Chapter 8

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Alternate Methods for preparing

pluripotent Stem Cells
James F. Battey, Jr., MD, PhD; Laura K. Cole, PhD; and Charles A. Goldthwaite, Jr., PhD

The Clinical Application of

Pluripotent Cells: The Promise to differentiate into specialized cell types and to use
them for research, drug discovery, and transplantation
and the Challenges therapy (see Figure 8.1). However, before stem
Stem cells are distinguished from other cells by two cell derivatives are suitable for clinical application,
characteristics: (1) they can divide to produce copies of scientists require a more complete understanding
themselves (self-renewal) under appropriate conditions of the molecular mechanisms that drive pluripotent
and (2) they are pluripotent, or able to differentiate cells into differentiated cells. Scientists will need to
into any of the three germ layers: the endoderm pilot experimental transplantation therapies in animal
(which forms the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and model systems to assess the safety and long-term
interior lining of the stomach), mesoderm (which stable functioning of transplanted cells. In particular,
forms the bones, muscles, blood, and urogenital they must be certain that any transplanted cells do not
tract), and ectoderm (which forms the epidermal continue to self-renew in an unregulated fashion after
tissues and nervous system). Pluripotent cells, which transplantation, which may result in a teratoma, or stem
can differentiate into any mature cell type,
are distinct from multipotent cells (such as
hematopoietic, or blood-forming, cells) that
can differ into a limited number of mature cell
types. Because of their pluripotency and capacity
for self-renewal, stem cells hold great potential
to renew tissues that have been damaged by
conditions such as type 1 diabetes, Parkinson’s
disease, heart attacks, and spinal cord injury.
Although techniques to transplant multipotent
or pluripotent cells are being developed for
many specific applications, some procedures
are sufficiently mature to be established options
for care. For example, human hematopoietic
cells from the umbilical cord and bone marrow
are currently being used to treat patients with
disorders that require replacement of cells made
by the bone marrow, including Fanconi’s anemia
and chemotherapy-induced bone marrow failure
Figure 8.1. The Scientific Challenge of Human Stem Cells
after cancer treatment.
The state of the science currently lies in the development of fundamental
However, differentiation is influenced by knowledge of the properties of human pluripotent cells. The scientific capacity
needs to be built, an understanding of the molecular mechanisms that drive cell
numerous factors, and investigators are just
specialization needs to be advanced, the nature and regulation of interaction
beginning to understand the fundamental between host and transplanted cells needs to be explored and understood, cell
properties of human pluripotent cells. Researchers division needs to be understood and regulated, and the long-term stability of the
are gradually learning how to direct these cells function in transplanted cells needs to be established.

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

cell tumor. In addition, scientists must ascertain that injury or disease. Alternatively, scientists may some
cells transplanted into a patient are not recognized as day be able to coax human pluripotent cells grown in
foreign by the patient’s immune system and rejected. the laboratory to become a specific type of specialized
cell, which physicians could subsequently transplant
Stem cells derived from an early-stage human blastocyst into a patient to replace cells damaged by these same
(an embryo fertilized in vitro and grown approximately disease processes.
five days in culture) have the capacity to renew
indefinitely, and can theoretically provide an unlimited Scientists are gradually learning to direct the
supply of cells. It is also possible to derive stem cells differentiation of pluripotent cell cultures into a specific
from non-embryonic tissues, including amniotic fluid, type of cell, which can then be used as cellular models
placenta, umbilical cord, brain, gut, bone marrow, and of human disease for drug discovery or toxicity studies.
liver. These stem cells are sometimes called “adult” While it is not possible to predict the myriad ways
stem cells, and they are typically rare in the tissue of that a basic understanding of stem cell differentiation
origin. For example, blood-forming (hematopoietic) may lead to new approaches for treating patients with
stem cell experts estimate that only 1 in 2000 to fewer cellular degenerative diseases, some avenues can be
than 1 in 10,000 cells found in the bone marrow is theorized. For example, in the case of Huntington’s
actually a stem cell.1 Because so-called “adult” stem disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, one could
cells include cells from the placenta and other early imagine that pluripotent cells derived from an embryo
stages of development, they are more correctly termed that carries Huntington’s disease and differentiated into
“non-embryonic stem cells.” Non-embryonic stem neurons in culture could be used to test drugs to delay
cells are more limited in their capacity to self renew in or prevent degeneration.
the laboratory, making it more difficult to generate a Despite the incredible growth in knowledge that has
large number of stem cells for a specific experimental occurred in stem cell research within the last couple
or therapeutic application. Under normal conditions, of decades, investigators are just beginning to unravel
non-embryonic stem cells serve as a repair pool for the the process of differentiation. Human pluripotent cell
body, so they typically differentiate only into the cell lines are an essential tool to understand this process
types found in the organ of origin. Moreover, there and to facilitate the ultimate use of these cells in the
is little compelling evidence for trans-differentiation, clinic. To provide background on this fundamental
whereby a stem cell from one organ differentiates into topic, this article reviews the various potential sources
a mature cell type of a different organ. New discoveries and approaches that have been used to generate
may overcome these limitations of stem cells derived human pluripotent and multipotent cell lines, both of
from non-embryonic sources, and research directed embryonic and non-embryonic origin.
toward this goal is currently underway in a number of
Establishing Human Pluripotent
Stem Cell Lines from Embryonic or
The Role of Cultured Cells in Fetal Tissues
Understanding the Differentiation
Process Currently, at least six embryonic sources have been
used to establish human pluripotent stem cell lines.
Cultures of human pluripotent, self-renewing cells All approaches involve isolation of viable cells during
enable researchers to understand the molecular an early phase of development, followed by growth of
mechanisms that regulate differentiation (see Figure these cells in appropriate culture medium. The various
8.2), including epigenetic changes (traits that may be sources of these initial cell populations are discussed in
inherited that do not arise from changes in the DNA brief below. It should be noted that the manipulation
sequence) in the chromatin structure, developmental and use of embryonic tissues has raised a number of
changes in gene expression, exposure to growth factors, ethical issues.2,3 This article focuses on the scientific and
and interactions between adjacent cells. Understanding technical issues associated with creating pluripotent
these basic mechanisms may enable future scientists to cells, with the understanding that some of these
mobilize and differentiate endogenous populations techniques are currently subject to debates that extend
of pluripotent cells to replace a cell type ravaged by beyond discussions of their scientific merits.

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

The Promise of Stem Cell Research

Identify drug targets Understanding prevention

and test potential and treatment
therapeutics of birth defects

Study cell

Toxicity testing

Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm


© 2008 Terese Winslow

Neuron cell

Tissues/Cells for Transplantation

Figure 8.2. The Promise of Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research provides a useful tool for unraveling the molecular mechanisms that determine the differentiation fate of a pluripotent cell
and for understanding the gene expression properties and epigenetic modifications essential to maintain the pluripotent state. In the future, this
knowledge may be used to generate cells for transplantation therapies, whereby a specific cell population compromised by disease is replaced
with new, functional cells. Differentiated derivatives of human pluripotent cells may also prove to be useful as models for understanding the
­biology of disease and developing new drugs, particularly when there is no animal model for the disease being studied. The greatest promise of
stem cell research may lie in an area not yet imagined.

Traditional Human Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) for additional children if desired. It is estimated that
Line Generation there are approximately 400,000 such spare embryos
worldwide.7 If these embryos are never used by the
Drawing upon twenty years of communal expertise couple, they either remain in storage or are discarded
with mouse ES cells4 and on human inner cell mass as medical waste. Alternatively, these embryos can
culture conditions developed by Ariff Bongso and potentially be used to generate a hESC line.
colleagues5, James Thomson and colleagues at the
University of Wisconsin generated the first hESC lines in To generate a hESC line, scientists begin with a
1998 using tissue from embryos fertilized in vitro.6 This donated blastocyst-stage embryo, at approximately
method uses embryos generated for in vitro fertilization five days after IVF (see Figure 8.3a). The blastocyst
(IVF) that are no longer needed for reproductive consists of approximately 150–200 cells that form a
purposes. During IVF, medical professionals usually hollow sphere of cells, the outer layer of which is called
produce more embryos than a couple attempting to the trophectoderm. During normal development, the
start a family may need. Spare embryos are typically trophoblast becomes the placenta and umbilical cord.
stored in a freezer to support possible future attempts At one pole of this hollow sphere, 30–50 cells form a

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

cluster that is called the inner cell mass (ICM), which scientists will need to conduct transplantation studies
would give rise to the developing fetus. ICM cells are in animal models (rodent and non-human primates)
pluripotent, possessing the capacity to become any of to demonstrate safety, effectiveness, and long-term
the several hundred specialized cell types found in a benefit before stem cell therapies may enter clinical
developed human, with the exception of the placenta trials.
and umbilical cord.

Scientists remove the ICM from the donated blastocyst hESC Lines from Human Primordial Germ Cells
and place these cells into a specialized culture medium.
A second method for generating human pluripotent
In approximately one in five attempts, a hESC line
stem cell lines was published in 1998 by John Gearhart
begins to grow. Stem cells grown in such a manner can
and coworkers at The Johns Hopkins Medical School.15
then be directed to differentiate into various lineages,
These researchers isolated specialized cells known as
including neural precursor cells,8 cardiomyocytes,9 and
hematopoietic (blood forming) precursor cells.10 primordial germ cells (PGCs) from a 5–7-week-old
embryo and placed these cells into culture (see Figure
However, hESC lines are extremely difficult to grow 8.3b). PGCs are destined to become either oocytes or
in culture; the cells require highly specialized growth sperm cells, depending on the sex of the developing
media that contain essential ingredients that are embryo. The resulting cell lines are called embryonic
difficult to standardize. Yet the culture conditions germ cell lines, and they share many properties with ES
are critical to maintain the cells’ self-renewing and
cells. As with ES cells, however, PGCs present challenges
pluripotent properties. Culture requires the support
with sustained growth in culture.16,17 Spontaneous
of mouse or human cells, either directly as a “feeder”
differentiation, which hinders the isolation of pure
cell layer6,11,12 or indirectly as a source of conditioned
clonal lines, is a particular issue. Therefore, the clinical
medium in feeder-free culture systems.13 The feeder
application of these cells requires a more complete
cells secrete important nutrients and otherwise support
stem cell growth, but are treated so they cannot divide. understanding of their derivation and maintenance
Although the complete role of these feeder cells is in vitro.
not known, they promote stem cell growth, including
detoxifying the culture medium and secreting proteins hESC Lines from Dead Embryos
that participate in cell growth.14 hESC lines used to
Embryos that stop dividing after being fertilized in vitro
produce human cells for transplantation therapies may
are not preferentially selected for implantation in a
need to be propagated on a human feeder cell layer
woman undergoing fertility treatment. These embryos
to reduce the risk of contamination by murine viruses
or other proteins that may cause rejection. Thus, hESC are typically either frozen for future use or discarded
lines often grow only under highly specific culture as medical waste. In 2006, scientists at the University
conditions, and the identification of ideal growth of Newcastle, United Kingdom, generated hESC lines
conditions presents a challenge regardless of the from IVF embryos that had stopped dividing.18 These
source of the hESCs. scientists used similar methods as described under
“Traditional hESC Line Generation” except that their
Furthermore, human ES cell cultures must be expanded
source material was so-called “dead” IVF embryos
using an exacting protocol to avoid cell death and to
(see Figure 8.3c). The human stem cells created using
control spontaneous differentiation. Since a limited
this technique behaved like pluripotent stem cells,
number of laboratories in the United States are growing
including producing proteins critical for “stemness”
these cells, there is a shortage of people well-versed in
the art and science of successful hESC culture. In the and being able to produce cells from all three germ
short term, challenges of working with these cells layers. It has been proposed that an IVF embryo can
include developing robust culture conditions and be considered dead when it ceases to divide.19 If one
protocols, understanding the molecular mechanisms accepts this definition, such an embryo that “dies”
that direct differentiation into specific cell types, and from natural causes presumably cannot develop into
developing the infrastructure to advance this scientific a human being, thereby providing a source to derive
opportunity. Once these challenges have been met, human ES cells without destroying a living embryo.

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

A. Traditional Derivation of hESCs Strict hESC hESC line

culture conditions
Sperm Oocyte 8-cell stage Blastocyst
Inner cell

Blastomere Implantation

B. Embryonic Germ Cells (EGCs)

Germ Cell
Magnified view of the Strict hESC line
genital ridge culture conditions

Primordial Germ Cell
6 week ridge
– the future sperm or egg cell

C. “Dead” Embryos So-called Strict hESC hESC line

irreversible culture conditions
arrest of cell


X Embryo presumed to be
incapable of establishing
“Dead” embryo a viable pregnancy

D. Genetically Abnormal Embryos PGD identifies Disease-bearing

genetic defect hESC line
Remove blastomere,
presumably without
harming the
embryo OR

X Embryo not used to establish

pregnancy to avoid generating
offspring with genetic defect

E. Single-Cell Embryo Biopsy Method hESC line

Remove blastomere,
presumably without
harming the

F. Parthenogenesis Strict hESC hESC line

culture conditions

© 2008 Terese Winslow

activation OR
(Trick the egg into
behaving as if it’s X Embryo not capable
fertilized) of establishing a
viable pregnancy

Figure 8.3. Alternative Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

hESC Lines from Genetically Abnormal Embryos carry the disorder. PGD requires scientists to remove
one cell from a very early IVF human embryo and test it
Couples who have learned that they carry a genetic for diseases known to be carried by the hopeful couple.
disorder sometimes use pre-implantation genetic Normally, embryos identified with genetic disorders are
diagnosis (PGD) and IVF to have a child that does not discarded as medical waste. However, Dr.Yuri Verlinsky

G. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) Strict hESC SCNT pluripotent

Nucleus from culture conditions stem-cell line
a somatic cell Artificially activate
the egg
Not known whether the
? SCNT-embryo (in humans)
could give rise to a viable
Enucleated oocyte (egg with
its own nucleus removed) pregnancy

H. SCNT Using an Embryo at Mitosis Strict hESC ESC line

and injected culture conditions
Zygote arrested at mitosis into enucleated
using drug treatment zygote

Skin cell OR
chromosomes Not known if embryo
(in humans) could
removed ? give rise to a viable
removed pregnancy

I. Altered Nuclear Transfer (ANT) cdx2 gene Strict hESC ANT pluripotent
cdx2-deficient turned culture conditions stem-cell line
nucleus back on

ANT embryo not

X capable of implanting,
Enucleated oocyte so cannot establish
viable pregnancy

J. Fusion of Skin Cells with hESCs

Tetraploid pluripotent
stem-cell line
Cell fusion
2n 2n 4n
Skin fibroblast hESC Tetraploid

K. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, or iPSCs

iPS cell line
Virus-mediated transfection
of four defined transcription factors
© 2008 Terese Winslow

Not suitable for use

Induced pluripotent in transplantation
Somatic cell stem cells (iPSCs) medicine

Figure 8.3. Alternative Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

and colleagues have capitalized on these embryos as technique may lead to the ability to generate tissue-
a way to further our understanding of the diseases matched cells for transplantation to treat women who
they carry (see Figure 8.3d) by deriving hESC lines are willing to provide their own egg cells.24 It also
from them.20 These stem cell lines can then be used to offers an alternate method for deriving tissue-matched
help scientists understand genetically-based disorders hESCs that does not require destruction of a fertilized
such as muscular dystrophy, Huntington’s disease, embryo.
thalessemia, Fanconi’s anemia, Marfan syndrome,
adrenoleukodystrophy, and neurofibromatosis.
Human Stem Cell Lines Whose Potency
hESC Lines from Single Cell Embryo Biopsy is Currently Being Determined:
Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells
In 2006, Dr. Robert Lanza and colleagues demonstrated
that it is possible to remove a single cell from Amniotic fluid surrounding the developing fetus
a pre-implantation mouse embryo and generate a contains cells shed by the fetus and is regularly collected
mouse ES cell line.21 This work was based upon their from pregnant women during amniocentesis. In 2003,
experience with cleavage-stage mouse embryos. Later researchers identified a subset of cells in amniotic fluid
that same year, Dr. Lanza’s laboratory reported that that express Oct-4, a marker for pluripotent human
it had successfully established hESC lines (see Figure stem cells that is expressed in ES cells and embryonic
8.3e) from single cells taken from pre-implantation germ cells.25 Since then, investigators have shown that
human embryos.22 The human stem cells created using amniotic fluid stem cells can differentiate into cells of
this technique behaved like pluripotent stem cells, all three embryonic germ layers and that these cells do
including making proteins critical for “stemness” and not form tumors in vivo.26,27
producing cells from all three germ layers. Proponents
For example, Anthony Atala and colleagues at the
of this technique suggest that since it requires only
Wake Forest University have recently generated non-
one embryonic cell, the remaining cells may yet be
embryonic stem cell lines from cells found in human
implanted in the womb and develop into a human
and rat amniotic fluid.27 They named these cells
being. Therefore, scientists could potentially derive
amniotic fluid-derived stem cells (AFS). Experiments
human embryonic stem cells without having to destroy
demonstrate that AFS can produce cells that originate
an embryo. However, ethical considerations make it
from each of the three embryonic germ layers, and
uncertain whether scientists will ever test if the cells
the self-renewing cells maintained the normal number
remaining after removal of a single cell can develop
of chromosomes after a prolonged period in culture.
into a human being, at least in embryos that are not
However, undifferentiated AFS did not produce all of
at risk for carrying a genetic disorder. Moreover, it
the proteins expected of pluripotent cells, and they
is unclear whether the single cell used to generate a
were not capable of forming a teratoma. The scientists
pluripotent stem cell line has the capacity to become
developed in vitro conditions that enabled AFS to
a human being.
produce nerve cells, liver cells, and bone-forming
cells. AFS-derived human nerve cells could make
hESC Lines Created via Parthenogenesis
proteins typical of specialized nerve cells and were
Parthenogenesis is the creation of an embryo without able to integrate into a mouse brain and survive for at
fertilizing the egg with a sperm, thus omitting the least two months. Cultured AFS-derived human liver
sperm’s genetic contributions. To achieve this feat, cells secreted urea and made proteins characteristic
scientists “trick” the egg into believing it is fertilized, of normal human liver cells. Cultured AFS-derived
so that it will begin to divide and form a blastocyst human bone cells made proteins expected of human
(see  Figure 8.3f). In 2007, Dr. E.S. Revazova and bone cells and formed bone in mice when seeded
colleagues reported that they successfully used onto scaffolds and implanted under the mouse’s
parthenogenesis to derive hESCs.23 These stem cell skin. Although scientists do not yet know how many
lines, derived and grown using a human feeder cell different cell types AFS can generate, AFS may one
layer, retained the genetic information of the egg donor day allow researchers to establish a bank of cells for
and demonstrated characteristics of pluripotency. This transplantation into humans.

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

Strategies to “Reprogram” if the cell providing the donor nucleus comes from
a specific patient, all cells derived from the resulting
Non‑Pluripotent Cells to Become pluripotent cell line will be genetically matched to
Pluripotent Cells the patient with respect to the nuclear genome. If
An alternative to searching for an existing population these cells were used in transplantation therapy, the
likelihood that the patient’s immune system would
of stem cells is to create a new one from a population
recognize the transplanted cells as foreign and initiate
of non-pluripotent cells. This strategy, which may or
tissue rejection would be reduced. However, because
may not involve the creation of an embryo, is known
mitochondria also contain DNA, the donor oocyte will
as “reprogramming.” This section will summarize be the source of the mitochondrial genome, which is
reprogramming approaches, including several recent likely to carry mitochondrial gene differences from the
breakthroughs in the field. patient which may still lead to tissue rejection.

Reprogramming through Somatic Cell Nuclear A technique reported in 2007 by Dr. Kevin Eggan
and colleagues at Harvard University may expand
Transfer (SCNT)
scientists’ options when trying to “reprogram” an
In SCNT (see Figure 8.3g), human oocytes (eggs) are adult cell’s DNA30. Previously, successful SCNT relied
collected from a volunteer donor who has taken drugs upon the use of an unfertilized egg. Now, the Harvard
that stimulate the production of more than one oocyte scientists have demonstrated that by using a drug to
stop cell division in a fertilized mouse egg (zygote)
during the menstrual cycle. Scientists then remove the
during mitosis, they can successfully reprogram an
nucleus from the donated oocyte and replace it with the
adult mouse skin cell by taking advantage of the
nucleus from a somatic cell, a differentiated adult cell
“reprogramming factors” that are active in the zygote
from elsewhere in the body. The oocyte with the newly-
at mitosis. They removed the chromosomes from
transferred nucleus is then stimulated to develop. The the single-celled zygote’s nucleus and replaced them
oocyte may develop only if the transplanted nucleus is with the adult donor cell’s chromosomes (see Figure
returned to the pluripotent state by factors present in 8.3h). The active reprogramming factors present in
the oocyte cytoplasm. This alteration in the state of the the zygote turned genes on and off in the adult
mature nucleus is called nuclear reprogramming. When donor chromosomes, to make them behave like the
development progresses to the blastocyst stage, the chromosomes of a normally fertilized zygote. After the
ICM is removed and placed into culture in an attempt zygote was stimulated to divide, the cloned mouse
to establish a pluripotent stem cell line. To date, the embryo developed to the blastocyst stage, and the
technique has been successfully demonstrated in two scientists were able to harvest embryonic stem cells
primates: macaque monkeys28 and humans.29 from the resulting blastocyst. When the scientists
applied their new method to abnormal mouse zygotes,
However, successful SCNT creates an embryo-like they succeeded at reprogramming adult mouse skin
entity, thereby raising the ethical issues that confront cells and harvesting stem cells. If this technique can
the use of spare IVF embryos. However, pluripotent be repeated with abnormal human zygotes created
cell lines created by embryos generated by SCNT offer in excess after IVF procedures, scientists could use them
several advantages over ES cells. First, the nuclear for research instead of discarding them as medical
genes of such a pluripotent cell line will be identical to waste.
the genes in the donor nucleus. If the nucleus comes
from a cell that carries a mutation underlying a human Reprogramming Through Altered Nuclear
genetic disease such as Huntington’s disease, then all Transfer (ANT)
cells derived from the pluripotent cell line will carry Altered nuclear transfer is a variation on standard SCNT
this mutation. In this case, the SCNT procedure would that proposes to create patient-specific stem cells
enable the development of cellular models of human without destroying an embryo. In ANT, scientists turn
genetic disease that can inform our understanding of off a gene needed for implantation in the uterus (Cdx2)
the biology of disease and facilitate development of in the patient cell nucleus before it is transferred into
drugs to slow or halt disease progression. Alternatively, the donor egg (see Figure 8.3i). In 2006, Dr. Rudolph

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

Jaenisch and colleagues at MIT demonstrated that ANT technical limitations remain, this strategy suggests
can be carried out in mice.31 Mouse ANT entities whose a promising new avenue for generating pluripotent
Cdx2 gene is switched off are unable to implant in the cell lines that can inform drug development, models
uterus and do not survive to birth. Although ANT has of disease, and ultimately, transplantation medicine.
been used to create viable stem cell lines capable of These experiments, which are discussed below, were
producing almost all cell types, the authors point out breakthroughs because they used adult somatic cells
that this technique must still be tested with monkey to create pluripotent stem cells that featured hallmarks
and human embryos. Moreover, the manipulation of ES cells.
needed to control Cdx2 expression introduces another
logistical hurdle that may complicate the use of ANT In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka and colleagues at Kyoto
to derive embryonic stem cells. Proponents of ANT, University reported that they could use a retroviral
such as William Hurlbut of the Stanford University expression vector to introduce four important stem cell
Medical Center, suggest that the entity created by factors into adult mouse cells and reprogram them to
ANT is not a true embryo because it cannot implant behave like ES cells (see Figure 8.3k).37 They called the
in the uterus.32,33 However, the technique is highly reprogrammed cells “iPSCs,” for induced pluripotent
controversial, and its ethical implications remain a stem cells. However, iPSCs produced using the original
source of current debate.3,32 technique failed to produce sperm and egg cells when
injected into an early mouse blastocyst and did not
Reprogramming Through Cell Fusion make certain critical DNA changes. These researchers
then modified the technique to select for iPSCs that
In 2005, Kevin Eggan and colleagues at Harvard can produce sperm and eggs,38 results that have since
University reported that they had fused cultured adult been reproduced by Rudolph Jaenisch and colleagues
human skin cells with hESCs (see Figure 8.3j).36 The at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).39
resulting “hybrid” cells featured many characteristics In addition, the MIT scientists determined that iPSCs
of hESCs, including a similar manner of growth and DNA is modified in a manner similar to ES cells, and
division and the manufacture of proteins typically important stem cell genes are expressed at similar
produced by hESCs. Some factor(s) within the hESCs levels. They also demonstrated that iPSCs injected into
enabled them to “reprogram” the adult skin cells an early mouse blastocyst can produce all cell types
to behave as hESCs. However, these cells raised a within the developing embryo, and such embryos can
significant technical barrier to clinical use. Because complete gestation and are born alive.
fused cells are tetraploid (they contain four copies of
the cellular DNA rather than the normal two copies), Once these research advances were made in mice,
scientists would need to develop a method to remove they suggested that similar techniques might be used
the extra DNA without eliminating their hESC-like to reprogram adult human cells. In 2007, Yamanaka
properties. The fusion method serves as a useful model and coworkers reported that introducing the same four
system for studying how stem cells “reprogram” adult genetic factors that reprogrammed the mouse cells
cells to have properties of pluripotent cells. However, into adult human dermal fibroblasts reprogrammed
if the reprogramming technique could be carried the cells into human iPSCs.35 These iPSCs were similar
out without the fusion strategy, a powerful avenue to human ES cells in numerous ways, including
for creating patient-specific stem cells without using morphology, proliferative capacity, expression of cell
human eggs could be developed. surface antigens, and gene expression. Moreover,
the cells could differentiate into cell types from the
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): three embryonic germ layers both in vitro and in
Reprogramming Adult Somatic Cells to Become teratoma assays. Concurrent with the Yamanaka
report, James Thomson and coworkers at the University
Pluripotent Stem Cells
of Wisconsin published a separate manuscript that
In 2007, two independent research groups published detailed the creation of human iPSCs through somatic
manuscripts that described successful genetic cell reprogramming using four genetic factors (two of
reprogramming of human adult somatic cells into which were in common with the Yamanaka report).34
pluripotent human stem cells.34,35 Although some The cells generated by the Thomson group met all

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

defining criteria for ES cells, with the exception that pluripotent stem cells that, together with studies
they were not derived from embryos. of other types of pluripotent stem cells, will help
researchers learn how to reprogram cells to repair
These breakthroughs have spurred interest in the damaged tissues in the human body.
field of iPSCs research. In early 2008, investigators
at the Massachusetts General Hospital40 and the
University of California, Los Angeles41 reported Other Sources of Pluripotent
generating reprogrammed cells. As scientists explore AND/OR MULTIPOTENT Cells
the mechanisms that govern reprogramming, it is
anticipated that more reports will be forthcoming in Stem cell research is a rapidly evolving field, and
this emerging area. Although these reprogramming researchers continue to isolate new pluripotent cells and
methods require the use of a virus, non-viral strategies create additional cell lines. This section briefly reviews
may also be possible in the future. In any case, these other sources of pluripotent cells and the implications
approaches have created powerful new tools to enable that their discovery may have on future research.
the “dedifferentation” of cells that scientists had
Epiblast Cells. While rodent and human ES cells are
previously believed to be terminally differentiated.42,43
pluripotent, they maintain their respective pluripo­
Although further study is warranted to determine if iPS tencies through different molecular signaling pathways.
and ES cells differ in clinically significant ways, these It is not known why these differences exist. Recently,
breakthrough reports suggest that reprogramming is several research groups have reported the generation
a promising strategy for future clinical applications. of stable, pluripotent cell lines from mouse and rat
Induced pluripotent cells offer the obvious advantage epiblast, a tissue of the post-implantation embryo that
that they are not derived from embryonic tissues, ultimately generates the embryo proper.44,45 These
thereby circumventing the ethical issues that surround cells are distinct from mouse ES cells in terms of the
use of these materials. Successful reprogramming of signals that control their differentiation. However, the
adult somatic cells could also lead to the development cells share patterns of gene expression and signaling
of stem cell lines from patients who suffer from responses with human ES cells. The establishment of
genetically-based diseases, such as Huntington’s epiblast cell lines can therefore provide insight into the
Disease, spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophy, distinctions between pluripotent cells from different
and thalessemia. These lines would be invaluable species and illuminate ways that pluripotent cells
research tools to understand the mechanisms of pursue distinct fates during early development.
these diseases and to test potential drug treatments.
Additionally, reprogrammed cells could potentially be Existing Adult Stem Cells. As has been discussed in other
used to repair damaged tissues; patient-specific cell chapters, numerous types of precursor cells have been
lines could greatly reduce the concerns of immune isolated in adult tissues.46 Although these cells tend
rejection that are prevalent with many transplantation to be relatively rare and are dispersed throughout the
strategies. tissues, they hold great potential for clinical application
and tissue engineering. For example, tissues created
However, several technical hurdles must be overcome
using stem cells harvested from an adult patient could
before iPSCs can be used in humans. For example,
in preliminary experiments with mice, the virus used theoretically be used clinically in that patient without
to introduce the stem cell factors sometimes caused engendering an immune response. Moreover, the use
cancers.37 The viral vectors used in these experiments of adult stem cells avoids the ethical concerns associated
will have to be selected carefully and tested fully to with the use of ES cells. In addition, adult-derived stem
verify that they do not integrate into the genome, cells do not spontaneously differentiate as do ES cells,
thereby harboring the potential to introduce genetic thus eliminating the formation of teratomas often seen
mutations at their site of insertion. This represents a with implantation of ES cells. The potential of adult
significant concern that must be addressed before the stem cells for regenerative medicine is great; it is likely
technique can lead to useful treatments for humans. that these various cells will find clinical application in
However, this strategy identifies a method for creating the upcoming decades.

Alternate Methods for Preparing Pluripotent Stem Cells

Conclusion: Pluripotent Cell Lines   9. H

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the scientific community, these cell lines will not likely embryonic fibroblasts or conditioned media are capable of
replace hESC lines as tools for research and discovery. hematopoietic development. Blood. 2005;105:4598-4603.
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As scientists make strides toward understanding how
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approaches, and techniques will likely emerge. As Nat Biotechnol. 2001;19:971-974.
such, pluripotent cells will play a pivotal role in future
14. L im JWE, Bodnar A. Proteome analysis of conditioned
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