
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Critical Response
I haven't heard i t lately (so maybe rock is
to. A lone,