Holy See vs. Rosario
Holy See vs. Rosario
Holy See vs. Rosario
Under the Constitution, generally accepted principles of International Law are
adopted by our Courts and shall form part of the laws of the land.
Under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, diplomatic
envoy shall be granted immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction of
the receiving state over any real action relating to private immovable
property. Embassy of Holy See was also accredited by the DFA as a
diplomatic missionary.
In this case, Holy See may properly invoke sovereign immunity for its nonsuability since the act of selling the subject lot is non-propriety in nature. The
lot was acquired through a donation from the Archdiocese of Manila, not for a
commercial purpose, but for the purpose of constructing the official place of
residence of the Papal Nuncio thereof. The transfer of the property and its
subsequent disposal are likewise clothed with a governmental (nonproprietal) character as petitioner sold the lot not for profit or gain rather
because it merely cannot evict the squatters living in said property.